Switching Lives With The Dolan Twins

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what's up everybody welcome back to my channel hi how are ya now today oh my god okay today is going to be insane I am doing something that I have never done before which happens a lot on this channel but it's been a crazy here 2019 has been a roller coaster and you guys know that me and Shane Dawson have been working extremely hard on our next series now it is coming out very soon but this year has literally flown by we have been filming since January to literally now but I wanted to bring something a little wild to my channel and really test myself and do something a little out of the box so you know I want to take a page out of Shane's book he has always taught me to really push myself take my content to the next level and after last year I really like listen you guys know he changed my life so I want to take an idea that he and Trisha Paytas did where he switched lives with her now I have wanted to do this with someone for a long time and this year I'm like who would be the perfect fit who could you become or switch lives with that would be really challenging right I didn't want it to be really anyone in the beauty community no one that already involved makeup so I sat here and I'm like oh my god the Dolan twins can you imagine one of the most polarizing people on YouTube right they are twins and they're the opposite of what Geoffrey start is right as far as looks image how they dress act everything is so different from me I'm think this would be the biggest challenge so today I'm becoming a Dolan twin all right now you may be like Geoffrey what yeah yes today you guys I will becoming a full man and I will be living at the Dolan twins lives so whatever they have in store for me we will see they're on the way right now and listen you guys know if we're gonna do it we're gonna fully do it so I will have eyebrows on today full transformation with the hair we all know I can't face tune or pump up my muscles like them because they don't work out but I'm going to try to look as close as the Dolan twins as possible and it is gonna be crazy because I don't know what I don't know what they have in store for me now they're there awhile they've had a long amazing history already on YouTube now you guys they're only 19 they started their channel in 2013 and they have just been captivating people for years with their entertainment with their comedy with their channel and their content is amazing now you guys know that earlier this year we did a body paint transformation where I had some friends come over and we turn the drawn twins into Louis Vuitton statues so I have lipstick Nick coming over my hair guy coming over but today is gonna be really trying for me I haven't done normal activities that they do I mean if they take me to like I don't know I don't know what's gonna happen but I want to test myself and I want to put my self in a different headspace and I want to see how someone else lives their life because mine is so crazy on my own it's time to step out of my comfort zone and really give myself a challenge so DaVinci are we ready dude are we ready I think we're ready okay so they are only a few minutes away let me prepare myself what is Nate gonna say when he sees me as a dude what if he leaves me just kidding okay you guys um I'm nervous I'm excited but I think that this is going to be epic so come and join me all right you guys I think our day has officially started oh my god I want to drive that Jeep what uh yeah good morning morning oh my god this Jeep insane how are you good good for anyone watching this it's so hot out today yeah it was brutal it's not as pleasant as it looks okay it's fun though now we hired lipstick Nick who did our body paint video earlier this year okay so she just got here we have the wig master allegedly he's gonna make my hair identical to it to yours so nervous ready so let's talk about it so Jay he's the wig master right he did myopenmath every week this year yeah been insane he's the one that did my morphe ad with the short boy blond hair that crazy right and a lot of people thought oh my god you pay her hair but it was all fake trigger a real human ear I've never been a brunette ever what's your natural hair color light light brown never die might have round never had that color first hair dye it's very a lot of firsts for today yeah it's gonna be crazy these are brow wakes by the way bro this is insane another really great singed eyebrows least brush those are yours even we do have like kind of yeah if you please just ask me what my eyebrows are so point you know in my few school really you're like that's how I'm boring oh my god hi Nicole okay so what I talk about this sab what did you think gonna be really fun it's the Dolans it's like what so what do you think the biggest challenge will be today like as far as bone structure obviously we can't face - no no yeah well I think the biggest thing - yeah like you said like facial structure except like very like square jaws right and we can't like face - though have you ever gonna say like just shorts in like a t-shirt oh my god sixth grade I'm not kidding yeah are you guys so this is how we're gonna lay down a wig I'm trying to watch I'm looking so I know they get in the way too let's again fast motion nobody goes it ever able to do this fast it was like up stacking in fourth grade all right Jeffrey since you're being us for the day you have to have sugar fries we are we don't we drink sugar free okay no straw you guys don't use a straw deal kiss so if you kid just like throw those gains away you know making sure and sabotaging it and it's warm this is like delicious I think it's fine oh my god no sugar is so weird no sugar for you today really crap that's all he me and the emergency room is the finale how often do you do you heat like like chicken and eggs and protein and stuff we selling the biggest douche base I know no no it's real though our lives are so different that's why it's so fast no bother really every day to cook chicken now so Nate is really in Fitness right off the deep end he's been getting amazing like organic chicken macaroni and cheese mashed potatoes see I like starch though I love cheese and bread oh she's the biggest yeah once we're dairy free so no cheese there's no dairy at all today that's not if you're a Dolan you did not have you had no dairy no sugar whoa where's where my body really goes into shock later I can't hahaha are all the braids laid down Jay yes whoa all right in the back oh that's nuts crazy I think it's a hair lighter than Ethan's here's lighter than mine yeah you guys want to go darker maybe it's like the shade in the middle of ours yeah that's it yours that's nice yeah yeah whoa okay right there mm-hmm all right what Elise isn't cut yet obviously a woman yeah really real this is the beginning steps all right it's like this eye for the bag that would not recognize you know this is your first brunette moment for real this is this is crazy you kind of look like look at character and guitar here oh the first it's like the first boss battle first yes yes you what do you guys eat in the morning or what is the first thing you do you work no do you ever cook we will you sit now whenever recently we've been cooking like everyday I'll make like avocado toast some eggs sometimes sausage like vegan sausage which I don't know you'll like it better and then yeah we're not vegans but tastes good yeah eat a lot of vegetables you like vegetables yeah last time we filmed the video you're like oh I'm sorry like let's post meat lunch and just keep that many bags of candy arrived okay the hair is feeling shorter if like my real hair is being cut off how does that look am I looking like you guys it looks like even serum sixth grade Oh any kind it does how do you know what I look like right now oh is it coming together this is it is there it's like now it's actually things like turn here really never know and there's a mirror in front of me hi whoa what are the brows I got it yeah I'll protect the brows okay so we're about sit here on the brows yeah we're gonna glue them on here and here heavier using them on to get it tacky and then the hot brows oh my god okay the brow is going on is going on okay we're - shame you have Jeffery back Jeff right we'd emerge come Biggie's let's go how are we feeling guys oh my god everyone can see me about me oh you're losing Jeff your older brother haha actually Jeff I give it you haven't seen this yet you're gonna freak out you are I love should we get your outfit and everything on first and then you look yeah so to get away Christian Nate just got home what do you think he's gonna say when he sees me we can't let him see me right now Matt you don't let them in here I want you to see so excuse my mess okay let me see in here so it really okay where's Nate tell me Louie Vuitton boxes okay make sure you season there okay oh my god okay okay ready oh oh oh this is crazy insane there's this really this is you still do you think you look like yourself no how do I know if you woke up looking like this I would be this is crazy the brows what do you think Chris ha ha whoa okay yeah we need some official clothes on forget about it later than you look in the end your what the [ __ ] okay we have to go surprised name okay we need to go show ya it's insane what's up bro how you doing yeah and you want to pump some iron with us I mean I could get in another workout yeah okay so we swing full Jeff Nolan right straight up Jeff done one definitely we need some assistance though for the first time ever you need to dress me alright what do we need boys I'm gonna be worried we wait for cut-offs at the gym because we're super douche bags okay so some cut-offs maybe some like place or short something shorter yeah I have shoes but I need socks like my kids some hot sauces yeah so let's get me out of my I con ik indeed his outfit and let's get me looking more like a Dolan let's do this alright alright this is my outfit so your gear what the hell alright guys be right back [ __ ] yeah go pump some iron you do pretty [ __ ] you you look like that love you babe [ __ ] da Vinci do you know who I am I'm your father bro to finish its what delicious all right let's go to the gym all right we ready whatever really we don't normally carry bags like that oh you know to Hermes nothing all right yeah just go all right let's do this guy's let's go it's gym time whoa no door is sick it was awesome you get a good pump probably like two three years [Laughter] all right let's buckle in for safety was it a real pump though I've worked out a few times around puked okay that might happen today actually what happened today seeing you in the in the rear view mirror I thought it was Ethan for a second I just looked back and I was like can I forget it's crazy obviously I have a Jeep but we don't ever drive with the doors off name does the but I don't know kind of had them awfully are you glad to just have your leg out kind of yeah I mean I wouldn't put it on the outside of the step up like you don't put it as right now man lose a toe don't put it for those like the core is why if that makes sense okay hey it's your new neighbor Jeff hey guys god bless Christian this is so freeing yeah no one knows who you are yeah it's great and I can't [Music] [Music] the [ __ ] gym dog right the [ __ ] gym are you ready yeah - already really good it is alright guys we are here at the gym I'm ready to do this so I'm brandy you guys what's our first step what's our first move douchebag after [Music] let's get these mussels welcome back to my gym how are ya all right workout for your workout we work out it's something that I take a run occasion before workout then you'd like an extra boost okay try it hiss ooh yeah are we all having one yeah let's do it okay oh there's the c-4 fridge here he's not playing around it's basically Red Bull on Red Bull again oh there's no sugar though yeah no that's how we do it cheers boys whoa to a good workout Oh some of that carbonated water kind of yeah but it's kind of delicious all right this might make you feel a little crazy okay yeah well you'll feel all week how do I let Christian likes a look-see he'll be ready for those games though so do you guys have to finish the whole ten to get the benefits no usually I just sip it throughout the workout okay you should be going good sorry think it's been like 10 seconds that I'm like ready to [ __ ] climb this rope I think we should have to start yeah I'm the pull-up bar over here Oh enough stretches or we're okay let's do well it's a little it's a little it's a little warm up warm up its body where is body weight yeah do I really have to do it then I'll coffee yes sure I'll demonstrate okay just engage your shoulders all the way down all the way down all the way up control so that's real that's a real pull-up yeah disengage your shoulders all the way yes yeah disengage come back up there it is do you got one easy all right trying to tell you five we do five sets of five to warm up yeah five five and all details more years to go let's try red good posture yeah that's good yeah I just got to pull myself up pull yourself up put your chin above the bar okay ready yep there you go try it on the one all right yeah Wow my forms a little swinging but I'm getting bad okay let me hold it up try to get to okay general warming up that's pretty good yeah you know what [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] yeah I'm sorry a lot of whack man all right boys let's grab a city [ __ ] right and now we're gonna at the Rope you wear gloves or no no gloves yeah get those man hands who wants a calestous man my hands are cheese soft or too weak that's any calluses get some calluses all right let's do this we're gonna go to the top okay yeah touch the wood come back down and no legs only our what do you think so you notice there's no legs touch the wood rope burn any of the games on the weight you get the gains on the way down games on the way down okay you can't miss out on any games he returned Jeff hey man you [ __ ] got this I got this no legs huh no look just is it a stripper pole this isn't car to be in Jayla's new movie this is reality these noodles are already quivering no legs oh my god oh no legs next night next in can you Charlie I got one hand all right let's go top with legs this time with legs yeah you got it this is you got little you're like a monkey you [ __ ] monkey Jeff you're [ __ ] animal Jeff yeah now let's remove it onto the bench press okay looks good I'll give you a little example stress powder we're pressing bake geez I'll give you a little example okay and what did she look like I'll throw in some weight just for a little warm-up and then you'll get down there on the bench and they'll [ __ ] push some [ __ ] weight how much I weigh by the way what are you two so I'm about like one 195 I'm 185 all right how was you we got to bolt me up I'm like 135 okay told you six-foot I'm gonna say my metabolism so crazy we got dough in this [ __ ] it's that sugar it's leading it up somehow I don't [ __ ] get out too good [Applause] I just five rip real quick a little bit a little bit heavier than me let's see if you get five rip your your way so something's just like this and then grab the bar alright sounds like this BAM yeah you just grab the push up you put your thumbs like yeah there you go yeah it's just to even them out and you want to touch your sternum and then back up every time for weeks and how much weight is this this is your body body weight one side is a little bit more than I weigh so now you're gonna do you ready yeah go down to you choice on it okay fine yeah yeah comfortable little realistic I know is that much all right can you give me a [ __ ] war but so that's all right back up there you go touch your chest back up you go this is a lighting board that was good yeah oh yeah oh he's going he stoppable he's really striving sexy for just hit again oh yeah I would never thought I'd see the day that Jeffrey's on sea floor all right now that Jeff is feeling the pump we're gonna end the upper-body workout by doing something that works almost all of your upper body muscles okay that is the handstand okay great Rickson practices these look in the kitchen every day okay there's a lot of core involvement okay as well as upper body strength okay so the core okay I'm gonna do some handstands and see how long Jeff can hold one okay let's do it you got it a little example so when you like this it's a lot about it's the pressure you put in your fingers just keep yourself balanced as well as keeping your core engaged and your arms Jeff now it's your turn to hit some handstands [Music] Oh sweetie gonna [ __ ] here [ __ ] that get back up yeah hey there you go Jeff that was pretty good my elbows kind of rugburn but it's all good bingo game baby yeah that's what's up all right we're gonna end this workout okay by doing some sprints okay this is where we're gonna really push ourselves and cardio and get that cardio in oh yeah I'd be proud of ourselves so what we did in the gym today we've had a long day in here all right hours so we're gonna go outside and we need some sprints you ready I'll clock the sprints let's do it I'll be the ref you guys have to race each other okay great all right a little a little a friendly competitiveness little bro competition is it bros pushing bros all right so each other just a little family competition I'm gonna race you down to where Ethan standing okay and then whoever touches his hand wins the race all right Jeff I feel like you're pretty fast oh come on you nervous I don't know Jeff looks like this is a Jeff might be fast are you give us the hands all right you call ready set go close Jeff is a good stride I was vibes band's right behind it was good it was good you know and Grayson Sprint's all the time so not really just jog look you actually you actually impress the brows in the gym today hell yeah like I'm actually totally impressed with the pulps not many people can do that you know I think I'm reading spired and after this I'm gonna have a membership here oh yeah it's time to turn it out yeah let's do this I think so I think this is like really good for you especially with like the amother you work in hell yeah so Jeff has taught you every something already that's crazy huh alright guys that's the thing we got some gym inspiration to motivation for the rest of the day master after we hit the gym you can't let the games go to waste okay so willing to have a nice high-protein meal after vision perfect that we normally prepare ourselves okay Wow so we'll go to the house and we'll do that now some cooking let's do this I'm starving it sounded protein the [ __ ] up okay alright here we have so you like peanut butter flavor my favorite me too so this is dairy-free of course okay I get it this is our dairy-free plant protein okay let's see if it is any sugar actually looks good thank God yeah actually she's over we're going to die alright so you just make we just do three of these yeah one of ours but should we wait and all do it together be the protein yeah you need immediately yeah alright guys it was 30 minute window like down that [ __ ] since I haven't worked out since the early 1800s it's definitely it's definitely catching up to me whoa it's not so good thank you if you want to maximize your genes you have to get them to get them down fast it's actually really good whoa okay I was a little nervous and the pickiest eater system okay it's like liquid Lisa's yeah picture it to be with the Reese's okay bye boys ah cheers Cheers up is weird taller all right so to keep my soul be absolutely obviously eat more right yeah so I never need this much in my life I love it this was a lot of protein we're still not done yet now it's time to eat protein okay it's Turkey I love Turkey okay we're on the right path no added hormones or steroids they're not talking about me to talking about the food surrounding water sugar - you guys mind if we light this candle it might keep me a subdued so I don't have any sugar cravings look at this smell this suppose like my house my body was eunuch and all right we might need a light light okay now this isn't the prettiest meal or the most scrumptious it's strictly for nutrition and protest perfect so it's not gonna look amazing those are the dogs and he makes like chicken and rice it's like they have an upset stomach this is what you're doing to me all right guys the meal is almost done what plate should we use the fine china let's do this all right so all right thanks quick that's a quick cook all right well that looks delicious Grayson Bon Appetit okay so do we do salt pepper what we just eat it as fast as possible yeah for the games I think it's a fatty guy hopefully it tastes kind of someone holding water mm-hmm there's literally no flavor really yeah mm-hmm all right whoa anyway guys had this was it scary when we filmed before I don't think Sonny was pretty yeah okay but this is like a very Dolan activity skateboarding okay skating a lot um so I'm not gonna participate today just because my back is messed up cuz I fell really hard when I was skating yeah I'm a little nervous last time I did something like this actually fracture my elbow is the only time I ever broke a bone so what do you what did you do oh that's good you step on this nine is Gabe sporting but then I'll start do a high kick on it so I was would you say sporting did I I think we should try to get you to drop in okay let's do it you know to drop it is yeah you start from there go BAM yeah do you want to show yeah the master skateboarder so he would thank God he's not here you started here uh and then you just kind of stopped your front foot down as hard as you can and commit those are the two steps talk about commitment Jeff like this and then that's it I'm dim there's no elbow pads on little wheels over it like which way Oh what's good how do you think this is gonna go Tony Hawk is retired Thank You Ryan Sheckler breaking at home right now at his mansion we don't want to kill Jeff yeah this is like when you're little and then you have to do the diving board and you start crying and your mom forces you I'll give you your mom and force you to do this okay if I don't make it home it was really good meeting you take care of the dogs and you know my pin number maybe we start at the bottom yeah and then try to work our way up all the way up you just do it in the flat part you're right on Evan straight just like this how do you get the board to grip your feed you have to be one with the board and I'm just not there back with your back foot slide in and slide fo with your phone whoa you like that thank you for having my back that's a new move what's good it's the Jeff Dolan it's the Jo your right foot other front yep yes but you're facing the wrong way you learned a lot that was really good I think we called there that was a success because you didn't break it I didn't die the day is coming to an end yeah to treat Jeff Dolan for his his games yeah is shred session we're gonna get some dairy free ice cream be ok don't we don't [ __ ] with that there I don't know if I've ever had that let's go try your first dairy-free scream alright let's go where we're going oh wait Jett Dolan is going out in public oh she is crazy okay how do you feel about that also they'd be like masculine in public oh really weird like kind of uncomfortable but not in like the worst and also gym clothes in public yeah I mean this is nuts so I think if people recognize my tattoos that's about it are you getting used to it okay this is a person yeah I kind of want to build a house with you guys then you feel you're feeling right yeah yeah okay if someone recognizes us and you were seeing the expose do you think they would be like oh my gosh you know together that's what I don't know if they've seen our staff and we'd have to be a double-take moments for show yeah but they wouldn't merely be [ __ ] my okay I'm so interested to see what happens all right off to the mall oh my god it was luck I feel so crazy looking like this in public this outfit Christian like you know I don't think you're in yeah I don't think you're recognizable crazy the bag boy is that yeah is that cool my back just watch a little bit that's good you're incognito feels so weird even wearing shorts like having the breeze hit my legs right now I'm gonna feel kind of not in like a dress or something or like this feels crazy I'm gonna feel really crazy being a pal are you guys ready for tomorrow I don't know if I am what we're watching this it's today yeah if you're watching this right now go to the Dolan twins channel they become the star triplet and they switch lives with me so this is like a double whammy a double mine [ __ ] you [ __ ] Friday it's Friday Tuesday and this is crazy Oh first before you go okay great oh my god I think she saw my tattoos should even Brendan even see my face she just saw my body she was like clogged at the house I'm sweating can you not do people were here we have to okay this is public there's people in there who fall oh my god oh my god okay let's go Oh Lucy how are you really good so what are your dairy free options Oh Jeff : really good to meet you miss thank you miss so we don't do we don't do dairy really Darry except pucker up great okay what are the two non-dairy ice cream flavors put ship repeaters one I care take three small cookie dough's Jovic appreciative not Mary's thank you how does it look I'm I'm insecure it was cool it's never trying to be definitely like that playing series is this sugar free or another sugar in here thank you we're gonna wait for that there's a tire I'm sorry I don't want to interrupt you guys I'm sorry can I run hey maybe I'll get word we got our dairy free ice cream this is your favorite flavor yeah let's see let's see if you can notice so this has been a crazy day cheers to this insane experience Cheers how was it I can tell is Derek here right away Yeah right it's really good it's so good you can tell those enough not there right away but it's pretty good so I think going on public's gonna be really cool it's definitely challenging I don't really weird today but good like I don't know it's not explaining it do you think you're gonna carry on any of the Jeff dough and characteristics you started against oh yeah do you realize that I need to be healthier I definitely should maybe more take in yeah I think that's what's lacking in that way it's fair I think you should refuse that your honestly for someone hasn't worked out in three years and it was doing it consistently it's definitely the excuse of I'm too busy isn't good enough but yeah it's me so thanks for the cooperation I'm glad you did it's crazy all right I'm gonna go home and a little confessional a little deep take off these brows and we'll see you on their Channel whoa okay I have a lot of thoughts does what a crazy insane day how are you guys doing good whoa I'm just like maybe it's the c4 oh my god this was not at all even like this is I'm looking in the mirror like Who am I right now Christian oh my God look at the old me look trash like all jokes aside being in public in this outfit with this look was so strange like I and I look so normal right just society standards and like this is I felt hurt but it was cool it really like put me into a different headspace and this whole experience was nuts try keep that rose on this is cuckoo Shep going off yeah can i oh look you can see something that drawing oh I forgot supposed to hurt but it's just oh my God look I'm gonna save this and do an auction later Nicole and Jay did such a good job like I'm a little shook okay we have some remnants I think it's kind of cool whoa okay let's just sit for a second I want to do a recap I didn't even really know what to expect right diving into this challenge I really wanted to do something that I've never really done before I have such a respect for the Dolans they are such hard-working individuals and the fact that they're so young and they've accomplished so much is amazing and it's just really inspiring so it was challenging in a way just because my life is so different I think maybe if you're watching this for a girl working out all this is not that challenging but for me it was actually pretty challenging it also maybe reinstate back into fitness a little bit more pay more attention to the fitness side that nate is really like living for maybe I need to start partaking and it was yeah I was it was a challenge but it was good like it was it was actually was also really fun like I haven't laughed like that in a so it was cool today was really special and I'm so glad I did this it definitely opened up something different in my brain and um it was cool so thank you to Ian gray I really appreciate it today was so fun but you guys now it's time for them to turn into Jeffrey star and become the star triplets so you have to head it over to their channel to check that out everything will be linked down below but um sound off what did you guys think of this what do you think about my look um I just appreciate you guys so much so thank you for watching this video and of course I'll see you on the next one whooping bye guys
Channel: jeffreestar
Views: 18,352,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jeffree star, the dolan twins, switching lives with the dolan twins, jeffree star cosmetics, switching lives with jeffree star, dolan twins jeffree star, shane dawson, ryland adams, Safiya Nygaard, michelle phan, secret life of jeffree star, ethan dolan, grayson dolan, jeff dolan, star triplets, bretman rock, morgan adams, makeup tutorial, trying dollar general makeup
Id: Fzz6C5rXNTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 28sec (2368 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 17 2019
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