Doctor Challenges Comedian: Real Or Fake Disease?

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Just the tonic we needed for the current times. Love when you and Pam collab and hope you do again soon. Fab vid, Doc! β€οΈπŸ€žπŸ»πŸ˜¬πŸ‘ŒπŸ»

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tenacious_squirrel πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 05 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

/u/realdoctormike Here is a video idea: Doctor Quizzes Veterinary Technician on Medical Terminology +/- spelling challenge

I will ACE IT!!! C'mon...try me! And do the 2 professions really use the same terminology? Well, this is a good way to find out!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 05 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
(laughing) - Pamela Rae Schuller, I'm gonna name you an illness. - Okay. - And you're gonna tell me. - A real illness? - An illness, let me finish. You will then tell me what you think that medical illness is, and whether or not it's true or not. Choose the charity of your choice that I will be making a donation to, if you get even a single one of these questions right. - St. Baldrick's. Let's give some money to like finding a cure to kids cancer. - I need to share something with you, but Pam can't be provy to this type of confidential information. So, I'm gonna make her put on these Bose's, noise canceling headphones, hashtag not sponsored. Do you hear me? Pam is 4"9. Nope? She's not reacting, okay. All of these are fake illnesses. She has no idea they're all fake. They're actually from a Wikipedia page that lists fake illnesses from famous movies and cartoons. She's gonna suffer, I'm gonna laugh, and it's gonna be fun to watch. Pamela. - Oh geez. - Numero uno. Krippin Virus. (laughing) - These are real? Is this real? - You have to decide if it's real. - Oh, sorry forgot the roles already. I think this one is fake. - Lampington's Disease. - I think it's real, it's real. It's when somebody's doing something and a lamp ends up inside of a crevice, or an oraphice. (laughing) - Brain Cloud. - Brain Cloud, Brain cloud. Brain Cloud. That feels like it's real, yeah. Like when someone's forgetful, or they've got dementia, or like cloudy brain. Like an STD of your brain. (writing) - [Doctor] Chimera. - That does not, wait. That does. I think that is not real. - [Doctor] Macgregor's syndrome. - It's real, that's a real thing. You're born with the name Matt, and then you were like, "No, I'm definitely." - No, not Matt. Macgregor. - Meningoencephalitis Virus One. Also known as MEV-1. - Okay, well because you gave me letters, I'm thinking it's definitely real. - Okay. - And I think it has something to do with the Ninja Turtles. - Because they grew up in lava? - They did? - I don't know, what was the thing that made them mutants? - The pizza? - Plutonium. - Yeah, that feels right. - [Doctor] Methuselah Syndrome. - Well, you couldn't even pronounce it. - Some of these words are hard to pronounce. - And you're a doctor, so. - That doesn't matter. These are rare illnesses, if they are illnesses. - I don't think that one's real. Because, you literally, the word myth is in it. - No, no, meth. - Oh, that changes everything. Can you use it in a form of a sentence. - Pam, you have meth syndrome. - I think it's real, and I think it's when you are a adorable four foot six, you're Jewish, and you have turrets syndrome. Because, Mike just told me that's what I have. - Say the opposite of what you mean disease. - What? Is this a riddle? - Nope. True or false, real or fake. - I think it's real, because I don't think anyone in this room is creative enough to come up with that being fake. That's gotta be some kind of situation where you're like, I love your giant cat. - Are you talking about my (beep)? (laughing) You sound like a tea kettle. (laughing) Amoria Phlebitis. - Amoria Phlebitis. That feels real. You've eaten a lot of Italian food, and you're like more, but then your Phlebitis, then you sit on the toilet, and your phlebitis just rages. - [Doctor] Bone-itis. - There's so many things that go through my head. - Just say it. - Be canceled. - You are not allowed to cancel Pam. She's uncancelable. - Don't mean to me, I'm trying really hard. - Was anyone mean to you in the previous video? - There were a few people. - What did they say? - One person in the video where I just roasted said that it looks like I have to poop. That's Tourette's . I think Bone-itis is fake. - [Doctor] Cluckitis. - You saved all the dirty ones. - No? - Bone-itis, Cockckitis? - Cluck. - Oh. - Dirty mind. - Like a chicken, cluck. - That one's true, and I think I have it. (upbeat music) - Tell us more. - Sometimes I birk from Tourette's , and sometimes other animals sneak in. - That'd be a good pickup line. The veil with the girl who clucks. Yeah, you see that girl in that corner? She clucks. - She clucks. - [Doctor] Cosmic rust. - I think that's not real. If it was real, it's when you need to do some better washing, because things have rusted over. - How would you define the word, cosmic? - The parts of your body where the sun don't shine. - Does the sun not shine in space? Cutie Pox. - Cutie Pox. That one's definitely a real thing, and it's when you eat so many of those little oranges, those little Cutie Oranges, that you get, that you have an allergic reaction. The allergic reaction is that you are cuter. (beeping) - [Doctor] Electric flu. - I think that one's real. You've touched something electric and you had flu like symptoms. Like when I stick my fingers in sockets. - You do that? Don't do that. Groat's disease. - I think that one's real. It is when your throat makes a guttural noise, when you're cheering at a sporting event. And it's so bad, that there is a diagnosis. - Can you make that noise? (yelling) Head-go-boom-boom-itis. (laughing) - I think that one is not real. Head go boom boom? - Itis. - Itis. - But it's one word. - Head go boom boom itis? - Say it again? - Head go boom boom itis. Head go boom boom itis. Head go boom boom itis. Head go boom boom itis. - Now do you feel like it's real? - No, I think even more it's not real. - [Doctor] Monkeynucleosis. - Monkeynucleosis. I think that one is not real. Unless a doctor's last name was Monkey. - Or, it happened in a monkey. - I thought these were human things. - So what, have you never heard of Mad Cow Disease, moo? - I still think it's not real. - The audience has known something about this competition that you have not. - No, are none of these real? - These things all come from the Wikipedia page of fake illnesses that come from movies, TV shows or cartoons. - No way. - You only made $600. - That's awful, and now I feel so bad. - Feel more shame. - I actually do, it's there. - Good. Crypynvirus, do you know where it's from? I Am Legend, Will Smith. Lampington's Disease. Whatever you said, Jesus Christ. It was in The Last Holiday with Queen Latifah. - Yeah, what's Head-go-boom-boom-itis? - What cartoon would you think that's in? - SpongeBob. - Yes! - Oh my God, can you do another $100 for that? - Yeah I will, that was good. - Hooray Gary! - Monkeynucleosis. Can you guess what cartoon that's from? - Oh it's a cartoon. I don't watch cartoons. - Do you want $100 for children's cancer? - Yeah, Simpsons? - Hey Arnold. - Sorry, let me try again. Hey Arnold. - To make this video get a little more educational value, because you know I have Doctor written on my scrubs several times, I'm wearing them. - In your very fitted scrubs. - I'm gonna give you three medical, well two medical conditions and one medical test that we do that sound made up, but are absolutely real. And you can ask me questions about them. - Okay. - One of the tests that we run when a patient has a gynecological issue, is called the Whiff Test. - No it is not. - It is called The Whiff Test. - No it is not. - It is called The Whiff Test. Where we put potassium hydroxide, KOH, onto a sample mixed with saline, and we gently do a whiff. (gagging) So the condition where a patient would have this whiff test be positive, the medical term for it is Gardnerella Vaginalis. And when you look under a microscope, you see Clue cells. And the way we learn this, it was written on the side of our USMLE, little textbooks which is the text we take. It's United States Medical Licensing Exam. - Okay. - It said, "I don't have a clue why I smell vagina's in the garden." The next medical condition that doesn't sound real is called, Geographic Tongue. What do you think that means? - That's where you land in any country, and you immediately know how to speak their language. - That's good actually. So, it's basically ulceration, random spots of the tongue, where it almost looks like you have like the continents. (upbeat music) You don't have it. Capgras, also known as Imposter Syndrome. But not the Imposter Syndrome you think. This Imposter Syndrome, is where you think a loved one or a relative, has been replaced by an imposer. - No. - It's a delusional psychiatric. - Okay, that one's interesting. - I'm linking more information on all these conditions down below, so you can do further reading. Pam, you're at $700. (slow music) - I will give $100 out of my next shows to it as well. So, it'll be $800. - $800 for Pam and I. Because, I feel like I should support Pam's really poopy effort there, I'm gonna give and match that, and we'll do $1600. So $1600 to the St. Baldrick's foundation. We officially know all the terms of the fake diseases. Next time I'm really gonna make fun of you, because we're gonna do real and fake, and you're gonna have to pick which one is real and fake. - Oh no. - If you want that episode, write it down below, like this video, 100,000 likes it's happening. - This is gonna be a disaster. - That's what makes it specIal. (upbeat music) - Stop calling me special. - Sorry. (laughing) (upbeat music)
Channel: Doctor Mike
Views: 2,048,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: doctor mike, dr mike, wednesday checkup, instagram doctor, dr. mike, mike varshavski, mikhail varshavski, pam schuller, doctor mike comedian, fake diseases, real or fake diseases, dr. mike reacts, dr mike collab, funny doctor show, doctor humor, health humor, health satire, fake movie diseases
Id: 9HOi-PzTJek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 58sec (538 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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