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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Kleinbluekatzn 📅︎︎ Apr 19 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/NahOtaku 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2020 🗫︎ replies

i couldn't sleep last night because of the latest vid

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Lonley_Weeb 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/YOURdudeRISHU 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2020 🗫︎ replies

that game was really really scary

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/JGAMINGYO 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Spongebob998 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2020 🗫︎ replies

When he was on the monitor it brought some five nights at freddys vibe

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Reiivenn 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2020 🗫︎ replies

When he was on the monitor it brought some five nights at freddys memories back :,(

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Reiivenn 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Spongebob998 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2020 🗫︎ replies
where did you go they always asking Corey why you leaving hey Blake hey why are you leaving don't worry buddy don't worry buddy sweetheart don't now after you're done asking question sub YouTube's corner Corey kids are nearing welcome to the convenience store recently we've been playing a lot of games while we working in stores by a lot I mean - but you know what we're working at another story tonight no other than the convenience store so sit back relax grab some snacks when I sound like spooky scary Sunday old up y'all ready for that get comfortable and let's get ready to work our shift at the convenience store hopefully there's no foolery there's no hooligans cuz I'm not in the mood all right it's time need to get ready for work all right up down up down we're in here like swimwear Oh koonta yoga Japanese neckties the past tense of to sleep so she means good are they in there okay dark outside c9 you know sign okunoin one go guys what the Mojo's who this hey sue but I see there's no hi hi okay uh I guess we work the night shift because whilst we be leaving and night uh-huh working the night first of all it's really quiet Oh [Music] what what if why did I just take this out warm it up yeah we closed my door people can just see through my junk all right just gonna wait for that in a meantime how y'all doing doing all right tonight for today whenever you're watching this I love you still heating up I don't know what else to talk to about I was school Oh quarantine okay there we go bento yeah with that quick remark I'm not judging but they made some more videos but a different type - then don't what they can i twelve allow you know need a flashlight if you're living in a residence where you got a traverse it using a flashlight it may be time to get up out of there change clothes is this still part of my apartment I guess so okay I thought this was like the hallway to the complex or something oh my goodness I'm freaked out why are you making us walk to work oh [Music] okay what kind of sneaky walking around outside with a flashlight oh I can't go down that way where's the store oh here we go found some frickin stairs after 12 minutes I'm lost on my way to work the game cool like it helped out alright we're on the main streets now you're gonna hit that left on them I got a good feeling about this way hello nope bad feeling am i leaving while we got this border right here oh that is where I'm supposed to be going hey this is some power while live that'd be weird oh we gotta do it out here hey what's good with you hey what's up man grabbing your head I know what really happened here I was called to warn you all by the name I cannot speak of the day of judgment will come yeah in a he are too you too brother I got a shift don't make me call the boys hello sir oh goodness you made it hmm oh no it's just that I recently heard someone had fell over the bridge you just crossed there was an old lady that said that she saw a man walking down the street with his legs completely bent the other way ah all right I'm kind of worried scary stuff if only this was a true story ha ha ha sorry ok it's bright as freak in this door but this is the one thing I like about Japan like their snacks they're so bright and colorful like it just makes you want to grab them this is looks like some are expired that's not good so my clocking in our way what's going on oh sure it's the back of the store with the freaking happen over here no this is not going to be a fun game this is not going to be a fun game close out of I guarantee we're gonna have to do something with that generator out there and turn the counter yeah hey what's up man I do got in an accident his nose is matched so am i clocking in or what's going on I think some food are expired by the time you start your shift can you take them off the shelf for me your manager don't know what the Freak is going on you CCTV yeah oh snap cameras oh okay okay get off the cameras how do I get off the cameras okay all right what am i holding a freaking library pass I don't know what to do with this where's this my clock-in card I got a deal with thinnings it's fire food first okay come on carry two bags where's the trash bag yep right here let's get it throw that in there the Freak happened over there - something happened over here something freaking happened I'm scared let me go in the house I'm going back in the store where do I put this trash yo you want some trash alright don't be tampering with these red box machines either we got you on surveillance hotner unten wait don't leave wait I'm out nope I didn't mean to punching it bro don't leave you know I don't know how to work here why are you walking so slow uh-oh pulling up hold up let me in the store bro I got locked out breath bro I'm locked out of the store oh no it's okay why is everybody walking so slow I still got this trash on my hand give expired fool hey there you go why are you walking towards me bro freak out here alright what's good I work here don't worry it's a lot going on right now hey hurry up what you doing over there there's a lot of activity right now my mother watching with the cameras thinking about to be slick and steal some sight oh here we come here we come alright get off get off get off it took me 12 years hey welcome to 24 mark you real happy huh let me ring you up what you got overzealous I thought was gonna say my said I don't know what just happened I didn't scan anything okay I mean this job's pretty easy me hand sanitizer I don't know if he got the you know because a body here alright this sounds pretty easy walk around I don't know if I'm hello you can actually leave this door that's cool he was talking about some guy or something with broke knees walking across the bridge that's crazy man the Shelf looks fine I got already expired food right I'm not trying to get yelled at by my boss yeah I'll give it a try I'm not here to eat well here well here a van I'll play with vans come play with vans no why are you doing doughnuts what the man I don't like that I don't like that get behind a counter your money counter what's wrong with the door bro it stopped okay okay everything's fine I feel safer behind the calendar but I don't know what's happening outside you know what I'm tripping that dude was probably lying it was frightened nuttin I love my keep on checking these shelves make sure everything is uh make sure everything's fine nothing expired everything's fine over here looks like some expired Oh get him off get him up we out of here I guess I calleda store real quick I should have handled this before my shift but accidentally clocked in first let's go ahead and throw these in the trash trash yep there we go it work this time I think because I had my punch card in my hand nothing was working all right get back in here make sure we close this freaking door all right that's pretty simple just leave the store you know unmonitored it's good yeah pull up it's been a long night somebody come in here and buy something you doing back there like to drop some packages off I got you my guy come up here shyam I said did I show my said Becky juga you must it's kind of late for a delivery man at this time huh we've recently incorporated this system exclusively for convenience stores that are open late at night looks like this package is directly shipped to this store oh and the name matches your tag just I think this for you matches my tag okay take it home [Music] what is happening why did that okay I got a tape my ship was over this is outside of the store this is outside of the store 100% oh hey no somebody wrote my name on there delivered it straight to me all right I'm leaving nobody telling me what I'm supposed to do I guess I'm going back to work all right [Music] why is it so much darker tonight this was the bridge with the backward and East that somebody fell off let me get to work bro look how it's a beacon of light in the darkness thank you Oh bro I'm just letting you know I hope you got a flashlight he's really dark tonight no it was good hey hey so I heard you reported that the doors would open on their own well we got a guy to check the sensor and it seems like the wirings were loose oh you thought it was some sort of poltergeist I actually thought I did that on accident I see those on TV all the time but they're all scripted ghosts aren't real after all okay I don't remember asking you if you thought ghosts were real or not sir but thank you let me go behind the counter huh she was going on would you please punch in would you please guys I'm trying not to rage on this man ain't trying to punch in yet I saw some rats behind the store yesterday someone left the garbage bin open the first person to see this note has to get rid of the rodents a sec all right so before I punch in this time I'm gonna make sure I do my chores I'll go get the flashlights on yo who did this in a rat is are you crushed Oh see this is what I cameraman was that hey I don't know who back here that's the wrong store oh I'm letting you know in front ain't no gun inside again but you gonna catch two hands though that much well what do they want me to do with these rodents like if they not running away from me like and I'm standing in front of them they can have the trash this is always rat repellant okay uh-huh it's six rats over here okay that's three of them yep got him and you right all right I'm punching in chill out Steven oh let me walk you out let me walk you out if you walk you out hold up Steve make sure y'all ride out here it is mad dark I don't know if you brought the walk home bro he bought the gate Shane all right let me get in the store in the store grandma did you just walk up here like how did she get up here [Music] door done cloves twice okay get outside my said go my boss on let me let me go over there let me see if from okay I hope we're out with anything hey are you are you doing all right you don't want to talk so I'm gonna let you do you old ladies they be trying to skew it on maybe trying to put hams and a bras and stuff because you know it's already sagging down there so it keep going over there lady this way where you wait look see you over there bottom me too just like I said I'll see you in the bathroom okay let me get off this me get off he probably took some merchandise in the bathroom later who is this who is this pulling up bed to customers at the same time I candle that yo and that's not even a parking spot my guy but I need wearing sunglasses at night hey I'm in a hurry now could you please fetch me five cans of beer in a pack of cigars first of all cigars aw hurry up wow they making me do this you think you're real cool with your wax sports car and your sunglasses on that midnight no I got you imma get you your beer no don't worry about it don't worry about it sweetheart [Music] gotta spit on all of these cans oh I could pay take my claw I don't know what this piece thank you yeah enjoy why spinnel and autumn cans old lady coming out the freakiest fairy there by some lady well I'm not coming over there you come over here no I coming over there got me walking over here and his old lady staring at me like this hey you alright huh where's King Koon you know where ken-kun is I thought I heard his voice this was my daughter's house ma'am this is 7-eleven where did you go oh oh oh' [Music] miss me with all that noise old lady I've never seen you before don't make me take your Walker get a body in for a car chaotzu on you thank you by any counter I'm dealing with riffraff from old ladies left the bathroom light on at the door open I'm just trying to happen waba to the music what's up with the freaking door okay no this this is normal this is the the wirings on the door that just happened to coincide with something with the music going wrong going on with this door hello okay get inside man check surveillance boat somebody gonna be behind needles [Music] [Applause] you know get off get off that's what it was it was a freaking girl bro she playing with the door that's what it was we over here tripping man she was just doing this in front of the door don't let me catch her tomorrow no freaking games oh you got some more packages oh you ain't got no package tonight get in the house am I saying come on good to see you again oh you know the unstoppable trend on ordering everything online anyway there seems to be a package that needs to be picked up here oh this one right here boss and even tell me about this here you go all right take care okay let's get it ah hey who's he such an arrest for he-man I think the whole town knows some about this place and they're not telling me that's why getting this job was so easy all I did was tell her my name is she said hired oh that's the store in a distance I didn't even realize that okay it sounds like it's raining tonight grab my umbrella I don't want to go to work huh somebody knock on your door and this after midnight don't open that freaking hi not only did they open a door they left a package they know where I live w-wasn't unlined they delivered it to my dang front door I was gonna be standing outside the house what's that I don't know what that is I don't know what that is goodness my goodness this is not good this is not good that might have been in that back alley behind the store oh gosh run stressful hey hey where you weigh hey you got this counter nobody at the counter I know this man does not just jump out of the locker talkin about some bull I got you good huh oh how could you tell okay okay fine I'll stop I promise I won't do it again and you better not - I will in you pencil head you about the ugliest dude I've ever seen in my life before I clock in I gotta make sure to do my little task of the day some products were missing on the shelf always keep the shelves full that's our motto so please restock them by tomorrow morning your manager all right where do we restock at o our stock is in the back it's in the back see I like keeping Steve here because I know nothing's gonna pop off they ain't gonna freakin jump-scare me while he's here I mean unless it was him a little jump scare Edie thinking he off stuff yeah that's why you got friends on Steam well we got the yakisoba there we go just like that right there anything else need to be stocked I'm a professional stalker thanks to a night of the consumers check it out if you haven't watch me I do work see if is there anything else I needs to be stocked that's this Oh some of the magazine's bed take this back over here who locked the door who came in who came in the store but I love locked in the back Steve hey Steve don't freak what was that bro who came in here Steve are you back there bro like are you gonna explain what that was yo man what role what is going on I still got magazines Steve can you get that I'm not even oh my gosh I'm not even clocked in yet Steve if you could just come get this customer oh so you're gonna stand there hello sir well let me clock in first what someone's been sending you VHS tapes that sounds like a perfect idea for a horror flick hmm it's probably just a prank I doubt it's anything I mean come on it's just a video sucka he delivered it to my front door today just sign in your useless Steve you let me get locked back in the stock you ain't handling the hey sir hey I'm Hamada so there's something wrong with the air conditioning your boss seems desperate and keeping the food fresh hate to be working this late but he pays me well you know don't mind me I'll just quickly check the outside units and head right out all right I don't know if you got a shower cap on or hopefully he won't get jumped by whoever been hanging out back there cuz I know somebody been back there bro don't go back there bro dokgo my guy oh don't go back there I'm warning you I tried to tell him I tried to show first of all he out there standing in the rain messing with electrical stuff I don't know if that's the smartest idea come on buddy hurry up what did you write he good he could please nobody run from behind here make sure he hit that corner Oh somebody pulling up all right we got customers I don't know why the dudes be walking in slow motion you're not showing myself I might I ain't even gonna like check with me all right all right straight as long as everything is hoochie he got out of there because something is going on back there oh I gotta finish stocking - man you eating tonight huh hey are you the only one working here I can't believe this what kind of a manager puts a girl on a midnight shift alone that's what I'm saying I see you have no choice well at the very least I'll give you my protection charm no be careful you know what I appreciate this thank you thank you now I'm highly skeptical of any kindness from any strangers I'm guessing they need to be pulling off I'm guessing this is a tractor that she just gave to me some sort of beacon that they're gonna use or maybe a bomb I don't know laughing the toilet the toilet hey yeah [Applause] hey yo I gotta clean this up man who back here hey bro somebody back here bro who doing that check the cameras hurry up this is my last night no no you got me twisted if you think I'm getting back on that camera I'm gonna just pick up can I pick this stuff up off the floor I'm not trying to get yelled at there we go talismans talismans we don't sell those the heck do to drop items a wrench well MA or if it's a key in there did that guy put a key in here uh what getting out get in house get in the house get in the house what the Freak is locked in here what's back here bro pull back here the door's unlocked however my arm goes numb when I try to open it it feels as though something is grabbing in you okay we don't gotta open it what exercise the door oh who is that no Steve big that's the manager or what happened or it takes their tapes and rats for what oh no I'm stuck a lot [Applause] oh I live here now I'm never opening this boy they had no wind oh my god if you go back to work after that another tape what's that boy that's my house no that's the door that's the door that could be my house where I could be the door where I can't see I can't see I can't see okay I can either be my house or that could be the door behind the the convenience store is that my house that was on that tape no that wasn't my house that was the door to the that one place hey yo Steve I'm not playing engaged with you again Steve Steve are you in a locker there's no instructions from the manager nothing I can't punch in guys you know where the game is I don't wanna play this let's just get it over with what do you want to do with me game what do you want to do with me take me oh it's luck all right bet turn it on what oh this is a puzzle huh oh this ain't getting solved no time soon about to die now what is he trying to show me the ones that I got to turn on seems definitely right here that top one I think shoot I think it was looking like up here somebody crying back there I'm gonna die I hear somebody back here hello are you hurt I'm dead [Music] up we're going it's a freaking tape I [Music] can't do this no more okay we can watch the tape or throw that junk in the trash or put it back in a box not one not two but three choices I don't want to watch this tape brah I don't I don't want to watch it throwing it away I don't see how that's gonna change anything we still got the tape the way that I see it we need to send this tape back bro sent it off to someone else yo it's your problem now oh there's someone else that's kind of like me I don't know about that we're gonna have to just watch dude we don't have to just watch it I ain't sending it to see oh they hit me with the are you sure no I'm sanding it I'm sorry it's not my problem anymore it's not my problem sending it off nope I am watching it I was sickened by the whole situation I see what the VHS tape carefully and decided to send it off the cinder fortunately the sender's address was on the box when I was done preparing to send it off I felt my tense shoulders relax too much had happened in a short span my mind can keep up I knew I had to rest but I couldn't fall asleep everything about the store terrified me inevitably I had to sit down on a chair to clear up my head what did I see was everything I witnessed even real although I was scared I knew I had to know the truth I wanted to know what happened and why so I turned to the internet about the store I found a few old articles and forums talking about the location of where the building was made one comment on a strange phone stood out to me had said there seemed to have been gruesome killings at the property I searched for the same users comments in 2009 there was a case where a man who was the mainstay of the family committed a murder suicide I determined to investigate the internet further September 14th the man killed his child with a kitchen knife while his wife was off to a grocery shopping to a local supermarket when the wife came back it was said that she was killed in an extreme way he then hung himself on the same day they say that the woman was pregnant at the time of her death Deng the woman was killed with several nails punctured onto her along with her child in her stomach I wanted to throw up from the obscene images but I knew I had to continue no you didn't there was a guy that replied to the comment and said that he worked at the same place as him according to him the man was often harassed by his boss at work and he had complained to several colleagues and on the day of the incident it is said that he an emotionless face imagining what the family had gone through depression and hatred occupied my head it was very painful and with tears in my eyes I closed the Internet gently and closed the manager and called the manager talked about everything I experienced during my night shift however the calls were never picked up it was the same over and over again then I received a phone call from mr. hosel a franchise leader why never meant I had bad feeling about it and then with the shivering voice he said the manager is dead I couldn't breathe so it wasn't a dream and when I asked about the place where he was found mr. hosel said that there was an old storage behind a convenience store and he was found there and after a day of his death I dropped my phone I quit my part-time job with a broken feeling after quitting I would avoid going near the convenience store whenever I could because every time I passed in front of the store I would always feel a sharp stare towards me and I wouldn't be able to help but try and pass as quickly as possible so it's not to look at the building a day later the store had closed down the reason seems to be due to poor management but further details were not publicized at that point I didn't have the means or courage to examine any more after a while the memories of the convenience store started to haze down a bit one day as I passed by the now closed down store I heard a child's voice there I saw the woman this is a lot of reading uh when I looked in my hand I had picked up one of the rusted nails that had fallen in the middle of the site picked up on her to rest at nails what does that mean day she picked up one of the rusted nails yeah I got a reread that again I got a reread that clap that up chile's art is I who made this game so we were right that store was cursed the manager was dead it was built on see I'm telling you every time as a murder-suicide not only did he kill his wife she was pregnant too on top of everything is that why it was crying in a corner dude I don't know man that was rough I got a seed the other endings I have - all right guys we got to see what happens if you watch the tape my boy - II know he didn't send it back what what's the tape pick it up yes what I kind of did too Oh outside the window is that me is that my mom yes oh oh this is me it's something at the door bro it's um at the door my boys he can't see that I can see I can't move you're done with ask me paralysis you don't know I'm so glad we didn't watch this oh it was crawling crawl right in front of them that what happened I don't even think he saw any of them my dad yeah you're dead buddy oh I'm glad we did why sedate all right guys I do a bit rain here I actually do it in a trash so B gate off three innings at the price of one no one else put it in the box I'm telling you I saw the box from the table I already knew what time it was I'm pushing this on uh someone else hey I figured out how to beat it wilt rush it that goes straight in the bin guys are you sure yes I'm not watching the tape I already know what's gonna happen it's not gonna do it Wow good job so what happens by trashing the tape to find out same endings is asleep in bed oh you might get bodied Ryan and feel like maybe this would be the bad ending actually oh god Oh someone is straight to my home roll y'all don't see the person at the door nobody's commenting on that you know what I'm headed with our ending I still don't quite get the end exactly I know we didn't die in our bed though we were just walking past the store and then we saw the woman in her child so maybe obviously that's the dead but murdered woman and child so they probably looked at us like yeah you lucky you like you ain't put that freaking tape in I feel like I freedom you know I put the tape in I sent it back I don't know if that's how you stop the curse but hopefully guys enjoyed that was a doozy APD soda sisters the samurai slice that like button subscribe today to join a samurai and it's all next time my business my name is Gary kimchi [Music] Oh perfect
Channel: CoryxKenshin
Views: 11,056,154
Rating: 4.9671431 out of 5
Keywords: the, convenience, store, the convenience store, horror, game, scary, jumpscare, chillasart, vhs, retro, style, night, shift, puppet combo, warning, is, disturbing, coryxkenshin, cory, kenshin, funny, hilarious, moments, edits, j horror, japanese, ending, all endings
Id: 5mxzMmKTG54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 12sec (2772 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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