Don't be Shy! 10 Ways to Start a Conversation with Anyone | Go Natural English

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Hello, welcome to go natural English, how are you? I just burnt my tongue on a cup of hot coffee, but that's okay we will continue and in this English fluency lesson, you are going to learn how to Start a conversation with a stranger even if you're shy how to make friends and how to improve your English speaking skills So if that sounds awesome, then let's do it By the way, I am Gabi, that is my name and it's also an adjective for someone who talks a lot They are Gabi but I am Gabi and I am here to help you with your English I am an American English teacher and the founder of go natural English So we are going to talk about Making friends through giving compliments. So where I'm from in North America specifically, Minneapolis Minnesota a really common way to make friends and a great way to be a Positive person with good vibes is to give compliments Give compliments to your friends family colleagues and even strangers now I want to know what about you and your country is it? normal for people to give compliments to strangers so if you're not sure keep watching for some examples of what I mean by Compliments and then tell me in the comments because I think that compliments are a great way to start a conversation with anyone They're also a great way to make friends because how do you make friends? Well, you have to start conversations with them So you may not make friends with everyone you start a conversation with but if you can start a conversation with someone then you have a greater likelihood of Becoming friends with them, right? If you don't start a conversation, you're probably not gonna become friends with them and this topic is really on my mind You know how to make friends when you move to a new country Because I am currently living in Brazil So making new friends when you go to a new country is really hard Yes, even for me it takes work. So that's why I'm helping you today because I believe that many of you have Recently, or maybe not so recently, but you have moved to the United States from another country So tell me in the comments if that's you if you are In the United States or thinking about moving to the United States from another country and making friends this is This is something is not always easy. So we're gonna learn how to make friends through giving compliments in a Really? How can I say like a nice way not a creepy way because sometimes compliments can be creepy. Like are those your real eyes? That would be an example of a compliment that I would think is a little bit weird. So Let's talk about compliments that are Not so weird. Okay. Number one, by the way, I'm gonna share ten compliments so you have some different ones to work with you can memorize all of these or just one of them and use them as you see fit so number one is I Really love the way you for example. I really love the way you teach us English on YouTube Yes Thank you. I mean, you're welcome. Um For example with someone else you might say this at a cafe. Like I really love the way you pour that coffee Barista lady or I really love The way you are dressed so this could be used for an action. Like I really love the way you pour that coffee or some Way that they're dressed. Like I really love the way you're dressed So some kind of description like or I really love the way you wear your hair or your hairstyle I live I really love the way that you are wearing that scarf or jacket or whatever so you could give the purse a compliment on their look their style their fashion or Some action that they're doing So another example, I really love the way that you are so friendly to everyone so maybe you've observed someone being really friendly maybe it's a person that works at a cafe or a store and They're like hi. Can I help you? And you might give them this compliment? Wow, I really love how friendly you are Another way to say this and I'm not even gonna count this as number two. This is number one point five it is I'm so impressed by the way that you wear your hair or wear that Outfit or that scarf? I'm so impressed by the way, you're so positive and so friendly with everyone. So these are two different ways I love or I'm so impressed by it's a little more advanced the way you do something. Excellent so next another option and by the way, I encourage you to shadow me as I Say these phrases so that you can practice your pronunciation When you repeat these English phrases after me your English speaking Will improve and it will help you to remember these phrases for using them later another good tip is to write them down maybe on your smartphone or if you like paper and Pencil to write them in a notebook So this will really improve your memorization of these English phrases when you can reference them again Or maybe bookmark this video to review it tomorrow or the next day, okay So number two is kind of similar to number one and 1.5. It's I've noticed or I just Noticed how good you are or how talented you are add something for example I just noticed how quickly you Pour coffee. This is my example for everything because you know, I'm really obsessed with coffee, but just to give you an example um, I just noticed how weird your outfit is Basically, all my examples are gonna be about coffee or fashion because I really like those two things I've noticed how Well-traveled you are maybe this is someone who you're getting to know I mean you wouldn't really know if someone is well-traveled if you just saw them for the first time and they're a stranger Unless they're wearing one of those backpacks that has flags all over it. Then you could probably use this line Okay, so so far we have I love the way you blah blah blah I am so impressed by the way you blah blah blah, I've Just noticed or I've noticed blah blah blah Next number three is a pretty simple one If you remember any of these remember this one, that's a great and then fill in the blank with a piece of clothing Not a body parts, please that's on the creepy side of things in my opinion You can tell me what you think in the comments. Would you like it? If someone said that's a great? body part I wouldn't personally so That's a great shirt. Oh why thank you. I I like this shirt myself. Thank you. I picked it out all by myself. Um, That's a great Bag that's a great jacket. That's a great pair of shoes Really anything someone is wearing or a bag. They're carrying you could fill in the blank with that. So If you wanted to comment about their smile, for example You would say you have a great smile. Okay, so actually that's number four You have a great smile or you have a great voice? Oh my goodness. You should be a podcaster or a radio announcer person You should work in film. You have a great personality. You have a great vibe Yes, you do number five so you can ask someone Where did you get your and then fill it in with an item of clothing or something that they're using or just? Style, where did you get your style? It's great. Where did you get your T-shirts, it's so cool. I really like it. I would love to know and you know, this is not necessarily Something where someone asked you this. Where did you get your t-shirt? They might be curious. They might want to buy it, but it's also just a good way to start a conversation Where did you get your I mean I do this sometimes when I see people walking in the airports Carrying a cup of coffee. I often ask strangers Where did you get your coffee? Is there a cafe close by you guys are gonna think I'm always drinking coffee. I am Okay number six is I Love your style. This is another simple one and it's very useful I mean really you can say this to anyone the man woman Someone who has some interesting style You know, I guess they do have to have some style for you to say this or else they might think that you're being sarcastic so You know, you could say this to someone who has an interesting outfit or some cool hairdo or you know Nice jewelry or something. Yeah. I really love your style Yeah, you look great okay, so Those are some compliments. Let's keep going number six. Okay, so these are all Compliments that I would consider appropriate for anyone. It doesn't mean that you are Trying to hit on someone when you use these But depending on the person and depending on the way you say them you know people might think that so I think if you just keep your tone really light and friendly and you know, You're not like doing this What are you saying like checking about will you say these then, you know, they're just friendly Okay, the next one number six is more heartfelt so Someone might feel like Wow really like oh They might even get a little bit flush when you say this number six is you really light up? the room so If you find someone especially impressive you could say you really light up the wrong but keep in mind this is something That is kind of a strong compliment so I would reserve this compliment for people that you Really want to impress? It's not so light. It's kind of a heavy compliment It feels a bit heavier to me Like I mean, it's nice but it feels a little bit like oh, wow, that's you know someone who has really been observing me is gonna tell me you really light up their own and I love It when people tell me this you can tell me this if you already know that I love it when people tell me you light up the room and basically it means that you have good energy So it's not a bad thing. It's just kind of an intense compliment in my opinion And this is just my opinion. You can tell me what you think. Especially I know native speakers watch this as well So, you know If you want to comment on how you feel about these compliments also non-native speakers everybody just comment on how you feel about these compliments also if you Can you hear people? Complimenting each other out in the street all the cars honking if you have any compliments to add To this list, please do okay. We have three more has anyone ever told you that you look like Someone I get this all the time, who do you think that I look like Brazilians tell me all the time that I look like this one actress. What's her name? What's her name? What's her name? El Elyon hosh, yeah, I don't really see it people used to tell me that I look like Julia Stiles I don't know. Who do you look like? So this could be a compliment just make sure that you tell the person that they look like someone who is good-looking Who don't l don't like wow, you would just like I don't know. What was someone like you you look just like Yoda, you know from Star Wars like That's not a compliment Please don't tell me that I look like Yoda next Again, a comment on something someone is using or wearing. So let's go with bag your bag Is really unique and you would combine this with like, where did you get that your t-shirt is really unique where did you get that so your Hairstyle is really unique and Again tone is everything So if you have a downward Intonation like your hair is really unique. That doesn't sound like a compliment But if it's an upwards intonation your hair is really unique and maybe add another positive word. Like wow. It's beautiful Then that is a compliment and finally This is a compliment that my mother uses all the time actually side notes my mother is so good at starting conversations with strangers and she is the queen of Compliments so a lot of these tips I am getting from her and passing them on to you So this is one that she uses all the time. That color is beautiful on you this is kind of a unique and thoughtful compliment and I think it needs to be used with a Unique color, so I'm wearing a black t-shirt. I mean black is not necessarily a very special color I guess you could tell me that The color black looks great on me. Um, in fact, you definitely could people told me that before this Oh the color white looks great on you, but this works really well if someone is wearing a kind of unique color Wow, that color is really unique. It looks great on you So there you have it. We have ten different ways to compliment Strangers or people, you know, but these all work for strangers. I feel that these are all friendly and Appropriate for use with anyone. They don't come across as like creepy or And as long as you intend them with a good heart I think people will appreciate your compliments and it's a great way to just start talking with a stranger So one of many ways that you can start a conversation in English practice your speaking skills make new Friends in the United States or wherever you may be using English I hope you enjoyed this if you did Or if you didn't leave a comment and let me know what you think if you'd like to add any possible Compliments for people to try out or if you had a favorite from these ten, let me know as always Thank you so much for being part of our go natural English family family We are family Thank you so much for being part of our go natural English family And if you're watching on YouTube, be sure to subscribe by clicking right down there You might want to watch the video that I did before this one about ten Phrases that you can use over and over and over and how to pronounce them like a native English speaker You can click right over there And if you would like to know more about go natural English lessons with me and my team You can click right down there to come to Thank you so much for watching and you are amazing. Have a great day. Bye for now
Channel: Go Natural English
Views: 147,548
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Keywords: Go Natural English, conversation starters, start a conversation, how to start a conversation, small talk tips, how to make small talk, conversation skills, how to talk to people, communication skills, speak confident english, don't be shy, how to be confident, confident english, Learn English, Learn American English, English Speaking, English Conversation, Learn English Online, Free English Lessons, English Speaking Course, How to speak English fluently
Id: cD3kU1bfF10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2019
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