You May Not Cry Now, But You'll Cry Then

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there's good isn't it amazing that god said that our sins are removed as far as the east is from the west there's a reason for that had he said they were removed as far as the north is from the south we would have had a problem our sins could be found because you can only go south so far until it turns north that's why we have a south pole and a north pole but you know we don't have an east pole and a west pole so god said the low down devil is running around in circles because our sins have been removed as far as the east is from the west never to be held against us let's welcome all of those that are listening around the world thank you for tuning in today god bless you now i'm in the book of hebrews chapter number 12. hebrews chapter 12 i want you to look at these verses they're some of the heaviest verses that you'll find in the entire 13 chapters of this book look at verse 16. lest there any lest there be any fornicator or profane which means ungodly or godless person as esau who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright we know that how jacob tricked him and gave him a bowl of beans and and esau gladly gave away a spiritual blessing for we know verse 17. everybody i want you to know this that afterward later on during the maturity and the development of his life after it was all over with when he would have inherited the blessing when it was time for him to inherit the blessing he was rejected now you've got to understand he was not rejected by man he was rejected by god now notice there's a colon after the word rejected he's trying to tell us how he was rejected for he found no place of repentance he found no place of repentance here's how honest he was though he sought it carefully with tears notice the word tear is plural these are very heavy verses that i'm going to get into today and i want to preach a message that god has so burned on me this week i feel like there's people here that are not saved and i want you to know that going to heaven is more than coming to emmaus and more than joining up and more and getting involved and and i appreciate every bit of that don't misunderstand me but as your pastor i have a spiritual obligation the bible said in the book of hebrews that i that i'm the care for your soul so the the priority of your life to me is to make sure your soul is right with god then all these other things will fall in place over time so i want to make sure you're born again i want to preach on this subject for a couple of minutes this morning you may not cry then now you may not cry now but you will cry then this common emotion this thing about crying is found often within the pages of your bible the word tear or tears is found 49 times in the bible the word cried is found 198 times in the bible the word cries plural is found once christ is found five times crieth is found 17 times crying is found 31 times which gives me and the word cry is found 181 times that means in your bible referring to this emotion of tears is found 483 times do you realize that means from genesis chapter 1 to revelation chapter 22 every two chapters of the bible somebody's crying so crying in tears is a very common emotion in the world and especially in our day if you'll study tears in the bible you'll find that or or even scientifically let's go that route there are three types of tears that the human body produces i'll deal with one of those in just a moment the first one is called the basal tear it's a functional tear it's released continually by the human body to lubricate the uh cornea of the eye to remove any dust and to keep your vision clear have you ever had your vision kind of get something where you can't see and you blink your eye real fast well that makes your body produce this basal tear which is kind of like a simple way to wash the eye it also fights off bacteria and infections in our eye so even right now while you're listening to me you are experiencing a basal tear every time you bat your eye to some degree this tear is secreted out of a gland to cover your eye if you don't have that then you have something called dry eye and you've probably heard of that on commercials and you have to take eye drops because the basal tear has quit producing in your body the second one you women will know this one very it's called the emotional tear two men laughed and that's because their wives are not here it's triggered by strong emotions some of them are negative but some of them are positive sadness can can make us cry grief can make us cry have you ever heard people say i cried tears of joy sometimes joy can make you cry just being happy about something and also when you get into this emotional thing anger can make you cry i remember we there was a boxer when i was doing golden gloves he never could win a fight unless he was crying when he got in the ring he would just get his head tore off but when he started crying i knew business there's some people when they start crying that is a good time to shut your mouth because all hell's about to break out if you don't shut up if you and your wife are in talking and it moves from conversation to tears shut up it's not going to get any better you're not going to explain your way out of it you're not going to win shut up to another personality kicks in in her and then you can come back later on i'll never forget brother lucky and your wife's going to kill me for saying this but she does laugh about it when when i was baptizing them he said to me he said preacher would you baptize my wife more than once i said what do you mean he said i'd like her baptized 17 times i said 17 times he said i want every personality baptized that my wife has [Applause] so it's true to some extent that uh crying makes you feel better that is a true statement i'll tell you why we have proven that through this emotional tear it releases what we call stress hormones the very hormones inside a woman that makes her get all freaky and wiry and nervous those are released through her crying so men if she starts crying don't say now don't start crying don't don't do that you you messing up you're gonna pay for that down the road you're listening to it you better listen cause i'll tell you something it not only releases stress hormones but believe it or not through those tears it releases a natural painkiller as well that our body produces to soothe you and to comfort you during this time of an emotional tear so it's true there are sometimes you've heard people say i just need to go off somewhere and cry that isn't just a good saying sometimes that's true sometimes it's a healthy experience to just cry the third one is what we call a reflex tier these are put in the production when you're like have you ever been out in a cold wind blistering when it go across your face next thing you know you feel a tear going down your face that's that's called a reflex tear it comes out during cold winds when something's irritating your eye or if somebody touches your eye you know how you're watering or maybe even when you first started using contacts if you've ever done that you first put that contact in your eye even though it's like cellophane your eye produces this fluid and all of a sudden it looks like you're crying so i said all of that to say this every human being that's sitting here right now will experience the substance of all of these tears if you live long enough there are going to be times when our body naturally produces the basal tear for days there's going to be times when you're going to have emotional tears because job said man that is born of a woman is a few days and full of trouble there will be times you cry sometimes i say something funny from the pulpit and people get mad about it nobody here just you know how you draw wingdings on the internet and they'll say you need to make up your mind are you a preacher or a comedian but here's what i say to people like that you better laugh every chance you get in life young man because you will cry enough tears to make up for every time you laugh during your lifetime but you know what is so wonderful as a child of god and this is why i love an inspired bible that's so perfect over in the book of revelation in chapter 22 when god's making all things new here's what god said to the church when you get home and you get to heaven god didn't say i'm going to wipe tears from your eyes because there's three different kind so which ones are you going to wipe from our eyes but here's what the holy ghost put in the bible and god himself shall wipe all tears from our eyes we will never under any circumstance ever shed a tear about anything anymore forever and forever but today society is pushing this philosophy called fear of tears movement they proclaim that if you cry it reveals three things about your personality number one they say if you cry it shows that you're weak in character i can take the bible and really tear that up because several times the bible says and jesus wept and trust me jesus is not weak he wasn't a hillbilly he wasn't a hippie he wasn't a homo he was the king of kings and the lord of lords and he still cried second of all they believe if you cry it's because you don't have life's situations under control third of all that they believe the only reason why people cry is to play on the emotions of others so maybe in this generation you have come to this dangerous part in your life where you don't cry or you don't want to cry i've seen people hold back tears you've seen it you may have done it you hold back crying as you get older and you get my age you don't give a flip what people think i'll cry in the grocery store i'll cry at the car i'll cry anywhere i want to and if you think i'm a you do it take me out in the backyard and call me a i'll twist you like a pretzel and beat your rear end you say mama but as you get older [Applause] you know they think you're not tough you're not tough if you cry well let me say to all of us here especially those of you that are not sure of your eternal destiny you may not cry now but as esau you will cry later i'm going to tell you three times you are going to cry and i'm done number one you will cry when the conviction of the holy ghost has left you see some of you are coming here and you have realized through the preaching of the word of god that you're really not saved and maybe even in days or weeks or months gone by god has dealt with you about hey your spiritual condition is not right because jesus still says you have to be born again in order to go to heaven when you die and i'm not changing that to build a church and leave off the fact that if you don't come by faith in repentance and turn from your sin to jesus you're not going to get born again that's just what the bible says and i'm not throwing that out just to build a church and make people feel comfortable in the fact that they've never been regenerated there are over 7 billion people in this world 7 billion i said and if out of 7 billion people god would love you enough to take time to come into a little country church out in the middle of nowhere on the side of a two-way street and deal with you about being saved you would be very unwise to put that off now here's what the devil will tell you he's the prince of procrastination when you hear the truth of the word of god and the spirit of god begins to deal with you the devil will say now look what he's saying may be right but look at you you've got plenty of time you've got opportunities my soul the preacher acts like you're going to die tomorrow well let me tell you what the bible says life is but a vapor that appears for a while and then vanisheth away let me tell you what the bible said today is the day of salvation now is the accepted time to get born again there is not a better time for you to get saved than in this service right now now you must remember when you're dissecting the theology the eschatology of salvation you must understand there is a difference in condemnation and conviction you understand if a man or woman is not regenerated they are under the condemnation or the judgment of god here's what the bible said he that believeth not is condemned already i don't have to condemn you and put you in hell the word of god has already done that if you've never been regenerated saved forgive and born again you are always always under the condemnation of god if you die that way the bible is very plain on what happens to you eternally speaking so you are always under condemnation where the problem comes in is you are not always under conviction to remove the condemnation the human body and the mind could not stand being under holy ghost conviction constantly for those of us that have been under conviction we could tell you it was the most miserable time of our life knowing that god was troubling our spirit and that we wasn't right with god and we were brought to this place of faith and repentance to the lord jesus christ it's a miserable thing god intervenes your heart your emotions your thinking your spirit everything about you becomes troubled that's conviction please don't fight that that's the best thing that could happen to you right now if you're not born again is for you to understand the convicting power of the spirit of god now there's great controversy with this point and i understand it some people say well just when you want to just turn and pray and receive jesus it doesn't matter if i believed that i would not have given 45 years of my life and 4 million plus miles to travel all over this world and try to keep people from going to hell when they die i would just say look when you come down to the last part of your life just call upon god and he'll save you the problem with that is it is not true you must be under conviction you remember when god put noah and his family in the ark noah probably turned around and looked at all that place of humanity filled with millions of people and god looked at noah in chapter six when he was getting ready to put him on the ark and he said no i want you to know one thing about all them people that are out there my spirit shall not always strive with man i have dealt with them over your hundred years of preaching i have spoken to them about being saved i've not rejected them they have rejected me and now that they have rejected me the spirit of god has quit wrestling against them and you know that trouble in your soul if you've ever been under conviction you wake up at night saying my god what happens if i die what if i leave this world today i'm not ready to meet god that's conviction and god was warning noah in the first six chapters of the bible that it's not always going to be that way i do believe in a whosoever will gospel i believe that jesus christ died on the cross for every human being that has ever lived or ever will live upon the face of this earth jesus tasted death for every man is what the bible says i do believe in a whosoever will gospel jesus christ shed his blood to save you as the song says so that you might be found not guilty before god it is a whosoever will gospel it's just not a when so ever will gospel you will either get saved when the spirit of god is dealing with you or you will spur the grace of god and god will reject you you say well i'll come crying and screaming the bible said in hebrews 12 that esau sought it carefully with tears he's screaming he's crying he's honest he's sincere you can be as sincere as you want to but if the spirit of god is not moving upon you sir you are nothing but a sounding brass and a tinkling symbol and god will turn a death ear to every cry you might have god doesn't have to come to you you have to come to god the spirit of god moves upon you you better move i was preaching for a man some time ago and he said brother kid my daddy was a preacher both my papaws were preachers and i knew all of them and he said did you know brother kid i have been in church all my life heard some of the strongest messages on hell and salvation that's ever fell on mortal ear and he said did you know i got saved the third time god ever spoke to me about being saved only three times in my life being under preaching all my life three generations of preachers and the third time god ever dealt with me i got saved he said brother kid how old do you think i was i said i don't know understanding salvation and sin maybe 9 10 11 years old he said i can tell you where i was all three times god dealt with me about being saved and i got saved when i was 21. 21 in 21 years of life the spirit of god had only passed and nudged and convicted him that he could remember on three separate occasions oh ladies and gentlemen take it not light that god is dealing with you you say i don't want god i don't want to get saved i don't want to get born again i don't want to go to heaven i got it all planned out but here's what's going to happen to you buddy later on in life like esau you're going to turn around and realize everything you're living for is going to end at the grave and the only thing that's going to matter is that you've been saved by the grace of almighty god but you've got to understand being born again is not just a change of mind it's a change of heart you can change your middle intellect and come to different conclusions but only god can deal with the heart here's what the bible said with a heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation except the spirit of god deals with you you will say it and emmaus the rest of your life and drop off of this pew and go straight to hell when you die the only hope you got is to be intervened by another world you better pray god get on you you better pray you get under holy ghost conviction you better pray god open the door for you [Applause] you're not going to get saved when you want to there's not a verse of scripture to back up that bunch of hogwash you'll get saved when god's dealing with you somebody said oh brother kid i wish we were having more people saved i can't make people get saved we got three new converts that are getting baptized soon and i'm excited about that i can't make you get saved all i am is a preacher i'm a plowboy all i can do is till the ground plant the seed and water it but god has to give the increase god has to show up in this church the holy ghost has to be here and that's why i don't put up with nonsense in this church that's why a deacon board don't control me in this church that's why people with money don't control me that's why i don't have favorites that's why i don't put up with your nonsense or your family's nonsense because i can replace you but i can't replace him we have got to have him he's got to show up and you better realize how important that is because your kids and grandkids that are sitting here don't stand to chinese chance in hell unless the holy ghost is in the church where they're going where they can hear power anointed preaching oh no i understand you may not cry now but you'll cry then when god leaves you number two during the coming of the savior you've heard people talk about the rapture jesus coming and i know some debate when he's coming i'm not going to get in all that you can be wrong about it if you want to but i do know this i do know the apostle paul looked for is coming in his day and i would be foolish not to look forward in mine but i think we would all agree that he is coming so here's what's going to happen some of you that are sitting right here on this pew here's what will happen someday you're going to wake up and you're going to roll over it's a tuesday just like every other tuesday except you roll over and your wife's not there maybe maybe she's up making coffee you go in the kitchen the coffee pot's cold the pitcher is empty maybe she had to go to the store you look outside her car's still there the keys are on the table you go back in the bedroom her night clothes are still in the bedroom where you say well maybe she must have changed but if she changed why isn't she going in her car let me go ask my children and you go into your son and daughter's room and they're gone how could how could all my family be gone and all the cars are still in the yard or maybe you're a teenager and you wake up on a saturday morning expecting to have your weekly pancakes and bacon but you don't smell anything cooking and you run into the kitchen and the oven's cold and the refrigerator's not been opened and you can't find mom and dad what maybe you think usually the my little sister is crying by now and you're running the nursery and her crib's empty and mom and dad's going to my sister where would they go the cars are here there's no lights have been turned on where's my family you think what in the world's going on and you try picking up the phone but the lines are down your cell phone's not working the towers are down there's no reception everything's gone blank you can't figure it out what and so you turn on the tv and all of a sudden no matter what channel you go to it's news broadcast ladies and gentlemen we hate to interrupt the programming but something has happened that has never happened before in the pages of history cemeteries all over the world have burst open hey brother guy hallelujah [Applause] my mama's gone and daddy's gone and my sister's gone and my brother's gone and the babies are gone and peppa's gone and the family's gone what what has happened the graves are opened up oh god i know what's happened i remember brother kid preaching on jesus coming again oh god through the night the lord has come with a shout in the voice of an archangel and the trump of god and the dead in christ shall rise first and we which are alive and remain shall be caught up in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the lord [Applause] but i didn't want to get saved i i had all the intentions of getting saved later on god knows i don't want to miss the rapture now there my family's gone what am i gonna do planes are crashing cars are flipping schools called off nobody's showing up for work the whole world's in chaos you think it's bad with joe biden in charge wait till jesus comes [Applause] but all of a sudden the saints are going here's what you're going to do you're going to say you know what i remember brother kid preaching down there at emmaus on how to get born again and how to go to that altar and how to ask christ to save you i know what i do i tell what i'm gonna do i'm gonna get mom and dad ain't here anyhow i'm gonna get in the car and i'm gonna drive down to emmaus and i'm gonna go in that church and i'm gonna ask god to save me because i don't want to be left behind you know what's gonna amaze you friend when you cut the corner on west carter's valley road this parking lot is going to be packed it's going to blow your mind at the amount of people that's going to want to attend mass the day after jesus comes you may not like coming now but you will then and you're going to bust inside the door and when you do the screens are going to be blank nobody's on the piano i hope jamie makes it the band's gone nobody everything's silent nobody's saying anything all you hear is a roar of people screaming out loud oh god have mercy and you're going to join that great chorus that day young man you're going to fall on your belly on this altar i have begged you to come here and get saved i have wept over you i have cried over you but there's a day coming when you're going to come you're going to come without anybody even asking you to come and you're going to fall on your belly and say dear god i've missed the coming of the lord my mama's gone my daddy's not here i love my daddy lord my siblings are gone my lives are the best and i know what's coming on and i don't want to be left behind in the tribulation period where where the water will be turned to blood and the sun will be darkened and the moon will turn to blood and one third of the angels will fall from heaven as the stars from the sky and death and testaments will cover the land and in revelation 9 it will get so bad the bible says men will seek to die and death will flee from them you won't even be able to die during this period of time and you're going to remember the times that i begged you to come i warned you to come i instructed you that you needed to come this very message you're listening to right now will ring through your head when you bust in that back building you'll fall on your face oh you cry then yes you will brother you'll scream and cry oh god save me there's only one problem friend good intentions but you're a day late in the dollar short the bible said in second thessalonians chapter 2 because you had pleasure and unrighteousness and receive not the love of the truth god shall send you strong delusion that you might believe a lie and be damned if you have ever heard the gospel in your whole life and you have turned it down one time god said when i come and take my children out of here i'll soul warp and dilute your mind that you will take the three sixes on the palm of your hand or on the front of your forehead and you'll damn your soul to an eternal lake of fire and you will never have another chance to ever be born again if jesus comes today friend you have been left out forever there is not another opportunity on the other side of the rapture if you're serious about god if you're contemplating going to heaven oh no i know you think i'm not coming forward today and crying in front of them people you'll cry then you'll cry then number three and i must close when you wake up and hear all the crying and the sufferings of hell you'll cry then you know hell is more than a cuss word hear people say it all the time in a loose way hell this hell that the reality is even heaven's more people say all heavens to be heaven's more than just a word of phraseology it's a real place and there's a real place called hell and it's located 13 miles below the crust of the earth that your feet are now setting on in the center of this earth there is no gravity and a constant lava exploding every town of every time a volcano burps that's god reminding man there's still fire in hell every time we hear of an earthquake anywhere in the world the bible said in the book of isaiah that hell hath enlarged herself without measure to receive the company of the damned every time there's an earthquake that's the earth having contraction pains so that it can swell to the capacity to all of those that are going to inhabit a christless eternity oh you may not want to cry now but two seconds in hell here's what the bible said about the rich man and in hell he lifted up his eyes and he cried you saw don't cry you'll cry then because ladies and gentlemen you're headed to a place where the sun never shines and the birds never sing a flower never blooms and god is never found it's a place where prayers are never answered it's a place where atheists become believers it's a place where condemned sinners get concerned for their family it's a bottomless pit where you'll forever fall but never fall it's a place where you'll forever die but never die the bible said the smoke of their torment will ascend up forever and forever it's a place where you'll forever perish but never perish when you get to hell it's darker than a thousand midnight somebody came to me some time ago and said well if there's fire in hell fire puts off light how can jesus say it's a place of outer darkness we have found out since then that the hottest flame known to man is not red it's black jesus said it's an outer it's a place of outer darkness and the pain and the severity of judgment is so severe that people will gnaw on the sides of their tongue and blaspheme god it's a place where the worm dieth not it's a place where you weep for your mom and your daddy but they'll never come to comfort you it's a place where you'll cry out to god for mercy and salvation but nobody ever gets saved out of hell once you go to hell there is not another chance on the other side of the grave ladies and gentlemen it's going to take more than you twitch in your eye in an icu unit it's going to take more than you moving your index finger when you're on the ventilator without holy ghost conviction being upon you and bringing you to that knowledge and that thirst for god you will die in your sin and go to hell and i don't care how good you look in the casket and how many flowers they sin and i don't care how good of a job the preacher does you'll be in hell without god and without mercy if you die without jesus christ hell is a horrible place i don't want anybody to go to hell i've given my 45 years living out of a suitcase i've got to leave after this service drive all afternoon over a mountain and start a revival tonight you know why i do that it's not for money are you kidding me i'd make more on welfare than i made in the ministry traveling across the road i do it because men and women boys and girls are dying without god and if we're going to keep them out of hell we better be doing everything we can right now because one of these days it'll be too late brother i want you to bring me my top coat i want to close with this illustration bring me my top coat let me tell you something about hell just one thing about it it's a place where the fire is never quenched and the worm dieth not so much i could say to you about hell but let me give you this illustration in closing children are an unusual thing with parents i've noticed this down through the years a lot of churches i preach and have the nursery in the back of the church we've had enough sense to put them in a dungeon downstairs but you know what's amazing about a mama there could be 19 kids back there in that nursery and one kid screams and i guarantee you the right mama will get up every time and go to the nursery there's something about the tears of a loved one that you recognize different than anybody else in the world now the bible says when people get to hell they'll cry no tears but they'll cry i know there's no tears because the rich man asked lazarus to dip his finger in water and just put one drip on his tongue he said because i'm tormented in this flame can you imagine going to hell daddy think about this you imagine going to hell and waking up in this outer darkness and you're falling without a gravitational pull and you're bouncing against the charred walls of hell with fire and brimstone piercing and torment in you and all of that you can hear the laughing of the demons the saiyans of the devils and above all that you hear the untold billions of screams and cries as people are perishing as the flames of the wrath of almighty god lick their never dying soul but all of a sudden falling through one corridor of time there's a voice that rings out like you've never heard but you recognized it oh god no god no he can't that's my son oh god i've not only gone to hell i've brought my son to hell with me i i gotta get to my son i can't see him but i can hear him it sounds like he's over here maybe and you bump into the souls of men and women that are falling in the wrath of god and you're spinning in a world and you're bumping into the charred walls of brimstone and all of a sudden when you get to where you think you heard him through the darkness now now it sounds like he's over here and you try to make your way through and you're spinning you're falling and the flames are licking you and you're perishing but you can't die you want to go into convulsion you want to have a seizure but you can't and when you get to where you think he is and all of a sudden now it sounds like he's above me don't be in a hurry because there is no time there finally you you get to where you think he's at you hear him moaning oh oh son son listen listen this is daddy i love you son this is you this is your daddy but instead of him loving you instead of him embracing you instead of him being comforted by you he spins around and he grabs your face he tries to rip you open he tries to gouge your eyeballs out and he looks at you and says i hate you get away from me i'll hate you forever son you can't hate me i'm your daddy daddy if you knew there was a hell why didn't you tell me they was a hell why didn't you take me to church why didn't you get saved why didn't you tell me and warned me that there was a literal burning hell i hate you i hate you forever and forever i will hate you every human body is gifted with something called a mercy point your body can only take so much punishment until god activates a mercy point called unconsciousness many times when you see people in car accidents they're unconscious when they fall down steps it knocks him unconscious that's really a mercy point sent from god because while you're unconscious you are in a coma you are numb from any pain that your body is experiencing unconsciousness is the mercy of god in situations but when you get to hell friend you will never be unconscious you will be awake every minute every moment every day every hour every month every year and when you are brought out of hell sentenced at the great white throne and cast into the lake of fire to burn forever after a thousand eons of time your suffering has just begun oh i understand you're not going to cry now but you will then so while we stand to our feet i want to ask you a question are you ready to settle this thing with god is god dealing with you right now i'm not talking about the guy next to you hey i'm not talking about talking to anybody around you i said is god dealing with you right now i'm not asking if you belong to a church i don't care nothing about your church i don't care about how many times you got a bible sitting on your coffee table don't tell me how good of a christian your grandparents was and don't even tell me how faithful you are here because that's not going to get you to heaven you can't miss first base ladies and gentlemen go to heaven you must come to jesus christ so our heads are bound i'm leaving thank you for being here declaring the word of the lord and these are the days of your servant moses righteousness and all these are days of great trials of famine and darkness and soul still we are the voices of the lord you
Channel: drphilkidd
Views: 4,226
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 51sec (2331 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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