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guys guys I am so sorry um this is good I know spooky scary Sunday guys I I know and I apologize but I don't have anything for you guys from today you guys know how I feel about my spooky scary Sunday you know I don't play around with me but you're about to watch our spooky scary Sunday clips that actually never made it to an episode so you're gonna see me wearing different shirts in in various clips because it's old so enjoy these old clips for today and I'll bring you guys as fresh new spooky scary Sunday tomorrow I think that's worthy of a slice on that like button so for the first time in triple-s history you're gonna get two in one week now if you'll excuse me I have work I need to do this next one's called teeth and it was uploaded about a home he's over at altars out I'll leave I what's good this was sent to us by Devon or Devon depending on your race I know though if you're the darker you are is Devon you know thanks for sending this video Devon here's a new train bar take it [Music] I could be two things wait to see which one it is I received my first tooth at the age of two and a half this was by all accounts particularly late in a child's development act that I was also late to be weaned are you gonna smack your baby dream good I did not enjoy teasing so much its unpleasantness developed in me a certain disregard for these hard buds erupting from my gums I found biting with conviction on firm objects to be of benefit and suitable punishment I would take to chewing anything I could get my young man ball around what a game a jawbreaker surprising me my teeth survived this intentional barbarity only to be defeated by an oh so sweet sticky toffee apple his victory was short-lived these were primary teeth and primary teeth are any present to make way for adult teeth they sprouted in you by the minus six and a half I had unfortunately now gained a complete and fresh set but they help you I have no interest in their welfare I only had interest in the sugar in us that passed them by and settled on my tone my first a lot tooth was not a victim to my thoughtlessness but was in fact knocked out as eleven years of age a pre-planned chance meeting behind the school resulted in an inconspicuous bicuspid becoming an absent bicuspid the gap left by this missing tooth was thoroughly explored in it this animation is so weird and I loved it joy by my tone with funk reminiscence my goodness I reached the age of 48 continuing to lose teeth by then I had lost enough teeth to begin missing them in my day-to-day mastication of food even if my tongue was now lavishing in the smoothness if it surrounds lost three more through medical intervention and through necessity I gained my first set of dentures there I came a revelation totally then presented with a disembodied enamels that the full beauty of this substantial link between food tongue throat and stomach became apparent was not one Audis flies I began to place the form of the teeth above the function vetting and analyzing food for potential risk of the teeth falling foul many foods in fact became avoided avoided or mashed filtered separated oh my Lorelai's sake of keeping my prosthetic teeth pristine Picabo when your way there's my fascination with teeth soon began to spread outside the realm of my own and into those of other tooth animals I marveled at their efficiency the specificity these wondrous beasts had no need to worry their minds about their teeth they were blessed with immaculate design were like inspiration from them Oh Oh to think about how I could combine these specialists points that perhaps I could improve on my previous god-given and God inspired dentures I realized the perfect cutting tearing and mashing tools at the age of 62 I separated the species and sorted the teeth into categories of size and shape I gathered my resources and set to work on the construction through my thorough studies I became convinced that I had come to a combination of interspecies teeth one that could not be better matched no my meticulousness meant that they were not finished swiftly but they would be of utmost quality whoa what you need an exterminator in my 70th the impressive and fair set of teeth were complete but you can be able to really use them human jaws ain't built palo de [Music] nobody's walking around look at my wolf man in my 71st year I lost the tip of my tongue [Music] told you I told you what was it what other flies you never explained that this next one's called creepy man tried to kidnap me in the bathroom was uploaded by Wannsee entertainment but this was sent to us by real baby dry pay real baby drip a creepy man tried to kidnap people call me yaaaa this happening nanny I feel some type of way about this short little petite white girl in the first thing out of her mouth is people call me I yeah let me tell you why when I was a young girl maybe seven or eight it was a Saturday afternoon and my mother and I were at a mall shot getting it we went from store to store mostly for me I was a spoiled kid we went into a coat store and I was pretty bored so I would constantly walk away from my mother so all of his idea in every other store mom you supposed to be on the top and I would always call my name and I go running to her this time I was playing in a round coat rack my mother called my name and I ran out I ran right into this older man uh-uh then he grabbed me he grabbed me by my wrists happy while I was running I told him because I have to get to my mom he then told me he could take me to her but I said no and he let go it was weird because I saw this man in almost every story you went to but he never had any bags after that store I had the capacity really bad so I went while my mother went to the food i sat down to use it for maybe a minute her mom went to the fool court it was like yeah just let's go ahead to go to the bathroom look at her she's no more than 5 years old people I'm just gonna speak from experience as a black child growing up I learned real quick not to walk away from my mom I walked away from my mom once she was like you stay next to me all right you do not walk away from me while we're at the store or mall I were out shopping blah blah I was like all right mom you know but kids they get distracted sometimes I totally forgot that she said that so we're out at my area no grocery shopping I see like some frickin candy I'm not I'm not to go ahead and inspect the candies oh I like that one I like that one my mom came up behind me like a freaking ninja she was probably standing behind me for a hot like 30 seconds until like I sensed her like breathing on my neck at which point I did to animate good she just whispered in my ear oh my oh well Mohinder you do and that that mean wasn't even out yet so I had no idea what she said I turned around all I seen her two fingers like this she grabbed my shoulder squeeze and then tasted oh not that little exclamation I just did I mean two things and it's not the one you thought have you ever got pitched by your mind it's the worst pain is worse than stepping on the freakin leg oh and after that I never walked away from my mom again while I was at the store sorry for that Lauren tainted it when someone else came in the person walked right up to my store at this point I was just looking at the person's shoes they were men's shoes right why are you most confused of why a man would be before I could look up the man said hey yeah everything okay in there I'll come in if you want me to boss it was the man from the stores I looked up and I could see doodle at your trade or he then started shaking the storm come on in here begin the scream I got some more you been so afraid in my life then two women walked into the bathroom and the man took off Oh night woman took me to my mother and told the police they found him due to the cameras I don't know what his intentions were but the police said he probably would have kidnapped me who knows probably from that time on I would never leave my parents side while in public very little was worse than mine but I'm glad you still learned it and I ain't even saying that like a cannibal is gonna kidnap you but if you walk away from your parents a cannibal will get net now the first video comes from itay herself sapphire hey I'd say how's it going this one is called I'm a 911 operator and since I think sapphire herself sent it to me we know this one's gotta be good yeah dings it's your auntie sapphire before we start today's Saturday I want to tell you about one of our sponsors this week I'm sapphire one isn't it scary [Music] is a benign one possibly Oh the following story comes from the no-sleep subreddit written by username higgs Thunder all right eggs one what is your emergency yeah hi this is gonna sound kind of strange but there's a man stumbling around in circles in my front yard um could you repeat that sir drunk or something I just woke up to get a glass of water and heard snow crunching around underneath my front window so I peeked out I'm looking at him now he's about ten yards away from my window what is your address sir 16 17 or Alain in snella path I'm gonna send a squad car your way but that's quite a ways out are you alone in your house sir yes I'm alone can you confirm that all of your doors and windows are locked stay on the phone with me I know that my front is definitely locked but I'll go check my back door again why would she she ate your help by the way I know this is kind of strange but I really hope that sir are you still there he did he's still in the car down sir stay on with me what is happening he's staring right at me but he's he's standing on his hands net Oh perfectly still staring straight at me he's doing a handstand and he's smiling or moving he's doing a handstand sir I don't know how he yeah he's he's facing me and standing on his hands and he's got this huge smile and he's please get someone out here now sir I need you to remain calm I've put out the call and an officer is on his way oh my god sir I want you to try and keep an eye on him but make sure your back door is locked again we need to make sure all possible access points are secured can you talk me through and confirm that your back door is locked no I cannot do that for you sir I am NOT taking my eyes off this thing never lose sight of the target all right soon as you turn around he gonna be one foot or one hand closer get it cuz he's walking on his hands not his feet I really do this okay I'm walking backwards now and I'm keeping him in my sight okay it's locked I need to check the deadbolt so I'm gonna take my eyes off him for a split second oh don't all right sir help is on the way just stay on the phone with me everything's going to be all right sir he's gone gone sir are you still there he's his face sir I need you to speak up no one sick I looked away for a split second and now his face is pressed his teeth are huge he's still smiling there's no color in his calm please help me why would it just woo sir I need you to go to the nearest room and lock yourself inside of it do you have a basement or a bedroom that you can lock yourself in he won't stop staring I think he's gonna hurt me sir I need you to listen to me lock yourself somewhere safe until the officer arrives at your house can you hear me and you're positive that you're alone in your house correct yes I'm alone in the house we had a moment move it shaking his head what he's telling me no oh god I think he can hear us he's telling me well I've thought sir sir are you still there liesl fear me get is up sound is everything okay sir do you hear that meets meet you that's a lesson for young man never take your eyes off you know if your back against the wall honestly you got nothing to lose like you're dead anyway honestly when your back is against the wall like that let's say like you are home by yourself the police are not gonna be there for 30 minutes and someone is standing against your glass you actually think you're gonna have time to stay on the phone until they know it's me a you buddy [Music] now I'm nerding out on this one because that's freaking me this next one is called Cory Kenshin animated spooky scary set thing it's gotta be the coolest it's gotta be the biggest fourth-wall break this is uploaded by fresh geek and it was sent to us by iron wolf Network this is the coolest man this is the coolest I am gonna have a great time today call of Spooky's the accuracy the accuracy I love this would be scary Sunday do you I just think that it's you know such a de-stressor I had to deal with some things earlier I don't want to get into it um the police might might show up but we don't have to worry about that right now spooky scary sunday is the only thing that I care about and if anyone gets in the way of my scooby series of day oh my goodness but not you you're my friend look how good you're my friend right I like having friends fire [Music] now this next one's call I stayed at a creepy old lady's house and Ben escaped it was uploaded by Steven B now this was sent to us by my sister who is a avid Cory Kenshin fan not a big Cory fan though but what that being said she said it was perfect for our triple s in the late 1960s my great uncle John was traveling by train from his village to another to visit family he had to change trains at one this guy narrating feels in the late 1960s my great uncle John was travelling by train from his village to another to visit family he had to change trains at one point and was dropped off at what amounted to a platform and a hut in the middle of nowhere there was no one at the station and other than a third road that led off into the surrounding woods there was nothing there he waited for some time but no train came it was winter and getting colder and darker and just about the time he started worrying about a place to stay and some food to eat an old woman appeared out of the Twilight she asked if he was waiting for a train and when he said he was she said it wouldn't be a long until the following day she asked if he needed a bed for the night and offered him a meal and a room at her house he was glad to accept her offer and stay out of the cold he took the suitcase and they set off together down the dark room was more than an hour away by the time they arrived at the woman's small two-story house John was tired and hungry they went inside and the woman led some oil lamps and warmed some borscht for them John finished the soup and asked where he would be sleeping she led him up to the stairs to a tiny room with a window that contained a single bed and nothing else he thanked her they said good night and she goes the door then she locked it leaving him in the dark Oh creeped out by this John called to her but she didn't answer I heard nothing else figuring he would deal with it in the morning and that she had probably done it by mistake John said his suitcase down and laid on the bed before he could fall asleep though he felt the urge to pee and got out of bed hoping to find a cooler part or something he could pee in he got into his hands and knees and began to feel under the bed in the darkness thinking that's where the part would be OS 1 7 60s who's that John one right to the window to see if he could exit the room that way it was nailed shut in the room he was probably a dead man but if he broke the window and tried to get out of the way there was a good chance that the old woman would hear him and come into his room or he could get away so he did the only thing he could do he pulled the body from under the bed it heaved it onto the mattress and covered it with a blanket then he got under the bed and waited sure enough about an hour later he heard footsteps coming slowly up the stairs and then toward the room what I got clicked and the knob turned slowly in the gloom John saw someone moving toward the bed then he heard several sickening floods the person had bashed a body on the bed with the lower row bar which then dropped onto the floor right in front of John there was silence then the person went out the room and the door was shut again John moved from under the bed and took the crowbar and was able to slowly pry the window open but God was up he threw his suitcase out and drove through himself not caring what was below him only worried about what was behind he landed without too much injury and began to run into a field behind the house towards him light in the far distance it turned out to be a highway with some military and transport trucks on it and luckily John was able to get a ride to another village where he could catch a train he didn't bother reporting what had happened to the authorities since at that time in the USSR there was a distinct chance he would have been the one who got into trouble he just thank God he had escaped and decided that the next time he travelled to visit relatives he would take another way I would have broke that window so quick that would have been my first idea but then I would have had to outrun some guy I thought it was just gonna be the old lady some guy came in with a crowbar [Music] now this next one is called burners and it was uploaded by pilot red Sun this was sent to us by infinite taco kitchen who said your effort will be gone after watching this huh nightmare fuel nightmare fuel if the popcorn catches on fire just know what are you always sending me he's on fire what is this what is this why is the air colder it's a chronic buildup of my favorite air dust premature NASA and OSHA violation this is my house dude don't jostle the heating ducts Oh [Music] I'm checking for estimates here is the best way to us finder [Music] the last one for this week is called fear filter and it was uploaded by Tracy cleamen listen to us by Tommy the hooded Barney on IG what's your long freaking Twitter name I mean I want to say thank you but I also got a question ask is your last name pickles dick lucky cap production would be right outside until your parents get home but I'm scared now so fear filter see all y'all mr. Morano snapchat this for you this girl 12 mmm-hmm fast young father that you hear all that slurping bunnies don't make those sounds email sound effect go to the next one don't use that filter oh oh what's being picked up back there Johnny change the filter [Music] has common sense left the building is it just me in here turn around turn on your flashlight she was over - honey if this is a joke it isn't funny turn the so you're really not going to turn the flashlight on [Music] say invisible monster [Music] get a can of paint just start throwing it everywhere I'm swinging give my name is Gary kimchi [Music]
Channel: CoryxKenshin
Views: 14,465,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: do, not, take, your, eyes, off, him, 911, operator, burners, teeth, animation, reaction, reacting, to, scary, stories, videos, sss, spooky, sunday, coryxkenshin, cory, kenshin, 22, creepy, man, bathroom, old, lady, fear, filter, jumpscare, scream, yell
Id: JHeU7IclczY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 32sec (1892 seconds)
Published: Sun May 10 2020
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