Dolan Twins Squash The Beef With Logan Paul - IMPAULSIVE EP. 210

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i was talking to someone via snapchat um a girl okay and uh like i got a snapchat back and it was jake and i was like that makes sense so jake catfish you i might not have hair on the crown in my head bro but i have seen intro written for today's show absolutely why are you wearing a crown on your head let's get started welcome back to impulsive the number one podcast in the world we've got a lot of people in the audience today god damn i got my girlfriend we got the connor blakely we got kevin potential new member of the team we'll see what happens mac you're sitting on the far end of the table i'm way over here how are you feeling isolated it's a little lonely i get you normally how it is on the side of the table though i would get it we're gonna put two real real good guests next to you handsome real good handsome best looking since nadeshot he was the best looking since bryce hall who was the best looking since jacob sartorius just a bunch of studs on this podcast only the best and brightest for impulsive uh i i still feel i still feel rushed all right well let's talk more about the fact that i don't have any hair on my head bro like what am i gonna do about this no we can only talk about that for so long i didn't even start talking about it yet there's there's like this another lineage on youtube and digital media and that's balding celebrities bro it's like a it's a very interesting topic and most of them work their asses off to hide it and obviously you guys have gotten to know my lab pretty well but what the [ __ ] am i gonna do about this bro i i have a picture from last night that's god awful i will not show it on this podcast but i'm starting to look like like one of those like uh public accountants can i see no yeah i'll show you i'll show you i'll see you're telling me look like a cpa yeah all right while you pull that picture up i'm gonna say this welcome back to impulsive the number one podcast in the world thank you guys for listening watching viewing subscribing hit that subscribe button if you're not subscribed i'm excited was it a picture from the back we all have our vulnerable angles and i know yours is when the camera gets behind you see those pictures i'm looking at his girlfriend's uh ass i actually i sent you my own i couldn't not see i sent you my own version of what mike's gonna look like in a little bit of time if you could pull it up on the screen that'd be great balding celebrities it's michael you look like a naked mole rat what am i gonna do like dr zering if you're watching this help me please there are oh okay so we do have a picture of mike this is gonna be probably in about 10 years from now so we definitely need to be taking some sort of precautionary measures to prevent that from happening there are surgeries you can get i know i'm going to get one like and i'll join you i'm going to go in i'll join you we're going to go to turkey and fix our hair yeah you know we i don't want to be that guy it's just a [ __ ] shiny ass head reflection mike is it mostly genetic no all my family have a full head of hair grandpa drug abuse or something i don't know what get it you know it's something that's super weird in the genetic world yeah twins oh it's so strange they're the same dna nice light up mac nice nice job i don't know for what have you prepared the intro yeah all right you guys may know them you may have seen them before on youtube maybe even on instagram they once done the cover of gq magazine as the hottest twins on the planet they have relationships with emma chamberlain i think and a bunch of other top level celebrities there outspoken on mental health as well as the science behind being a twin ladies and gentlemen it's the dolan twins wow i know it's life dude you know i'm old and bald but what up boys what up welcome to impulses the most awkward podcast on the planet here we are guys good to see you you too man how you feeling and meet well mike yeah finally i can't believe you guys haven't met yet he's awesome i saw him once in public i think oh god oh kick him in the balls no what was that what was that doing i think you were just eating food oh god yeah that makes sense that's something mike loves to do fat ass what's your guys favorite restaurant in l.a there's this place called little pine it says it's a vegan spot are you guys vegan yeah you're both vegan i want to talk about that but all right let's let's start from it's ground zero all right all right because boys we have some history we do yeah we have a lot of history more probably more than yeah everyone in this room except for mac who's been my best friend since fifth grade which is crazy we go way back we go way back when you guys first started coming up on vine jake and i were as well and what happened jake spotted you guys jake no i i was talking to someone i don't even know if i can say this oh [ __ ] for legality reasons no i don't know i just i'm not trying to throw anyone under the bus but i mean he just won a lawsuit he just won a lawsuit you probably say it okay he's on a winning streak i was i was talking to someone via snapchat um a girl okay and uh like i got a snapchat back and it was jake and i was like that makes sense so jake catfished you no no no no he was just what happened um yeah he was just there and he was shirtless and i was like oh what the [ __ ] oh so he was hitting on you uh i think i think that's kind of what it was now yeah and i just kind of figured no but no and then we got to talking and then uh we had some common interests and stuff like that and he was like oh i see you on vine and i was like what's up man i see you too but where were you guys living new jersey i remember parenthood and then i remember he invited you to la and also literally like three days after talking he was like yo come stay with me interesting and i was like no and none of my friends have even done this yeah we were 14 and he was like i'm getting a place in l.a in three days you got to come stay with me it was it was 18 years old well he was what 16 17. yes he was a good junior in high school he just got the jeep that whenever he had that yeah damn he was snapchatting no the mustang how long were the mustangs the mustang was new this is like seven six years ago long ass time ago that's [ __ ] up because i remember you guys walked in my house i was like who are these kids you guys are pretty funny we made some good vines together we met you in a vegan restaurant actually veggie grill do you still go there my girlfriend and i it's our favorite restaurant i've been trying to get sponsored by veggie grill for years uh they haven't yet it's so good fantastic so good again i want to dive into this vegan stuff with you guys because that's fascinating to me like big bulky man i saw that you went vegan for a short period i tried i tried i tried i tried twice dude i went for four months uh before my first fight against ksi and i've mentioned this on this podcast before i got to a point where my body was literally consuming itself like my muscles were eating away at themselves because i couldn't support myself because i wasn't getting the nutrition that i needed i had a nutritionist i had a private chef i had i got my blood drawn and tested and for some reason the vegan diet does not fit my body type which is why i'm sorry i'm looking at you guys you're you're you're bulky kids you're fit you're athletic you're big how tall you guys like six foot i'm sick yeah six foot right so so how is your body not literally just metabolizing itself to the point where it's just a constantly burning furnace i don't know i feel like there's a misconception about macronutrients especially protein sure sure like you don't need as much as people say you do especially to build muscle if you're talking about bulking and putting on muscle in size it kind of comes down more to like calories and yeah we didn't just like like blindly dive into sure yeah it was mainly for ethical reasons that's why it started but then i was like very fascinated about how it was the best for my health as well like after i watched a couple documentaries um and then also the feeling that it brought me so like i i'd always been like eating like lean meat and egg whites and all that [ __ ] staying away from anything that was like quote unquote bad for you like red meat and stuff like that um and i was dairy free for about a year and i just never felt the health benefits of my diet that was like supposedly really clean and i was you know i'm gonna i'm gonna give this vegan thing a try i had like this realization and yeah we went vegan for ethical reasons and then three weeks after like holding on to like like and staying really strict on the vegan diet i was like what the [ __ ] i can like all of a sudden run so much more my muscular endurance is like all the way up yeah and i felt the benefits from eating healthy finally so that's why it's it's clean you're putting like premium fuel into your body it's just additives or yeah it's literally the most natural [ __ ] yeah and that three to four week window is the window where you'll start to feel it and you finally burn off all that excess [ __ ] that was in your past diet except the longer i went the more i started to notice like this is affecting me in a negative way how long have you been vegan for 10 months in 10 months damn but you also you also you probably don't train the way he was training for a fight like this kid was this guy i'm sure i'm sure you guys are working out i understand but he was he was working out like twice a day for totally like four hours a day just like over training and [ __ ] so i think it was a combination of you needing the fuel for that kind of workout totally yeah i think sometimes like when something's different in our life like whether it be diet or the amount of sleep that we've been getting like we like to say that or pin the blame on feeling like fatigued or tired just a little bit off just because something's different in our lives so it might not have been your diet you may have been getting sick and you're just like oh i think it's because the vegan but is the sickness correlated to a weaker immune system because of the diet that doesn't fit my blood type or body type whatever it is because the a caveat that i would put on that is because we all thought the same thing i'm training four hours a day i'm definitely over training in my body i haven't eaten plants for an extended period of time my whole life and now all of a sudden i'm doing it during the most intense training session of my life but the caveat i would say is uh last year in january we tried to do vegan vegan january like uh we made it right no i made it you did yeah i got 28 days in and the same thing happened i wasn't training i was just living my life and the same thing i was like yo this i i tried i just got so fatigued maybe you just weren't eating enough but i'm telling you it was probably yeah he had he had like private nutritionist calories counting every day like i i have to say at the end of the day to different strokes for different yeah that makes sense there's people like michaela peterson jordan peterson's daughter who's like kind of fixed all her health issues by having a completely carnivore diet diet just yeah i heard this brogan's tried it yeah absolutely how could you do that yeah that sounds like i think statistically you do end up like [ __ ] yourself on that diet yeah yeah that's facts i i honestly i can i can honestly say that i i've only had one stomachache in the past 10 months since going vegan and before that it was like oh [ __ ] like i go to the bathroom am i going to make it yeah so not just so you're not [ __ ] yourself it was from it was from antibiotics too yeah i was going to get into that the only stomachache that i've had is from antibiotics because i had a sinus infection okay but also bro i've i've been down that path you know with a vegan diet you eat food and it's coming out of you within 30 minutes i know y'all are pooping three to four times no that's cap no don't care i take one healthy one it's scheduled for 11am after i have oats and coffee schedules like in your calendar i don't mean to get too graphic i don't [ __ ] i'm trying to wish i wish i should how is it possible i don't know sometimes i just go two days without [ __ ] what are you talking about every vegan i know is a pooping machine oh max toilet is disgusting so that's just absolutely poop one time a day are you but that poop vegetarian oh okay i think i think i think it's all like [ __ ] i think i would definitely recommend no it has to do with calories if you're if you're in a caloric like surplus then you're probably going to be [ __ ] more because your body doesn't need all the nutrients you're taking and if you're in a deficit you'll be [ __ ] way less if you're right at maintenance you'll be [ __ ] pretty much fascinated by bowel movements really am yeah don't love him we talk we talk about like we i feel like we ethan and i get into like [ __ ] like this on our podcast like yeah people like people talk like on accident when did you guys start your podcast it's new yeah um what the [ __ ] oh you guys not new but we we haven't done video yet video is going to be new uh uh right now we're just seeing audio only how many episodes in the 30s maybe i don't even know that's new michael oh no it is what is it you guys like about the podcast medium do you enjoy it it's just like an open conversation like i have so much [ __ ] on my mind that i wish i could say on youtube but like youtube is just not the place that's for like premium entertainment and like we're starting to try to make it yeah we are we are like in the process of slowly making the plays just because it's like we can't sustain with like yeah just mike i actually heard you saying [ __ ] at one point about uh either retire or reinvent yeah and we yeah i was actually like really thinking about that just because we've been like at a point where we just like have been really confused as to what to do with the content of the club boys yeah join the club you all have been doing this forever yeah that's the thing i i feel like i've been kind of like trapped in my 17 year old body as soon as the [ __ ] camera turns on because i'm like this is what my audience likes i have to act the same way that i did when it was working and yeah i mean yeah it will work but i'm going to go [ __ ] insane we just try to film a video we it completely failed just because i was like i don't feel like myself when the camera yeah yeah sorry i don't know no they don't go like i'm like i'm a 20 year old dude and that's who i am and uh like my fans are kind of the opposite like our demographic's like 78 to 80 female and they're our age but it's like kind of like the opposite you know of me in a lot of ways um so like i don't it's hard to find like the balance between what you want to film and then what people are going to do yeah what they want to see cuz like a lot of [ __ ] just doesn't like it doesn't hit for sure yeah we've been talking about it like just going more and more into like deeper discussion just trying to figure out what to [ __ ] do and we've come to some realizations about how like we haven't really been living our lives as like dudes like i i just started skateboarding a lot more with my friends i've been making friends in the skate scene um oh just hanging out and just hanging out just because i don't do any of that yeah i knew that if i like i try to make every day we don't we don't hang out at all and do and do you mean and you mean starting to produce content around that because i because what i'm noticing by the way is that in the past youtube has been a a a relatively soft platform you know not to call lp and his earlier day stuff soft but like in a lot of ways it catered to a younger audience there was a larger female fan base now in the days of the knelt boys and the days of the night shift in the days of you know even adam 22 and some of this more risque adult style content i think that the the platform is starting and the audience there is starting to shift at least slightly to be more accepting of that that kind of energy and i think that will will behoove you guys and benefit you guys to start to showcase some more of the authentic and real you yeah yeah that's what we're going to start going for to be honest you have you have to we i i realize you're going to be [ __ ] miserable you just described it like you were beyond mid mid shoot did you break down oh yeah yeah we drove this just happened like a few days ago we were we're like oh let's let's drive to oregon we've always wanted to go to oregon but let's make a video out of it because it's a [ __ ] waste of time if we don't yep trip so we're we're eight hours in like 600 some miles whatever the [ __ ] that is and we're just like [ __ ] this we turned around and came back you all turned around turned around came back full breakdown that was that was our training you have no idea and then we want to [ __ ] we want to beat the [ __ ] out of each other and you know it's your fault no it's your fault and then but back to what he was saying about it being a waste of time like we don't want anything to be a waste of time as you know like your job is you yeah that's your business like every single day you have to document what you're doing or else you start to see the numbers slip and then it affects you mentally and then it's like all right i have to just completely like give up all my hobbies and everything just so that i can get views on [ __ ] that my audience will receive daily so i wouldn't go skateboarding i wouldn't go cliff jumping i wouldn't do like this like man type [ __ ] this dude stuff that i wanted to do i didn't have any friends who were into that stuff because i was like uh my audience isn't going to want to see it like i i have to therefore i don't have time for it yeah first piece of advice is remove yourself from the numbers it's that's the healthiest it's it's it's next to impossible being a creator because numbers dictate in a way your success but the faster you can remove yourself from uh a view count translating to how happy you are the healthier you're going to be but is it possible it's possible it's easy it's easy for the guy whose view count is always high no no no no guys no no no no no no i'm just i'm just there was a period i never remember like you went down to two put in one not even not even between one and two million views i was reinventing trying to do new formats bro i did a [ __ ] cartoon on my main channel i did a uh episodic sketch series with evan called uh was the best restaurant that's right yeah like i just tried to experiment with with new formats and eventually i found the uh model that worked for me and now i'm like happy every day i try to create you guys still sound like you're very much stuck yeah we're where you were when you were trying to like do it but so when you were when you were in that point and your numbers were low was it affecting you every day it was so right but right now like i know what you're saying totally and i like i appreciate it and i'm like trying to listen to that issue that's the best like sure because i'm telling myself every day but like when your numbers aren't where they once were or where you want them to be i don't know if there's a way around feeling like [ __ ] because mr mr beast has this advice for creators with this with this problem is is picture it like a challenge stay optimistic oh yeah we we just labeled games we labeled the label at the game lately and exactly it makes it fun exactly exactly exactly yeah how can i do better ah this okay not quite resonating with our audience and also you guys are in a bit of a difficult position where your audience is is like a super dynamic ever-changing group of people either growing young young women young women who are becoming women adults like fully fledged uh people with hobbies and interests that they weren't excited about when they were 14. yeah and so now it's not only do you have to do a bit of reinventing publicly but personally because the more that you personally are going to be able to just be yourselves on camera you're going to garner a new audience that has new interests and new hobbies like bro i'm 60 70 male y'all should honestly be probably skewing the same way like you said you have an interest in doing more dude [ __ ] and skating and cliff jumping like lean into that yeah you're growing up you're growing up never underestimate the ability you have to to shift your audience instead of trying so hard super hard to cater the current audience i mean he's he's a shining example of this he aged up he mailed up through the through the creation of the content that he was doing through the collaborations he was doing and so you know it's definitely possible and another another piece of advice i think the place where most really successful creators lose right off the bat is they get married to the idea that they are getting a [ __ ] ton of views nobody's going to maintain that view count for an extended period of time maybe a handful of people but even when you look at the best in the world the bigot most subscriber look at pewdiepie i mean he gets three to four million you know maybe five million views per video i'm not knocking them but people need to understand that this [ __ ] is [ __ ] fleeting when i started getting three to six to eight million views on my youtube videos everything is everything i remind myself every day was tomorrow this goes away tomorrow this goes away so when it goes away you ain't surprised you're not stressed out about it you know what doesn't go away a book about mental health uh a long-form piece of content that you're [ __ ] proud of how are you diversifying your game to create [ __ ] that regardless of how it's accepted by the general public you are happy about the product you put into the [ __ ] world we've definitely had a lot of like projects that we're really happy about putting out yeah that was great i really liked that yeah yeah but um yeah we did a documentary about our dad and what it's like thank you amazing appreciate that amazing thanks a lot yeah um and then i directed and he acted in a music video about the whole pride movement and everything like that sick yeah which was 2018 again like one of my favorite experiences that i've had this far my youtube channel you guys have been uh super woke for how young you are thank you thank you man like definitely on the uh progressive uh would it be a reach to say liberal train i don't really like to label myself anything i feel like i feel like our generation is pretty woke people might say because when you were 20 like it was i was 14 i wasn't woke you weren't we'll get i think just the way the world no no but you were you were like even with the japan thing like you guys were pretty vocal and outspoken about like denouncing me and it was i i had had of many wake up moments that i had i was like yo how how are these kids seeing this who are significantly younger than me and i'm just like blinded to some sort of [ __ ] ignorance that i have i think it was the numbers too at the time for you for sure i got consumed by by this like nasty cycle of just trying to just get views views views yeah yeah um but you guys have always been a bit ahead of the train on yeah i got the right thing to sound moral compass i appreciate that it is the down like the times of like low numbers and things like that that i have all these realizations and become more woke too so there is like such an advantage to like suffering in in your business i feel like it also like kind of it's it's a huge challenge to like see your numbers dropping and stuff like that personally strengthen the foundation because you know that that [ __ ] is fleeting and if it does then you need to be like okay with who you are it's almost like a relationship like my mom told me when i would like have girlfriends and stuff when i was younger i have a girlfriend right now so i uh i've been kind of following myself and it's that's another thing like hiding personal relationships and friendships and [ __ ] like that yeah because like we've been burned so many times i'm sure you have too by like friends and stuff that have you know seen the camera and everything like that but for us it was like our fans were like really investigative and would figure out all everything about these people why are you trying to hide it so much because bro to be honest i haven't had we're done hiding it like right now right now we're done like that's like we're 22. and like and so is our audience so they understand and like i'm not [ __ ] on our demographic or saying that i want anything to change like i'm not trying to like flip my whole thing and have like a male predominant male demographic i love what like what we have right now and we we've grown with them in a sense i think we just i think we've always had a lot in common with our demographic and that just being like we were like really like-minded about everything so i think i think i've been kind of surrounded by like woke people since i was little and they've been following me because that's just who we were that was the energy we put out so that's why i think that that's the way the world's moving so i think if we just be ourselves and create a demographic like a new demographic of people who like are like-minded to us then you know does it help for self-awareness to literally have someone that's almost exactly you to look at uh like you have to feel yourself back and forth bounce back and forth ideas that are similar to you like just by looking at a person that's almost exactly you i think it it's helpful and then it's also like the exact opposite it's just i think it just heightens everything yeah that's the way it's like it's just everything heightened so like when we're almost like one brain especially now that we're like we've been like isolated together and everything what the world's going through right now like our brain kind of forms as one and like if he said then i'm sad then we're like double sad and then same on the flip like when i'm up like he's up but like i can't walk in the room and like if he's having a shitty day have a good one it's just like the same you guys you guys have been doing this on the podcast i noticed you'll start saying something you say i i and then you pick up and say me me and it like at no point does it feel like you're having a different conversation because you are on the same diet same regimen same video stuff so it's cool to see oh yeah one pickup where the other one drops off we we pee at the same time it's like it's like when girls are best friends and like like you know they say they sync up hey do you want to go to the bathroom yeah like that kind of [ __ ] no but we like like we'll be driving we were driving here i was like [ __ ] i gotta piss he's like bro i was just gonna say it like so there's one bottle in the car and let me fight do you do you check do you guys check each other if if you notice something is going on yeah yeah that's like all day we're just checking each other yeah that's only lately that's what it's been like do you because i know you guys have been out like i said earlier in the show uh have been outspoken about struggles you guys have had with your own mental health yeah do you guys do you guys feel like you suffer from similar issues in your separate brains you know or or is it you know at this point i feel like we've yeah we can relate to each other and everything mental health wise yeah do you have you had identity problems yeah oh yeah that's what we're going through like right now i think that's okay that's like the source of all of our problems like when i i on this road trip i i was like dude and and the it wasn't a waste of time like it wasn't like we drove there and drove back it was always time the drive back was so productive because we just talked about everything that went wrong okay and we're like let's take advantage of the situation and there there was when we really like put together that we have had these identity problems i was like dude like i'm becoming my 18 year old 17 year old self when this camera starts recording yeah and i can't break away from it and like we need to figure out how the [ __ ] i'm going to do that yeah when i when the camera's on i immediately become this character like it's me but it's a good i know i know what you're talking about yeah i went through it i i have semi tried to coach jake going through it as well and in in a way maybe not so much like statistically it sort of worked for jake like the more he can just be himself on camera like he gets these comments all the time on hi on his vlogs it's like yo i love you in logan's vlogs but why would i come on this channel is it like that's right it was on our channel recently and people were commenting they're like wow he's actually genuine he's just a human like holy [ __ ] so i talked to him i was like yo the more you can just be yourself and again the more you can just act yourself but i'm talking about like identity problems because you're twins like you're grayson dolan you're ethan dolan but you we even us introduced you on our show is the dolan twins that was for brevity sure i get it i i can't imagine yeah i think it's also different when you're twins like you and jake if people just grouped you as the polls you'd be like oh they do yeah they do but they do but you're logan and he's jake like for us it's always the dolan twins but we're like we're okay with that because we're like such a team just like you said we are in sync we do have like the same like similar interests and everything we i mean we basically kind of are the same person yeah and in a lot of ways i mean in our personal lives that's where we separate but like when in business and everything like that we love doing that together like we definitely have our roles though like he likes to like communicate with our team where i like to do the creative [ __ ] so okay but we have no problem like sharing a house and a bank account and all that [ __ ] like at all i'm sorry what was that like sharing a house in a bank account i heard the house part did you say a bank account yeah you just have joint banking out yeah that seems that seems risky yeah i mean we have we have our personals where we like dump extra funds into [ __ ] but like we we don't really care like that you guys really are a unit yeah have you ever shared a girlfriend [Laughter] no that's yeah that's where you draw the line well that's one of the places the line is drawn i'm sure there's other places too has a girl ever tried to be like yo i'm here for the squad um like y'all like i love the dolan twins uh i love both of dylan twins i mean like i don't know okay so we do not want to talk about this i love it i mean anyone who would just say that's me would it would kind of like definitely turn me off push you off yeah i know that'd be like disgusting but it's never it's never happened um and uh like if i no i mean like the people that i like i um like i like if i'm going to talk to a girl i usually reach out and it's not like it's not like we always wave it off if it's like someone coming to you you know what i mean yeah like a thought honestly bro you can't have a girl dating both you guys come on they don't strike me as those kind of guys like you guys know strike me as the kind of guys that are going to go to a phase clan party looking for a foursome i don't know i don't understand like i haven't been to a party in l.a since like that's what i'm saying yeah yeah wow good for you so wait so so you have a a girlfriend i do yeah and you're you currently don't yeah how does that dynamic work that's interesting yeah because i feel like we do everything together so when i'm like texting her or some [ __ ] he's freaking the [ __ ] out because he doesn't know how to be alone and he gets there we've been through this so many times and there's been like so many cycles where it's like you feel like that person is getting between your personal relationship and then it like causes like a little bit of resentment even if it's like subconscious sure but um no i i i think of his girlfriend as like a sister like at that point we've known each other for four years she's great and um yeah but there is a good time when i'm up in the kitchen waiting for ethan to come get eat breakfast with me because i'm bored and alone and then he's he never comes in bed like he's doing the 45 minute like you know text catch up and stuff like that gracious just eating it it is long distance yeah it's long distance so he's on where she lives australia that's that's that word that's good that's a cool topic that we've never talked about yeah i mean especially in the covid days like where you can't just go and yeah i can't get i can't go into australia um because they're not letting anybody in who's not a citizen and then they're not letting any citizens out god dang so she she was here with me for like six months and then she flew back she had a hotel quarantine for two weeks like alone no windows she was very is it a prison hotel that's pretty much what they stick you in prison when you guys like the military's there just like the make sure but but it's been very success a very successful program for that i mean new zealand i know it's not australia but they they had isn't it new zealand had no cases for a lot of people is new zealand a partner in australia no new zealand's i believe in ireland but is it but it's close i don't know if it's the same embassy or anything like that but we we also speak about the embassy of australia we just uh applied for residency there what yeah we're going through i also do love australia too so that helps with who applies for residency you guys are moving to australia there's a good thing called like a distinguished talent visa i think that's what it's called we applied for so uh if i just basically so if i become a resident i can go visit her despite what's going on right now i can quarantine how did you meet this girl um in australia like four years ago and you like her accent yeah the australian accents are a bit tough for me to uh just to just swallow i'll be honest with you yeah i like to do them what the hell is the submerged continent of zealandia oceania oceania dude like it says new zealand is not a part of the continent of australia but of the separate submerged continent of zealandia that was in the pangaea at times is this [ __ ] are you kidding me right now yeah whatever go ahead yeah do you ever start speaking australian like with the accent i i can do the accent a little bit not with like pressure though no problem no he's so good at it like like when we go to australia and he does it no one knows that he's not australian i like to do the australian accent i think it needs a little work i think it needs a little work yeah i feel like from time to time can i be an australian pirate oh you mike i only have the pirate i had to walk the plank yeah long distance this relationship i don't know if i could do it i don't know if i could do it so josie don't don't don't leave encino you guys could probably do it i feel like every maybe every relationship i've ever been in was like distance i mean even in like a smaller scale like in school when i was like a freshman at my first girlfriend like she lived like towns over so also she like didn't go to your school so now yeah i guess i just like a more like particular like who i click with and stuff like that it just ends up being like distance so you're able to pull it off yeah regardless it's almost like the distance doesn't yes like my girlfriend dude like she ha if i don't go to sleep with her and wake up but they're like we're breaking up every single [ __ ] night it does it's it's mind-blowing how much how much time have you guys spent a part what's the longest time you spent away from that question six days maybe yeah i think your entire life we've basically accepted the fact that like when when we do have our own families of our own and everything like that we're just gonna live like right next to each other that's the only way it's gonna be that's what we're trying to do in this house i'm trying to get yeah i'm trying to get mike to move like across the street or like at least something i could i want to be able to throw a rock in here we've been looking actually there's a couple the one across the street i think is going for like six six and a half and i'm you know the nice little great but too small for mike yeah i like something a little larger you guys like tiny homes we do yeah yeah the last time i saw you guys you're trying to sell me your sprinter van that you remodeled into a tiny home yes we did and did you sell it yet because i because i have one i have a sprinter yeah it's much nicer yeah yours is sick uh we did sell ourselves we did sell yeah we sold it to a guy like a guy that fits the part for it you know what i mean he was like really into road trips he wants to like camp in and he paid your asking price not the asking not the asking price a little bit yeah like twenty five thousand dollars under that but it's fine 50k yeah what's with the that's tricky it's a bit of a pill to swallow i just like no i know i'm gonna have to swallow this pill with my cool bus like like i love this bus and i want seventy five thousand dollars for it but i know no [ __ ] idiot is gonna pay that much money cars are just like i'm not into cars like so i can never justify spending money i'm glad i learned that at a young age i brought i bought a bronco i was going to ask you about that yeah we sold that sold the bronx sold that for probably like 40 000 less than i put into it cars are tricky talk about it depreciating assets worse the worst man they're terrible that's why i used to hate the idea of leasing but now i kind of like the idea of leasing my like you know amara drives the lambo it's least she i think she coughed up like 60 racks for like an 18 month lease but then you give it back oh it's lease yeah it's legal oh she's capped yeah well i mean she's got six other cars that are bought but she least i don't think leasing's cap at all no no no but he means in terms of hurt no it's just like well she said she bought it no she depends who you are you're gonna get made fun of like if you're a rapper and you're releasing cars you're [ __ ] well hold on hold on hold on every rapper every celebrity is leasing okay but no how were they paying how are they paying taxes because we like we've been in the industry for so long i've talked to some like high ups in like record labels and stuff like that like we know i like i know the the revs split between them and like because people are getting [ __ ] over there's no way they can grow the longest story in los angeles history every house you see is rented every car you see is such a full season the most false reality of all [ __ ] time all of those r8s and bentleys that drive past you are six months away from going back to the [ __ ] dealership honestly the way i see everybody if it's not a tesla it's not worth it wow you really are woking oh yeah he and full green he convinced me i'm switching my car to a test i have a porch right now i'm switching it to the model s so it's like really in the mirror it's going to go to faster it's the same you don't have to drive you literally don't we didn't drive here no we didn't we we we're staying in laguna right now because our house we normally would live seven minutes away but our house under construction so we're in laguna okay and we just auto pilot it all the way here didn't drive one don't have to put your hands on the steering wheel yeah you got to correct it but like he didn't actually physically drive like you didn't have to that's crazy how do you not have a tesla yet i don't understand because i'm i'm semi waiting for the new ones to come i want the roadster the fast one the real i don't know if they gave a date like when that's gonna come out they did but then they pushed it and then because the cyber trucks now coming out who knows when they remember they came out with the uh the tesla semi jake yeah jake put a twenty five thousand payment down payment on the tesla semi i he said he was he said it was a flex but the steering wheel is in the middle of the semi truck wow and i wanted to wait for the roadster to come out cause it's a badass car and everyone already has the what's the one with the wings on the side it's sick but like i feel like every no no not i feel like every influencer has the tesla model s because we just we keep it playing jane though so it's just like it's literally just for the convenience see yeah like just point a to point b i'll get it test is the future and it's a lease so we're just going to say it you know i i lease all my cars i'm trying to say i want it i want to change my [ __ ] every three years if i pay over a hundred thousand dollars on a car i'm gonna want the [ __ ] new one in three years you know what i mean i'm not gonna want like just the old like sure four-year-old i feel like leasing is good for for like people who can't afford to buy outright and people can afford to buy out right 50 times over like i feel like it's the midsection that it makes sense for people to buy the car drive it into the [ __ ] ground and then get another new car but like if you can afford to pay a high note and lease a car and have the newest model every time it drops then like why not do that that's my point of view there's a there's a there's an answer to that i don't know what it i have not least it's not a flex i have not at least a single car yeah but i my business team there's they're smart people and i there's a reason behind it i don't know what it is at least for the write-off purposes too some of our stuff is written off because it is a production that's a production vehicle the van yeah someone watching this has the answer to this i'm sure and i i personally don't and i've always bought two like i like instead of renting apartments or condos like when i was like i'm only gonna be here for another two years i literally would just buy the apartment buy the apartment and i still own apartments and rent them out to businesses instead of [ __ ] my vehicles that's why i just then just said because think about all the like modifications i do and all of that that's that's why we have a tacoma in jersey and we bought it i can't lease it tacoma because we're going to [ __ ] it up yeah yeah that makes sense yeah yeah yeah but also um oh [ __ ] what was i gonna say i was gonna say what is the price difference between doing all that [ __ ] is it even that great it's pretty it's pretty bit i mean well i'm not like buying and renting it but like overall like say five years down the line like is it gonna make that big of a difference if you bought it or it depends what you're doing with your money i think the benefit of leasing or putting like a down payment and paying the rest off whether it's like a house and you're paying a mortgage whatever it is is because you can now invest or uh put your money somewhere where it can make you money yeah right like as investments yeah that's that's why i would well that's why i wouldn't put 400 000 dollars down in the car if you could do 50k and then lease the rest and then that other 350 000 that's the strategy there cars are the outlier too like people need to know that like this doesn't apply to houses cars and boats oh [ __ ] those boats are the worst that's that was my first vehicle dude shout out do you guys miss the tri-state bro no so joe rogan i watched joe rogan's explanation the other day of why he moved to texas a lot of great reasons uh overpopulation and cali crime uh taxes legacy taxes so if you're a wealthy individual that leaves california you still have to pay the wealth taxes you're live crazy you're lying proposed point four percent wealth tax legacy for ten years after you leave california now if you've made a lot of percentage of you know oh my god and i don't think it's gonna pass but the the main reason he was leaving or one of the big reasons he was leaving was because he thinks that the fact that there's no weather here affects you there's no 100 weather every day you wake up and it's the same [ __ ] weather he thinks it affects you because he thinks that there's a power in you got how many times do you guys remember this happening boys there's a major storm brewing this week we're gonna huddle together as a family we're gonna ride this one out you sit in in the house for six days in blizzard conditions went 14 and a half days with no power right i was i was legit splitting wood when i was like 12 to heat the house and we all slept by the fire that was hurricane sandy yeah damn how old were you during sandy 12 i think now that was easily the craziest storm i ever witnessed in my entire life i was i connected i got hit back that's where you're from right demolished i was on the coastline of connecticut whole houses were just washed out my grandma's beach house literally like lifted down it was like floating jersey shore destroyed now this was when i was still a psychopath so i actually was i [ __ ] you not swimming when sandy hit land made landfall in connecticut i was in the ocean in the [ __ ] ocean there's videos of that sword i think i remember you telling me with a gallon of tequila in one hand and my cell phone in a plastic bag in the other naked oh women we [ __ ] up we [ __ ] up demolished what on what just alcohol so it was been shows i had gotten clean done a year sober but this was when i started to kind of like go back to partying not using drugs but like being out doing that kind of stuff and uh i knew it was going to be a big storm but i mean there the waves were the size of houses right when i was just getting smacked i could have died we all couldn't die i minus the alcohol that some [ __ ] ethan and our friends would have done from our hometown yeah we we grew up like in the middle of the country like we lit literally almost our town on fire once like my friend my friend said like arsonist arsonist no yeah we almost were accidental artists but we weren't what happened but i'd probably be in jail still and i did that when i was like 11. um oh my god yeah it was [ __ ] so we had like the driest like it didn't rain for forever so spring break spring break so it was like it was a weird that it didn't rain in in the spring at all um and and my friend lived on this this house in the street but behind his house there was like a hike like two miles into the woods how many however many acres that is and then one of the founders of the town lived next to him and had all these like huge fields like back there for whatever like riding quads and [ __ ] so yeah we hiked up to one of them and we had these like dud like old fireworks all right let's light them off in this field and it was just us three um and uh yes we we lit one off and it went well and then the second one went off but it it like and every single firework was bigger than the next so we're all let's keep getting bigger bigger we had this like pile um then the second one lit like a little patch of grass and fire but we just stepped it out and we're like oh it's chill yeah so by time we got to the last one there was like some burnt patches that we stepped out but like this was a big it was like double the size of anything we lit off so far so we light it off and it starts going off and like the [ __ ] is like shooting up now so we're like [ __ ] we can't get close to it to to step out the fire around it right now like the other ones we just went up and like stepped him out but this time we're like we're going to hit in the face with a firework and we go up there to like to step that fire out so we had to wait until the fire completely died out and by time it did it was like the fire was like as big as the circumference yeah and it wasn't all lit like it was like a ring so it would burn and then go out and the middle would like it was already out because it burnt out it's dangerous so but it's it's going like this we all immediately start screaming we're crying we couldn't step it up i don't know what happened but i just had this like instinctual well first i want to say our friend our friend was like let me run back down to my house and get water i'm like we're two miles that's going to take you 45 minutes right next thing i knew i had my sweatshirt off and i was just beating the [ __ ] out of the fire with my mother yeah with my sweatshirt and then i look at them and then they have their sweatshirts off too yeah and i saved the [ __ ] day i was a chief fireman that's chief fire man that's got some jersey [ __ ] sweatshirts in spring break don't you that's a scary feeling being completely out of control powerless fire fighting i'm powerless fire that's that's what that's what i told i went home and told my mom because i had to confess to someone and i was like i i felt hopeless and that was the scariest thing about hopelessness sure that was probably the first time we ever felt that yeah like when you were 11 years old because you know there's some serious charges for accidentally starting wildfires i just wonder what have happened when they're that much of a minor like 11 year olds but the town the town would have been done it was like it was fun do you ever do you ever feel like the days of uh because now when you tell that story like there's a there's a reaction that's evoked from it from the audience even us on the set like wow that's dangerous like you got happy you guys made that stop you know what i'm saying bro that was every single [ __ ] week of my life when i was a kid do you think that like do you think gone are the days of boys will be boys and like like everything now is captured on video bro i used to bro if there was an opportunity to throw a mailbox through a [ __ ] window that [ __ ] was getting done yeah yeah oh yeah and now that shit's going to be on like bro i it's is a great question this is a phenomenal question i'm obviously not provoking it or may you know making people have any kind of desire to go out and you know put a baseball bat through a mailbox but like or throw a watermelon a car or anything like that but you know i mean that don't do that but like but like at the same time like that's all we found are the days no no it's not i don't think so i think we're in a bubble in l.a and especially with what we do it gives us very like limited time to think about other things like that and especially we've grown up too but we're actually staying in laguna right now and we saw a bunch of like little kids riding their e-bikes around like cheesing cars so they have a piece of cheese on the windshield yeah what do you what do you do they call it cheesing i was like what are you guys doing like oh we're cheesing cars it's a new thing well cause in my day it was it was me in my day it was baloney and that tate and me and that takes the pain yeah so i'm happy they're doing cheese they're just cheesing it's just like it's just a little like frustrate the driver type thing which is dangerous but like they're young kids and moving cars i mean they're right they're running with dirt bikes though they're bikes yeah but yeah where we're from not not so much like i'm just wondering that's like a that's a tricky mission you got to be kind of skilled to be able to on the go on your e-bikes throw a piece of cheese in a car and then escape because i'm this has to happen like the car chases down or like or maybe not because who's that mad about cheese on a car but i was happy that it even happened because it was like refreshing to see kids doing what i did once i just wish it was good i was like you know i can't be pissed right now because i did this [ __ ] and worse probably yeah but okay so okay so it went from bologna which would actually [ __ ] up the car the cheese now it's like a kind of a practical joke soon it's gonna be water balloons essentially completely ineffective and then just air just air they'll be just like going like this but i feel like there's so many i feel like there's so many things i think the one that sticks out to me the most and and i also i also think it's slightly dependent on the family you come from and what your parents taught you about it but but one thing for me was always do you remember snowballs at cars yeah yeah okay now every family had a different belief system on this in some families the dad would be out there nailing cars with a pabst blue ribbon in his hand [ __ ] you like pap's blue ribbon it's a pbr it's a type of beer okay sorry it doesn't drink but but like for me my family was always anti-snowball i was saying and so when i would go out right and so when i would go out with my friends and it just snowed and you know on the east coast what kids would do you know you'd build the igloo first and then one kid would always launch the first snowball and i would take off i'll be like this is one thing i couldn't do now my mom didn't tell me not to do heroin she told me it would have helped a lot but she didn't want me throwing snowballs a car so i would always leave luckily the thing that saved me from the things i didn't walk away from was is video that is the game changer for today's kids everything is being captured everything is being posted so that so you think about how much she used to be able to wig a lot of [ __ ] yeah yeah no that wasn't me that was that was steve choma he did it mom he did it he threw the brick through the window and and nobody could prove otherwise but now that shit's on [ __ ] film bro yeah i i will say though being filmed when you're doing stupid [ __ ] gives you some adrenaline yeah so i think i think people honestly might do dumber [ __ ] because it's fun wow that yeah it's another they can't get away with it logan i'm having a tbt right now to when we used to go take air horns to the golf course by the house sure we'd film that though sure so what's see now that i don't like maybe there's one thing you don't [ __ ] with is the man's backswing right at the peak of their swing we'd blow the air it was funny but we filmed it right so it was either like you're gonna film it and have a good time doing it but at the end of the day but at the end of the day there's no harm done snow snowballs at cars you know the story of the kids who were like harmlessly throwing rocks off a bridge and one of them went through the window and killed the lady and the kids are in four of them are in jail like yeah what if you guessed that 100 on his golf swing you know that was the final not in [ __ ] west lake ohio but it's a scary thought that like young man young everyone humans are subject to everything being captured and documented for the rest of your life yeah definitely contributes to my paranoia sure yeah but everything you do is being watched like we the other day like in our rental house gray and i were having a conversation in our kitchen and then we heard people outside like screaming doland and i was like i'll [ __ ] close all the windows get the glizzy and then i literally didn't have a conversation about anything i wanted to have that night because i was like someone's gonna record it sure they're standing outside your house so how about the opposite of that though where you do literally record almost everything and you're creating a legacy that's being recorded for the rest of your life i don't know how i feel about that like do i want to delete it when i become like a father one day or do i not like is it like how weird is going to be when our kids watch us when they when we were their i i i hate i don't i don't know if i like thinking about it terrifies me yeah one word of advice from someone who has gone through this a lot don't ever hide your past don't ever be ashamed of what you've done no but you can't you don't even have the option now is what we're saying understand that but but live that [ __ ] be proud of that [ __ ] everything you are right now and it will always be the same as this is just a result of what you were the day before and the day before that that's it that's it so don't ever bro i've done so much nasty [ __ ] in my [ __ ] life and i wouldn't change a single mic but yours isn't on video it's written it's written it's written i know it's not on video and i hear what you're saying but i'm just saying like i'm even talking about it's all just a pathway to being who you are and if you're proud of who you are now then people would understand and you should appreciate and understand the things that led you to being the man you are sure sure i just i i have a fear that my kids are gonna watch my vlogs and i i don't know if they're gonna like hate me for how i was acting i don't know if they're gonna try to one-up me and go harder than i did which it would be a [ __ ] disaster like will end horrible for everyone i don't know if they'll feel uh self-conscious if there's just a lot of what-ifs yeah i think your kids are going to love you because they'll have the instinctual bond so well i mean i hope so i'm just i'm there's parts of my life that i'm like really not proud of yeah but guess what they're on camera yeah i can't do anything about it yeah you know and it just it's just the one-up thing makes sense though because they're going to see you doing some crazy [ __ ] that's oh i'm allowed to do that that's what concerns me because i'm not going to be able to say like truthfully i can't say yo don't do that no really don't do that he'll go dad you [ __ ] did it in fact here's the video on you posted on august 15th 2017. i'll be like hey yo logang what's poppin i'm like ah [ __ ] so i'm not i i think parenting is gonna i think move into a much more free-flowing open relationship between uh parent and child where it's not so strict like the boomers you know you this is my house you will live under my rules i think it'll become more of a friendship a friendship i would i would hope you know i mean that's the goal anyways right that's that's not controlling helicopter parents it's worse i mean there's obviously a balance to it because the kid needs to like you got to tell the kid you don't touch the [ __ ] stove and this is why i'm like again at 25 i don't know how i'm going to raise my kids but i think it's going to be something along the lines of yo what's up uh rocky you want to touch the stove because i see you're like kind of playing with it looking at it and she'll be like yeah i'll be like okay so i've done this rocky i've been in the same position i've wanted to touch the stove and i did it was very hot and i got hurt badly you know that's my advice to you you do with it what you want because i understand that she's going to have to live life for her own like at the end of the day experience is the best thing for growth and evolution that was incredible i'm just looking at you doing that right there and i don't know if anybody in the audience is gonna be a dad that was incorrect listen come on that's exactly how you should talk to your kids that was incredible here's my advice here's my advice if you don't want to take it that's on you i'm sure you're going to figure it out for yourself but i i'm not going to sign up to be a parent to be just a parent overbearing controlling like that's not what i feel like that's proven itself to never work ever not not never but it has to be slightly different i always i feel like they really always rebelled true true totally like the the reason that my head is on straight and i believe it is and like i've been able to focus on like and prioritize the right things over the wrong is because i had a friendly relationship with my parents and they never said don't do this [ __ ] like don't like they were they were like strict on the things they needed to be sure but like i never wanted to let them down because they did give me so much freedom exactly love it like i would be i was about to do i don't even know what remember it was but if i was about to do something bad i'd be like you know what i'm going to disappoint my dad right now i'm just not going to [ __ ] do it he never asked for he never he never he never he never said don't do that but i was like if he finds out like why am i going to do that it's going to be reflection on him the kid he raised you know what i mean maybe i thought a little bit differently but no i think i think you're spot on yeah my parents were the same way kind of just like a open relationship like oh you you want to go play outside in the woods and skip along on the trees in the backyard you're probably going to break an angle but like just be [ __ ] careful yeah then i broke my ankle uh but like i i was warned and i and i had that really nice relationship with my parents where i didn't feel like i was on i was a slave in my own household i feel like it's just like human nature to rebel like if you like follow a strict diet you're going to cheat on it because people want with again anything yeah so yeah it's the same same with your parents i'd be remiss if we didn't talk about your dad yeah i was going to say that because that's that's the end for it that's a that's a major uh major moment in your guy's life and i i met him i mean this is absolute sweetheart thank you and when i heard about that obviously my heart was broken for you guys and it was it was after we had our little like beef thing on twitter and and none of that mattered anymore yeah and i'm sure you guys felt something along the lines of lines of wow there's some things that there's some things in life that you just you can't replace and i'm just wondering how you guys moved on from that and what your learnings are from it yeah it's different every day honestly like when it when it first happened um he was just like a warrior through the whole the whole situation and like he had really gnarly cancer like you said like absolute sweetheart but like he was just like the the toughest guy but just like was a sweetheart on the outside so he didn't want you to think he was a tough guy he had like he had like quiet confidence about how he went about everything you know what i mean and he never let his hope die um he like he got a tattoo right over he had gastroesophageal cancer and he got a tattoo that had never faded me right over where he got it and i i truly think he it never faded him and who he was in his soul and who he was like inside of his head even when cancer went to his brain he's still like when when he would snap him he got mo you got moments of him like it was just like he didn't let it affect him and he didn't let anybody around him see that it did um warrior [ __ ] yeah so just like seeing him like that and then losing him like i live my life like that now where i'm just like i don't like like the even if it's like extreme i just can't let it bother me because like i none of what i've gone through has been anything that i could possibly relate to his in any way in a situation that he stayed so strong in sure so like i yeah that's a father we're living in the second year after after losing him and people say like oh it normally catches up with you after a year and my first year was pretty shitty so i was like what what's the second you're gonna be like and i think what i have to say about that is like if i'm if i'm ever ever feeling really down or just like [ __ ] confused about who i am and all this [ __ ] like it i understand how it could really [ __ ] you up after losing someone who's so close to you because you start questioning the meaning of life and then you're like what the [ __ ] the point of it if my best friend isn't here anymore and like the whole time my dad was like passing away it was like a straight month of me just sleeping on the couch next to him and i would just like reassure him that wherever he was going was better than where we are and then i literally convinced myself that for a full month i was like he's going somewhere way better than where i am why the [ __ ] am i still here like what's the point of carrying on so like yeah um it's it's it's [ __ ] it's a roller coaster honestly yeah can't i can't imagine guys yeah it's just like yeah the first he was really numb and i i was like i felt guilty for not being as as negatively affected as i should have been i think it was like a lot a lot of that had to do with the fact that he like i feel like i kind of collected a piece of him sure like that warrior in me was like keeping me so strong but as the years go on and like i guess i'm able to process things a little bit better i'm still not really able to think about it like i can't right now thinking like start crying about like losing my dad yeah he was the closest person to me besides my twin brother i can't like there's nothing i can do and it's like there's numbness that's so confusing and you can't really explain but i will say that like i was like pretty optimistic that i was going to be able to like not be [ __ ] up from it you know what i mean i was going to be able to hold that but like it's like proven itself that like yeah it is gonna [ __ ] me up at some times it affects you yeah yeah yeah it will forever yeah and i like i push the guilt aside like when it when it does make me upset or when it does make me like angry or what however it comes out of me like like i was guilty about that but like for anybody that lost someone like you got to know that you're all of your emotions are valid like you're allowed to feel how you feel it's a personal experience for everybody grief is not the same for every it's it's so different like so it's made me rush life in some aspects as well because i realized how quickly it could be how fleeting it is yeah yeah my dad was like 49 so that's young that's yeah he had just turned 50 like and then passed away like weeks after so yeah and so it's kind of making me rush wanting to have a family and everything too because i feel like i have lack of a family now like my dad was the heart of my family i have a very loving family and i see them a lot and and i appreciate them we talk all the time your parents were still married yeah yeah how's your mom holding up she's uh she's really tough as well i mean like she's like a warrior like him honestly like i i couldn't imagine they started dating in high school i like holy boy this is [ __ ] tragic yeah yeah yeah but it's but i'm i'm like happy to hear what it's producing in you like the first thing that you mentioned about this was that it created a perspective in you that keeps you calm relaxed and focused in times of of what you used to think were major life obstacles you know what i'm saying and now you know what a major life obstacle really [ __ ] feels like and i think i think you know that that experience and that trauma is is as sad as it is and as as you know gut-wrenching it is is such a valuable experience for you to live through you know what i'm saying to truly understand what this life is and what is really meaningful you know but also just because i went through that doesn't doesn't mean that the little [ __ ] doesn't get me down of course it still does and for a while like when when little little [ __ ] would bother me i was like why the [ __ ] is this bothering me but like even more so than what it feels like more so than you know losing someone that i love so much just quickly back to what you said like just about my mom and how she's holding up and everything like i i'm now in a relationship and like really i'm like in love i really care for for my girlfriend and um i just i can't imagine having that relationship with my girlfriend that i've only had for really like eight months or i'm sorry nine or ten months no don't get caught she's gonna kill you she's gonna kill you yeah you're [ __ ] she's gonna be like what my parents had that for like basically their whole entire life since they were 15 years old and i just can't imagine that just being taken away so that that like getting into a relationship definitely like opened a wound in a sense yeah ethan it sounds like that experience made you sort of second guess like your purpose and why you're on this planet yeah grayson is anything anything that you've second-guessed any like are you guys religious have you questioned your belief system i would say i'm spiritual okay i believe in like a personal connection with with whoever is above i don't want to like get into it too much and you know everyone has their own everyone is entitled to to believe what they want to if it makes them feel good um but i think it's affected me the most and maybe this is also because ethan is in like a really like loving relationship that i that i don't have right now and i don't also have the relationship that i have with my dad but like like ethan said like i really constantly just think about building my own family like you know what i mean like the connection that i had son to father is gone like physically gone and like i just wanna i just wanna recreate that so bad and i feel like i'm in a rush to like get married and have kids and start a family because i just want what i what was taken away in a sense you know it makes it makes total sense like i've been memed on as like like a dad and stuff like that by like our fans but like the deeper meaning to that is just like that it's been it's been kind of taken away and i really just like i i always just dream about like rebuilding it and it's something to look forward to but not something to rush and i've learned that recently i've been trying to like rush into like relationships and things like that and it just is like can't do that yeah it's backfired yeah yeah i i mean who the [ __ ] am i about i can't tell if that's a good thing or a yeah you know a bad thing because you got to live you got to live your life at your pace too yeah you know i don't even know what the [ __ ] my face is i feel like i have no breaks you've got it you guys are so young too you guys are i i can't believe you're like way ahead of the curve i don't feel young but i don't feel young either because you you've you've lived quite the life over the past five years you've lived [ __ ] three or four lives that any normal human being would be satisfied with yeah and you guys got your whole life ahead of you 80 plus years i imagine you'll be over 100 yeah 102 and then we'll do like the you would see like uh hunger games one where katniss and the uh peta they did the berries and then we're gonna they're gonna eat the poison berries at the same time that's how we're gonna go joint joint suicide no no no no no no not suicide if uh we're both i imagine we'll both be sick we'll probably be in sync honestly we probably won't even have to great right now you guys want to do anything you guys you guys got to take just my last thought on you guys got to take tremendous relief in knowing that you had found such uh success and and and made your parents both of them so proud in the time that they you know you know both of them have gotten to spend with you is something that i think i struggled with and i think a lot of people watching the show definitely struggle with this idea that they want to make their parents proud and you guys definitely did that you guys definitely did that thanks man appreciate that appreciate that a lot yeah can we what can we change topics i i got it i had something but i didn't say it what is it what do you got i know you guys have done some business uh endeavors yes yeah you launched a candle line yes again it's just a horrible transition but no it's fine welcome to impulsive but you launched a candle line among among many things yeah yeah we okay so explain to me what this business model is i'm fascinated by fragrance that's when it started yeah it's a great common interest but our friend connor who i believe left he was here for the first part of the uh interview him he said he bought two candles oh [ __ ] he said they're actually really nice they have crystals in the bottom yes how do why guys so there's like there's a lot of beliefs some people like believe in like the spiritual healing of crystals and some people you know like maybe you think it's like placebo but i think like who gives a [ __ ] if it's gonna make you feel good then keep it around and i've kept crystals around and gotten into them for one reason or another and they actually have like when i look at them i just feel good energy sure so i really wanted to like with this whole company that we launched like i wanted to be able to give back to the world in a way that like i i wasn't able to do like directly in my content like you know making someone laugh goes a long way but like you know what's another thing that i could like give to the world um so i was like [ __ ] you're getting candles this could yeah i mean we just try to smell we basically yeah we try to implement things that can enhance one's life through like any problem and it does i mean scent is proven you know the proper sense in life are proven to uh to enhance your your day-to-day mood is like the direct line to memory so i feel like everybody's always chasing nostalgia i feel like i get a whiff of something and it puts me back in like a really happy place in my life and if i could have that one moment during my day that makes me happy and i can give to someone else then it's what i want to do but um yeah and just about like the business model what you were talking about like obviously fragrance has been done before you can't you can't invent anything new with fragrance by influencer no no not about influencer just in general there's been collaborations we're like you know no it's cool that you say that because we didn't want this to just be like an influencer owned business yeah that's why it was good i wanted to be bigger than us yeah i mean i love business so uh yeah you have to like sell an experience you know what i mean we wanted to come up with something unique that we really backed and i was really excited to hear that when we met with our our co-founder and he was like how can we like turn this into like an experience talk about kevin yeah yeah kevin yeah yeah so um yeah it's just been trying to like create like a unique experience with fragrance and talking about how it's like directly connected to memory and uh you know hoping people make good memories while wearing these fragrances so that you know you guys are fascinating it's like your uh your spiritual awokeness doesn't quite match with like the bodies that you're like dude i've never matched my [ __ ] body logan so badly wants you guys to be like slender ass like hairy armpit like a hairy face i shave my armpits this is not right something you guys should look like spencer what like like if you all had if you all had to describe a body type that match your personality what would it be oh man that's it that's a good question grayson was almost there with his really long hair he wouldn't man yeah that's right his biceps are a little too big that's what i'm saying you gotta you gotta slim up yeah i tried i lost a lot of weight but it just didn't come out of the buys and i'm not trying to sound like a douche bag it just didn't no i got he's like he's like i would be woke but it's just these damn bars what ever box no but here's where i bring it up because my arms used to be like like fat like from the side it looked like a fat kid because that's what jake would say because i was always working out and doing you know bicep curls and whatnot then i started boxing and my arms slimmed up real quick yeah real quick yeah like if you i'm serious if you're cardio if you're like stop start start throwing punches yeah because i box for a short period of time i we're we're redoing our house right now and we are like we have this one room we didn't know what the [ __ ] to do with it and we're gonna make like a cardio room so we're like should we get some bikes in there but then i just feel like i'm just like doing that just so i could eat more [ __ ] which is just like it's a bad technique to dieting for me at least yeah we're just a lifestyle yeah yeah but then but then we started talking about like where dude like and we're getting back into the dude [ __ ] and i was like dude what can we make it that's like true to who we are and we thought of making like a wrestling room because we grew up wrestling nice for a long time and i saw that you oh whoa oh [ __ ] why did y'all take me up in the challenge i saw you that you tweeted that and and i i will take him in the chat oh really yeah oh here it is oh wait two verse one no just one one i think we're closer than wait how much you weigh i'm about 190 cool okay okay it's gonna be great it's gonna be good yeah i'm one second yeah i feel like i feel like i feel like it's an exciting match like you would like bradley martin like that should be funny as [ __ ] but it's like it looks a good joke yeah it looks to the outside of you like a joke you can't really be versus bradley martin who do you think is gonna take it yeah what did he ever okay okay then yeah what the [ __ ] yeah you just you you have to badly you hear that look he's gonna be mad but you have to have wrestled like in order to wrestle to wrestle and i have 11 i have 11 years of wrestling yeah you have more than me bro i have like four yeah oh please don't set him up for another l or [ __ ] or um i don't like i don't guys i don't think there's a world that logan beats grace and if crazy oh [ __ ] really not again you're that good uh i mean like i'm out of practice but like i mean me too for 10 years no no no i'm not training every single person i'm wrestling i'm walking in the room day of absolutely no training i saw this is for ten thousand dollars you're gonna need to train to hang with gray but i saw this for like ten thousand last thing hold on a second what are your credentials like surely i mean i i don't i don't have a high school wrestling career i got stripped of me when i moved here that's what i'm saying that that's my advantage but you did it for 11 years but i wrestled in high school no but does that matter it doesn't no not really because i mean i didn't i wrestled like pre-puberty you know what i mean no that ain't no things change when you get muscles okay okay you know what's that recently but how recently were you wrestling how recently were you wrestling i haven't wrestled since i moved here six years ago oh [ __ ] you both are [ __ ] out of the game it's even and i think that i i was doing something i was like there's no other influencer that could like put on an exciting match with logan sure but i think this can be better like a bigger thing than just ten thousand dollars you guys both don't need ten thousand dollars charity so in my when i tweeted that the tweet went [ __ ] brazy the wrestling i saw that snapped the wrestling community is big that's a big massive match any niche community with a lot of support like very uh pinpointed into a corner tends to have a loud voice i think this would be funny because he didn't even get a like high school wrestling career that he wanted and you should be fifth in states this is gonna be i think it'll be great i i think and you guys can potentially be a part of the most viewed wrestling match ever we've asked ourselves a disservice if we didn't make it like a big thing yeah we should yeah all right yeah i'm i'm i'm talking to a lot of uh like honestly like pretty big partners that want to put some serious money behind it like imagine let's raise like a million dollars for charity let's let's go we have a charity too that i would like to like that'd be cool that'd be way cool what's your character what is it yeah love from sean it's for my father yeah yeah all right i remember that yeah i remember that what is the uh the basis so there there's like five different charities my dad basically when he was here right from the top my dad when he was here like he started as a teacher like in his later life uh he was wrestling coach nice started a lot of wrestling programs in high schools um then he became a principal student of schools and then uh superintendent is when he was forced into retirement from his illness um but he just always loved giving back and helping yep you know what i mean like every it wasn't just like he was the principal was like i i knew my principal i was like [ __ ] this guy but like when i would like go for uh what was it called take your kid to work day i would go to my dad's school so i'd leave school to go to school but i'd be walking around walking around the hallway and the kids were like mr dolan give him high fives oh he was a cool superhero yeah i was like i was like [ __ ] like my dad's [ __ ] awesome yeah my friend everyone hates my principal he hates all the kids like my dad literally loved everyone he knew and and when we went around for the documentary we went and interviewed people from his his past jobs and like when he coached and everything like that and they all said the same [ __ ] like like at four different schools that we went to they were like your dad knew every student here and he knew their parents by name too damn he cared and and my dad like he would he would wake up at six like drive my sister to school then drive to school then drive back home pick us up as soon as we got home to school drive us wrestling practice coach wrestling practice come home help me with homework you talk about this guy the sadder i'm getting yeah i mean i don't mean to be like that it's just like i mean to me it's inspirational so i like to keep it in conversation just an outstanding gentleman he just always wanted to help sure yeah so and like and then he would like finish the day by like handwriting report cards like 250 of them and like that was like who who he was and like his cancer like took that he wasn't able to keep helping the world when he was like you know sure second yeah yeah and now so that's what love from sean is it's to continue his helpfulness and his love that he had for the world so we're donating to organizations that i know that he would feel like personally really connected to i love that i love it drop a link in the description on this video for that sure absolutely yeah and if we do this thing i mean if we do it it'd be awesome yeah he was our wrestling coach that'd be really cool we could make something [ __ ] awesome of this yeah but i i honestly i only miss one sport and it's wrestling i play football lacrosse and like those are fun and [ __ ] like and i just want to say now i know you guys are both competitive and [ __ ] but like we we're going to like remain cool because yeah i don't know it's wrestling it's not possible it's not boxing it's still very much a sport yeah but it is there's got to be some trash talk dude i don't i just i don't know like i like once we shake hands it's just like i'm it's not gonna be friendly you know what i mean yeah duh yeah bro wrestling so happy this happened damn here we go crazy just made it serious laser focused like at 93 of the way through this episode you went from like a colleague and a friend to him to his mortal enemy like i'm looking at his eyes right now and he's like yo i'm gonna pin the [ __ ] out of you bro i don't know i'm not trying to like i feel like we're it'll be a good man it's gonna be good tune in to watch you gotta tune in to watch this is gonna be awesome but like it's like it's some [ __ ] that no one would ever like the internet would never expect because wrestling's not uh mainstream at all like like yo like are we wearing singlets and head gear 100 oh my gosh bro we look [ __ ] dope bro let's let's let's pick a way to look i know i know bro [ __ ] singlets i'll get [ __ ] anybody you guys aren't talking about wwe wrestling through tables and [ __ ] you guys could have done that like 2016. yeah that's where we're both at this is exciting this is exciting dude i'm pumped for this and this is like yeah i think also like with the demographic that we have we talked about it like they would never expect me to do this and and like we have different like opposing not opposing demographics but yeah yeah they're different demos yeah like whereas like you in case i had like similar ones just like different countries that's where the split was free like we have like all the females you have all the men like [Applause] you got a bunch of [ __ ] dudes that watching you got all the girls over on our sides and they'd love to watch me pound the living [ __ ] up i'm not saying so when we doing this is gonna be honestly great i can't wait to just pick some ankles dude watch out you shouldn't tell what stop what's are we gonna wrestle like collegiate or like i think folks yeah yeah for sure i mean freestyle would appeal to like a large demographic he's a freestyle state champ freestyle you talking about no like takedowns no that's grecco okay so jesus what's freestyle what's the difference between you any influencer to ten thousand dollars [Music] i'm gonna be honest bro no one's gonna [ __ ] win like i'm just gonna say that's this no one's gonna win i'm yo i'm sure you're great but i'm not gonna win no chance not it not even a [ __ ] ounce of a chance okay i love this i love this i love this is on record now this is so good what are the terms of the map this is going to be a curb year meme oh yeah yeah but what what's the difference between folks down freestyle freestyle is just a different point system it's it's like what the world is what are they doing olympics yeah there's no top and bottom there's a turning system and he knows all this stuff he didn't sleep well last night all right i don't know because i wrestled folk style even when i would look up like wrestling moves i in freestyle is greco but you can attack legs okay so why what's happening freestyle folk style like wow there's no top and bottom there's no top it's all neutral that's yeah basically that's kind of that's dope i don't i'm not interested in so when you get a takedown of freestyle what happens you get 15 seconds to turn them pretty much and if you don't but you're allowed to clasp and it's like a point system if like their shoulders are exposed he's never done it we'll just go [ __ ] just go just go follow us actually i know but but there are throws in freestyle i think that that would be fun he wants to toss you this this doesn't mean folk style there's those who give you folks what do you mean this they're throwing folks down yeah but like not a [ __ ] i don't think he knows what wrestling's not a fight you can't like five some on their neck and folk style not not like you can't suplex the [ __ ] out of something i mean you can you probably get a point that's five points in freestyle five right to the back yeah all right that should be interesting we'll talk about it right actually it's gonna be funny like i might take it back i feel like bradley might beat you you should have a warm-up match with bradley i will say though when you wrestle someone who's never wrestled before it's hard it's not hard it's just so awkward sort of it depends how you wrestle it it's it's hard because most people i'm assuming if you've wrestled someone who's never wrestled before they're probably a dude who's probably fairly strong otherwise why would you be wrestling strong dudes tense up yeah and they're very hard to maneuver that's all wrestling is just maneuvering and manipulating your opponent's body someone's body so when bradley martin turns into a solid [ __ ] concrete man yeah he's gonna be slightly hard to maneuver but i got some tricks in my sleeve is it the uh you said your wrist was broken right now though right it's it's i got a slew of problems that i'm working on is a broken tooth i do as well i'm gonna be honest this isn't happening anytime soon no it doesn't need to okay yeah just like gives you more time to train we'll put it in the book again i'm not training dude i'm walking in day of singlet might have a [ __ ] beer belly excuse me that's gonna be your first breakfast for the next six months i don't get broke logan's twice and i didn't try it yeah i know there are people training right now bradley's probably in the gym no not bradley there's this french dude i guarantee he's like lifting weights he's training and stuff like yo train all you want yo he could roll don't get me dude all you want have you seen videos like this doodle this dude can [ __ ] they're nasty bro unless you're dominic [ __ ] alberta i wouldn't wrestle anyone before grayson if you're just going to kill your confidence if you're going to lose someone this is a great hype man yeah i'm just not all right listen guys is that is that all we got yeah i think so unless y'all got it you got anything else you want to talk about no that's i'm i'm good yeah where can they uh find you guys on the internet uh dolan twins on youtube and um and then my instagram is just my name and seeing with him that makes sense grayson dolan ethan dolan yeah hi all right same thing thanks for coming on guys it was cool to uh be friends and then have twitter beef and now be friends again and then we're gonna have wrestling beef and not be friends again was all so good for sure all right hit that subscribe button we love you guys thank you for listening to impulsive the number one podcast in the world peace
Views: 1,913,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: podcast guest, Jake Paul brother, impaulsive, impaulsive podcast, logan paul podcast, maverick, dolan twins, dolan, ethan dolan, best of dolan twins, grayson dolan, twins, vegan, balding celebrities, wrestling logan paul, ethan vs grayson, joe rogan, vine, dolan twins vine, dolan twins dad, dolan twins wrestling
Id: eK1J76Q9Ts0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 41sec (4601 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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