Stranded With A Haunted Bucket - Mr Bucket Told Me To

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that a person no what is that oh it's mr bucket what are you doing here in the day oh he wasn't lying i didn't die and uh wait what how are you a good guy [Music] what's up guys welcome to mr bucket told me to a game where you're stranded on a deserted island and just make it the best of the situation look i'm sure nothing weird is gonna happen now it's very important for you guys to understand that even though we are stranded on a deserted island we're not alone okay we've got friends like mr bull over here good morning mr bull how are you doing today wonderful weather we're having that's true the sun is very bright today oh sure you know i love your jokes uh-huh yeah okay i don't know mr bull what do you get when a horse a dog and a black guy walk into a bar i'm not sure i appreciate how your sense of humor is evolving mr bull that was a little insensitive well come on oh today we've got an oasis to plunder under that big tree on the west end of the island now we're going to get ourselves some water even though you don't seem to drink all that much you guys can understand mr bull right i know sometimes his accent confuses people mr towel never seems to understand what he's saying i'm afraid i once again require your services mr tal well a man does have to poop good one i really appreciate it mr tau seriously i know i know i'm gonna make sure you have a day off soon i promise i'm actually not sure how taking turns would work i'll i'll think about it mr spear if i've told you once i've told you a thousand times we will not be referring to mr towel as the poop rag that's inappropriate okay we're all family here only compliments okay just try your best mr speaker you're looking sharp today something like that oh you like it so i'm so glad to hear that i came up with it when i was showering yesterday actually well i don't shave either and i think i'm holding up well don't you oh that's a very kind offer i i like my beards we're all genuinely considerate oh catch some fish oh sure ready when you are alright well the whole gang's together i haven't seen mr bucket anywhere but i guess we should get ourselves some food some water and take a dump no mr spear we're not gonna talk about the plane crash okay it was weeks ago and no one could have predicted that it'd be full of snakes like right now we need to find ourselves food and water and i would imagine your fish are probably gonna be in the ocean so i think we should head towards a large tree with an oasis at the base of it i don't know if this is necessarily west or not but maybe we can stop and ask for directions hello mr berries i don't suppose you guys know whether or not this is westerly you guys got anything to give me other than the squirts oh no we're definitely going to find mr bucket sooner rather than later give me an hour i'm going to look like an upside down fondue fountain i mean it's not a very big island that's about as big as a tree gets so i have to hope that we can actually find ourselves a bathroom stall oh mr relieve yourself i didn't even recognize you yeah i'll be back to give you the baja berry blast in just a minute i was going to say i'm hoping we can find ourselves an oasis unless mr ball was full of [ __ ] usually that's mr towel's job i'm really hoping that right there is fresh water it looks like it's sequestered from the ocean yeah okay is this anything doesn't look like it okay uh mr bull if you would there we go that's the good stuff you see surviving isn't all that difficult mr spear you're the resident defense expert should i be worried that the coconuts here are the size of yoga balls i don't really want to crack that open i feel like i could have a xenomorph inside i just want to go fishing i would imagine if we hit up the ocean we gotta find fish eventually grace there's no way it'd be this easy right like they're just swimming on the surface in place i feel like this is a trap like there's a shark just out of sight hiding in an ocean camouflage tent with his son you're just waiting to kill me and skin me and mount my ass on their cabin wall if things go down mr spear remember i introduce you to people okay so far so good and we eat okay that went better than expected i really need to poop now let's see if we can find our way back to mr relieve yourself i don't know if i'll be able to though looks like i'm running out of energy please let me find my way back come on it's gotta be around here somewhere don't let me pass out before i go to the bathroom i do not want to wake up in that puddle where is it there's the giant tree it's gotta be around here somewhere marco mr relieve yourself could you maybe be mr show yourself for once oh thank christ i don't have any energy but hopefully i don't need energy to make this happen don't mr spear me first not you oh that's the good stuff okay now i'm guessing i won't actually pass out i should probably go home and sleep though it looks like my health has gone down no no no actually my health went down because i'm supposed to use mr tao oh now i passed out i tried to wipe my ass with mr towel when i passed out well isn't that just grains i don't even want to think about what kind of island animals may have licked me clean while i was asleep on the ground you guys watched over me right guys where is everybody that's uh weird no don't tell me that they're having a pow-wow without me aren't you kidding me just because i pass out with a poopy bum doesn't mean you can't exclude me from the group you like to think someone's your friend and then they go and do something like this i called you my family this hurts especially from you poop rag oh hi mr buckets i was wondering where you were here we are again fire and water and night okay there was a time when you'd use me to put out these flames oh you weren't to poopin you were the resident firefighter then you killed me weird how that works huh i don't remember killing you that might be the island madness though you know mr spears been trying to talk to me about that but i'm a little sensitive what are you talking about you killed me and replaced me with a bowl oh don't tell mr bull that would break his little bowl heart i was your best friend and you drew a smiling face on a bowl while my carcass rotted in the sea you're going to sacrifice something tonight michael you're going to throw one of your friends into the flames or you're going to die or i could throw you in the flames for back talking me you are a cracked bucket after all i'm not doing this it's not going to be hard you've already done it remember you did it to me did you float around in the ocean or did you burn to death because you got some mixed stories here bud you just have a witness now oh okay hey guys uh i'll be right back i'm just gonna see if we can flick mr bucket in real quick take as much time as you need someone's going to die tonight i don't mind waiting that someone's not going to be you wonderful you guys have to know that i didn't want it to be this way right like we're family still nothing is going to change but at the same time mr bucket is literally scaring the crap out of me right now and i'm gonna need mr towel to clean up that crap and probably mr spear to defend myself from him which means mr you're gonna have to mumble your way into the fire i'm sorry i don't suppose that satiated your blood thirst okay um i think i'm just gonna go back to bed now maybe i'll just wake up and mr bull will still be gone damn it i was hoping it was just a nightmare you never know what's in those berries you guys aren't gonna hold it against me are you i didn't have a choice well that's abrupt of you no offense taken i'm just not used to you being this assertive oh i i need you mr towel well you're also a valued companion no i'm sorry to interrupt but we can't leave mr towel i i think he'd fined us i mean we had no idea where he was yesterday we have no idea where he is today batman vanished behind me just a second ago so i think you're gonna have plenty of terror poop to clean up mr spear are we still on talking terms yeah it's okay we're both alive mr spear we're okay well it's gonna be hard but we've been through worse right like the plane crash maybe we could talk about the plane crash a little bit now no i i don't think i've had to fight a ghost before no i don't think you've had to fight a ghost before mostly fish we'll fish and we'll we'll we'll survive we always do not without a fight mr spear that's right let's see him bring it on i'm not afraid of you mr bucket i don't suppose he's just hanging out over there in the day is he i rarely go over to that end of the island right now i need to worry about passing out with poop on my bum again i'm thinking we're gonna need to fish and we're gonna need to use the bathroom and wipe ourselves but i don't know how we're gonna get water without mr bowle or mr bucket did i just make a third one what about like mr pot oh there's mr bucket hi are we cool are you oh oh i don't like that oh that's giving me all the bad kind of goosebumps are you gonna watch me poop because oh he's even floating love me some big stupid possibly diseased fish there's no way these things are healthy just doing what they're doing all right i'm full of hope now but i still need to get water oh that's probably what the coconuts are for right if i crack this open then i get a substitute mr bowl i see is it working i don't think it's working uh we need to there we go okay no i got it figured out we're gonna need more of them but that's fine so there's a whoa do you think we can hide under here for mr bucket probably not you guys don't understand how freaking paranoid i am right now i'm just waiting to turn around and have mr bucket floating at head height and being like okay we're done now uh okay i've i've gotta hurry up and get this done before i pass out again mr relieve yourself you've got to be nearby hi mr buckets do you want to watch sure you know what if if that's your kink then then why not i'm just going to mr relieve myself mr relieve myself oh please tell me i can mr relieve myself come on now don't be i don't have enough energy how do how do i get enough energy it's not gonna let me wipe i don't have enough energy oh this is your doing isn't it i don't know how to get more energy other than going to sleep so that's twice now i'm gonna have it absolutely caked on to my entire rear end okay i need to prioritize eating and then pooping and then drinking i know normally you would prioritize water in a survival situation but here we are i never did get a chance to go over there and see what's going on during the day but i guess it doesn't matter if mr bucket is just floating around after me oh i don't know how i feel about this where is my bed okay well at least i'm not gonna pass out today we are no i'm gonna pass out damn it let's not assume the worst is gonna happen okay maybe this is mr bowles viking funeral you know everyone's coming together and we had a hard time telling mr bucket no oh how do you even start this i don't understand hello there another night another sacrifice did you miss any of them yet go freak yourself mr buckets you've been stranded on this desert island for 13 years michael you didn't forget how to say [ __ ] i thought it had only been weeks two friends left throw one in the flames and live another day it's simple just the way you like it oh i don't know i mean technically i haven't even used mr tally yet so he's still perfectly good the berries have been fine to me uh i'm really sorry about this mr spear it has to be done i saw you disappear that time mr bucket you know how you're pulling this off with your little ninja vanish it was weird i don't know where he went but uh fine i'm just gonna go back to beds i don't understand why after 13 years all of a sudden mr bucket is pissed what is his problem mr towel mr tau please tell me you pulled it together okay i need you to be strong i've tried i'm still not sure i understand it but i've tried he's very angry so he's been using all of you to get to me i care about you so much why do i use you to wipe my butt that's a very pointed question mr tal unfortunately you're very absorbent i'm sorry too buddy i mean technically i haven't used you to wipe my butt i'm certainly gonna try though let's see if we can find ourselves some berries do you think mr bucket is still hanging out with mr would leave yourself freaking mr trees oh my god maybe they're in cahoots it'd make sense i definitely want to make sure that we top everything off i'm gonna need my strength if i decide to try to choke mr bucket with a poop towel i'm sorry mr towel you know mr spear was right so two ways about it that it we're pretty full up now so let's go see if mr bucket wants to watch me take a dump again is he over there can't quite tell i think he's gone [Music] oh okay he's gone you think he went mildly concerning why was he hanging out here yesterday and we haven't seen him any other day all right well we will mr relieve ourselves and then we can wipe that did not help wiping again still not helping my health is incredibly low mr tau you don't seem to have any poopy on you there it is okay now we're somewhat clean and out of energy which means i don't get to drink today really i used all of my energy wiping my butt thoroughly and now i can't bother to stick my head under water i don't think you have enough energy to walk back i'm gonna go see where mr bucket is screw it we're gonna go over here during the day hopefully i won't pass out i haven't explored this end of the island there's gotta be something interesting over here right oh nope i'm gonna pass out screw me i think it's about time i show mr bucket who's boss here i'm the king of this island i should flip you over and deposit my berries into you you know how this works only one friend left take me instead excuse me you can take me instead just let him go i love mr poop towel he's my best friend no no no no no no no you aren't doing this you will not pull some noble [ __ ] in the face of your own judgment you are here now because of everything that you are and were you're a selfish oblivious mess talking to debris at the end of the world to convince yourself that someone can love you i hope you remember that when you send your final friend to hell i wanna poop in you so bad get it over with burn them oh man i mean do you have any idea how bad this is gonna spell i literally just went and did the thing he is exploding i'm not losing my mind also i'm really sorry about that mr towel are you still with us probably best that he isn't i really don't want to be haunted by a poop towel okay back to bed i'm ready to pass out from exhaustion just from cracking open this colossal coconut i don't know if i can afford to really take drinks right now or if there's a hole in this coconut there we go okay yeah i think that's gonna have to do i don't want to fill up all the way because i'm gonna lose everything i think there's a bush around here i can use to wipe myself i'm pretty sure i saw a different kind of leaf there has to be a substitute for mr tau he was just the very absorbent better option um hello mr axe can we be friends i could really use a strong ally right now against the bucket uprising when you pulled me from the wreckage of that plane i thought you were saving me um when was that it's been like a baker's dozen years then you slammed my face into a tree i think i broke on the third swing second swing it was a pretty pathetic attempt this is what i'm trying to say i was never great at chopping wood that's really a you problem though if you're breaking on a tree when you're fireman's yeah you know what i'm not taking blame for this i am sorry but i'm not taking blame for it when i broke you just left me in the sand does that sound like sorry to you listen i just wanted to come over here and wipe my butt without judgment okay mr wiping leaf is gonna help me isn't that right mr wiping leaf okay well that's my energy for the day let's see how far we can get over here before we pass out again i could try running but i don't think that's gonna help all too much i suppose i can run away from our problems no of course not it's only an island it's what i believe to be the final day i've got very little food very little water no friends and a dirty butthole what more do you want from me mr buckets huh go ahead you're really alone now well you're here maybe i could toss you in hmm until we're finished do you trust me michael um no okay you need to walk into the fire michael it won't kill you i'm not allowed to do that but you can be seared and then we're done no more bonfires you can go back to your camp but i don't recommend it you've come too far to just die don't you think really i just said that i don't trust you then again maybe he actually is on my side oh so i can go back to my camp but he says i'll die if i do that or i can walk into the fire you can't imagine how either is gonna help me but let's see what happens if i please tell me i didn't just die again i'd be really upset surviving in this is difficult oh okay well this doesn't look like death we've got some torches don't remember setting those up you know what i think i may have actually survived again i i could use something to eat i could use a drink i could use a bidet and maybe a friend or two or a sharpie and some inanimate objects that i can call mr blank but i think on the whole no pun intended we're doing all right the fire is gone that a person no what is that oh it's mr bucket what are you doing here in the day oh he wasn't lying i didn't die and i'm actually what how are you a good guy but the raft is for you are you saving me no no i don't think i am i'm scared mr bucket that's a natural response michael as much as i'd like to try i can't fix you this island isn't yours anymore trying to say you're the king of the island smart guy mr crack in the head you know the bucket that lived so you're gonna leave goodbye michael may your last trip be the one you need is this supposed to be some metaphor that i jumped to the fire killed myself and now i'm i'm gonna you know head out to pasture okay mr bucket i still don't understand what's happening right now hey mr buckets i don't suppose you had a plan to make this thing move faster than the speed of smell did you because i've been on it for like 15 minutes and i could probably swim back to shore at this rate i am without a doubt gonna die um what despite the very reasonable assumption that reality television is all faked it was by complete accident that the crew of trail blazers american heartland stumbled upon the makeshift hovel of ira nelson the seven years following his disappearance had seen his name transition from pressing concern to local tragic memory despite ira and the crew's mutual shock he was far from the anti-social uncommunicative wild man you might expect he eagerly showed them his home and collection of makeshift tools each had been constructed out of the wreckage of his craft uniquely named given a crude likeness and positioned to serve both a functional and decorative role mike the bucket was also the town's firefighter maurice the knife constructed out of bits of metal wrapped in the remains of shoes was a police officer though initially eager to return to the civilized world ira once again receded from the public eye after just a few weeks when the camera crew tried to contact ira about a follow-up series they found him nearly dead of an attempted suicide when doctors would later ask him why he had done it he stated that he quote abandoned his friends end quote when they asked if he was aware that he was just painting faces on garbage his only answer was quote at least their faces didn't keep changing end quote very interesting except they got a bunch of the details wrong or i got them wrong i am believing the word of a bucket after all but he called me michael he said i had been there for 13 years not ira nelson for seven i'm not 100 sure what happened i'm just upset that i burned all my friends you know anything that's gonna be up from mr bucket told me to guys really interesting little game you know story based it's kind of like survival but it's a twist on it and it's kind of like horror but it's not really spooky and i just love stuff like this if you guys spot any other random weird games like this be sure to leave a comment with some recommendations so that's how i find a lot of the stuff leave a like on the video if you want to see more stuff like this and maybe i'll return to have more inanimate friends soon but thanks so much for watching this video i hope you enjoyed and i'll see you next time you
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 1,007,330
Rating: 4.9364781 out of 5
Keywords: mr bucket told me to, mr bucket told me to game, mr bucket told me to gameplay, mr bucket told me to walkthrough, mr bucket told me to playthrough, mr bucket told me to funny, mr bucket told me to funny moments, survival game, funny survival game, stranded deep, raft, raft game, deserted island game, dread x collection, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: d6t9bOnNZCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 54sec (1674 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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