- "B", "B." Wait, "C", I meant "C." - Final answer. - "C." - "A." (laughing) - I'm here with the fabulous
Pamela Rae Schuller. - I'm back. - She actually just
started a YouTube channel for those of you who don't know. What's its name? - Pamela Comedy. - Because she's funny. - Sometimes. - Look it. We're gonna play a game today. A bunch of games, actually. - Yeah. - And we're doing it for charity. What charity have you picked today? - I picked Animal Haven
because they're based out of New York and they do
great work for cats and dogs. - Bear, they find homes for dogs like you. - You wanna come live with me? Oh, God, there's so much
drool but it's so cute. - I love you Bear, I love you. Okay, this is gonna be a fun game. - Don't, don't do that face. So creepy. - Get it right, 100 bucks for-- I'll stop doing this. Animal Haven gets a 100 bucks. Which of the following is the actual name of a disease that causes
patients to grow thick hair everywhere on their body? - I feel like I just watched
a YouTube video about this. - Except for the bottoms
of their feet and hands. - Okay. - A, Hypertrichosis. - Okay. Hyper means lots of, big time,
so that's in the running. (laughing) Is that not what it means? - B, is Ambras Syndrome. - No. - C, Werewolf Syndrome. - I think it's "A." - Can you give it a second? - Sorry. I think it's "A." - Okay, I'm gonna add another
choice, "D", all of the above. - Oh, I think it's "A." - Okay, you're wrong. It's all of the above. I even tried to give you the
answer, 'cause I love dogs too. Prosopagnosia is a
condition where patients, A, can't recognize faces. B, cannot catalyze feces. Or C, cannot analyze fences. - It's gotta be "A", because
if there's something that-- - Or D, all of the above. - I think it's "A" because I know that there's a specific disease where you can't recognize faces. - Correct! - Yay! - $100. - Sorry, Bear. - "Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy"
is the technical term for which of the following? A, Mad Cow Disease. B, Bull impotence. C, Calf incontinence. - "A." It's the only one that I
was like, I heard of that. - That's how you're gonna
answer these questions? - Yeah, I have no other-- - There are dogs who are hungry-- - Oh my God. "B", "B." Wait, "C." I meant "C." - Final answer? - "C." - "A." (laughing) - That was so mean. That was so mean! - Is Alien Hand Syndrome the name of-- - Wait, say that again, Alien Hanson, like the band? (groaning) - Is Alien Hand Syndrome the name of, A, the term for when the human body rejects a reattached limb. B, a disease where the hand
makes involuntary moves that appear deliberate. - That's Tourette's. - C, the name of a Detroit-based Ska Band. - "B" is absolutely Tourette's Syndrome. "A", final answer. - "B." - Okay, well-- - The thing is they appear deliberate. That's the difference between-- - When I wink to you-- Ask the men I wink at and they would say that appeared deliberate. - Stone Man's Disease, otherwise
known as Fibrodysplasia, causes connective tissue to become rigid and turn into a hard, bone-like-- - This was on Grey's Anatomy. I feel confident about this. - This condition usually
first presents itself with, A, an enlarged big toe. B, an inability to crack
fingers and other joints. C, an irreversible erection. - The cracking of the knuckles make sense. I think it's probably
like your joints and stuff that are first affected,
so "B" final answer. - Wrong, "A" final
answer, enlarged big toe. Pam, I gotta say you're
really good at this. (laughing) If it enters the body, the compound of dihydrogen monoxide will, A, stave off kidney stones. B, assist in alleviating constipation. C, improve skin quality. D, all of the above. - Oh, oh. "D", I don't remember the other options. - Do you wanna know what
the compound is called? - Yeah. - Do you know what it is? - No. - It's dihydrogen monoxide. - Dihydrogen-- - And you think it does all
that good stuff for you? Stave off kidney stones, assist
in alleviating constipation, improves skin quality,
and you went with "D", all of the above. - Yeah, and I'm gonna stick with it. - Did you take a chemistry class, ever? - No way. - Never? - In high school. - Yeah. What's your final answer? - All of the above. - That's the correct answer. - You're evil. - Do you know what dihydrogen monoxide is? - No. - Water. - H2, dihydrogen-- - Oh, H2 monoxide. - Monoxide. - Did you see that, doctor right here. - An allergy to water
or dihydrogen monoxide is called, Aquaphor, Aquagenic Urticaria, or Awkwafina. - Aqua-- (mumbling) "B" is my final answer. - That is the correct answer. - Oh, thank God! - Have you ever had that? You get hypes going into water. - I have not got hypes
from going into water. I've got hypes from eating shrimp. - You have an allergy to that? - We believe I do. But how funny that a four foot six, the only thing that we know
can take me down is shrimp. - Laughing Death is, A, a deadly epidemic that
struck the native tribes of New Guinea where
sudden brain deterioration caused victims to burst into laughter uncontrollably before death. - Oh. Bit of comic, that would be
the best show they ever had. - B, the term used for an
overdose of Nitrous Oxide, AKA laughing gas. C, what happens when you watch my TikTok. D, all of the above. - So what's the name of it again? Sorry, can you do the
whole thing over again? - Laughing Death. - Laughing Death. - How hard was it to remember that? - "B." - Wrong. - It's "A?" - Yes. I am a D.O., which stands for, A, Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine. B, Doctor of Orthopedic Manipulation. C, Doctor of Outpatient Medicine. - "A", final answer. - Why did you know that? - Because my cousin just became a D.O. Love you! - Do be on "surgical rotation" means, A, being a resident spending
time learning about surgery. B, to be a surgeon who rotates hospitals to work with a wider variety of patients. C, to, like a car's tires,
have your limbs rotated to prevent wear and tear. - "A" final answer. - You don't think it's
about rotating your limbs to prevent wear and tear-- - I do that. I just do that. I rotate my limbs. - Yeah, you got that right. And now we're gonna play the
highlight of the evening. Real Doctor or Fake Doctor. Are you ready to play? - I was born ready. - I wish I had fancy lights like a studio. Put your head down. - Sorry, do it again. - Number one-- - So she's definitely wearing scrubs. But her makeup is done well. She's wearing the exact
same scrubs as you. Her makeup is done well. - No, she's not. - Fake doctor. - Nope, real doctor and one of the most popular
doctors on social media. - Oh, is she the OBGYN? - Yes. - No! - Mama Doctor Jones, Pam
does not know who you are. - I did, I did! That white coat feels really extra fitted and I don't think I've ever seen a doctor with that fitted of a white coat. So I'm gonna say fake. - This is @footdocdana. You thought why-- Because her fitted lab coat? - Yeah, I've never seen a fitted lab coat. - Can I tell you something
that's a little bit of a secret? - Yeah. - This guy Sam, that works for my channel, he has a crush on her. @footdocdana, hit me up
if you'd like a fellow named Sam in your life. Little Sam... Goes a long way. I know it's difficult for
you to make this decision at this moment, 'cause you
don't know what Sam looks like and I'm not trying to set
you up on a blind date. So here is Sam's head on Pam's body. - This girl looks like
she's from Grey's Anatomy. So my bet is fake doctor. No, it literally says "Grey's." "Grey", fake doctor. Fake doctor. - God, you got it. - Fake doctor, he is on another show with the angry British man. This is confusing because she's on camera. So I'm like, mm, should
I think maybe she's fake because she's on camera? But she looks so determined to solve whatever's wrong with me, that I'm gonna say real
doctor, final answer. - Real doctor, dermatologist. (laughing) - He's a real doctor
but he's also an actor. - Real doctor or fake doctor? You have to vote. - He's a real doctor-- - If you get this-- Pam. - He's a real doctor because
I've seen an interview where he left doctoring to be an actor. - So he's a real doctor right now? - Well, now he's an actor
but he was a real doctor. - Real doctor or fake doctor? - Oh my God! - Pam. - I think real doctor. - Okay. - I'm gonna need you to
prescribe me something for the level of anxiety I'm experiencing. Oh, fake doctor, final answer. - Why? - I think he's on Chicago Med. Based on his Chicago
Medical Center scrubs. - How do we not blur this. - I've never even seen that show. - Real doctor or fake doctor? - I can't see her face. - Her face is right there. - But I can't really see
it, it's a weird angle. - Zoom in with your face. - This feels like an ad. - For what, what product? - For scrubs. No, I think real doctor. - Real doctor. She was on the thumbnail
of one of my last videos. - So I'm correct, real doctor? - Yeah, in training. - Bear, I'm getting all
your friends so much money. I think that's Sanjay Gupta. - What? - Is it not? Oh no, am I wrong? I see him on the news. Isn't this the guy I've seen-- Real doctor. - Yeah. - No? - Correct. This is Sanjay Gupta,
he's CNN's health expert. (laughing) - Oh, a 100% fake doctor. I wanna say, not Scrubs,
that's the funny one. But the one with the
old guy, the cute guy. So that show and fake doctor. - What show? I'll give you a $100 to the
Animal Haven foundation. - Oh my God. George Clooney's on the show. - He is. - And it's-- Oh God, not Scrubs. Why can't I think of anything but Scrubs. - It has a really unique name that is not a department in the hospital. If you were to get sick and you needed to go to the hospital-- - Oh, ER! ER! $100. - Pam, you made 1300
dollars for Animal Haven. We're rounding that up to an even 2000. We're helping out some pups, right Bear? - Bear, did you hear that? - Bear, should they
watch our other videos, 'cause you're so famous? Tell 'em, Pam. Tell 'em to watch Bear's video right here. - Watch Bear's video right here. - And to do what? - Watch another video right here. - No. - Oh, I thought there were two videos. - No, just say that. - And stay happy and healthy and nuggety. - Bye. See you on the next one. - I love you, Bear. (light upbeat music)
Funny as always
Love it, I'm from the UK, so it's a culture shock for me to think about paying for health care because it's free and no added payments (at least not what think) for foreigners, so seeing the American health service is interesting and also a bad if someone gets hurt, all I'm gonna say is it's government's fault for not making health care three in America, what's the point if you can't get top-quality health care with no payment?
I love it that collabs so funny and again back together with pam