America, She'll Either Break Or Bow

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] but I think there's sixteen first-time visitors in the house of God today and around the world let's make a welcome why they're tuning into the broadcast today Luke chapter number 17 in verse number 26 as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be also in the days of the son of man they did eat they drank they married wives they were given in marriage and till the day that Noah entered into the ark and the flood came and destroyed them all likewise also as it was in the days of lot they did eat they drank they bought they sold they planted and they build it but the same day that lot went out from Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed now I'm very well aware the fact that in the context and the dispensation of our scripture that Luke chapter 17 is dealing with the end time when Jesus comes in all of his power and all of his glory but here in our context God is telling us and reminding us that history does repeat itself because as it was in the days gone by the days of Noah and in the days of lot it is prophesied that those days are coming again I say to you as the curtains open on the stage of our present it is very evident that these days are quickly coming upon us as a church as a nation and as a world I'm preaching today on America she'll either break or she will bow there's never been a country like this ever before in the history of the world and there never will be another one like it in days to come I think we have passed so many generations in this great land that we take her for granted I've no when I go to public places and they play the national anthem many men don't even take their hats off in reverence to our national anthem many folks don't even stand never put their hand over their heart even some people representing us in the Olympics boycott our national anthem I think they ought to be stripped of their position run out of this country and let them go live somewhere else for a while I promise you if they lived in Iraq for six months they would stand when the national anthem was played so for clarity's sake I think it's very important that we pass on historical facts to our children and our grandchildren do we even know what the fourth of July represents anymore really it's not a date it's a celebration in its origination and still it should be called Independence Day because in 1776 Great Britain's King King George the 3rd continued to impose heavier taxes on the thirteen small colonies that had formulated in what we know now to be America even though they kept increasing the taxes they were denied any representation in the British Parliament more taxes more government control less rights of the people if that's not America today and the system we're living in then I don't know anything about the Bible or our country but on June 11th in 1776 the Congress met in Philadelphia and formed a committee to draft a document to formula formally severed ties with Great Britain some of the men that were on that committee are household names as far as historical landmarks are concerned these men included Thomas Jefferson Ben Franklin John Adams Roger Sherman and Roger Livingston from the original draft to the final product that they sent to Great Britain six changes were made from the original draft the final version was adapted on July 4th 1776 when America became an independent nation a year later America on this day began to celebrate its independence by setting bonfires ringing bells in their communities and setting off fireworks as a means of celebration its influence soon spread to all the other towns and colonies in our country and people begin to have picnics contests games military displays and again fireworks it was so influential and so powerful in America that Congress established Independence Day is a national holiday in the year 1870 but today the day that I'm living in our foundations and freedoms are at high risk of being taken away or lost by being baptized in a corrupt system America I believe I'm 60 years old I am a history buff I believe America is at the most dangerous crossroads she has ever faced in her history never before has the temptation to abandon conservative principles been so strong and so divisive she has now reached a point in history where there are only one or two choices left and the one she takes as a nation will determine her future or it will determine her fate America will either break or America will bow that is up to her as a collective country history surely repeats itself and as I said it's happening before our very eyes sodom and gomorrah decided in lot's day to allow areas of its civil ation civilization to get out of control which led the total annihilation of sodom and the big city of Gomorrah are you aware of the fact that there is not one history or archaeological landmark that has ever been found or discovered from Sodom and Gomorrah not one brick not one piece of mortar not one piece of landscape has ever been found in all the archaeology that's been done in history to ever solidify where Sodom and Gomorrah was God literally wiped it its history and its future off the face of the earth the same elements are knocking on the front door of our nation today the backbone of our great land is being so pressured by these important areas that without revelation and relief from God I promise you America is soon to break I said to you that history repeats itself I'm not here to be mean vulgar I'm not vindictive and I'm not bitter I am a tad mad because I think we're letting the greatest nation in the world slip through our fingers without anybody raising up their voice like a trumpet and saying something about it so what is it that will break America if she doesn't get things straightened out I believe there were three elements that broke Sodom and Gomorrah and God said as it was in the days a lot as it broke that country in those cities in that land this same repetition will happen prior to the revelation in the coming of Jesus Christ there were three things that happened in the land of sodom and gomorrah that greatly contributed to that nation those cities breaking down I want to mention them quickly number one they socially compromised as a nation have you ever studied through Genesis chapter 18 through the early twenties of the chapters have you ever studied Lots experience of going down the Sodom you know the story how he had come out of the cows with his uncle Abraham and they got in the fight the herdsmen were defying to find each other and Abraham told lot you pick your land and I'll pick mine and lot look toward the well-watered Plains of Sodom and Gomorrah because perverted lands are always environmentalists and he looked down and this is what the Bible said the well planed watered plains of Sodom because their earth worshippers people that don't know God they kiss who towels and they hug trees but they kill their babies have you ever thought about that Winlock went down to Sodom and Gomorrah he was permitted to enter Sodom and become a leader the said in the gates which made him a political leader at the gate of those two big cities and nowhere in the Bible was he ever questioned for any kind of vetting as to become a citizen of that country before he got politically involved in my preaching now you you know where I'm headed in other words Sodom was open borders Sodom didn't have walls Sodom didn't have gates where you had to be approved they had no vetting system anybody could just come in and become part of the country and bring all their philosophies and their anti God thinking into their country and brother that's why Sodom is gone now oh yeah I'm gonna get wound up in a minute ain't wound up yet honey I'm gonna tell you when the country opens its borders and drops its walls and there's no vetting and there's no citizenship and it's come one come all just like you are that nation will soon cease to be that you look up hear me you look up here me I'm not a Democrat and I'm not a Republican but I say to the President of the United States of America I don't give a slip what Congress says that [Applause] we have a right to protect the interest of this company over the citizenship of illegal aliens but Locke couldn't say anything because evidently he had been granted government housing oh no oh no just tight your seatbelt and shut up we gon' nowhere yet because Locke wasn't in Sodom for a long period of time but he was there long enough that when the two witnesses of God came the warning to get out the Bible said he took him in his house and closed the door show me one verse were lawd ever hit a lick at a snake once he got the Sodom he wanted the government to take care of him he said I'll just get on Social Security welfare I'll shack up have a house full of kids live on food stamps and just let Sodom take care of me the rest of my life oh yeah I know what I'm talking about it's welfare for black folks it's disability for you white folk it gets me you suckers 17 years old already trying to find out how to get disability you ain't never hit a likert of snake you ought to get your fat tail out of bed go get you a job and find out what it's like the word for a living that's what you need to do now I don't know if you Canadians can take this or not I really don't give a flare don't take something we ain't changing Matt fat your country's already gone the hell cause nobody will preach and we're not going that route as long as I'm in this pulpit I'm gonna raise hell I'm gonna tell it like it is and we're gonna stamp Awards right but the government take care of me did you know in the presidential debate and I didn't watch it to the other day because I'm depressed enough but the top 10 runners of the Democratic Party for the president United States every one of them lifted their hand to give free health care to illegal aliens that are now in the United States of America may I say to you we have veterans that can't get taken care of we got elderly people that can't get taken care of we got sick people that can't be taken care of we got cancer patients that can't afford their medicine we got people dying to diabetes cause they can't afford their medicine and you're worried about some stake in the illegal alien mine this country shame on every one of them lowdown compromising yellowbellies socialistic communistic towers without a source of some kind of border and restriction any nation will be overtaken from within think about this America right now is spending almost $2,600 per illegal alien in America why our Social Security recipients only get 12 to $1,400 a month not 10 your ladies and gentlemen that's an abomination I don't care how you cut it I don't care where you're from that's not right people that have lived in this country and pay taxes all their life and was born in this country they ought to be taken care of no elderly person in America all I have to make a decision on whether they're gonna have medicine or food in their house that's right sugar diabetes medicine in America is $289 a month for our elderly women that are sitting here but if you go to Canada it's 69 dollars a month isn't it amazing that our own pharmaceutical stores are selling stuff cheaper to other countries then they are their own national people there is something bad wrong with that and a nation cannot survive like that it will not survive these people have worked they had built this country they have give their lives and when they lay down at night they don't have food in that refrigerator heat in their home medicine on the shelf and gas in their car and I don't give a flip what the Democrats say and so because of the mess we're now in we are selfishly willing to sacrifice the next generation only to pacify this generation I'll prove it to you Wenlock brought the angels of God into his home and shut the door this is how screwed up this idiot was the men beat on the door and said let us sin that we may know them and what the Bible said took two of his daughters that had never laid with a man and brought them out on the porch and said here sexually you can have my daughters you can abuse my daughters you can kill my daughters I tell your country is headed down the wrong road when we are so engulfed was satisfying ourselves that we don't care about the future of the next generation that's coming on our children our grandchildren they deserve better then the nonsense we're leaving them I tell you something else why some of you look like you wish to God you wouldn't have come there's something else about this store I'd never seen before where all these men were beating on the door why didn't lock just get a shotgun and blow them in half I just shot a man knock on my door beating the door down trying to come in you better give your heart to God because your tail belongs to me I'm gonna blow you in half you ain't beating my front door down I'd say that right now i'ma tell you I couldn't defend himself cuz he was in a land where they wasn't allowed to have weapons to protect themselves you don't find any swords in Sodom you don't find any knives in Sodom you don't find any war in Sodom every almost every land in the Bible you'll find him at one time another going to a war to defend themselves you'll never find Sodom and Gomorrah fight in a battle that's because the liberal politicians of that day had come in and said we will mail you a check we will give you a place to live we will take care of you you can dearly ilegal we'll even make you a president and a leader in the country even though you're not even from America and I tell you all you got to do is give us your guns give us your swords give us your knives and we'll take care of you the rest of your life I Got News for them pug-nosed so she's liberal commerce communist over my dead body are you getting my guns you're not getting my pistol you're not getting my rifle you're not getting my shotgun I know how to take care of my family I'm not depending on Washington to protect me I'm not completely dependent on Congress you might as well say man I'm a law-abiding taxpaying citizen and when a man breaks down my door he's forfeited ever right he's got and if you don't think I won't put a hole in him you're out of your ever-loving mind I'll shoot him with a shotgun and tell the police he died of chicken pox we've got to stand up and defend what's right slowly but surely because of a couple of idiots the government is trying to take our ability to defend ourselves there is no option and there is no plan B I say to you all you liberals Republicans and Democrat there is no plan B you are not getting my guns period every socialistic and communistic country in the history of the world before they were overtaken by the regime all of them had to release their moat of protection to the government system no wonder the people do not respect the politicians of our day when law went to warn his daughters and son in laws this is how much confidence the community had in their politicians Locke said at the gate he was a political leader he was so far gone he was so so far out of it that he called those men brethren and the Bible said when the angels told him never go to destroy Sodom he ran to his son in law's house and said the judgment of God's coming you let the Bible say they did they laughed at him as one that mock God because to the people of the country had come to the point where they had zero respect in anything any politician said no matter what branch of government it was from the Democrats are so far to the left they're making liberals blush and I am sick and tired of you Republicans acting like you got a hernia on your lung and a bunion on your tongue and you're on eggshells and you're scared to offend somebody and you're trying to pull everybody in why don't you just stand up for what's right and do what we elected you to do and gave a voice you're supposed to be and defend the rights of our country [Applause] Congress has an 8% approval rate I vote 13 businesses in my life do you know how many employees I would keep with an 8% approval rate I would fire you so fast it would make your dead grandmother dizzy I'm not putting up with an 8% rating of approval but yet sitting in the White House sitting in the Congress setting and Representatives and a percent approval why don't we pan together and run those it's out of Washington and start all over again with somebody that believes in America what's up with that and it's more than just agreeing with me and clapping I need you to go to the voting polls and vote them out of office I'm never going to get done but some of you look like you've been done a long long time this morning number two they'd not only socially compromised they were sexually perverted sodom and gomorrah only one thing goes through your mind when you hear that name is sodomy lesbian is a sensual perversion there's some things I'm not saying because I'm in a mixed congregation but you got to be a long way from God to look at people living in perversion and embrace them and accept them and call them brethren Locke was the only save man in Sodom and instead of standing up for what's right here he is condoning what God has cursed our doors are open every sodomite every homosexual and lesbian transgender no gender don't know Jin they're mixed up gender you're all welcome here I'm gonna preach the gospel to you I'm gonna love you to Jesus I get you bored again but if you think you're looking for a church where I'm gonna put my approval on it and you sing in the choir and you be on this platform and you'd be a member you're at the wrong church honey that is an abomination to God it has always been abomination to God and I don't care what Washington says it always shall be an abomination to God and God has not changed his mind so the land had begin to accept an immoral standard that had been cursed by God men were breaking the doors down and here's what the Bible said it locks house they were screaming let us in that we may know them in the context of the scripture that word no is not to shake hands and to become an acquaintance in the Old Testament the Bible said Adam knew Eve and she conceived these men were wanting to be sexually active with the two witnesses that God had sent down and they were so perverted that when law took his two young daughters and put them out on the front porch they said we don't want women we want men Romans 1 talks about men lined with men and women lined with women God warned that eventually he would turn them over to a reprobate mind it's not popular and may get me thrown off every television station I'm on but it doesn't matter I am not condoning what God has condemned in his word I want you to notice something when you get home in Luke 17 when it ghetto gave a list of what was going on in Noah's day it says they were marrying and giving in marriage but notice in lots day it doesn't say that it never says they were marrying or does it say it was given in marriage because by then the institution of the home had been demolished by then the sanctity of marriage had been eliminated it was a sexual free-for-all you can live with him she could live with you and by the way if you do it long enough the state recognizes it as a marriage and they pay you to live that way that's the kind of situation that we were in I feel sorry for you young boys that are looking for a girl because you don't know what the name of God you're dating you don't know if it's a him or her a she or both of them you have no earthly idea if that was he oh yeah you hit me well now if I was a young boy looking for a wife I want her birth certificate I want pictures of her when she was a baby naked on them little furry rugs I want to make sure she has always been a she I'm Marian I'm not married Lucy and waking up with Leonard I can tell you that much right now tell you that right now you boys better make sure you know what you getting that's why I boy I look like a boy and a girl on a look like a girl so we don't have problems running into this nonsense anymore you know many people jump Lots daughters because they ran to the cave of Zora and they got their daddy drunk and committed incest with him but you got to understand that is just a result of what daddy had raised him in front of he had exposed him the perversion they had watched their daddy call sodomites brethren they had watched him vote for equal rights in their country sure the girls were messed up sure incest is wrong but it was a product of what their daddy let their mindset be revealed to the television the internet the school system you think I'm sending my little kids to a public school we're drag queens read books in the library men dressed like women with glitter on their face and high-heeled shoes on no wonder our kids are screwed up they don't know what they are because parents didn't take a stand when they were young and say God made you what you are you're made in the image of God your you need to God you're important to God you'd be proud of the way and what God made you I've never seen such an effeminate soft limp wrist milk toast watered-down generation that's the one I'm trying to preach to now watch the little boys coming to church twitching like a girl you go to shake their hand they got a little limp wrist you may not to take the time to sit down and teach your boys how to shake a man's hand you grab his hand a little chemin is god-given eye balls you be masculine your gin don't you be afraid to be a boy I'm telling you boys don't even ought to be a boy anymore you daddy's are too busy fooling with your remotes and playing with your internet you don't have time to raise the bar you don't have time to play ball with him you don't have time to climb a tree with me you don't have a time to get dirty with you and so they said in front of a woman influence all of their life they're surrounded by the influence of television and the internet and Hollywood and I'm gonna throw this one in too because I'm about out of time and you're not coming back anyway I would throw this whatever you can't give a baby 11 vaccinations at one time and tell me it's not screwing that kid up you ain't telling me that yeah telling me that you parents that have young kids I'm not preaching against VAX vaccines at all but you ought to make your doctor space those vaccines out so that child's body can adjust to the germs and the mutations they had just put in your child I believe when you give a little boy 11 shots at one time you're killing his testosterone which makes him a man which makes him tough which makes him strong which makes him a leader and I believe when you throw all these medicines and chemicals and viruses together and inject it in that boy they're killing the testosterone of these boys and instead of playing with army boots and GI Joe they want high-heeled shoes and lipstick hey man I know what I talking about oh you know I'm telling it right they don't want to go to the barbershop they want to get their hair done and they want to be crossdressers and mommy let somewhere of panties and run around with a bra on with socks in her bra they think it's so cute but with juniors 15 years old and he's hung himself because he doesn't know if he's a boy or a girl and he's been rejected by society you too wish to God you to make a little boy out of junior number three I'm out of time out of gas I believe Sodom failed in America is about to break because they were spiritually isolated Abraham prayed to the angels if I find 50 just people will you spare Sodom the angel said if you find if we find 10 I'll spare Sodom there were not ten just people in all that land when you read about the land of Sodom they never had a Bible they never had a church they never had a temple they never had an altar when the lot supposedly saved a new God went down into that mess he was more worried about his job where he was going to live and being popular in his community than he was the spiritual condition of his family or his country we live in a day now that is so liberal and loose that God has to fit into our schedule we only go to church when it's convenient for us God holds no priority in our life anymore we think nothing about missing church because our hair hurts or a flat tire or our daughters off to some soccer game somewhere everything comes before God no wonder spiritually our churches are in a mess no wonder over 50% of our community doesn't go to church anymore Locke could have stood up and proclaimed the truth like they did in the days of Jonah and revival could have broke out but because of gutless scared and liberal preachers the nation went to absolutely nothing we've got a bunch of hireling that are more concerned about popularity paychecks and prestige than they are being faithful to the Word of God preachers are overlooking and accepting things that God has condemned God may not raise herself to turn this country around but they better raise and he has raised men up they'll be a witness against them I wouldn't go to a liberal Church where a preacher wouldn't cry aloud and lift up his voice and its foes sin by name doesn't matter who it is not matter who's doing it doesn't matter if it's a deacon that matter if it's rich people doesn't matter if it's a man or a woman or a boy or girl if it's denounced in the Bible if we're ever gonna help America some preacher I'd better get a set of leather Long's and preach the Word of God now I've got the clothes if America continues down this path she will break down and collapse like a sand castle during high tide but you don't have to break because America said we could God said in his word that we could bow it's the choice that we have here's what God said in 2nd chronicles 7:14 if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways here's what he said then I will hear their prayer from heaven I will forgive their sin and I will heal I will heal their land here's what I'm trying to tell you if God's people around this country would humble themselves before God confess and repent of our sin God said only then will I hear your prayer and if I hear your prayer I'll heal your land I'll heal your land [Applause] wouldn't it be wonderful if God would breathe through this land Oh Greg God in the morning our kids deserve better than what we're leaving them and the only way they're going to get it is for us to repent confess and get right with Almighty God revival is not coming from the White House it'll come from the church house that's right I'm exhausted I'm tired I'm mad I'm hungry and I want a cigarette so I want you stand your feet I'm done you're glad to be in the house of God the day give the Lord a hand [Applause] [Music] and these [Music] that's the great Oh [Music] [Music] of the Lord
Channel: drphilkidd
Views: 5,591
Rating: 4.7987423 out of 5
Keywords: Rec. 6-30-2019
Id: quk1ePl7pGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 33sec (2073 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2019
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