Thrift Store Makeover #2

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[Music] hey guys how's it going right off the bat you're uh you're looking at some things right now this is a thrift store where I found this little number and this is going to be the victim for today's thrift store makeover and the reason this caught my eye actually is because I had this jewelry box when I was like 8 it is quite worn and dirty very dirty definitely got some use possibly as a plate the actual design of the jewelry box I have to say is kind of cute although noodle arms over here looks a little sad what's wrong the past owner did take decorating into their own hands with some spongebob playing card stickers which is great but you know what it's what's on the inside that counts we've got some hair dirt dust my face ooh and everything is lined with this very discolored velvet liner so yet the inside isn't much better first thing I'm gonna do gosh I'm gonna pull out the drawers and remove the handles which are just little pegs so you can just pull them straight out real easily I used to pull the handles out of my jewelry box all the time that's a great story and oh who is that hiding behind all the drawers it's a fortune from a fortune cookie [Music] now inside the main part we have this little octopus situation obviously you're supposed to hang jewelry on it but I'm probably not gonna use this thing to store my jewelry so I just want to get rid of it so here I am with my little tool set so official tools are my thing you know I'm very handy I fix things all the time I know exactly what I'm doing here um so it seems that the octopus is not gonna let us through there so I just had to rip that off and now I can get in there and remove this little doohickey good now it's time to ditch this nasty lining so I just reached in there and yanked it out I do want to keep the pieces intact as much as possible because they'll come in handy later but for now just evacuate everyone out I want to get rid of the lining in the drawers as well but that was a little bit more challenging because those were really stuck in there why am I using a popsicle stick I don't know that obviously doesn't work so I ended up using a box cutter and sliding it down in there just to kind of like cut through the glue and that worked okay I mean there's still a lot of crap stuck down in there but that's alright let's carry on this one was just painful because of those little poofy things which are to hold rings obviously but I don't care about that I'm ripping it all out I found a rhinestone the surprises man just keep on coming so now that the three drawers are completely gutted I'm gonna get out my Darth Vader mask and with some super coarse sandpaper I'm basically just gonna use that to scrub out the insides I'm not gonna take the time to get rid of every last bit of everything because I'm gonna go over this later anyway but just just you know good enough is good enough so back to the box I'm gonna need to get rid of this sticker this particular thrift store they just love putting the stickiest of the sticky stickers and you know what it's been fun but I'm also gonna say goodbye to Patrick and mr. Krabs and yes I did that who would have thought using a razor blade on a wooden surface was a bad idea now I'm taking some very fine sandpaper and just roughing up the surface a little bit and this is just to remove any little bumps get rid of the peanut butter smudges and you know just get a nice even surface going that definitely didn't take care of the sticker spooge though so I had to get my goo gone and use that to remove all that leftover residue from all of the stickers that were stuck on this thing and now finally we have an empty clean jewelry box skeleton so now I'm gonna mix up some blue acrylic paint and this is just really old cheap acrylic paint nothing special at all and I'm going to paint this drawer blue and this drawer blue and this drawer blue and you know what let's just do the whole thing blue that was overly intense so here I go now no offense to the ballerina but I am gonna paint over her because I just want to freshen up the look of this you know she was looking a little stale so I'm gonna try to give this a little bit more life in color there are a lot of little nooks and crannies to get into my baby hair mmm I just used a smaller brush to get in there and like get around the hinges and things like that you definitely don't want to paint over those that that would be a hot mess I believe it took about three or four coats before getting nice even coverage I'm not bothering to paint the very inside but I did paint everything that's going to be visible even the back you can't neglect your backside that's nasty take care of that what am I even talking about right now remember these little fellows I'm not really digging this fleshy pink color although it's kind of the same color that I'm wearing on my nails mm-hmm anyway I'm gonna paint these a nice bright white to go better with the blue there we go so we've got a solid blue color over everything it's nice um why am i brushing it off so much okay I do want to add a little something to this so I'm sketching out some little clouds because I'm gonna make this a sky theme let me throw the handles back on there and I'm actually gonna glue them in so that they don't come out so easily and now I'm going to actually paint on the clouds I honestly a ghen eyes over what design to do on the outside like I had some crazy ideas I was gonna go super detailed at first but then I decided to do something pretty simple and clean for the outside and then go a little crazy on the inside but you'll see that later as I was Neeta nning up these clouds they did get a little tiny bit blobby like I could have defined them a little bit better but it's okay they're so cute now that I've got the outside under control I'm gonna turn my attention to the inside I'm pulling out my cutting mat and some Bristol paper and I'm using those old crusty drawer inserts and I'm gonna use them as a template for my new drawer inserts so I'm tracing around them marking where the crease should be and then using a ruler and back at it again with my box cutter cutting these out if you do this be careful once they're free I'm going to try them on or in try them in I don't know and make sure that they fit correctly trim them if needed and that looks fine yeah sure so I'm gonna use some red ribbon well maybe red and orange oh and yellow okay fine I'm doing the rainbow okay it's been a solid three weeks since my last rainbow themed something so it's time starting with red I'm cutting a little piece of ribbon then taking some tacky glue and painting that on the back sticking it to my little paper insert and gluing down the edge like so lovely and I'm just gonna continue that down following the order of the rainbow I'm not gonna put a full rainbow on every piece because I didn't want the stripes to be super thin so the rainbow will start on one piece and then continue on to the next and once it ends it just starts over again do you know what I'm saying here okay good here is how the finished insert looks you see how that continues yes yes yes yes now I'm just gonna hot glue those inside the drawer as neatly as possible and you know I think I definitely should have cut the Bristol a tiny bit smaller cuz it's a little crammed in there and they are kind of like peeking up over the top a little bit so that's not perfect but hey it still looks alright but I'm just getting started because I still had the other two drawers to do so I had to do the whole process over again with the cutting and the gluing and sticking and the cutting and the gluing and the sticking and bam here they are and guess what I messed up on one of them and made the order of the colors all types of wonky I just I don't know I don't know but I didn't know if I was gonna have enough ribbon to redo it so I just had to go with it but yeah this drawer turned out pretty well and this one on the other hand it's it's a special drawer so let's move on to the main part of the jewelry box if you haven't already put this together the outside of the box is the sky and the inside is rainbow so it's like rainbow in the sky you see you see what I did there yeah and you know I'm aware that this would have been a lot easier and probably neater if I just used like solid pieces of fabric instead of using ribbons but I couldn't find any material that looked like this anywhere so I just had to kind of create it myself so now let's glue these babies in so the green ribbon is kind of like overhanging the bristol board so I put tacky glue on that and then hot glue on the main part when I try to stick it in there it got stuck in the wrong spot and uh I had to rip it off peel off all that hot glue - I just applied the tacky glue only crammed that into the corner and then I went in with a hot glue after that was already in place that worked out much better so I did the same on the other side so cool we're doing well now and now for the back wall and yep I definitely almost put that in the wrong way and finally the piece for the floor which you really can't see because my head is in the way that's kind of nice right there so final touch I'm gonna add some liquid text varnish to protect the paint give it a little shine and once that dries I'm just gonna slide in those drawers and we are good to go so we went from this to this oh I like that transition the original jewelry box was quite old and used and I think it's really been freshened up no more sad ballerina no more crusty mirror no more krusty-krab although I kind of missed that just a little bit so yeah I'm quite happy with how this came out I love that it's like a nice clean simple sky on the outside and then the inside is like a big rainbow explosion you know it's a simple design but there were so many steps before this all came together many bumps along the way but I mean since when do I make videos where everything goes perfectly never I don't really know what I'm gonna put in this or how I'm gonna use this cuz it's not really good for jewelry anymore so yeah that's interesting but anyway I really hope that you guys enjoyed this I would love to do more thrift store makeovers in the future and I will see you next week bye [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Moriah Elizabeth
Views: 7,758,006
Rating: 4.9071226 out of 5
Keywords: squishy makeover, thrift store makeover, thrift with me emma, flipping jewelry box, fixing jewelry box, thrifting flip, thrifting crafts, painting crafts, painting projects, creative projects for adults, thrift store flip
Id: k83x4x1KEMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 12 2018
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