Dollar Store Makeover

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[Music] my table is very rattly today i can see my necklace i'll just sit back hello everybody that's not my intro hi hey no that's not it either hey it's me i'm supposed to wave too okay i give up i suck hey it's me here we go today i'm doing something new i mean not really i'm still painting on things but i had a new idea because i just want to make the point you don't have to do anything outrageous crazy or expensive you can go and find the cheapest stuff out there and still have just as much fun being creative and painting on things got some stuff from the dollar store this is paint that i put on the bag because i was making the thumbnail does it make any sense that i would be painting on the bag no but that's kind of what thumbnails are right do they always make sense but yes we got options here because i didn't know what kind of mood i was going to be in when the time came that i actually did this let's do a little haul first of all towels we could use fabric paint and maybe spruce up some really cheap hand towels i don't know it's an idea i have a water bottle it's a built-in snack container on the bottom i mean okay what else we got here a couple of wooden objects this little mini crate which i thought was freaking adorable i feel like this was made for painting on like literally i think that this that's what you're supposed to do with it so this isn't maybe the most original idea for something to paint on but still you can find it at the dollar store and it's cute also this one which is another little box but it's got pineapples on either end which reminds me of someone what else i also got a green water bottle i just didn't know which color i was gonna want also got these mini clay planters they're nice and small and there's a set of three so you could do like a little theme like a little thing theme we've got a little ceramic heart box it's not as easy of a surface to paint on but it could work then i've got just a ceramic mug i've done one of these once before it's something at the dollar store that's a potential painting project kind of want to make custom kitchen towels i don't know if we can really make these specific ones work but we have options finally this big popcorn bin it's a little flimsy but i thought it was pretty cute so oh i don't know what to choose i got all these options because i didn't know what i was gonna want in the moment but now the moment is here and i still don't know what i want hmm what should i do okay you know what yes we're gonna have to play this by ear slightly small ear i don't know how many of these i'm gonna be able to finish in my allotted time for this week we're just gonna take this one at a time okay this is gonna be a journey we're just gonna get into the part where i actually have sat down to paint and i know what i'm doing first so turns out it was the wooden crate that was calling to me the loudest here this can be my first one dollar victim and of course oh boy a sticker let's see if i can get that off wait what a sticker that comes off with ease that is such a good feeling i wish all of your kind were more like you and you know what time it is it's gesso time so let me go right ahead and throw on a coat of gesso and i did notice that this box has quite a rough texture to it clearly not a whole lot of care has gone into smoothing out that surface uh this is splinter zone right here i guess this is what a dollar's worth of care looks like i could have taken the time to sand it down and work on that a little bit but i'm very impatient when it comes to the preparation work i i just want to paint all right crait is fully primed since this is quite a small box also the space that's here is interrupted with these little grooves i am going to go with a simple design look shh everyone watch i was really hoping to get away with using the paint straight from the tube here since my current batch of custom mixed paint has gone chunky and i don't know i'm having trouble letting it go everything has potential but i'm also not in the mood to paint with chunks today so the purple pour got a little turdy there sorry hopefully i can make these pre-made colors work for me today and make my life a little bit easier alright back to the box and i'm going to go for a spiral tie-dye look i thought that would be cute and fun and i love me some tie-dye i think i'm going to have to do another tie-dye video this coming summer i miss it i just realized that i could have taken this whole dollar store makeover idea a step further if i had also gotten my art supplies from the dollar store as well maybe i can do this again but take it into extreme mode it could be fun or horrible okay this first layer is looking a little wonks was that english that's my spin-off word of wonky and i hope i don't use it again you missed a spot there also dummy okay thank you first of all i should have known i can't deal with these colors as they are i wanted them all a little bit lighter and some of them were a little bit on the dull and dingy side so i tried to brighten them up a bit and now that my tiny palette is overflowing with paint let's go back to this mess with coat number two i not only change the colors but i'm also working on fixing up the shape a little bit because it was looking just very wonks i already did it again sorry it was looking uneven and very messy honestly in reality tie-dye is very uneven and messy but i'm going for you know the manicured mess look that's a contradiction that doesn't make any sense this is looking a lot better now oh man the colors really make a difference just look at the before and after tell me that's not better cue all the people in the comments saying actually i like the original better okay well fine now i'm gonna take some time to just work on the transitions between the colors kind of drag the colors through each other a little bit more if i don't fill in that tiny white spot at some point i'm gonna lose it fill it in fill it i'm waiting just no i guess i still didn't see it okay and now we've switched angles and i can see even more white spots that i haven't painted over but after going back and forth with this for way too long eventually i did fill all the little white spots and it is looking good initially i was thinking that i was going to do the same tie-dye design on the other side as well but i really didn't feel like starting over with it and doing the whole process so i just decided paint a purple did i take the easy way out maybe but also i just felt like having a solid color on the rest of the box would actually make the tie-dye pop more so this isn't about being lazy no no no it's it's that i wanted to to make the tie-dye stand out so this is what we've got it's cute but the plain inside is actually kind of ruining it for me right now you're ruining this even though i wasn't planning on painting the inside originally i decided to just take care of that you lazied out with one area don't do it twice cause then it's just shameful i chose green for the inside to contrast with the purple interesting choice and then to take it a step further i also painted the edges and i used orange uh i think i was trying to choose colors that i don't normally choose just to kind of shake things up but it is kind of a strange grouping of colors once i finished with the painting i of course added some varnish first i gotta clean out my dried varnish block oh boy i need to learn to stop over pouring my varnish look at that wasted you are a terrible terrible human being here i go just pouring the daintiest amount you see that personal growth now i am going to take the varnish quite seriously here because there is a lot of that rough texture coming through the paint so i'm going to try to smooth it out a bit by doing several layers of varnish on there honestly it was pretty bad and some of it could not be helped for some reason the inside of the box didn't have the same problem it was just smooth as can be at least you're beautiful on the inside here is the final box i mean this makeover is simple you know it's not gonna win any awards but it was fun and it's cute and it was done without spending a lot of money time or talent that just makes it sound like it sucks i think that this would be a great project if you have a room with a theme or a specific color scheme you can just cheaply and easily customize some of these little organizers to fit your space and also that way you have a secure place to store your diy squirrel plushie because that's so relatable that actually looks really cute like that though okay what do we got next it's these mini clay planters i got really excited to find these because i think they are just the perfect opportunity for customization i see cuteness possibilities i'm gonna gesso these as well i may have been able to get away without it though because this surface is just perfect for painting on the paint sticks so well all right give me the next one done and finally this last one gets gessoed as well okay they're all now ready for their makeover and excuse me this is just a quick reminder that my limited edition rubik's cube complete with 54 of my original characters is available for pre-order now i launched this just last week if you want one of these very special items now is the time to purchase you can get more info in the link in the description thank you and since i have this overflowing palette of paint left over i might as well put some of this to good use for each of these little planters i'm going to be painting a two-tone look with the bottom being one color and the little rim being a nice contrasting color oh snap we're on to the next one i'm gonna go pink with this one oh my camera it's moving on its own again apparently it doesn't want you to see this or maybe the camera itself doesn't want to see this my camera must be very tired of watching me paint on things at least you guys get the sped up edited version of this but oh my poor camera has to stare at my hands painting for hours every single week it's exhausting so let's show some appreciation for my camera give him a hand alright this one's done and this is just my background design for these i will go back and add more on top of the solid colors all right here they are they honestly do look nice as they are and maybe some people would stop but we never stop it nice we keep going until it's a lot so i decided to go ahead and draw one of my blobs what if you weren't here for the great blob reboot i'll link that video so you can get in the loop but basically i like painting blobs now i guess you're in the loop you may notice something different about this blob she's got little arms and legs oh they're evolving the little stubby legs and the stubby arms are really cute now i'm going in with the color and the idea was to match the blob to the trim color but i used regular paint on one and poscas on the other so the colors are slightly different which bothers me a little bit speaking of things that bother me you're out of the frame oops i just knew it was going to be so much easier to drain these blobs with poscas so i'm just going to have to get over the fact that the pink that i'm using is slightly different now this blob in particular is a happy blob i gave her a flower on her head since she lives on a planter and flower flowers planter yeah you get it now for the next one i'm going to design another blob and hey this one's different once again the green i'm using doesn't completely match the green i used originally let's try not to fixate on that let's just stop worrying about it i act like i'm not the only one talking about it now our green blob is not quite as dramatically happy as the first one he could be happy on the inside but we'll never really know because he's just not really big into showing emotion i've given him a flower as well but he's just gonna hold it in a very neutral way okay and wow i'm just going ham with the transitions today for this last one let me introduce you to the ultimate drama queen there goes my camera again what you don't like blobs i gave you a round of applause today what what else do you want this is your job okay just like do it let me stop arguing with my camera thank you we were discussing the emotional state of this blob let's get back to that she's very unhappy dramatically upset throwing a bit of a fit just look how she's handling that flower whatever she's carrying on about is petty i just know it this is not real sadness she's just being petty finally i'm gonna varnish each of my little pots but they still look a little incomplete so i decided to go ahead and fill them up with some very dusty white pebbles i'm gonna stick some little artificial succulents in there not as easily as i thought but we are going to make this work and i feel a little bit of a presence watching me as i do this hello okay so from very plain and boring clay pots to my bright and happy kind of custom planters i love how they have emotions from happy to neutral to sad and the colors all go together and then there's a little flower motif oh they're so cute simple but love them the final dollar store item i'm going to make over today i'm gonna try my hand at the hand towel it's not the softest towel feels a lot like a hotel towel you know the ones that reek of bleach and sand the skin off your face we may still be able to make something cute out of this so i'm going to remove the tag now of course since it's a towel it has a very pronounced texture i'm not going to be able to easily paint something very intricate we're going to have to go very simple i'm putting down a piece of paper just in case my paint leaks through and i'm taking some pink fabric paint beautiful and we're just gonna start with the little banner area and also the trim that's running along the bottom i thought these looked like easier areas to paint on so sure we'll give it some pink accents to start out with and at least make it slightly more interesting once that dried then i brought out my leather paint and i'll actually use this on the fuzzy towel area but in a small way i'm just gonna do some little polka dots we leaking nope okay and with every color that i added i thought oh this looks cute i could just leave it like this you know do a more limited color palette but then i'd be like well let's just add one more color and then after that i kept adding one more color and one more color until i had pretty much included the full rainbow of colors minus purple now once all those polka dots are dried i'm simply going to turn this over and repeat the exact same process over again yay i heavily debated not painting the back of this at all because i thought you guys probably wouldn't care to see the same process over again i mean let's be honest it wasn't that interesting the first time but then i realized that would really bother me to have half the towel painted so you and me have to watch this over again you're welcome okay so i took a very plain white hand towel and i did this to it if i saw this hand towel in the store i'd probably buy it because i do like it and maybe i can use it in the bathroom down here since the hand towel that's in there always gets covered in paint anyway this just wasn't all that creatively stimulating to make you know what i mean but it is really cute so maybe next time i could get like some linen towels or i don't know something with a smoother surface that i can actually paint something more interesting on but these are all the projects that i've completed with my dollar store fines i'm really satisfied with them particularly those little planters oh they're so cute really like those a lot so yes this does prove that you can make cute stuff and have fun customizing cheap things that you find at the dollar store thank you so much for watching and i'll see you next week bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Moriah Elizabeth
Views: 4,727,019
Rating: 4.9494824 out of 5
Keywords: dollar store flip, $1 makeover, painting on things from the dollar store, cheap diys, using dollar store items, dollar tree haul, painting on things, customizing things, custom dollar store, painting on cheap, painting dollar store stuff, things you can find at the dollar store
Id: HcaZHgEfses
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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