if you woke up to her, what would you do? [SSS #026]

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[Music] look behind you after killing his family the father who himself with a garden hose we have so much fun together what what are you doing over here looks like you guys are ready for it spooky scary Sunday huh let's go ahead and get our snacks then oh that over there it's not too late if you act bad right now let's get some snacks why are you still sitting there I told you to get snacks we bought the watch a 30 to 40 minute video and you still say no when L snacks don't let it happen again movies Gary Sunday is a show where every Sunday samurai get together we congregate we gather around a campfire and we watch scary videos sent in by you guys via twitter using the hashtag spook scary sunday and if you don't know what spooky scary sunday is by now why don't you go ahead take it some hand sanitizer couple little squirts in the old hand go ahead and lean it over your i don't really do that if you don't know what it is go ahead and click that subscribe button cuz obviously you're new around here so go ahead and click subscribe then go downstairs click the like button go up follow me at Corey Kenshin on Twitter hashtag spooky scary Sunday and leave a link to the scariest video that you know and if your story gets Pig yo over there so sit back relax grab some snacks go ahead get you some resi cups some hot fries and a can of dr. pepper and what all that being said first video [Music] [Applause] yo Cory cut it the first one of this week is called her last photo and it was uploaded by migrant Phil Club this was sent to us by Ellie blacklivesmatter preach my assistant a Corey this is for you love from the Philippines you get love from the Philippines I'll hear that guys samurai are worldwide all my Filipino samurai stand up right now all of applause mahal kita okay washing load dishes the water kind of loud like I can't even hear how y'all doing turn the water off it's just loud that's not does she drop a ring or a spoon what I get it okay okay I'm coming hello I see sound like a kid no don't put your ear against the door this is ominous I got a bad feeling uh-oh see spidey sense is tingling got you think you're gonna bring it in the house Oh she don't look that concern huh no-no-no if you're not gonna say anything oh how did someone get a photo of behind me in my house and then delivered it to me and said gotten you you're gonna throw that in the trash or are you gonna call the FBI she really is carefree in her life let me strive to be like her hey Kara how are you oh it's are you talking abou Lee a laser huh just like that come on it's not missing we need I know it was you me what do you mean I'm the bad guy oh hey okay so she thought it was her friend that's why she didn't panic before closer what is it just now [Applause] how do they develop that bolo right that quick even am instant one take a look a little bit time [Music] that's not a good defensive position [Music] [Music] what starting this week off decent that ending but it was a nice builder this next one is called the woman and it was uploaded by come on the tried and true love arms now this was sent to us by spooky bear and they said never trust your eyes the woman it was a late moonless snowy night I heard the chilling cry of a bobcat as I arrived home from my parents house where we had just had Thanksgiving dinner in northern Michigan exhausted Michigan I'll recognize him that's my boy daily exhausted I had finally made it to my bed when my pregnant girlfriend asked for nacho cheese munchies reluctantly I laced up my boots and went to my car due to the cold it took me a while to start the car which only made me more irritated but eventually I got it started then I arrived to the convenience store to retrieve my girlfriend's mandated snacks as I left the store walking back a car hello I saw a shadow of movement out of the corner of my eye what looked like a person stood near the dumpster just out of the light I stepped towards the figure and she looked at me with a giant City quick little serving I'm gonna pass it on over to our game show host thanks Cory so before we get stuff out of Mike that's a little someone kill that guy all right would you a go investigate the creepy old lady be run for your life through the woods see get in your car and drive home or D call 9-1-1 if you answered anything other than a good job you are going to survive it seems that we got some interference like a person stood near the dumpster just out of the light I stepped towards the figure and she looked at me with a giant sinister smile Oh her face was so weathered it looked like she had cracks all over her face she was crouched down and appeared to be chewing on something oh I look to see what she was chewing on it to my surprise it was a severed arm it looked old I said if it had been rotting I saw her glance at something in her pocket I could see the outline of what night like a pocketknife as soon as I looked back up she quickly charged me and back to the convenience store you see that freaking poem freaking poem of justice bursts through the door and frantically yelled towards the cashier to call the police as I turned to lock it he asked me what's going on I scowled at him listen oh it's O'Hair's just call the cops I looked back outside and saw the woman had moved across the street and was still scrutinizing me as she maintained a level of grin look there is a girl out there who's trying to kill me looking over me he replied I don't see anyone out there sir those words shook me even to this day when the police reached the gas station they began looking around for the woman while one of the officers asked me what had happened and I told him the details of the encounter one of the officers came back and said he couldn't find anything and then took them back to where I first noticed her we spent a few minutes intently searching but there was no proof she was ever even there the officer cocked his head and looked at me as if I was deranged and asked me in a judgmental tone are you feeling okay I was about to defend myself then I started to think am tired and I have had a couple of drinks so I just told them yes sir sorry for bothering you I hope you have a nice night and then I drove home I got home and around 4 o'clock in the morning my girlfriend greeted me with an anger but concerning tone of voice she asked me where were you are you ok so I told her what happened of course she didn't believe me I couldn't get to sleep that night I sat in my bed questioning my sanity wondering if it was all even real it was real crazy maybe I'm just tired no but no that can't be and I I saw it I Paula festive if I saw it why was there Hill proof where could be armed go where did she go before I knew it it was 7:00 in the morning and I had to go to work I thrown my jacket as I was about to head to the construction site and I put my hand in my pocket and noticed that there was a hole in it it wasn't there the other day I thought what if she caught my jacket as I ran which further proves my suspicion that she was real what I couldn't believe it my mind completely went wild until my girlfriend kissed me goodbye I told my friends at work what had happened and they didn't believe me either they made jokes about it the entire day but I had my bowling tournament that day so that gave me something to look forward to I got home and hug my best and jacket up and rapidly put on my bowling shoes and got my bowling ball my girlfriend looked at me with a pleasant smile and said when will you be back probably around 11 don't be long elaborate I won't don't worry at around 10:30 the tournament had finally finished and we had won I was so thrilled it forgotten a woman as we were leaving I noticed something at the other end of the parking lot it was that psychotic woman we stared at each other for what felt like an eternity she slowly started moving towards me while waving her knife in the air and making cuts ask your boys yacht jumped into my car and turned it on as I looked up I saw she was standing in front of me staring at me she slowly walked off window but she said in a quiet deep and scratchy voice I was frozen of fear but I snapped back to reality when she banged on the roof of my car screaming I quickly slammed my foot on the accelerator and didn't let off it until I couldn't see her anymore when I arrived home I told my girlfriend what had happened like last time she didn't believe me I really thought I was insane but I tried to forget about it and get some sleep okay last time why didn't he just ask his friends they were standing right there hey guys I might be on his lean still from last night so do y'all see that girl at the other end of the parking lot or not now if they Bros think of it like it's like a you own that lien again or they're gonna be like yeah oh who is that do you know her in which case you will have proven if you're crazy or not later that night I woke up and saw her in my room all she said was Let Me In over and over as she got closer she then started shouting come on stop being difficult oh I was wondering how in the world my girlfriend hadn't heard this going on the woman was right next to me held up a knife to me that's when I fainted I woke startled in my room dripping a sweat then I remembered I don't have a girlfriend or a helps over family Mambo time for your meds let me in this next one is called Scottie animated horror short and it was uploaded by David Romero that's just it's what's my Bosma who said have Sam protect you that's gonna be a little bit hard I'm gonna be honest with you since Sam is at my parents house but old buckshot here will do the job just fine forget it Christmas time okay yeah I'm Sarah or Santa [Music] Scottie they starting already nobody in the house you're that glass oh oh yeah glass runaway dog not playing and I know which I know what it looks like guys is such a wholesome one that was so awesome look at the dog again just like hey guys you know what y'all suckas don't know is that dog just saved your freakin life [Music] this next one is called underwater wonders and it was uploaded by Gabe the waffle who made this for me a long time ago gave how you doing brother now this was sent to us by JK no rolling I'm out here JK said this is a good video and I even have a reference in there somewhere so everyone keep their eyes peeled [Music] oh oh oh boy my team welcome to underwater wonders a wonderful place for your friends and family say is always looking for new crewmates and he wants you aboard his ship to explore the wonders of the deep and find many friends along the way you're here to music wheelie has the girliest trumpet for thongs you won't want to miss earth will not forget Dolly's beautiful voice their tunes can be heard from the Atlantic to the Pacific what's that occurs want to stay longer than a day we'd love to have you log cabins and resorts are rewards about the windows and every night you stay 5 dollars for children under 10 don't feel like swimming stay inside and watch episodes of our hit cartoon series wonder funnies or endless entered Norfolk oh it looks like Sally is hiding you're always waiting for someone to play with in the pulp you go vote in a ball fishing with the croc himself you enjoy some amazing new york-style dishes from duck better hurry though that line isn't getting any Shawn feeling medieval book rush pass to the Castle cafe and dine in stock explore the arcade and play fan favorites like Oh sugar adventures and The Legend of Momo's protector the lizard of Momo's protectors y'all know who that is gumbo nah it's only one ankle breaking Shogun himself it was also Momo's protector and as franking me matter-of-fact mum will haven't been here in a while hold on let me go get her no you know [Music] did I say you could do that then I say nuke our adventures and the legend of Momo's protector play laser tag with your best mates maybe even bring home an adorable souvenir from the claw machine that you can take home and heritage forever no I'm good to hear it underwater wonders we know that safety is a very important part of having an enjoyable and memorable experience it's easy to get carried away when having fun which is why it's required that all children under 13 must always have a life vest because swimming or sliding Sammy would hate to see a member of his crew unable to set sail so stay safe major don't take it from me take it from the park creator himself mr. Walters booth for an effective is underwater wonders that meet me as well as my friend I can't hear you whoa what's that that they'll always be up for an adventure no matter what visit us at these locations well and the last one for this week is called it came nameless in spring it was uploaded by our friends over at altar but this was sent to us by Uriel so Uriel you know what you earned yourself right a brand spanking new nutrigrain bar can you take Uriel take the altar go to sleep it's the pandemic bra it was fighting over a water bottle oh that's them straws that get on it it's the water dang it's like the last of us to coming out don't you get the gun is it true what they're saying on the radio answer me let me help you [Applause] [Music] this is feeling like burr box or like I am Legend or something so they're deliberately you can't go out again I'll go no have you seen one dead woman out there I will find some way out there is no way out and you knew that when you moved us here what did you something bad happen in the city that there's there'd be no way out but trapped it's true what is it it's pink men taking women day look it hurt is he crying it's not taking us I'm trying to sleep here john marston oh he sick you shouldn't have gone out stay home stay safe he upset dan I do breathing him breathe in his face I gotta go get some medicine now in case though you're effective you're infected good job better get a double dose cuz you gonna need one [Music] now this music has reminded me of the witch [Music] so you giving me le vibes right now [Music] what is the monster [Applause] [Music] they really built an attention on this one [Music] Oh Oh finger on the trigger for joy [Music] [Music] this music is going crazy right now can I just say that [Music] it's been two minutes and is one known [Music] I gotta build me up enough what's about to happen [Music] wait [Music] dan clear hello it begun I'm sorry I did get dog you saw her look at it right [Music] [Music] [Music] getting on get the gun [Music] Oh as a strong woman [Music] that's how you about to go out [Applause] woulda got the gun like I said don't kill her now she's out cold get the medicine at least [Music] what was that I think our monster what is it [Music] he did [Music] chicken [Music] even to the engine what the Freak is [Music] I feel like we just watched the entirety of Cloverfield Lane in ten minutes tell me y'all didn't get Cloverfield vibes from that like the whole time the movie was dealing with human on human conflict for survival we got the the film started with my new body and the other dude then we got the girl famed for the medicine finding the other girl all while there is actually a real Lovecraftian monster that thing looked like a cloud went tentacles that was freaking that was dope well aren't you guys we're gonna end it there I'm gonna get this week at ten it wasn't it's and don't get it confused it's not as scary like these were the scariest videos this was this Wow next week I want to be blown away from the spooks I want to be scared I want to scream can you do that can you get back-to-back tins y'all never did that before pressures on you pressures on let's see what y'all come up with next week until then spooky scary Sunday because my name is Gary kimchi you win perfect
Channel: CoryxKenshin
Views: 11,182,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spooky, scary, sunday, this, episode, one, was, disturbing, reacting, to, horror, internet, videos, sss, 26, jumpscare, coryxkenshin, cory, kenshin, funny, hilarious, moments, edits, skit
Id: i2sS8dDIFGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 16sec (2176 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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