Doctor Vs. Nurse | TikTok Battle ft. XoXoSantana

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(all laughing) - Oh my god, no! - There's some things in life, you can't unsee. (dramatic intro music) - Are you excited for the first official Tik Tok war? - Yeah, I'm excited. You're going down for sure. This is what I do. - Here's what I think we do. (upbeat bright music) (Whistle blows) - Welcome to the Tik Tok wars, baby! There are three factors I'm going to take into consideration. The first will be of course, a general quality of the Tik Tok. Is it good? Is it interesting? Is it creative? Is it funny? Is it cool? Category number two will be: How earnestly did you lean into the challenge that I gave you? Did you take the idea and feel inspired and run with it? And the final category I will be looking at, category number three is, I forgot the third category. (low trumpet sound) Your first challenge is: in this Tik Tok you must use an object in a way it is not meant to traditionally be used. 30 minutes from now. Begin! - Oh my god, okay fine. Maybe we can treat these not as what you're thinking but maybe like defibrillators. - [Sam] Sorry. Excuse me! - Where's the case for these so I can charge it. Hi there! This is Alfred. (laughs) - Angle this a little down, let's put this here. I think the lighting is good here. This lighting is really fire. I love this lighting. - By the way, I did these hips wrong. What's wrong with me? - Ooh, this looks fire. (TikTok playing) Do you like the wink? - Oh my god that was the easiest competition to win ever. (Doctor Mike scoffing) - Mine is 57 seconds! - 57! (slow sad music) I had to cram 15 seconds of genius and she had 57. - It's not my fault. You don't know how the app works. - Oh my God. Someone please help my husband. He's not breathing. It's code blue time. (fake siren noises) First thing to do during a code blue is no, not defibrillators, chest compressions. - Okay? This is some fun, high quality stuff. There's some informative educational information in there about when to use a defibrillator, And when not to, this is also very, very on-brand for Dr. Mike. There's some chest compressons, chest compressions chest compressions going on in here. You use several items in several different ways than they're supposed to be used, considering the amount of different shots you have in here, the lines of dialogue, the things you had to source and you did it done ahead of schedule. That's pretty impressive. I'm going to give that four peewoops and a half stethoscope. - [Doctor Mike] Okay. Watch mine and you can learn something. - Okay we're gonna learn. - What? Okay. Rachel, is this not the finished product? - But that, that's the Tik Tok that I'm going to upload but to amaze you, I could show you what it looks like completed. - What? - Well, I would very much like to look at what it looks like completed. (upbeat pop music) Oh! So the dollar bill is supposed to be you sneezing into a tissue, and when you sneeze, you glow up. - Exactly. 'Cause that's another trend on Tik Tok. You put like the behind the scenes and you post that and then you put it in the caption, like, like for the finished product. And then you post the finished product, like a few hours later. (both exclaiming) And people love that! - As creative as this was, as well executed as it was when we did see the final product. And as impressive as the financial contribution you made by blowing your nose into a $50 bill is, I'm afraid this is only going to get two and a half peewoops. So when it comes to round one of Tik Tok wars that's a point for Dr. Mike Varshavski ( whistle blows) It's time for round two of Tik Tok wars. Your Tik Tok must feature the line of dialogue or words written on screen that say "They didn't teach me that in medical school!" - What didn't they teach me in medical school? God, the only thing are coming to my mind are poop jokes. - [Rachel] Well, no what I thought I could be like. I could be like, I could be like. What. Um. - [Doctor Mike] I don't want this to be too dark. I don't want this to harm patients. I want this to be educational. - And then I can put like and then it could be like, like, like. - Where's my stethoscope? No! - [Cameraman] Did you delete it? - Oh no, just that part. - So the challenge was "They never taught me this in med school-" - Nursing school. - or nursing school." (retro video game music remix) - Okay. - That was good. - All right, Rachel. - She had the shaking- - She's coming in so hot. You've got that cool Nintendo music in there. Big fan of that. That is like straight to my heart. This is clever. There was some misdirection in there. I was like, yes, these are all very like real things that she learned in nursing school. Where could this be going? This seems a little vanilla. This seems a little dry. And then you slapped me across the face with some hot content. So I am fully impressed. I'm going to give this three full "alert not anxious'". It's three full "alert not anxious'" which is almost as high as you can get on the Tik Tok wars scale. But round two is not yet over. - Yes, Mrs. Johnson. I hear it. I hear it. What is it, what do you hear? Well, unfortunately it's your heart, it's failing- Make sure to get your notes done on time Dr. Varshavski! I'm sorry, it's not about the notes. I just want to make sure that you're comfortable and you have everything. Did you submit all of your billings? We need reimbursements! Sorry. Is there anyone you'd like for me to call? I just want to make sure that, you know you have everything you need. How do you, how are you feeling? Why isn't your re-credentialing done Dr. Varshavski? Why are they so mean to you, Sonny? That's a good question. Honestly, it's, it's something that I'm not used to as a young doctor. They certainly didn't teach me that in medical school. - That was so cute - Wow. This is a tense round folks. It really felt authentic to your experience in medicine. This felt like it came from you from years and years of dealing with all of this stuff. Also very much enjoyed the point of view angle. It's a little disorienting at first, but when you figure out what's going on, that's molto bene. - I didn't know how to make it record the whole time like without holding my thumb on it. - You played several different characters. You use several different voices. You didn't hold back, but in not holding back I believe you may have fallen into what is known as try-hard territory. This, this felt very try hardy. And I also believe sincerely that when it comes to content when it comes to Tik Toks, when it comes to comedy brevity is the soul of wit. It was good but you're only going to come in at two full "alert not anxious'" Rachel, you have won round two of Tik Tok wars - But it was super cute. Like it was sweet. - Will it get likes? - Yeah, yeah it'll do really well. - That's an official endorsement. If it doesn't do well, you can sue her. - I'm gonna sue her. - And all the marbles comes down to this. 30 minutes to bring us a Tik Tok that falls under the category of Sexy. Gone. Wrong. - Sexy gone wrong? - This is definitely the fastest I've ever made Tik Toks. - What's a man's outfit that kind of looks like a sports bra? How do I do this? Okay. I need a sketch pad. I need hair. Female hair. - [Sam] 10, nine, eight. Three, two, one. (whistle blows) That's deadline. Just received Mike's submission. - Please don't show it to anybody. - Two minutes late. You could take away a 'peewoop' for that. - Round three "Sexy gone wrong". (upbeat pop music) I'm floored. Where did she get those images from? She had those saved. She was using that for another video. - No, I didn't. I came with it today. I Googled x-ray nudes. (Sam laughs) - There's a lot of tension that was built up with this one because- - I didn't know what was about to happen. - 'Cause we're sitting here thinking, "oh, nudes, oh my gosh, this is risky. This is pushing the envelope. It's supposed to be a family friendly program." I was quite excited to see where this went. I'm going to have to say, this is three full chest compressions, which is the most you can get on the chest compression scale, but we are not yet done. - Yeah, it's time for my pilates session. Oh, who's that? (Rachael laughs) Downward dog- (fart noises) (Rachel laughing) - Oh my God, no! - There are some things in life, you can't unsee. I had assumed, that a man with as much education as this would not resort to a fart joke. - I think you should watch it again. - I saw what I needed to see. So Mike did a very good job at telling a story. This had a beginning, a middle and an end. - I had character development. - I think we saw, this was Joseph Campbell's the hero's journey. Let me ask you. You threw in Lulu, Did you get this Tik Tok? Was this a brand deal? - No, no. - Not a brand deal.. - No Well, it's time to come to a conclusion. I think today we saw some impressive technical prowess and know-how from Rachel Santana. We also saw some really authentic storytelling from Dr. Mike, some strong personal experience. So I'm ready to make my decisions. - No! Health insurance, health insurance is important during COVID! - 401k, 401k, 401k. I will say, due to stunning creativity. - A raise! A raise is on the table! - Technical prowess. The queen of medical Tik Tok is Rachel Santana. - Thank you! (Sam blowing whistle) Thank you so much! - This was fixed! - Are you hiring Sam as a full-time employee? - I am in need of someone that can- I don't have any staff working for me currently. It's just me alone. - You want weirdos working- - He didn't even ask me to wear this. This is just what I wore today. - Thank you for having me on your channel. It's a big honor. I have a YouTube channel. I only have like a few videos on it. I Tik Tok and my Instagram is @xoxosantana. Thank you! - Follow Rachel, even though she beat me. Thank you so much for watching guys as always stay happy and healthy and welcome Sam, the referee to the channel. - Don't fire me. (Doctor Mike laughing) - You're fired! - Don't fire me!
Channel: Doctor Mike
Views: 4,300,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nursing school, doctor mike, dr. mike, doctor reacts, dr mike, nursing student, nurse reacts, medical satire, doctor vs nurse, tik tok, doctor tik tok, nurse tik tok, rachel santana, xoxosantana, doctor jokes, tik tok wars
Id: i6YoxM57M_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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