Sir, We Would See Jesus

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[Music] so they're listening all around the world we don't take it for granted there's a lot of programs they could be watching but they're watching ours I want you to make our audience feel welcome this morning for tuning into the broadcast I announced that I'd be reading from John chapter number 12 I would like to pick up my scripture in verse number 17 the people therefore that was with him when he called Lazarus out of his grave and raised him from the dead bear record for this cause the people also met him for that they heard that he had done this miracle and the Pharisees therefore said among themselves proceed receive he how he prevail I'll tell you how you prevailed noting behold we got a problem now behold the world's gone after him I wish that would happen again and there were certain Greeks among them that came up to worship at the feast the same came therefore to Philip which was a bethesda of Galilee and desired him and here's what the Greeks that were visiting said sir we would see Jesus I would like to use that refrain part of the sentence for my message today on the title sir we would see Jesus you can't really understand chapter number 12 unless you reiterate chapter number 11 of this wonderful book it's there in chapter 11 that Jesus went to Bethany Lazarus had been dead for four days Jesus said three words Lazarus came come forth and the Bible said he that was dead got up and came forth and Jesus said loose him and let him go and word had went out everywhere that Jesus had raised this Lazarus from the dead Jesus is still in Bethany in chapter number 12 and he's eating with Lazarus and his sisters Martha and Mary it is at that point that Mary comes in you know the story I'm sure with a box of ointment and broken anointed the feet of Jesus and then wiped his feet with her hair it was after that that Jesus got on the small donkey because it was the days of the feast just before the Passover it was after that that Jesus about twelve miles outside of Jerusalem got on the Colts ass and wrote it into what we call the triumphal entry into the beautiful gate when Jesus rode into the gate the Bible declares a spread palm leaves on the ground and the people standing on the cobblestone streets begin to say hosanna in the highest and they begin to praise Jesus for coming through the beautiful gate their voices lifted up in one Accord and echo down the small streets of the city of Jerusalem but visiting in there because it was the days of the feast just prior to the Passover they were Greeks there now the Pharisees had determined that they wanted to ruin and get rid of Jesus but the more they tried to get Jesus down the more his so-called popularity inclined the more they tried to do away with him the world came out to see him and the Bible said that he had literally turned a world upside down this man named Jesus because when something has the anointing of God the approval of God and the direction of God all the demons of Hell cannot stop that anointed force from going on for the glory of God and that includes the New Testament church but the Greeks were visitors there they were not people that abode in Jerusalem year around and they found Philip knowing that him and his brother Andrew were followers of Jesus and they went to Philip and said look we're not from here we don't want to know anybody but Sir since we're here we have heard so much about him the whole world knows about him and we would like to see Jesus when I read that verse of scripture the other day I wonder to myself is it possible in the day in which we live in for people to see this same Jesus that turned the world upside down I say to you with all confidence and liability on the word of God but there are three basic ways that God revealed himself past present and yes even future through this man named Jesus let me show you the three ways that God distributed its to me from his word number one you can see Jesus many of them saw him through the flesh did you know while Jesus was on earth many people saw Jesus with their own eyes do you remember when Jesus was eight days old Mary and Joseph took him into the temple as the de indias customs were for the Jews and Simeon being an old man the priests of the temple took Jesus into his arms and looked up into heaven and this is what he said my eyes have seen the salvation of the Lord I say to you people saw Jesus in the flesh the first place they fall saw this darling son of God was what we would call a crib or a manger Alcon a stable are you aware the fact that God prepared a body to manifest himself to the world jesus said in the Book of Psalms a body thou has prepared for me you understand that before the miraculous conception of Jesus Jesus was a spirit he had no physical form no physical body but God prepared a body for him to come into this world so that men could not only hear but see the Word of God here's what John said in John number chapter number 1 and in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God and that word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory as of the only begotten of the Father earlier when Jesus stepped over the banister of the glory world condescended down to this earth walked through the walls of a little virgin girls womb and was manifested in a stable in a major was far from the beginning of this man Jesus it was just the first manifestation of Jesus and thank God for shepherds that had enough sense believed their sheep abiding in the field go into the stable and behold for the first time the incarnated son of God they beheld him in the crib it seems like from that period of time to the age of 12 Jesus seemingly disappears into his hometown with his father Joseph and his mother Mary it's not until the age of 12 that you find Jesus standing in the temple and questioning the theologians and the doctors of his day and then after the age of 12 seemingly Jesus goes back home and submits himself to his family and to the carpenter's shop and to his hometown and Jesus is almost silent in the scriptures until the age of 30 which was when his earthly ministry began because you see God didn't only manifest him in a crib God wanted to manifest him to the crowds it was at the age of 30 that Jesus stepped out of nowhere on a muddy hillside and looked at a man named John the badness with the camels hair coat and a pair of leather breeches on and said I want you to baptize me John said I'm not even worthy to unless your shoes I know who you are you're the Lamb of God that'll take away the sins of the world and Jesus said suffer to be so that all righteousness should be fulfilled and when John baptized him here's what the Bible said the Holy Ghost descended in the form of a dove and lighting upon that son then the father spoke from the glory world his sovereign throne is sad this is my beloved Son in whom I'm well pleased and when Jesus God bless God Almighty I feel like preaching this morning if somebody would help me I preached this morning Jesus got out of the water when it to the Mount of temptation conquered the devil came back down in the power of the Holy Ghost and began his ministry it was now that the crowds were gonna see Jesus hey did you hear that the blind man that was sitting on the wayside Megan did you hear he read scripture in the temple last Saturday on the Sabbath what I thought he was blind he was blind from his mother's womb and they found him in the temple and they said we want to ask you a question the man that healed you was he a sinner or was he not he said I don't know much about him but I can tell you one blessed thing I once was blind [Applause] but now I see it was his Satan Jesus that manifested himself to the crowds when he walked by ten lepers and they were yelling unclean and he said go show yourself to the priest and the crowds watched him knowing nobody could have the power to do that and the Bible said while they were on their way all ten of him was cleanse and the crowd cuffed their hands over their mouths and could not believe this manifestation of God it was this sad Jesus that walked out of the temple on a sabbath day and there was a dirty woman on her hands and knees the elders were gathered around her with rocks in her hand and the crowds was watching Jesus and Jesus said what do you fellas about to do they said we're killing her we're stoning her Moses said she's an adulterer she adulterer she has to die Jesus all right kill her but I don't want anybody throwing a stone unless you're above sin ye-hoo are without sin killer and they all bowed their heads drop their rocks and walked away and Jesus went out to the woman and the crowds are watching and Jesus said where are mine accusers and she looked up and said there are none Lord but jesus said to sweetest words that's ever been heard neither do i condemn thee go and sin no more and he set her free for three and a half years in the flesh they saw him in the crowd but then the sad day came when those same people that shouted when he came to Jerusalem are now standing in the street again but their song has changed it's not praising Hosanna anymore it's let his blood be upon us and our children crucify him crucify him and the next time the flesh saw Jesus it wasn't in a crib and it wasn't in the crowd oh god no he's on a cross and one of the fees looked at him and said look for three and a half years you told us your God so if you're God save yourself and save us Jesus ignored him and looked up into heaven and said father I want you to forgive him I don't know what you know not what they do and about that time the other thief said I've never heard of such love and compassion and he turned and said Lord I know you're hanging on a cross I know you're naked I know you've been spit on I know you've got a crown of thorns I know your integrals are dangling down your back I know your Bloods being shed but would you remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom and hanging there on a cross suspended between heaven and hell rejected by man silenced by God Jesus looked at him and said I don't care what you've done I don't care how far gone you are today shalt thou be with me in paradise oh but wait a minute Jesus and a gasping breath looks up into heaven and yells three final words on the seven sayings of the Cross he looks into the face of a father that had turned his back on him and said it's finished I've died he bowed his head and God died joseph of armour thea came he was a wealthy man and he went to pilate said look I've got a new tomb that I just dug out could you please it's the time of the Passover and it's it's not lawful for the Jews to crucify on the Passover could you please give me the body of Jesus the Bible said he begged the body of Jesus and he took him down from the cross and they covered him with frankincense and myrrh and spices and wrapped his body and putting that gun over his face and they laid him in somebody else's grave was it even is and for three days heaven and earth was silent jesus never moved they thought maybe it was over maybe he was a faith maybe he didn't mean everything maybe we were just connived and brainwashed but on the third day before daybreak home Mary Magdalene come down to the tomb sobbing she was going to anoint the body of Jesus and the stone was rolled away and she thought the keeper was standing there and she said where had they taken my lord and finally she turned around and looked and said my Lord and my god and she reached out to touch him and Jesus said you saw me in a crib you saw me in the crowd you saw me on the cross now you go tell the world you saw me in the cemetery I am he that was alive and was dead and behold I am Alive for evermore and I've got the keys to death in hell I'm on a Sunday morning we're not serving a dead God we're not serving a dead God I say he's alive he's alive he's our glory in their flesh they saw him in a cemetery was the last time they saw him forty days later just suspended between heaven and earth again he looked at a handful of disciples and five hundred believers and go left them and ascended back to heaven he's been gone for two thousand years so you may come to me today and say alright this Jesus you've told us about how am I gonna see Jesus I said this last week and it feels so good I gotta say it again I Got News for this God cussing reprobate perverted hell-bent world you've not seen the last of Jesus you have not seen the last of Jesus we saw him in our flesh now I want you to know point two we will see him in the future there are two more times we are going to behold him number one the next time we see Jesus he will not be in a manger in a stable nor will he be a bloody sacrifice hanging on a cross suspended between heaven and hell but the next time you see Jesus in the future the first time he's coming in the clouds the Bible said whoa what a day what a day the Bible said nobody knows the day or the hour but the father what are these days the father's gonna look at the Sun and say they're yours go get him and Jesus is gonna set down on a taxi made out of a cloud and he's coming down out of the eastern sky he's coming down through the atmosphere the third head in the second heaven into the boundaries of the first heaven and the Bible said he's gonna say to his children come up hither and all of us that have been washed in the blood of Jesus without even saying goodbye without even saying goodbye in the moment in the twinkling of an eye we shall be changed in less than one twentieth of a second we shall transform from here to there and Jesus said I'm gonna tell you I'm not only coming for those that are looking for me shall I appear the second time but those that are dead in Christ those that died in faith those that were washed in the blood I want you to know I've not forgot about your day in that Old Country Cemetery I have not forgot about your grandma bear it up on the side of that hill I have not forgot your little boy that died as an infant I've not forgot your daughter that died in a car wreck and I want you to know when I blow the trumpet of God the daddy cries are gonna get up in a glorified body fashioned like unto the Son of God then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up in the air to meet the Lord in the cloud and so low shall ever be with the Lord we shall see him in the clouds Wow but it gets even better when it comes in the cloud he comes in the atmosphere there'll be a seven year period tribulation the time of Jacob's trouble you'll find it from Revelation chapter number four through Revelation chapter 19 seven years of all hell is broken out upon the face of this earth water has been turned to blood the son has refused to sign the Moon has been turning the blood one third of the stars have fallen from heaven plagues pestilence and diseases will fill the land you'll have to take a mark of the beast in your forehead or palm of your hand or you won't even be able to buy drinking water people will know Bible said in Revelation 9 people will seek death and death will flee from them you'll walk through seven years of literal what we would call hell on earth Jesus said there's never been days like it before and neither shall there be days like it Hereafter at the end of the Tribulation Period the Antichrist a false prophet will gather all the armies of the world in the valley of Megiddo just outside of Jerusalem it's a long wide valley separated by two mountains and all the armies of the world will meet down in that valley and they got one thing in mind they're going to exterminate that Jew and they're gonna push them off into the Mediterranean Sea and exterminate God's people there's been a lot of reprobates that's try to do away with the Jew all of them are inhale and as you is still in the Israel and that's where they're gonna stay because they're God's chosen earthly people now watch this all the armies of the world are going to come together China is going to be involved Russia is going to be involved Korea is going to be involved all the surrounding Muslim nations will be involved are you aware the fact that Israel is completely surrounded by Muslim countries completely surrounded by Muslim countries and they do not understand why all of them together cannot destroy those handful of people in a city called Jerusalem I'll tell you why God said they're the apple so all the armies of the world are gathered together and when you look through the valley the Battle of Armageddon down through the valley of Megiddo it is literally an ocean of billions and billions of people Israel is confined within the small walled city of Jerusalem they know they don't stand a chance they don't have enough air power the biggest Calvary the world has ever known will be located there mili and millions and millions of professional killers will be mounted on horses they're getting ready to rare back and all the Antichrist has to do is drop his hand and they're coming into Israel and they're doing away with that Jew and they're doing away with that Jews God and about the time the Antichrist raises his hand something unexpectedly happens the Bible said the eastern sky is going to roll back like two Scrolls and when it rolls back they see something they never seen before here comes a white horse descending from the glory world it's not only a white horse but there's somebody sitting on that horse and his vesture is wide and pure and honest Wester it's embroidered the king of kings and the Lord of lords and the Word of God had witty descends from heaven on that white horse the Bible said and he has many crowns upon his head we're not only going to see him in the clouds but we're gonna see him with the Crown's brother that white horse will descend down to the end of that valley the Bible said Jesus will dismount that horse he'll speak the word and the word will be a sword and a pursued out of his mouth he'll walk through that valley which means the winepress of Almighty God the wrath of the winepress of God Jesus will stomp the guts out of billions of people that hated him hated the Bible and hated God he will stomp that crowd till the blood is like a river brother the blood will be as deep as a horse's bridle for sixteen thousand furlongs john said when he gets back up on the horse his Wester looks like it's been dipped in blood he sets on that white stallion and all of a sudden here comes an army of people from heaven and they're all on white horses too and John said who is that he said that's the redeemed of the Lamb that's the born-again children of God I was preaching this on radio years ago in Georgia I was taking phone calls and a man called in said that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life us coming back from heaven on white horses he said my grandmother was 89 years old and eat up with arthritis when she died she was all humped over double over her hands and fingers disjointed I can't imagine my old 89 year old grandmama having a straddle a horse to come back with Jesus I said sir what you forget is when grandma gets out of that grave she know looking when she gets out like she did when you put her in she's gonna have a body sassy like under Jesus and when she gets that glorified body bless God she could ride that horse sitting between its ears if she wants to and the armies of God will descend with him and Jesus will pull up to the beautiful gate and they'll swing open wide and he'll ride into Jerusalem he'll sit on the throne of David the scales will fall from the eyes of the Jew they'll look upon the king who made pears and the world will fill with the praises and the glory of God and Jesus will sit on the throne of King David and rule and reign for a thousand years and during that time brother college here's what he said and he bound the devil and the false prophet and cast them into hell oh happy day happy day wait God but the damsel in [Applause] [Music] Wow and the curse will be lifted in the line Oh lay down with the lamb and the children will play with adders and not be bit and children will live to be a thousand years old and the curse will be lifted could you imagine brother Chris how glorious this creation is going to be without the curse I believe grapes will be the size of bowling balls I believe watermelons are will be the size of Volkswagens you can cut it in half with a chainsaw I just jump in it and you won't be a diabetic so you don't have to worry about the sugar content I told the Lord when I was praying the first hundred years of a millennial reign though it's a thousand I want a Ricci cup I want a Ricci Club swimming pool in my backyard and I want to dive in board only heads and I want to jump in my Ricci cup and stay there for about five years and my sugar will still be ninety when I bring my hand up above the chocolate I say to you child of god lift up your head the best days are for those of us that know God best days are yet ahead for us sir we would see Jesus you can see him in your flesh you can see him in the future this is what I want to give you in closing you can see him by faith you know the Bible said Jesus said search the Scriptures for they are written of me inside the pages of the book sitting in your lap that inexhaustable inspired God breathed in Fallot Word of God that's sitting in your lap by faith you can find out about Jesus it not only takes the scriptures the truth of the word but it takes the spirit you remember when Peter said thou art the Christ the Son of the Living God Jesus said flesh and blood has not shown that under you but my father which is in heaven you see it takes more than just truth to get you into the family of God it takes more than just here in the scripture it takes the Spirit of God to open our blinded eyes and show us that Jesus is more than a historical factor but that he's the only begotten Son of God that died on the cross for your sins as an individual you cannot only seen through the scriptures and the Spirit of God dealing with you but you can see Jesus right now in this building through the salvation of others you remember when Moses came across the Red Sea here's what he said to two and a half million Jews stand still and see the salvation of the Lord you could see it watch the deliverance of God you so watch I don't know if God's real or not well look at me I'm a three-time loser dope addict streetwalker drunk neglected rejected spit stabbed shot look down upon men Awards gave up dry out clinics gave up my family was ashamed of me and now for 42 years I've been standing in a pulpit doing every day of my life what I'm doing right now you haven't seen the salvation of the Lord brother McCarty what to take your boy and get him off a liquor bottle and put the pills down and now made him part of our security team and and he's closer to me as far as taking care of me he's the closest man in this church knows more about me than anybody else who could have dried your son out miss McCarty and turned his life around we baptized him him and his wife here he is setting in charge of our security now you tell me what can take a Cory McCartney and turn you tell me you tell me how do you take a Greg and Lea Geils that drive 45 minutes to come to this church and they came in here shipwreck and broken their lives and a mess got born again baptized damn now they're driving a van we're out picking up teenage kids you tell me if you know Jesus you tell me who turns their life around and I can go through this whole auditorium brother then who could have took your broken life and bring you in a church when you is all screwed up messed up you and Elizabeth both of your lives down to nothing you staggered in his church had nothing and nobody headed nowhere got born again now he drives our cab service taking people to the car and sits on the front row of our church now you tell me if that's not salvation in Jesus did somebody tell me what you tell me what it is then and I could go through this whole building what would take a little dirty face hippie boy out in Arizona with his wife watch me on YouTube get born again you and move all the way to Kingsport Tennessee sings in our band cleans our church God's got his hand on this young family you tell me who could save a Tyler and a Gabby and put their marriage together and let them I say to you don't tell me bye Scott Almighty there's no such thing as the Lord sure I show you Jesus [Applause] bless His Holy Name so I'm sure today is skeptical leave inside this can't swallow all of that let me close with this little kid was flying a kite one day and the wind was blowing dark clouds started coming in little feller just kept feeding it stirring and it went higher and it had ever been finally he's so much amazed he just let the role of it go and threw it on the ground the string took off her kite went plumb up above the cloud he didn't know which way it was going couldn't see it when he picked the string up and he's just standing there holding a stirring no fella come up said hey what are you doing he said I'm flying a kite the old man looked up and said he ain't flying ok I don't see no kite he said oh yeah I'm flying a kite he said no you're not because if you is flying the kite I could see the kite now you can say you're flying the kite but I can't see it so I don't believe it well I don't care once believe I'm flying a kite God said prove to me you've got a kite he said well I know I can't see it but I just stand here never once in a while I feel a tug and every time I feel that tug I'm reminded it's unfair you know why I come to church on Sunday every Sunday because sometimes here in the service and maybe here in a song it may be here in a prayer it may be there in the priests and it may be here in the invitation and I know you say well you can't see God but I tell you one thing every once in a while I feel a touch from another world and it reminds me there is a God let's give the Lord a head drop a prize [Applause] [Music]
Channel: drphilkidd
Views: 5,371
Rating: 4.8387098 out of 5
Keywords: Rec.2-03--19
Id: Rz1E2YgzCGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 5sec (1865 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 23 2019
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