she is standing outside your window [SSS #020]

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I watched this video at three and during one of the scary parts something fell in my house I was shook

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Mr-Galaxy-S-Universe πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Bruh why does cory got To Upload at 2 am

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/marshmallok πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/_Rip_Van_Winkle_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/wiiwonder1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Eye_dount_no πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

we need cory to finish mk11

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SpaceSuit2 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/YuB_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

ya boi just opened the video

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Yaboi680 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] well hey there someone's right on time for a spooky scary Sunday how you doing I am gonna have a great time today I love this would be scary Sunday do you I just think that it's you know such a de-stressor I had to deal with some things earlier I don't want to get into it um the police might might show up but we don't have to worry about that right now spooky scary Sunday is the only thing that I care about and if anyone gets in the way of my scooby scary Sunday but not you you're my friend you're my friends right I like having friends let's get to the videos so if you don't know why spooky scary Sunday is I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that you just found my channel in which case go ahead and subscribe and hit the bell and if you are subscribing you haven't hit the bell then go ahead and hit the bell if you're not subscribed subscribe and hit the bell if you are subscribed and you don't know what spooky scary Sunday is that is the transgression of which I cannot forgive oh you just found my channel well let me explain scary Sunday is a show where every Sunday we gather our entire samurai community our little tribe or whatever you know six million strong thank you guys we all get together and we watch scary videos sent in by you guys via twitter using the hashtag scary sunday go to twitter you follow me at Korey Kenshin I mean if you haven't done so already you hashtag spooky scary Sunday and then you leave a link to the scariest video that you know and if I pick your tweet you get a shout out boss so sit back relax grab some snacks go ahead and get you some toast Eno's pizza rolls maybe some tamales and I don't know dude with all that being said first video now this first one is called sleep tight and it was uploaded by me Canyon y'all know who that is from last week now this was sent to us by potato chip I'm not kidding a potato chip an actual potato chip sent this in so thank you mister potato chip I'm sure you taste delicious pause on that just looking at them like meat canyons art it's just like mommy like look at that way we go when we sleep well you stay right here sweetie no I mean when we close our eyes and have dreams I'm I'm not sure where we go Jeremiah okay there will be a night when there are no more dreams when you gasp for air okay mommy I think that's enough yeah but the air won't come Jeremiah you choke and grab a hold of anything near you tightly so tight because you know this is the point okay I'm ready for a night nightmare right this is the point where the roller coaster goes over that hill and you're afraid aren't you very well very pray that this night is not your night son oh oh oh but Jeremiah don't ever forget that Hill is just on the horizon and one day you will have to walk that my dear mommy are we going to Bryce's birthday party tomorrow mama sweet mommy of course sweetheart sleep tight my little angel oh I was looking at that I was looking at that yo Mitch Canyon is fire now this next one is called reflection and it was uploaded by daydream pictures this was sent to us by Kiana and she said good luck baby boy excuse me excuse me I'm the Shogun himself the ankle breaking savage from the Midwest you never heard of me you ain't rinsed their toothbrush oh boy her hair Oh No if you saw something stain it behind you bro but you couldn't turn around fast enough to catch that face all that base messed me up [Music] oh I did the whole Harlem shake [Music] [Music] I don't know what it is this one is really good to get against the wall or something I'm stepping on that put your hand back in there so you're gonna let it fall out stupid I'm not gonna let you get the chance look at the neck Oh Oh [Music] run towards it run towards it nothing better than a steaming hot cup of coffee to wake me up in the morning saw his face now this next one it this pedal is creepy AF I received a creepy package and found something horrifying inside this was uploaded by Stephen B now this was sent to us by snitch who said check your mailbox so soon HL we bout to have a problem did you read my mailbox mates my neighbors one of those annoying wannabe youtubers hey guys welcome back to another crazy video the cinnamon challenge I feel personally attacked right now a little offending that's all that's all but I'm not an annoying youtuber guys I take it back let's go are you getting this it can get tiring to watch and go about a shenanigans in the pursuit of viral Fame so when he knocked on my door the other day he told me he was going away for a few weeks and asked that I get his mail honestly it was a relief are you gonna pay I was afraid his stunts would wind up bleeding over into my life things were pretty normal for the first couple of days he received a few bills a bit of spam and from what I could assume was a birthday card and then one evening I got home to find a cardboard box waiting on his front porch and in big letters was written return to sender now I'm no small fry but I admit I had trouble lifting the box on my own it was it he paid you freaking happy getting it across the road to my house was even harder I decided I leave his package in my garage Brian wasn't like I kept my car ah I already know what time it is it's heavy huh big ol box which all thinking that box huh i'ma give you one guess a whole man is inside of that box if I'm right you got a slice of light button done deal it was because my garage door refused to open without a good thug and a whack it was when I kicked the door big walked in that I lost my grip on the package and fell to the ground and I heard it I'm like the rack inside I hope I hadn't broken anything important but figured I just I know my dude in that box right brain a box alright as soon as he fall asleep I'm coming on his boxing oh I didn't tell my neighbor about it and let him assume that the break happened on route I dragged the box the rest of the way setting it in the corner for whenever my neighbor would come back to claim it and then I forgot all about it please somebody loves your garage the only days past that is there was a horrible smell in my garage coming from the Box in the corner I remember thinking it must have been one of those meet of the month subscription boxes and thought they must have gone rancid from being left out for so long I covered my nose as I approached the box with a pair of scissors in my hands I probably wouldn't even have needed them to open it as I had it become soggy enough at the bottom to Coco the finger my scissors toured through the tape along to top of the cardboard box I thought the smell couldn't get any worse but as I flipped the flaps open new distinct all right garbage bag in one hand and the strongest cleaner I could find in the other and I had long rubber gloves on to keep my skin from having to touch what was inside well as it turns out I needed none of those things or mattock you see there was meat in that box but it didn't come from a cow or a pig no it was worse than that it was my neighbor still in one piece but dead I caught the cops and they took me in for it oh well he tried to do that mail break but when he dropped the box he cracked his frickin neck bone oh no Tara Gatien it's kind of hard not to suspect the man with the corpse in its garage after all thankfully they soon realized I wasn't involved my DNA might have been all over that box the smell might have left a mark throughout my house but there was one piece of irrefutable evidence in my neighbors own hands that proved my innocence a vlogging camera they showed me the footage only once my neighbor was sitting in the box outside of a shipping facility laughing has he told the world how he was going to mail himself across state lines he brought people's food a pillow and a few flashlights his friend a guy I'd seen that his play several times to help with the stunts closed the lid and presumably dropped him off the Shipman throughout the next couple of hours or days I'm honestly not sure my neighbor recorded a few short clips of his progress hey what's up guys I think I'm in a truck right now I can feel it moving must be in a warehouse who was pretty warm in here and then on the last entry the box toppled over and broke his neck that was it the camera recorded until either the member card got to full or the battery had died there's one thing I didn't tell the police after they showed me the video they heard in the footage that will haunt me until the day I die just after the tumble that broke his neck I heard the familiar screeching sound of my garage door that was a good one y'all heard of here first y'all trying to do that male prank I'm gonna mail myself across the country I'm gonna stay in this box for 24 hours and all of that go ahead do it get dropped through your neck bone this next one is called do not play hide and seek in a forest look at my skin color you don't gotta tell me that this was uploaded by Wannsee entertainment it's been a while now this was sent to us by KK staff on Twitter KK I want to say a thank you when it gets dark outside happened a couple of years ago when my mama decided to hang out with her friends at a casino and my dad was at work so my day monitors and I were home by ourselves my sisters were 14 and 15 at the time and I was 11 14 and 15 I'm just saying home by ourselves my sisters were 14 and 15 at the time and I was 11 after my mom left it is very exciting to be home by ourselves but an hour later it got boring so we decided to play a game we ended up playing I didn't seek hmm at that point I was a bit scared because it was 11 p.m. almost midnight I don't do it but then I kind of brushed it off since I thought my dad would come home soon I didn't want to admit that I was scared also I don't want to be removed so I decided to play let's just play hide and seek in the backyard I suggested let's play my house there are no hiding spots back there let's go to the forest Oh after my sister said that shivers went down my spine but anyway we stepped into the forest that's nearby go count my second older sister said to me I decided that I had to be brave my other sister gave me a blindfold what is this for I asked put it on and try to find us my sis wait it on while my sisters used flashlights to find a place to hide I put the blindfold on and then counted to walk garages when your time I said ready or not here I come after walking around touching every tree what go by ten minutes had already passed and I still hadn't found my sisters this gotta be amazing I was walking on this trail I could barely see anything so I tripped on a twig and fell my clothes got dirty and my knee started bleeding ah but I had no choice I get off around some more I came across a tree and you I finally found something it felt like a person haha found you I said I then heard my sister's walking by behind me saying hey how did you not find us yet at that moment I froze I took off my blindfold slowly and saw an old man sitting there smiling at me dark can toy play with the old he asked with a crows voice he wore a dirty shirt and his hair seemed like he didn't shower for a long time my sisters and I screamed and started running out of the forest as quickly as we could Oh what do you have that but after running for a while the old man couldn't keep up he stopped running and stared at us and then he turned around and went back into the forest is that his before he got closer to our house and then we saw our dad pulling into the driveway good ran to him and told him what just happened he was shocked so he called the police immediately the police went to the forest and they searched those areas for a few of these wet cops after a while they found and arrested the old man the next day we learned that the old man killed four female children walled up their bodies in the woods all the local news stations were covering the incident when I heard that I felt sick to my stomach I am glad that we are safe but now I pray for the four souls of the children may they rest in peace sis cuz they got chopped down Wow [Music] now this next one is called abduction Horror Story and it was uploaded by our good friend Mars so since was by Victor who said it have you back Corey hey Victor while I have you did you just slice that like button Victor Victor I don't want to hear that my name is Josh Roberts and it's been a year since I was abducted what remember it like it was yesterday I was walking home from school was about 6 p.m. and there was a full moon and a chill in the air I stepped off the bus and for the first time someone else got off with me I've never seen this new kid at school before I could hear footsteps behind me I took a quick glance and saw the kid walking in a brisk pace let me help y'all out alright cuz I didn't been in this situation before you walk in somewhere and somebody is a little too close behind you so here's what you do I'm giving y'all life tips this is exactly what you do walking right you take your phone out you act like it went off so you walk in notice somebody behind you right like a many kind of close act like your phone going off yeah hello and then when you pick up you just yeah hello yeah I got a bad signal dude I'm right at the corner oh I see you I see you I'm just gonna be on tips you just give you tips otherwise you can just turn around and put your paws up that's not a bad option either hey what's a walk huh and then if they really didn't want anything then the worst thing that happened is you just yelled at a stranger but if they dare for something else you better be stronger than me boy and you're not you ain't about to kidnap me my same height and weight man Shaq couldn't kidnap me I'm biting your ear I thought he was following me so I took a left which wasn't my usual route I looked around again and saw him take the same left my heart started pumping her own ejection get the sound of the footsteps as they got louder and faster than panicked and started running no don't I remembered a shortcut in the nearby forest to my neighborhood check them so I ran as fast as my legs to carry me hey kid wait up nobody voice from mom oh I tried me old not to stumble on the logs boulders in my path I could hear the sound of sticks and leaves being broken by some fast heavy footsteps my legs started throbbing as the adrenaline wore off so I took a detour towards a playground I stopped to catch my breath looking around for somewhere to hide then he went silent I was doubtful then I lost him I took my phone out to call the police when I spotted a local news article caution there was a suspicious man on the loose oh my goodness it assaulted an officer beware he may look like a team but he is in his 20s if you see him call 9-1-1 and lock your door my mind started rushing with thoughts I started to panic all the sudden someone started choking at this I tried to fight back but they were so strong to stand a chance my feelings of Hope began to diminish as I slowly blacked out wouldn't call me like that I woke to find myself in a dark damp room that looked like a basement the floor was hard and cold there were no windows but there was a staircase and a bathroom I tried to move but I was tied up with a thick rope yeah I got him how much was the deal 200 listen you got to do a little better than that okay fine you better bring the right amount or you'll be tied up like that kid why are they selling me oh yeah the guy sounded mad and anxious listen why don't we talk to right after he hung up he opened the door and walked down the stairs with an evil smile let go of me I exclaimed as he taunted me my arms started to fall asleep due to the tightness of the rope he came closer to me and I spat in his face he looked savage mo one thing I was about to say if somebody kidnap you and they don't have a mask on you're probably gonna die they ain't about to let you walk up out of there with their identity your best option is some sort of sneak attack took me in sheer rage oh the doorbell rang followed by pounding on the door the guy grabbed some tape and shut me up before I could scream for help they only backed off kids often leave me to keep quiet and ran towards the front door I'm Lincoln I looked around trying to see what I could use to untie these ropes I spotted a rusty sharp edge sticking out of the wall be careful this was my one hope I successfully got up and tried with all my might to reach it as I was trying to cut the rope from my hands I could hear the commotion upstairs getting heated I managed to free myself from the ropes when I heard the front door slam the silence was terrifying I was frozen in fear footsteps started coming towards the door I choked and shovel back to my original position arms behind my back wrists tightly locked together sneak attack where were we set the band sneak attacked me grabbed my ankles and started dragging me with a phone ring he dropped me instantly too charged upstairs it wasn't pointing these Maternity I had tied my feet grab the closest thing to me and he had some boxes now where did you go he said as he stands there I heard him getting closer to where I was hiding I bolted up from behind the boxes and song checking the bathroom as he walked out I struck him over the head with a pole fell to the floor I'm into my game moved around his head I ran upstairs and out the front door I stumbled my way to the closest a woman thankfully opened the door she was shocked and fearful when she saw me the police were called and I was rushed into the hospital they're still looking for that man even to this day the last one for this week is called Pleasant in and it was uploaded by David Romero David Romero has a lot of good stuff I'm noticing now this was sent to us by Rhoni and Shaun who said I'm also a fan of gunk well if you're a fan of Goku then you know what this move is called I'm back what to go grab me a snack respond to be late is David Romero guys y'all know what time it is museum are [Music] unsettling offer it no keep driving down got nothing to do with me what Aaron what are you doing Karen keep driving ain't mind your business on Karen now you didn't get a monster false hope now he coming after you or seen guys I I know I'm doing a lot I'm trying to finish it right I'm sorry what it is [Music] something bad gonna happen to her she should've stopped I were to act my I need to see it I love David's animation style hey what's going on was the point of that that characters going to be important let me ask you a question guys hold on so it that's good enough what's the first thing you do when you check into a motel or hotel whatever don't matter close the curtains and lock the door and as facts y'all look ya'll don't have long hair I will be flexing it all the time it's going on Oh hex not that's that girl from earlier Oh No what done ya dang curtains is open [Music] hey oh my gosh [Music] look at him up in the gas [Music] yep oh no what I do not miss it all month that game is moving way too fast that's like the pains from res evil - I mean three y'all know them things y'all know what I'm talking about you ain't know all my series [Music] is the pointing with you now guys it's gone it's all cuz you stop lady get it get it let's go I'm out talk about it stop all but you the bus back glass on the first attempt oh wait oh let's go let's go I'm driving to Mexico oh it went inside of him hey man I bet the next time you see oh my gosh she stopped nail it is a zero all right you guys we're gonna end it there for this week this was a pretty strong week I'm gonna give y'all nine out of ten this week but you still need to get that old soul desire in not a ten I want to ten out of ten week for you next week bring the heat i'ma body here I got some work to do down in the basement don't worry about it don't worry about it you just make sure that you stay tuned in to your local 7 th and alright that's all you gotta do see you back here next week spooky scary Sunday guess my name is Gary kimchi you win perfect
Channel: CoryxKenshin
Views: 13,092,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coryxkenshin, cory, kenshin, funny, hilarious, moments, edits, memes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 30sec (2130 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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