Doctors Share Their WORST Experiences With Anti-Vaxxers (r/AskReddit Top Stories)

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doctors have read it what are some of your worst experiences with anti-vaxxers I'm not a doctor but I'm a veterinary technician I've had someone asked me if vaccines are going to give their dog autism my stepmom is a pediatrician if a major Hospital here in Italy she told me the worst thing she saw was her aunt Eve asks a mom wailing and screaming after her 12 year old son died of meningitis the mother didn't let the Sun get the meningitis vaccine stepmom told me as soon as she walked in the room after getting called for an emergency all the son's limbs had gone necrotic and he was bleeding from practically every hole in his body including his eyes since his blood cold and congeal anymore and was like oil leaking all over she told me she felt so pissed at the mom when she received the information that the mom hadn't vaccinated her son at all and this was all preventable not a doctor but was previously in a position where I hired Aaron's one interview concluded shortly after learning that this registered nurse I was speaking with was wholeheartedly against vaccinations and went on to paint pretty much all of Western medicine as hocus-pocus I think she takes the laughter is the best medicine phrase lead role I just wanted to say why the F did you go to school for this profession and did you not learn a damn thing believe I shared this before on reddit I had a seven-year-old showing signs of a serious illness her teachers initially noticed it before anyone else the child had been sick for a few days that turned into a couple weeks the teachers told the parents over and over something was wrong the parents ignored the signs and claimed it was nothing bad or it was the cold something liner etc they finally came to me and the child showed signs of measles within about 10-15 minutes I indicated that this is not a cold and just seemed to be measles based on what they verbalize to me and what I saw to confirm I examined the child's inner cheek and did a full-body exam were she the child not the parents pointed out a rash both confirming measles the parents indicated that they did not believe in facts because their previous doctor told them it was unnecessary as long as a child ate healthy and stayed active it was a family friend who worked in nature Oh Pathak medicine not a licensed doctor after making the diagnosis and having a very tough conversation and informational session with the parents I provided them with prescriptions to help with the measles and bring as much comfort as possible to their child I had to break down that their child one cold four infected children and families with a very dangerous but preventable disease too cold had permanent brain damage and three could a ducting died I didn't curse at them but boy did I want to the child had lisl's for at least a month before seeing me to show how serious this is measles does not show signs or symptoms in some cases for 10 to 14 days so because they refused to vaccinate their child at least two to three weeks of exposure to other kids and teachers went by somehow they were able to bypass school district requirements for getting vaccines they did not have a religious exemption went to a chiropractor one time to fix and lower back pain they had posters all over about how harmful vaccines are and that having your back adjusted regularly even as an infant could help fight off those kinds of diseases I asked the receptionist if they actually believe that and she gave me a 10-minute lecture trying to justify it I just looked and said remove me from the patient list because that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard there was an auntie vac small who brought her kid into the ER and demanded that her kid be rooms right away and seen first because he couldn't be around all these sick kids my dad's a doctor he told me that once a mother came into his office with her son for a checkup and he recommended that her six-year-old get vaccinated for measles mumps rubella because she hadn't vaccinated him yet just four weeks later she came in with her son and he had measles she yelled at my dad for not curing him in the hour and a half they were there she got angry and went to the ghetto pediatrician who sold her the same medication and later she still didn't vaccinate her son B cause aluminum and toxins that's exactly how my dad said it not a medical doctor but I'm the University professor of biological sciences I was teaching a course this semester that covers how to appropriately conduct research in a variety of ways as well as how to perform personal not publication worthy research I remember hearing one of my students say that they were anti-vaxxer the beginning of the semester didn't really bother me because I realized that they were also part of one of my courses where I just so happened to have a lecture plan to analyze Wakefield's MMR autism paper find points of major aerobics determine the severity of the errors how to fix them and discuss his methodologies and results while being compared to the dozens of studies released after his that utterly destroyed his paper after that lecture I never saw the student again unfortunately this taught me that when you deal with this group of people there isn't really a way of convincing them otherwise they have been brainwashed and they like their conformation caves ' I'm a veterinarian every day I have to convince some reluctant pet owner that I'm not in the pocket of the gravy's and I'm making recommendations for preventative care based on state law medical research and good judgment the memorable people are the ones who listen to me my advice saves their pets life in one way or another and they are still pissed about it your dog definitely needs a line vaccine why it's not perfect your last dog died of Lyme nephritis like two months ago this vaccine is 93% effective some people nineteen-year-old comes on a gurney deep coma respiratory depression foam issuing from the lips mother frantic EG reveals the pattern typical of subacute sclerosing penance of the lightest a c-collar of common measles it's preventable people but not curable they buried him a few weeks later yeah I'd rather my child get sick naturally than be exposed to chemical vaccines a parent after I spent ten minutes describing to her in graphic detail all of the ways preventable diseases could maim and kill her infant my mom did not vaccinate me as a kid as of two days ago I officially have rubella I'm not a doctor but I do have mild autism I made the mistake of saying that I was autistic in a public place to my friend this lady heard and came up to ask if I was vaccinated I said that I was and she had the most triumphant look on her face I realized my mistake and left right away with my friend I'm not a doctor that I have a story that I'm pretty sure that fits here we had neighbors that have become lifelong family friends they have a daughter the same age as my sister and she got diagnosed with autism shortly after getting her MMR a couple months after her diagnosis the paper came out saying vaccines caused autism and them on believed it it was new information no one really was sure what to believe anyway fast forward four years and the mom is pregnant again she are nosy getting her new baby vaccinated with the MMR she did because in her words I'd rather have another autistic child then one in the eye ku the new baby is completely typical and she now doesn't believe in the anti vaccine my point is that even the height of the autism being caused by vaccine scare she was smart enough to get her kids vaccinated and I will never understand why people don't protect their kids as well as herd immunity pediatrician here as a medical student I watched a baby die from rotavirus BC mom thought vaccines caused alzhiemer's yeah not autism alzhiemer's and she didn't think he needed to go to the hospital when he hadn't kept down a feeding for 12 hours because sometimes kids just do that my current winner is a mom who refuses vaccines for her kids Vick huis they cause autoimmune disorders the two sisters have chronic Lyme and her brother has scoliosis all due to those nasty vaccines oh and her grandparent at both died from heart attacks but who as they had had a the vaccine the previous season all these autoimmune disorders in one family I just don't know what to do she likes to bring me articles from merck Euler and health not news to prove her point while discussing vaccines with him on one time and bringing up my experience working with the immunocompromised population she said I don't care if someone else's kid has cancer that's their problem not mine and that right there is a huge part of the problem selfishness i vaccinate my children not only for their own health but for the health of others I had a patient come to the hospital for possible heart attack I asked if they had gotten a flu shot or the pneumonia vaccine they went into a long rant about how vaccines are poison and they don't take any medication because they swim in the ocean and it purifies all the toxins that they acquire then they started having chest pain so I gave them a nitroglycerin bill they spat it out because they hated it well you don't take your meds for high blood pressure and high cholesterol you will have a heart attack so not just until --ax but fully anti medicine and science edit yes the pneumonia vaccine is a thing technically called the pneumococcal vaccines which protects from the bacteria streptococcus pneumoniae there use can prevent some cases of pneumonia meningitis and sepsis the hospital asks everyone over 65 if they have had one also this person did leave Anna the next morning and yes nitroglycerin is an explosive but smaller and less concentrated is a vasodilator that helps with chest pain related to heart blockages after I sent out invites to my kids birthday party I found out one of her friends from dance was unvaccinated my daughter's best friend is in remission from luekemia and his immunocompromise an unvaccinated kill her I uninvited the dance kid and very nicely explained the situation her mother loses her sheet and tries to get us kicked out of the dance school they attend the dance school owner is an older lady and had no idea there were idiots these days that didn't axé so she implemented a new role that students had to be up to date and the unvaccinated school I felt bad for the kid but her mother is a sociopath herd immunity saves lives when it comes to kids fighting cancer I'm not a doctor but I work in an urgent care clinic I had a mom comin dad complained about her son having nasty eye infections been kind lasting several weeks she was vehemently against vaccinations and when I asked if she had been giving her son over-the-counter meds she said well I read online that breast milk would work so I've been just pouring it in his eyes and I don't know why it's not working edit a word I went to a school that is known for its nursing program so we had a lot of student nurses and RNs who would come back from their internships and jobs with anti-vaxxers stories the worst one by far was a student who met a mother who also happen to be in nursing school that explained that she would not be vaccinating any of her children and was mad she had to get a tuberculosis vaccine to work in a hospital the student spend about 30 minutes trying to explain to this mother that she could easily kill her kids to which she told her at least they'll die naturally and not of mercury poisoning edit the mother was confusing a TB test with a TB vaccine pharmacist here I don't get a whole lot of pushback most common is a fear of needles all of my patients are 18 or older I have had a few loons with a mind-control conspiracy and a few vaccines do nothing but cause problems and I can tell you all about it my staff and I laugh at them after they walk away then I die inside cause it is becoming more prevalent standard stuff really had a kid on a ventilator with a preventable illness at a major Research Hospital in California the Hmong wasn't evac seen the kid began to deteriorate and the mom spent a lot of time reaching out to her aunt evacs community one visited her in the hospital and said honey there was nothing you could do I lost it at that point edit by lost it I mean that I had to physically leave the unit before saying or doing something and prefer I didn't say anything to the mom at the time the kid recovered before they left the iku had a long talk with the mom about vaccines and she agreed to do more research god I hope that woman and those like her come to their senses I commented on a blatantly false post about vaccines on Faso book something about mercury in vaccines I think now there's only mercury in the flu shot and you can requested those without it she sent me an article on how God doesn't want you to vaccinate children she said she felt like God was leading her to spread and Eve asks information yikes pretty sure God would want less dead kids but okay well we do have a measles epidemic around here every few years or so children die it's getting worse but I do believe the worst was my mother pediatrician coming home worried one day because Child Protective Services are looking into her why she diagnosed an unvaccinated child with pertussis turned pale told the mother she is too immediatelly to go an infectious Ward called it in like you do with most of these disease just procedure and th-the mother was never registered at a hospital she just sank back into a minority part of town I don't think my mother has still seen those patients again it's likely the child survived or there would have been some sort of murmur but yeah still a medical student and the story comes from a professor a woman had given birth and declined vaccinations she also declined the vitamin K injection which she perceived to be a vaccination the oral form was offered which she declined as well she said we've decided to let the Lord protect our child her baby had a rare genetic condition that resulted in a brain bleed which would have been prevented by the vitamin K injection the baby suffered permanent brain damage the parents did not change their mind about vaccinations afterwards edit just to clarify vitamin K injection is not a vaccination vitamin K is important for effective blood clotting and newborns can't make their own adults can't either but our gut bacteria and dyad help us out [Music]
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Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 03 2020
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