"Two Wars One Enemy" by Elder Randy Skeete

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thank you for joining us let us bow our heads and pray our loving father in heaven we thank you so much for the gift of life we thank you Father that we still have the privilege to come and worship without molestation from the authorities may God we ask you to grant us your spirit that he may take control of every aspect of this service particularly me there God as it is my heavy duty to present the words of life speak through me father as I humble myself in your presence and let the spirit of truth make the words clear to everyone listening in this building and by the internet and at the conclusion of this service day God let us welcome the truth into our hearts that it may sanctify us and cleanse us in Jesus name we pray amen our subject for this evening two wars one enemy what did I say two wars one enemy go with me to Revelation chapter 12 revelation 12 we shall begin reading at verse seven of Revelation 12 the subject is two wars one enemy do we have Revelation chapter 12 we begin reading at verse 7 from the King James Version and there was war in heaven Michael and his angels fought against the Dragon and the dragon fought and his angels and prevailed not neither was their place found any more in heaven and the Great Dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and Satan which deceiveth the whole world he was cast out into the earth finish the verse with me and his angels were cast out with him the Bible says there was war in heaven wars did not begin on the earth they originated in heaven but the same spirit that began the war in heaven is the spirit that prompts nations to fight wars today it is the same spirit and that is the spirit of Satan whether it's a war between nations or wars in the church or Wars in a family awards in society it is the same spirit because God is the God of peace Satan is the god of war there was war in heaven Michael and his angels that's one army fought against the Dragon and the dragon fought and his angels two armies question for you how did Satan succeed in compiling amassing getting together an army of angels that were previously perfect sinless and holy all right you say deception and all of those who say deception you are correct but I want to elaborate on the deception so I ask the question again in different words how was Satan able to get holy angels perfect angels to follow him another way of saying to follow him is to leave give up the loyalty to God are you with me Satan had to succeed in breaking the Angels loyalty to God in order that they might follow him now there is in the Bible a principle of opposites and I've told you that on more than one occasion there is a law in physics that says for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction Jesus says in a Mark chapter 7 verse 7 verse 8 in vain do they worship Me teaching for doctrines the commandments of men therein I think is verse 9 he says full well you reject the commandment of God that he may keep your own tradition why am I using this verse to reject God's law is to keep somebody else's law I think it's marked 7-9 you can double-check for me listen to the words again full well you reject the commandment of God that she may keep your own tradition you can't keep both I was conducting the crusade in Detroit and one of the persons who came or was convicted was a Baptist preacher and he is very convicted about the Sabbath he said can I talk to you I said yes he said I have heard what you said I'm convinced as Saturday as the Sabbath but I'm a Baptist preacher can I keep both days and I said no you have to keep one that's the one God has told you to keep you have to determine who gets your first loyalty God or group of people you can't keep both you keep one you reject the other are you following me to follow Satan is to reject God every choice every act in favor of Satan is an action against God a refusal to follow God is a decision to follow Satan answer a question comes again how was Satan able to get the angels to break their allegiance to God because the only way they will follow Satan is if they cut off their allegiance to God how did Satan accomplish that as we press all of the subject to Wars one enemy and you must follow me tonight I use the word Allegiance what does the Bible say makes a person a covenant member of gods family okay you are very bright tonight well you were bright last night but not quite as bright as you are tonight so far let me ask the question again what is it notice how carefully I chose my words that makes a person a covenant member of the family of God and you answered correctly obedience now why do I say a covenant member listen to John 3:16 for God so loved the world that he did what he gave His only begotten Son for home for the world now that's general that whosoever believeth in him now that's more specific shall not perish but have everlasting life the fact that God gave Christ does not make the whole world a covenant member of God's family the giving of Christ provided salvation made it available provided a way out of a world of sin but the person must now respond to that provision there's a teaching called universalism that because of the death of Christ everyone will be saved including the devil that is not biblical it may be popular but it is not biblical because jesus prayed and said in John 17 those thou give us me I have kept and none of them is lost but the son of perdition meaning whom Judas so if Jesus said in a prayer Judas is lost no one can preach a doctrine that says everyone will be saved what makes a person a covenant member of gods family obedience let's see that from the Bible very clearly Exodus chapter 19 we shall read from verse 4 Exodus 19 reading from verse 4 our subject is two wars one enemy you have Exodus 19 reading from verse 4 this is God speaking to Moses and he says he have seen what I did unto the Egyptians and how I bear you on eagle's wings and brought you unto myself now therefore if he will do what Oh be my voice indeed and keep my covenant what's the next word then stop the word then is used when describing a sequence of events a process or a chronology when you see then something has come before he hit me then I hit him back something happened first are you with me listen to God now therefore if he will obey my voice indeed and keep my covenant then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all nations for all the earth is mine let's go to Genesis chapter 22 this is a chapter in which God tells most Abraham to sacrifice Isaac in verse 10 of Genesis 22 the Bible says then Abraham stretched forth his hand and took the knife to slay his son and he is loved Lord called him out of heaven saying Abraham Abraham he said here am I and he said lay not thy hand upon the lad neither do thou anything unto him for now what I know what that ow fear is God how did God know well God knows everything he's speaking in human terms now I know thou fearest God seeing thou hast not withheld thy son thine only son from me what God is saying now I know that you respect me that you reverence me why because you did what I said let's go to Genesis chapter 26 reading verse 4 and verse 5 of Genesis 26 in this chapter God is talking out to Isaac Abraham died in chapter 25 what is verse 4 say and I will do up may thy seal to multiply as the stars of heaven and will give until I see to all these countries and in thy seed shall wot all the be blessed why I read verse 5 why because that Abraham obeyed my voice and kept my charge my my statues and my loss let's go to Genesis 22 back let's go back there Genesis 22 let's read verse 18 we're establishing the basis on which a person enters into a covenant connection with the family of God you have verse 18 of Genesis 22 and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed why because thou hast obeyed my voice obedience is the condition on which someone enters into a relationship with God and become God's special people now there's something else about obedience we need to look at as we continue to Wars one enemy let's look at the second commandment Exodus 20 reading from verse 4 Exodus 20 reading from verse 4 we're looking at the second commandment do you have that Exodus chapter 20 reading from verse 4 thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth thou shalt not bow down thyself to them nor serve them for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God visiting the iniquity of the father's upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of what them that hate me now we need to balance an equation we do some biblical algebra and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my Commandments now how does that commandment say that we show love to God by keeping his Commandments and showing mercy unto thousands of them what's the one side of the equation that love me and keep my Commandments but he visits the iniquity of the father's upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me now there's something from that equation on that side on this side we have love me keep my Commandments on this side we only have hate me what's missing disobey my commandments god bless that side on this side listen to me we hate God when we disobey his commands now I'm not talking of those who do it ignorant Lee I'm not referring to the ignorant and to be ignorant in the sight of God you must be able to say two things to God I did not know and I had no way of knowing let me say it again to be ignorant in God's eyes you must say two things testimonies volume 1 page page no last day events page 217 paragraph 5 none will be condemned for not heeding light and knowledge that they never had and they could not obtain are you with me lastly offense 217 page 5 none will be condemned for not heeding light and knowledge that they never had and they could not obtain so when we say those who disobey God hate God we're referring to those who know what's right and do what's wrong that expresses hatred to God but we want to look at love for God which is obedience let's take another look at obedience before we do let me make this startling statement the only way to love God is to obey Him that's what Jesus said John 14:15 you tell me what that verse says if you love me keep my Commandments now that seems to be a condition it almost implies two actions love me and then obey but not really let's go to the same offer in another book 1st John chapter 5 let's read verse 3 obey and love are not two different actions you have first John chapter 5 it's all the way to the back of the Bible find revelation then Jude 3rd John 2nd John 1st John chapter 5 reading verse three do we have that read with me for this is what this is love now what is love finish the verse that we keep his Commandments stop so when you say what is love what is the Bible's answer conformity to God's law this is love you read that verse in any translation keep god's command go to the book just after first john ii john read verse six you have that what is four six eight this is love that we do walk walk after his Commandments same thing the Bible is abundantly clear love to God is obedience to God but there's something else about obedience we need this we saw obedience is a condition on which you enter into a covenant relationship with God we see obedience is the only way to show love obedience is love here's what obedience is again let's go to a mark chapter seven mark 7 let's read verse 7 mark seven verse seven now you really need to concentrate all your intellectual powers on this verse see what the verse teaches you have mark chapter seven reading for said what does that verse saying I'll be it in vain do they worship Me teaching for doctrines the commandments of men now let's look at that verse very closely Jesus is in vain means you're wasting time for all practical purposes Christ says you waste time when you worship me how based on what the commandments of men are you following me or are you following the verse Jesus says in vain do they worship Me you're wasting time when your worship is based on the commandments of men now turn that around what worship is accepted by God worship based on what commandments of God if the commandments of men constitutes vain worship what constitutes meaningful worship worship that is expressed out of obedience to God's law so now we have obedience is the way to enter a covenant relationship with God who obedience is the only way to show love to God it is love to God obedience is the highest form of worship go to 1st Samuel Chapter 15 First Samuel Chapter 15 we'll read from verse 22 this is Samuel rebuking Saul because Saul did not fully obey God you see Salah obeyed 99.99% but that kind of percentage only takes you to hell you miss what I said because you were looking for first Samuel let me say it again there is no such thing as statistical salvation with all respect to those who work in the archives they there is no such thing as statistical salvation 99% obedience to God qualifies me for hell you read the Old Testament particularly how many times God says if he will obey how many of my Commandments all listen to first Samuel 15 verse 22 and Samuel said have the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the Lord what is Samuel saying here are all the sacrifices that God Himself instituted all of them the red heifer the calf the goat the kid the the lamb the Turtledove you name it and here's obedience God says what I really want is obedience now when people brought animals to the temple they were coming to worship listen to God who's the god of the Old Testament listen to Christ hath Christ as great delight in burnt offerings and Pfizer's as in obeying the voice of the lord his own voice behold to obey is better than sacrifice now what does better mean if this is sacrifice and this is obey and one is better we must obey be oh yes does that make sense to you listen to the Bible again not me behold to obey is better than sacrifice and to hearken which is the same thing as obey than the fat of rams my brothers and sisters the highest form of a bead of worship to God is obedience listicle obedience in three phases obedience is the only way to enter into a covenant relationship with God obedience is the only way to love God obedience as the highest form of worship now in all three covenant relationship express love worship we have one word what's that word what's the word oh you were doing so well obedience let me ask you again you must think we said to enter into a covenant relationship with God what's the condition what's the only way to love God and what's the way to worship the highest form of worship obedience what's the one word that pops up all three times or beatings now the question becomes obedience to what God's law which means if you're discussing a covenant relationship with God you have to discuss what his law if you're discussing love for God you have to discuss what his law if you're discussing worship you have to discuss what his law that's what Jesus said now having said all of that what did Satan want more than anything else worship who are the Angels worshiping how in obedience to him then what did Satan have to attack to get the angels to leave God and come to him God's law because the only way the Angels could love God was through obedience to his law there is no other way to love God so Satan said I've got to destroy this law listen to great controversy page 582 paragraph 1 from the very beginning of the great controversy in heaven it has been certains purpose to overthrow the law of God it was to accomplish this that he ended upon his rebellion against the creator and though he was cast out of heaven he has continued the same warfare where upon the earth now let's go back to revelation 12 reading from verse 7 now we've brought the earth into this and what's our subject towards one enemy let's read from verse 7 of revelation 12 and there was war where in heaven Michael and his angels fought against the Dragon and the dragon fought and his angels and prevailed not neither was their place found any more in heaven and the Great Dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and Satan which deceiveth the whole world he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him now let's read 4:17 and the dragon who's the dragon was cast out from where why disobedience and attacking the law of God the Bible says and that same dragon was wroth with whom the woman who is the woman the church gives me another term for the church as it relates to Christ his bride as we would say today his woman are you listening to me there's a biblical principle in as much as you've done it unto one of the least of these my brethren finish it for me I've done it unto me what did Jesus say the soul in the road to Damascus Saul Saul why persecutest out of the church is that what Jesus said when you trust the church whom do you touch Christ but not every church ah you're sleeping now I'll get to that and the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of her seed so we have the woman the seed and the remnant you see a whole long line of Association of the truths of God the woman her seed the remnant being the last bit of that tradition of truth which exists today the first sense of the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war now we have a second war it's really the same war but a second battlefield a second war why is he attacking the woman which the one keep the commandments of God you see Satan's object of hatred in heaven was the law he has cast down to the earth he can no longer attack Christ personally he can no longer get to the Holy Angels but he knows he can hurt Christ by hurting the church and so he seeks to destroy the church that keeps the commandments of God tours one enemy now keep your thinking caps on how many churches are in Revelation all right we say two and I've said that many times in sermons what we need is two kinds of churches those who obey those who don't obey now the church that obeys is introduced at revelation 12 the woman clothed in light the church that doesn't obey is in revelation 17 called the harlot now in revelation 17 verse 5 go there with me revelation 17 verse 5 we look at the woman representing the false Church you have revelation 17:5 the Bible says and upon her forehead was a name written Mystery Babylon the Great finish the verse the mother of harlots or we can stop now how many harlots how many we don't know but who's the mother Madeline then those harlots have babylons DNA was that a big word for you DNA did I confuse some people why did you go so quiet that those harlots they have babylons DNA which means they are essentially what just the same now there thousands of churches of all the thousands of churches on the earth the Bible is very specific it identifies the one that Satan hates which one is that the one that keeps the commandments of God now let's pause right there let's apply the rule of opposites think with me if Satan hates one Church the one that keeps the commandments of God how does he feel about churches that break the commandments of God no problem I hope you're listening and not sleeping whether in this building or my internet the devil has no problem with churches that break God's law because they are doing what he sought to do way back let me personalize it when you and I break God's law on what site of the battle are we fighting Satan side me show you how much those churches work of Satan most churches preach today you don't have to keep the law you didn't get what I'm saying the devil uses churches to push his agenda not people in the drug den churches to preach there is no law one church he hates the one that keeps God's commandments and that's the one that's the target of his warfare it keep the commandments of God now Jesus said in John chapter 10 verse 16 you read that go there with me John 10:16 let me show you something else it's a five after eight tours one enemy I'll let you go shortly we have John 10:16 I can still hear some pages turning John chapter 10 reading verse 16 do we have that now read with me what does Jesus say and other sheep I have which are not of this . give me another word fourfold Church now Jesus says he didn't say other sheep have I which are not of these churches let me tell you something that's not popular Christ has one church but he loves how many people everybody so here's the only solution he has them all so I must bring now listen to the words again other sheep I have which are not of this fall now using your common sense if they're not in this fold where are they in other false our crisis I have people in other Falls I will call the people not the Falls are you mr. higher unis you were doing so well but you have to get this because it leads us a very serious truth that God has given up on the churches you're not listening let me say it again God for over 100 years has given up on the churches that break his law but he has individuals in those churches what does Revelation 18 verse 5 says verse 4 come out of her my people he doesn't call her come on you saw tonight he does not call her he doesn't say come her he says come out of her my people and leave her alone listen to me again God has cut off and washed his hands over churches that break his law but he knows there are faithful people in those churches who simply need to hear the truth and they worry because he said they shall hear my voice they shall be one fold one shepherd listen to me carefully Jesus said there's only one way to enter into a covenant relationship with me the condition for that is obedience there's only one way to love me that is obedience there's one basic way to worship me and that is obedience and the only obedience God requires his obedience to his law because Christ the God of the Old Testament said this is the whole duty of math do you understand when you break God's law you are taking your side you're taking your place on the side of the devil because the warfare is not ended God has allowed me to preach for many years in many places and one thing is common regardless of where I go and that is opposition to God's law regardless of culture tradition or custom when I preach about the law of God the reaction is the same I can get into a pulpit and say it is ok for men and women to live together as long as they don't run around and no one will walk out I'll get into a pulpit and say homosexuality is OK no one will walk out get into a pulpit aceite seven days of sabbath and people walk out i see it two wars one enemy if there were no law the devil will have no problem with christ if there were no law the devil will have no problem with the woman of revelation 12 if there were no law satan would have no problem with you and me if the bone of satan's contention is god's law be it is only through the law that we can express love to God it is only through conformity to God's law that we enter into a covenant relationship with God it is only through the law that we worship God in spirit and in truth but on another night now I'll introduce a problem because I will says the law is spiritual but we're what carnal how do we keep this law and I will deal with that but for tonight I want you to do something that's strange what will you remember from tonight's message just raise your hand tell me yes brother Ted hmm obedience the overriding theme obedience to God someone else what will you remember from tonight's message yes my brother the only way to show your love for God is to obey Him yes my brother to disobey God is still basic the only two sides I saw another hands up yes my brother if we love Him and he leaves it up to us to decide if we love him keep my Commandments someone else what will you take from what you heard tonight raise a hand raise a hand you must take yes my brother obedience is worship so that 24 hours a day we live in an atmosphere of worship the onliest worship God on Sabbath morning from 9:00 to 12:00 at work you worship God because you you work like a child of God are you with me on the playground you worship God because you play like a Christian worship is a lifestyle is not an event anyone else what will you yes my brother the war is not it's more vicious revelation 12:12 therefore rejoice ye heavens and Eve that dwell in them war to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea there is a devilish come down unto you having what great wrath because he knoweth that he hath but a short time and great wrath and the wrath according to verse 17 is directed against the church that keeps God's commandments so if you find your church always fighting each other who is orchestrating those fights not God let me say it again not God Satan doesn't care who's right and wrong he loves when we discuss right on where I'm right I'm right as long as there is division and fighting Satan is the general of that commotion towards what enemy on which side will you take your stand I want to renew my commitment to God right now and take my stand on the side of Christ he died because the law was broken did you know what I said he died because the law was broken an angel couldn't die for that broken law because the law is as sacred as God Himself no angel could die for that law tell you something else another reason why an angel could not die because the life of an angel does not belong to the angel and the law requires your life the life Christ gave up was his life are you with me unborrowed original under I've the life Christ gave up was his life so he could die for us no angel could die for you and me not even Gabriel because Gabriel's life was a gift from God what am I saying the law of God is that the level of the life of God so when you spit on God's law you spit on God so I recommit my life to God to live by his law by the internal power of Jesus Christ there's no other way now deal with them how many of you will say father helped me to take my side my stand on the side of Christ law can I see your right hand do you mean that from your heart stand up let's pray before I pray is there someone listening to me you have a particular struggle with one of God's commandments it has been a struggle for you but in your heart you want to do what's right and you want to say preacher pray for me you have a particular struggle with one of the 10 and the danger with that is you break one you break all but your heart is to serve God but he knows you're weak Psalm 103 verse 14 he knows our frame he remembers that we are dust you want special prayer just raise your right hand if that's the case we do keep your hand up holy father in heaven we thank you for your unending love we thank you Father for the truths of Scripture which if studied honestly are so clear we thank you God that when the war broke out in heaven Satan lost when he came to this earth and tried and he that Christ he lost when he tried to keep Christ in the grave he lost father and that same victorious power that Christ exercised is available to us that we may win moment by moment father we take our stand on the side of Christ and his holy law we thank you for the law because it expresses the righteousness of Christ and we thank you that Christ is the power by which we live in conformity with God's law my brothers and sisters your children have raised their hands to say on one or other of your Ten Commandments they have a problem father in the name of Jesus who obeyed perfectly give them power to overcome in that area of weakness they God that they miss her view perfectly give them strength day by day and let them never lose that desire in their hearts to serve you fully bless them take us home safely father bring us back tomorrow bless our Internet audience father be with them as they sleep I pray whatever time it may be where they are bring us back tomorrow I pray for my heart in Jesus name that all God's people say amen and it
Channel: Remnant SDA Church
Views: 37,614
Rating: 4.6785712 out of 5
Keywords: Remnant, SDA, Church, Adventist, Christian, Seventh-day, Gospel, Worship, Sabbath, Randy, Skeete, Wars, Enemy, Ministry, Sermon
Id: RRrMMltsTLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 32sec (2432 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 29 2013
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