MR. TICKLES WANTS TO PLAY | Little Nightmares - Part 1

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*High-five sound effect* TOP OF THE MORNING TO YOU LADDIES, MY NAME IS JACKSEPTICEYE, and welcome to, "Little-teeny-tiny-little-small nightmares". This is a game that I've had- or I've heard a lot about, and a lot, a lot, a lot, of people were asking me to play it. Mainly because, I played something like Inside, and Limbo, and I got super into Inside, and people were all telling me that I should play this one, because it reminds them of that, and.. but I've been looking forward to this game personally myself for a very long time. It's been uh, it's been high on my radar, and then it came out, and there was a lot of other games that came out at the same time, so I'm little late getting to it. A little late, for a little nightmare - just the smallest of nightmares, though, not a big one. Um, so I'm excited about it. I don't really know, a whole lot about the game, kinda- I've seen some screenshots, and some trailers, and stuff like that, but story-wise I- I don't know, there's a-, if there is a big story going on I'm still in the dark which makes me very happy that it hasn't been spoiled for me yet so... New game! I will choose an empty slot please, not one of those full ones. Pff, fucking hate those FULL SLOTS, they're the worst ones! What is that? Hello? Are you a person? Is that Kubo's mom? *Eerie music build-up* *Six Gasps* Oooohkaay- he! That was a nice dream... So... The first thing that catches your eye, off the bat, with this game, is that you're teeny-tiny, maybe that's why it's called "little nightmares", maybe because the nightmares aren't little, they're actually HUGE, but I'm very little in perspective ways, so.... it's really cool because there's like, giants in the game then, compared to you, and I think I play as a character called Six. Oh, I have a little lighter! Kick, kick-kick, kick the can. No, we won't kick the can just yet, I- I intend on living for quite a bit longer. Okay I like your eerie little atmosphere- oh that's nice, *inhales* ooooooh them shadows, man! Right away we're off with the immersive, spooky little atmosphere. That's freaking cool. And I can light that, best game.. best game. *Door creaks* Okay... Haha, sounded like, it was just like, *horrible screeching noises*. Maybe someone broke up with this little thing. Wait how do I- I didn't- I didn't I didn't get buttons. How do we go through? Uh... crouch maybe- Ahh, left trigger, of course. Okay, careful- don't set your jacket on fire, it's very nice. Looks like it came from JCpenney. I like this! I like that there's no explanation for anything. you're just dropped in a pond and then it's like, "hey, you swim your way out of it." Hellooo? It's me, Six. Ah, see that kind of shit is awesome! The kind of forced perspective where it's like, "Oh, we're just going through a normal place", and then you realize the door I was going through, was actually just a teeny, tiny, little thing, and this is the actual scale of everything here. Like, look at the size of this door. That's way too big for me! Can I not do anything with this? Okay. Hello? Why am I carrying you?! Who- What? Okay, in we go. That's fine, I'll just put you to sleep. Come on little doll! We're gonna... We're gonna wash off first. Oh, I like that- the little pitter-patter of the drops on my rain jacket. Oh God! Ohh I broke it! I'm just going to assume that that was a thing that had to happen, and that I'm a genius, and "accidentally'"... broke things. Psh, actually I did accidentally break something, why am I even questioning that? *Chuckle* Ahh... Mom said don't jump on the bed, but that was about my bed, she didn't say anything about the giants bed- Why am I vibrating? Oh, my god... What the fuuuuuuuck? Oh, Jesus. Okay... This took a VERY dark turn... *Distant scream* Oooooh, I'm creeped out now! What the fuck is going on? Oh, I have to use the chair... sorry Wait- Everything looks like it's distorted. Okay, Game, I'm into you. I see what you're getting up ta! That's fuckin awesome! Kind of reminds me of the movie Nine, and I'm called Six... At least think so. Can we push? What's in the fridge? What was that thing!?! Something just ran away! Boots! Wait- no- I wanna see what the frick was over here... Hello? Little friend? Ooh, secrets! *Sing-song* I've got secrets, yes I do, I've got secrets, *whisper* how bout you?- This thing! Hi! I can help! look! Aw, he's adorable! It's teeny, tiny, little pyramid head! Whu- hu- hu- at? Oh God, sorry! Aw! Are you gonna follow me?- Oh, he's adorable! He's got a little shimmy-sham going on- He's got a little swagger... Okay. You can stay by the fire if you want. Or do I need you? Okay, see you later, new best friend! That's my new best friend right there. He was cute. I want to keep him forever. Mom, can we keep him?- Too bad, I've already made up my mind. Yeah, I'm- I'm a huge fan of these types of games, that just kinda throw you in, and then there's no dialogue, there's no anything like that. It's just you make- your brain builds, as you're playing the game. It's fascinating. It's really cool. *Noise that sounds like "Umner"* What is that!?! Wha- what are you!?! Whoa, it's like a leech... I don't know what you are, But... My brain would tell me to stay, the F away! Oh, don't come near me, ya leech! Sounded like I was calling him a bad name, but it's literally just like, don't come here, near me you... HUMAN! *Fneh* Got em'... N- ay- God, it's so creepy! I-iii don't like it, i don't like it, I don't like it! Ehhh... Gross. Groosse! You're almost same size as me as well, so... I mean... That's a lot of blood that you can suck outta me. Here we go... Light the little lantern. Oh, it is a lot like Inside isn't it? And Limbo, with the stuff hanging from the ceiling. *Hup!* Go, go, go. Go, go, go, good. *Door closes* Oh, shit! That's a good thing right? *Groans all manly like* God, I'm so strong! I don't know if I can read things- Oh, hey! Aw, you don't need to skitter-skater away! I'm a friend! D'oh, Jesus! Okay, okay. Instant dislike! Dislike, un-sub. Oh, no! Ew, ew! They're everywhere! Ewww! Ooo, the black goo! Jesus! Go, go, go- go, go, go- go, go, go! Oh, I hate it! Is this a thing I can do anything with? Oh, yes! *Whines* *Ekch* Gross. (In this section, the wind blows occasionaly, making a very creepy noise.) Okay, why am I tiny? Like, where am I? I should note, immediately, sound design is awesome. I've talked about that kind of stuff before, and how I love it *Neh!* in video games- Jesus Christ dude, don't scare me like that, I'm a friend. Okay, easy does it, because I can actually fall off this... Um... But yeah, I'm a huge fan of the sound design already. Okay, little pitter-patter going on, that's cute. I'm so small, so I'm terrified of everything. Oh, it's very dark up here... *Wind or something howls* What's that sound? Well, I know it's the wind but what's that like *Mocks the grumbling sound* Ahh... Let there be light! Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh- hup! Haha! Haha! No, no! Do I have a way of like, sprinting? Hmm... Okay, how do we do you? Huh... GoGoGoGoGo! Go Go Go Go Go! GoGoGoGoGo! HUP! I can't make it! :( I got it, I actually can run faster if I hold ah- a different button... There we go, yeah thanks for telling me NOW. Go Go Go Go! Go Go Go Go! Indiana Jones that shit! Yes! good jorb ( job ). Eh! Hi! Ughh... *Laughs* They're cute but they freak me out! And they're just *mocks jittery walking sound* And sprinting away from me, you lil freaks. I didn't mean that- That was mean, sorry. I feel like, we're kind of in like a submarine, or a ship. Is that safe to say? 'cause the whole place feels like it's moving... And I also have like, ship type doors. Ohhhhh, that's cool! What the FUCK? It was like a giant arm pulling along, like a little cage. Somebody tried ta... climb out through here. Ooh, I'm invested, I'm a ve- Okay SOLD! Bring me up a copy of little nightmares, because I'm sold! Aw, I didn't get to see more though... I didn't get to see more butts. ...Fuck... Fire? Fire crackle? Oh it's a little rat- Oh it's scary when the rats are like, the size of you. imagine just finding a giant rat in real life, it's walking down the streets, New York subway, it's just a fucking rat the size of a train car. Well that's a bit of an exaggeration but.. that's a lot of toilet paper. Oh wait, this is the bathroom *Cringe sound* *Cringe sound intensifies* Aww, I can't TP the place? That would've been fun... Hehe! Ah, I can look around. There's newspaper clippings everywhere- and there's an eyeball symbol everywhere! How appropriate, that the septiceye man, would play a game with eyes everywhere. Close this door, I don't want anyone to see me poo. See, there was a secret. I closed the door. *grunting* So fuckin strong! Can I reach that with this? HUP! Yesss! Oh ,OH, that was something I was supposed to do, Okay, okay, fit through, fit through! Do not get electrocuted, you're way too cute for that! Okay, this is... This is freakier than I thought it would be. Do I have to puzzle this? Okay, there we go. This is what I was waiting fer. You guys got swings in your bedroom!? Swings AND cigarettes? Maaan, tsk, you guys is lucky. Fuck the train- Oh no! I didn't want to like, wreck it. *Groan* Aw, I want to twist it faster. Okay, let's see if there's anything we can actually, mess around with in here. Yeah! Swing around man. Have fun. I dunno if there's anything up here. Oh, I DON'T need to seesaw my way up. Ahhh, I get it. HA! Whoop! Do this again. Go, go, go. Go, go, go. Oh shit, can I not climb this? Aw, crap! Crap, I lost time. Shit, shit, shit, shit. Sprint. SPRINT! I'm not gonna make it, I'm not gonna make it, I'm not gonna make it! Damn it! right okay I don't know if I actually have to - oh now you're exhausted okay just relax ah *panting* its hard work Ooh a ball :0 hupf! fun >:D Hey it actually did it okay screw everything screw everything and make a beeline for it I should be able to make it fuck, not if I keep running into blocks like a doof go go go go go go uh uh ah ah ooh very very closeness *sighs* wipe the sweat off that brow that chapter of your life is done please don't let anything come out of these okay we made it we conquered that room that room is our bitch oooh.. oOOHU ooh I don't like that what the fuck yee gOGOGOGOGOGO oh that's creepy does it petrify the kids? Oh No ohhh what the fuck is going on in little nightmares' boat town oh shit do I need something to climb up? oh wait I think me has idea yes me do what the hell is this place?! I mean apart from living dread and nightmare but the hell is going on? there's little tiny handprints everywhere oh hello Hupf! I don't know what they are but I like doing that, it's fun see like there's little hands on this is that signifying something? there's an eyeball *as Roz from Monsters Inc* "always watching" I don't know Maybe somebody who came before me- ahh! There's a picture of me on the ground! that little picture, right in front of me, has a little yellow jacket person on it okay I don't know if I'm missing stuff either it feels like I could be it definitely feels like I'm missing shit like there's a little dude down there that I could have helped maybe- oh god oh god oh god oh I'm not dead I'm actually alive haha hello little friend! are you the one drawing stuff? aww he's adorable he's got a tiny little butt, look at his little butt! hello imma pick you up Am i hugging them? Just go up and like sneak attack hug I dunno ok I think I just have to go up again, Hupf! big swing big swing big jump ankles of titanium interesting though oh shit no that's not what I want in my life right now if I need that in my life though I'll give you a call (the whole like jumping backwards thing) for now I think I'm okay on it oh Jesus Christ what the fuck is that!? ohh, oh hes got the long arms oh tho-those are what we call feelers those are what we call the grabbers oh there's people on the beds Oh Oh Oh Oh, dislike Oh huge dislike they look like kids but they look like- they look like they're way bigger than me like it's not like I'm a kid in this world it's like I'm a different creature altogether or maybe that was just the perspective playing tricks on me it looked like there was kids in bed and that was like the watcher What the fuck?! it was weird don't break yeah thanks heh don't break, great ... 'cause it was a grate... man not appreciated in my time with my humor yes scurry along you rat bastard ok seems like there's hidden stuff Oh No you've the squirts don't you oh we're gonna have to get you to a toilet fast I know how that feels I know that what those squirts are like that's gonna come out of you like like the River Nile *cringing at bowel sounds* see you shouldn't be eating the spicy Mexican food if you can't handle it you've got a tiny little stomach hello oh yeah what you're eating right now, in there yeah don-don't eat that yeah I have first-hand experience what that's like oh I'm actually just hungry oh thank you so they're way taller than I am Ah, satiated for another day thank you weary traveler I will go about my mission now... of something, here shiny light see hi thank you that meant a lot oh they look like they're suffering too ow oh god there's a noose there I should've gone back to see if I could pick up those panels damn it probably missing like everything that's a weird sound that's not the sound you want to hear on a Monday morning oh geez I can drag you but to where? come on little box you're my box now you're going to come live with me and we're going to have adventures okay I actually don't know why I would need that Hupf! oh shit oh don't you dare Nathan Drake on me another little lampy lamp I think these are just my save points light it duuude this lamp is lit hupf! okay that was great I like what you did but I don't know why you did it oh Christ ah god that's not what you want to see can I push you off? I don't know like I don't know where- what my objective is well- turn off the electricity here but I don't know how what I was doing was helping that Oh climb the chain oh that makes way more sense this is cool hupf! yeah, don't let anyone ever mess with bad ass McYellowJacket oh shit Ohhohoh right as I said it, I keep forgetting you can't jump up oh that was scary ok do that and you're gonna go back down right? oh oh oh no no no back this way please ok ok ok ok ok *grunt* fuck no that's a long way down oh that's so many broken bones ok made it on this time that's good here we go all the way across this is good dooon't bang me me hupf! yess oh that's a lot of electrical sounds shet (shit) man open this there you go good call good call that's it's not working for some reason okay maybe it's not that one maybe that's not the one for us maybe it's this one maybe that's not the one for us either haha you see there's a tier-tier stacked no climb here you go there's a tiered staggered system going on here that you need to you need to abide by okay we need to pull out further there we go that's what she said huh then pull you out as far as we can go that no no you might have screwed the pooch on that one but it's fine because look we can fix it see everything's alright everything's absolutely dandy that one actually doesn't come out any further so we're just going to hang on to this one and who would have thought were across we're nailing it okay that's that's not on a timer this time right that's actually just off are we back in the other area? hmm oh jesus oh Jesus the fucking noose hey little buddy, yay he's free wait wait no come back okay he's gone forever now I'm all alone okay OK well i'm gonna leave this first episode of little nightmares here, love this really cool, nice atmosphere, a lot of intrigue, lot of like, really weird, wacky stuff going on that kind of makes you think, um, pretty fun platforming so far the autosave system is just a bit weird to checkpoints when you fail something it bring you way back which I don't feel is really necessary but I really love the visual style of it. it's very pretty and the sound design is really cool so far so I'm really invested in it and I can't wait to see what is actually going on and no-now I just want to play it nonstop until it's over but for now thank you guys so much watching this episode if you liked it punch that like button in the face LIKE A BOSS!!! and high fives all around thank you guys and i will see all you dudes IN THE NEXT VIDEO!!! *Cool as fuck music plays* (bumdumdumdum) (Dodododo) (hmhmhm, I am everywhere eeeeverywhere!) Now i'm all sad. I'm just gonna sit here and touch the ground for a while...
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 5,831,216
Rating: 4.9627862 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, little nightmares, little nightmares game, little nightmares gameplay, little nightmares walkthrough, playthrough, lets play, let's play, jacksepticeye little nightmares, PC, PC version, Steam, PS4, XB1, gameplay full game, full game, full playthrough, horror, scary, scary game, inside, limbo, monsters, scares, reaction, jumpscares, end, ending, theory, explanation
Id: rkGHbi2NBS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 13sec (1753 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2017
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