Thrift Store Makeover #3

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[Music] hey it's me wow my background is looking a little nasty don't look at it but anyway oh yeah that was my cat jumping at the window to scare the birds he likes to do that you're never gonna make friends with those birds if you keep doing that today is a thrift store makeover finally because it's literally been six months since i did the last one wait it's exactly six months whoa but they're back our adventure starts at the thrift store go figure where there's always something interesting to be found hey i found some child's face anyone missing a face over here sitting on the floor i found two lonely hearts although they're attached to each other so like i don't really know why they're lonely so i walked over like a weirdo and claimed it by picking it up it's not a very interesting story yeah okay and here it is it's a wooden heart-shaped paper holder and i thought i could use it in my new art room and i spent eight dollars on this crash i'm just kidding it's actually really nice so you put paper in there you know to hold it you know just like that i do think that this dark wood is just beautiful but since this is for my art room which is full of squishies and rainbows and all other kind of weird things interesting things by the way full art room tour coming soon i wanted this to be just as bright and you know obnoxious as everything else so the wood has to die but first let me get rid of the tag all right okay come on there we go bye now i'm gonna bring out some gesso can i please just stay focused for like one second applying the gesso and this is just a base coat to make it easier to paint on since this wood is pretty dark you want to brighten it up a little bit to make your alloy to make your alloy what you want to brighten it up a little bit first to make your life easier certain acrylic paints which is what i'm going to be using are pretty transparent so you may need to do this first to make sure that you get a nice vibrant color and the dark wood doesn't really tone down your colors are you following me no just shut up so making sure that every inch gets gessoed on the edges on the inside on the little uh you know these little um the little support sticks we're painting everything today so gesso gesso gesso and continuing to ruin a perfectly good dark wood it's okay it's gonna be worth it maybe there was a lot of ground to cover a lot of wood to ruin but i prevailed yes i prevailed okay is the gessoing over yet oh look at that i'm going for coat number two at this point i think i was just stalling because this whole time i'm just awaiting i'm racking my brain for how exactly i'm going to decorate this thing wait how did that get ungessoed oh whoops my footage is out of order so i just continued calmly gessoing but inside i'm panicking and then off camera i dropped the whole thing and put a nice big gouge in it so what do i do more gesso i just keep on going all right it's adequately gessoed i'm not gonna say gesso again in this video it's so pure of heart okay i've gotta start doing something with this so i got out my acrylic paint and my paint box which by the way makes beautiful music not really and i mixed together oh well done a nice light pink so you might be thinking oh okay so she has an idea now no i actually don't i figured i don't have an idea now but maybe if i just get started something will come to me i'm waiting and i like pink so you know we'll paint it pink because i like pink also i painted my cat by accident i just painted you don't worry i got it off but yeah i'm still going with this pink thing trying to think of an idea at the same time i even got on my patreon and was like help me with ideas blah blah blah and finally i came up with something i'm ditching the baby pink yeah i've wasted a lot of time purposeless pink i'm sorry i'm going for a much deeper pink not like a hot pink and not a red and not like a salmon and none of these were what i wanted i think i might have possibly been trying to create a color that doesn't exist so i just i just mix them together i don't know that's a mess okay and of course i'm ending up with way more paint than i need this is what indecision leads to waste now i'm finally getting somewhere with my design i have a direction so i'm painting this in a kind of watermelon color because i'm gonna make this a cantaloupe really no i'm making this watermelon themed yes i know i landed on an idea that's actually really simple um i'm a simple person leave me alone so here i go creating a kind of green gradient yep that's watermelon now i'm going to paint on the rind around the edge of the heart that's the right word right rind rind rind rind it doesn't sound like a word anymore and i'm doing that in a light green instead of you know the traditional bright white i think it just makes it look a little bit more gentle and then i'm going back in with the pink and cleaning up that edge the reason why i got so stuck for ideas on this was one it sits on its side so you can't really do anything that needs to be right side up because then it would be like annoyingly sideways all the time unless you paint it sideways on the heart so then when the heart is right side up it's sideways but it's right side up when the heart is sideways but i feel like that would look weird do you see the struggle and what's this oh him again also just the fact that it's in a heart shape it's a weird space to work with because you've got this really narrow point on the bottom and then some big butt cheeks on the top it just is awkward for spacing things so i was leaning toward a pattern or just something simple enough so that it will work in a slanted heart shape so yes oh this is my favorite part when i paint the edge green finger [Music] i find it very satisfying do you oh and on to the painfully repetitive watermelon stripes i swear this took forever and yes i'm aware that this is not the correct proportion of fruit to rind to skin of course but you know i think accuracy is out of the window when it comes to my uh art or whatever you want to call what i'm doing here and of course we have to bring the stripes down the sides so while you're watching that i think i'll play something for you called human eating watermelon oh ew that's actually nothing compared to the human eating peach okay that's enough of that now i have to go through and touch up the rind i swear that's what painting is it's just going back and forth making messes and then fixing them then making mistakes while fixing messes and having to fix those mistakes and if you can't relate if you don't have the same problem then maybe you're a better painter than me so this is not finished but i'm gonna flip it around and start working on the other side for a little while this was something else that had me stumped there are two sides wow groundbreaking you can only display one side at a time should i only paint one side or should i make an identical design on both sides or two completely different designs oh while i'm at it i'm going to change the back of the watermelon to green i just thought that would look better so yes this is the third time i'm repainting this and i'll fix that later okay anyway [Music] sorry another painty moment so i decided it would be a waste not to make something of interest on the other side i do think that the two sides should still somewhat go together so i made it into a strawberry using the same colors except i did add brown because i wanted it to be a chocolate dipped strawberry so yes there we go that's looking like diarrhea right now it'll get better and i'll go ahead and fix a few things that weird two-headed leaf and i'm just continuing to touch up and applying more coats to get the nice bold color that i'm looking for adding some details and i painted the little seeds in that same light green and you know it's all starting to come together now i thought it would be nice to add a little 3d element to this bad boy cue magic chime sound effect there we go so i'm adding these little gems to kind of be like sprinkles some of my patreon supporters suggested that i use glitter or gems on this she's got a gun but i did think yeah you know that's a good idea it could add a nice little pop originally i was gonna do the typical polymer clay sprinkles but they're really small compared to this big thing and they're also kind of tricky to stick them on without the help of you know nice gooey fabric paint also i thought that they would look really nice on the watermelon side instead of painting on seeds so it's another way to kind of tie the sides together so they look related i dropped them i burned myself owie and then this fiasco oh man i do go through some struggles but it's usually fine in the end now i'm gonna take some gloss mod podge and throw a nice generous coat over everything keeping it protected and sealing everything in oh pimples and for the inside i'm using matte mod podge just because the glossy stuff tends to be a little tackier not tacky like no as in a little sticky just slightly so i don't want the inside to stick to any paper that i put in this [Music] finally i'm bringing in a white ribbon i'm going to tie a bow and then i'm just gonna stick that onto the front of the watermelon side the strawberry side doesn't get a bow only her she's the special girl put a little tiny bit of mod podge on the edges so that the ribbon doesn't fray and we're done from a perfectly sensible paper holder to this slightly obnoxious but definitely more my style much more fun paper holder i am very pleased with how this came out it definitely fits much better in my art room it's nice and colorful i like that it's double-sided so that when i get tired of looking at one side i can just flip it over which side do you guys like better i think i prefer the watermelon side just slightly and i can use this thing for holding blank paper or magazines and what my face is on a magazine wow i had no idea that i was on there wow that's crazy that's just coincidence that happened to be in the video um yeah i'm very glad that thrift store makeovers are back one of the main reasons i stopped doing these was because i was completely running out of space and the other two thrift store makeovers i did were substantial size pieces so i you know i had nowhere to put stuff that i already had let alone new stuff since i've moved i have a whole new art room and lots more space to decorate so i'm going to be doing quite a bit more things like this in the near future so yes hopefully you're on board and you like this thank you so much for watching and i will see you guys next friday bye
Channel: Moriah Elizabeth
Views: 13,478,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Thrift flip, squishy makeover, cool makeover video, how to paint beginners, creative activities for adults, art videos teens, how to fix thrift finds, painting activities, diy paper holder, diy room decor, how to make cheap room decor, thrift with me, follow me around thrift store, funny art videos, how to paint furniture
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2019
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