Review: How To Use Your Instant Pot Duo Crisp + Air Fryer

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[Music] hey guys it's chef from pressure luck and as if it wasn't enough of the instant pot just released a new phenomenal model and the duo Evo plus guys they've answered all of your prayers they've come up with an instant pot that doesn't just pressure cook it also air fries crisps roasts dehydrates all those things it's called the instant pot dual crisp plus air fryer and it comes with not just one lid like we're typically used to but to you see this guy's know this is an assemble crash although I could do a marching band this right here is basically a convection oven lid where we have a fan behind an electrical heating coil element that blows hot air onto our food which will crisp it air fry it roast it dehydrate it what have you so one instant pot two lids a world of symphonic cooking possibilities alright let's pretend these were simple so they could feel like them so before we get into doing a little bit of a demo with some wings in the air crisper we were to know how to pressure cook in there it's instant pop we trust them that's why we were so excited when they came out with a dual instant pot and air frying combination I just want to get into the basics of the control panel because I know that's probably what you're all wondering about what does it look like so let's get into it right now so let's take a look at the control panel on this thing guys it is at the first glance very simple compared to the other ones in fact it's so simple there's no more presets we only have pressure cook saute slow cook steamed and sous-vide if you want to use the pressure cooking lid and if you want to use the crisping lid we have air for our roast bake broil or dehydrate no more porridge no more poultry no more soup in stews no more multi-grain buttons by the way whoever uses a porridge button I own every Goldilocks anyway the point of the matter is here we don't have presets to complicate things which I like there's also an turn no yogurt button so if that's an issue for you well you're not getting yogurt on this one all right however we also have a display that is super small this thing is about I want to say 2/3 the size of the dual plus in the duo Nova and about a quarter of the size of the new duo Evo pluses display plus it's going retro back into the LED lights although they're blue which is pretty and not going to be a screen at this time in terms of anything else you're just gonna get timing up here and temperature here if your air crisping and it give you a side-by-side comparison here is my dual crisp plus air fire on the left and here is the duo Evo plus on my right and you're gonna see guys oh there's no comparison and display I mean this is a quarter of the size of the duo evil pluses plus it only has like I said that LED versus everything else here you have the display bar to show how long you are in the process if things are much larger and easier to read if you have some trouble viewing things also this is a 6 quart and this is an 8 core so to have a small display on an 8 quart Dwarfs it even more that's really my one big nitpick about the whole thing is this thing is so tiny and you would just expect especially since they just released the beautiful Evo plus that it would follow suit and have something of a similar nature it's not a huge deal at all because ultimately it comes down to how well it performs but for aesthetics and for you know being almost 20/20 expected something a little bit more impressive than just this to that point sometimes less is more in terms of simplicity and we don't have to worry about things like what is this little icon what's that thing you don't have to worry about that because you're not gonna get that here at all what you see is what you're gonna get so you know you can look at it as the glass half empty or half full but now let's focus on the panel itself so let's say right now I am going to be using my crisping laid and I'm gonna crisp some stuff up in this pot I'm putting my lid on top and now I'm going to choose one of the functions down here that is the air frying if I try to hit a pressure cook function it's going to say lid because I have the improper lid on top so therefore I have to be like whoops just kidding I want to air fry see then it gives me these options I control the temperature over here I say I want to go for 365 there we go and then time let's say I want to go for 10 minutes 10 minutes there and then I just hit start it's that simple it's gonna stay on for a few moments while reaches the temperature that you've set it for and then it's gonna start to cook it's really very very simple when you're done it'll stop on its own but for now I'm going to hit cancel and you can again you could do airfryer roast baked broiled dehydrate however you wish to go speaking of which the thing I said about not having any presets for the pressure cook options that totally still holds true with the exception of steam which I still don't use I only use pressure cook or manual depending on your model but for the air crying and the crisping lid you have a five preset you know it's the same lid it's the same heating element it's the same fan so essentially these are just going to give you a guesstimate of what you would think that you should do for how long and for the temperature you should cook at you do wish to roast bake broil therefore I it doesn't matter what button you hit really I'll probably mostly always hit airfryer or broiled to be honest and I'm pretty sure that once you've cooked something at a certain setting it remembers the last time and temperature you set so I'll really just hit airfryer or broil for simplicity because you can't ever go below 400 degrees on broil it'll only keep it there and for airfryer you can relate to trust anything you'd like time and temperature by five degrees and as well as the time but same with roast if I hit roast I do that and it's gonna give me this default you can just again change an altar within so basically the five buttons for the crisping lid they're all presets with the exception of some limitations I could be hip royal you can't go below 400 degrees you see this because well it's broiled and it's gonna be the hottest temperature so that makes sense now when you're done air frying or crisping or roasting in the instant pot what you want to do is you have to remove the lid which comes fully off the product unlike the ninja food II which is actually way better that I can come off and then you're gonna want to rest it on this plastic disc that comes with the product okay so take it here there's a handle at the very very top I'll show you see that lifting it and then we simply put and rest it right over here on top of this plastic disc because that way will ensure that we won't form a countertop and we'll give ourselves and it just sits there all right perfect just let it cool for a bit probably about like a good 15 to 20 minutes okay I'm gonna show you with tip now because this is easily missed and I want to make sure you don't miss this on the little crisping lid resting launch pad thing whatever you want to call this if I put my lid on here that's what we would normally do when we're done crisping so it doesn't burn our countertops it's much safer this way however when you are done and you want to put this thing away you can flip this like this okay and you're gonna see there's a little groove in this section here you simply line up the edge of the crisping lid with this opening and the underside of the little resting pod here and then you place this on top just like so and then you can turn it and then it locks on to it and for storage you see this now the little launching pad I don't know what I'm going to call this the resting pot whatever is now attached to the crisping lid when you're ready to store it when you're ready to take it off all you have to do is simply turn it like this and then it'll come right off again nifty now if you want to pressure cook what we would do is we would simply put the lid on this like we would on any other model secure it by turning it and then we would choose one of the pressure cook functions that's so for instance if I want to hit saute I'll hit saute and it would just between high and low I have to hit saute again by the way yes you're only getting high and low there's no medium but that's ok I really feel like you could only go with low or high anyway most of the time when you're sauteing it's not a big deal at all can only go throughout - 30 minutes though and increments just like the other items except for the duo evo plus where you can go for an hour not a problem if you go past 30 minutes of sauteing you can simply just add more time by starting it over again in the process I just wish they would give you more time because sometimes it does exceed that but it's very rare usually you don't saute for more than 10 to 15 minutes for every dish but again not a big deal for pressure cooking same thing you hit pressure cook and to adjust from high to low is pression the pressure cook button again I never ever pressure cook anything on low so I always will keep it on a high to get going you know just wait for a few minutes if you wait and do nothing what's gonna happen is the display is going to say off because it's gonna assume oh they walked away they forgot about me and I'm not gonna do anything you see that so to get started on this one like on the duo evo plus and the ultra you have to hit start to get going I just made it pressure cook for zero minutes but let's say I wanna get on for like you know five minutes I simply adjust the time here with the plus and minus and then I'll hit start and as simple as that so if I want a pressure cook I hit pressure cook say my saute you saw just high or low set the time I always keep it at 30 minutes slow cook I'll never use that but you can get the gist either high or low and the hours steamed same and for sous-vide you're obviously gonna have a temperature because you keep it at that for a while you can go it really as high as I believe 24 hours maybe who knows but it goes in 15-minute increments here it changes about the timing with the increments and how much you could do depending on the settings sometimes it's by the minute if your pressure cooking or sauteing sometimes with sous-vide it's really by the 15 minutes which makes more sense because it takes sometimes quite a while you can go here for even more than 24 hours guys hours are gonna be on the Left minutes are gonna be on the right for everything speaking of which as in most models these days including all the newer dual models and all the dual plus and pretty much anything else the minutes are gonna be on the right and the hours are on the left so if I'm setting a time for five minutes it's gonna look like this five right there if it's gonna be five hours it's gonna be a five over here all right and it's as simple as that guys alright so here's the top of the duo crisp plus air fire model it looks pretty much identical to all of the other instant pop models except it's given me an 8 quart size as of now it's only available in the 8 quart that might very well change and here's my liner pot just like all the other ones except for the dual Evo Plus which has handles which I kind of wish this one had but que sera sera and when you're getting an air fryer in this one as well except also you'll notice in this one there is something that almost looks like a little Lego here you see this it has like six little dots might be a little dark and this is gonna serve as the female power source for the crisping lid itself this is the underside of it and this is the male power source it's gonna plug directly in here which is great because unlike the ninja foodie it isn't always attached to the side like this so it always is to stay up while you put the other lid on to pressure-cook if you're not crisping it's nice to have two options also you don't have to keep a separate plug and plug this thing into the wall while this is also plugged into the wall it plugs directly in here making the power from the instant pot power the crisping lid and the pressure cooking lid is something that you're pretty used to by now if you already know your instant pots it's very similar to the ultra in fact it's pretty much the exact same thing it has the little button release here so you don't have to push your finger over here to go near the steam to release which you know doesn't bother me because once you learn how to do it it takes no time and no scariness at all but you have a button here so you just press down to release the steam and then once all the steam is released all you do is and you open the lid by turning it and automatically goes back into the sealing position it just pops itself up it's a nice mechanism and has inside sort of like the duo Evo plusses lid however I like this little switch better that I like this button I really wish they married the duo Evo plusses design including its display and the handles inside the pot itself into the duo Chris plus air fire it would have been nice especially since it's becoming the top-of-the-line model since you can do two things and pressure cooking and air frying with the switch of a lid okay so I show you all the buttons on what they do it's all very very basic not having the presets helps a great deal and like so many of you other models guys it also comes with a trivet you can either keep it like this so it's lower to the bottom of the pot with some really tall handles or you can simply reverse it by having the handles go on the bottom and then having the trivet higher so you can also have that one your air frying if you want it to be a little bit closer to the broiler it's a great great great great versatile trivet here the dual crisp is also gonna come with a condensation cup here which catches any drippings and you just basically put it right on the back it pops right in and then once you've gathered any drippings or condensation you would just pop it right off and you can empty it and then clean it out as you see fit we do not get any rice paddles with this one however like we do in the duo and most of the other models no rice paddles came with this one do you know what I never use them anyway same with a little measuring cup thing it give you I never use that little plastic thing so to me it's blessed clutter to have especially if you have multiple instant pots by now and the dual Chris plus air fryer comes also with a basket to airfryer in with a detachable bottom here which is nice to have because it'll rest in the pot itself it always makes for the line of pot is in here when your air frying or crisping and always has to be in here at all times unless you're washing it and you're not using the pot okay otherwise if you do anything and you pour any liquid or put food directly in the heating element it's not going to be good it's gonna go right through it and you're gonna have a hard time don't do that so online I've often heard in scene of horror stories that people pouring things into the instant pot without the line or pot in there the liner pot always has to be inside the pot at all the times to cook otherwise you're gonna like I said ruin the heating element we don't want that to happen and hole pots gonna just go to well pot but what's great here is let's say the liner pot is not in the pot and I decided to hit saute and get going guess what guys the whole pot is gonna act crazy it's telling me to put the pot in everything lights up and flashes it makes up a new sound I never heard before on the instant pot it's a whole crazy affair here it's warning you so always make sure the pot is in there before it'll do anything see now it'll do that it's amazing that it actually won't work unless the pot is there I've never seen that on any other model before so that's a nice touch however still your pot needs to be on for that to happen so if you're prepping and throwing it in and you don't have any buttons set yet it won't warn you but if the pot already is on in the pot in there it will warn you I love that so it comes with this nice deep airflow you see that it's perfect it also comes with this separator here and you can use this to broil or dehydrate if you're making jerky or if you have one things that are even closer to the actual lid itself you would put this in and it goes about halfway up through the basket so it stops about midway so as if you were like basically putting something on the top of it a rack if that makes sense all right so you put this in and by the way you don't have to use this whenever you're air frying like if you're making brussel sprouts so let's say you just finished making my maple balsamic Brussels sprouts and the instant pot pressure cooking you take the pressure cooking lid off once all the speed is released then you can directly leave the brussel sprouts inside the pot you don't have to transfer them to this basket it's not necessary I would simply then place I have it backwards the air crisping lid right on top all right instead and guys this thing is so funny it looks like a Jiffy Pop fan like I know when you're like making popcorn on the stovetop and it has like that foil from that expanse it kind of looks like that with the little grooves here it's kind of fun anyway you would leave that on top and then you would simply hit bake or air fry for a 400 degrees for about five minutes until they crisp directly in the pot and then when they're done you would take them out and then presto all finished and ready to eat with a nice crisp you can also do that to add an extra bubbly crust of cheese on top of a dish you're done like let's say you're making a pasta dish like my unbaked CD after you're done pressure cooking and the lid comes off and you startle the mix-ins and so you could sprinkle a little extra cheese on top then put the crisping lid on top and give it a little bit of a bubble all right it's really really convenient that you can do that same with my apple crumble if you want to get a little bit of a crisp at the end put the crisping lid on top and then crisp it for a few minutes really you can use airfryer roast whatever you want to bake it doesn't matter about 400 degrees should do the trick for a few minutes just keep an eye on it now let's try it out with some wings I want to lower my basket inside the liner pot and just because I want to boil my wings I want to put this little broiling tray on the top because I want it to be closer to the top of my crisping width to give it a nice cook and a nice little like I don't know crispy edge let me lay my wings on top of a little thing here you can really put on as many as that will fit I'm just gonna do 6 for the time being these are just some wings that I got from Costco very simple put my lid on top so now that I have my wings in the pot and I put the broil rack in because I want to cook them on broil I want them to be really crispy and really perfect and could remember the raw right now I need them to get nice and cooked and juicy I'm gonna broil them and I think that's gonna be the best method here so when you go on broil guys who actually cannot control the temperature it's always gonna be 400 degrees but you can control the time but I do want it at 10 minutes what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go for 10 minutes I'm gonna hit the start button it's gonna take a few moments probably to just begin here and if you wish midway through you can take the lid off and then you're gonna make sure you put it on this or plastic wrestling device you don't want to put it directly on your countertop and you can give all the wings a little bit of a turn if you want if you want to get mobile a bit of an even crisp throughout that little beeping means it's telling me to put my lid back on in case I forgot I guess so far they're looking pretty good it's been about midway through about five minutes now let's finish crisping them just simply just put the lid back on and it will resume exactly where it was and by the way once you hit the one minute mark it's going to start counting down on the second from the final minute and when it's finishing it'll say end and it's gonna this leave itself on for a few more moments blowing the air I think as it turns to the heating element off and then check out those wings and those are looking like some crispy wings don't forget to put your crisping lid on the safe plastic little round disco comes with now let's take our tongs here and check these look great these look great and put them on a plate alright look at that it's nice and all the extra grease is already you know gonna be drained and go in the pot well to clean that later but whatever you know can't be a perfect world anyway you guys let's test these out all right guys it's game day so this is actually very fitting to make some wings right watch the testing is down to see if we can make them this way instead of in the oven and here they are and Richard try one out some one Oh what you think I'll do it at the same time and he's got a drum stick and I got up wink Oh banjo guys are amazing they're actually great though now it like burns at all hot juicy they're really juicy mMmmm delicious are hot that should have waited a few more minutes banjo I feel so bad I mean look at how beautiful this wing is look at how juicy this is guys it's like super juicy it's super steam heat look at that I feel so bad that my daughter is begging to these wings that's how good these wings Rock I mean I don't have to explain what I just did right there that's how good they are you guys I'm definitely amazing in terms of the crisping I feel like if it can take some raw chicken wings and then make them perfect it can do anything properly in the air fryer or the crisper or the Baker of the roaster or whatever you want to call it it does all those things what is baby you want a wing is that what you want you want a wing do you want a wing well he's just gonna hear it kind so he's good he kind of almost looks a little bit like a cat now a little bit right buddy yeah he loves chicken he can be simply alright alright I said I wasn't gonna show you how to pressure cooking this thing in the beginning because I know we already know how to do it in the end but then I realize not everybody watching this might have ever used one before so I am going to show you how to pressure cook and finish off a dish by crisping it all in the same pot but amazing all on the same pot okay this is literally the quickest easiest and most decadent mac and cheese you'll ever make forget the stovetop ever again I'm gonna take 1 pound or 1 box of any noodle of your choice instead of using elbow macaroni I like to use cell and tiny or cavatappi either the same thing just different names they look like little people you know pigtails little curls get back in there I'm gonna add in 4 cups of chicken or garlic broth you can add garlic sauce to make it vegetarian and this is so much more flavorful than just using water by the way because it infuses the flavor into the pasta while it cooks and I just want to smooth out the pasta so it's all nice and mostly submerged in the broth it's okay if a few of them peak above it and now I want to add in four tablespoons or a half a stick of salted butter while I'm going to add my pressure cooking lid on first okay the pressure cooking lid make sure it's in sealing position which it automatically is with this model as well as the ultra a come down I'm a control panel and I'm gonna hit pressure cook and I want to go guys for six minutes at high pressure again if I want to change the pressure to low which I never ever would I would hit pressure cook again but it's always gonna be on high to adjust the time simply the plus and minus buttons just like that six minutes at high pressure then I have to hit start on this model now once you start the process of pressure cooking on an instant pot it's going to say on for a few moments at first it's not going to immediately start at the cook time I set and begin counting down because first it has to come to pressure so what's gonna happen now as a ton of steam is gonna build up in the pot with all the liquid in there and then it's gonna push the pin on top of the lid up and in a few moments after that pin is popped up on the lid that's what its gonna begin to countdown for the time we've set it for the pressure cook see what I mean and now that was done pressure cooking we'll do a quick release speaking of which whenever anything is done pressure cooking it's going to go on to this L and then 3-0 at display the L means elapsed time it's gonna count up now on how much time has passed since the pressure cooking cycle was complete and then it will go on to keep warm mode by default unless you opt out of keep warm before your pressure cook but I always suggest leaving it on keep warm because why not keep your warm in the pot after it's been made that also comes in handy to know if you're doing it naturally so if something says allow a five minute natural release wait until five minutes have elapsed that would be L zero colon zero five four five minutes and then you finish with a quick release we're not worrying about that in this circumstance we're gonna allow a quick release right away and I'm gonna do that by pressing this button here and the pen just dropped now we can open our lid and that's our cook pasta and then once we give everything a stir you'll see it'll have cooked perfectly and there'll be some liquid left in the pot but that's normal we want that in there because that's gonna serve as the base for our sauce now let's add in our cheese I'm gonna add in two 8 ounce packages or 16 ounces or 4 cups really of shredded cheddar and a quarter of a cup of grated Parmesan I'm also gonna optionally add in a tablespoon of hot sauce and a teaspoon of Dijon mustard I love both so I'm gonna add both you really don't taste either of them too much they just add great flavor to everything so I suggest you add it won't make it spicy and now let's just stir everything together until everything becomes melted the heat of the pasta will melt the cheese basically right away none of that weird scary sauce in a package that you get with other stuff this stuff is the real deal mmm mmm nice and gooey gooey and creamy look at this mac and cheese guys amazing now if you want to you can make an extra decadent and even thicker by adding in about 2 or 4 ounces of a brick of cream cheese or a 5.2 ounce package of Boursin or if you want to be crazy you can add both but it's gonna be super thick but I'm just gonna add in some Boursin because that's what I have right now and here's my package of Boursin that I've just cut into chunks so when I start into my mac and cheese it will disperse more evenly and this also should melt in relatively quickly and there you have it guys some seriously decadent and outrageously delicious macaroni and cheese but since I'm doing this in the dual crisp let's take full advantage and let's make a Ritz cracker crust and top it in there and give it a nice bake let's take a roll of Ritz crackers and I've just crushed up and a half a stick of salted butter which I've melted in the microwave for about 40 seconds and now I'm gonna pour this over my crushed Ritz crackers and then just mix it together with a fork excellent alright and now I'm going to take my crumbles here micro the Ritz cracker and just added on top how did this evenly dispersed it doesn't have to be perfect we're doing this right in the pot no transferring it to a casserole dish and putting it in the oven just gonna do it right the earth since we're going to be Kristen let's remove our pressure cooking lid and add on our crisping lid now what I want to do is I'm gonna hit airfryer for this because I want to give it a nice crisp and I want to go guys for five minutes at 375 degrees again I adjust my temperature on the Left using the plus and minus buttons 375 is great and time on the right I wonder for five minutes started up this is that simple once it achieves the temperature of 375 which would be in just a matter of moments it will show the temperature here and it will begin to countdown this takes a lot quicker than building pressure a fraction of the time by the way it only does the counting down and seconds after there's only one minute left with only the crisping lid on it won't do that with the pressure cooking went on for some reason well not sure why but whatever no biggie and now that we're done it says end and it's gonna take a few moments to just cool itself down and then once it stops I'll take the lid off it's gone silent let's check it out let's take the lid off I'm gonna safely rest it on the little plastic thing here and guys look at that a beautiful golden-brown crust I mean that looks great let's just dig in here and we saw some gooey gooey creamy mac and cheese under that crust it's perfect to do it just like this you could do the same thing if you're making like I said my own baked ziti and you want to sprinkle some cheese instead of a crust on top and then melt the cheese we'll get to a brilliant bubbly go for it whatever you want to do it works perfectly that way let me just try it out all right guys here's my mac and cheese and oh boy oh boy oh boy there we go it's ridiculous it's amazing I mean the mac and cheese alone is amazing but once you add that little crust to it simply just by shifting gears with different lids it's nirvana that's amazing I've easily beneath this entire bowl very quickly so the dual crisps past both the pressure cooking and the crisping test with flying colors well done my friend well done so there you have it guy is the instant pot duo crisp plus airfryer I feel like it's just be called the dual crisp though obviously if a Christmas is an airfryer right that's just my my opinion you know funnel thoughts it's very very very simple to use I mean the buttons are very basic as is the display I mean we're talking going back into the retro LED instead of a nice LCD screen that being said with the release of the recent dual evil plus and how unbelievable the display is there it's a little bit of like a shocking thing to see such a tiny display on a brand new likely flagship device this is probably the most innovative instant pop of instant brands is released to date so I'm a little surprised that the display doesn't match that glory I just do wish that the instant pot dual crisp in the future has a little bit more innovation in terms of the screen to me it's a little strange to go backwards with it being so tiny and this you know not as bells and whistles as the Evo plus or even the dual plus or the duo Nova when the dual crisp itself is far more in terms of innovation and what it can do I feel like the control panel should match that but again you know what sometimes being simple is more so my final final thought is I love the dual crisp I think it's great I do think it has an edge that into foodie and the fact that this lid comes off whereas the ninja foodie it's always on and you have to always lower it so when your pressure cooking you have to have this live in the upright position since it's always attached to it and then have the pressure cook lid on top it looks incredibly odd and very cumbersome here it's either this lid if you're crispy or this lift your pressure cooking and this plugs directly into the instant pot itself and gets a power from it unlike some third-party models where you have to plug it into the wall and it's you know a brand that I don't really know or trust I know I can trust instant pot all right guys and this thing overall I think if you're looking for an air fryer and an instant pot all-in-one this is the things again as of now I think it only comes in the 8 quart but it might come in the 6 quart but honestly if you're crisping a quart is the best size I mean you really need it to get the most out of everything you need more diameter you need more depth to really get some great crisping action going on I say personally you're gonna have a tough decision between this and the duo evo plus because the dual Eva plus boasts a beautiful display a beautiful new lid design and it also has those amazing convenient handles on line our pot so you can pull it right under the instant pot and you can transfer places without bringing your whole pot you could even put it on the stove and reheat there this model unfortunately doesn't have those capabilities it brings you right back to the other stainless steel pots which are just great and very reliable but you can air crisp in here so if you're looking for the new pot this season the choice is yours you want to air crisp or do you want to be able to have a new more innovative pot in terms of being able to lift it out with the handles that nice or new lid it's totally up to you but I love both so it's hard for me to choose like that like they're both my children how do I choose my child that's it guys that's all I got for you so if you enjoy these reviews and if you want some amazing recipes to go along with them not to mention a cookbook that's coming out soon by this guy but a pressure love cooking calm for all of them there you can pre-order the book there as well and of course slash pressure lock cooking and like that page for any time and new review on an item comes out like this one deals on item tips recipes dropping and of course subscribe to me on their YouTube channel where this video is right now Twitter Pinterest and Instagram thanks so much again guys and you know what forget your troubles come on get crispy see you soon
Channel: Pressure Luck Cooking
Views: 548,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Instant Pot, Pressure Luck, Duo Crisp, Instant Pot Duo Crisp, Instant Pot Air Fryer, Instant Pot Duo Crisp + Air Fryer, Review, Instant Pot Duo Crisp Review, Instant Pot Air Fryer Review, Best Mac & Cheese, Instant Pot Mac & Cheese
Id: bUYHYsD2bNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 31sec (1771 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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