Doing Things God's Way ||Pr. Randy Skeete

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Lord how are they increased that trouble me many are they that rise up against me many there be which saved my soul there is no help for him in God but Thou O Lord art a shield for me my glory and the lifter up of my head I cried unto the Lord with my voice and he heard me out of his holy hill I laid me down and slept I await for the Lord sustained me I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people that have set themselves against me round about arise O Lord save me o my god for thou has smitten all my enemies upon the cheekbone thou has broken the teeth of the ungodly salvation belongeth unto the Lord thy blessing is upon thy people God is good and all the time one more time God is good and all the time Mikami Malucci hinako's una subida BT in oon G a ban to ban gay it's nice to see you thank you for loving God thank you for loving his house which I hope you'll complete very soon thank you for loving his word thank you for loving good singing that a devil doesn't like i sat and I listened where's the maestro did he go home there he is thank you very much god bless you to sing like that you have to be disciplined most churches don't like discipline members want to do whatever they like you know I watched flight attendants on airplanes and they all dressed the same way you go to a restaurant the waitresses and waiters are dressed the same way you look at the army they dressed the same way you got dressed the same way you come to church and people want to do whatever they like the only place with discipline is not appreciated is the church but I thank God for you and how lovely you look and even your lovelier voices middle or always sing through you better also listen may be lifted up and for the time of your singing may forget their cares and their stresses it is 12:30 and I want to run along because we have a long day but I cannot overlook the most important people among us and those are our visitors if you're not a seventh-day Adventist I'd like you to stand just go'd stay standing please stay standing stay standing all right okay we have quite a few guests let's find out the lady's name good morning that microphone is ah there we are we have to good what's your name I'm coming Sandra Abigail Sandra I became Abigail how are you Sandra all right nice to see you where are you from I'm from st. Francis junco mercury is that a place Oh a church oh good now where do you live where do you where you from I'm from Macario Macario all right Sandra who invited you today mmm she's my friend she's Alan inhale she's where's where's Sandra's friend are you around early ah there she is thank you very much my lovely sister god bless you we're delighted you've come say Amen all right you may be seated my dear sister yes good morning she provides the local language that's fine that's fine you translate for me tell I said hi face praise the Lord yes ask her her name unique me and your unique niandra unique unique ah god bless unique Oscar where she's from she's coming from chicken ba in who neuro district Kampala no no okay all right and who invited her The Rifles a son the wife of her son will tell contain them or doesn't know yes yeah [Music] the wife of her son all right tell her we're very happy she's coming she's also very happy to tell a good lesser amen all rights yes my good brother what's your name good morning I'm Terri Robbins done from the United States Tara Robbins what state Indiana Indiana what city Seymour all right that must be a little town all right who invited you Lucy and Esther my friends from last year where are they ah thank you very much thanks for coming god bless you god bless Indiana god bless the United States god bless Donald Trump all right well he's my president God blessing all right what's your name I'm called Erin Erin yes hello Erin Hannah how are you fine thank you good to see you that is the it killed where you from continent Kampala yes is a place and who invited you Erin give me your girlfriend Oh what do you say young free Oh Jeffrey yeah I thought he said your girlfriend all right Jeffrey god Bless You Jeffrey Erin good to see you thank you God bless you say Amen all right we have back here two daughters of God good morning morning how are you I'm fine what's your name my name is not even H your name is violet hello violet hello where you from I'm changin Chandra where's that can't holla all right and violet who invited you Joyce she's here she's here sister Jory god Bless You Joyce violet I'm glad to see you are you glad to see me god bless you my lovely sister right behind hello hello how are you what do you say did you say how are you go good good your mic seems have gone dead what's your name my sister honey your name is what Monica yes Monica James how are you Monica I'm good where are you from South Sudan South Sudan that's not in Kampala okay okay all right how are things in South Sudan okay not too bad is Juba in South Sudan all right well I hope to visit South Sudan someday if God arranges it it's very nice to see you god bless you god bless your family's a man all right god bless South Sudan is silver cure still the president hears all Raska always wears a big hat okay who's next yes - how are you fine thank you good what's your name faith um faith oh okay faith is good enough nice nice to see me come on tell me I'm happy oh good good good god is good where are you from Kampala now tell us faith who invited you nineteen who might be Marvin who's Marvin Oh Marvin there you are all right Marvin thanks a lot this is faith I am happy to see you I've come and see us again in me say Amen all right it's just the faith brought to us my brother Marvin good morning morning how are you you look like a nice person you are humble all right what's your name I'm Richard Rachel is a good name where are you from sister Rachel yeah you're from around okthat's in Kampala all right around the same camp now who invited you Rachel my neighbor your neighbor yeah where's your neighbor brother neighbors is the neighbor where are you where is the neighbor who invited Rachel where oh god bless you sister neighbor god bless you Rachel god bless you is something wrong with your voice happy you have sore throat sinus let's pray let's pray father in heaven rachel is not feeling well she has a problem with her sinus your God of love you don't like suffering in the name of Jesus Christ touch her voice right now her sinus whatever a problem is remove it and give a relief I offer this prayer with Thanksgiving in Jesus name let God's believing people say Amen that a man Rachael god bless your life you're very welcome in the back you're a microphone to God's daughters standing patiently back there good morning good morning how are you what's your name Sandra where are you from Sandra Nairobi Kenya Nairobi Kaveri Busan Adara yang gomu gomu Barajas Anna now who invited you Sentra by my husband he's a deacon back in Kenya to an and to sing it they're both here now your husband is a deacon where or Church Lovington oh I don't love it all the time yeah what's his name Dennis Melania there is Milania Milania I must look after him when I get back to Kenya I'm going back to Kenya tonight my lovely sister god bless you thanks for coming and God bless your family say ma'am say again I see a daughter of God right back here let's find out what our sisters name is good morning good morning madam good your name is what I'm gonna loose noise yes hello noise I'm very well I'm delighted to see you were you from me - I'm from Kanpur are you from Kampala and who invited you noise Nina Nina I need us my sister nice to see Nina noise the Lord bless you noise hey close to me know because Nina's on the way to the kingdom you stay close to her that's exactly where you'll go God say man for lloyd's say it again that was weak say Amen anybody else any visitors in the choir no alright well you never know okay have we exhausted our guests okay our subject for this morning doing things God's Way what do I say all right what is this what is that how many of you have both you have both I know you all have this I'm not sure you all have this so how many have both if you have both and you don't mind I'd like us to look as if we're in church and use a Bible if you don't buy it in the meanwhile turn these things off so that God is not disrespected because you cannot let one of these things ring in a courtroom are you with me you may end up as a guest of the government behind bars all right the second favor I ask is that you pray for me while I speak and all I want you to say is Lord put your words in that man's mouth that requests this based on Jeremiah chapter 1 verse 9 which says then the Lord put forth his hand and touched my mouth and the Lord said unto me behold I have put my words in thy mouth and I only want to speak my words you know in pit prophets and Kings page 626 paragraph 1 Ellen White writes the words of the Bible and the Bible alone should be spoken from the pulpit somebody say Amen which means I will withhold my opinions and I will only give you thus saith the Lord can you say Amen and the third favor I ask is that you pray you are fake as you listen Isaiah 1:18 says what come now let us reason together saith the Lord think as you listen it's 20 minutes to 12 and release you by 12:30 if not before but possibly 12:30 let's bow our heads and pray to our God who loves us father in heaven we thank you for your love for us they god it's a stubborn love because you're unwilling to lose any of us we thank you for the sacrifice of your son Jesus Christ and we thank you let God for the presence of your spirit that guides us strengthens us Father I pray in the name of Jesus is we have sinned against you in any way forgive us may God grant us your grace give to us the mind of Christ that we may think like him speak like him and act like him now father as I prepared to deliver this message to your son's on your daughter's I ask you in the name of Jesus take possession of my mind I want to be holy spirit possessed that my speech organs my hearing apparatus all that is required to deliver this message might be brought under your control and I surrender myself to you I humble myself God take all the glory Isaiah 42 first it says I am the Lord that is my name my glory will I not give to another take the glory day God but give us what we need that is the blessing father I asked her to pronounce a double blessing on all our guests we're delighted to have them bless them lavishly Father generously that they will always remember their time spent with us bless this country bless the leaders God give them wisdom to make decisions that are advantageous to the gospel and a blessing to the people here is humble prayer save us when you come father without losing one I offer this prayer in Jesus name let God's people say amen and amen what's our subject doing things God's Way first Kings chapter 17 let's read from first one well no let's go to Matthew first the spirit just redirected me Matthew 6 we'll read a verse that's very well-known verse 33 of Matthew 6 you have that I can still hear the pages of the Bible turning Matthew 6 verse 33 you actually know it without looking say it with me but seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you this is the way we are supposed to live our lives we are called by God to put him first when all the time proverbs 3 verses 5 and 6 trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding tell me for 6 in all highways how many ways all thy ways do I acknowledge him what's the result he shall direct thy paths what are the paths he shall direct you in romance so you don't make a catastrophic choice not so many do he will direct you in your finances so you don't end up burdened by debt he will direct you in your family so that your family is strong he will direct you in your educational pursuits trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding use your understanding but don't lean on it in all thy ways without exception do what acknowledge him was the outcome he shall direct thy paths God cannot lie and every promise of God is made of tempered steel it cannot be broken seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you let's identify all these things let's go to first 25 of Matthew 6 our subject doing things God's Way verse 25 therefore I say unto you take no thought for your life what you shall eat or what he shall drink nor yet for your body what ye shall put on not the life more than meat and the body than raiment that's a very serious lesson and is for another time there's more to life than material possessions now I need a louder Amen than that there is more to life than having designer handbags there's more to life than having designer shoes I didn't say they get them I said there's more to life than they than them are you with me but the Bible says take no thought for your life what you shall eat drink or put on it's not the life more than meat and the body than raiment behold the fowls of the air first 26 of Matthew 6 they saw not neither do they reap nor gather into barns yet your heavenly Father feedeth them finish that verse are ye not much better than they which of you by taking thought can add one cubit to his stature and why take ye thought for raiment consider the lilies of the field how they grow they toil not neither do they spin and yet I say unto you that even Solomon in all his glory finished the verse was not arrayed like one of these wherefore if God so clothe the grass of the field which today is and tomorrow is cast into the oven shall he not much more clothe you finish the verse o ye of little faith therefore take no Thought saying what shall we or what shall we drink or wherewithal shall we be clothed Maori first 32 for me for after all these things come on do the Gentiles seek stop what is it a Gentile seek food shelter women now should we seek these things yes and the Bible will explain after all these things do the Gentiles see you see these things are the priority of the Gentiles finish verse 32 for your heavenly father noise that you have need of all these things now verse 33 say it with me but Sikhi first stop God doesn't say don't see clothes he does not say don't seek housing or don't seek food he tells us they must not be our priority now that sounds harsh how can food not be a priority seek ye first the kingdom of God let me tell you a secret why people are not blessed if they don't follow God's system and then they blame God God tells us put me first and all these things shall be added without even asking no amends for God do you have to ask your mother for food did you have to ask your father for clothes for shoes to go to school where is your earthly parent more generous than God see he first the kingdom of God and His righteousness but let me elaborate on seek ye first the kingdom of God seek ye first not only the kingdom of God and God but seek first the things of God but the church ahead of your house this microphone is not working I need a new one did you know what I said let me say differently your house should not look nicer than God's church your house shall not be finished and God's church look like a warehouse when the Bible says seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness when we seek God everything that is of God becomes our priority let me show you what I mean from the Bible first King 17 reading from first one what book did I say what chapter from what verse first King 17 reading from verse 1 it is a very familiar passage try to find these passages as quickly as possible so I can move on it's already 10 to 12 do you have first Skiing 17 not yet before I read it let's pray again today god I don't want to speak along on the initial outlay of grace you gave me give me more grace now more of your spirit more clarity of mind I pray in Jesus name Amen and Elijah the Tishbite who was of the inhabitants of Gilead said unto Ahab as the Lord God of Israel is before whom I stand there shall not be do nor rain these years but according to my word it had delivers a threat not even had Elijah and then he just vanishes he comes into the court delivers God's Word then vanishes and the word of the Lord came at him saying get thee hence and turned the eastward and hide thyself by the book Kenneth that is before Jordan and it shall be that thou shall drink of the brook or I have commanded the Ravens to feed affair God tells Elijah go high so he went and did according unto the word of the Lord for he went and dwelt by the book Kenneth that is before Jordan and the Ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning and bread and flesh in the evening and he drank of the brook and it came to pass after a while that the brook dried up because they had been no rain in the land and the word of the Lord came at him saying arise get me to Zarephath which belongeth to Sidon and dwell there behold I have commanded a widow woman to sustain thee but with a woman there to sustain me so he went arose and went to Zarephath and when he came to the gate of the city behold the widow woman was there gathering of sticks now why was she doing that and he called them to her and said bring me I fetched me I pray thee a little drink in a vessel that I'm a little water in a vessel that I may drink Elijah's thirsty he'd been traveling along distance there's a drought and a famine in the he wants some water and as she was going to fetch it he called in her and said bring me I pray thee a morsel of bread in thine hand what is a muscle a little piece not a loaf a little piece Elijah wants a little water and a little piece of bread you see the children of God sometimes suffer one of the great mistakes of some preachers if the gate is to give people the idea that when you come to Christ everything goes smoothly when you come to Christ the devil gets on your tail and he harasses you there is an element of suffering when someone comes to God as verily as there was an element of suffering in providing salvation there is an element of suffering in following God but that suffering is temporary because we have a reward that lasts how long forever it is focusing on that reward that allows us to endure the present suffering bring that pray thee a morsel of bread in thine hand that I may eat and she said unto him as the LORD thy God liveth I have not what a cake but a handful of meal in a battle and a little all in a cruise and behold and gathering two sticks that I may go in and dress it for me and my son that we may eat it and what died this woman was in a life-and-death situation now if there's one thing you and I will protect it's our lives we may not protect our clothes or a house our car we will protect our life so in the devil brought some strife awesome disasters into the life of job took away his children all his capital his sheep his Octus his ass asses and job remain faithful the devil went back to God and God said he still remains faithful though you move him against me and the devil said skin for skin all that a man hath will he give for his life the devil is saying let me step my attack let me touch his life and the devil was right skin for skin we will give everything to defend our life the woman told every Elijah behold am gathering two sticks that I may go ahead and dress it from me and my son that we may eat it and die I say again this was a life-and-death situation Elijah said unto her fear not go and do as thou hast said now read the next part of the last part of that verse for me but make me their office the next word first what a little cake what's the next step bring it unto me finish the first then make for thee and for thy son now wait a minute someone was saying about Elijah this man has no feelings this preacher is harsh how can he ask poor people to give an offering doesn't he see how they dress doesn't he see that most of them what can he see how can he ask them to make a sacrificial gift Elijah looked at that half star woman lips dry and white with hunger and he said to her you make a cake for me first bring it then go and make for yourself not make it and set it aside then make yours no bring it let me start eating then go make yours by the time you made yours I'm finished with mine now even though you see the word Elijah Elijah represented someone who was that god what Elijah was saying but make there of a little kick first for God bring it to him then go take care of yourself when you get paid you must bring a little kick to God come on talk to me first what's the name of that cake the tie what's the name of the gravy around that cake the offer first when I read that first o as I read it I sometimes wonder what went through the head of that woman a woman will do everything to defend the life of her children even attack her husband but not in this church but outside let me say it again a woman defending her children is not someone to mess with you see it in the animal world you come too close to an animal that has little ones your life is in danger yet she listened to the words of Elijah risking her life and the life of a son because she trusted the man of God as a representative of God and so she knew somehow that that little cake which caused her to be deprived was given to God so she went and did according under the saying of Elijah hmm she made a cake and she brought it on to him but Elijah said for thus saith the Lord of hosts the barrel of meals shall not waste neither shall the cruse of oil fail until the day the Lord sendeth rain upon the earth first 14 Elijah tells her now that's before she goes to make the cake God will bless your generosity now Elijah is telling her that in a drunk the truth had been going on to three years the land was suffering cattle dying people dying they have had to send men out throughout the country to find grass for the cattle this is the condition and Elijah tells her rain will come and she makes that cake for Elijah the Bible says that she went and did according unto the words saying of Elijah and she read verse 15 and she come on and he come on and her house finish the verse did eat many days now would she have eaten as much had she not responded Elijah no listen to me you don't lose by giving to God it's not that God needs a loaf of bread from you the silver and the gold is his the cattle Upon A Thousand Hills the crops are his but God tests us the Lord tries to remove selfishness from the heart because a selfish man cannot enter the kingdom of God a kingdom based on the cross of Christ for God so loved the world that He gave God asked us to give to deliver us from the vise-like grip of selfishness and she and he and her house did eat many days why she put god come on what's our title doing things God's Way God first God let me tell you something God must be ahead of your spouse anymore he mends God must be ahead of your children God must be ahead of your education God must be ahead of your career God must be ahead of whatever God cannot occupy second place in the life and save you let me say differently the position from which God functions as Savior is position one you remove God from that position and he cannot save you so God does not desire to be one out of egotism he desires to be one out of your interests she and he and her house we read many days let's go to Haggai chapter one what's our subject great things God's Way Haggai chapter one a beautiful little book read it sometimes several times ha GI is two books before Malachi find Matthew work your way back Malachi Zechariah Halleck Hagee IO chapter one we read from verse one [Music] do we have that all right can we read now let's read in the second year of Darius the king in the sixth month in the what first day of the month came the word of the Lord by haggai the prophet unto Zerubbabel the son of shealtiel governor of judah and to joshua the son of josedech the high priests saying thus speaketh the Lord of Hosts saying read for me now this people say stop now let's apply the Bible to us can we do that I need more yeses can we do that this people say now put a name in this people mount Olive's are you with me you don't like me anymore but mount Olive's in that verse read with me now mount Olive's say come on rain the time is not come the time that the Lord's house should be what it's not time I have tuition I just had a child I need something it is not time to finish this I have some projects of my own so Mount Olive said the time has not come the time that the Lord's house should be built read verse 4 for me what they say is it time o ye to what to dwell where in your sealed houses and this house like wastes God is answering my olives is it time mount Olive's for you to finish building your house paying your tuition buying your car and this house is in this condition let me give you the historical background Hagi I prophesied around 520 and onwards the Jews have been released from captivity when the Persians overthrew the Babylonians in 538 BC they came back to Palestine where they were from this Jerusalem had been destroyed the Temple in ruins the walls in ruins they had begun to rebuild and then they stopped and they stopped for almost 20 years they stopped because they began working on their own houses and God sends a message through Hagee I also Malakai to warn them listen it is it will be disastrous for you if you continue to put your project ahead of mine is it time for you all ye to dwell in your sealed houses high roof chandeliers and there nothing wrong with that but don't put them ahead of God's house and this house like waste breeze verse 5 with me now therefore come on thus saith the Lord of hosts what consider your way stop God says listen man olives what are you doing what are you doing consider your ways / 6 read with me you have so much and bring in little come on yee-ha-ha but he have not enough he drink but you're not filled with drink come on he crawls you but there's none warm I've finished that verse carefully and he that earned a--the wages earned this wages to put it into a bag with horse the money goes into your pocket and it's gone where's the money I just have fifty million shillings where is it there's a hole in your life not just your pocket the problem is not your pocket it's my life it's my heart it's my priorities God's business is not first and sometimes God has to show us who is boss you have so much and bring in little you sold 500 acres and you brought in half a maker of product you eat but you have not enough he drink but he not fill always thirsty he cloth you but there is none worn in other words our efforts are useless and he that earnest wages earnest wages to put it into a bag with holes and I know I know there's certain people who can testify to what I'm saying where does the money go at the end of the month where does it go verse 7 read with me that's it a lot of horse what consider your waves come on wait go up to the mountain come on bring wood and build a house and I will walk take pleasure in it and I will be glorified safe the Lord now God is telling him what to do but he goes back to criticizing them verse 9 read with me he looked for much come on and lo it turns a little and when he brought it home I did blow up on it now God is saying look all that you do is like handful of dust you bring it into your house and I and it's gone and that will be the case as long as my business is not your priority finish verse 9 God gives the reason why saved Lord of Hosts finish verse 9 because what my house that life wastes come on and year on every man unto his own house verse 10 there for the heaven over you is stage from do and the earth is stage from a fruit come read with me and I called for a drought come on upon the land we are but a mountains upon the corn over the new wine upon the oil upon that which the ground bringeth forth of a man upon cattle and after all the labor of the hands whatever you do I'll curse because my house is in ruins or looks like it and yours is in good shape because my business is not taking care of and yours it need not be a house he can just be the work of God even if this becomes a palace we must put every aspect of God's work finish my finish my words first therefore the heaven over you has stayed from due and the earth is stayed from a fruit now why is God threatening them that they might change their behavior you see punishment is strange behavior for God blessing is his natural behavior god punishes us not because he's sadistic but to turn our feet into the right path my brothers and sisters there is a divine principle by which you annoy I ought to live our lives and that principle is God first and this was the way Jesus Christ lived listen to his testimony in John 829 go there with me ten minutes after 12:00 we're in good time John 829 as we continue the subject doing things God's Way and God's Way is God first john 829 listening to the testimony of christ who lived by this principle god first when if i would say men read with me and he that have sent me is with me the father hath not left me alone for this diverse for i do always those things come on that please him how often always christ put the father first in his moment of greatest suffering the greatest suffering of christ was not so much on the cross as it was in the garden of gethsemane on the cross he didn't say get me out of this on the cross his focus was other people on the cross he said forgive them for they know not what they do on the cross he told John mother he told his mother behold your son on the cross he saved the thief on the right on the cross his focus was other people in the garden three times he prayed father if I'll be willing what who remove this Cup that's where the suffering was intense even in the midst of his worst suffering the mind of Christ rested with the father and placed the father first here's what he said father if thou be willing remove this cup from me what's the next word nevertheless finish it now not my will but thine be done the father first in suffering that widowed woman God first in suffering at the risk of her life I told you God must come ahead of your spouse he must come ahead of your children he must come ahead of your education your career your finances let me become extreme God must take precedence ahead of our lives and this is literal when a soldier goes to war the interests of his country take precedence over his life you don't believe me he is going to die for policies he may not even understand we're in a war with the enemy I want most powerful weapons we possess which we seldom use is unselfishness it is a weapon against the devil God tells us put me first it is in that position that I can function as your general I lead you into battle I don't follow you my brethren sisters my family at mount Olive's the purpose of this message is not to make you sad or visibly depressed it is to let you know there's a God who desires to bless you super abundantly like a shower of rain but he does it under conditions are you with me it's God willing to forgive but he doesn't under condition what is that if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness that's a condition is God willing to heal our sicknesses yes is there condition yes if thou will diligently hearken unto the voice of the law of thy God and will do that which is right in his height and will keep his Commandments and give air to all his statutes I will put none of these diseases upon you which I have brought upon the Egyptians I am the Lord that healeth thee there is a condition for healing there is a condition for forgiveness there is a condition for salvation recite with me the most popular first in the Bible for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son here comes the condition that whosoever believeth in him should not perish God has conditions for everything except his love God's love is unconditional his blessings are not God's love is unconditional his salvation is not there's a condition to live a blessed life God must occupy position first we must put the business of God ahead of our own business and as you wrestle with that concept because it's not new it's not a popular among those of us in the flesh but as you wrestle with this concept ask God to give you the courage to receive it God first you know many things everything here's the church here's your house which will come first the church is it time for you oh ye to dwell in your sealed houses and this house lie waste now I'm not saying you're not doing what you can I'm simply reminding you keep doing it or do more but not just the church as I said let me close the book as a visual symbol I'm coming to the end in every area a young man sent me a text this morning early I was about 3 o'clock 4 o'clock and I do a lot of online counseling he's a pastor I found a young lady I love her I think I love her I want to get with her she's not in the church that's the wrong thing to tell me that's absolutely the wrong thing to bring to me there's some things that just take me over the edge and I wrote back nice young fella he writes me all the time and I said the Word of God I gave him he wrote back and said very interesting response he said I do this I do that I do that a long list I do that I do that I do this he said this carnal nature I just can't deal with it it's too much for me that's what he said I wrote back and said Luke 18:27 the things which are impossible with men are possible with God there is no Tsar saying as I can't handle his carnal nature yes you can handle it through Christ I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me but why did I go into that because you must you must place God ahead of your romantic life when you choose you choose to please God listen to me again I know you're listening or with physically but are you listening with your heart you must think of God when making romantic choices if you don't put God first in finances okay you don't put him first in education okay put him first in romance because the worst suffering is not poverty the worst suffering is to be hooked up with the wrong man or the wrong woman it is hell on earth are you with me it is hell on earth than anywhere else you may escape to and so I'm saying to you as your brother what's our subject this side doing things God's Way means doing what are they right are there right are there right how many will say with me father helped me to humble myself and to think of you first in everything I do can I say all right now now don't play with God mean it stand up with me everything I do [Music] let me tell you a secret it's not a secret but I'll tell you anyway you can do things differently other than God's Way and still see what looks like results because the devil can give you things revelation 13 verse 1 and I stood upon the sand of the sea and saw a beast rise up out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns and upon his heads ten crowns and upon his upon his crowns his horns ten crowns and upon his heads the name of blasphemy and the beasts which I saw was like unto a leopard and his feet were as the feet of a bear and his mouth as the mouth of a lion and the dragon gave him what his power come on and his seed come on and great Authority who gave them to him the devil the devil promised to give Jesus all the kingdoms of the world if he would worship Him the devil can give you things but what the devil gives you may benefit you only in this life but there's something called the life to come now here's what the Bible says bodily exercise profiteth little but godliness that's putting God first is profitable unto all things having promise of the life that now is and of the life that is to come when we put God's first God first the benefits we accrue from God they bless us now and the blessings continue into the life to come now you're all intelligent people this life is only this long the life to come is endless where should you focus be on this put God first put his house ahead of your house you will have a testimony of God's goodness in your life put God ahead of your romance put God at the head of your educational plans put God at the head of your family planning you will have a testimony of how God rewards those who honor him for Samuel 2 verse 30 God says I will one of those who honor me it works it works is this someone right now making plans for life you're making plans for life you did not consciously put God at the head but you want to do that now having heard his word let me say it again is this someone you were actively making plans education job profession career whatever but you did not consciously put God at the head now having heard his word you want to put God first is it someone like that can I see your right hand you are actively making some kind of plan but you did not consider God first you want to do that now and God is watching you he's not spying he's watching two different things keep your hand up father in the name of Jesus Christ I ask you they God first forgive me if I have spoken badly if i misrepresented the truth by contaminating it with my opinions forgive me father now I ask in the name of Jesus who himself is the word that he would clarify what I have said and applied with force and conviction to every listening mind father in heaven convinced us they God convict us of this truth a life led by God a life where God is first is the blessed life to live father register and record every up raised hand that hand says I am making plans but have not consciously put God at the head now having heard his word I place God first let him direct me in all these areas where I am presently making plans father this is your church it's under construction we read from your word that you withheld ado you withheld the rain you have held the fruits you withheld the cattle you withheld blessings why because your people's houses were placed ahead of your house now there God help us to do the intelligent thing and place this house ahead of our houses place your work however place your business ahead of ours Father forgive us for not having done this we know you'll forgive because you delight in mercy now look upon all of us they God hands raised or not look at all of us bless us let us leave this place with this message God first God first and let us see how he blesses our lives bless every man woman boy and girl a double blessing on all our visitors their God thank you for your love thank you that we can establish this church as a witness in this part of this country and let this church day God be the reason many people are ready to meet Christ when he comes bless every member bless every house bless every child save us when you come in Jesus name and for his sake let God's people say Amen and amen 286 unless the choir 26 is okay 26 our closing hymn please stay standing and they are indeed words of life so sing with all your heart and soul 26 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] wonderful [Music] and now Miller grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us now and forevermore let God's people say Amen and amen [Music]
Channel: Amazing Worship TV
Views: 201,435
Rating: 4.7104378 out of 5
Id: F6XeVxMHAb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 41sec (3521 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 28 2018
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