Do this 1 thing to become fluent in English! | Go Natural English

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Hello naturals, welcome back to go natural English, I'm Gabby the founder and I'm so excited that you are here to learn the one thing that you need to do every morning in order to Improve your English fluency and your confidence in your speaking skills So I'm also very excited because the person teaching this lesson is truly an expert in morning routines and success Through your routine for English So please welcome our newest go natural English team teacher Hale take it away here Hello everyone, my name is Hale Schneider And I'm very excited to be here today to share with all of you here at go natural English About how to start your day right to become fluent in English So first I have a question How do you start your day like what does your morning look like? so for some people They their alarm goes off. They jump out of the bed They rush as quickly as possible to get in the shower get in the car get to work or get to school it's a very hectic morning and for other people their morning is Much more calm and relaxed they wake up with time to be able to stay focused on what they need to do for the day and These two different people the people with the crazy morning or the calm morning the rest of their day is completely different because how we start the morning is how our entire day goes So if you want to start your day right and to be in the right mindset for the rest of the day you really need to have a morning routine and A morning routine is good for everything Not just learning English now. I'll talk about why it's great for becoming flu in English, but Even if you weren't studying English, it's still a good thing to have a morning routine So let me talk a little bit about what a morning routine is On a structured morning routine is what you do First thing in the morning right after you get out of bed Before you start doing things with other people before you start work before you start going to school it's the Personal structured time that you have first thing in the morning You might be asking why do I need a morning routine? I? Just get up and go to work I get up and go to school. I don't need to do anything else before that Well, let me make a suggestion That you do need a morning routine Because how you start your morning sets the tone for the rest of the day And then your day sets the tone for the rest of the week then your week sets the tone for the month the month sets the tone for the year and The year sets the tone for your life So really if you want to take control of your life It starts first thing in the morning now I'm not the only one who suggests having a morning routine There are many very well-known very successful Very famous people who have morning routines and they talk about it in public for instance Bill Gates who is the founder of Microsoft and is one of the richest people in the world He has a specific morning routine every morning he gets on a treadmill for one hour in walks or runs and During that he watches educational DVDs or educational programs. So every morning first thing he exercises and does something educational and then we have Oprah Oprah Is one of the most well known Media personalities in the world. She's a billionaire. She's amazing and she has a morning routine so every morning Oprah wakes up and she takes her dogs out and then she reads five affirmation cards and Then she does a meditation So that's her routine. Wake up. Take the dogs out affirmations meditation and She's very successful and then we have Barack Obama who is the former president of the United States and He has a morning routine that he does every day. He wakes up at 5:30 in the morning and does exercise he either does cardio or weight training he switches those but every day it's exercise first thing in the morning and then Look at Arianna Huffington. She is the founder of The Huffington Post and she's a she's written many books and her morning routine is 30 minutes of meditation every morning Then 30 minutes of exercise on an exercise bike and then 15 minutes of yoga stretches So 30 minutes meditation 30 minutes exercise bike 15 minutes of yoga so an hour and 15 minutes and then of course there's Khloe Kardashian the famous Kardashian family and Her morning routine involves waking up washing her face Putting on sunscreen and going to the gym so you can see that a lot of these famous people these successful people their morning routine involves exercise a lot of it involves Meditation and these are things that you can include in your morning routine, too but I do want to talk about today What you can do to study English or become fluent in English using your morning routine So whatever you decide to do in the morning if it's exercise Meditation it's a combination. It can be anything but I want you to include some things to become fluent in English so my suggestions for this are The first thing you can do as part of your morning routine is to read an English book Maybe it'll be 15 minutes of reading an English book Now I would recommend choosing a book that you know in your native language. Maybe choose your favorite book in your native language Find the English translation and then read that read 15 minutes of that every day the why your favorite book because you already know the story and you'll be able to follow the context of The book and you'll be able to pick up more vocabulary through the context because you already know what's happening But you can do that for 15 minutes every morning and you can make notes of words. You don't know another thing you can do as part of your daily morning routine for English is use one of those flashcard apps or spaced repetition apps There's many of those you just google it flashcard app for language learning spaced repetition app and There's a ton and what you can do is spend 10 to 15 minutes going through the vocabulary It can even be the vocabulary from the book. You just read if you put them into the flashcard app there's tons of options out there and just making a time every morning for this and then one of the best ways to become fluent in English using your morning routine is To use a time in the morning to do a video chat Speaking with a native English speaker now there are lots of options for this too in The go natural English course, you can select times in the morning. So to speak with a teacher There's that option right here and go natural English or if you want to do this not involved like directly involved in the go natural English course There are plenty of sites out there. Like I talkie there is lingo de and Cambly, there's various ones you go You find a native you schedule the time you can say schedule every morning at 6:00 a.m And of course, there's people all over the world that speak English so you can find people in different time zones. It's perfect So those are my recommendations For how to include English study into your morning routine. So do reading every morning of an English book use a flashcard app or a spaced repetition app to study vocabulary and do a video chat with a native speaker and if you can combine all three of these into your morning routine, that's Amazing, but you don't have to you don't have to do all three The important part is starting somewhere Start somewhere tomorrow morning. It can be any of those three and then build up Now you might be thinking. Oh my gosh hail My morning is already so crazy. I don't have time for anything and I feel you. I used to be this way I understand But all you need to do is set your alarm for 15 minutes earlier so we'll start very small start 15 minutes and in that 15 minutes do reading or do the spaced repetition flashcard apps do something for 15 minutes and will start your morning routine there and then you can build up and Of course, you can include other things other than English study. It's all about how you want to set the pace for the day so you can do this and you will become fluent much quicker if you include daily English practice in your morning routine What's important is that you make? English learning a Habit a daily habit that you do every day and remember It's not just me suggesting you do a morning routine Oprah wants you to do a morning routine Bill Gates wants you to do a morning routine and Khloe Kardashian Wants you to do a morning routine. So listen to them. They they know what's up follow their advice you can start your 14 tomorrow and You will become fluent in English quicker than you can imagine so go do it and Comment below about what you're planning to do in your morning routine I want to know I want to hear so comment below what you're going to include and share with everyone so great I'll see you next time. I'm Hale Schneider with go natural English If you enjoyed this video lesson YouTube family make sure to subscribe here to go natural English You can click right down there to subscribe and if you'd like to keep watching we have about 500 other amazing English lessons you can click right over there to watch the next one here on YouTube if you would like to work with our go Natural English team teachers to improve your English fluency click right down there to get our ebook That's the best place to get started. Thanks for watching. Bye for now
Channel: Go Natural English
Views: 220,579
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Keywords: Go Natural English, Do this 1 thing to become fluent in English, How to study effectively, How to study better, Morning Study Routine, english lesson, study routine, morning habits, learning english, daily routine, speak english, Learn English, Learn American English, English Speaking, English Conversation, Learn English Online, Spoken English, Learn English Grammar, Free English Lessons, English Speaking Course, How to speak English fluently
Id: eNNfUC15lcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2019
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