Theo Von Hooked Up With Our Fan - IMPAULSIVE EP. 299

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45 seconds in, Jake Paul- "If you're listening, watching, or viewing this podcast"


👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/Twelvers 📅︎︎ Nov 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

Is it just me or does Theo seem a bit Uncomfortable?

I hope we get another Will Sasso Christmas Podcast!

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/GreasyDick 📅︎︎ Nov 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

I love when people get his comedy, but don’t get Theo the character. Mike asking if all his stories are real was a buzz kill

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/SourGusher 📅︎︎ Nov 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

another good one: 1:03:54 "I don't want women to see my butt, so I walk out of the room backwards a lot"

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/rockynetwoddy 📅︎︎ Nov 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

at 20:22 his conviction when he says "yeah, I'm an urban planner man." :-D

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/rockynetwoddy 📅︎︎ Nov 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

If your a fan of Theo, it gets interesting on how he views something’s in his own life and just in general life.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/justone31 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

This was a great one. I like how Theo shut it down after that group bombed hard back to back lmao

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/BlooATX 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

I cannot stand to listen to the Paul brothers or Mike. They’d be great to pair up with Brendan Schaub

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/volission 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

And some of y’all think Schaub is bad. No way I’m sitting thru an entire hour of “3 douches 1 rat”. The ratio is all off

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/rudiiiiiii 📅︎︎ Nov 02 2021 🗫︎ replies
i don't want to die on this planet dude really i don't want to like for real for real i don't want to die on this planet that is a very rich thing to say oh no where's the little meat little meatball you know that guy there he is good who are you talking about can i ask you where the name meatball came from him uh i think he's from rhode island he's raised by a bunch of delis great to see you guys man thank you guys for having me in today man yeah theo theo well welcome back guys if you're uh listening watching reviewing this podcast welcome back to impulsive normal podcast in the world it's a fact you all know that that is a fact uh if you're not subscribed hit that subscribe button we are back in la uh for a short period of time i participated in mr beast creator games do you know what those are no is it like a um competition it is like that and was it how did you feel how well did it go uh bad but i lost it was four million dollars which is a million bucks bro i was i was doing some some shady [ __ ] and is it rich people betting on it i've never heard of it it's called the squid games well how rich you have to be to get to get the evite or whatever that's what i want to know so this was it's with the creator game so if you're like a youtuber or influencer he gathered 15 of them to compete for this million dollars and there's 10 different challenges and then a giant game of hide and seek at the end in sofie stadium damn it was crazy dude i hid bro i hid in a [ __ ] 36 degree fridge for five hours in shorts in the back of a pantry in the back of a cafeteria oh and still lost at 3am they found me three [ __ ] am they found me i didn't see you lost a hide-and-seek hide and seek i would have never lost what cost you you would uh do people don't even know i'm around when i am around do you think they're going to try to find me when i'm hiding really do you feel what is that neglect or something i don't know george is in a mood george is in a mood today dude you when you came in earlier you saw them getting into a little spazzle dude first of all it was more like razzle dazzle it was like we don't really get that mad but we get a little out there you ever you ever click bait your friends theo what is it you ever click bait your friends what like what is it like what is it you say it click bait you ever post a youtube video with one of your friends and put them in like a compromising like title oh yeah yeah yeah here's my friend andrew oh yeah he [ __ ] a cow and he really didn't this guy local aids or whatever yeah yeah yeah yeah i've done it yeah we use it sometime to get a little extra money i feel bad about it we usually keep it up for about 135 000 views and we'll pull it down or what i do is like i make it really really crazy and then switch it 30 minutes in just the algorithm you get a little nice push i i think i think i think we should say something um or this is either approach i think this is episode 299. i think this is 299 which is we almost got you on 300 which is crazy because i think you were here for episode 200 200. with the mgk yeah that was one that was 100 200 was uh charles oh oh he was here for one month with that crazy episode you came in for a few minutes 15 minutes yeah we got you now it was ballooned yeah i made love to some chick that was there i remember not at the ve not at the domicile kelly was it kelly k against the logan paul g wagon do you know that no are you [ __ ] around i am not i'm not at all i'm not joking with you at all i don't know who the person was though this story just came out wait i just saw this on a podcast four days ago oh what a weird call back dude you lit whoa that was really weird and you didn't know they brought this up no i don't know if she brought this up it wasn't i don't think that was me i this was i don't know who this was about four days ago this story broke that this girl uh who was an audience member on that particular episode of uh uh impulsive because we live streamed episode 100 um afterwards uh hooked up with is what she said hooked up with mgk um on the back of my g-wagon like like i would assume you know i know the layout of that thing pretty well i'd assume she was hanging off the uh the ladder on the back almost almost like up and he was standing he's a pretty tall guy she's pretty short girls probably something like that anyway but but that so that's not the girl you were talking about i don't think so this girl was at a different this girl was diff a different day i met this girl at the vicente at the vicinity at the oh environment oh you're serious yeah i didn't know this girl came on to me this girl started we showed you a picture would you be able to remember what she looks like i don't know if i would be able to if you showed me a drawing maybe i think it was a blurry day like a police sketch you want to see a sketch of your [ __ ] romantic partner but yeah she seemed like a i mean i remember deaf she was a nice girl i remember yeah it was just kind of one of those things where you know you talk to someone for a couple weeks and hook up and then it kind of goes away you know just regular life it's sad man does that does that depress you when that happens let me think for a second yeah sometimes sometimes it does when you're like oh they're just because usually it's because i like nobody's ever ready to like really settle down unless like they've been busted by the cops or something real heavy has happened you know or if christ you know really got him by the neck then nobody's ever ready to like just stand in the mud everybody's like you know like kind of just just on all the terrain at all the times you know i do i feel exactly what you're saying nobody's really ready for it especially in l.a too much good stuff like if you're getting carted off by the sheriff yeah i love you i i'm here you know what i'm saying that's when it's time to settle on down i hear you on that one yeah so that so fizzled out after 100 episode 100 yeah i bet it fizzled out before 103. damn i bet it feels like pretty quick they're shooting too late that time that was a week and a half brother so it was a pretty it was a quick fizzle theo you inspired me there's a short wick man i look at you and i look at that beautiful mullet flowing behind your head and i envy you go deep i'm jealous you real you really got that louisiana blood running running through your your veins yeah yeah yeah i do man you always been from there yeah yeah yeah i mean i'm sure my blood originally from somewhere else nicaragua i've heard my father's nicaragua i can't believe it yeah wait i really actually yeah yeah wow that's curveball are you are you 50 50. [ __ ] yeah my dog right here this little sand animal over here let's get it up man no but for real you're 50 50 uh no i'm 24 25 one quarter okay okay then native you've got some native in you too my grandmother's nicaraguan yeah but it's some native american i heard i got a little bit of uh yeah i want to say uh maybe not pigeon i don't know what it was or whatever it is pigeon indian or something is that the real pain somebody's pigeon toad i think my family i don't know dude native american dude you know who isn't native american me i tried i try to get all the benefits it doesn't it doesn't work out i'm in arizona everybody was in and they got the coolest benefits and i was like left out like a 401k or something no they get like you get you don't have to pay for colleges you don't have to pay for like hospital bills oh that's just being a democrat i think is that what it's called [Music] i haven't seen yeah i don't know where you're from but it's like yeah that's just that's something different that they're doing now i think but listen i bring up the louisiana thing because uh i'm really fascinated by your come up i think we like mentioned this a little bit but uh a lot of stuff you talk about is just uh anecdotes from your childhood yeah did you have like a [ __ ] up childhood i think we just grew up in an area where it was like a lot of um you know a lot of rules that you know a lot of rules get bent when you get when things get a little more poor you know we weren't like a redneck we didn't live in a redneck area so i've never related really with like redneck culture or anything like that but we just grew up in like kind of like a rural white area kind of so you get a lot of like you know people just been in the room like uh like y'all hunting y'all y'all get in the back of each other's pickup trucks and quads at three a.m beers shooting guns down there not oh no oh you're not we had like a lady down the street that was um we had a lady down the street that uh would do um substitute teaching she was substitute teacher and she was like banging like a couple of the kids and they were like also like mechanics and then one of them would like get drunk and chase us around the church like field in his car like in a sedan yeah so like i mean not exactly like not i guess like different than what you're saying exactly so okay but a little different from the quad but also like but it's a lot of it's kind of it's almost like hunting really somebody's getting molested somebody's hunting yeah all right there's a lot of like there's some discrepancy but you know a lot of was that the same guy that made you that made you look as bold from no we had this one guy he used to give us maybe four dollars or something and he made it to look in his ass running walk about like 20 feet off and hold his ass open as long as we looked we got the money so just [ __ ] like that partner who made sure you looked how could how could he made sure you got paid that's what i want to know he gave the money first okay got you got your pleasure because that'll be a shitty deal at a certain point you were you were kind of grandfathered in if he knew you were going to look you kind of got the money up front your grandfather did well we live by a rest area dude a lot of like gay men would meet up back there and make out you know and so you see a lot of dru you know a lot of men on drugs back there so all see this is what i was talking about all this is really interesting to me i didn't have i didn't have four dollar ass show guy i didn't have the the the drug addict but you just not remember it though that that's sometimes something that i wonder what people are getting is do people remember it that's a weird thing is i think because even some of my best friends i'm like dude do you remember this and they'll be like i don't remember that i'm like what bro how do you not remember it's like that's the only thing that happened to us you know that's it how do you not remember it you bought it you brought it because of this guy you work at the holiday inn express like down the street is one of the only things that happened you know you've got to remember that man so i think some of it's just about remembering stuff you know you're actually right i feel like i kind of would remember if somebody handed me four dollar bills to look at their [ __ ] yeah yeah i think that'd be something i never yeah yeah but like but like i i i hear what he's saying like i i don't remember maybe people on drugs because maybe i didn't know they were on drugs at the time because they didn't know what drugs were oh true true i don't even know maybe i'm just like dad that guy's weird yeah yeah yeah and he's not cocaine son but i didn't know that yeah i think we didn't have anybody i didn't have any parents like keeping tabs like as to who was weird or whatever so it was just like if [ __ ] was weird you just were still there being weird with it yeah you got you know you got brothers people were doing a lot of pills yeah i got a brother and he's good and um what else i got two sisters yeah it was what was it like growing up i mean it was just like i'm just trying i'm just trying to understand you dude like why why how did you get to be you yeah you're you're very unique you know your your your comedic timing is unique you're a unique personality yeah you got a mullet and you're smart too yeah i know how smart i i remembered it from the last episode i was like this guy's tuned in he just said you knew facts from some of the most random things ever oh wow yeah i don't know man i mean i definitely i feel good about being alive most of the time and yeah i don't know i don't know what was going on in the area you know we had a lot of stray animals by us really you know rabies was big so you had like a lot of fear in the air um i'm trying to think of what else was really popping off you know the bus this dude uh used to do slip and falls at pizza that's how we would make money insurance camps yeah yeah we grew up during like the height of that like everybody was doing you know this is before you know yeah this is like prank videos but it was real you know they would do insurance money for it you know a lot of people falling down in pizza hut we had a guy by us and he was working the circuit one year doing the slip and falls and he died he broke his head open on a salad bar and sarah business cost of doing business and you want to play that game yeah and it was like and we all had to be at the funeral and [ __ ] dude and you know we're standing there we didn't you know i remember when i would miss the bus he would take me to school and curse about his son he would blow cigarette smoke at me and make me do my spelling words real hard how much i gotta ask vietnam how much of this stuff okay so your spell inconveniences marlborough red smoke right into my [ __ ] vision dude it's hard it's hard man when you're in a passenger seat with no seatbelt i do remember that and just trying to get the words out and there's all the smoke you're just like sick or anything like that nope i mean you know these are these are at that yeah hard work yeah and you already know you know you missed the bus you don't know this guy that well oh my god was he making you spell inconvenience because he had to take you to school oh that'd be interesting i don't know and i don't his relationship with his with his son wasn't that great i remember maybe he was inconvenienced it's it's so crazy how we're fully diving into this random guy's backstory yeah like we're trying to understand him now decades later what were you saying mike i was just gonna ask him is all this stuff real because i i'm a huge fan of your comedy and i'm a huge fan of all your podcasts i watch a lot of your [ __ ] i saw your episode with jeff whitake that came out he's a friend of mine oh yeah he's nico yeah you know he's my fiance mafioso from the east coast i got liam do you know yeah i do he's he's he came in my house and ate the chicken from the chef and he didn't ask her he just took it off the [ __ ] right off the out of the [ __ ] pan who did he got to heaven he's irish he's mobbed up bro he told the chef he said i'm eating the chicken i'm not gonna wait for you to plate it and everybody got mad because there wasn't enough for a little jay though to edit her he didn't get to have chicken that night because liam took it right out of his right of the kettle yeah this dude will do raw poultry for nothing no honey you don't even have to pay him it's not like the butthole guy he'll just do it for free dude he's just yeah this guy oh he's tough too and you shake his hand and you feel like you can't even you couldn't even beat that he sucks the air right he gets right in your face right like right in your face real up close like he's gonna kiss you oh you shook two handshake uh yeah i wouldn't shake his hand again you could break it in two seconds and he's scared he's just a lot of pressure and jeff together it's like yeah he shakes your hand there's a diamond in your hand after [ __ ] that dude he got some grip on him so back to my question first of all but you know you couldn't yo how much how much of this [ __ ] is real because you're the king of observational humor am i really i would say i would know i gotta i'm i'm saying i know you might not say because you would probably observe something and say that instead yeah but i'm saying that you're you're you you pull these these details that drive the story into [ __ ] into this beautiful woven uh network blanket of just times past that everybody just laughs at you know but is it does some of does it the real inspire where it goes or is it all actually real well you know i think some of it my dad was so old when my dad was in his 70s when i was a kid you know so i think a lot of it was like i would find ways to make whatever was going on seem different than it was but but still share what was going on you know like i would be so ashamed to tell people this is my dad you know because he was so old it was like dude he would uh who's not telling about this the other day my dad bought this car off some brothers right we live around a lot of brothers growing up you know and uh and they sold him this car and it had 22s or 28s in the trunk right and he's 70 at nine he's 81 or something at this point and he's driving this car that he got like 400 dollars right and [ __ ] just all the stuff he plays on there it's all like talk radio like rushing the ball and it's just it's just the weather like cloudy just [ __ ] it was all just in because he couldn't hear it so it didn't make any so nothing it was just like and when he would come around it would just i was so embarrassed you know but at the same time i needed him to love me so i think like this weird space of like whenever that kind of stuff is going on for a kid then you i don't know you just i don't know you just maybe create different ways sometimes to communicate i don't know i don't want to talk about me too much man what are you guys do this way it's so hot it's like an escape an escape mechanism you created your own reality yeah but it's still the same reality i think you just like to really i don't know i don't know you're more likely to maybe find a way to share a moment or you remember a moment differently because you don't like the way that the moment actually was maybe and so you might keep the moment in a different way inside of yourself because it's a that way at least it feels like something that's it um has value to it maybe i don't know that's deep i can i can see i've done that a few times yeah and i don't know man i feel i feel really blessed you know it's funny because if my dad would have been so old and stuff then i wouldn't have been you know been around stories if we didn't have a lot of dogs in our neighborhood if we didn't have they just busted a gay dude in the woods by my house the other day peeping time right the cops bring him into the [ __ ] up on the porch so now he sees in the whole like unbelievable this is this is a fast this is a fascinating neighborhood this is my new name no this is like my house in uh nashville now but is that is that where you live now yeah i still got my place here some back like maybe i use i'm about two and a half weeks there every every month how how is nashville i've i've heard great things about nashville it's good man it's pretty cool last uh last winter it snowed and so we everybody went out to like the capitol and was like just like smiling down this hill just sending it dude it's pretty sick because it probably it probably doesn't snow off no it smells about every seven years so like people are out there people are fired up people are out there yelling jesus christ and stuff and just fired up oh yeah jesus christ we love you god that guy's funny to see you in the bible bro you know some people might say i'm like peter i could see you in there coming in on a [ __ ] little boat yeah that's awesome so funny because that's how my parents got here oh man hell yeah boy he's he's the he's the religious one in the pod oh yeah you you're talking to the right guy good man he loves when they scream at him we love jesus he screams back jesus loves you that's good so i need to know more about you like how did you figure out that like this entertainment world was your calling that was it that's what i was going to say there's well i said it so but i was going to say it but i said it no it's it's good it's no it's good i just want to i'm trying to understand the timeline of theo vaughn so i got it on tv we did we did yeah yeah so there's that middle part right when you first started in the come up when like my friend just said i'm i'm gonna shut up yeah no i don't know what it is i mean i i mean what so like yeah i don't know i got i mean i just i got out of louisiana well i wasn't going to school in louisiana for what for liberal arts urban planning i'm an urban planner you're trying to like grow [ __ ] weed or something what do you plan to do no no we just we designed neighborhoods dude in neighborhoods are you being serious yeah i'm urban planner like you if there was a sore system that needed to be put into place under a playground you'd be the guy guy for the job or i wouldn't do that i could handle like where the like what the route the mailman should take and like all kind of zone like basically but you never think about that [ __ ] yeah no i know you never know the urban planner yeah and please can you [ __ ] time stamp that high five and take it out dude people will repent if they like children will repent to say all the sledding in nashville will stop it will come to a [ __ ] call of the male seed people see that high five man so the timeline that i have i have for you right now is uh a child that was growing up rabies was a thing four dollars for a butthole look uh you and your father had different views but you made it work uh you started designing ways for mailman's to get to the neighbor's house i could do it you could do it and then what was that moment where you were like yo i could do this i'm an entertainer where was this at man i don't know when you decide you become a stand-up comedian i mean i don't know that so i think it's when you're a kid when you're like with the kids at lunch and you just well the only thing that made me feel good i know um i didn't i just didn't trust a lot of people when i was young you know so if people would laugh then i knew when they were laughing that they had to like me it was like that one moment where it was like if they're like there's no way they could be laughing and shaking and making this like joyous sound and not and and and not like me at the same time so that's why i needed it i just needed to feel safe so the only time i did i think was when people laughed not to make it kind of deep but i think that's really what i what you're very deep you throw on some subtle deep thoughts man i don't think they're shuttle yeah they're hidden what if i told you today [ __ ] you up bad and told you that they were all laughing because they were out of fear they were scared shitless of you man like they didn't want any trouble oh really so they were just they were like he's really not that funny i don't want any [ __ ] with that guy dude i like it i i i feel i feel what you're saying laughter's so like indicative of like the true nature of how someone feels about you you know it's right if you're getting them to laugh you then you have them when you're with them on a certain little space that's why i started making people laugh when i was a kid really because they were you know what's so funny my teachers actually to sit my mom down and tell her to tell me to stop making fun of myself i would beat people to the punch i was already funnier than the kids around me so i was like i could tell the joke that they're gonna make fun of me but even better and i made it about myself so i was like making fun of myself like really really self-deprecated myself hey yeah you took the win out of their sales yeah but they enjoyed it because they were like [ __ ] it's better than how i would have delivered it it's all about timing and uh and sometimes i'd hurt myself thanks [Laughter] i never did any physical humor feel more about comedy and how to do it so what you want to do right you might not know anything about this uh no no no but no we seem like a charming guy man you seem like people would like you no matter what oh i appreciate that so yeah that's true you're very likable yeah you would get like you're like hitchhiker dude you do a great hitchhiking you would travel everywhere you know it's so funny i cringe every time i hear the word uh hitchhiking because i watched him i grew up in my dad's liquor store shocking middle eastern man liquor store okay but i'm in this liquor store and my dad's in the cooler and i'm watching a movie and i saw this girl go like this and she got a ride and then you're not like in the movies they flash and she's like in the next [ __ ] city and i'm like dude this is [ __ ] sick all i have to do is this so i go outside mind you my dad's liquor stores in the hood yeah and i go like this and some dude pulled over to like pick me up and my dad beat the [ __ ] out of me when i mean beat the [ __ ] out of me like if anybody saw the way he'd beat the [ __ ] how do you be in prison oh dude i'll tell you this so somebody got a cb radio bus you know so this one lady that used to do substitute teaching right her son was had like a his mouth was always real slippery he had like a kind of a salivary deal disorder i wouldn't say disorder okay but he had like that's a deal he was missing a gasket on one of the edges i would say that just leaking yeah he definitely yeah like you wouldn't [ __ ] if you lean his head to one side dude you're gonna have to dry him up you know so this fella one time named michael was his name and he uh so anyway his mom would hook up with this boy clint like [ __ ] but with the n in it was how he said his name when people like clamp like clip with an end and you're like that's that's a way to do it anyway so his mom would make us stay out in his car when that she would come over and they would hook up in the in the house so he had a cb radio right so he was 16. he's in there hooking up with the with the teacher uh we'd be on the cb on the ham radio just you know you know you know pigeon to [ __ ] you know hospital or whatever you know and uh and so some dude comes off the interstate right one day in a semi truck into our neighborhood this guy ended up being a pedophile we didn't know me and [ __ ] slip [ __ ] lit michael we're in his truck he's [ __ ] making us he tootsie rolls inside of his truck right the guy who is getting who's inside with michael's mom comes out sees what's going on and beats the [ __ ] out of the dude man oh my god the dude's feeding you candy rolls doing how much 50 year olds would fit in our mouths and we didn't know was you ate the candy i didn't i mean i had probably four in my mouth at a small mouth oh no how many was in his mouth but i've always had a small throat so i'm afraid to have a lot in my mouth at once you ever choked oh yeah man i choked in a hallway yeah bok choy was it bok choy oh my god the one of the most choked yeah how many deaths is bok choy what is bok choy how many videos like a long like rudy vegeta what they put in squid like tentacles soups my sister's she was once we were at a family dinner and she started choking on some bok choy and i'd in front of everyone at the restaurant i had to reach into her in her in her throat and and pull it out and it slimed out dude she was this long you were there no i told him about it i told him it was disgusting and i saved my sister's life and that's when she forgave me for all the times i cut her hair as a kid that's beautiful that's better than some movies i've seen recently you ever save a life um yeah i think so man some guy uh waiter did i almost i think i almost drowned that's what happened other so yeah i was almost a victim i was drinking well did you save your own life no i didn't a man say dude a [ __ ] dude bro this topless guy jumps in right i did not even want him to save me the second i saw the dude who saved me i was [ __ ] so important what did you mean topless guy was it a life guard like most guys he was a guy at a beach he was at the beach but the way he was built he just looked he had no time it was the longest for you to confuse the fact that you saved somebody's life 40 seconds man me and my sister were under there and many years later i remember him coming back to our household drunk one night and saying i saved y'all [ __ ] saved y'all we're like [ __ ] remember who he was dude we're like bro we have [ __ ] we're trying to get molested by this trucker over here okay but the crazy part of that story was the kid the guy clint he was getting molested by the lady then he comes out and saves us from him so it's just there was always this weird circle of life going on in this area you know just growing up in that environment did you want to get out did you have a dream of yeah because i was just scared there all the time i didn't have like a role model like a male role model or me you know that kind of thing so i think i was in fear a lot that's why i think i look up to a lot of guys that are like ufc guys boxing um oh yeah oh yeah you're a big fan you're you're friends with a lot of the guys i'm a big fan yeah a couple of guys i'm i'm pretty close with that i feel lucky to at least get to know you know about like how their mentality you know enough to kind of get a little peak inside of some of their mentality not as much as andrew schultz he's got it figured out oh he got the head of the combat sports commentator nobody knows more about combat sports than andrew schultz i would not be surprised if i could send a video from space one day man he would just happen to be there you know he's one of a kind man he's a real yeah he's so confident i really admire that about him he's positive about that position too like he knows more than any trainer any any coach ever he's undefeated isn't his two is tour undefeated yeah he's crushing yeah a lot of your friends are brothers y'all all are you even you bro we're all doing good man yeah we're selling good tickets just out on uh yeah it just came out it's amazing yeah it's doing regular people it's doing well is it it's netflix yep on netflix dude that's huge congrats thanks damn thanks man yeah it feels exciting so how does that hey how does that work like uh producing a netflix special i i've always been curious about this because whenever you see you know the comedian's netflix special it's it's it's but it's perfect you know it's it's it's a really beautiful piece of art so how long does it go into uh perfecting that 60 minute set and then how how many times do you shoot it and then do they choose one or the inner cut do they cut jokes and i'm curious about all of it sorry i know it's a lot it looks like no i feel i know i believe it okay just take the look you just that one oh really okay sorry can you show them what the look was let me see if i can it's just when he looks at you mainly because you were just hitting him with so many words he was against the ropes yeah [ __ ] andrew scholes was in the background about to call the fight i was like woodley out there man jesus hey why'd they dress him up like that what was he even i shouldn't talk that's wrong with me to say i mean the guy's tougher man than i am man both those guys uh but yeah what about it uh they give you a certain amount you make your agent makes a deal they give you a certain amount you know so then they give you a certain amount you have to use a certain amount on the special and what you don't use you keep you uh uh what what's used like where's that money spent like you you know you get a producers and they then they get the directors and everything they use all of them they use the money they don't use all of it but they use like you may you in advance you say look let's try and use this much and then and then then you go on tour yeah then you go on tour with it so okay yeah like i got rich man we got a bunch of cities we've been on tour most of this fall okay so most of the week and you shoot all of them and then no no you just shoot a couple nights in one place for the special and you wear the same out do you wear the same outfit yeah you get different same outfit but different um items so different props no one shirt same shirt you know what i'm saying so like two of the same yeah two the same you're not cause you're not all sweaty from the night before yeah dude i mean does one of us have autism this is the most insane communication two of the same shirts i mean you kind of gave it to him like a riddle he was like [ __ ] away like all right i have one shirt but it's the same but it's twice yeah yeah yeah yeah two shirts the same that are one it's like answer now you [ __ ] die oh wow no but i'm not doing well this is but it parlays into a question that i've had in the tucked in the back of my cranium parlay yeah because i always miss all just as much as i like to preference things reference it's called it's called preface that's cool you guys are such good friends are you guys always pretty good friends i know you guys have been friends for a long time you know yeah we're friends for a while then we're getting like fights we're getting a lot of fights a lot of back and forth but that's most friends that's what yeah i think i think when you get to i think i mean bro we've been friends for like six years like like [ __ ] this guy half the time no not half one person one percent i was going to say 49 do you think is one of you guys harder to be friends with than the other guy do you think is it logan is it you and you might you might know it's you i know sometimes i'm the tougher guy someone to be friends with yeah it's awareness i've been called a selfish friend before but i'm thinking by a good friend not not in a bad way just like he's like hey i just want like you're you know your friends give more to you than you give back well in certain ways i mean i think everybody has positives everybody has strengths and weaknesses you know what i'm saying he's given me every a ton of [ __ ] you know what i'm saying but in a different in a different way like sometimes you just want a friend to say yo i really love to talk to you right now that's not necessarily him but he also is a he's a [ __ ] kingpin of a [ __ ] life-changing organization so like you know everybody gives a little something different and the value you know goes in different directions yeah but but he obviously supplies more than most yeah you can't go to freaking you know donnie cadbury or whatever and freaking want to talk about you know recipes you know what i'm saying he's like doing big business like tony soprano yeah you ain't gonna go to the toilet my cat died let's please i need someone a shoulder to cry go to christopher maltasanti for that instead right toy this is tony soprano you know what i'm saying yeah i mean yeah but if you're you know you're good friends you talk to him about anything right it's tough though when your life is very busy it is tough to find moments of peace where you're even in a in a settled enough state to i think absorb uh sometimes the the reality of like uh of a lot of things i think you know what you did to me back there with the different shirts you do it a lot do you find yourself running circle circles around people because even even sitting with you for a few minutes i i'm exhausted when we got here i felt like you seemed like pretty you're doing good i drink your blood dog honestly look at that i drink his blood and then you want to drink mine see how that works that's christian aids bro and i believe in christian aids man i would get it i would get it would you get it i'm i'm going to say no because i'm going to say no everybody's dude put that [ __ ] joke away um and you haven't taken it out of the thing it's a new one what else man are you gonna go so are you gonna go to space do you think logan because i was i was thinking about that they're doing that now they're doing that i know i i am gonna go yeah i'd like to go it's on my bucket list i don't wanna die on this planet dude really i don't wanna like for real for real i don't wanna die on this planet that is a very rich thing to say i don't want to die with these poor peasants the rest of us we're trying to find quarters in our car to get that air machine to [ __ ] fill higher at the gas station and this guy was like i'm not done with this planet though dude we'll be well we'll be down here dying there he is in an austin hooper jersey that's so funny you have other people i don't want to die in this neighborhood like the projects i got to get out of here he's trying to leave to go to mars for a [ __ ] funeral that no one could go to who's gonna attend that jeff bezos somebody out there dude there'll be somebody out there a couple of pearls yeah out there who would be at that dinner dude at that last saturn's supper huh who would be out here on that thing bezos musk rogan would be there we're gonna be working the traeger out there yeah gonna have an apron on space showing another yeah dude eating [ __ ] moon meats doing what's it called the fermenting yeah right we cured him that guy that was a wild one thank god for him man gotta protect him yeah yeah but just thank god for you know thank god for freaking podcasting yeah for real could you imagine my god having to go on the news and talk about something oh my god bro i would pay somebody to look at my [ __ ] if i had to do that man how much children that's who oh huh but only in my family and only in my neighborhood dude only to give back to the community you need like a venture background given to you given to me man you got to keep going man you got to get back to your roots man how how long did you uh how long ago did you start podcasting i started about five years ago or something yeah you've been on the wave yeah i've been on me i was you know i i started with with a friend of mine named matt weiss and uh and we had a podcast that was about like um hollywood type stuff but it just didn't pick up any steam and we had we had really neat guests and stuff it was like on tmz all the time but it wasn't like my heart just wasn't in it and then i walked out of joe rogan one time and i was like oh i want to do something more like this i want to talk about just whatever i want to think about yeah which is and that's what i started doing then and then i just started at home and now i'm lucky man it's a fun space now and you get to have your people come on you want to share time with it really is it really is fun there's there's a lot of freedom to do what you want and say what you want um it's it's crazy because we're again only 300 episodes in and i look at like you and rogan and y'all are like experts or vets in the space and it's it's cool to see how it's grown i wonder what's harder to break into now though if for people starting because dude come on everyone's trying to do a podcast now yeah and and this is a tough space to grow like you said the first thing you tried was hard yeah and listening to people is hard so how how how do people break in if they don't know what their niche is yeah i think sometimes just trying to share what's going on with you i think not having a plan sometimes one of the problems is after a certain point there's too much material in a space where you can't help but imitate it until so that's why a new thing has to come along you gotta disrupt wow you've gotta have it or you have to have that new thing that comes so it's uh sometimes you're just waiting for that new thing you're so that really well said because because every time thanks man no that was you're right every time i see uh um whether it's a a project a person a podcast uh blow up it it it it really it makes sense it it that makes sense it's like while that person was always meant to be there and that niche that area hasn't been filled and here they are to like and that's why they're there like it usually never surprises me i'm like i can see a little bit how that works yeah after the after the fact exactly like there's there's always some unique some something where again it's so saturated everything is how how do you know what is you creating and not what you're seeing just being regurgitated with how you create yeah well that's the biggest fear i think of a lot of us of us with anything i think it even goes from like the way we see like people love each other as children like our parents or something and then we create the same type of thing like it's so hard to lean into whatever feels like is exactly like what you really want to be doing just the judgment and now there's so much judgment it's like god that ju it used to be there's so much less judgment you know what i'm saying you looked at some guy's ass over a couple bucks the only person judging was the one dude sitting next to you but he also looked so it's like you know what i'm saying but he ju but but now it's like the judgment sphere is so stupid do you think there's more judgment or do you think the efficiency for which we can see it is so much greater you know what i'm saying because the judgment what if the judgment was always there but it existed around dining room tables with families talking about the show and saying that show [ __ ] suck we should cancel this guy now anytime you have any opinion it's available for the entire world to see on social media you know what i'm saying so is it the judgment or the vehicle the amplification the amplification you know what i'm saying it's it's do you think we're more judgmental people in 2021 than than you know but whole louisiana times um you know that's a good question are we more judgmental now i don't do you feel like do you feel more judgmental no i think when you have access to things it just shows who you are more so if you have more money you could become either a bigger piece of [ __ ] or a nicer guy so if you give somebody the power to comment on any [ __ ] thing he wants to and get hide behind like a screen then he's going to let that [ __ ] fly bro magnifying glass i have a take on judgment in general and being judged because yeah i'm i'm i'm judgey i i make uh judgments but criticism i i i consider them assessments and with those assessments then i deduce and decide what to do yeah and i i think that's nothing more than human nature i really don't yeah that's true what what what the problem is is people's judgments become their sole reality they make a judge live in it and that's boom set in stone i'll judge the [ __ ] out of you it means nothing i still have the most open mind and i am willing to watch you shape the more i get to know you because as we all know the more you get to know people it's like you peel back their layers and you see like who they really are and how how often i mean again judgments are natural but just don't let them decide how you move and treat people it's hard to not keep them eternal i think it's hard to yeah like me yeah maybe we keep them too like you know you judge them and you get stuck there we've made we've got it's hard like to have fun sometimes because it's hard to make fun without like people always accuse you people of other people of shaming i find myself doing like you see something happy like oh there's but really some people are just joking around i don't know man it's all it's gotten all a little bit blurry i think a little bit yeah there's a lot of sensitive people too yeah very sensitive i'm sensitive man also i like talking [ __ ] but comedy comes from dark places yeah so if you remove the comedy then you're just stuck in a dark place [Music] dude we need a commercial break right here bro we need to freaking talk about we can throw an add-in blue those blue chew ivermectins up dude they've got to put ivermectin in these blue shoes dude what do they do you know do we have a bluetooth ad today danny we interrupt this program to bring you an ad at the perfect time this episode is sponsored by bluetooth say it with us bluetooth bluetooth is making waves and bringing more confidence to the bedroom by offering chewable tablets that can help men get stronger and longer lasting erections blue chew is a unique online service that delivers the same active ingredients as viagra and cialis but in a chewable form not a fraction of the cost bluetooth tablets help men achieve harder stronger erections to combat all forms of ed bluetooth is an online 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outdoor activities oh yeah i like to do outdoor fishing right now oh cool fly fishing regular oh i like to fish regular i just started learning a lot about fishing recently you followed dwayne the rock johnson uh-uh no way i don't think i follow him that surprises me he's he's big into fishing is he big bass guy yeah he feeds his basting stream and no way he goes out and feeds him big time big time yeah damn he's for like years he's been like marinating these bass for him to catch um take out kiss on his instagram then put back ooh that's like very samoan no see is it though is it i feel like it isn't enough yeah that sounds like it would be yeah it seemed like very yeah that is a little mermaid-ish you know kind of yeah that seemed like a real something you'd do in a real beach community yeah who who you look up to in the space do you have like a hero and what space is it and what's entertainment entertainment medium i don't know man that's a good question betty white mmm beautiful shaq ooh i love jack he's the best it's hard not to look up i had his album well i had his freaking bra oh yeah that's right oh yeah yeah when he's on the lakers dude we had this pedophile dude in our town right big richard you don't say he used to bait us all with autographed shaquille o'neal stuff together how did he get that was it were they fake i don't know if they were fake we were you know we'd never seen anything sound by shaq we were so excited obviously they were fake well it could have been a conspiracy like he was working directly with the orlando magic shut up i mean you never know big richard dude and i remember he you said he baited you what did you do with his bait he would like show you know we used to go by his house and get stoned he was a substitute teacher right and he was also 78 years old was that any real teacher way too old like were they all just like part-time teachers part-time should be in jail like what the [ __ ] is happening i'm gonna do my andrew soul's impersonation no i'll tell you bro there's that a lot of perv dude it's the bottom of the where the mississippi ends man that's where this is it's very silty alluvial soil down there no i'm saying there's a lot of [ __ ] sands in the soil baby you know what i'm saying this is a lot of [ __ ] substitutes a lot of blurry days go down the mississippi a lot of blurry diamonds bro you'll crack an oyster and find a damn eight ball in that [ __ ] no you know it's that kind of town i see i've seen substitutes heading south with a little stick on their back just by the way every hitchhiker you see yeah definitely the only thing they have in their knapsack is just like a history book books no books oh yeah now you got me bursting with substitute teachers so big richard bro he invited us over right so i go over there and smoke one he might meet my girlfriend or we met him at church right so i was like oh this is big richard who teaches us science sometimes right and my girlfriend's like what and she couldn't turn her neck that good actually i remember but like she had i think early uh what's it called when you get like stiffness in your back like arthritis yeah early onset arthritis or something yeah so she would always be like that you know yeah oh you may like thriller michael jackson yeah so me and her though went over to big riches bro so next next time next time he said well we want you to come next time and watch it watch the football i said okay big richard i'll come over so i go over there where he breaks out some weed right i'm like i smoke weed you know i'm a child i smoke so next thing you know we're puffing out you know getting gassed out with big richard baby and uh he told me bring your buddies over bring your buddy so now me and all my buddies are over there and then he took us to a marilyn manson concert bro like he got somehow he knew somebody or whatever he gets us we're 16 years old we're at marilyn manson like uh we're [ __ ] living yeah yeah yeah so one time i'm over there eating steaks at his house and my buddy scotty's in the other room and uh i went in the kitchen to get something and and scotty yelled at me goes hey man can you give me some sour cream because that a baked potato come with a side sure he goes hey can you get me a uh some sour cream and i said no but you can have some of this sweet cream i was joking thanks for clarifying that by the way yeah so big richard's in the other room bro and i hear him go can i have some and that's when all of our brains were just like oh no bro you could feel oh [ __ ] [ __ ] poor but we're all starting to connect oh my god we're like what are we good we are high so then if you're on a date by the way if you went to that and then afterwards at stake you were on a date we didn't think of it man that's how pedophiles get you man because you don't think it's a thing you don't think it's a date you think it's just eating steak with a man when did he bring the shack cards out so then after that it started getting like oh you know i'll take one of y'all to vegas if you want to go just big offers you know and i mean where's the small so it's like dude you want to go to vega we never even heard you know we've seen maybe a drawing of vegas or somebody scream it or somebody you know yelling while they're beating their wife or whatever you know but we've never been to las vegas so everybody you know buddy of mine took a trip with him out there i was gonna say did someone go somebody went yeah so it's just you know that's how anyway i don't know how this whole thing got on a pediaphilia but it seems to always it kind of seems like the funnel is always going right back to the southern louisiana well look and the rich though get into some dark arts maybe when you get real rich that's when it gets that's why yeah you're you usually guys level you can probably get invited to some weird stuff i believe that there's some real spooky stuff i believe that people are starting to go to space tank i believe there's people somewhere watching us really well this fight at freaking denny's and orbeez you know yeah it's called world star okay well it's like like you ever watched the twilight zone yeah yeah i've watched the twilight zone before what about why i like the vampires hold on there's an episode where the aliens that calm down and the aliens they calm down it's called nightmare on maple street or something like that and they come down they're able to like just change little factors in our lives you know what i'm saying and make us like they turn all the power off in one area of the neighborhood mainly right around big richard's house yeah all the lights go off in the middle of steak night good world we're so cheap bro we're such sheep but i like that i wrote this in my notes um i wrote this in my notes yesterday uh while i was hiding in that [ __ ] fridge oh your phone was charged yeah i charged it because i knew i was gonna hide i i took like supplies who found you a man or woman it was he was a guy it was it sucked dude it was at 3am oh it's the worst and was it a guy like that you could have beat in a fight you think yeah actu by the way i considered you should have done that yeah starching him right there right there yeah yeah i'm just kidding zach i'm sorry he's a creator he's great uh um but not i was since i was on the lookout i had this perfect spot where i could see them enter this room and then i could go hide in my fridge i was able to watch people without them knowing that i was watching them and is it a little weird yeah yeah do i mind it absolutely not it's five hours of just sitting doing nothing in the [ __ ] dark i'm gonna i'm gonna see just people international natural habitat that's common it's not people it's a cafeteria they're just sitting and by the way it's not like where else do you think peeping time works yeah that's mostly where they are yeah dude you ever seen your luncheon 12 30 20 p.m after the video it's not children it's not keeping thomas and children peeping thomas all ages yeah people in thomas i'm a peeping tom i mean if you look through a window at somebody and they don't know you are then yeah that's the definition of it yep by the way i had a peeping tom in my house and that [ __ ] was so uncomfortable really for olga's room did i talk about this guys see i i'd consider myself different from the guy looking through the windows well you weren't masturbating while watching them oh my god the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] you george you ever had a little george bridged whack says you have any idea how many weird stories i've heard of you guys i don't know you were there for a long time you got you got carried away you were bored i'm not saying you're masturbating because of them i'm just saying you were trying to kill two birds with one stone that's how it starts by the way that's how time you think i would yeah yeah he's like what are these guys doing i'm gonna masturbate while watching that's why that's wild bro there's a guy on tick tock who almost broke three balloons with one dart did you see it really hey how did we get here how'd you get to that he drove you drove yeah have you seen the guy who does how do i describe this someone's gonna know exactly what i'm talking about he does really nifty like chain reaction tricks while like butt ass naked or using something with his body oh the substitute teacher right he's yes i think he's an asian guy like he hears one he'll set up a um circular disc i know what you're talking about swing it and he'll go like this or he'll like uh you know when you pull a tablecloth off a table and the things stay yeah yeah he'll like he'll like clench his cheeks to pull the thing off oh yeah it's uh that's on i'm stuck on white now i'm getting a lot of like people making like small arcs like float like religious art out of wood and i'm in like down syndrome chefs i think i get like coffee coffee i haven't seen that yet you get coffee ratings uh i don't have that yet no it's it's a couple i'm kind of excited to see what it's going to give me at christmas do you know i get a lot of uh tourette's tick tock yeah you get cartel talk at all is is tailored to what you watch yeah or what you need or or what you need and it serves you things that maybe you're watching more your watch time on this particular topic is related to more of it so they serve it to you tick tocks uh uh turrets tick tock is a big one uh which one did you like sh uh down syndrome it's a thing like cook like there's cooking sam and evan i think are hot so are a bit you know popular right now and i've been watching them they're the i think it's salmon evan did learn about this recently because i uh i i left tic tac because i thought it was over sexualizing like young females like i felt uncomfortable being on the platform maybe your algorithm's serving you that no yeah that's what i'm saying so my friend was like yo you just gotta like things that you enjoy and then i'll stop doing that [ __ ] like i t you know i spent like three hours on my instagram saying i'm not interested in half naked girls on my explorer so what do you get now like potatoes i get bible verses and i get like gun stuff it's like a two things that'll lead you to freaking naked naked children yeah oh i'm just joking man i'm not that's a great [ __ ] joke totally [ __ ] true it's horrifying it's a great add-on unfortunately being alive gets so dark doesn't it dude it's it's it can get they can get dark jeepers man well [ __ ] dude it's wednesday yeah yep what do you got going on this weekend you big party you go you dressing up for halloween all houses i don't think i'm gonna dress up i don't know i've been thinking i was thinking about being fentanyl or something you know something like that you just sneak your way in there just scary i'm trying to think of like the scariest thing you know well that right now that's a big one prisons have a lot of good i've heard some great prison halloween stories over the years yeah um but i don't know i got a couple of spots i don't know if i'm gonna stay here maybe go to to nashville i don't know what i'm gonna do really they got sled in there down there yeah but not for another couple months hopefully but i don't know man what are you guys going to get into i'm going to new york yeah yeah you go to new york often i've been there i was in i dressed up like a newsie one time in new york for the first oh that's cool it was a good outfit that's a good outfit that's a good option pretty easy chill yeah yeah you talking about the musical yeah the newsies nice i thought you said you dressed up as an um [Music] that was good dude i met a couple of babes too from um rockford peaches couple uh because of the outfit uh yeah i think they kind of fancied me a little they were um them ladies were american baseball women you know the movie it's an old movie with tom hanks yeah it's called uh a field of dream of their own field of their own game of their own their own game game of thrones game of thrones who are you competing with what the [ __ ] is the name of that movie with the with madonna madonna rosie rosie o'donnell that and by the way david i saw her bare feet one time at a party angel's stadium yeah why she had him she she took her shoes off and i came on their own i was looking are you a feet guy you like feet i don't really like them you hate them i could do without them i mean if people didn't have them i'd be fine all right you got a foot fetish for i had a girl sucking my big toe two nights wait what really the other night who hates themselves that way no yeah i swear i swear on all things holy i she she's your toes and i i asked her six times please don't don't do this to yourself i said let me shower first yeah you know and she just was just wanted to put the big toe in her mouth dude even shower first i asked her i did it the best i could i mean i wasn't going to say no it would because here's my question at the end of the day who am i to to say you your fetish isn't valid you know what i'm saying like she would that that's that's the thing nowadays you got to be careful you know there was one guy on tick tock that got in trouble because he had a breeding fetish he said i'm going to put a baby in you tonight and the girl said you can't say that but you know i mean i wouldn't say co-creating is a fetish yeah they call it a breeding fetish oh i thought it was dirty no no no no no that one was weird you saw that they they it he talked like uh his dirty talk was like like yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna impregnate you now i'm baby you up yeah like putting in a weird noise seriously toddler huh yeah oh you want to make lunches for a kid in a few years yes yes he'd say yes that's what he would say but that's what i said shop for small shoes you want to follow this [ __ ] baby yeah you want to buy shirts in a really small size in a couple years i'm going to divorce in three years when i don't make it but i said dude that's not that weird i most fetishes i know start with you know weapons torture devices my buddy used to hurt are you okay well i just mean you ever used it somebody used to hold his cadillacs or like one of those you know the thing where you put somebody on you stretch them like you're drinking them with the grinder no no no no what's up the medieval toys that toffee maker yeah i wish i had that gum you turned your girlfriend into gumby but you [ __ ] up she just has one long arm i can't i always like gumby's horse better [ __ ] i like the word you know pokey yes the horses my buddy used to like to hold his girl's tits yeah she would drink like half a gallon of water bro really for some reason that was like his fetish like feeling like oh get hydrated yeah there's some like power in it yeah back try i'd give it a shot i don't know who was a wild guy they were both wild they used to live uh they traveled around for a while and one of them had like um what's that it's like a skin disorder oh psoriasis eczema eczema one of those or oh yeah and they would make grilled cheeses in their van they did um widespread panic they used to follow the band you know it's a great band like odessa or like one of those bands you know like they're about to perform you want to go to the show while you're in l.a yeah i would like to i got shaq tickets too are you really hurt [Laughter] and then he was the craziest dude one of my friends that was over there his dad knew that that guy was a pedophile because he like molested other people like 20 years earlier right so i used to sing christmas cards to my buddy from the freaking dude from big richard and his stepdad would see him and be like oh your [ __ ] friend is mailing you he wouldn't even like stick up for me just like oh i see what you're doing farting around with these old perverts and i would send them like [ __ ] all these christmas like the mom and water boy you're playing that foosball again bob that's a devil's that's the devil's sword but i'm saying i feel like people are getting so wealthy and stuff these days they're running out of [ __ ] it's starting to get real roman times because romans used to do a lot of stuff with you know uh making uh doing sex with all type of you know youths and like making f you know they used to get real wild because they were bored yeah we see that here with some of the we talk about it sometimes with some of the the athletes and these guys that have had sex with every woman that was ever produced upon the earth they got to switch over to men or you know you know i don't know canisters of oil i don't know if i'd ever get that bored that i would just change well we're talking about they're putting up numbers by the thousands george yeah i know but like like pick up a hobby you know like that is their hobby oh yeah i don't know i don't like i feel like dan dan [ __ ] a lot of girls i don't i don't ever see him being like well maybe next time he's on you should ask him george maybe i will because i actually read all of his books point blank to dan b's face and is he a musician dan bizarrin yes oh damn buzzerian yeah last time i checked he was collecting check cards believe it or not autographed shaquille o'neal cards what is the funniest sex story you have because i feel like this is going to make my day nope you be quiet danny let me think man about sex like the most uncomfortable awkward or fun crazy story i just get like i i get like i'm not real good at sex right so you know like i love getting to sex but then once you get doing the sex that's when i really kind of i'm just kind of i don't lose interest but i'm definitely not like gung-ho about it i'm not like charting it i'm not like you know gonna stop at the water tables along the way i'm not going real far you know so it's just like a task i think so i have to think of a good story man i thought like i get nervous about like my butt i don't want women seeing my butts all walk out of the room backwards a lot i noticed myself dude i do that too but yeah i mean that was before i was shaving now i'm shaved i don't really care i think it was the hair on my butt oh you shaved your butthole yeah yeah yeah wow [Laughter] you ever had a girl try to invade your territories oh yeah yeah you get a girl's more adventurous now too they want to really do it all yeah you know they want a hot get in your butt hide around yeah brother they think it's an all-you-can-fuck buffet yeah they don't care it's my body something you butter no it's not supposed to go there yeah you know rough graffiti inside of your face a message in a call one of those little boats that goes in the bottle there's instructions constructed i hit a starburst i just wonder are we getting pat like ever i feel like everything sexy feel like sometimes it gets like it's all been done but maybe that's just a bad attitude i need to change my attitude you need to change that well i mean or just don't and just ex i mean explore you know what i'm saying but i mean within the boundaries you know maybe set some boundaries for yourself like but you know yeah sometimes you got to push him a little bit you know like group do some group stuff you know what i'm saying do some do something what do you mean like swingers man yeah well not even just bring a couple at the same time you ever tried anything inverted or upside down no no because i got those inversion tables my uncle has one of those in his garage but i don't think i'm going over there to [ __ ] or anything have you ever role played no i haven't but i've seen uh you know what i hooked up with a couple ladybugs one time at halloween but i do remember this man yeah pretty cool um what else dude we might have covered it all guys i think so yeah this was a very fun podcast was it i love i think i enjoyed staying with you this time we didn't talk about western that's the only thing i'd like to talk about sometime about what westerns yeah the movies yeah just or just blazing saddles yeah it's a good one it's a good one man it's westworld i haven't watched it i'm excited this week to watch corey sanhagan fight against perry on oh yeah yeah yeah and then obviously i'm going to be at the dustin poirier fight in a couple of weeks you like sean yeah i like sharks on yeah i love joe's episode with him hey hell yeah so good oh yeah god he's such a kid do you think anybody can just be like do you think it takes a certain level of confidence to actually be somebody like sugar sean or like somebody like tekashi or do you think anybody can just no no no chance it's a chance you think it takes a certain yes absolutely sean has always been just this bubbly super likable fun life-loving kid right then he became a fighter now he's confident now he's got a little swag then he started winning people like it like you build right takashi i'm sure sam has always been kind of like he's a joke sir he's a little bit of a troll got some fame so you evolve into this really unique special person then you become the thing because i just wonder if anybody put on that just belligerent confidence right yeah would they be accepted as because that's such a brave step to take you know mcgregor would tell you no or yes and and others would tell you no like right because some guys like poirier couldn't do it it wouldn't fit him that's the thing are you talking about only for fighters no maybe not i'm talking maybe because takashi ain't a fighter yeah i mean sometimes kind of thing he's kind of real thick anyway he don't look like he could even really hey be careful of the man that held my hand that's fine dude not shocked by it okay uh hi theo thanks for coming out bro you excited for your special yeah check it out you guys check it out it's on netflix and uh thank you guys man it's a pleasure yeah just happy to be here and and thanks for the time of course bro logan you all can follow him on instagram theo von super easy we love you hit that subscribe button thank you for watching we'll see you next time peace
Views: 2,245,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: podcast guest, Jake Paul brother, impaulsive, impaulsive podcast, logan paul podcast, maverick, logan paul, theo von, theo von impaulsive, theo von interview, impaulsive episode 100, no jumper logan paul, mr beast creator games, mr beast and logan paul, this past weekend, theo von podcast, joe rogan and theo von, andrew schulz, theo von stand up comedy, comedian, theo von netflix special, nashville, elon musk, jeff bezos, best of theo von, 6ix9ine, tiktok, ufc, stand up comedian
Id: 53KbEv7EY3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 54sec (4074 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 02 2021
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