Dog Meat Ruins Fallout VR

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of general sin [ __ ] bread you can't stop me from taking over these sewers see I told you I'm short I'm looking up to this guy like I'm breaking my neck look this is like a Cox link to this guy that's straight out in front of me why are you so tall he's looking down he's like this is the best thing I've ever gotten for free I told Sullivan to keep that gate shut you various rabble-rousing slanderer Hey look I got you better glasses for free I'm you got put them the other way so these go behind your ears okay you lookin smartest [ __ ] was there anything productive there you came to our site I'm good thank you I'm just heading on in you got a whole tray right here with beans in it some other [ __ ] but the only thing you can muster up this soup that's it noodle soup no don't be caught dead perfection from Commonwealth weaponry do you think my [ __ ] see my target you [ __ ] dude good now just to answer me one simple question are you human because I will not serve a synth what I just what a synth would do no fools what have you done with the real Riley where's my brother I swear I'm not a sin don't shoot for God's sakes we're family they're family dude hey dude like a sack I need you to step away scatter make me [ __ ] there a problem officer oh don't even start with me I got a dead body in the middle of the damn street now follow orders and get out of here or how about I stick this where your wife refuses to put her mouth yeah you're dead the [ __ ] out of the way dark meat here Thanks oh my [ __ ] [Music] it is Diamond City even if he comes around the corner you know what you're gonna get my ass if I know you you're shaky and reliable you seems they'll keep it for Jake up close and personal ooh this thing Jesus Christ it is just a it is just a bucket it's a wild stallion of five five six millimeter thousand rounds of a scary shoot that dog that to the Jones Bob you're like in my [ __ ] and now that it's PR you are literally in my [ __ ] this is a personal bubble and you're [ __ ] it up and I don't [ __ ] like it hey you might see some cool magic trick we need to go over you're [ __ ] useless yeah I know we don't you're barking at he's [ __ ] you could have done that you could have helped I'll be over here purified water purified water dog meat this what I'll take it Nick you're Randy don't run ahead [ __ ] there's some on my fungus thanks for learning everyone head over there [ __ ] get out of here oh my god stop with this I don't want to tell you to do anything heads up fine [ __ ] get off on him I don't want to see doc me ever again why don't you wait at home now what up brother how you doing ha ha my knight in shining armor I got a submachine gun I only have 43 shots but uh better than nothing right what are you doing you're coming to my house shoot up my guys you have any idea how much this is gonna set me back [ __ ] me here hold on Brian gave me an excellent idea last time all right so I'm gonna I'm gonna move my [ __ ] chair get this this is this is extra meme on top because it's just casual Wednesday check this [ __ ] out on alright here we go [Music] hey [ __ ] smack the [ __ ] out of my mic I'm sorry Mike alright just trying to get my Stabbin swing down so I can finally abduct this little girl over here lose these glasses they fit right over your [ __ ] eyes oh my lord remember like two feet off the ground like a [ __ ] yes I could touch with like one hand dog we found something under the bridge what you got under here dog me come on lead the way lead the way holy [ __ ] look what we got here this is are you trying to you're trying to pick this safe there's a gun stick it on top you idiot [ __ ] that good you're good boy I'll pet you with my gun sake five slap him okay I guess I can't be late here surkov vodka imported from Russia very nice and it's even got a nice little that's not much of a wick on top I'm not if I'm gonna be completely honest with you I know he must have seen him standing there the boy down the street but he didn't slow down ducking in one of the Alan's how what they do to him by the way this guy ain't got nothing on him like 10 caps in it desk fan will carry the route of death fan go fight him he's like so far away I'll join you I mean God now this is my cover do come on doing Brian's method doctor says I can't drink liquor no more need a Nuka Cola drink some water nuka-cola yeah I'll let you do this yourself just put your hand right here and put the barrel in your mouth and then you just pull the trigger whatever [Music]
Channel: General Sam
Views: 436,251
Rating: 4.9477582 out of 5
Keywords: Fallout VR, funny, gameplay, vr, vive
Id: RF95nURzass
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2018
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