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I've been teaching English for more than 15 years and one of the most common questions I get is how do I become fluent in English now that's an interesting question and yes I do have the answer so today I've chosen eight things that you can start doing right now that will make a spectacular improvements to your English level and if you follow these steps I promise you I promise you that you will become fluent so stay tuned [Music] hello and welcome to and today we're going to talk about how to become fluent in English and I'm gonna start by saying what you don't need okay firstly you don't need to be young I know this from many years of teaching and I have students in their 50s in their 60s and in their 70s who learn very quickly now they say they say that younger people have but quicker brains and that might be true but older people have experience and that's important you know my great-uncle was going to evening classes to learn Italian when he was 90 years old and he was making progress having said that there was a problem not with the grammar or the vocabulary but he was deaf and he couldn't hear the teacher so whatever age you are you can do it but if you are 90 get yourself a hearing aid secondly I hear many people say in order to speak English you need to live in an english-speaking country this is completely false I know many many people who speak excellent English but have never even set foot in an english-speaking country of course if you are in England or another english-speaking country that's useful if you're listening to English all the time but these days there are so many resources online you can still speak English really well in your own country [Music] far and away the most important thing is motivation if you're motivated and you do the necessary work then that's all you need let me let me ask you a question imagine you live in Bogota unless you live in Bobbitt on which case you don't need to imagine and you're learning English and you're passionate about English and you spend all your free time learning and studying or you go to Toronto but you're not very motivated do you skip your class you meet your friends you take some selfies you watch TV where are you going to learn English quicker yes Bogota of course so it doesn't matter where you are in the world if you're motivated you will learn end of story okay and if you're not motivated you only learn so my first tip is find the passion love English love learning and it will become a piece of cake and you will you will succeed okay don't tell me you don't have the time because if you love doing something you'll find the time [Music] now my next tip is reading I can't stress how important reading is you know when I have a new student in the class within a few minutes of talking with them I know if they read a lot in English it's clear from the vocabulary they use and the expressions they use so find a subject that interests you and read it doesn't matter if it's a book a magazine or something on the web just read everyday and make sure it's something just a little bit too difficult for you so you get that that challenge but not so difficult that you give up after five minutes okay so that's my tip read so my next tip is find a good language school or a good teacher of course you can learn English without going to school without a teacher but a good a good school or teacher can really help in so many ways and make a huge difference you wouldn't try to become a tennis champion without a coach would you and it's the same of English a good teacher can focus on your needs can correct your mistakes can teach you things you didn't know can improve your grammar your pronunciation and much much more of course I work at the best language school in the world let them talk which is based in Paris and if you are in Paris you should definitely study there and bring all your friends and all your family but if you can't I'm sure that in your town you can find yourself a good teacher someone who knows the grammar knows the language can explain and that will really really make a difference so my tip is find a good teacher or a good language school so my next tip is right so this is a story I often see somebody speaks quite confidently and quite fluently in English but then one day you see his or her written English and it's a disaster it's like it was written by a child of five ok so writing is quite a different skill to speaking and I'm sure the same in in in your language the vocabulary and the expressions you use in writing are not exactly the same as when you speak so you need to write it'll challenge you it'll get you to think about the words and the construction of the sentences and not only will it be beneficial to your written English but it'll help when speaking to so write something every day and don't just write things that you already know challenge yourself even if you're writing an email sit down reflect choose your words carefully maybe write us some nice expressions that you've learnt and it doesn't matter if you make a mistake people will forgive grammar mistakes okay but you don't want to sound childish so my tip is right [Music] so my next point is listening this point is quite easy so I'm not going to talk too much about it but listen to the radio watch TV shows in the original language without subtitles or with English subtitles if you must listen to something like Ted sort TED Talks that's a great resource at Ted calm whatever just one important thing that I mentioned before listen to stuff that's challenging and a little difficult and then make a note of the vocab reading on stand and then listen or watch it again and again and again until you understand everything okay so that's my tip listen my next tip is speaking now try and speak as much as you can okay if you've got english-speaking friends that's that good or if you can join some English conversation groups in your area that's fantastic but even if you can't then practice with your non-native friends or audible speech your mother and even if there is no one even if there is no one and you live in a hut in the mountains and there's nobody else around then speak to the goats speak to the trees speak to yourself as long as you get the brain working and mechanically getting the words out so that becomes natural and fluent okay you can't learn how to drive a car from a book and you can't speak English without speaking so speak everyday [Music] my next tip is get a good dictionary and use it whenever you come across a new word a word that you don't know look it up doesn't matter if it's online or a physical dictionary find out the meaning find some examples look up the etymology and then use it in conversation or in writing that way you'll remember it ok so and it'll boost your vocabulary so here's a word discombobulated they are that's a challenge for you if you don't know what it means look it up right an example of it in the comments or use it with your friends so have realistic goals you cannot learn to play a musical instrument or learn advanced computer or become a great tennis player in a few days or a few weeks and it's the same with learning a language any complex task takes time takes effort takes hard work so don't be unrealistic with your goals don't look into the future and say I'm six months I want to be fluent in English instead focus on the now every day learn 10 new words learn a couple of idioms learn a piece of grammar read write listen and speak and I promise you that you will make rapid progress ok so there you are I hope I haven't discombobulated you with so much information but follow these rules and you will be fluent simpler thank you for watching and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: LetThemTalkTV
Views: 1,484,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yt:cc=on, gideon, letthemtalktv, how to become fluent in English, English teacher, learn English, cours d'anglais, fluent, fluency, advanced, British English, British pronunciation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2017
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