Do NOT Use The RED SUN Seed in Minecraft!

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are you guys seeing this holy guacomole that right there guys that right there on my screen in Minecraft [Music] what is up guys so the day I uploaded the lunar moon see video everyone and I mean literally everyone in the comment section was telling me that I had to make a video on the red Sun seed in Minecraft so here we are I am currently on the red Sun seed in Minecraft and let me tell you guys I want my first reaction of me seeing the red Sun on video so I have done nothing but look away from these screens so I don't see the red Sun so what my plan is for this video is wait until it goes nighttime so I can't see the Sun guys I'm trying my best not to look at the screen and until it goes nighttime we're gonna be waiting here and yes guys I have the map ready I have the bonus chest ready so nothing to worry about I'm just really scared to see what the red Sun looks like and I got to make sure you know everything is on camera so everything is legit I am currently on the red Sun seed all capital letters so if you guys want to try it out I spawn on this little island right here as you guys can see I don't wanna you know oh there's the moon there it is it's coming up so I gotta wait for the Sun to fully go down for us to actually get started so um if you guys want to see more videos like this let me know in the comment section down below and I have a plan for the next video for it for the next lunar moon and red Sun video I think I'm gonna find a way to use both things at once lunar Moon versus the red Sun so if you guys want to see that leave a like right now guys and if you are brand new to this channel subscribe and turn on my post notifications I think I think we're safe to start guys I actually think we should be good to start okay so got my locator map right here we're all set up as you guys can see and we also have the starter chest all right all right it's kind of late by the way guys the entire day it's been really really hot in Seattle so I've been trying my best to record so right now it's like 11 p.m. so it's kind of a late video but it's okay oh my gosh I see a spider oh don't hurt me oh my gosh where's my weapon where's the axe I swear I how to axe in the chest come on okay we're good we're good okay we're safe for the time being guys for the time being I've been trying my best to record so many videos for you guys but it's just that the weather has been so nice outside yet it's so nice outside but it's killing me indoors because there's no air conditioning and I'm just like dying anyways guys we are here on the red Sun seat and as you guys can see no lunar Moon it's a it's it's just an ordinary moon nothing to be scared about you know no Sun is up as well so that's good we just got to make sure we're prepared to fight I mean I don't really know what it's gonna do maybe it's gonna spawn in like mobs during daytime because I've seen pictures guys I've seen pictures from Majora's Mask from Zelda if you guys don't know lunar Moon and red Sun is actually from Zelda Zelda games and for some reason it's in Minecraft somehow someway somehow I don't know guys I'm just I'm just using these seeds and it's just happening guys so I there's no explanation guys so yeah we are here to explore and discover B red Sun in Minecraft and I hope you guys are here for the journey I'm just praying that everything will be okay because I've actually seen other people make videos on the red Sun and they go berserk they like the red Sun trust me guys the red Sun gets extremely mad at the player and there's nothing they can do which is super super bad like what am I supposed to do okay if I if I get in trouble you know like what if the what if the red Sun gets mad at me that's what I keep asking myself I was like you know what when I was making the lunar moon see I was like hmm what if the lunar moon got mad at me what am I gonna do because how the heck do I reach something up there yeah like how do I reach how in the world do I reach the moon from here okay so we have plenty of wood now we can go ahead and craft this up I'm gonna make myself we have the loom now which is awesome we can make like banners and stuff add some designs they are guys a lot of awesome videos I'm planning to record right now our main focus is to oh actually app Willy if we can find okay you know what I'm gonna bring this crafting table with us my best bet is to probably most likely guys is to probably explore a cave and then one is daytime we'll come back out but for the time being I'm gonna kill you as well sheepy thank you thank you for the wool good thing we found a cave off right off the bat which is perfect cuz we already have all the other materials oh don't blow up don't explode on me come on come on don't don't you dare creeper oh there's a tree underground that's really cool never seen this before and just like that it broke we have some coal so we can go ahead and make some torches and I'm gonna need some cobblestone as well so we can make a furnace as well as a stone sword number one key after protecting yourself you need a weapon guys okay I got a hurry before all the mobs come it is nighttime we are starting the day or we we are starting the video at nighttime and I I don't think I've done that I've actually I don't think I've actually done that very often so this is this is quite new it's gotta make sure I have a lot of resources and materials ready just in case I have two torches from before we can go ahead oh oh no I did not mean to do that guys I have two extra I have two extra crafting tables on me which is bummer okay oh I noticed my hunger didn't go down as well there's something wrong with like realm servers on realm servers hunger goes down like extremely fast where is the moon okay so once the moon reaches the bottom the Sun should start coming up so I'm just gonna go ahead and explore this cave for now and there we go for a second I thought I was gonna die I'm gonna try to get the best armor I can get or the time being I don't even know if I'll be able to you know make it in time but I'll try my best I'm thinking we should get like like an iron sword and I don't even think this cave keeps going so that's yeah oh there's some free iron though I'll take it I'll take it if there's if there is extra iron I will have to take it I just got to make sure we head out to another cave area before it turns daytime because I really don't want to see the the Sun or the red Sun unless until we're ready so let me just go ahead and check outside okay so it's still night time I mean let me check out this direction over here please please please please please be there or something or please something be there okay yes this is perfect okay before it turns daytime we got a hurry come on hurry up hurry up okay actually where's my crafting table did I leave my crafting table somewhere or do I have it yep I have it on me alright let's make a piece of armor I'll go with the the helmet for now look at me guys I got my helmet let's go we got our first piece of iron armor we just got our first piece of armor just like that and I don't have enough for another thing so let's just keep exploring the cave I want to come out when I'm prepared and it's still nighttime which is perfect I'm trying not to rush everything but we don't have much time so I'm just trying my best to get every oh oh my gosh of course get down here yes come down here zombie oh no there's an opening right here I just don't want to see anything okay so there's some more iron Reggie oh no it's all the skeleton okay do I go down oh well too late I don't have a choice let's go over here actually we have some time guys I don't have to worry too much I shouldn't be worrying too much I mean if we do see the Sun we see the Sun and you guys witness it you guys get to see what the red Sun looks like in Minecraft I've only seen Oh out out out out out don't hurt me oh my gosh the skeleton relax please I didn't do anything to you skeleton let's go this way there's more iron over here no creeper right just making sure these creepers will destroy you and ruin the video I'm telling you guys I I don't even like it's just been countless numbers of times you guys won't believe the amount of times a creeper has ruined a video for me I'm telling you guys there I can't even count there's just it's just been so many times so I'm just going to break these real quickly should be Gucci and oh we have more oh my gosh I might actually have enough for an entire set of iron armor and just like that we put this we put this stone pickaxe to good use I'm telling you oh wait we have another one right here so what do we need to do okay we need to smelt how much do I have I have oh oh easily this should be enough right guys I'm pretty sure this should be enough for an entire set of iron armor and I'm really excited let's do this gotta make sure I'm prepared and it might even be enough for an iron sword as well that's poor oh no it's daytime it's daytime isn't it oh my gosh I don't want to look up I don't want to look up just yet preparing myself prepare myself for the worst we can use that we can munch on these apples for the time being while you know these iron ingots cook up while they smelt okay so I need one more I think I need one more piece for some leggings oh how many do I need four leggings five six seven holy guacamole okay just one more give me one more yep we definitely have enough for an entire set we're good guys we're good we didn't pretty good today I'm proud of myself and we have enough for an iron sword as well so yes yes let's go okay oh no my iron helmet is damaged somehow is it from the default damaged or is it from the skeleton shooting me how could you skeleton okay we're almost done yeah oh wait I also have bread Oh I've like an endless supply of food why was I even worrying I was wearing for no reason guys oh I think I just heard a mob somewhere got a hurry hurry up and smelt we're so close how many do I need for a chest plate I need seven right or oh we need eight okay just give me four more and we are good yeah we have enough for the sword as well and we'll have like leftover as well which is awesome and we might have leftover for an iron pickaxe now now that we have put this to good use I'm just gonna break some stuff randomly while we wait oh not even randomly we can use we can break some fuel we can we can grab this coal that we can use for the furnace later or some torches I never realized how useful coal was very very useful because without cold there's a lot of things you can do such as cook food smell items and just like I don't know it's just a pretty unique aspect and just like that we are done full set of iron armor yes alright just gotta make guys I'm just making the right preparations for this thing okay don't feel like I'm stalling because I'm not I'm actually trying my best so that we have the right resources I'm doing everything in survival so you guys have to understand that you know it's kind of tough so while I you know while I make this iron sword I'm gonna go ahead and cook up some food there we go just like that we have an iron sword ready yes I'm prepared one more piece one point one more piece of meat and we're going outside and it should still be day oh and it's raining what if it's raining the Sun shouldn't be out right let's go check this the moment of truth guys the moment of truth we're about to find out if the red Sun still stays and stands by even though it's raining outside we're about to find out if it actually doesn't show up do we have to wait until the weather clears oh no there it goes okay do I have any blots yes I have some cobblestone I can just oh no no no the skeletons still up there it's oh my stupid skill Oh My there's actually two of them oh my ah stupid skeletons why are you guys always in the way these skeletons are always in the way I swear guys all I wanted to do was get to the surface and wait I'm looking up right now guys wait hold on no way do we just have the worst luck or what so the moment I decide it's time to go up and fight or or confront the red Sun this happens it starts raining and the Sun is no longer guys the Sun isn't even up anymore what what were you what if what if I supposed to do guys do I just do I just keep exploring do I just keep going in the direction where we can explore new land on the map so we can find you red Sun it's oh there's a pink sheep a pink sheep II all right I'll take the mutton and we got some pork as well we have some piggies over here let's take this as well I'm gonna take you as well thank you so I'm guessing our best bet is just to stay on this world until the Sun comes up or at or at least you know the rain goes away and we should be able to see it by then unless it's nighttime I swear guys nothing is going in our favor I swear first it's the skeletons next it's rain the weather the only thing that mattered for this video was the Sun and now that it's raining the sun's not even out what do I do with you Minecraft what do I do with you very interesting honestly I was not expecting this to happen this is so weird but I'm just gonna be exploring in this direction oh we have we found another cave over here I'm gonna climb this mountain take a look at the map guys all I've been doing is basically following this river and wait I didn't know that zombies could survive under rain but that does make sense because they do burn on fire oh wait okay there's Ami's zombies swimming over to be you're not a ground are you this is a hybrid zombie guys where are the grounds though I haven't seen a single drought or I haven't been really paying attention but um it's at nighttime I swear if it's already nighttime again that's so bad because the only reason why I'm making this video right now is to see the Sun itself so why hasn't it cleared up why why does it have to be this way oh no we got some lava over here it would be a shame if I ended up dying in lava instead of to the red Sun maybe that's a sign maybe it's like maybe it's the universe telling me don't use the red Sun seed you have to stay away and you can't do anything because you know I have no control over what happens and you know it's it's raining and stuff so it something's just telling me that you shouldn't you shouldn't be trying to find the red Sun in Minecraft but now you know since we're here guys we got to do it oh oh is it turning nighttime or is it clearing up so just when I started cooking up food the moon comes up the moon we're not here for the moon and and if I look I can't even see the other side like this is this is the funniest thing ever I I don't even know what's going on right now but I'm just gonna cook up food prepare myself for in the morning and I'm hoping the rain does not come back because if it does I don't know what I'm gonna do with you man I really do not what I'm going to do because at this point I'm out of ideas like we came here for the red Sun and we I tried my best to protect myself and prepare myself and it seems like you know I don't I don't know guys I don't know why my guy seems so happy maybe it's because we get to live another day and not die in the hands or in the face of the rats Oh finished cooking perfect all right I still haven't I still haven't cooked up the raw salmon we should probably do that soon um and also guys if you guys want to see more seed videos in the future who should I make a video with because sometimes you know doing these see videos alone kind of gets boring sometimes but you know it's for you guys and if you guys want to you know see me do this with someone else let me know in the comment section down below which other youtuber should I make AC video with it could be dark corners it could be your boy action double 8 12 fusion droid or brand and crafter all these guys man so just let me know in the comment section down below and also shout outs Acuto and action for giving me this video idea because they they're doing awesome guys ok so it's still night time we gotta wait for the moon to hit the other side guys I think it's happening whoo and it's not raining this time let's go okay okay stop blocking my view okay I'm so ready to see this guys is it gonna come up from this oh wait is this it no no way no way guys this can't be it are you telling me what we're about to see right now oh my goodness I gotta get a better view guys Oh what the why is it coming up so quickly yo guess what we're about to seek B red Sun oh my is that the eye no way no way are we actually witnessing this guys guys trying to get a better view right oh my are you guys seeing this holy guacomole that right there guys that right there on my screen in Minecraft that's the red Sun there's no other explanation was there worth it I don't know but it looks evil is there any way we can communicate with it hello hello red Sun I have a feeling guys it might just like strike me with lightning or something like that or just instantly kill me I don't know what I'm gonna do um guys I have a sword I have full iron armor I'm prepared I am prepared to fight this thing right here guys I don't know if it wants to fight me but it just looks super evil so I don't know guys I'm not too sure what I'm gonna do but let me know in the comment section down below what I should do if I should come back or not or just leave this delete this world also delete the lunar Moon world because I still have that world or maybe find a way to merge the red Sun any lunar Moon together in one world I don't know guys but all I know is uh I've heard that this thing right here is dangerous as well as the lunar moon so guys leave a like on this video if this video gets let's say 4000 likes I will come back or maybe find a way to merge the red Sun and the lunar Moon on the same Minecraft world it might be a possibility but anyways guys thank you guys so much for watching this video make sure you guys leave a like subscribe and I guess see you all in the next video peace [Music]
Channel: RageElixir
Views: 387,999
Rating: 4.8888035 out of 5
Keywords: RageElixir, RageElixer, Red Sun in Minecraft, Do NOT Use The Red Sun Seed in Minecraft, Red Sun Seed in Minecraft, Minecraft Red Sun, Minecraft Lunar Moon, Lunar Moon in Minecraft, RageElixir Minecraft, Minecraft PE, Minecraft Pocket Edition, MCPE, RageElixir Minecraft PE, Red Sun Minecraft PE, Lunar Moon Minecraft PE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2019
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