Can't understand native English, movies, Netflix series? (Here's why)

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why is it so difficult to understand some native English speakers but so easy to understand others for example it's difficult to understand your favorite Netflix series or movies in English but it's easy to understand your English teacher people like me Gabby from that's because your English teacher talks like this we clearly enunciate words because we're training you in the English language but other people talk a lot more like this and that's kind of how I talk when I'm talking to my friends too you can tell there's a difference now many many English learners have become fluent by using non traditional means they're learning English quickly and having fun using more modern ways different methods to learn when they're using Netflix series and movies and things like online language lessons live tutoring from the comfort of your own home you don't have to go to a traditional language class anymore and in fact I'm gonna tell you about a special partnership that go natural English has with lingo de to bring you the best value on live online lessons but that's at the end of this video so stick around so there's you you've probably been taking English classes for years maybe in high school maybe in college you've worked hard to study grammar rules and to memorize lists of vocabulary words you may even have studied for tests like the IELTS or the TOEFL well all of these things are not bad but they have not prepared you for the real world of English speakers native conversations Netflix movies music news and much more when you look around when you set out into the real world and you listen you think oh my goodness what language are they speaking it can the English because that's not what I learned in my class I know how you feel because this is how I felt after studying Spanish in college for three years I went to my local corner store where the owners were Spanish speakers and I heard them speaking like Seoul quickly it sounded like nothing I had ever heard before and so I know how it feels today we're gonna talk about why this happens and how to fix it so if you're ready to get fluent then let's go so none of these things grammar rule memorization long lists of vocabulary words that we don't even know how to put into a sentence studying for the IELTS the TOEFL or other tests none of these things really help you that much for real-world conversation in fact these kinds of tests and these academic English classes were specifically engineered to keep certain English learners out of opportunities like jobs university programs even immigration they were not ever designed to help you speak to real people in everyday situations people you might encounter on the street or maybe in a professional situation or at a party so maybe you know by now that your English textbook your English course and maybe even your English teacher has lied to you about what's really important they haven't told you how to really communicate in the real world maybe it's because they don't even know the answer themselves but people who are fluent in English who have learned the language quickly and easily they know something that you don't know that maybe your English teacher didn't even know there is a formula there's an equation for English fluency that I'm gonna share with you today the problem is in Netflix series in movies and even in everyday conversations you hear slang words phrases that we're never taught in your English class accents that your teacher never shared with you and cultural references that were never part of the lesson plan things like what's going on in society what we grew up with as a culture these are all parts of the way that we communicate as native English speakers this is the problem when you learn English in a classroom you're in a bubble and you don't get exposure to these other things that are so important in communication imagine if it were reversed if the phrases from your textbook were actually the phrases from real life or in movies would you watch a Netflix series where all they talked about was the book on the table probably not you see a lot of textbooks were engineered to make sense for academics so that your teacher could grade you on something and decide whether you pass or fail you see a lot of textbooks and courses were really designed to judge you and you can't really judge someone if it's a continuum and evolution and that's really what learning language is there is no finish line there is no end of the class there's no pass or fail there's only did you communicate did they understand you did you understand them there's no grade in the real world too many of you English might feel like a distant dream having fluency might seem like something that you just can't attain it's out of reach but then how did some people learn English fluently why do they make it look so easy how are there people who are young who learned English quickly almost like native speakers and seeing all these people around you demonstrating their English skills is baffling people who only studied English for a few months or a year people who are still young how did they learn you might feel like your dream of English fluency is just that a dream something that is able to reach you start to realize that traditional English classes are a joke they're not working they don't produce fluency and they definitely don't help you with your confidence you start to realize that the joke was on you you're on the losing side of this joke if you continue to try to learn in these antiquated ways that are not working what if I told you that that is all wrong I worked in English classrooms for years and I witnessed firsthand how bad the way of learning is in the classroom and that's why I'm here online with you at I'm here to tell you that you can reach fluency and there's a better faster easier way to get there there's a formula there's an equation I'll warn you that it's not always easy it does require your efforts and it can be a challenge but there are clear steps that you can take to reach fluency and at the end of this journey to fluency at the end of this road is freedom fluency in English brings you freedom and the opportunity to communicate with anyone anytime and never have to take another boring English course again I've already shared the English fluency formula which is the title of my online ebook and audio over 10,000 English learners from around the world have downloaded it and have learned English fluency with me that way today I want to share the formula with you right here right now of course I can't read the whole book to you I can't explain everything because time is limited but I'm going to explain some really important concepts first what do you think about English fluency really do you think it's possible for you or do you think it's just a dream something out of your reach impossible do you think that English fluency is only for other people maybe they're younger they're smart or richer maybe people with more resources time or opportunities than you is English fluency only for people who can go study abroad or travel the world maybe even look at people who became fluent in English with disbelief did they grow up with an english-speaking parents or have lots of native speaker friends or maybe the government implanted a chip in their brain to make them fluent maybe they took a fluency pill guys that is not it this is wrong and there is an easier way for you to learn English so you wonder what is the formula well a lot of English learners are chasing fluency like they're hunting it you chase around native speakers asking them to teach you English or all you can think about is when you reach fluency or how can you get to that final destination the end of the race which is fluency but let me tell you you have to stop chasing fluency I'm gonna say it again stop chasing fluency when you chase fluency you're actually pushing it away from you English fluency comes to you in direct proportion to the amount that you use it the amount that you use English with real materials and real conversations now you might say but I'm not ready for real native conversations or advanced materials but if you are at the high beginner level or up you have to push yourself out of your comfort zone and start learning with materials that are meant for native speakers you have to listen to programs that are intended for natives you need to actually talk with native speakers and yes it's challenging and yes it's embarrassing and yes you're going to make mistakes but that's the point we learn through making mistakes I want you to make a mistake today because that's gonna make it that much closer for you to reach fluency many English learners are chasing fluency or chasing perfection and they think that they can use English they cannot speak English until it's perfect so what happens you're trying to participate in a conversation but you don't open your mouth until you have the perfect sentence formulated in your mind but by that time your chance to speak has already passed you by and you miss out English fluency is not about perfection it's about connection it's about communicating with other people who are using English as a tool to connect when you start treating English as your tool that works for you to achieve your goals it's not scary anymore there's no one judging your English as harshly as you're judging yourself when you go out into the real world to talk with native speakers I promise you no one is going to be judging you as much as you're judging yourself about making mistakes even native speakers make mistakes people make mistakes all the time it's no big deal we just learned from our mistakes correct them and move on so if you really want English fluency stop chasing it use English every day in as many ways as possible that means listen to English that means speak English that means watch programs in English that means use English to write down things that you have to do really create your own immersion in so many traditional English classes English is really treated like some kind of item in a museum you study it you observe it from afar but you can't touch it and you definitely can't interact with it English is not something that you should just read about or study from afar in order to really appreciate English and attain fluency you have to use that you have to practice with it so if we treat English like an object it's kind of like trying to become a famous soccer player just by reading about soccer just reading the rules of the game on Google that's not going to help you to become a really good soccer player in fact the best soccer players probably didn't even know all the rules until they joined a team and qualified for a match so you see you have to use English and as you use it as you get better at it you can learn more about the rules and as you learn more about the rules and you use English more and more that's how you will improve little by little and look there will always be someone better than you at English it's not about being the best don't compare yourself to others just keep learning little by little and in no time you're going to actually reach fluency but don't think about it because the more time you spend worrying about if you're going to reach English fluency that is less time that you're actually spending on using English and practicing specifically stop chasing English fluency and start really incorporating English into your daily life now if you say but Gabi I don't live in an english-speaking country I don't have any english-speaking friends I can't do it hey no excuses you can create your own immersion especially if you have access to the Internet which I know you do if you're watching this right now you can create your own English environment you can find your own native speaker friends online and if you take online lessons it's easier than ever to find native speakers you have to increase your exposure your input as linguists say the language that you put into your brain and create your own immersion program you don't have to travel anywhere to do this you don't have to study abroad or work abroad you can actually do this on your own how make sure that when you're listening to music it's in English when you want to watch something fun watch a Netflix series in English when you want to make new friends find some friends who also have the goal of being English speakers this is not as hard as you might think it is and make sure that you're you materials that you're reading watching or listening to materials intended for native speakers because it's really important to get immersion from the right sources listening to native speakers and also looking at materials that will inform you about the culture I've had a lot of English learners tell me they don't know who JFK was or what MLK Day is and these are two pretty important figures in American history references in a lot of conversations these people both impacted American culture and so we have to understand something about the culture in order to understand the language it's something where you can follow your curiosity in order to learn more and more about the culture and at the same time practice the language it's no longer some boring lesson that your teacher is making you learn or memorize some rules English fluency becomes so much easier and faster when you're following your own curiosity when that spark comes to you and you think I really want to learn about this well follow your curiosity in English and you will become fluent quickly remember when you're watching or listening to English do it with an active mind don't just sit back and try to absorb English passively it doesn't really work like that it doesn't hurt but you're going to learn a lot faster if you watch or listen to English with an active mind what does this even mean an active mind well let's say you're watching a movie or a Netflix series don't just watch and think oh I don't I don't understand anything try to understand at least a little bit it's normal if you don't understand a lot of what's going on but try to pick out words and phrases here and there that might be new that you could learn or words that you do understand already and what can you guess is happening or what can you guess they're talking about when you hear those words so you're actually thinking as you watch you're asking yourself questions what's going on what's going to happen and you're thinking in English when you do this as well you have to put a little bit of effort into this you have to get out of your comfort zone you need to make english-speaking friends now if you don't live in an english-speaking country this can feel difficult if everyone around you is speaking your native language you have to make an effort to meet people who speak English this is really really important though because English is a language that is a two-way street a conversation really requires two people you'll either continue using your time dreaming about English fluency and feeling frustrated or you'll do something about it which will you decide for most of us learning a foreign language is not just about acquiring a new skill that's great but this is about freedom this is about the chance to communicate with anyone at any time about anything using English this is about liberating yourself from old textbooks that don't work from English courses that are just after your money and teachers that really don't know what they're talking about and they're wasting your time when you harness the power of self learning and understand the formula that really works you can go anywhere and have true freedom in your communication the most important thing is to keep watching keep listening to English create that immersive environment for yourself reach out and meet new English speaker friends and remember it's very important to make mistakes to fail more often and faster so that you can learn from those mistakes and keep improving with everyone with this formula you will learn English faster but be patient with yourself because when you focus on how fast can I learn English you're putting too much pressure on yourself and you're actually chasing fluency and pushing it away so instead of focusing on how fast can I learn English fluency just enjoy the journey and your joy will actually give you more energy and help you to learn faster trust me this is what works and I've seen it time and time again with my students now if you're interested in how to learn with an online language tutor go natural English has partnered with lingo des I want to let you know about how you can benefit from live lessons in English business English Spanish French or German through lingo de with lingo de you can learn from anywhere from the comfort of your home anywhere with internet you don't have to commute to a language school or learn in the old way in a classroom with an old textbook no lingo des gives you live online modern-day lessons with experienced native English teachers who are experts who provide interesting materials for you to learn when during your lesson lessons are small groups with an average size of three students and a maximum of five so you get more time to practice to speak and to ask questions I've taken lessons with lingo de for Spanish and I really enjoyed them actually for most of my lessons I was the only student in the class which gave me a ton of talk time I really enjoyed it that's why I'm telling you about lingo de because so many of you have asked me about live lessons my schedule is completely full and so if you want to take live lessons I highly recommend that you do that with lingo de check the link in the description for the best value and a coupon code that will save you money on your registration with lingo especially for go natural English subscribers lingo de lessons are guaranteed to boost your fluency and they start at just 8 euros per lesson it's a great value it's affordable and it's an easy way to connect with a native English speaker with lingo de you can study any day of the week at a time that works for you they're flexible to your schedule and you can choose from over 1,000 different classes I personally like learning Spanish on Sunday afternoons and so you can choose from a variety of lesson times and days go natural English has been partnering with lingo de for about two or three years now and I highly recommend them really they are a trustworthy sight and I wouldn't be recommending it if I didn't already try them myself if I didn't really trust that they were going to give you a good quality lesson you can check their Instagram out at lingo de underscore official also lingo de has a partnership with the Cambridge assessment of English and is an authorized linguist skill agent if you're still not sure here's an amazing opportunity for you to learn for free one week or three lessons completely for free yes lingo des has a special offer where you can actually do trial classes for a week before deciding whether it is right for you check the link in the description to try that out or you can join the next lingo to language sprint starting July 1st the deadline to register is June 26 and I already explained the details of this in a previous video about 40 essential phrases that you need to know to advance from intermediate to advanced English so if you want to understand native English speakers better you really should watch that lesson next I'm gonna link to it right up here so you can click up here to learn the 40 phrases that are totally different in real-life English than what you learned in your textbook so this is a great next step to go to the only difference about the lingo de language sprints that I explained in this video is that there's no registration fee now but you pay upfront for your first month of the Sprint's so click right up here and I'm gonna teach you the phrases that you need to know to understand native English speakers so I'll see you right up there bye for now
Channel: Go Natural English
Views: 179,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: American Accent Training, American Accent, Go Natural English, Gabby Wallace, fast english, american english, learn english with tv series, english pronunciation, learn english, speak english, speak english fluently, english pronunciation practice, native speaker, learn english with netflix, learn english with movies, understand native english speakers, can't understand native english, netflix, movies, netflix series, netflix movies
Id: RLXrwjChqdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 8sec (1448 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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