Vaccine APARTHEID: Don Lemonโ€™s Covid BOMBSHELL

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The man is well spoken on the subject.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 10 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/hornycombatmedic ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 22 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Good response! Glad to see this!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/eskiedog ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 23 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Russell might be a socialist but he is consistent

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 9 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/SensitiveBlueberry50 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 22 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Went to see him give a community talk in a tent in a field near London a couple weeks back. Group meditation and everything. This dude is on the right side of history, it's easy to label him as 'socialist' or whatever, these are easy pigeonholes and I've heard him say he doesn't buy into any prescribed 'system'

Nonetheless I don't think you can really pin him down like this anyway;
he's open-minded, he's curious about alternative ways of living together, he's honest and articulate.
I really respect the man's efforts in bringing awareness to perspectives that are typically shunned by the mainstream. He was inside that system for quite a while. He could have taken the easy route and kept his mouth shut, personally I think it takes balls to speak freely in the way he does.

Regardless of whether I see eye-to-eye with him on every opinion, I'm glad there's people like Russell Brand out there.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/lupeinda ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 23 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
cnn's don lemon has called for a kind of vaccine apartheid saying people that ain't had vaccines yet they should be left behind they're clattering up hospital beds those hospital beds are for people who've already had vaccines but who is it really that haven't had vaccines and what are their reasons is this as simple as don lemon seems to think it is and so i think we have to stop coddling people when it comes to this and the vaccine saying oh you can't shame them you can't call them stupid you can't call them silicon yes they are shaming is always a good technique to get people to do things if we've learned one thing from the protests and demonstrations of the last few years it's the power of shame to get people to do what you want earlier this month lemon called out and vaccinate people for taking up the space in hospitals from vaccinated people who are playing by the rules that's an interesting bit of authoritarianism if you ask me it's kind of devoid of compassion and is a very reductive type of argument because we haven't yet looked at what kind of people are not vaccinated and what the reasons might be for not being vaccinated it doesn't seem to me that it's something that should be simplistically assessed in that manner that's why when i'm always talking about it i'm always keen to point out that i myself don't have a strong opinion on what your personal private medical procedures and solutions or b i'm interested in a global perspective on a significant issue and how government big business big pharma media all interact to create stories that then become truths and lead to edict such as this where public figures like don lemon sort of fist on table leave them behind shut them vaccine apart that kind of language has its own kind of quality and it should never be applied in any issue you should never say this group of people about yeah but it's a choice it's a choice well let me tell you there's other issues around choice that people like that used to in a sense play out in different spheres of the political space you know like bodily autonomy and choice and segregation and inequality it's very peculiar the way that certain rules are being discarded in order to facilitate the advancement of this narrative let's look a little more deeply into who is getting vaccine shots and who isn't from the new york times people who are eligible for shots but have chosen not to get them is not a single set of americans but in many ways too in one group of those who say they are adamant in their refusal of the coronavirus vaccines they include a mix of people but tend to be disproportionately white rural christian and politically conservative i suppose that comes from the perspective of personal liberty and libertarianism and i suppose if you're saying christian and rural they're not not metropolitan and if they are defining themselves as christian their primary authority is a religious rather than government authority that they take their moral and ethical guidance from a spiritual or at least dogmatic depending on your view christianity uh perspective rather than from oh we're down with what the government wants in the other group are those who say they're open to getting a shot but i've put it off or want to wait to see before making a decision they're a broad range of people but tend to be a more diverse and urban group including many younger people black and latino americans and democrats this poll from the kaiser family foundation says unvaccinated adults cite a variety of reasons why they have not gotten a covid19 vaccine with half citing worries about side effects and the newness of the vaccine as a major reason other major reasons include just not trusting the government who trust the government who trusts the government who some people just think they don't need the vaccine that's 38 not believing the covid 19 vaccines are safe that's 37 and not trusting vaccines in general that's 26 so that in a sense is a broad range of wherever you stand i would say they're not ridiculous reasons that's not like there's not a percentage of people that are like they're gonna put a robot in your blood you know it's not that is it it's all sort of like reasonable questions and inquiries particularly in the climate and context that we're currently in with most of us feeling some degree of mistrust towards the institutions that are primarily behind the vaccines whether or not you believe they're safe and whether or not they are safe many concerns about coping 19 vaccination are expressed at higher rates by people of color compared to why adults more than half 55 percent of unvaccinated black adults and almost three quarters 64 of hispanic adults are concerned about having to miss work due to vaccine side effects compared to 4 in 10 white adults larger shares of black and hispanic adults compared to white adults also expressed concern about not being able to get the vaccine from a place they trust having to pay an out of pocket costs to get vaccinated and having difficulty traveling to a vaccination site another one very practical this is what you know when it's like an issue like climate change and like protest around climate change tends to be sort of direct action which is sort of like you know something i'd be totally down with but there's a disjunct between people talking about climate change and being able to impact ordinary working people because ordinary working people are concerned with dealing with their actual life and i think that's no coincidence if your life is about survival economic survival putting off penury coping with the challenges of life a situation that i lived in for a while and it seems like a long while ago now then you're not thinking as much about oh no climate change you're on climate change i'm starving it doesn't seem so relevant many hispanic adults report being asked for certain types of information or documentation when they signed up for or received vaccine that may pose barriers to getting the vaccine for some among all hispanic adults who made or attempted to make an appointment to receive a vaccine about a third 32 percent report being asked to provide health insurance information when making an appointment so there's another strong social and economic reason and obviously that is connected to micro to migration issues as well particularly i suppose in america four in 10 42 say they were asked to provide a government issued id and 40 say they were asked to provide a social security number so i guess it's a layered and complex issue so returning to don lemon's comments when you say bannon from beds you're talking about poor people you're talking about people that are dealing with economic realities that someone in my position and i would imagine don lemon's position don't have to concern themselves with and under no other auspices would you consider particularly being on the sort of what calls itself the center left would you be so disregarding or dismissive of that category of people but in this context suddenly it becomes permissible it's surprising and it makes me question the true values of people in that political class if they can be so dismissive of people and groups that elsewhere they claim to be supportive of because when you put it into those terms you could say that don lemon is saying it's time to shun black hispanic poor young people now you would never say that but you are saying that that is what's being said that's the danger of reductive simplistic propaganda-driven news reporting continuing with the statistics about half of those are in the wait and see group ah we're the old wait and see gang they say they'd be more likely to get vaccinated if one of the vaccines currently authorized for emergency use were to receive full approval from the fda we'll point you towards a video about the fda and how transphobia those guys are at the end of this one 21 of people say they'd get it if their employer gave them paid time off to get vaccinated and recover from any side effects phobes had said if they were provided with free child care while they go to get vaccinated and recover from any side effects what it points to is a series of vectors of economic and social factors that are not being considered and ought to be dismissed the reductiveness of don lemon's argument and other people advancing sort of apartheid type rhetoric around the vaccine is not including the complexity of the issue this shows you that there is no room for bombast in this argument there's no room for hyperbole condemnation those idiots we should leave them behind i'm not doing this you know like wherever you stand on the vaccine issue you're a human being like me one day you're going to die i'm going to die we're all going to die let's be kind to one another and rational and understanding because otherwise what you're doing is you're venting anger from elsewhere in your character it's just like i don't like life i don't like people being able to do that like become aware of that otherwise the vaccine issue will be resolved either a vaccine will come around that people feel really really confident in a government will come around that people really really trust and that stuff won't go because it's not resolved it's unresolved anger unresolved hysteria for me these statistics make plain that it is impossible to make don lemon style condemnations of people because imagine if you had child care considerations health concerns were worried about the impact of a vaccine and your inability to deal with the side effects and cope with children how can you be dismissive and so lacking in compassion when there is such evident complexity around many people's lives when it comes to an issue as significant as this one you can't afford to just wipe people away and shun people when you don't understand the circumstances of their lives this shows me the futility of bipolar competitive social discourse instead we should be inclusive compassionate considerate which political party claims to be representative of those values again oh you can't shame them you can't call them stupid you can't call themselves yes they are yep there are those single moms that can't get child care that are concerned about the side effects give them a good shaming the people who ate and embedded trump are stupid because they believed his big lie the people who are not getting vaccines who are believing the lies on the internet instead of science it's time to start shaming them what else or leave them behind shame and leave them behind those are the solutions i would say there's a certain line that you can't cross particularly if your whole political party is resourced by sort of inclusivity diversity uh compassion you can't say well with this issue this is the one issue you know but and may i say that if you look at the science it seems that there is room for conversation in many of the areas that these statistics suggest are cause for concern it's like you know do you trust your government do you have concerns about side effects these are not things that you can just go no like with the with a swipe of a broad sword across a population of people that includes it seems a great many vulnerable people people have been disadvantaged elsewhere that are worthy of compassion and certainly worthy of being heard because they are keeping the majority of americans behind you didn't feel that way about the polio vaccine you don't feel that way about measles mumps rubella when it comes to your children all of a sudden this vaccine is different what's different about it the only different thing about it is because of your politics today i think you could level the same argument in the other direction what is difficult about it like why would you mobilize politically around this subject if i'm appealing to anything in you if there is an area where i'm happy to express directly what i mean it's do not be so quick to condemn other people when you don't understand what their position is that's like a basic spiritual and christian value be open to other people's perspective don't assume that you know exactly what it's like to be them and approach people with an open heart and recognize that you know like you can't with a value such as compassion kindness you can't pick and choose where it's applied you have to apply it everywhere all of the good books suggest that that is the approach and the more something irks angers irritates you the more you have to look in your side yourself i believe that our values should be about how we conduct ourselves not what we tell others to do what is don lemon doing there is he saying well i'm going to be doing this i'm going to be doing that this is what i believe or is he saying they they they the more you have they on your lips the closer you are to creating serious problems people talk about well i don't know what's in the shot chris i don't know what's in that shot i'll tell you what's not in it hold on a tracking device yeah yeah let me let me let me finish this you know what's that you know what they they get shots in nowadays and their rear ends they're getting shots to make it bigger they're getting shots in their face they don't know what's in botox certainly there are some hypocrisies people are willing to embrace some uh treatment eat certain types of food like we do go through life blindly consuming products but you can't say that there isn't good reason for suspicion while being on cnn one of the dominant broadcasters that creates all of this antipathy division contradiction deception conflagration all these things are all about because of like mad stuff that comes out the media stuff you know we've got other videos that point out direct lies that these these broadcasters tell people continually how can you expect their trust when you haven't earned it nothing wrong with botox people don't know what they eat look at once my eyebrow went up i don't have it now as you can see i got all these wrinkles everybody asked me when i'm going to get you getting botox but listen nothing wrong with botox is there anything wrong with both am i supposed to have botox am i not what what is this about now but i'm saying do people really know what's in stuff that they inject in their bodies all the time and they're like they eat if they drink eat what they drink all the stop it so don lemon also suggesting that obese people should be shunned it's their choice to eat these food and people taking beauty treatments yeah i wonder if there's any propagandist machine telling you should look a certain way and you're not good enough if you don't look a certain way i wonder if there's a propagandist machine selling certain types of food that aren't good for you pushing those certain types of food i wonder if they're advertising on the very channel that don lemon's speaking on in that moment people aren't just inventing the idea of botox and bad food is supporting an entire system and we have to stop saying oh well you know you have to listen to people and no you don't what we'll say is don lemon's got a nice face and he seems like he maybe he's a beautiful person i guess i don't know but i don't agree with what he's saying pretty strongly when it comes to shaming leaving behind not considering complex arguments being dismissive not acknowledging the role of media and creating the current suspicion and heightened awareness and doubt that exists around this issue and i don't mean like right-wing or left-wing media i mean the entire integration between government big business and big pharma how could that not generate mistrust when you see people in the revolving doors oh now they work there all this legislation has been passed all the fda is funded by the very things that are supposed to be that it's supposed to be regulated how are you men of trust i had an issue i told you chris when my family was here and they were saying well i don't know i just i said you know how you got here to visit me in new york you took an airplane what is that science see that that science science is everything that's so mental that's so mental of course it is of course science has good and bad outcomes but science is a subset of capitalism if people would make money from those aeroplanes they wouldn't be flying and when i say capitalism what i mean by that is the current system of exploitation propped up crony capitalism case you're concerned let me know in the comments below if you want me to learn a new lexicon you can't just say science only brings about good things like it's a lovely friendly old lovely old grandad silence issue and stuff there's been all sorts of complications at the opioid crisis do you know what that was science but you that's again that's too dismissive and simplistic science underwritten by profit motives you know why people live to be older than 40 50 60 years old these days that's science as a religion science is just a bunch of research and investigation that can have amazing outcomes one of the many areas of human endeavor that is beautiful and brilliant but if you corral it beneath a corrupted system then the outcomes will necessarily be corrupted you can't use such reductive simplistic arguments particularly not when doing something as important as dismissing a whole class of people a significant number of people and saying that those people are unworthy of compassion once contempt enters into an argument incredible things become possible elsewhere on the internet you'll find people saying we're on the brink of civil war or that like there could be new sort of forms of fascism on the rise well they may not come from where you think they're going to come from particularly not when you hear discourse of this kind under the guise of liberalism you know what what is so contradictory about it when people get sick they go into the hospital and they say throw it all give it to me inject it put it in me and you're gonna pay a whole lot of money and you're gonna tax the medical system when you could have gotten it for free and you wouldn't be in that position in the first you're going to question the vaccine but you want to take a horse dewarmer making the choice to call either mech in a horse dewormer is a propagandist choice that's a linguistic choice i've got an opinion on what you should do with your health but that's an interesting choice and a further decision that makes you believe perhaps they have an agenda that they're pushing an agenda that they're not objectively conveying news mainstream media is in serious trouble because it's become entertainment and it's become propaganda this is obviously bigger than don lemon who i'm sure as a human being is a lovely guy but with regard to this particular issue he's advancing arguments that lead to division that are reductive that are condemning people that if you had to look in their eyes you wouldn't be as comfortable condemning if you had to experience the challenges they're facing with child care if you had to go through the reasons they might be doubtful about the government i don't think it would be so easy to condemn them this is a call for compassion open-mindedness and understanding of nuance and not to be reductive around such complex issues but the mainstream media has to do that thankfully we don't have to do that we can be open-minded we can look at as many sides as possible and we'll still make mistakes but we'll make mistakes without any obvious intention or agenda because there isn't an agenda or an intention other than to try to understand the complexity of our world and the various competing stories that are vying for control of your consciousness and if you want to be involved in that conscious conversation hit me up in the comments below what do you think where do you think i could have conveyed this argument about what do you agree with what do you disagree with we want to hear your voice you're the people that matter give it a like give it a thumbs up give us a little subscribe share it around amongst your friends vaccinated unvaccinated come one come on you're all welcome here sign up to my mailing list at watch this about the fda and sort of see how them dudes carry on have a look at this video if you want to do some meditation have a listen to my podcast under the skin you can subscribe to anywhere in the world particularly if you've got apple thanks very much for watching this let's try and stay free don't go crazy
Channel: Russell Brand
Views: 439,172
Rating: 4.9610815 out of 5
Keywords: Russell Brand, Brand Russell, BrandThe, Russell Brand video, Russell Brand news, Russell Brand politics, News, Brand, politics, Russell, USA, UK, Russel, Russel Brand, covid, Vaccine, Covid, Don Lemon, unvaccinated, Don, Lemon, coronavirus, government, COVID-19, bombshell, america, CNN
Id: YfxnKgCN3OY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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