How to Get Started with your Instant Pot Duo! Beginners start here!

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oh okay let me do it over time then why okay done oh okay okay okay ready all right okay hey everyone I'm Lisa childs welcome back to tried tested and true instant pot cooking today I'm going to show you how to use your instant pot consider this an instant pot 101 where I show you start to finish just how to get comfortable with it take it out of the box and let's do this make sure you subscribe to my channel so you don't miss a single video in my instant pot 101 series so this is an instant pot pressure cooker there are a lot of electric pressure cookers out there but this is kind of the main brand of the pressure cooker that's out there just like how all tissues are not Kleenex and how all genes are not Levi's not all electric pressure cookers are instant pots instant pots are just extremely popular right now but most of these things will apply to all electric pressure cookers the instant pot uses steam which creates the pressure and then it locks it into this device and then squeezes it into the food so that's why it cooks so quickly just remember nothing that you make in the instant pot is going to come out crispy on its own you'll need to either bake it broil it or do something after if you want it to be that texture so let's get started on instant pot Anatomy this is the instant pot base this is where all the controls are it's stainless steel it can get kind of warm when you're cooking but it's not super hot on the side but when it's cooking the lid is really hot so don't touch the lid this is the lid here and I'll talk about the lid next and this is the liner so we've got liner base and lid just remember that this is where you're going to do all of your cooking don't ever put food in here down here you have the heating element and that is not where the food goes all the food goes into the liner if you do put food in your face then just get as much out as you possibly can dry it out and don't use it for at least 24 to 48 hours to make sure it's completely dry in there I know it sounds silly of when I say that but you will not believe how many people destroy their pots when they just put stuff in there and it is so sad so don't put anything in here okay promise all right let's talk about the instant pot lid like I mentioned earlier don't touch the top of this lid when things are pressure cooking because it is really hot I wouldn't want you to get burned let's talk about the outside of the instant pot lid this is the silly knob right here it's a little bit ratalie and that's fine because it hasn't come to pressure yet and this actually pops right off so you can clean it which is nice don't be alarmed if this comes off the second part is the sealing pin you see right here this is how you're going to know that your instant pot has come to pressure and is pressurized after we turn it around this is what the inside of the instant pot lid looks like this is the sealing green and this is really important if you don't have the sealing ring in your instant pot lid then it will not come to pressure and you'll be so sad I myself have left it off once or twice and I'm just sitting there waiting for my instant pot to come to pressure and then I realized that I forgot the seal so don't make that mistake and always use your sealing ring the sealing ring does come out because you do need to clean it but just make sure that you put it in all the way so it's nice and snug when you are using it if the sealing ring is kind of off track or it's not pushed in all the way it won't come to pressure this part of the instant pot lid is just the adjoining part on the outside and you'll see a little metal cover that comes over either one or both parts of this part of the lid and that is just to ensure like big chunks of food don't go in there and it's not completely necessary to use on your pot it's just like it's off of mine right now but it will function without it if you have anything but an instant potlucks you can actually set the lid on the instant pot base using either one of these little spots so it's really nice you can do it on either side now let's put the lid on the instant pot base instead of messing with all these little clothes and open arrows I just aligned the back of my instant pot base with the large sealing portion like this so you can see how it's lined up and you'll get it every single time so you put the lid on you have it kind of angled and then you just twist it right on and then this is the important part you have to make sure that your instant pot is on sealing before you pressure cook anything think of it like this if you have a balloon that you want to blow all the way up but it has a tiny hole in it it will never actually stay inflated so if you want your instant pot to stay pressurized you need to have it to sealing that means everything is locked and loaded and ready to pressure cook I cannot overemphasize this enough you need to ensure that your ceiling knob is in the sealing position before you try and pressure cook something the instant pot when you set it on a time actually won't tell you if it's on sealing or venting if you've forgotten so make sure that you do this some models do automatically close it for you on sealing but the instant pot duo which is what most people have does not do this now let's talk about the instant pot base this is the control panel where all the buttons are and I'm going to tell you that the only button you really need to use is the manual or pressure cook button depending on the model and the year that you got your instant pot it will say manual or pressure cook the rest of the buttons on your injured are actually just presets so don't worry about it the manual button is actually kind of just like the time cook on your microwave so you know how on your microwave you have all those different presets and kind of fancy functions but you actually never use them that's kind of the same concept with the instant pot when you press the manual button it will automatically go to high pressure you can adjust the pressure from low to high if your recipe calls for it but most all recipes unless indicated will be on high pressure the second most important button that you'll use on your instant pot is the saute button just down here and here's one thing to note the saute button will not work if the lid is on your instant pot this is a built-in safety feature to ensure that everything goes smoothly so the sautee feature actually makes it so your pot kind of turns into like a hot griddle or a pan on the stove it heats up the instant pot so you can sear meat or you can pre-heat your pot which is one of my favorite tips when you press the saute button like this it will automatically say 30 minutes and that is the default number of minutes that it will stay on the saute function before it turns off this is just a built-in safety feature but if you want to keep using it more than that just press cancel and press saute again you can also adjust the sautee feature so if you press saute and then adjust it will say low normal or high on the interface right here and that's just kind of like a low medium high when the sautee feature says on that just means it's warming up and it's already getting pretty warm but when it's at its max temperature it will say hot one of my favorite tips I love to share with people is to set your instant pop on saute while you're getting your ingredients out what this will do is pre-heat your pot so it's nice and warm ready for you to cook in and then we'll come to pressure wait bastard here's a little analogy about that it's kind of like if you had some frozen lasagna and you put it in a cold oven and it wasn't preheated at all it would take so much longer for that was on you to cook right so you would never crack an egg into a pan and then turn the heat on you almost always want to preheat your pots and pans when you're cooking good job we've made it this far now you're ready to actually use your instant pot the first thing we're going to do is to do something called the water test it's just a way to test your instant pot to make sure it's working and everything functions correctly the first step in the water test is just to get about 1 to 2 cups of water and we're just pressure cooking water to make sure that the instant pot works so I'm gonna put in about a cup of water well Stevie okay and because the pot was already hot that's why it did that it's already hot it's going after you put the water in make sure that the instant pot is not on saute mode anymore and we'll put our lid on make sure that the sealing ring is inside and we're going to put our knob to sealing next we're just going to press the manual button and we're gonna set it for 2 to 5 minutes here's a tip as well the instant pot will always remember the last time that you cooked with and that will be the default time that shows up when you press manual or pressure cook after you press the manual button the display will say on that just means that the instant pot has registered what you wanted to do and it's starting the pressure cooking as the pot is coming to pressure you'll start hearing over here by your lid that there's kind of steam coming up it will kind of start to rattle maybe a little bit and you'll just wait until the display says the time that you set you'll know that the pot has pressurized after the pin on your instant pot has popped up and this lid does not move after it's pressurized once your pot has come to pressure there will be nothing coming out of the lid no steam no sputtering and the display will save the time that you doesn't needed and it will start counting down from the time that you set after the instant pot has finished pressure cooking there will be an L on the display meaning elapsed time that just tells you how long the instant pot has been done pressure cooking and it will start counting up in recipes you'll either see a quick release Q R or NP R which is natural pressure release a natural pressure release is like when you have a soda bottle and you shake it up and there's all that pressure in it and you just crack it just ever so slightly and it just starts letting that pressure out when the instant pot is naturally releasing the pressure the instant pot just turns off and the sealing knob just ever so slightly starts to naturally release the pressure just like in the soda bottle a great analogy to help you understand a natural pressure release in the instant pot is like a recipe that you put in your oven where after the timer goes off you've turned off the heat in your oven but you don't take whatever is inside out and you just keep the door closed so we know that whatever's inside the oven is going to continue cooking using that residual heat it's the same concept in the instant pot so the residual heat will continue to cook whatever is in your instant pot while it's naturally releasing the pressure in recipes if you see something called a full natural pressure release that just means that you wait however long it takes for the entire instant pot to come down from the pressure and the pin drops on its own a quick release in the instant pot is when you take your sealing knob from sealing to venting in one quick go and let all the pressure out at once this is just like if you shake up that soda bottle and instead of giving it a crack you're just taking the whole tap off and the pressure comes out so now our instant pot is done pressure cooking and it is currently performing a natural pressure release we know that because the display says l4 last time and that means that the pressure cooking is done and it's just letting pressure out so when we do a quick release it just means that we're just going to quickly release the pressure by turning the knob from ceiling to venting just be aware that the first time you do this it might alarm your pets kids husbands whatever so just be aware I like to do a quick release by just coming over to the instant spot using my finger you can use like the back of a spoon or something but I like to be right here in control one thing I want to remind you about is not to move your instant pot after it had started pressure cooking that's because any movement can kind of move the lid it can be pressurized it can spurt stuff out and it's just not super safe so just leave it in the place you want for the whole time you're cooking alright now let's do a quick release like this you just and at any point if stuff starts spurting out and especially if you have like lots of liquid in here if you're doing a soup or if you have a lot of food you can just put it right back the ceiling and it will calm down for a second one of the ways that I like to do a quick release is actually by doing short bursts to let out the majority of the pressure and then let it come down on its own like this so you can hear that the pressure is kind of getting lower and lower so the pressure is not as strong after it's completely released all the pressure the pin will drop and that's when you know it's time to take off your lid just make sure that when you're releasing the pressure at any point not to put your face or your hands or anything over the sealing pin and the sealing not because it's really hot and it can burn you like I mentioned you can use the back of a spoon or some tongs to release the pressure the first couple times but I hope that you'll get more comfortable with it and just stay in control you can learn more about that tip in my 26 instant pot tips video and I'll link that in here too so after the pin drops that means that the pot has completely depressurize and we're safe to open the lid don't try and attempt to open the lid when it's still pressurized or rattle it or anything like that also I like to just kind of shake the lid on top of the pot so then all the condensation and the liquid on the lid doesn't go on the counter so now we know that our instant pot works hooray here's one thing you need to know about pressure cooking is that there is no evaporation in the instant pot that means that all the liquid in your meats and your vegetables nothing's going to evaporate so when you cook something some of the foods after you open your lid might look a little watery then you would normally think if that's the case just press the saute button and you can just let it reduce down and it will be just as fake and that's it you did it you're ready to use your instant pot now make sure you watch my video on how to clean your instant pot and also my 26 tips and tricks I guarantee you won't know at least one of them thank you guys so much for watching I am so excited for you because once you get over this learning curve and you just start using your instant pot you are going to love it just as much as I do and I love my instant pop I have four of them I use them all the time and I know it's going to change your life once you get to know it you can find all of my recipes on my website tried tested and true calm you can also follow me on instagram at instant pop cooking don't forget to subscribe to my channel and like and comment on this video alright guys thanks so much for watching this video and we'll see you next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: Tried Tested and True
Views: 709,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: instant pot, instant pot recipes, instant pot for beginners, instant pot cooking, lisa childs, tried tested and true, pressure cooking, instant pot recipe, instant pot tips, Instant Pot 101, How to use your instant pot, guide Instant Pot, get started with Instant Pot, easy Instant Pot
Id: eZs25HMglm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 26 2019
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