"A Prescription for Life" message by Randy Skeete

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god is good and all the time I'm delighted to see those of you who've come to worship God on his holy day this is the day that the Lord has made this is the one he made all seven to be quite honest but he bless one and according to numbers 23 20s and I cannot reverse it said Balaam what God has blessed no man can unless are you with me and so until I find a scripture where God unblessed the seventh day I shall honor God seventh day are you with me by the way what God curses no one can uncurse so make sure you're under God's blessing at all times because no one can reverse it our subject for today a prescription for life what did I say before I begin do three favors for me favor number one please turn off your cell phones you know we are addicted to those cell phones I was conducting an evangelistic campaign in Los Angeles last year I think it was this young man would occasionally come for me to take me to the church and he would drive always on the phone so I said to him do you have to do that and he kept the phone right right between his knees and he so once I said to him don't pick up that phone just take me to the church when we get to the church pick it up as much as you want so when we got to the church I said how do you feel that you didn't have that phone in your hand and he smiled I said pastor I'm okay I said fine let us try to control that addiction you don't have to know who's texting you from Iraq or Syria or Iceland just turn the phones off as a mark of respect for God favor number two while I'm speaking pray for me that's a very urgent request and say Lord put your words in that man's mouth the Bible says we have this treasure in earthen vessels I am dirt I am Claire I am mud I'm of the and because of that as the message is preached and comes from me a little dirt may come out on the message but if you pray God will allow the message to emerge without any dirt clinging to it so you pray that God puts his words in my mouth and favor number three please in honor of Isaiah 1:18 come now let us do what reason together I want you to think as you listen let us pray Holy Father in heaven speak to me day God and speak through me I ask in the name of Jesus who died for every person on this earth that you would grant to us your spirit who is also the Spirit of Christ that that spirit of truth may make the words understandable to us father let us both here and do thank you for the freedom to worship you in Jesus name we pray amen in Exodus chapter 20 reading from verse 1 the Bible says and God speak all these words saying I am the law by God which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt and out of the house of bondage now ordinarily when we read the Ten Commandments we begin at verse 3 of exodus 20 thou shalt have no other gods before me but it is profitable to begin at verse 1 include 1 and 2 and God spake all these words saying I am the law by God which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt and out of the house of bondage why does God attach what seems to be a preface to the Ten Commandments when someone takes it upon himself to tell you or to tell me how to live what to do in every area of our lives we need to know who is who are you who is this person telling me how to live my life so God begins with a reminder I am the law by God that turned the water of Egypt into blood I am the one that brought frogs on the land I am the one that brought life I am the one that brought flies I am the one that brought marina on cattle I am the one that inflicted Egyptians with boils I am the one that sent locusts I am the one that sent Hale I am the one that sent a painful darkness I am the one that sent the destroying angel that brought the back of Pharaoh's resistance and allowed him to release you from bondage I am the one that destroyed his army when they pursued you through the Red Sea I am the one that turned bitter water sweet by having Moses throw a tree into that bitter pool I am the one that sent manna from heaven I am the one that sent water from a rock in other words I am the one who has preserved you and kept you alive now I feel I have the right to tell you how to live are you with me I have rights as God because if it weren't for me you'd still be in slavery and so God says I am THE LORD thy God which has brought thee out of the hand land of Egypt and out of the house of bondage we obey God because of who he is or what he's done for us let's go to a John chapter 2 live listen to something about this same God who spoke from Sinai John chapter 2 reading from verse 1 our subject is a prescription for life John chapter 2 reading from verse 1 the Bible says and the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee and the mother of Jesus was there and both Jesus was called and his disciples of the marriage and when they wanted wine the mother of jesus saith unto him they have no wine jesus saith unto her woman what have I to do with thee my hour has not yet come his mother saith unto the servants read verse 5 with me now what so ever he saith unto you finish it do it now no one knows you like your mother not even your father it all respects the fathers your mother had a head start are you with me nine months right here a biological connection and she fed you by something connected to herself when the baby cries the mother knows why the father has no clue so your mother knows you the mother of Jesus told those servants in effect that's my boy I raised him I know him I know what he can do listen to me whatsoever he saith unto you do it you know sometimes we tell friends listen don't mess with that guy I know him and he'll make you regret you were born don't mess with that guy I know him if you see him coming south you go north Mary said whatever he said still do now there's something Jesus said to us let's find out what it is in Matthew chapter 4 we'll read from verse 1 we've discovered that God has a right to tell us how to live because of what he did for us we discovered some advice from Mary anything God tells us to do we should do and when you live that way the result is a miracle after miracle after a miracle John not John Matthew chapter 4 we shall read from verse 1 we were in John three books to the left we come to Matthew four reading from verse one then was Jesus led up of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil and when he had fasted forty days and forty nights he was afterward and hungered and when the tempter came to him he said if thou be the Son of God command of these storms be made bread let me digress briefly Jesus did not go into the wilderness looking for Satan now he knew Satan would come he did not go looking for Satan are you with me too many times we go looking for the devil by the positions in which we place ourselves you're giving a single woman or miry room a Bible studies at 11 o'clock at night you have gone looking for Satan are you following me and so the Bible says when the tempter came to him let the devil come to you don't go to him come on answer me don't go to him if there has to be interaction between you and him let him come to you I'll let him find you on your knees singing a hymn or in the Word of God or doing the work of this church are you with me and so the Bible says when the tempter came to him he said if thou be the Son of God command the VIII stones be made bread but he answered and said it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God let us look at that passage what precisely did Jesus mean man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God what did Jesus mean because this statement from Christ is a statement to us this is God's prescription for life Jesus says here's how you live by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God and we need to understand exactly what Jesus Christ meant by every word in a very general sense Genesis 1 - revelation 22 represents God's Word everywhere but let's look at most specific examples of words proceeding out of the mouth of God and try to determine if those are the words that Jesus Christ referred to when he said man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God let's go to Matthew chapter 3 we shall read verses 16 and 17 our subject is a prescription for life not just life on this side of eternity but in life on the other side come on somebody say Amen perhaps you did not follow what I said it's my fault let me try to clarify whatever God recommends for this life for a holy life a blessed life it extends into the life to come many Christians or let me now write down many seventh-day Adventists they pull down a curtain between this life on the life to come let me tell you something the life we live now if we live it for Christ it is continued in the next life there's no break are you with me because the standard to which God has called us to live does not change when he comes and I have told you to the point of laryngitis that God has one standard for us so understand me clearly when Christ comes we move smoothly into the next life you know loi said somewhere our first day in heaven is the same as our last day on earth so god's prescription for life is for this life and the life to come even our educational system is supposed to prepare us for this life and the life to come in the book education page 13 paragraph 1 Ella white writes our ideas of education take to narrow and to low arrange there's need for a broader scope a higher aim true education means more than the pursuit of a certain course of study it means more than a preparation for the life that now is it has to do with the whole being and with the whole period of existence possible to man what existence is that what is the whole period of existence possible to man this life and the life to come it prepares it is a harmonious development of the the mental and spiritual powers it prepares the student for the joy of service in this world and for the higher Troi of Y the service in the life to come what she's saying the education we receive now fits us to be puffed to be a workers in this life and in the life to come that's not what Harvard prepares you for there's no difference how expensive the tuition is they do not prepare you for the life to come with all respects to Harvard Graduate University of Michigan right in my town does not prepare you for the life to come and I wonder how many of our schools really prepare students for their life to come and I digress just to emphasize the point what Christ said in Matthew 4 for man shall not live by bread alone but by every word it has application in this life and in the life to come now let's see an example of worse proceeding out of the mouth of God Matthew chapter 3 reading from verse 16 and Jesus when he was baptized went up straightway out of the water and lo the heavens were opened unto him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him and lo a voice from heaven saying 4:17 this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased now these are words preceding right out of the mouth of God without benefit of going through a prophet are you with me most of the Bible it goes through a third party but there are some passages right from the mouth of God this is one of them is this what Christ was referring to let's go to another passage and see if that may be the case let's go to Matthew 17 we shall read verse 5 in this chapter we have the familiar story of the Transfiguration and Peter in verse 4 has rashly said Lord let's build three Tabernacles you know one for you one for Moses one for Elias in verse 5 the Bible says and while he had speak behold a bright cloud overshadowed them and behold a voice out of the cloud which spake and said this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased hear ye him now to whom did the speak the voice spoke to Peter James and John yes the wisdom is good we should listen to Christ but that voice was for Peter James and John let's go to John in Chapter 12 we're looking for examples of words proceeding right out of the mouth of God that may fit what Jesus Christ said man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God we're now in John chapter 12 we shall read from verse 27 this is Jesus Christ Himself speaking our subject is a prescription for life you have John chapter 12 reading from verse 27 the Bible says and now with my soul troubled and what shall I say father save me from this hour but for this cause came I ton to this hour father glorify thy name then came there a voice from heaven saying I have both glorified it and will glorify it again now here we have a voice from heaven responding to the prayer of Christ in verse 28 father glorify thy name the voice says I have both glorified it and will glorify it again is that the passage Christ is referring to when he says we must live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God it does not look like what did Jesus mean in order to narrow down and to pinpoint what Christ meant we have to take a look at the word word listen again but he answered and said Matthew 4:4 man shall not live by bread alone but by every word now in the Bible the word word does not always refer to a word they that confuse you okay some honest vegetarian said yes all right let me try to clarify and clear the confusion if you say house that is a word are you with me but the Bible also suggests that if you say I live in Barry in Silver Springs Maryland all of that can be referred to as a word so sometimes in the Bible word means statement let me give you some examples let's go to Matthew 12 another familiar passage where Christ is accused of casting out demons using the power of Satan and of course Christ has to defend himself against that charge and he gives a fairly lengthy defense from first 25 all the way down to verse 36 you have Matthew 12 let's read from first 22 the Bible says then was brought unto Him one possessed with a devil blind and dumb and He healed him him so much of the blind and dumb both spake and saw and all the people were amazed and said it's not this the son of David when the Pharisees heard it they said what this fellow does not cast out Devils but by Beelzebub the Prince of Devils now this is a terrible accusation to level against Christ to accuse God of working through the power of Satan when Christ heard that verse 25 jesus knew their thoughts and said unto them every city divided the gate of each city it's a kingdom every Kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand if Satan cast out Satan he is divided against himself how shall then his kingdom stand what is Christ trying to do what's he doing remember favor number three what's he doing he is reasoning listen to me when you study the Bible reason but reason honestly if Satan cast out Satan he is divided against himself how right then his kingdom stand and if I by Beelzebub cast out Devils by whom do your children cast them out therefore they shall be your judges verse 20 but if I cast out Devils by the Spirit of God then the kingdom of God is come unto you so Christ has this extended defense of why is what's not possible that he could use the power of Satan to cast out Devils then in verse 35 Jesus says a good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringing forth one good things and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things first 36 read that verse but I say unto you that every idle word that men shall walk they shall give account thereof in the judgment now what when I first read that as Assembly after this I thought Christ meant every individual word that's all what he meant what was the idle word that Christ is referring to that's why we must study contextually what is the idle word remember from verse 25 all the way down to verse 35 Christ is defending himself against a charge hmm and then the 36 he says every idle word what was the idle word go back to 32 24 when the Pharisees heard it they said what this fellow does not let us see how many words this fellow does not cast out devils but by Beelzebub how many words what does Jesus call that statement a word that was the idle word all right you look at me as though you don't believe me let's go to first John first John we read verses 3 & 4 first John three and four first John chapter two sorry verses 3 & 4 and hereby we don't know that we know him finish the verse if we keep his Commandments now we have the word Commandments in verse 3 follow me closely verse 4 says what he that saith I know him and keepeth not what his commandment is a liar and the truth is not in him so in verse 3 we have what word in verse 4 we have what word Commandments again this is the verse 5 but what does the word but introduce a contrast now here's the other side of the coin John is saying but whosoever that's what keepeth what his word what does word refer to recite any one of the commandments thou shalt have no other gods before me that is referred to in 1st John to 5 as a word let's go to John chapter 14 our subject is a prescription for life John chapter 14 10 after 12:00 I'm going past 12:30 that's not a threat it's just a bit of information John chapter 12 not 12 sorry John 14 did I say 12 John 14 let's read from verse 15 you have John 14 we're reading from the King James Version listen to what Jesus Christ says if ye love me there were keep my Commandments now we have the word Commandments let's go down to verse 21 he that hath my Commandments and keepeth them he it is that love with me and he that loveth me shall be loved of my father and I will love him and manifest myself and him let's skip 22 go to 23 rich 23 says what jesus answered and said what if a man love me he will do it yes if a man love me he will do what keep my words so here again we have words or word as a substitute for what commandment are you following me let's go to Galatians chapter 5 what I'm trying to show you is that word can sometimes refer to an entire statement and that's important to keep this in mind as we try to interpret what Christ meant when he said man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God we're going to Galatians chapter 5 reading verses 13 and 14 do we have that the Bible says for brethren ye have been called unto Liberty only use not Liberty for an occasion to the flesh but by what love do art serve one another now read verse 14 for all the law is fulfilled in one stop all the laws fulfilled in one word now what's that one word finish the verse thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself seven words Paul says that's the one word that fulfills all the law you're not satisfied let's go to Hebrews chapter 12 Paul is referring to a the events that happened on Sinai howdy Israelites rejected Moses and they were not allowed to get away with that and if they were punished for rejecting Moses who was on earth how much more will they be punished or we for rejecting one who speaks from heaven verse 25 of Hebrews 12 for if they escape not who refuse him that speak on earth much more shall not we escape if we turn away from him that speaketh from where from heaven that's Hebrews 12 25 verse 26 says what are you still trying to find Hebrews do you have Hebrews alright first 26 of Hebrews 12 whose voice then what should the earth now read with me but now has he promised saying yet once more I shake not the Earth only but also heaven now let's read that again but now has he promised saying tell me what he said you read it yet once more I shake not the Earth only but after 12 words look at verse 27 we did and this word go on yet once now Paul does not repeat the whole thing you see he just gives introduction yet once more Paul is saying that entire statement in verse 26 and this word yet once more so here again we have an example of the word word referring to a statement are you with me now listen to the words of Christ again man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God now this was the way Jesus lived are you with me that's where he lived now by saying that he was saying that because he was in the process of saying that setting the example in other words he was living by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God now you missed it let me say it again in his humanity Christ's life is an example for us are you with me when Christ said man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God he was in the process of saying that living by that same principle for every temptation he lived by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God he said in verse 4 it is written he said it for the second temptation it is written he said for the third temptation it is written he was living by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God I want you to look at the three responses Christ gave to Satan first response man shall not live by bread alone but by every word second response it is written thou shalt not tempt the LORD thy God third response is written thou shalt worship the Lord thy God have been only shalt thou serve now let's go to Deuteronomy chapter 8 don't nobody promised you last week some of you may remember to say something about Deuteronomy alright here it is you're on me 8 let's read from first one and I really ask you from my heart put on your thinking caps don't miss it if someone next she was sleeping bump the person accidentally and wake the person up we have Deuteronomy 8 reading from verse 1 all the commandments was I command thee this there shall he observed to do that he may live and multiply and going on blessed land which the Lord swear unto your father's and thou shalt remember all the way which the LORD thy God led thee these 40 years in the wilderness to Humble thee to prove thee to know what was in my heart whether thy words keep his Commandments or not let's look at that verse carefully why did God take them all through the wilderness calls them to suffer hunger and all of those de-stresses and deprivations why one reason to do what to find out if they were do one give me one word give me one word obey now by now you know my favorite word is obey or obedience listen to verse two and thou shalt remember all the way which the LORD thy God led thee these forty years in the wilderness to Humble thee to prove thee to know what was inside heart whether thou wouldst keep his Commandments or no how many choices do you have in that verse - what are they keep or no are you with me God said I want to know well you'll keep my Commandments or no two choices Christ object lessons page 283 paragraph three Ellen White writes there are only two classes in the world today and only two classes will be recognized in the judgment those who violate God's law and those who obey so God wanted to find out if it obey Him verse 3 and he humbled thee and suffered neither hunger and fed thee which manner with manner which thou knewest not neither thy fathers know that he may make they know that man does not live by bread only but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord does man live now does that sound similar to anything what does it sound similar to that's the verse that Christ quoting are you with me so when Christ faced that temptation he lived by the Word of God and that word is Deuteronomy 8 verse 3 man does not live by bread only but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God does man live Christ is shorten it up that's what Christ quoted now he before I tell you about the other two temptations and Christ responds let us look at the book of Deuteronomy Deuteronomy is called a repetition of the second law because the Ten Commandments are found in Exodus 20 Deuteronomy chapter 5 now in Deuteronomy chapter 5 God does not come down on the mountain to speak the commandments Moses is just rehearsing them he spoke them in chapter 20 Moses is just rehearsing them in chapter 5 of Ronna me keep this in mind Deuteronomy is broken down essentially into three major speeches that Moses made because the book was written to recall the events that occurred just before they went into the Promised Land they could see Canaan land from where they were and he wants to remind them of all that God tried to teach them for 40 years all the instructions from God the lessons they should have learned and so the first subsection or the first section of the other on me is from chapter 1 verse 4 to chapter 4 verse 43 this section is historical Moses reminds them of all the Providence's of God how he deliver them and he calls upon them to remember God's goodness to obey God and to avoid idolatry the second section goes from chapter 4 verse 44 to chapter 26 verse 19 now that's a long section and that section it covers moral civil and moral statutes and judgments civil and moral statutes and judgments from chapter 4 verse 44 to 26 verse 19 from chapter 27 verse 1 to 31 verse 30 that essentially covers the blessings of obedience and the curses of disobedience then chapter 32 is a song of Moses chapter 33 the blessings of Moses upon the tribes and chapter 34 the death of Moses let's go over those sections again section number 1 begins where chapter 1 verse 4 it ends where chapter 4 verse 43 and what does that deal with the civil and moral statutes on laws God gave to the Israelites the second section begins where chapter 4 verse 44 and goes all the way to chapter 26 verse 19 no sorry the first section deals with the history of God's people new rulers the second section deals with the civil and moral statutes the third section chapter 31 chapter 27 verse 1 to every one verse 30 deals with the blessings of obedience the curses of disobedience now the huge section which is section 1 which is section 1 - beginning where chapter 444 ending where 2619 that large section can be subdivided into two smaller sections this is where it gets really interesting follow me closely the two subsections are chapters chapter 5 - 11 and 12 - 26 let me say it again this second section of Deuteronomy which is the largest it can be subdivided chapter 5 - 11 and 12 to 26 now 5 - 11 deals with the civil the statutes which cover worship purity tithe how to celebrate the three annual feasts how to administer justice Kings priests prophets war and the private and social lives of the people those are the areas it cover let me go over those areas again the civil statutes they covered worship pipe purity a tithe how to keep the three annual feast Howard justice should be administered the laws governing priests Kings law of governing priests the laws governing profits the laws governing how to wage war and of course the private and social lives of the people that's section subsection 12 to 26 subsection 5 - 11 deals exclusively with the Ten Commandment did you hear me now 5 to 11 focus exclusively on the Ten Commandments they are repeated in chapter 5 and explained or expanded upon from chapter 6 on to 11 the three responses that Jesus gave Satan all come from that section that deals exclusively with the temperaments are you following me man shall not live by bread alone Deuteronomy 8:3 thou shall not tempt the LORD thy God Deuteronomy 6 16 now so worship the Lord thy God deuteronomy 613 the three responses of christ the three verses he chose all come from the section of deuteronomy that deals with the law of God as spoken on Sinai now let's put the pieces together what a reasonable conclusion can we arrive at we have learned that word in the Bible can refer to a statement we have seen that word can refer to the law a commandment and we saw several examples of that and Jesus said man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God we looked at examples of words preceding right out of the mouth of God the baptism of Christ Matthew 3:16 17 the Transfiguration Matthew 17:5 Christ in John 12 when he said father glorify thy name we looked at those and we saw no compelling evidence that is what Christ was referring to but there's another occasion where words proceeded right out of the mouth of God what occasion was that can't hear you Mount Sinai Mount Sinai and God's make all these words saying I am the law by God which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt and out of the house of bondage thou shall have no other gods before me right out of the mouth of God without going through a prophet thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth out shalt not bow down thyself to them nor serve them and when the devil tempted Christ in temptation number three fall down and worship Me Jesus effectively quoted from this commandment a word from God what is Christ saying when he said man shall not live by bread alone but by every word what was meant in Deuteronomy 8 and let's go back there and see that Christ knew exactly what he was saying let's go back to Deuteronomy Aaron read verses 2 & 3 this is from one a prescription for life 25 after 12 are we back in Deuteronomy 8 really from first one read with me all the commandments which I command you this day shall ye observed to do that he may want stop what's the purpose of the commandments life now the devil will have us believe the purpose of the commandments is restriction of freedom elimination of joy I can't smoke drugs I can't gangbang these Commandments getting in my way of fun are you with me but God's viewpoint is different the Bible says all the commandments which I command thee this day shall we observed that email is listen to me the purpose of the commandments is life if they don't give life they preserve life minister of healing page 9 paragraph 3 I believe it is hello white right god has laws that I think is like the paragraph 2 or 3 ministry of healing page 9 god has laws that he has instituted but they are merely servants by which he affects results let me say that again differently if God wants grass to grow he puts the life in it and then he sets up laws that allow that life to be preserved under grass to grow are you with me he gives life then he Institute's a law to preserve that life are you following me if God wants you and me healthy he first gives us life hey brother Ben were here he'd support me then he sets apart laws to preserve that life are you following me when we violate those laws we interfere with the quality of our lives and we end up dead but the higher form of life is not physical life it is spiritual life God gives spiritual life when you come to God you're baptized you converted life you're born again now how is that life preserved through the law you're not listening faith and works page 100 paragraph 1 we read these words God requires the entire surrender of the heart before justification can take place and in order for man to retain justification there must be continual BDO's obedience is the means by which life is preserved are you following me obedience is not drudgery legalism is drudgery obedience from the heart is joy in God men so Deuteronomy 8 verse warn all the commandments which I command you this day shall be observed to do that live and multiply and go in and possess the land which the Lord swear unto your father's you live you multiply that's prosperity and your go in and get what's yours thou shall remember all the way which the LORD thy God led to these forty years in the wilderness now follow closely to humble thee to prove thee to know what to us in thine heart finish the verse whether that was keep his Commandments or no God wanted them what wanted to find out one thing will you obey my Commandments one thing that stated in verse two it is also stated in verse three but differently there's the verse 3 and II humble thee and suffered either hunger and feather with matter which thou knewest not neither did I fathers know that he might make me know now go back to verse 2 and thou shalt remember all the way which the LORD thy God lady these 40 years in the Willows to humbly to prove thee to what to know what was in my heart now verse 3 says that he might make thee know what that man does not live by bread alone only but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God does man live two and three are seeing the same things differently what God meant in verse two I want to find out if you're willing to live your life by every word that proceeds out of my mouth and he calls every word his commandment in verse two are you with me in verse two where thou keeps my company I would keep my Commandments all know in verse two he calls it commandment in verse three he says word my brothers or sisters a prescription for life that prescription is live by the law of God it is a law ordained to life and so when Jesus was confronted with Satan Satan only brings death but he brings death sprinkled with perfume are you with me you know in supermarkets the meat is going old what do they do put something red so it looks fresh huh there's a technique they have they have water always on the vegetable so you see the beads of what it little oh it just fell off the Tree of Life but the thing is two weeks old but they have ways to make all things look fresh the devil brings death but he brings death sprinkled with Chanel and CK and all these perfumes so it smells good so he told Eve in chapter 3 verse 5 for God doth know in the day eat thereof then your eyes shall be opened and you shields God's be as God's knowing good and evil he dressed up disobedience attractively he packages sin in such a way that we go for it there was a talk in Canada several years ago to sell cigarettes in black and white boxes and possibly was called cross bones and skull on it and the cigarette makers rose up in arms because they know they knew that their sales would drop just by the way the boxes looked there are no unattractive cigarette boxes are you with me you know when I fly I look at the magazine in the seat pocket and towards the back you know you can buy things on the plane and all the wines and the alcohol it means those bottles look as though they were made by Michelangelo are you with me but what's in there wine is a mocker strong drink is raging regardless of how lovely the bottle is whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise and you and I as Christians we should have an eyesight sharper than the outside of the world and see there is death listen to me a casket of gold is still a casket and so God says his life the law Satan says here's death but it smells nice it's nicely dressed disobey God now if Adam and Eve had lived by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God you and I will not be here we'd be healthy we'd be flying around the universe visiting planets talking to Jesus one-on-one hanging out with the angel Gabriel that's what we'd be doing but because someone did not live by every word without any editing we are where we are so there's a prescription for life for children of God we must live by every word and God is not joking he didn't say most words I've told you before we have this view that we're saved statistically I am faithful to God 99.9 that qualifies you for help what did Jesus tell the rich young ruler he said all these things have I done for my youth now when Jesus heard these things he said to them yet lacus now two things one how many things he lacked and as long as he did not take care of that lack he was lost yet lack is now one thing what Christ was saying if you don't get this you can't get in and so many of us we lack two three four things and we think just because we are connected to the presence of General Conference we're going to heaven but because you know Pastor John you'll be saved no God says look I need a heart that surrendered to me 100% because that's the only heart I can trust in the new world because a heartless 99% surrendered it will start soon all over again and so man shall not live by bread alone finished verse with me but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God not Buddha not Barack Obama not a brother omni god and this is especially a test in these last days because we tend to believe if more people do it it must be right we live statistically we live by randomized survey he results if its perceiver control then the double-blind it is truth if it comes out of the mouth of God that is what will make us peculiar we just for that I tell you a lot in the first week what colors this if the bible gives you a first and says it's white what should you say even though you see what that's how we live so today i wanted to make a commitment to live how come on tell me live how by how many words every word a word refers to what the commandments of god they are ten words that's how we must live and remember Deuteronomy 8 verse 1 today several other verses let's say the same thing all the commandments which I command you this day shall ye observe to do that ye may live a prescription for life if you're living outside of that prescription you may be well dressed you may have a nice house tiaa-cref is overloaded but you're lost unless you accept the grace of Christ which will lead you or me to surrender the Christ completely and so Jesus says at a risk of repetition or tedium we must live and the word lived doesn't simply mean breathe in and out are you with me we have a physical life it must be done by God's law we have a spiritual life it must be live by God's law we have a social life it must be live by every word that comes out of God's mouth we have a recreational life by every word that comes out of God's mouth whatever aspect of our professional life by every word so that the religion of God comes into every aspect of our life too many of us assess the Adventist on Sabbath and don't realize we are to be same day Adventist on Tuesday let me ask you this question are we Sabbath keepers now yes or no that's that yes was week listen to me don't I'm not trying to trick you I try sometimes but not now not listen to the question are we Sabbath keepers now yet it's the day the Sabbath are we doing our best to keep it are we Sabbath keepers can we be Sabbath keepers on Tuesday yes mm-hmm Tuesday doesn't have to be the Sabbath for me to be a Sabbath keep on Tuesday I'm like black on Sabbath answer me am i black on Tuesday yes oh my green or polka-dot if your Sabbath keeper your Shabbos keeper seven days of the week is this a holy day it's tomorrow holy day huh pastor we we have some very nice-looking heathens among us let me ask you again is today a holy day it's tomorrow holy day why are we holy people tomorrow yes when the Sun sets is the holy day past when the Sun sets is our holiness past no the Sun does not set on your holiness it sets on the day not on us and so more every aspect of our life every moment should be live how by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God how many of you will say father help me to follow this prescription for life from the lips of Christ who set the example helped me their God to live by every word that proceeds out of the gods can I see your hand now while your hands are up do you mean that stand up my every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God by every commandment not just the commandments you like everyone God spoke he spoke 10 we have a baptism right after the service god be praised in the lives of those who made that decision and my call is very simple you've made a commitment to live by every word has you been attending these meetings your life have been touched has been touched your heart has been convicted you've been struggling with making a decision to obey God keep all his commandments including the fourth which says remember the Sabbath to keep it holy let me tell you quickly the Bible does not regard Sunday as a holy day it just is not it may be popular in the world it is not Exodus 23 verse 2 thou shalt not follow a multi to do evil there's one holiday it's today from now until sunset so if you've been convicted and you want to say father I want to make this decision today to be baptized to obey you to live the law of life I want to be baptized or rebaptised because my life has not been what it should be I have drifted from you no one knows but I know and you know and I need to start with God all over again and I want to make that decision today this raise your hand okay those are your baptized God bless you you can take your hands down you've not yet made the decision to be baptized or rebaptised you want to make that decision now regardless of what church you from you raise your hand I need to be baptized or rebaptised start all over with God live my life by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God just raise you don't wait until the next time before some of the church service you may never have this opportunity again the spirit may not speak to you any other time as he is speaking now take advantage of this opportunity the call is is there someone who's convicted to say I want to be baptized rebaptised I want to resumed my walk with God because it has deteriorated seriously to the point where I know I have broken the contract I made with him when I first gave my life to him anyone wants to make that decision I want to be baptized or rebaptised let me see your health my brother god bless you I need his name someone else raise your hand I need me baptized or rebaptised this is very serious there are no jokes in the Bible God doesn't play I see one hand anyone else I need to be baptized Reba start all over with God he's given me life today let me make the decision today I don't know about tomorrow God made man in such a way that he sleeps and wakes sleep is a death we know not what will happen tomorrow we know whatever life today anyone else I give you 60 seconds I need to be baptized or rebaptised get serious with God the longer you wait the harder it is to decide that's just a psychological principle every time you say no to God it becomes harder to say yes that's why Satan tells you well it's a good idea but don't do it now because he knows as you put it off it's harder to make the right decision then you want to have 30 seconds then I pray I want to be baptized you'll be baptized raise that ham let me see it wherever you are when we pray man shall not live by bread alone but how by every word that proceeds out of whose mouth God's mouth not the Pope or the Prime Minister of England not me but God heads bowed eyes closed loving father in heaven we thank you day God for your love you love us so much you said Christ to die at the risk of losing your son you sent him and Christ was willing to go through with it at the risk of never seeing your face again they God in heaven we've listened to your word a prescription of life from the lips of Christ himself man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God that's the way he tells us to live so that living by your law is life as you were perfect you gave us life and you set the law to preserve that life father my brother has made a decision to be baptized or a baptized and I pause in this prayer for another 30 seconds to ask one more time who else will finally say father I'm making the decision to be baptized rebaptised resumed my walk with God and this time take it seriously just raise your hand anyone else and I finish the prayer god bless my seed at hand I see that hand I see that hand my sister I see outside seeing other hand do something for me don't be afraid just come I want you separate just come let me pray for you come come I gonna come my good brother come down from Sister to the left come don't be afraid come let me start all over with my god the Baptizer rebaptised come god bless you the rest of you should be praying in your heart that Satan will be defeated as he tries to harden hearts let me start all over with God because I know my relationship has deteriorated seriously someone else I need to start again walk with God you know Jesus cast Seven Devils out of Mary Magdalene there's some Bible expositors who believe he cast it out seven times he had to do it Ellen White says evangelism pays 375 paragraph two when a soul is reconverted or truly reconverted let thy soul be rebaptised anyone else in the night three began the names of these three children of God baptism remapped ISM start again and do it right by the abiding grace of God and the prescription live by God's law which is a law of life not restriction of joy it's a law of life god bless you from my heart god bless you anyone else and as soon as we finish the service just join me in this room right over here very briefly so I can pray for you anyone else serious call serious call very serious baptism remapped ISM father and through plane I am serious the Ark is still open when God closes it that's it no matter how hard you la knock has bowed eyes closed if your heart is convicted you may come while I pray father in heaven lets me to finish that prayer that again three more few children have come to your joy please God because you said in second Peter 3:9 you're not willing that any should perish because you said in Ezekiel 33 Levin the Lord is not you you take no pleasure in the death of the wicked father you said Christ that he may save us please father let your spirit that convicting power Russell with resisting hearts and give them no rest because what you're trying to do for them is for their best and they will thank you for it so trouble their hearts they God and bring them to the point of surrender help us to leave this place reflecting on the word we've heard man shall not live by bread alone but by every word and every word as Christ spoke them referred to every commandment this is the prescription for life bless us keep us faithful a special request on behalf of those who will be baptized today grant them your spirit a God give them a backbone of divine steel that nothing Satan does will break them they'll remain strong that heaven on earth will see that there's still some people when they commit to God nothing can change their mind keep us faithful they god bless our families keep us under your care and when you come into your kingdom save us their God don't lose one of us save us I pray in Jesus name and for his sake that all God's people say amen and amen
Channel: Remnant SDA Church
Views: 50,835
Rating: 4.6455698 out of 5
Keywords: Remnant, SDA, Church, Adventist, Christian, Seventh-day, Gospel, Worship, Sabbath, Randy, Skeete, Sermon, Prescription, Life
Id: MtBiqANDxSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 22sec (3622 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 01 2013
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