What Are Some Annoying Trends In The City You Moved To? (r/AskReddit)

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redditors who have moved to a new city state country what is the most infuriating well this is how it's done here thing you've come across moved from a rural town in northern Canada to a small city of only six plus million people in China but the biggest difference is the driving I have been driving since I was 12 backcountry Road practice and I will never get a license to drive here everyone drives offensively to the point that riding shotgun in a taxi can be a harrowing experience for the uninitiated the holy crap handles are definitely a boon here I find it's best to not look at the road when someone is driving me around in China I find that just makes me stress out the constant beeping is pretty stressful to my driver when I first got here decided that his rear view mirror was getting in the way of him seeing straight ahead so he decided to push it as far up as he could I moved to a very small country town they had a recycling program every week a guy would pick all the recycling up separate to the trash I soon found out when I questioned the regular plume of smoke I saw in the distance that the recycling was picked up on a Wednesday and set in late on a Thursday by the same guy and it was an agreed upon and accepted fact in town I moved to NZ from the USA people go barefoot everywhere here stores offices the supermarket schools everywhere I even went to see my doctor once and she was walking around barefoot in the examining room having grown up in the typical American no shoes no shirt no service culture I've never quite adjusted to this facet of Kiwi life filthy little hobbitses grew up in the south married a New Englander apparently if you live in Rhode Island 15 minutes plus is too far to drive moved an Oregon awhile back suddenly I wasn't able to pump my own gas Japan the country where it's impolite to blow your nose it is instead somehow more appropriate to annoy the living heck out of all the other passengers of the train by constantly sniffling driving in Southern California well missed my frickin exert guess this is the highway I will be on now forever might as well move to San Diego now and leave all of my possessions and my family behind France store hours are freaked everything opened sort of whenever usually 9ish closes for two hours at lunchtime then closes for the day at 5:00 and everything's closed on Sundays it's difficult to find time to run errands while going to school I lived in Malta for a year and there were two in particular one they don't have storm drains now it doesn't rain much in Malta but the few days when it does rain moderately the streets simply flood to make it worse it's quite hilly so all the water collects at the bottom and you get cars literally floating in water happens every year - most people heat their homes with gas and when your gas tank is empty you simply bring it down to the gas tank truck and buy a new one but how do you know when the gas tank truck will arrive well that's easy it simply drives by every week usually around 6 a.m. on a Tuesday where I lived and it drives really slowly honking its horn constantly so that anyone who needs a new gas tank which happened to me exactly once the entire year will wake up and have enough time to run down with money and the empty gas tank the fact that the entire neighbourhood is also woken and forced to stay up by the mercilessly incessant honking is just a side effect of this ingenious system I moved to Germany from the US and getting Internet service was unbelievably difficult in the States you call the cable or phone company about establishing service a technician comes out within a week and they won't leave before you're able to establish connectivity in Germany I signed the internet contract in late October and was told I would hear from someone in a few weeks when I finally do get a letter confirming a date for the technician to come out it's for early December so that technician finally comes out conducts diagnostic tests to ensure my port has been activated and then he starts to leave I asked if we contest to make sure I can log in and he tells me that's not his job he only activates the ports and I should contact the cable company of I'm unable to get on the internet so he leaves and despite having bought a pretty expensive router built to handle the speeds I opted for I still couldn't log on numerous phone calls and a week later the internet provider recommends I buy their special router which is pretty expensive and of course everything works fine it was a frustrating experience overall however one good thing is that my phone and internet plan cost a fraction of what I paid in the state's New York to Baltimore there is no law requiring you to signal when switching lanes there apparently is also no law requiring you to look when doing so also commercial vehicles can drive in the left lane WTF at any given time of day you can get stuck behind an 18-wheeler in the left lane I moved to England when I was a teen British teenagers man I don't know how the UK even functions alcoholism is a sport petty crime and vandalism is an art form it's the alcohol that I could never adjust to there is drinking binge drinking seriously binge drinking and then there's a night out in Sheffield in the Los Angeles area apartments and other rental units don't come with refrigerators the tenant has to buy one and then bring it with them from place to place no one seems to have any idea why just the local standard paperwork gobs and gobs of paperwork only to find out you didn't check that one box and have your crap pushed back another few months again welcome to France Pittsburghers calling slices of ham warmed in a slow cooker with sweet ketchup BBQ as a homesick Texan attending my first Pittsburgh barbecue lunch was a gut punch of fury and disappointment cold Bay seasoning is used as frequently if not more frequently than salt and peppered by Marylanders I've seen people put it on everything here I relocated to Pittsburgh and ordered a salad for lunch there were french fries in my salad apparently that's called salad Pittsburgh style spent two years living in France apparently picking up your dog's crap isn't something they do so don't wear particularly nice shoes and keep an eye on the ground at all times a friend of mine once reported seeing a woman who allowed her dog to defecate inside the terminal building of CDG Airport before just walking off moved from Japan to England four years ago I'm still not used to the crap shall that is the English rail system the trains are dirty the scheduling is wildly inconvenient unless you are travelling from London or a major city you're lucky to get one train per hour Jenny's are regularly delayed or canceled and unless you're more than an hour late you have no recourse to complain be compensated and to top it all off it's expensive as heck and the rates keep going up I honestly have no idea how they justify these costs the other day my train was delayed because they were unable to drive the train on the track because of leaves if you call nine-one-one for an ambulance and you're conscious the responders have to ask you to decide which hospital you want to be taken to hooray for insurance companies where as you are bleeding to death it's awake you have to take time to look up which emergency room and surgery center is in-network moved from a state in Mexico Hidalgo to another Twila when it comes to tacko they put the tourtière first then a bit of cheese then the meat as opposed to the more reasonable tortilla means cheese combination they do in my hometown it drives me crazy you can barely taste the cheese I hate tacos in Puebla hug Adelaide Australia to Kent UK why the Frick is public transport so expensive why are the roads so narrow why can i buy alcohol from the corner store actually that last one's okay I moved from Michigan to Mississippi and had a customer freaked out at me because I said yup instead of yes so when I explained to him that I grew up in Michigan he responded with well you know all northerners lie through their teeth I didn't know how to respond at least I have teeth to lie through move to Los Angeles nobody uses term signals for changing lanes I asked men of people here why in the world not all of them replied cuz it'll warn others that I'm changing lanes and they'll speed up to block why ìiî ìiî ìiî ìiî born and raised in LA this is so true every driver has an out to get me mentality bumper-to-bumper on the 405 is the worst I moved to live in the US for a year right after high school they drive everywhere my host kids looked at me funny when I suggested walking to the bookstore half a mile away the host dad seriously suggested driving to the neighbor's house right around the corner three people stopped to ask me if my car had broken down when I walked back from the grocery store with a bottle of Pepsi and some ice cream what American who lived in Hamburg Germany I loved it but most if not all public restrooms cost money about fifty cents to one euro this is probably what annoyed me the most because I think peeing should be free but that's how they do it there I would spend two three euros a day when I was out and about on bathrooms it's fairly common across all of Europe you'll notice if you travel many restaurants also charge for water you have to specifically ask for flat water because if you just say water they will assume bubbly water Germans can't get enough for it if you do not specify tap water they will bring you still water in a water bottle and charge you two euros for it I just want free access to water and getting rid of water can't buy alcohol at the grocery store and the landlord can enter your house without notice yay Colorado I moved to the Oregon coast where there is a lot of rainfall and discovered that it is taboo to use an umbrella they will stand out in the pouring liquid sunshine and mock anyone trying to stay dry I moved to a small redneck town for work and school when I was around 17 years old it only had around 3,000 inhabitants really small town so there weren't many places to hang out the only notable place was a gas station and random people's garages needless to say the main interest in this town was cars that's all kids talked about and that's all they ever did just went from garage to garage kicking tires and talking about blown head gaskets they couldn't hold a conversation about anything other than cars not sports not video games not politics or science not even the freaking weather it was the most depressing crap I've ever seen and it got old really fast I grew up in a town of about 1400 the hangout spot was Dairy Queen in Taiwan people will bring any food they want to the movie theater including pungent fish and it's okay to eat loudly and talk with your mouth full Americans have virtually no vacation time when I first finished my enlistment I moved to a small town in AR we lived outside police jurisdiction and outside of a trash pickup zone at first I hated moving trash to the dump but then after a few weeks I realized that I no longer had to deal with trash pickup if I wanted to get hammered the night before and not wake up to take out the trash I could just run it down the hill later on party trash that you don't want sitting in your bin for a week dumped petrified opossum that your dog brought home from the creek dump also the guys at the dump were way cool and always wanted to know the backstory to my trash my love telling stories so it worked out perfectly and I eventually grew to love heading over to the dump where they'd let me smoke a J while I tossed my trash and shot the crap with the old guys and work-release inmates who were there every day dang I miss not having a dump nearby Luxembourger that has moved to Germany people don't greet you when you walk past them in Luxembourg its standard to never say morning at every day time or either nod down if the person is a stranger or nod up if it's someone you know German efficiency is a goddamn myth the trains are never on time the public offices have opening us and let 4 p.m. they drop everything to get coffee and cake that part are like the only pretzels they have our salty crunchy lodging pretzels no sweet soft pretzels that one hits me hard at uni instead of applauding they start knocking on their seats as a sign of approval in Luxembourg there's like 60 of you so no wonder you greet everyone lived in northern Houston most of my life always thought the drivers were pretty awful it's Texas what are you gonna do it recently moved to Dallas for school though and I teased somehow worse I'm from West Virginia and moved to Virginia after graduating from college for work naturally I hear tons of disparaging comments about West Virginia and West Virginians in general like the incest jokes are never-ending I hear something at least once a week sometimes from people I just met or even complete strangers that may pick up on something or overhear something in conversation but 90% of it is just people joking around which I usually laugh along with since I'm a good sport but that other 10% annoys the Frick out of me it's mostly from people who I really do believe mean well but are just totally oblivious to how ignorant and pretentious they sound with the questions they ask and the statements they make the two that really get me are I bet you are just so much happier here aren't you and ugh I'm so glad I'm not from West Virginia Virginia is great the funny infuriating thing about it is that these people have clearly never paid any attention to what's going on outside of noh-varr Richmond Virginia Beach southern and western Virginia really isn't any better than West Virginia honestly not sure if it's an urban thing or just Milwaukee but I've had several instances where I've been the first person in line at a red light only to have another driver pull into the intersection from the right turn lane and back up to be in front of me because screw the crosswalk and waiting one second when the light finally turns green I guess move to Boston I don't know what the Frick a water bubbler is and I throw my trash in a can not a barrel also if I go to Dunkin Donuts and order a bagel with cream cheese I expect the cream cheese on the bagel so I can eat it on the drive to work but no not in Boston you get to knife and a little packet of cream cheese and you have to apply it yourself at a red light Oh way to get to work to eat your breakfast from Australia to the UK they stand on the wrong side on escalators I moved to Tennessee and I was astounded I could not buy any alcohol on a Sunday I've spent the majority of my adult life living in various countries outside the US so I have a ton of these I don't live there anymore but France was definitely the most frustrating three years of my life the worst was going to the pharmacy while I was miserably sick and asking for something for my sore throat the pharmacist recommended unsupportive are thinking I must have heard her wrong or mistranslated the word I asked pardon she was just kind of like you know and pointed up her butt nope nope nope nope I lived in Ohio for a while the amount of people that had called me out for not saying pop when talking about a soda was insane Glasgow to London the sausages are not square born and raised in the Seattle area coffee house on every corner and it doesn't matter if it's 6:00 in the morning or 11:00 at night you can always find a good latter recently I moved to a small farming town in eastern W a there's a coffee stand in walking distance in my house why a why or so I thought problem is they aren't open on weekends at all after 4:00 on weekdays or after 2:00 during school vacations as a northerner that moved to the south this southern hospitality is driving me insane people are so nice here it's unsettling I have to drive to the bad side of town just to feel more at home I'm from Jersey and go to Myrtle Beach every spring to golf for a long weekend drives me freaking bananas how slow and polite those people are with everything driving food service Handy's you name it they're slow yet super polite about it moved from the USA to Lebanon people are straight rude if they're at work particularly if they're in the service industry I was straight mocked to my face for being friendly to waitstaff shopkeepers etc it's finally back in America and I love having my people at my regular shops they'll even hold stuff for me because they know I'll want it tell me about special deals it's awesome but whenever I go visit there I have to act like an uppity B to get good service in Memphis service is abysmal you have been visited by the B of jazz like this video to have your ears filled with cool cool jazz if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
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Id: H6CD-J1Kgyw
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Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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