Do NOT Use The LAVA MONSTER Seed in Minecraft!

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you know what if there is something oh there's all over here yes okay perfect is that what I think it is oh wait a second uh-uh this is not real life what is up guys the links are here and welcome back to a brand new Minecraft video today we're gonna be using the lava monster see the lava monster from the movie Moana now if you guys have never seen the movie or don't have any idea what I'm talking about I'll put it on the screen right now it looks freaky now I want to give a huge shout out to my friend double-a 12 for telling me about this he actually told me that other people were finding the lava monster in Minecraft now I saw a couple videos and they actually found it and it was really scary now I didn't see anyone actually use the lava monster seat so I'm hoping that we could possibly find the lava monster on the lava monster seat so guys leave a like on this video I want you guys to go down below right now and smash that like button because every single seat video I cannot guarantee you guys that we will find something we've only found couple things on a select amount of seeds such as the hero Ryan C that I use the nightmare Ball DC that I used and I think I can't think of any other seed that actually worked out but those two seeds are actually super freaky so guys let's go ahead and create this world guys okay so we're gonna scroll down you guys can already see the other seed videos that I have created in the nightmare Baldy seed I was with action and we actually found nightmare body which is super freaky we also found here Ryan which I did solo myself I had I had turned off multiplayer mode and still something was on this seed which was super freaky we also went on the marshmallow seed and we didn't find marshmallow which is a it's pretty self-explanatory you know I wasn't expecting too much from this you but I have evidence of other people finding the lava monster on the lava oh not not on the llama monster scene but I've actually seen other people like Brazilian youtubers Brazilian minecraft youtubers finding the lava monster in Minecraft so it's possible it's possible that we could possibly find the lava monster on the lava monster seed today so guys like I said please leave a like we gotta get straight into this guy for the seed as you guys can see I'm a scroll down so you guys can see lava monster lava space monster all capital letters so if you guys want to try this out go ahead and do that I am going to have cheats turned off so you guys can see that I am not using any treats and I just have a feeling that we might actually find something these source guys okay so no resource packs no behavior packs we're just gonna go ahead and straight-up create this Minecraft world it's generating and the first thing that I'm going to look for yo this is actually really really cool okay so I have a I have a map and a starter chest so oh we actually saw up in the corner of the map which is perfect which allows us to explore different things and such so that is actually awesome this starter chest is always super helpful for me I don't know about you guys but these bonus chest amazing amazing eyes okay so I'm gonna break these torches right here guys we're gonna get straight into this no time for delay guys no time to waste the first thing that I'm gonna be looking for is a volcano or you know obviously there's no real legitimate volcanoes in Minecraft unless you know someone actually built it terraformed it and all that terraform the more a mountain to look like a look like a volcano but the first thing I'm gonna look for is a gigantic mountain and possibly hopefully lava coming out of it and maybe lava monster might be hiding there but guys as you guys can see by the thumbnail of this video that's what we're looking for guys that is exactly what we're looking for I don't want to put like clothes from other people's videos but if you guys want to see like people actually fine lava monster and minecraft you guys can look it up it's actually really freaky and I'm telling you guys it's like I'm telling you guys to check these videos out because I think it's really interesting I actually think it's it's a pretty interesting concept and like I've seen people like actually find it so I want to see if I can find it too if other people can do it why can't I right so I'm gonna wait for these crops to grow out we have carrots right here don't mind if I do I'm gonna take these carrots thank you very much okay so I see a giant mountain over there so I spawned in a village so I'm looking for a blacksmith does this village have a blacksmith I actually don't think so do that so we have little hey we have little cats running around kittens hello kitty kitty kitty come here okay these cats hate me guys I'm a dog person anyways I don't need you anyways stupid cats okay I wanna I want to check out the bottom of this I want to check out the bottom of this well just to see if there's a stronghold underneath but before we do that oh no man I don't mind if I do I'll take this okay um I'm gonna make a stone axe first and then I will take this crafting table with me so I won't have to waste any more wood and yes I will be taking all these book of bookshelves oh no they turn back to books it's okay it's okay man it's okay I'm just taking your bookshelves and your crafting table what's it'll be fine you can get those things back okay all right have a good day all right anyways guys I'm going to check out the bottom of this well and see if we can find anything if we can find something guys that will be pretty awesome I doubt it though yep there's no mossy cobblestone at the bottom of the world there is nothing it's likely there's nothing ideal okay I'm with drowned I almost drowned let oh my oh my gosh let me get out these Oh guys I'm stuck I'm stuck I'm trapped okay you know what screw it I'm just gonna hop up here and get out of here ASAP okay I'm really tempted to take these bookshelves as well but it's okay guys we're gonna move on we're gonna move on and try to find a volcano I mean it doesn't have to be a volcano but that's what I expect the lava monster to be you know that that's that's his natural habitat I don't know if it's a girl or I think I think it was a I think it was a girl okay so oh yeah I think at the end of the movie it turned into a giant female I don't know I don't know if I'm remembering the movie correctly but for those that have watched it I'm pretty sure the lava monsters female right or am i or am I going crazy I think I saw a giant mountain on this side in this direction let's pull out the map and see if I'm going the correct direction or not oh yeah so I'm going in the direction that oh wait I don't think this direction over here where I saw that giant giant like platform or like giant mountain looking thing actually hits I don't know if it stays in the map or not but I just want to show you guys what I saw from afar and no sign of lava we're looking for a lot of guys and I'm not talking about lava that's deep inside the caves I'm talking about the lava that's exposed exposed in the sunlight and basically just flowing out of a mountain so that's what I'm looking for in this seed and see if lava monster actually exists in Minecraft um you know some of these seeds are actually really freaky you guys might not believe this but the seeds where I actually found something they are they are crazy guys they're they're absolutely insane I didn't believe it at first but something is definitely going on in those seeds so I'm gonna keep going in this direction I see I see a waterfall flowing out of that giant platform right there that giant generated structure I want I wouldn't even say that's a mountain but I will go wherever this map takes me basically oh we have baby drowns down oh no no no no no they're coming after me oh my gosh oh my gosh and I can't even swim fast this guy can't swim fast guys swim swim faster please I'm going to die those drowns will kill me okay anyways alright so no no sign of lava yet but wish me luck guys I might have a cut um I have a few cuts here and there and I can promise you guys you know like every I'm gonna try to record every single thing when it comes to ec videos try record every single second but I mean if it's kind of boring if I'm not doing anything except just running in one direction might as well just cut it out right or at least like speed it up I might like fast-forward the parts where you know we're not really doing anything but yeah well I'll just cut back to one you know I actually find something that's interesting enough as you guys can see this map is a mess for the last like five minutes I've been just running in this direction in one direction straight and that's why I said we should cut it here and there or else you guys would have been so bored so for the past five minutes I've been just walking like I have a timer right here and literally we've been reduced walking in this one direction I'm just hoping we can find like some sort of like mountain or something like that but I did something I I did see something from afar and there you guys have it we have woo oh we have giant mountains over there we might head over there in just a second but before we do that I found some lava over here I swear if I see the lava monster just swimming inside of this pool of lava I will I will actually be surprised okay I'm really hoping that I don't fall down into lava or anything like that alright just watch this burn okay don't kill me please why is it not burning on fire I'm surprised these wooden blocks are not oh my goodness oh there he goes they're up there he goes there he goes a first second I was like I are these wooden blocks not burning like that one right oh no guys it's nighttime oh no this is actually bad okay I have oh crap I only have I have two different I have two different like colors for wool blocks and I need three to craft a bed of any color so this sucks man alright guys well I'm gonna leave I'm gonna keep going and yeah hopefully ooh we have a few over there yes I I don't wait hmm maybe it might be easier to find the lava monster at night but then again in the movie the lava monster came out in like morning time in day time so I'm just gonna quickly craft up a bed and go to sleep before all the mobs start spawning in guys okay white bed I'll take any color bed it doesn't matter I just want to sleep guys let's set up our spawn point as well which is awesome so you know if we do end up dying will spawn back right in front of this gigantic mountain so we're gonna keep taking a look wait what the heck is on fire oh that's just a zombie oh there's a creeper it's bad bro oh my gosh that was close for a second I thought this was the law of the monster I thought you were the lava monster but no you're just a stupid zombie okay sorry double a 12 but thatthat zombie a zombie that that one zombie was stupid okay not not you not you you and you're not included right so don't get mad at me so we have waterfalls oh wait what we have like a little hidden like ice area within this like secret oasis this the secret waterfall area in between these mountains okay I have like legit no food or at least no no cooked food which is bad but guys we're not able to find any I'm actually really disappointed that we weren't able to find anything on the siege usually or actually I was gonna say like usually on on seeds that actually work things start happening very very instantly but then again I thought about it and for the nightmare baldie seed video that I filmed with your boy action we didn't see anything until the end of the first episode and and then we ended and you know we decided to continue the series because we found something and now I can't find anything we're we're literally in a spot that's opposite of a lava monster we are at an ice in ice place well you like yeah I don't know I don't understand how there's like this tiny ice area in the middle of like normal biome you know what guys I've been filming for 30 minutes straight and we haven't been able to find anything so I'm starting to lose hope guys so if we can't find anything on this seed let me know in the comment section down below what seed should I use in the next video I'm gonna need you guys to give me some good seeds it can be numbers it can be like a really creepy number maybe like a 666 seed even though I might have already filmed that already but you know what you know what if there is something oh there's all over here yes okay perfect is that what I think it is oh wait a second uh-uh this is not real life nope nope that's not what I think it is guys look like manat across I swear what think I know you guys saw that we just saw a lava cross just naturally generated what that is absolutely so okay that's probably the weirdest thing that I've seen during this entire video for a second I thought I was like I wasn't even gonna find anything on the sea but that is creepy that is very very creepy I'm just I'm just gonna leave this where it's at right now but yes guys if this video gets ain't enough support I'll come back this video gets you know enough likes on this video I will come back to the sea but other than that I'm gonna need you guys to comment down below what other I should use in the next seed video in Minecraft but anyways guys thanks for watching I'll see you all in the next video [Music]
Channel: RageElixir
Views: 3,158,274
Rating: 4.7251668 out of 5
Keywords: RageElixir, rageelixer, minecraft, minecraft pe, mcpe, family friendly, child friendly, kid friendly, pg, seed, update, secret, tutorial, how to minecraft, trolling, command, funny, addon, scary, Lava Monster Minecraft, Lava Monster Moana, Moana Movie, Lava Monster Moana Movie, Moana in Minecraft, Moana Seed in Minecraft, Do NOT Use The Moana Seed in Minecraft, Lava Monster Seed in Minecraft, Lava Monster in Minecraft, RageElixir Minecraft
Id: ybbJHy6mtnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2019
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