How I crafted a world from scratch for my game

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to continue building my game I had to learn how to create worlds which means becoming a God so naturally I sucked at this but by following this four-step plan I managed to create a vibrant World filled with life that will serve as the basis for my game these following [Music] ons the first step was outlining exactly what I wanted and how I was going to get there I started by writing some interesting bits of information about the game's world it was going to be set in the modern era was going to take place on an island and involve farming driving and shooting I quickly develop a story in this world that serves as the basis for the first part of the map story will be explained in other videos for now though it was time to sketch the first parts of the map once this was done my job was clear create all of the assets to turn this raw sketch into a lively world the basis of any pixel art world is a tilan so I quickly Bo up a Sprite and started drawing some farmland and grass tiles after a few tutorials and retries I finished the first draft for the farm tiles and the light grass tiles following this I created a darker grass tile to add some more diversity to the forests after the forest tiles were done I set my sides on the sea and beaches since these were quite I had trouble with the cliffs since they needed to match the grass tiles so I dealt with this problem by ignoring it and creating the sea instead when the basic sea tiles were done I made sure to add a beach tile and a wet Beach TI as well the biggest challenge came when I wanted to create the road tiles this was initially very simple but I didn't want only 90° Corners a solution to this problem would be to create larger Sprites for the roads for now though I'll leave it at 90° Corners once these were finished I had all of the blueprints to construct the basic layer of our [Music] world up next was creating some more environment Sprites such as bushes trees rocks sticks Etc they also added some seashells for the beaches I thought adding in some birds and animals would be a good idea and started work on these after finishing these basic Sprites and thinking I was done I realized I had to revisit my old friends The Cliffs again to tile everything together this was definitely annoying and but in the end I managed to somewhat tile the old cliffs in with the new tiles now all that was left was adjusting the town I made in the last video to match our new tile sets I made some bird Sprites which meant I needed to program in some behavior for these things I kept it simple for now and made it so that birds simply spawn in a nearby tree if the player comes within a certain range the cooler and hostile animals will get their own video since these are quite a lot of work before we move on to the next part I imported everything into unity and created the bulk the first part of the world [Music] and with all of the Sprites created I could finally start creating the world in unity this definitely took a while and I had to quickly make or redo some of the Sprites but in the end this is what the first area of the game looks like final touch that was needed in order to really make this look good while some voice processing some Falling Leaves lighting and Bloom filters later this is what we have in general I'm quite happy with the drawing side of things I think that my coloring skills need some more work I'm not going to try and fix everything here since that would be a nightmare I've learned a lot this past month and I'm sure that the next couple of areas are going to keep improving ultimately I'll return to this section and give it a more experienc touch I hope this video sheds some light on how I created this world and I look forward to hearing what you guys think of the final result if you enjoyed watching this video consider subscribing thank you so much for watching and goodbye
Channel: saltydog
Views: 880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: indie dev, game creation, indie developer, unity game, unity dev, indie game unity, game indie, game developer, game programmer, game unity, unity
Id: i976j_L9Dhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 54sec (234 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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