Jake Paul & Logan Paul on Double Victory (Boxing/WWE), KSI vs Tommy Fury, Fighting Dillon Danis: 390

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get over it like and meanwhile mom your brother building oh yeah you you're my brother building a business you love to play Both Sides you play Both Sides what's the other side I'll partner with all of your enemies are we are we is this is do you know you start every podcast stuttering are we is is this our yeah welcome back to I do want to say before you even say that no welcome back to impulsive the number one podcast in the world thank you guys for listening watching viewing and subscribing we got Jake Paul in the house seven and one boxer defeated Nate Diaz in the 10 round all out brawl he looking like a cheetah he was so quick he was so powerful in there we saw him some of the critics are saying opposite though as usual the haters are there online to discredit your [ __ ] Jake how you feeling though brother man I feel pretty good I'm just chilling you know what I'm saying he's got the job done was waiting for like 45 minutes for you to get here thank you I'm happy you brought that up that's what I was going to ask you about you you bring him up as an important guest Jake Paul seven and one boxer extraordinaire yet you couldn't show up on time two episodes in a row to your own podcast yeah I have an excuse and it's a good one you always have an excuse I was getting mom's birthday gift I was getting mom's birthday gift that we got her Jake and I went in on a gift we did do that and uh and we got and he did need to pick it up I had to that is true um it's it's a good one uh Pam our sweet sweet mother wouldn't be here without her is turning 60 years old great milestone in her life and so we're going to her birthday this weekend to go to go give her get a little something nice I'm really excited yeah to go back home and and visit Cleveland yeah it's always fun just chill finally get some time off to rest yeah you've been going hard for a while Jake yeah non-stop only way to do it nothing to it but to do it and you get to go back to Cleveland the place where you learned how to be bro whoa let me say this nice nice if anyone can say that word I can [ __ ] say no that's our word that's yeah no no no no no no that's all yes it's a derivative it's a derivative and you're guilty by default [ __ ] why you think McGregor deleted his tweets would say otherwise no he does that all the time from the publicist I was like you can't do this dude over that word yeah he was saying he was saying like our word and like other stuff crazy stuff coked out of his mind bro guys lost it he's really lost it seen him on his um what's the show Ultimate Fighter he's the coach have you seen him like being a coach you get in there ding ding ding wait hey man what did you say you say some people are good Fighters they're not good coaches I think he might be one of those I don't even know if he's a good fighter anymore I don't think he is a good fighter after I've seen like what Nate Diaz did to him hurting him like you were telling me this on the plane yeah like bro like what how did it how did Nate Diaz hurt anybody with his punches in his whole entire career [ __ ] dropping these guys hitting Connor Connor's like wobbling in the cage I could have stood there with my chin out and let Nate Diaz punch me as hard as he wanted to and this [ __ ] didn't hurt well when was the last time they fought I know that I I'm gonna be the opposite I always like to play the opposite side obviously it was probably a little while ago maybe he had a little more power obviously lighter gloves maybe a little bit more damage felt in the Octagon versus well the heavier gloves are actually more dangerous they hurt they hurt really yeah because would you rather get hit with a 10 pound Sledgehammer or a five pounds I prefer neither to be honest if if there's also a bigger a bigger surface area of the blunt the trauma gets passed into a bigger surface area which creates more of an impact on your head but maybe that's why because with the smaller gloves in the right spot pinpointed it could just hit that button the button similar to how Romero is the baseball player he hit the uh the other guy shout out Cleveland that was that was even saying did you see the meme of you versus him in the ring I've seen that like the them editing it together it was sick this fight wait wait wait wait I I just want to ask um because my one critique afterwards you know I'm always your brother and I'm like hey can you do this for me can you work on this and my one critique was that uh I I did get to see a little bit of your defense but I wanted you at least this next Camp to work on your head movement and and the first thing you said was like if you're not punching me hard I'm not going to respect your punches yeah the only thing is like obviously the punches are like scoring but I honestly look at it as like he's punching me right now and using a lot of energy and it's not hurting and he's getting tired from this and that's what happened he would like go off in a flurry and I would let him do it and then I would just be gathering up my breath to go beat the [ __ ] out of him with hard punches well that that pace you came out with in the first round let me just say first of all I'm a big DS brother fan you know Ed Ball Brothers and Paul brother fan you know I think we all are yeah yeah so that pace you came out in the beginning I was like [ __ ] man this is so one side he's gonna knock him the [ __ ] out right away this is gonna be embarrassing for Nate his career is going to be ruined but you stopped that pace and then you fought properly for a 10 round fight which that's very impressive for anybody to do a 10 round fight so Props to that um I thought it was over in round one and you're the same age as Nate you're exactly the same age you're 38 years old he did way better than I would have done yeah probably yeah that's my joke for the show it was a good one I took I took notes the whole time just because I knew we were going to end up are you gonna do a brotherly fight now you got the older brother you got Nick Diaz you got the younger brother and you're going to go now do MMA rematch that's perfect it's way better than you two fighting each other that you were talking about dude whoa whoa that's nobody wants to see that actually let's let's sweeten that pot a little bit because I know you've been having trouble convincing Nate to fight you in an MMA match why don't we get me on the same card and I'll fight Nick Diaz double header brother versus brother tag team MMA match No Tag Team I'm happy you guys got rid of the idea of YouTube fighting each other because nobody wants to see that your two brothers I think that was just a younger because when you're young you guys probably fought so much when you're young that it was just like okay we'll just do it for money now in a ring but when you get older you appreciate your family and you love them again and now you don't want to do that and now you're both Filthy Rich you don't even need to do it but you know I like that you guys support each other now you flew all the way in and you know that's cool to see that's heartwarming yeah we had to squash that narrative yeah it was definitely something of the of the past but rightfully so you got to be young and stupid because then you have to mature from that but everyone has stupid ass [ __ ] that they think of and do when they're young kids well also I think we're in a era where we kind of were willing to do anything for views and clicks I mean I can definitely say that for myself and when your priorities are skewed in that way like fighting your family member was an option that was on the table I was like all right sounds entertaining and I'm sure it would be it'd be fantastic so does this mean that we could like spark could we move around here we go a little bit at least I'm down I think that's really good preparation probably for for a lot of people like that's a really good idea I'm down I'm yeah let's do it you should do a real MMA fight together behind closed doors just you two and a referee but you gotta work on that you know striking and cardio for wrestling together and that you two would be perfect to go at it you can do this up Kicks like the other little brother kick you know oh yeah we're getting ahead of ourselves I want to talk about this fight a little bit I I didn't know what to expect you and I don't I don't know if you knew what to expect or what you probably went in with a certain strategy and I noticed Nate's uh Maneuvers and his strategy looked a little different than anybody that you fought he his guard was extremely tight extreme it seemed extremely tight the entire fight and he was doing these lunges and immediately taking your reach and that powerful right hand out of the equation because he was getting inside that that powerful Striking Distance how did that that change your your strategy as the fight progressed well yeah look I knew he was going to pressure and come forward he just did it in like an unorthodox way but I just kept on like sticking and moving and just like outboxing them and using like my punch selection to open up his guard because if you're here boom throw a hook then he brings it back here then I bring the two so I was just using my punch selection to open them up and just um letting them walk into punches really like just okay You're Gonna Keep On Coming forward and he was getting jabbed up the the whole entire night so that's kind of what I expected and I knew it wasn't going to be some like super sharp text uh boxing because I knew it just was going to be a brawl and be a street fight and just to Thug it out and picking him apart yes and using my footwork to move around but I knew that it was just going to be a dog fight and who wanted it more let me ask you something and I need an honest answer are you at all disappointed that you couldn't get him out of there uh yes and no I I think when I heard him in the first round that's why I turned it up on him I saw he was hurt I hurt him to the body then hit him with a hook all at once so he went and I was like oh he's hurt and boom put a big big big punches on him and when I see he didn't go down I was like okay like this guy is a [ __ ] zombie but what I'm happy about is the fact that I went 10 rounds and tested my cardio to the Max and felt super good and that experience and that confidence now going 10 Rounds throwing 500 punches that to me is such an amazing experience and is going to help me in the next fights moving forward and as long as I got the knock down and keep my 100 knock down ratio for all my opponents that's what I'm happy about and for the betters on better that betted on it 100 it was the second most uh bedded fight in the history of boxing in general in general on better in general oh [ __ ] how did it do on better better better we had a we had a PIX game better went to number three in the app store for sports sporting apps which is huge it went above ESPN it went above all these massive massive uh like DraftKings FanDuel all of them we were number three ahead of all of them had an amazing weekend um tons and tons of downloads blew it out of the water blew our expectations out of the water and the downloads are still coming in people loved the product and are still um using the app so I don't know that that to me is what I'm most happy about is the success of that because we just launched better fantasy which is in 24 States and now the product is like more readily available and now this is the test like how many people can we get to know about the app download our fantasy product we have the best fantasy product 100 times multipliers uh no pushes and we want to share that yeah I think it's I think no I think it's great dude I think it's awesome you get to build a business based on something you're doing that is so organic to you I think it's [ __ ] cool know what I love it it's it's my passion like I've been building this company now for 18 months and like now is When We're Off to the Races because we're in 24 States before people would download it and be like oh I can't play but now we're in California Texas all everywhere so and and it's going to keep on growing so it's just really cool now that I can start to promote it more because I wasn't promoting it because I was like we're only in two states so now more of my fan base can use it and the NFL season's coming up they can make picks all season long so you still got a part of this game those big Statewide gambling licenses no yeah we're still we're still getting them but because because of fantasy uh now we're in 24 States gonna be in probably like 35 to 40 by that okay by the end of the year that you know why I said that right obviously like what no I was just saying because I'm a Barcelona yeah it's my little brother no no no no I was kidding I was just [ __ ] around I brought an owner isn't it I gave him the mob for it yeah download better and play better picks yeah I know I never really like have promoted anything on here I'm sorry I just think it's funny that you guys have the same entities in competition across all of Europe it is actually funny I own a drink company and an ambassador to a Betting Company and you own a Betting Company and our ambassador to a drink company and your business partner is his biggest [ __ ] enemy yeah you're a bit oh yeah yeah which we'll get more and multiple they also Dana technically like you see too are you guys doing this on purpose and then I'm like the owner of like the pfl and like all of it's weird even even the fact that you found a stray cat and then bring it home and I found a straight dog and brung it home but you know how often this this has been happening like our whole life with like random ass [ __ ] so weird all the time you might want to go to Jake's next fight the good news geek Community Sports festivals and more even KSI in my night it'll be available they put all the tickets across the web in one place to make sure you're getting a good deal each ticket is graded to make sure you get a good deal look for the green dots green means good red means bad every ticket is backed by their buyer guaranteed C geek is the only site that lets you return your tickets ahead of the event with swaps you know I came through for you guys use the code Logan for 20 off tickets at Sea geek that is 20 off your first purchase with a promo code Logan make sure you click the link in the description to download the app shout out seek geek show if you look at our lives like oh you broke up with your that girlfriend and this year at the same time and you went sober like didn't you do a sober year when you were 26. that's so [ __ ] I didn't know that like I didn't I obviously knew it but I'm not thinking like oh Logan did it when he was 20 like I decided to do that in the same year that you decided to do that yeah it's [ __ ] weird made it 11 months I made it 11 months of being sober and vegan and no vegan was only January oh that went fast it was horrible but 11 months of being sober and I was like damn um man I just like knew that I wasn't at my full potential and that it was like limiting me from accomplishing my goals and I realized I wasn't as focused in the gym and so I actually decided to go sober before I lost which is ironic like most people like would have lost him like damn it was because I was drinking I like knew I was [ __ ] around too much and I was like ah like I I just need to give this up it's not it's not helping me I nothing bad was necessarily happening but it wasn't it wasn't necessarily good um and it just want to have a clearer mind and I think I was like abusing it a little bit and just like having too much fun you're gonna be an elite athlete you know you got to cut out all those things that are going to take away from that the demons yeah but yeah but you see a lot of elite athletes still going crazy that's what I was thinking with like Nate like you can't be taking it serious if you're smoking weed technically but he smoked his whole career I don't know if I call him an elite athlete oh yeah like he has a good ass time I think I do lives an awesome life and still trains at the top level and kicks everyone's ass so like it's possible to have a balance I think some people can get away with it but obviously I'm I don't think I'm one of those people you're an extremist yeah exactly you're extremist you're an extremist you wrote him on a tank he rode in a tank to the arena that was sick you called Nate Diaz a zombie before and I should preface as well too I went through my my uh tagged stories of nadiaz before I was I'm a fan too of his MMA career he was he was uh he was an elite MMA fighter he was an incredible fighter in the space you know took down Connor a bunch of other guys excuse me his second to last fight he [ __ ] almost stopped Edward Leon Edwards with strikes with a one two but how does his punches hurt anyone well so that's what he's gonna ask you so a lot so along with zombie I took I was taking notes of different characters that he appeared to me as during the fight and I took some different notes um I have listed that he reminded me of a character from The Walking Dead at certain moments Jake was hitting him everywhere except for the head and he wouldn't go down you gotta hit him with a head shot the perfect head shot to take his head clean off and he'll die the zombie will die um there were moments where he was he was getting around your punches and getting inside and throwing um what looked like cat paws declawed cat paws at your face I've never seen a puncher throw the so many um oh is that what that is um there was times when he looked uh to be an NPC he was doing um some very strange he was trolling he was trolling you I have I also have a character from Groundhog Day because uh the guy from Bill Murray when the alarm would go off and you'd wake up because he would kind of go to sleep and catatonic for a few minutes and wake up and then I also have a comedian and I want to bring that out to you was that pissing you off at all he had me laughing bro some of the [ __ ] he was doing in there was [ __ ] funny dude like he was doing some dumb [ __ ] did that throw off your Approach at all no not at all not at all like it was actually detrimental to him because any time he like had momentum he kind of would like stop to troll and it kind of like ruined it but I realized in the sixth round that he was doing it like just to take a break and as soon as he as soon as he started doing it after that I jumped on him every single time and hit him with big shots dad was pissed that you weren't doing that before there was yeah there were some moments where he was turned to the side and I was like bro he could kill him right yeah but also some of the moments that he was trolling I was like okay I'm gonna take a breath right now I'm gonna take like a breath or two so and then by the way it's like being ready for a whole 10 round fight I'm winning the rounds you want to take a break right now okay I'm gonna take a breath or two too and also the [ __ ] you would have got if you knocked him out when he was looking outside all the comments sort of been like oh yeah he I think he would have gotten memed that's like yeah that's what I'm saying cocky fighting goes wrong and I thought you almost did it a couple times when you jumped on him and heard him I mean he really is a zombie Jake were you when you were punching him Square in the face a couple few clean uppercuts were you demotivated at all that he wasn't going down I just couldn't believe how much damage he was taking and especially to the body bro anytime I would hit him to the body and like bro didn't care and he'd be like oh [ __ ] would you say right now on the show that Nate Diaz has that dog in them yeah for sure and I walked the dog like I said I was gonna do put him on a leash bent them over and embarrassed him knocked him out of the ring and and that's it's fun in games and stuff and like after he's acting all nonchalant and people are like oh he didn't care to be in there he was just there for the check like shut the [ __ ] up you stupid people of course he wants to win a fight of course he goes to win every single fight he's in there saying talking [ __ ] the day before saying I can't fight and I I bent him over on the ground embarrassed him put him on the canvas and and now he's still like talking [ __ ] saying all of these things blah blah acting like he doesn't care because of course that's how he's gonna play it he's gonna act like he doesn't care but really I embarrassed him I embarrassed the legend is that why you're still going so hard on him like it sounds like you're still kind of angry because I thought after the fight you're supposed to be cool and stuff we even got to see real Nate in the ring afterwards when your cameraman fought the disown cameraman he he turned into a grandma and he did one of these he goes stop hey stop fighting stop fighting they were fighting you guys be cool yeah no it's cool it's cool there's like respect and everything but I I just hate how the narrative online like changes all of a sudden after the fight before it's Jake doesn't have any cardio Nate's gonna drown him and then I out cardio him out punch him beat his ass not put him to the ground and then everyone's like well he's not a boxer he jujitsues you're used to that by now that's nothing new to you there there is so much [ __ ] coming out of the out of this fight before and after it um Drake bet 250 000 uh on Nate Diaz uh to quote him uh I I can't bet against a Diaz uh I always knew you and Drake to be you know at least pretty good acquaintances did that offend you in any way no not at all I actually liked it because I wanted more people to get Rowdy on Nate's side of things and for Nate to have a lot of support going into the fight um and it's all like who cares you know what I'm saying it's like Drake's gonna do whatever he wants like he's a he's a man and he's been a Nate Diaz fan and likes the Diaz brothers since he first started watching fighting and as everyone you know and so it only makes sense for for him to to ride with Nate so and he bet on me and against Tommy and then lost so I think he was probably like oh I need I don't know how Jake's looking like he didn't look without good luck so even when you win you just continue to lose Drake money yeah yes uh a million things KSI KSI we gotta we gotta get into this you guys have been going back and forth obviously as soon as the fight ended it went straight into his uh normal kind of ridicule you know your guys normal back and forth uh talking about his you know fight what's going to go on there exhibition this exhibition that uh what is your what is your your mind telling you about this uh KSI versus uh Tommy Fury fight yeah I mean it's not a real fight because it's an exhibition like first and foreign it doesn't matter though it's like it's an exhibition it's like it doesn't go on anyone's records the stakes aren't as high because of that I want to give you a comparison I'll give you one Logan Paul versus Floyd yeah exactly it's like okay everyone wins they're both gonna win at the end does that is there even a winner declared are you saying because the stakes aren't as high because it's it's not on uh uh and by the way I think it is it's there's a stipulation here there's a reason why it's not going to go on BoxRec or because it's not an exhibition but none of ksi's fights do so to me it's not boxing until they make it professional fights but they are professional fights no they're not but they're exhibitions gloves with no head headgear I'm on the I'm on the same card it's not mine is in an exhibition it's a it's I consider it a real fight consider it or it is yeah I will be fighting it's a difference I'll be fighting my opponent with 10 ounce gloves no headgear on and I'm gonna beat his ass if she feels real with a with a decisive winner and it will go on your record it doesn't go on your record that's what I'm saying I don't know I don't know I don't know if the number on the record not being there doesn't make legitimate everyone will know everyone will know what happened well in a way but no one knows like ksi's record like I don't know any does he even he doesn't have a record because that's fair that's like part of the sport that's what makes it a [ __ ] sport is like keeping record of these things and like how many knockouts how many of this how many of them also but also he's a person who has changed the landscape as are you and his career may not be that of numbers it may not they might not matter everyone knows yeah but that's why like I I don't like to be in the same conversation because what I'm doing is like real that's fair well here's what you do come back in the conversation he has his basically said or has said that if he beats Tommy he can retire as the king of this bot of this level of boxing because he took down someone that you haven't or couldn't at the time that's such a cop-out it's such a cop-out you the how many fighters in the history of the sport have beaten someone and then lost to a different guy who beat that person like dude he's not he's not I don't think he's like no but but but the thing is is that he's talked so much [ __ ] to me and him and I have beef regardless of anything else it's me and KSI that everyone wants that he says all of these things talk [ __ ] so much back and forth I'll beat your ass I'll beat this because you do that over there that's cool go and do your thing get your money do do the best you can I I have nothing against that I hope KSI becomes as big as he wants in whatever space he wants to be big at even the beverage space whatever he wants yeah crushing it congratulations do it I I root him on me and him have to settle our beef and that's a man versus man he can go do whatever he wants sure but if you're gonna run away from me and hide behind a oh I did this to this person and you did that to that person and you're not this that's a [ __ ] [ __ ] move and I and I expect nothing less from him I expect nothing less from him okay cool you want to do whatever it is that you want to do no problem we can fight whenever I'm gonna rematch Tommy Fury whenever but also none of this is my goal my goal is to become world champion and fight the best of the best and to continue boxing two three four years from now when a lot of these guys are gonna stop that [ __ ] is cool I lost yeah I'll deal with that as a man I'm I'm upset I'm gonna get better from it but at the end of the day we're my end of the road goal goal goes is nothing to do with KSI what do you think is going to happen in KSI Tommy fury on October 14th on the prime card I'm also on in the co-main event biggest event of the year fighting Dylan dance you [ __ ] scumbag [ __ ] did you believe it or did that I uh I'll I'll have announced it today yeah we'll get into it but yeah what do you think is gonna happen KSI V Tommy Fury um I think Tommy Fury stops him in like less than five rounds probably I told you this on the plane and I I just feel like the simulation goes the other way I in this weird life that we're living in it just that KSI wins that nah there's no make sense it just can't it can't happen and it this is just my opinion you guys are Fighters I'm not Tommy Fury has proven to be a tactical boxer I don't I don't disagree in my in my head I'm like that totally means he's a fighter and JJ's a fighter which is why I I'm I'm so interested in that fight but but in my eyes and I I you know I'm just gonna say how it is he goes into that the same way Jake goes into it fully capable of beating a fighter but but may get outboxed because of a little bit of a lack of experience or a little bit of of Need for more time to to Garner that tactical boxing skill which Jake will which he will the logical part of my brain agrees with everything of that but in this weird simulation we're living in I just feel like KSI is gonna but if he does that but if he does that and we as a community do not by way of boycott or whatever force him to fight Jake like bro bro bro like that has to if he beats Tommy Fury bro that fight has to [ __ ] happen and by the way like everybody makes so much money and it's so good for the community and I know Jake I know Jake is will sign any [ __ ] contract like he'll sign any line so like if he if he beats Tommy fury like that fight has to happen dude like at least if he wants to as you said make the claim of being the a side if he wants to just settle and retire as a winning boxer or fighter or crossover Sportsman that's fine but to be able to claim that he's a better boxer Than Jake Paul he has to beat Jake Paul in my opinion agreed agreed he is a great fighter if he stops KSI is still potential for a fight yeah all the fights are there regardless of the outcome of that fight if he stops KSI I'm going for Tommy's throat I love I love that Vengeance storyline yeah I don't want to put the energy into the air but like Tommy Fury's on my [ __ ] radar I have him in my Scopes I wanted him when Jake was fighting him and I'm gonna be back in the conversation which I'm [ __ ] stoked about yeah dude October 14th I'm fighting Dylan you just jump him too at that point the both of you just yeah I mean I'll do something no I'm gonna I'm gonna finish him off first I gotta handle that business first we'll see bro because uh you definitely sniped the Nate Diaz fight for me and I've been so lenient in giving you your opponents and I think it's not wait it's not your option to give me my opponents you haven't fought anyone you don't fight you don't fight real fights which is not your option to give me my opponents you're not even a fighter like you do exhibitions and lost like four years ago so it's not your option to like give me my fights that me and Nate Diaz have been talking about that for years and then you popped up and were like no now it's my turn I want that fight and then start talking [ __ ] and then try to like get the fight at in Saudi Arabia like on the microphone and like trying to like jump in on all of these things I think I'm better than you and I think Nate chose you for a reason and I think everyone knows that what do you mean even even but what have you done to prove that you're better than me I don't know went Toe to Toe eight rounds with the greatest boxer of all time what do you think happens if you fight Floyd Mayweather I would knock him out bro 100 don't be ridiculous don't be ridiculous you think because you lost a fight to Floyd Mayweather that you're better than me at boxing you said I won the fight I in person when I was watching it I thought so but then yeah watching it back it's like okay I had like a biased point of view like sitting there in person this is the first time I've heard you say that yeah but because we never talked about it switching up like that the whole internet saw you repeatedly throughout the past two years say that I won that fight because I'm rooting for you but like if you want to know the truth yeah like I'm gonna ride or die for you on my shield yeah 100 and afterwards when I saw that you lost it on TV people in interviews would still be like what do you think I'm not gonna be like no I watched it back and I thought he lost no he [ __ ] won because you're my brother I don't disagree but the fact is I went toe-to-toe for eight rounds with the greatest boxer of all time and you're not able to see how good I was in that fight and yes I'm in the WWE currently but I like boxing a lot and I think I'm really good and I'm excited I get to show it again on October 14th I'm gonna find Park in Manchester the co-main event KSI versus Tommy Fury Logan Paul versus Dylan Dennis but um but for you but I I yielded bro and I'm tired of I'm tired of I'm tired of not being picked because you're an easier fight is that what you really think in your head I'm Jake I think I think you I'll say this I think you have more to I think Logan I think you have more to prove I think you have more to prove I think you did go to toe-to-toe Floyd Mayweather I don't disagree I think you need to still prove to the people to the community to the world that you have the ferociousness to put a man down yeah and I'm not saying you're wrong I'm not saying you're biased on bias whatever but once you once you sink your teeth and draw blood put a man down this conversation changes dramatically it gives you and I don't disagree with you and that's what I fully intend to do on October 14th um but I'm saying you you had your chance with Tommy you did you had it right I have not I've not I've not gotten to eat at all you know like I thought I think that they fight locked up you took it I said okay go for it I wanted the Tommy fight wait wait but I I didn't said he wanted it I didn't I said okay I didn't take a fight from you that wasn't necessarily yours it's whoever's it it's in the ethos but people [ __ ] are avoiding me they are avoiding me or or picking someone else and that's obnoxious and everyone everyone secretly knows why no one wants to say it because I because I have a 0-1 record and I wasn't able to knock out the best fighter of all time but I think it's [ __ ] obvious bro I'm very athletic and I've gotten the hang of boxing in the past two years after beating fighting the goat and and I'm excited to show that and and granted do I still have something to prove absolutely but if for whatever reason it doesn't go in ksi's favor the story arc the Vengeance Arc of avenging my business partner and brother is right there I think you just I think you just want to beat Tommy to be able to say that you're better than me at boxing well I'll never fight you and I don't want to fight JJ again but but I think that's like I think that's more so what it sounded like it is but but it's it's crazy for you to think that people are avoiding you asked him into his face and he said because his brother hasn't fought anyone in a real fight he hasn't knocked out any MMA fighters he wanted the most real professional legitimate fight that's what he said nothing nothing that I do in the box and that's what he said and that's what he said behind the scenes too but that's also what he said behind the scenes too but but he literally said hey Nate his manager said hey we're not go we're not fighting Logan Nate wants this real fight that's exactly what they said because I do WWE is completely unrelated to my boxing it just is it just is and and people know the pay-per-view numbers I put up they're [ __ ] big dude but you want a great promoter what pay-per-view numbers though like 1.2 with Floyd yeah but that's Floyd Floyd two one point one okay KSI 2 is 300K every WWE event that I'm in has been their highest grossing and most viewed I think this is going to go go in circles I think but it's free for a fight WWE's people it's nine nine nine dollars on peacock no that's not free brother listen for a fight right for a fight right now for a fight right now for somebody to break over to cross over into the boxing boxing space Jake Paul two seasoned Veterans of the of Combat Sports makes more sense as a fight it just does they may have they may have questions about draw potentially because they don't have a record to call upon besides Floyd which which some of the points he's bringing up matter what I'm gonna say is once you do this next fight you have a lot more like to stand on you you have to go in there you need to I don't even need to say this you need to do what is obviously going to happen to [ __ ] Dylan danis and then you and then you can go in and then you can go and build that that proof of concept again and draw right it's like dude this kid's been on every [ __ ] Sports Illustrated every ESPN magazine he is the face of boxing right now you are the face you are the face so that's why I'm curious because you are the face of of at least this weird like influencer crossover I would it's deeper than that whatever you want to call it because you are the face of it and I can also sell an insane [ __ ] number of pay-per-views and I'm not in my potential opponent's head wouldn't it be an easier fight to fight me and yet they're still choosing you what do you mean wouldn't you think oh one of them has a losing record and he can sell the same if not more pay-per-views one of them has a winning record and can sell a good amount of pay-per-views as well wouldn't isn't no but I I've proven to sell more pay-per-views uh consistently time and time again I'm active I have a promotional company we do you know bigger deals big like huge guarantees a lot of Revenue I don't buy it what do you mean you don't buy I just don't think that it's a more it's more it's more legitimate like we have a we have a better production we are doing it on a consistent basis um active you're inactive you don't have the momentum in the fight world you're not as respected as a fighter you haven't won knockout of the year you haven't won breakout athlete of the year you haven't done any of that that's what I'm saying don't you think that he would go no they want the biggest fight they want the biggest fight still be the biggest fight no no no no no that's why none of these that's why you're not like one of the top 10 grossing biggest fights ever what are you talking about especially now after the WWE promotion work I've been doing there I've garnered a fan base that's going to want to see me perform in boxing as well well we're going to see if I don't know but no one but they don't watch the numbers we're gonna see watch them we're gonna see watch the numbers even even when you sell on this next event you can't even take credit for the numbers that's the things at all no at all what does what do you sell that's the okay cool you did one point I could say I did 1.8 million with Tyson we may we may never wait what I did 1.8 million with Tyson because he was the undercard for the time exactly so it's like you could say all these I could say these things boo eighth biggest event ever cool like but I've done the same but because that's the way more expensive than that fight but because that's the way I weave my business I am strategic with my Partnerships and amplification that's part of the shtick I I don't miss and I and I won't miss when we sell pay-per-views ever I'm a sick promoter and an easier fight which is why I'm confused why anyone would choose you an easier fight to his point he also has an active business team that is approaching these deals constantly a promotional arm a production arm that that goes up to these uh to this person's camp and says this fight is going to go down on this day XYZ and be handled in XYZ fashion well and release bro like people don't like to work with your team people hate your team I could say the same thing they hate your team okay let's let's you could you could but you could say that you could say the same thing but the evidence doesn't show that so it's like let's let's chill out you have a fight coming up let's talk about it again after that fight let's this is we're going in circles here and it's getting it's getting [ __ ] personal no no I disagree I disagree nikisa banned The Zone from mentioning or bringing in Prime to the stadium they said I would get kicked out if I brought a prime bottle that's [ __ ] ridiculous dude do you think I would ever ban you from promoting any of your [ __ ] at any of my events that's ridiculous wait that's because that's because of who the partner the competing partner was for the event with us four times with stipulations listed out paragraphs yeah get over it like and meanwhile me I'm your brother building oh yeah you you're my brother building a business you love to play Both Sides you play Both Sides what's the other side I'll partner with all of your enemies like I have bro my life is my life your life is your life if you want to see you love to play you'll have to play Both Sides I'm explaining my rationality for one and it caused issues in our last event when you when we had other betting partners and drink partners and you walked out with it with the bedding and the drink is it so it caused to wear what I'm wearing it caused come on it's not a you can't tell me what to wear what do you mean what do you mean I mean what to wear Logan yeah but if they're paying us if they're paying the [ __ ] chick if they're paying us millions of dollars and they say hey but we don't want this person to be doing this stuff at the event with a competing that's ridiculous I couldn't bring in a prime bottle The Zone who by the way on the Misfits card ksi's event promoted the [ __ ] out of your fight against Nate Diaz The Zone was not allowed to promote the prime card that's ridiculous who whose ass was that it was nakisa's dude he he's Nikki says on your team he's not on team Paul he's on team Jake and we're a family and he knows that and so yeah bro he doesn't work well why would I want to promote his event if ksi's event because I'm on it yeah they can promote you versus Dylan but you guys weren't even announced yet but I'm on the card we announced that yeah but this is the thing is like it's all like you understand why but then like you just don't want to accept the reality no the reality is the tables returned The Misfits event promoted your fight against Nate Diaz and you refused to promote ksi's fight wait but again okay if if the zone is on if Misfits is on the zone and they promote our event that has like okay cool but our fight is under zone two and by the way that's that's super [ __ ] whack of the zone as well it's not just you guys I think it's I think it's lame that they yielded to whose ever request that was no because yeah we're it's our event we're in control of what goes on there of course I just think it's lame it's and also I'm not gonna I'm not gonna promote their their event what the [ __ ] why would I do that because they did it to you yeah because because I don't know why the [ __ ] they would do that either because they're not good at business they don't have that out in their [ __ ] contract clause of [ __ ] idiots that's their [ __ ] problem stupid [ __ ] we're smart diligent we think of [ __ ] everything that goes on in all of our remarks if you were really smart you'd know that we are all doing this this isn't an or space it's an ad space you don't have we don't have to be competing against each other and and no because I don't know what is not letting me do certain things in a brand I'm building like that but that's that's the brands that's the brands getting involved I have no say in that I don't give a [ __ ] but if they request something and they're paying millions of dollars to be the title sponsor request is this your brother can't bring a prime Bottle Into the stadium and if he does he will have be escorted out by security that's ridiculous you have a prime card coming up soon obviously about like let me pose this question why do you care what do you care more about going to my event or having a prime bottle in your hand I care that it was such a big deal for your team that I'm trying to build a multi-billion Dollar business and your team who I see every single day an issue with it whose event your event exactly my event I'm your brother yeah exactly so respect what's going on at my event and I did okay I thought it was ridiculous okay but that's just the name of the game it's business and you have a prime card coming up if you walked in with a Celsius headband to it you probably would say that's unacceptable I don't give a [ __ ] you get paid millions of dollars by by Celsius yeah they're all competitor but like dude come on but if you request it if it's different because I'm not in control who signed the contract and if they did was there a contract that said was I in the contract that was signed I don't know I don't know because that's [ __ ] up you can't sign on behalf of a third party no the way the way that we got text from Marcos sure sounded like someone signed a contract that said Logan Paul if he shall come to this event will not have Prime you can't do that you can't tell me what to wear you can't tell me I want to be escorted out of the venue if I bring a certain thing technically they can technically they can yeah but I just found it I just found it crazy feeling about my friend's house and my their parents are fighting I don't even know what it is you know bro so what do we do what do we do where do we go from this because like because like I saw this coming I saw this coming yeah uh yes so did I so I mean are you how are you feeling about what just the conversation we just had I think you have a lot of trauma to unpack probably but um I've been I've been wanting to ask all my friends is Marco's here I mean whatever but like I've been wanting to like have this conversation with you like a month ago it just like camp and you're traveling Etc but yeah where do you think my trauma stems from do you want me to be really honest maybe I don't know like because I mean that's we could beat around the bush or it could just be like I don't know I don't know if there's the right place to do it yeah I know there's [ __ ] 20 people watching well there's more people watching right now also on impulsive on the YouTube yeah yeah maybe maybe it's an off-camera conversation because like I think this could be some real takeaways can I can I something that's odd and phony to me it's not funny but we've had Jake on the show so many times and there's been so many moments where he's exhibited similar emotions or desires to argue on the show or whatever and then we've come down to this need to unpack his trauma and it's weird to now kind of like watch the brothers in like different seats saying like yo there's some stuff that you need to look into it also it's not it's not saying anybody's right or wrong like you guys are just are just talking about stuff but at the end of the day you're Brothers at the end of the day you got I don't need to [ __ ] tell you that I also they love each you [ __ ] love each other always but but that's where I get confused though of playing both sides because you love to play the brother card when it's like convenient but then it's like oh I want to go like at I want like my get back at Tommy Fury and you're like no no no no no no I need to do my career I need to I've been sitting on the sidelines you're taking all these fights from me like does that worry you at all then when I'm like face wait but I'm your brother then you're like no no no no you're not I do this based on balance as best as I can because we're in a space where we're gonna overlap there's not that many uses walking around in this combat space right it's Me uksi Maybe Tommy if he's in the conversation but there's gonna be overlap right Nate was a part of the conversation for a second you got it I yielded even with JJ I wanted Tommy JG and I talked about it he said he want to tell me all right I yield it I'm tired of [ __ ] yielding bro I want to get back in the conversation and and at the end of the day if you want to fight Tommy Fury again [ __ ] fine right yeah I I I respect that you want to be the boxer in the family and you have this career that you want to pursue when can I fight Tommy [ __ ] Fury dude why can I do that ever uh I just think like the the storyline is is there like we started off like got a contract like made it all happen it's a massive event my plan was Nate Diaz for years and then like you kind of go away in the fight world and then you like pop back up all of a sudden and are like I'm ready again but yeah and and it's like doesn't necessarily like work like that I guess I don't [ __ ] know but I go I go for Tommy Nate was already on the back burner boom it just happens the deal comes together you're gonna go for Tyson and just like and just like conversations like with with Floyd like that's a fight that you you got like who cares like why did you fight Floyd why wouldn't I or I think you could beat him after we try to make it happen he's just a nightmare to deal with some business like don't say not professional at all yeah why would he do it not get paid because you could also you could also get a a much healthier percentage than I did I got [ __ ] gypped in that fight so this conversation changes dramatically after he wins this next fight like like he in my eyes the answer to this question is why can't I why can't I why can't I once he earns it he has much more to [ __ ] bring to the table like like put a man down come back and say yo this is my next fight this is my next fight this is my strategic uh uh plan and how I want to move in the boxing space and then all of a sudden you guys have a conversation this has been his this has been his Lane his dedication his dream his Drive everything and so like I get it like similarly to you and WWE or with prime or whatever it is having somebody then come up to you as you're on this route to guaranteed strategic success that you're dumping your entire [ __ ] life into and be like yo I'm I'ma come back in now I could I can understand why he has defenses there I understand it but once it's like trying to like even snipe at the Tommy Fury fight like after I lost to him like right there on the spot versus like letting the storyline play out like you versus KSI you draw boom let it play out let it see what happens like I mean bro obviously my initial instinct after that loss was like let me avenge my brother I don't think that's insane to have to think that I like that fight I love that fight I actually love storylines incredible I love that fight it's good right so I get you on a rematch I totally get it and maybe I was a little late on Tommy actually no I wasn't because I gave it to JJ I was being a good [ __ ] partner and I'm you know he's he's active I guess I don't know I don't know is he more active but I want to make something clear because I want to make something clear because there is there is this narrative online you know you're supporting your brother's enemies like dude you're living your life you're your own entity and so am I and we have a lot in common we're also extremely [ __ ] different if I had a beef that ran its course with someone and I don't want to have that beef anymore and I actually get along and like this human I want to build something if I grew up loving Dana White and the UFC and I get a chance to part like I'm gonna take these opportunities and and and I'll always be a ride or die no matter what but I don't know if I always have to yield and bend my personal ways because we are brothers and that's the sole reason but this is exactly what I'm saying you're literally painting the picture of you are playing both sides when it's convenient for you faulty comparison but when it's convenient for you we're brothers but then when it's not you're you do the exact opposite of like but we're completely separate so like I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do as well I'm building a business but that's what I'm saying you play Both Sides like very well like extremely well I don't to me it doesn't feel like I'm playing both sides and maybe that's why you're saying I do it extremely well is because that's just the reality of the situation and people can see that both sides you're Jake Paul I'm Logan Paul we are different people we have different interests we have different friends but then like but even just 15 minutes ago then all of a sudden you're like but we're brothers and we are brothers that sentence can can end with and we are brothers yes but where does that rank because sometimes you let it rank down here and sometimes you want it to be number one when it's convenient for you when I think when when Prime can't go into the building we're brothers when you want to partner with Dana White and KSI you're your own entity I think I think when we as brothers no longer become additive to each other and it feels like you or I are trying to take from one another and I don't believe I've ever tried to take from you whereas you I feel like I've tried to take from me at least maybe not you but maybe your team like like this being in Netflix documentary like millions of views me starting the documentary saying I'm drinking Prime me posting about prime as soon as it launched carrying it around everywhere with me until I got a deal no and I appreciate it but like the stadium thing rubbed me the wrong way and but dude perfectly so rightfully so because if there was a number one sponsor like let's say Nike was sponsoring the event and was like Hey Logan's gonna be on camera can he not wear Adidas then it wouldn't piss you off from a business standpoint that makes sense Logan it does I the person that's gonna get the most attention in the arena besides Jake is you showing up for the phone my identity is my identity businesses but you can certainly press pause on it for you can certainly press pause on it for one night to just support Jake and then walk out yeah and I understand that and absolutely Will and David and you did but do you see what I'm saying is anything I'm doing hurting you that sometimes yes it causes issues because of my brand partner yes because of your brand partner yeah you know how many times bar stools hit me up and said yo don't [ __ ] with better and even if they did I'd say that's my brother's business he's building it and he's trying to yeah a big company like yes I don't care there's an owned IP are definitely different like like you you in my eyes like if there was ever like a question of where the yield ends up like it would it would go and turn it would go in in uh honor of prime or better but they don't they don't they don't but they don't but they don't ever say like don't [ __ ] with prime this it's just like there's literally like they've made two requests in this whole entire relationship it's literally don't have Prime in his impulsive shot and don't let him bring it to the stadium and make it in all the shots it's reason in Maya it's from Brand sites reasonable I think I started this because I'm the one who brought up the Tommy stopping well you just well you just [ __ ] got them through eight months of [ __ ] therapies well look when it comes to the fighter thing I think you guys both need to have that blind confidence that you're gonna be the best and if you don't have that then you probably shouldn't be a fighter you should think that if you go through a training camp and you give it your role and you're at your best you should be able to beat anybody that's in your weight class and that's normal you guys should respect that about it but but where does it stop Caleb right here at the press conference after your fight against Nate Diaz you said that you'd like to go up against Canelo Alvarez what gives you the [ __ ] right to call out a 59 and two boxer one of the greatest of all time who's currently the best boxer in the world when you've not yet proven yourself as a boxer that can win those type of fights because three yeah because I need the clips because the three years ago when I was calling out Nate Diaz and all of these big names Anderson Silva all these people and they said you don't have the right to call them out and then I manifested it got the skill in the gym got to their level and above and then beat them it's literally just I'm repeating the Playbook now I'm predicting what's going to happen in three more years three years so three I'm gonna get to his skill level and beat him and I have a weight Advantage a size Advantage a height advantage or reach Advantage he's a super skilled I just went 10 Rounds me and Canelo can go 10 Rounds like come on you face off you face off with Canelo today what happens um I would lose but in two years I have the greatest one of the greatest self-belief systems in the world and I know what I'm capable of and with this new team the experience I'm getting in the ring under the lights I believe in two years I can give Canelo a serious [ __ ] run for his money I don't disagree I think uh your ability to get better at the craft because of the work you put in is exceptional I think it's actually one of the things that made Michael Jordan as good as he is I watched the Netflix series The Last Dance I watch it before fights it gets me excited and inspires me and the one thing I noticed about him it wasn't necessarily like his athletic ability yes he was seriously exceptionally athletic and uh he worked his ass off but uh he had no ceiling he was able to keep getting better even when he thought he was the best he could be he was able to keep getting better and I think I think you might have that um I think the world now is also realizing that and you had a documentary on Netflix that just came out and I didn't realize how many people hadn't really known you or about the things you've done and you have turned on a whole new audience to that of Jake Paul your Netflix documentary was trending like top 10 for a while it potentially still is Untold the series of Jake Paul what are your overall thoughts on on not having that on your belt as well yeah it's crazy and a lot of people texting me and um saying how much they enjoyed it like people from all walks of life I'm getting videos from people have never even knew knew of my name like people I respected growing up and it just pretty surreal and they they all [ __ ] with this story and um to me you know I thought it was a good piece I think that there's so much more to the story that wasn't put in there and I don't think an hour and 10 minutes could even like do it justice I think there's so much more story to tell and I'm excited to do that one day but yeah for the most most part it's cool that people can get this glimpse into this life and kind of see me be a human and see the things that I struggle with I think I'm known as this like crazy arrogant kid they see the media headlines they see all the [ __ ] talk but they don't see the person that's like behind it that actually shows up to work every single day and I think it made people shed a new light I guess you're happy with it yeah yeah I mean like I said I I'm happy with the outcome of it I think I I would tell the story differently like it I don't think they they don't see it from my point of view and there's so many things that are left out um to be honest but and it's too short like it's kind of just like a like skipping a rock across the pond it just touches these points but doesn't like really go further into them doesn't show like the processes the work it doesn't reveal like a layer to me the the dock is everything that's already out there in the media that was just put into one piece but which I think is important because a lot of the messages I got were like I didn't I didn't know that about your about your brother I didn't know he did all this crazy things like dude seeing all of that in one hour even for me I've been there for all of them was so emotional you've done some crazy [ __ ] seeing knockout after knockout after knockout and to think people forget is each of your fights was an opponent that could have beaten you and that's why they were so exciting yeah at the time it was like well I don't know and then afterwards I was like well obviously you won yeah you know and it just like met with the harshest criticism and then you silencing them every time in the most Victorious fashion it was beautiful I got I got a mad emotional dude and uh it it made me extremely proud and you you should be happy with it I know I know you weren't necessarily super stoked seeing it for the first time but yeah it's a w ow well thank you no and when you said that it made me feel better about it because I I respect your opinion super highly in terms of like the content and such like that so I felt really bad about it coming out and then when you had that opinion and other people were like oh no it's really good and all this stuff it it definitely made me realize that I was probably overthinking it a lot I don't know maybe but I definitely think the story has so much more to it and the story is still evolving but but yeah it's it's a good Piece episode two comes out uh it might have come out by the time this airs I want to watch that as well uh is Johnny Manziel who was that your fight Johnny Football who's got a crazy [ __ ] story there's a lot of people at your fight I don't even know if you notice uh Lance Armstrong you probably didn't see any of these people Johnny Johnny Manziel uh masvidol uh was sitting front row which was which was funny Dana White it's in there with a wig on a toupee I snuck in uh question for you how do you end up with a black eye when you're the one who used the brass knuckles in a fight yeah I don't know I don't know I don't know how any of that happened I I why do I look worse than you and you had a fight and I had a wrestling man you had brass knuckles I don't know did you get you got punched in the face kick me in the face I think it was a kick in the first in the first two minutes but I liked it I like it I like I like that that actual pain you got to be careful out there so I've learned and I've gotten better with the mechanics of of uh my wrestling moves um that SummerSlam was fun I was really tired in there I was exhausted for some reason and especially like trying to trying to focus on the match and and perform while I'm tired and also knowing the weight of the night ahead because that wasn't even the most exciting part of the night for me you know we gotta fly to the next thing flight to Dallas to get to I literally exited the ring still sweating huffing and puffing into the SUV made it with time to spare yeah it was it was it was a night to remember dude most watched SummerSlam of all time highest grossing most social views highest merchandise sales I mean every single possible Accolade um I think Roman Reigns keeps the crown I think I think we got the most uh viewed social clip as well not well not we well I was I was in it um Samantha Irvin yeah the ring announcer yeah who was my opponent's fiancee yeah I was like kind of taunting her beforehand I was like you know you're gonna be saying Logan Paul's the winner after I beat your man and there's a video of her announcing me winning the match after him your winner is Logan Paul and she has just a look of torture and sadness despair on her face but it's still delivering that energy of a ring announcer and I think that clip got like 30 million plus views or so like people really responded to our match and and Ricochet is so good super happy guys so good like he made it he made it easy to look good and it was it was a fun match man um and I'm interested to see how this conversation continues in my WWE career story arc happens with this boxing weaving in you know because I want to hop back and forth I don't know if it's ever been done you know I don't think it's like a dual combat sport back and forth yeah it's cool I want to find a way to weave the conversations especially since um WME just bought WWE yeah and and the UFC it's all kind of like we're all becoming family it's interesting which is another which is another good question by the way I I got an Accolade myself coming out of this last weekend I got um the highest lights comment on the photo of you jumping off the top rope because you were so high would you say you said I wish I was that I could be that high he's even higher than I was in 2006. no way yeah and it was got a 3 000 likes oh nice nice we all we all out here winning yeah congrats all right thanks man appreciate it I'm gonna try to cast those in to pay rent this month um MMA for well you specifically because you also and I got a couple more points here you called out uh the potential of Nate Diaz in in the MMA octagon smart cage smart cage does that I mean what's that the dfl smart cage what is that that's the pfl that's where the the fights take place what's the shape it's it's a smart cage oh the shape of a smart what is the shape of it it's circular oh meet me in the circle I mean that's a real ring like when we say boxing ring it's not a ring it's a square it's a squared Circle it's called the smart cage yeah what's smart about it have you ever drank Smart Water yeah it's and he just feels like super smart after when you fight in there it's your IQ goes up it's oh it's like Alpha it has electricity uh flowing through it could you beat Nate d as an MMA not right now but in a year maybe I I but honestly I will will it into existence and I will work so [ __ ] hard that I I could do it and and the the best part about it is the MMA matches obviously start standing up like a boxing match he can't hurt me with punches his kicks aren't going to be strong if his punches aren't strong how is their his kicks gonna be what about that Guillotine because he tried it on you yeah of course you can get a guillotine on someone when they're not expecting it in a [ __ ] boxing match yes no he was really trying yeah he was actually choking me what would happen it was hilarious what have you submitted to you he would have been no I would have I would have picked them up in Slam were you pissed no I mean it was the tenth round like he's being funny but yeah but you lost you lost like a couple breaths that you would have had yeah but like I was fine it was honestly it was funny but if I can prepare for it the crazy thing about it I've done the calculations in my head we start standing up I learned kicks right I learn how to defend kicks I'm beating his ass standing up clear as day in boxing he tries to get close to me I can just stick and move he tries to take me down my takedown defense and takedowns are better than his I have way higher wrestling experience than his he's not going to be able to take me down he's slow so I'm going to see the shots coming boom block the shots he can't take me down to submit me it becomes a standing match three five minute rounds easy I just fought for 30 minutes that's only 15 minutes I can work twice as hard in half the amount of time expend twice as much energy to keep them away from me while punching not letting him take me down and he can't I will just simply have to watch out for his uh Guillotine because that's he's has a really good Guillotine so you've already fought this fight yeah no 100 and that's why seriously with a with eight to nine months of training I know I could be Nadia's nine months of training yeah I appreciate your ambition inspiring you I will say this here's my my Kudos through hardest working person I know and and honestly like hopefully that that came through in the dock because whether it's sobriety whether it's Camp never-ending Camp whether it's running every day whether it's breath work whether it's the 9 000 other layers of [ __ ] that goes into you being the the best you can be when you get into that squared circle like dude there's I I I'm not around a lot of Fighters but I don't know anybody that works as hard at anything as you do thank you well thank you that means a lot I think that's a testament to yeah like where I've gotten and that's one honestly like not I mean not the harp on it more but that's one of the things I was upset about with the Netflix now because I don't think it showed how hard I work I think it just like I I yeah like even just like showing them rigorous not in his schedule like over and over again for like one minute I could have done it in like 60 seconds but it didn't really like reveal that behind the scenes which I was just boring about whatever but yeah thank you thank you yeah sweetie with a ring card yes how um it was this like idea I'm I'm friends with uh her manager and she loves fighting like being around it being involved with it and we just like found a way to to make it work and they did the deal with with fansley and so she like launched her account on fansley as a part of like being a ring card girl with it and so it like all tied together oh she's about to get money dude yeah there was a lot of a lot of a lot of eyeballs if she likes fighting so much would she ever fight Astrid wet amazing wet on the prime guard so what now you got that girlfriend yeah I got a girlfriend not to meet her she's cool she's really nice super nice very nice and very driven which was awesome yeah super hard working so dedicated around like all year long training twice a day super inspiring um yeah I don't know man just gonna just gonna take some time to chill honestly I've been going hard need to like reflect on some things gonna be working um on some YouTube videos like still posting weekly still doing BS every week or every other week and growing better have a lot to focus on there I've been like absent from all of my business calls I like stop doing all of them for this Camp because I realized I was spending too much time and energy on it so back to the business calls back to the business meetings and uh the grind yeah just working them kicks yeah yeah like if we can actually pull it together that's what I'm gonna have to literally start training MMA which is hilarious you guys should start kicking each other after the show can I ask one last uh personal question sorry because we may need this in there because we're we only have six minutes of usable footage from the show uh you got uh extremely hot hip-hop artist a little Dirk I couldn't have said that in a wider way to walk you out to your appearance in that boxing program uh that was cool and uh how'd you do it yeah me and Dirk have been cool for a long time we've always like wanted to do something together and the Stars just like finally aligned where he was free didn't have any shows I was having a fight and uh he he just was down to do it and we just made it a thing yeah he's dope yeah he's super cool guy he's super conversationalize with those rappers sometimes I'm uh kind of some of them could be pretty bland you know trying to be cool guy he was he was conversational he was cool relatable yeah yeah he's had my back in like a lot of different random instances and just like always been super loyal to me and like yeah he's just a great guy great great guy the voice and he announces Deluxe album that's dropping soon um I wish I had the name of it Deluxe album dropping soon I want to make sure that was in there for Pete for Unnecessary balls let's go shout out Pete shout out Pete because I got to run into him at the fight which was cool but um yeah that was dope to see and then uh a question for you because we could get this to eight minutes um is in the crowd right near where Dirk was sitting uh you you were sitting and there was a that was your second fight of the evening there was an actual In Crowd altercation that went down I don't know if you saw this but there was someone from the uh opposing aisle who tried to get at Logan Paul in this audience they tried to put hands on your brother uh it was it you know Logan you could run us through it but there was there was a Greg Paul involvement um there was a bunch of people involved in the brawl of I ran into it you were like Jeff let's get out and I wanted to get right out I was like oh and more important you remember I came up to you I was like yo behind you whatever that means just a just a goon trying to make a name for himself you know I thought he hit you with a chair in the eye no that was that was Jake's friend that WWE picture shout out Jasper I said that's respect yes someone had to do something I'm surprised he didn't get dropped Jeep bro first off he went to smackdad in the face and it was the weakest strike that he missed I don't even think it landed in my life and Greg with one hand like Taps him and he sprawls out over like eight chairs and tries to get up and the cop was coming in I could tell he had bad intent and I don't know this guy and it's the middle of round nine get the [ __ ] out of here yeah he was trying to fight someone else too I'm curious like this when he goes back with his boys is he cognizant of the series of elves he just took like instead of being like yo we [ __ ] him up bro we went in there gave him business like he go he was he like yeah that thing was playing yeah I got I got knocked over I don't even think someone like that cares or like comprehends reality it's probably like an NPC that's what I said just a goon trying to make a name for himself respect he took out so many children because he's a full spider he was full spider couldn't get up they were just falling over it was like Don watching dominoes fall over bro it was just uh you know these these things happen these fights are Rowdy I will say coming from a WWE event we're like yeah the fans are go [ __ ] ape [ __ ] but I feel safe yeah yeah I walked into your Arena immediately after and there's a there's an extremely different tone of fandom yeah they are aggressive fight fans all for some reason they can fight yeah it just feels like like not safe to be there well yeah it's a hostile environment of people like Nate Diaz's fans are exactly like Nate Diaz they're punks so like they don't you know they don't care and there's like 15 000 of them their Energy's feeding off each other and it just like these like people like just ready to [ __ ] grab their dicks and be like like when I walked into the press conference there was dudes like we saw girls and I was like God yeah dude I was like bro like you're like 35 year old dudes like in the crowd but they that actually it was like this filming for their [ __ ] five followers um all right all right that's it that's it I want to wrap up um anymore until nanis is this dude I'm convinced he's not gonna show up put a clause that is so deep in that thing like like he loses an arm if he pulls out because of some sort of injury that he fakes a doctor of our choosing has to verify the injury and then if he is indeed faking it he has to pay a hundred thousand dollars there's a there is a pull out clause and he has a hundred thousand dollars no that's the other issue he he's broke this guy sucks he's the parasite of the MMA in combat world and that's why I I took the fight initially because inshallah if he does show up I get to be the one yeah to finish him off to take an eraser and remove him from existence his name will never be uttered again he'll die that night twice physically and his name his legacy it all disappeared Legacy we're not that word can't even mean the same sentence but I figured he's a good opponent because he's a punk he's claiming he can fight but he never shows up to fights but if he does we're gonna put him through the test for sure and I'm angry I'm pissed off you can see dude I'm I'm I'm I'm fired up I believe in my boxing ability I like the idea of taking over two sports at the same time and uh October 14th is going to be [ __ ] insane it's gonna be a night to remember for sure but if he [ __ ] up that if he doesn't show up doesn't it [ __ ] up more than 100 Grand worth doesn't do more so much yeah but we'll have a backup story you should have in the Clause like you get his Instagram password or something you take over the social media you know you know what's gonna be tricky with Dylan as he is he is a troll right and we're gonna have a little bit of a troll battle but one thing he does and says is anything he makes everything up he and a lot of his face he creates fake DMS yeah it's all fake so like so like some people will believe what he says and then I'm gonna have to have like a fact Checker um board I'm gonna have to community notes Dylan in real life because he just makes [ __ ] up and I'm gonna be like oh [ __ ] you should like create the thing now just like call it a fact check fact check that not true yeah yeah yeah Dylan Dylan down his fact check if he shows up I'm you know I'm hesitant because like does he deserve this clout does he deserve this attention absolutely [ __ ] not does he deserve to get decapitated around one in the first 15 seconds absolutely bro you got a job to do bro first round decapitation bro please stop not this again you got a job to do bro but but one job this this may affect and I'll just say it you're going back in the camp and I wanted to talk to you about this there's a chance that maybe you have to focus all of your energy into the camp and there's a chance that maybe impulsive maybe whatever right man I wanted to ask you this if you if you go back in the camp and we need to get some shows done is there any chance that I could ask for the hand of the second Paul to sit in for those episodes that's the host of impulsive he's the only other person whose name fits on the the name of the show I mean the answer is of course I just don't know if he'd do it he's busy as well and he has his own show you don't have to do anything all you have to do is intro the episode piss off the guest at one point during the show and then sign off why don't you give him your fee and I'll give him my fee as well and so he actually is I think it'd be funny to do for like one or two episodes that'd be down actually you guys would crush it I don't know if I have like I don't know what I'm gonna be doing but it just depends when I don't think I'm gonna be like super busy before then but it'd be funny actually it could be bad as well you know he's oh yeah that's or Pam all of them no any other balls as of right now I have an Uncle Jeff and Uncle Jim Nina's like basically there he's not legally there and the audience loves her obsessed yeah you crushed it babe yeah they liked you she waves well that was a hot one yeah that was hot and he did Jake I appreciate you coming on bro thank you as always thanks for giving us your time uh yet another therapy session online in front of 20 people in a warehouse and five Camp six seven cameras pointed at us sorry about that make sure to download fill in the blanks download of better uh we love you guys Mike Jeff thank you guys for coming to Miami to do this podcast it was fun hit that subscribe button that was my job I literally have to be here
Views: 2,616,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: podcast guest, Jake Paul brother, impaulsive, impaulsive podcast, logan paul podcast, logan paul, jake paul vs nate diaz, jake paul, logan paul vs ricochet, wwe summerslam 2023, ksi vs tommy fury, logan paul vs dillon danis, conor mcgregor jake paul, nate diaz vs mcgregor, drake bet jake paul, prime, ksi, ksi and logan paul, dana white, canelo vs jake paul, boxing, mma, ufc, jake paul documentary, logan vs jake paul fight, wwe, jose ramirez, nate diaz, tommy fury
Id: v4e04hHhmUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 13sec (4693 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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