WE Went Back on the CURSED Minecraft World! - REALMS EP8

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all right what's going on guys rage elixir here and welcome back to yet another minecraft video today I'm here with double-a 12 and Brandon crafter what's going on guys hi so I dragged them into this video but I don't want to go back into this realm server alone because all day I've been just looking at this world right here and none of you guys are on the realm server right now right nope it says there's one person on the server right now and I'm kind of scared like yeah hold on you should finally got on eros eros I called you yesterday asking if someone was trying to prank me right I swear it wasn't me this time it wasn't Brandon Dicey's is on wherever the heck he is that's what I'm freaked out alright so are you guys ready to hop on the server right now I guess everyone at the same time I don't want to be on the server alone dude oh man alright three two one and okay we're on it we're on okay I'm in okay wait where's Brandon oh what's up okay so right here last episode you guys didn't see this yet because Brandon actually recorded it after I recorded this episode and he basically made he moved in he violently moved in and he this is basically a gift from him hey can you explain what this is so basically this is like my room so I'm gonna be living here for now until I build my house but then I move out basically rage can just take it over I'm so hot Thank You Brad come here high five yeah change maybe you can remove these slabs and replace it no no this actually looks so nice do you think Thank You Brandon thank you alright anyways guys this is not where why we're on the server right now so basically Brandon built this whole room without knowing that something else was on this world and I'm kind of scared man guys you won't believe me but there is something out here Brennan did you see the whole episode wait oh I saw that I thought you were doing something with it so I just like ignored it no dude I didn't make this at all and listen this wasn't here before either the school's guys yeah the school wasn't here before none of none of this was on the ground it was just the portal itself so don't confuse just the portal yeah so what's going on are you sure none of you guys are pranking me you guys already shared this on time last time you guys made a magnet no you guys are lying guys made a magma block portal last time yeah but I don't believe you guys but if we were pranking you again why would we do the same idea in the exact same spot oh dude what the heck it's the same thing from last time I thought I saw no no no no you guys guys it was on the certain point where'd he go where'd he go what was that was that lightning dude where'd he go he disappeared where are you guys I'm above you in the trees because you deleted guys guys I don't want to be alone right now where is he you just disappeared and there's lightning striking it everywhere I see lightning everywhere I'm going back in your house no thank you oh Jesus creeper careful I don't know what's going on should we just leave or what last time I tried destroying last time I did try this try on this whoa dude what eras eras careful careful careful let's try breaking this portal let's try breaking the sporto guys deal there guys wait what what uh he's he's invisible what the heck break break the portal guys help me stop being so scared don't get so close to him he might kill you guys oh my goodness oh my god I'm on fire on my fire I got struck okay guys guys run run run okay again the house get in the house I'm actually almost dead get in the house guys guys guys guys guys please please get in the house get in the house get in the portal what can you guys get in the house in the house I don't I don't want him to getting in the house guys block off the house oh my we're good wait wait good visible how do we know he's not in the house no I saw him outside he's right there he's right there he's right outside he's right outside her yeah you don't there oh poor the creeper oh okay the Cooper's gone oh he's right there wait oh no I thought he was holding the block guys guys I see huh you see him no no no not the creeper it's him okay I filled the block back oh my gosh he's standing right there guys what do I do like in this situation I don't know what to do thought he's gone guys guys should we block off all the doorways okay Aricent blocked off this way all right how else is he gonna get in there's no other way he can get in wait how about this aquarium thing yeah crap we gotta block everything off wait I just heard doors trying to open what did you guys hear that someone kept trying to open doors do you hear that that's me that was me earlier but there's no way now these are closed I still don't you hear that I hear that open okay okay cuz last time I was in this house he kept trying to open doors I'm so scared right now Oh what what how do you get in keep building keep building Oh I'm sitting I'm sitting oh my god this is perfect no way you can break that right I don't know what is he okay I don't know what he is but if he can break through obsidian I don't know what's gonna like what's gonna go down guys don't block me on what I just lost much we escaped somehow though we gotta leave through here we got leave through here are you sure that was me though no I'm fine did you get through somehow no he didn't break up Citian okay he's not able to break obsidian oh wait I just wants to know soft footsteps in the house what or was that you Brandon I'm so paranoid right now I don't know what's going on you're not you're lightning yeah who has an axe who has an axe I don't I don't have an axe right now no no he just broke it all right oh no is he still there though oh my god what on there he's right here oh my god oh I'm alone I'm alone I'm alone help help help Oh God due to errors if you were stuck down there and he came down with you you would have died but he's all right now his portals about to break okay guys I'm so close at breaking his whole portal dude I have one block left and he's not here Brendan you want to do the honors of breaking this yes wait no he's been building it dude what is going on you guys are playing pranks on me I'm sure that is Dicey's or ice cream or fusion I can't shoot him guys just stay in the house get in the house get in the house should I just get off the server I don't think we should stay on anymore like this has gone way too long like that was a close call how'd he get in Bremen you let him in guys for being open there's a warping off this door I have a ladder I have a ladder wait is he breaking the block can we break the block so that's what I'm wondering open a door right now oh holy crap oh my god do I think I'm going crazy we are I'm high I'm so scared because I think Rita's house is no longer safe yeah I don't know why he's always guys okay wait the portal let's break the portal and leave okay okay we break the portal get out I gotta make a run for Erica's house because yours isn't safe he's right there he's right there he's coming he's coming he's coming great one more bot let's go let's go let's go let's leave oh you got struck okay okay let's go let's go Aires where's your house hopefully we're safe at your house that's fine it's far away yeah it's real away from the portal Oh you can't wait can you not go any further this is good wait where do you go hey guys keep going keep going Aires let's go to your house where are you weird real question is guys what's in that portal like that he doesn't want us to see ah let's leave let's leave oh my gosh Aires I've never actually ran to your house before so this is kind of far I never knew what was that close what's that closed it was on that mountainside I think it has to be close to get here anyway we have to wait for it again wait let's see if it happens again oh no no he's trailing us wait wait keep watching keep watching keep watching it might happen again it lightning is it not happening aqui it gets closer every wall it's right here holy crap go go go go go go Aires are you sure your house is this way are you sure we're even seafarers his house that's the problem better option no actually because I don't know what's going on with the server so yeah I thought this was a prank this whole time but you guys are saying it's not so you're saying it's not on we're not doing this oh oh I see my house oh I see an Enderman on me I'm leaving I'm go go go go go I'm so far behind you guys I'm alone you never been happy to see your house but now I am I'm following you I'm in the church Google wait follow me ok I'm following you I'm falling oh you got there zombies every boy it's a zombie jockey oh is that a zombie riding a zombie yeah a baby zombie riding a zombie are you let's go let's go let's go go go go are you guys going to the igloo yeah yeah we're gonna I'm gonna stay in the church and keep walking all right I think we're good I think we're good you guys oh I see a sword just floating I'm out no thang nope the church isn't safe he can into the church all right we're good we're good we're safe here we're safe here I'm hoping it is okay I'm here your lightning all over the place but we're underground so we're good pray guys pray with me is that ready whoa dude if Brandon can do that that that thing can do that too I'm scared do don't use his vlogs he might be able to track us using the blog holy prayer I think we're good I think we're good for the most part for the most I'm just these guys oh my gosh how is this happening should we just leave the server we might have to could I have thought about it he does get down here where are we gonna run to exactly what you took us here then we'll exit guys guys Crouch Crouch crouch you might be able to see us because he senses okay or someplace where's ours can you can you break down hard I want to see if oh oh wait what is it opening where he's opening the tread is red wait is that him or no I don't know wait wait wait can I go check up on it don't go don't go further up wait no I think he replaced the trapdoor with the iron one really wheat drop down here wait no it's a wooden one no he trapped us wait oh my god what is this hey open the door what eres I thought I saw red is he in here with us I'm scared Crouch crouch should we break out he's gone he's gone he's gone the coast is clear the coast is clear there's not like anything that's good bye I think I just saw some potion effects no that that's just the the the the whatever that thing's called oh my god right yeah the spray the straight let's try where'd you guys go bottom bottom or top I'm following you guys go I don't know where you guys want good alone oh okay you guys went upstairs middle oh okay okay I'm here I'm here go up go up go up go up I don't know where to go airs this is your house you take me through we need to just leave man before things get crazy Oh outside the church oh dude your house can burn on fire doo doo what if you liked your house on fire oh okay Brandon are you okay where'd you guys go where are you I see you I see him I see him you be able to see me though he won't be able I don't think he sees me okay okay he's on the bridge he's on the bridge holy crap wait is it is it long is it on fire don't worry do don't worry don't worry we're time machine we have the time machine guys guys we have the policy yeah yeah why don't we just use the time machine later and just get rid of whoever and I may have broken the time machine we no no no no we can finally random Brendan Brendan think about this think about this maybe he came through the time machine as well yeah you probably wait do you guys think he came through the time machine with us possible all I saw were done what if he lived remember only went to the dinosaurs on accident yeah what if he hopped in there I don't know let's go back to our house and just get rid of the portal somehow okay I'm in the house now brand air it's just TP to us and we should be safe there's obsidian down here remember grab this I'm so jumping wait what way my hands are off the keyboard why am I so jumpy you're still yeah you're jumping for us too he's possessed Ron hey what what it dude what is going on okay go grab that obsidian and let's just well I have to grab the obsidian oh yeah we don't have a diamond pickaxe alright Erico I mean Brendan come out here wait he's back wait what no dude come : he's invisible with the with an iron sword he's coming towards me oh shoot him whatever you do whatever you can't work close close close the door block it out block it off you're lightning again guys I'm literally sweating right now what did you why you blocked me in Judah I'm I'm so scared I'm sorry dude okay I need a craft aircraft an axe right now oh my gosh why are so many solar pick your rage how many are there where wait did you guys just get slowness effect oh yo oh my goodness I just got so much oh hey just just come in here guys what are you guys doing just come in here I was gonna go break the portals don't worry about don't worry about the sophists let's just go from the top what he said he's easier he's here wait wait he's here go go go break the pouring ah he's off me oh my god I'm almost dead I'm almost dead wait I'm blind I'm blind I'm blind oh my gosh and I'm slowly how do we how do we deactivate the portal no present no areas we need you we need you you're the one with the diamond pickaxe let's go where's saving go go what where's he going I don't know Eris is in trouble err she's in trouble make them more we'll make the portal where is he where is he he's always by the portal I don't know what's going on with your huh Oh leave Leave leave Leave leave wait what'd you say bread so many silver fish in your house don't worry don't worry just come here just come here we just need to get rid of this row he's rebuilding oh yeah yeah oh yeah oh my god he can't replace this in the obsidian which is good which air break it break it all right or replace it replace it go glue don't lose you can't focus on all three of us had that at the same time two more top all right fill that bill that it was more great the corner one there's Rick cook you can leave the corner ones as something else yeah remember we're good we're good he's on you he's on you oh oh my gosh I have like three hearts left Oh whoo how many hearts do you guys have what about you air hurt do we just need two more obsidian oh wait wait he's not even using a sword anymore wait are we leaking what is no two more two more two more two more two we got no I can't uh he keeps rebuilding it airs right here two more okay okay guys we did one more obsidian oh my god we do one more wait there's obsidian on the ground where you say usually use it wait you're right oh I'm breaking I'm breaking it oh my God he's mad he's mad what the heck okay I'm gonna just track down you might kill you you might kill me guys you got it please get off of me deactivated deactivated we did we did we did it didn't work it's a normal portal now I don't know if we break it okay just the guys we just need to leave now disconnect disconnect what is he doing what is he doing what is he doing Oh what is going on is he okay okay guys let's all disconnect at the same time I don't know where he went I don't want to I want to stick around to find all right three let's just connect all right three two one disconnect together let's just leave let's leave that's it that's it okay I'm out I'm out we need to use the time travel in the next episode that that's all I'm gonna say we need to go back in time and just try to get rid of it [Music]
Channel: RageElixir
Views: 7,239,656
Rating: 4.7711468 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Scary Minecraft Video, Cursed Minecraft World, Minecraft World is Cursed, Cursed Minecraft, Minecraft Cursed, Cursed Seed Minecraft, Scary Minecraft Seed, Creepy Minecraft
Id: RVtGOpYe8yk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 07 2018
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