Portal to The LAVA MONSTER Dimension in Minecraft Pocket Edition!

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Angelique's are your welcome back to a brand new minecraft video take a look at this guy's a spawn point might look a little familiar all four rounds it worked for real as it should be because today we are currently on the lava monsters seat and I'm here with the one and only the man your boy action amen what are you doing here today I look dude a few things one you said this was the lava monster see but there's water all over the place - I say I wanted to come here because dude I wanted to catch a monster all my life you know how old sick that'd be that's legendary and three I saw you posted the C video and I'm like hey hold up I kind of wanna hop on the sea with you in case we do find this mug cuz I got them hands I'm just saying that we could we could make history you know exactly exactly what these sea duo's max need captured duo so are you ready man dab me up real quick alright that oh why did you punch me in the face brah I'm just trying dad alright so mm-hmm last time right last time I went in that direction over there how about we go this direction and see if I can find anything at all because last time guess what I found what do you want watch the entire video see I saw like about a good five minutes so I didn't get to finish it because of my dinner was that don't don't be mad at me I know you are I can already tell you looking at the screen funny it's not no I'm not not matter Oh No okay okay I'm sure you saw the intro part at least right yeah for sure for sure for sure okay what you see in that you make the see I found a lava cross what for us yes okay well we've had that it's like super far away in that direction so that's why I'm saying like let's go in this direction because it kind of ended there all right I saw that lava cross how is it so maybe in this direction we could find something we could run into something so are you down amen I'm up cuz I'm down you dig alright let's go let's go and go action guys I don't know if we will gonna get what she thought he was gonna get away I'm sorry I had to do it to him one time I got any extra tools I know you got some we just started this well okay how about how about how about we wrapped up these spools usually guys I try to do this off camera so you know you guys don't have to you know deal with ya be bored because you know I'm saying elements my man's it's terrible I get wood I'm just saying I already got more wood than them all that you know I'm saying hobby how much wood you got all that not at all like you I like you joined this seed man I'm gonna put all your personal business out there dog that is way better at getting wood than me okay you know what I'm just gonna go ahead and craft up okay what do you think we need I mean if we do find the lava monster what all what we need realistically we need a sword right watch get a water and let's go a bucket of water that's all oh yeah yeah splash the bucket of water on the of luck that's it okay yes sir you know I'm saying I be right he's my brain okay so I'm gonna make a sword a pickaxe uh-huh and if they look for all that that's crazy yeah why not and science because what if lava monster actually shows up and oh yeah oh yeah like that that's true that's true do you think the lava monster hey he's got to be small he's got him small and perfect I have a pig I should take this coal with me as well and I also can craft up some sticks as well because that a lot of a lot of wood you know I have a lot of wooden planks now because you know we crafted all of that wood think I stole all those pieces of cool man thanks action and brother brother you did all that - just to set me up man I appreciate you three I know what a good I don't know why I even brought him you need company hey remember remember like that other scary see we did uh-huh like what's one nagavalli dude oh yeah all right so let me craft up some torches Oh what I wanted a crafting table I just made I'm so you owe me crashing you're probably just saying some dumb dumb stuff right now Brett good all right I look so I was jumping around here right I was coming around here hit a 360 backflip accidentally broke my ankles what is that block twice not that was important it's turning night time I was trying to get your attention for the past ten years I'm taking that I'm taking that block all right wait brace there's another one don't you there's another number when I started recording why did you go and put these blocks down oh yeah yeah I'll wait and put these blocks down for you start record because I just joined the world you just crashed these and you know put them down hey you know what you want to know what really happened to make those blocks you wanna know what really happened before well I joined your world and we sat here for about thirty minutes trying to do this intro maybe the lava monster put these down was that merely gonna take a lot of my videos to be perfect guys I try my best to make these videos you know 100 percent perfect crystal clear and all that what do you say dude oh wait yeah I told you to leave but you you ain't want to believe me so you know that I don't know how to feel right now oh here we go I'm making us in I'm making a little bit of food because I don't want to be slow right that was my meat man play not broke broke there it is there's that sharing was carry of the animal that just felt for the one they died right above you know what I think we have enough food I think we have enough food after I let one I need one more just just for the guy just for the good just for go alright like those like that do you want our adventure because we finally found something yeah I thought this was action but then again you can't you can't I don't know on what block Betty how much cheese well I don't know maybe we shouldn't even touch them I already have one in my inventory oh oh yeah maybe I should pull it out uh-huh leave it you made all right I'm gonna just keep following them I'm gonna keep following it hold on tracks us you know what if this is a trap oh wait oh whoa whoa whoa like those you didn't even know what was coming up next you could've just broke your ankles 50 feet drop all that you know I'm saying it's gorgeous man wait look at this mr. Leeds like here there's someone yeah it's probably lava whoa action yo whoa what's up with this um what's up with this how did this get here I don't know there's an actual portal on the lava monster see it's the same seed as we use last time wait action aha proof should I just leave this and I don't I don't know like did I show my viewers or should we just go inside maybe we should draw inside and let's go so guys if you guys want to see the first part of this make sure to check out rages video original yeah guys you should check that out a seat yeah if you want to see the seat video I will leave it down below it the first video that I made on this video but on the seat but ladies first hole up like those ah kindly go first after you I'll be the first one I have to lady come on now I'm not a lady but I'm going first because this sword would come in handy this sort would come in handy too yeah whoa hey where the heck are we right now action yo are you seeing this this is the sickest dimension I've ever been in oh my god oh there's there's volcanoes everywhere yo action action this is exactly what I was looking for any seed video I was looking for a go let me know that man was running up how about that how about this oh don't dare die on me action just like that solo that's how a pro - hey here I got you a potato a potato oh wow so much all my stuff's on that is right banging where's the dollars when you have nothing in your inventory as well right bro nah dude boy clear boy yeah I got nothing okay so because like I was saying before in my C video I was looking for volcanoes and now we have a bajillion I was looking for a Minecraft like just a regular you know like a hill with like a lava on the top you know maybe there's a chance we could oh my god oh you're the one who found it so hey you're right my fault it's your fault this time I'm only I'm the one who usually ends up finding stuff but no not this time guys not this time there's like meteors falling out of the sky where the crap about why yeah did you see that tower right there it looks like it has eyes and horns oh it does I see the horns yeah see the horns are you talking about uh okay so what should we do should we go up here and see you know what's on this book I in I mean this is a high point we can get actually an amount of volcán dude this is like an entire like Kingdom right a city there's an outlier there's a house down there bro oh there's so many houses everywhere okay I don't know how we're gonna get to that house but maybe we'll just take the long way why are you long because there's another bridge right here so maybe this will take us there come on higher there's so many mobs dude they're spiders they're zombies I just hate they don't fall off they don't follow towards me I'm pushing you away it is really after you it really is that alone stupid zombie do we need something because this ain't compassion it's all you I'm hungry I'm hungry as heck boy says stage one archery archery I got it to bow we got a boat hey we hit the wind us up now they knew there is gonna be only two of us hey hey guys a pair of bows that's sweet okay one though oh oh I guess we're testing out our archery skills alright yeah probably just supposed to shoot these stupid drum bass I get it okay yeah we are target this guy Oh like that wait Oh kill me who killed I'm sorry I see you wait I see thank you thank you thank you hey watch out you know it honestly helped me that you killed I'm actually about to die alright you know I got you I'll hope you are too oh no no it's helping me out bro I'm gonna get that hunger I do that on purpose that was for this show that you much it should all be on the ground your arrows right over here well I think about takedown don't you dare take we have infinity don't have infinity and Chairman's alright there's so many mobs man don't even worry about this wait action there's a chest over here uh-huh we're at where our number where's my another jet I'm gonna follow you I'm following that's oh yeah yeah watch out for that spider right ha ha ha come on now I realize I just bought you an extra uh-huh no actually you gave me yeah an extra one do you want it back I got you yeah thank you how many do you have now ha you hit that note you gotta get to the house as soon as well alright did you hit I made it I made that wait why don't we wing there's a chest right yo armor in this chess no way bro there was armor like full armor the tail is intense extremely intense holy crap so you said there was an entire set of iron armor yeah like two there's two full sets it was too full that was the magma I am so mad it's not much for our problems okay don't you dare touch my stuff all right you know what I grab my bow and stuff and I'm leaving I'm leaving that area so strong why are there so many mobs this is a great estimate I actually don't like this I actually don't like the come on if this is old medium we're dying by magma box Oda ACMA's brother wait how he's got Minecraft on you got it all hardcore like what dude I swear I swear I don't I swear it's not I died oh I'm actually gonna die I'm here and I'm just gonna like come up here and try to OHANA myself a lie ooh I action I don't know what way to go now I don't know please don't get lost I'm kind of know not only I found a way maybe you found it you found it okay yeah yeah I just want to get all my dude these children's it's as possible I just want the chest it's literally impossible my bone up the chest tube my bow is under an open up the chest underneath oh I got it I guess all I really need is my bow but I can't even get that I can't get it oh I got my bow back well instead of on and over oh snap about to die I'm about to die again no no no boy I'm gonna die right you know I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead don't die I'm ready I'm ready I'm coming I'm coming tell me how's old I know did you lose everything um why Rd hang with a lot of stuff here and I know they're all over the place you try to get onto that platform oh my goodness there's no platform oh my god this is bad well I keep oh yeah I guess oh my gosh I almost fell off the same oh my where is range at Y all right artists this way oh oh okay actually I'm coming towards you aha do you see my stuff underneath oh all right no I have to hard stood all right say hello if anything dying looks your stuff back on land Diane get your stuff back on it all right mmm cuz I gotta go back and get my stuff right here all right why why isn't this hard I don't know it's actually weight hard this sexy the smartest I've done it so far wait all I need is an arrow all I need is my action no no please please please no please no please no please don't please no they got me I sell my stuff though do you see why I died that I'm Loki getting close to cool you're getting died you died all right this I need a weapon that I can actually use not a bone not a vole the Bose takes forever dude yeah you got a load them boys up I'm gonna all my oh no it don't know he's on me oh no that's death the Magna tree we got a goal death oh my I'm dead great so daddy where's my PO don't tell me no the only thing that I had left over there with my boy and I am going to grab my stuff uh-huh wait wait no no no no I can't I can't I can't die one actions there because no what are you talking about I knew this game play no no Ashley's my stuff you know what just because I'm such a great friend all right all right there you go there you go there you go whoa whoa um here you go the bone the bone the bone oh yes for the bone row I get come on actually please you said you were a good friend Bagon you can give me the ball where's the arrow I'd actually don't have an air over are you kill me right now there is no such thing wait this arrow right here maybe that's where it was all right perfect perfect give me one give me one all right I says I shouldn't jump hey tell me why I should know I had nothing such a bad time okay okay we gotta go man we gotta go man what hey I don't have any arrows now I don't know where are you supposed to go I don't know how about we go back to the house area right all right all right I'm going all right this we're kidding jump high five ton of mobs man this is embarrassing oh my goodness they're all chasing you which is that now they're after me oh wait you're all screw the hell thank you let's go down here all right run dude just run take off all right sword old Apple in total the knife okay go go oh you make it you're going I swear I did look check your meter I have a sword now at least don't you dare lose anything I know I'm good bad man how did this video end up being like this guys I told my there's no what is actually happening I don't want to play this game anymore guys for okay we literally got jump how did we even end up here in the first place because I just want to hop on you lava seed makes it you know this is let's go oh my gosh to get to higher ground right uh-huh and hopefully I can survive up here and I will just wait for you to come to me oh hi I'm sprinting across magma blocks jumping out of nowhere you know hey but at least on the bright side I can get your Golden Apple for you for me oh yeah a true true for what for you yeah I got nothing but a Golden Apple and I'm halfway there oh yeah I just ate that the lava monsters seed right now guys I am at the highest peak where sighs oh I got my sword BAM right here boy great where you at I don't see you I know it's you okay all right there is another chest over here though there's another oh where you know what screw it schools grew it was probably wasn't important anyways I don't know maybe maybe it is important we gotta go look there's like 17 news on me I'm coming back down dude it might have been important oh there's another chest of YouTube all right so many things facing us oh there's a lava bucket that's not a water bucket what the heck oh this is actually hurting all right this way this way the other was this in this direction shut up get rid of you and keep going keep going just ignore them just see you want to see the chest stacks oh oh alright that's a lot of good stuff right oh okay it was mood he moves food in box okay okay Bhuvan boss for the month what they give all right okay where are we supposed to go I don't know I'm I have no clues not leading us anywhere now the heck brah did we get what I'm trippin I'm good man I don't I well what happened man like I don't know that's happening I don't know well good thing we have blocks because I'll place these bad boys and oh come on now all I know is that don't all I know is that this seed something is wrong with this seed yeah I don't know man this is just so weird man I think I'm gonna do you think it's a good time to hop off and if they get $5,000 video how about we come back all right that you know what that sounds good bro because we need your husband we gotta breathe it guys we what we do okay how about this huh huh once you're like all for your video Oh let's go 4,000 let's go 4,000 likes yeah okay 1,000 likes for a guy's active 5,000 like sorry guys 5,000 likes and we will come back to the lava monster dimension whatever we went into that big portal that we went to yeah wherever we ended up we're coming back we'll song right back you know anyways guys thank you guys so much for watching I should probably just get this game in okay thanks for watching see you all in the next video peace bye bye subscribe or out it is a video nether but lying if you [Music] [Music]
Channel: YaBoiAction
Views: 49,533
Rating: 4.9309959 out of 5
Keywords: lava monster, mcpe, minecraft pe, minecraft, minecraft pocket edition, rageelixir, lava monster in minecraft, lava monster attack, lava monster moana, lava monster minecraft, minecraft lava monster, minecraft pe lava monster, lava monster minecraft pe, lava monster portal, lava monster dimension, family friendly, kid friendly, secret, how to, minecraft portal, portal, dimension, yaboiaction, yaboiaction minecraft, scary
Id: sdDLquG0B98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 49sec (1609 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2019
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