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is he gpnna upload today (monday?)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/REvanTRO πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

O_ri_gami he got corona or something?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FredFicklesberg πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ight that’s tight

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FredFicklesberg πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/1NIki πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

yall not worried bout edward norton?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/O_ri_gami πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

dedication they say

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/O_ri_gami πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ShadowBread_032 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MrPEEPEE-9669 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ShadowBread_032 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] [Music] are you doing over here freakin dirty is that really you oh well let me guess you're here for a spooky scary Sunday right it's been over nine months I'm sorry I've kept you waiting but there's a little quarantine going on and I need supplies it gets hot in there let me do it look at you wow it's been a long time guys so before we get this movie scary Sunday start it's nap time people go ahead grab his snacks and we'll meet back upstairs all right are you sitting there go get your snacks meet upstairs you still standing here I can see you [Applause] now if you don't know what spooky scary Sunday is well I don't blame you it's been nine months we've gained over a million subscribers since we did the last one a new spooky scary Sunday episode I'm ecstatic I'd say that's deserving of a slice of that like button maybe a quick subscribe no are you sure spooky scary Sunday is a show where every Sunday we come together as two samurai our small little tribe on YouTube and we get together watch the scary videos sent in by you guys via Twitter via the hashtag scary Sunday to elaborate you go to Twitter Follow Me At Cory Kenshin I'll give you a second to do that because we're closing in on 6 million subscribers so I should have 6 million followers on Twitter but I actually don't you at Cory Kenshin hashtag squeezy scary Sunday and leave a link to the scariest video that you know if I pick your video you get a shout out my guy so sit back grab some snacks grab you some fruit loop pop-tarts these junks taste good they really taste like fruit loops get you some leftover Easter candy and maybe a Hawaiian Punch and with that being said first video Oh before we get started a shout-out to altar not altar is we watch their videos all the time they liked your boys reaction so much they sent me a look you know crewneck thank you guys over our altar shoutout to you Levi alright we haven't even started this first one and it's already looking crazy the first one is called just beyond the golden arches and it was uploaded by me Kenny this was sent to us by Isaiah Smith who said make sure to finish your happy meals I just felt a bead of sweat roll down my butt crack you look cute when you eat those fries now go ahead and get a taste of that Big Mac it's really good can you back up [Music] come on in the water's just fine oh come on I won't bite at least not that hard highly uncomfortable and hungry mm-hmm you still haven't tried your Big Mac something wrong let's see you go home hungry I was getting it to go actually so I'm gonna just get up out of here our bathrooms are very clean hmm you look like you have to take a tinkle gone trips I got a 93 Toyota paseo in the parking lot let's get out of here no no actually on my old vehicle why did I get in a car we still like logic you know the rapper yeah but the needle drop refused him so poorly I just don't really care for his music now logic big oh well this is my pad at a much but I certainly call it home why am I here you look pretty thirsty here have some water why is his cheeks so firm there you go sweetie [Music] oh that was the water there was not water I just don't know why you didn't try the Big Mac I was at me was their luxury would know how succulent it contains [Music] we are in trouble now don't go home with strangers people don't be afraid when you come to your senses I'll bring you back up oh my easy with them now really big man that was freaking fire meat Canyon y'all got skills now this next one is called pine devil horror and it was uploaded by David Romero now this was sent to us by a boy ty so ty I want to say thank you appreciate you hopefully having a wonderful day don't feel sliced I like button ty because you didn't I'm gonna have to tie something around you no excuse me now you know he did now my question is what animal it got flies on it that was a daughter or son or maybe whatever that was a calf of something else real oh they're real Oh see you back yourself into a corner actually that's a nice camping spot hope you got some more buck shots in your coat [Music] what I didn't jump that was y'all that was oh yeah he's definitely sleep on that or he might have died dang what that was late howdy frickin funnel his way down there he's down it's a David Romero I remember he did that one animation I think it was called midnight snack fire this next one is called The Roommate and it was uploaded by our good friend Lama arts how you doing mama it's been a while and this was sent to us by he odd or he ODS or or he'll however you say your name I want to give you a big already got soco's I must roommate looking for a new roommate is always a daunting task even though you interview and take the time to get to know that person you don't truly find out who they are until you start living with them back side begun searching for you press pause let me turn this up you you get a nice and loud in the headphones so we it is that you and you had your Cooper roommate after I decided to leave my current residency I was contacted a couple of hours after placing an ad on the Facebook marketplace the message read hey Chris I'll be moving out of my current apartment this August and I'm looking to room with someone new as my roommate to move in California this year I'm 27 and I'm currently going to school when I'm not at school I enjoy hiking and watching movies I also apprentice at a taxidermy shop on the date I don't have class hope that's not weird it's a little bit on hobby of mine anyway I'm looking forward to hearing back from you have a great day linor my first and most obvious reaction after reading the message was to check her profile she was a medium height had long messy blonde hair and green eyes in her profile picture I saw her standing with a man and a woman shoulder to shoulder they each adorned goofy grins and held up peace signs under the photo the caption read love my roommates okay I smiled to myself and decided to send her a message back son beat down on us is that over there various objects to the second floor for a new apartment it took us a couple days to get everything under the moving trucks and into our new place but as soon as we did a wave of relief washed over our sweat drenched in sore bodies after a couple more hours of rearranging we each got two beer the fridge and sat on the porch we reminisced about old 90's cartoons and what video games we obsessed over his kids and as the Sun started to set I truly felt relaxed and confident that things were going to work out but they did not quick question how many of y'all would put out an ad for roommate and accept a response from the opposite gender cuz I'm thinking you know I put on an A for roommate if you even a little cute [Music] guys I'm joking a week later I started a new job for a construction company that was owned by a good friend of mine as I was getting ready I heard the front door swing open and walked into the living room to see lunare and her friend David sliding in a large box Hey oh you got there boys you're just through restrained grunt she replied I bought a freezer to store some of the animals I'm planning on using in my taxidermy work I hope that's alright you should clear that obviously has it's already years there was no mention of this happening in the first place but I eventually accepted and returned to my room to continue getting everywhere weird I came home at around 9 p.m. after having a couple of beers with friends and noticed that the freezer was nestled snugly in the lower part of the pantry a low hum could be heard reverberating off the inner walls I was curious to see what was inside but didn't want to intrude on the nares business so I went into my room and changed into more comfortable clothing I'm taking a pee after changing I came back out into the kitchen and started making a sandwich I opened the fridge and grabbed what I needed as I turned around I stubbed my toe on the edge of the island countertop and let out a long exasperated grunt Wow through my frustration I slammed the fridge door shut and checked my toe to see if there was any bleeding as I raised my head back was greeted by a shadowy figure ah lunaire was standing in the doorway leading to her room the darkness behind her almost seemed to envelop her is everything okay she said in a deadpan tone yeah I'm sorry I just slammed my toe into the corner of the countertop as I was making a sandwich I hope I didn't wake you it's fine she said and the same deflated tone as before she then turned around and walked back into the darkness of her room I could tell that she was pissed so I quietly made my sandwich and retreated back to my room as well luenell you want a PB&J I mean I could make you one real quick maybe we could watch some tic TOCs after only hearing the low hum from the freezer as I closed my door I had the next day off so I was able to sleep in a little longer than usual when I finally emerged from my room I walked into the kitchen to make breakfast as I opened the refrigerator I noticed that the light wasn't turning on and there was a lack of cold air escaping from inside wait she untied down and flip the light switch to confirm my suspicions sure enough the power was out oh damn it I muttered under my breath I walked over to Lu nares room and knocked on her door to tell her about the power outage if she didn't already know but there was no answer I then remembered that she had classes that day and probably wasn't home I walked back to the kitchen and past the pantry I slipped on the floor full was able to catch myself in the countertop whatta I ain't really exclaimed as I looked down at the floor trying to figure out what had slipped on it was blood and it started to leak from the corner of the freezer and pool onto the floor I quickly tried to open the freezer to find out the cause of the viscous liquid but then I noticed that it had a padlock attached to it hey no I don't remember seeing that before lunare gotta get it right into my car and grab my toolbox from the backseat I approached the freezer and set my tools down on the nearby countertop I then pulled out a small pair of bolt cutters and snapped through the metal the pass lock it fell to the ground with a large thud I creaked open the top of the freezer and was greeted with a putrid stench that permeated my nostrils I quickly pinched my nose and walked away gagging in response I guess I should have realized that was gonna happen I muttered to myself in between gags meaning my clicking air I grabbed some gloves from under the sink and started taking inventory I could see a couple of dead birds and plastic bags wedged into the corners of the freezer I took each bag out and set them in the trash can nearby that's when I noticed that the blood was coming from the corner of the larger black bag ah I don't know why but I decided to open the top of the bag and peer inside ah I was greeted by large milky white eyes swollen tongue surrounded by cracked and bloated lips and the matted hair of a human head I swiftly dropped the bag and fell backwards my breathing had ceased to exist and I grabbed the trash can next to me and expelled my disgust into it horribly ran out the door Oh got into my car and called the police good job as I sat in the interrogation room with a blanket over my shoulders I couldn't help but think about the face I'd sold look so familiar that's when it finally hit me I pulled out my phone and looked at the nares profile picture it was her old roommate the one she said was moving to California when the detective entered the room she started the questioning process asking me if I started noticing any weird behavioral occurrences around the apartment yeah I stub my toe the other day and she creepily stood in the doorway it seemed like she was pissed but for some reason I had a strange feeling like she was concerned about something that's when I connected the dots she didn't come out to the kitchen because she heard me stub my toe she came out into the kitchen because she thought I slammed the freezer instead of the fridge hmm a cold sweat started to form on my forehead as my surroundings became blurred I could hear a low whine slowly starting to cover up the words of concern from the detective as my vision started to clear I could see another officer into the room and whisper something into her ear as he handed her a piece of paper oh my gosh do you have somewhere you could stay at she asked I mean it was planning on staying with my parents they live about thirty minutes outside of town ok can I stay with Jude listen I don't want to worry you but we found this picture inside of your apartment oh no she slipped the piece of paper across the table and I immediately felt like someone kicked me in the chest she standing over the head of Munir's other roommates sat on the chair in the background scrawled on the wall with blood red that's my roommates all of them what did they do though like did they fart a lot leave food out after they was done like I get roommates can be annoying but for real this next one is called a college Horror Story it's another one by lemma Hearts I see you've been putting in work this was sent to us by Kyrie supreme and he said welcome back my man this is for you Kyrie I appreciate you for the welcome back my guy and I would also appreciated to slice that like men Kyrie do it good to be back it was an early morning my campus didn't offer housing and I lived about a half a mile from school so I started my journey as usual while playing on my phone I glanced up to see an old man heading towards me on a bicycle normally instead excuse me you're not about to be riding a bike what a suit what - start what I live in stark you might as well cut them three strands of hair off hey fellas why are you riding a bike at 99 years old they got us you got a suit on riding you freaking Mongoose bite the bowtie is powerful us step aside to let bikers and skaters pass but he braked instead I stopped to wondering if there was something wrong he walked up to me and said don't worry I'm not gonna hurt you get back I felt chills instantly I didn't know what to think I just looked up at him with a fearful and confused expression are you standing there I was gathering up the courage to tell him that I was late for class and I should go but before I could say anything he said get off the grass looking down I noticed I'd stepped over towards the road and onto the grass I stepped off slowly and he said you wouldn't want to step on any bugs or get your shoes dirty now would you he raised his finger and asked me what my name was I told him and he replied don't worry I'm not gonna hurt you the same chills ran through my body again but before I could say anything the man said get off the grass you wouldn't want to step on any bugs or get your shoes dirty now would you and looked down to see that I was back on the edge of the sidewalk again this had to be DejaVu he asked her my name once more I said my name again but he interrupted me before I could finish I loved the Easter eggs that's that freaking nasty snapchat kid from that one episode he told me his grandchildren are down the road and needed gas money I told him I didn't have any spare change or any change at all for that matter he continued to ask me again and I gave him the same answer eventually I headed towards my school I turned to see if he was still there but he was gone as I was walking I approached the intersection there was a truck on its side it must have tipped over and while turning the corner [Music] he's a ghost [Music] it says llama What stupid llama if you want to help support the channel head on over to the brand-new llama arts merch store it has new stuff available like updated t-shirt designs a mug from the sleepover story episode an embroidered hoodie a llama pen and even a llama plushie all of these items can be found at crowd made calm links are in the description hey get to money llama animations is beast you deserve but I have a question wasn't that kid in college why do you look 12 [Music] now the last one is called emoji head and it was uploaded by our friends over at crib TV sub crib this was sent to us by Matthew he said it's a little inappropriate but scary I appreciate you sitting in this in matinee Sophina so look at this sloppy we got a turn for guys like him ain't gonna say it or nothing I think y'all know may pain man bun yeah you know Wow Wow see she was.but the right leg oh thank you whatever happens to you you deserve her super original Claire wash your hands you the main one steady starting the outbreak getting exciting ladies let me talk to my guys for a second hey guys you ever takes a girl and she said you look cute or whatever and then your immediate response to that is she called me cute oh but to recycle though I appreciate that no let me stop cuz I I just want to punch this guy honestly [Music] Wow this guy and he put his face in it rookie move oh it says less than hundred feet yeah yeah Lexi night mom okay got him Willa no Claire get a weapon wait what I mean we knew he was saying that otter girls and not cool Claire this man brought a TV playing right now Claire come on where you at boy get in the house with your tennis racket when is freaking Serena Williams what you gonna do with that it's not worried about that phone get a night you're not going fighter no just lay on the bed [Music] a tender murderer I saw here first y'all want to get on Twitter y'all trying to get on does not twitch y'all trying to get on tinder act all crazy see what's gonna happen to you dude was trying to Netflix and chill went and got himself Netflix and killed large you guys we're gonna end it here this is a nice little 8 out of 10 night spend nine months so I'm gonna give y'all some time to knock the dust off but next week bring the heat all right I went the scariest nastiest videos that you can find don't forget to slice that like button and everyone stays safe during these uh quarantine times got some work to do see you here next week kiss my name is Gary kimchi you win perfect
Channel: CoryxKenshin
Views: 10,208,979
Rating: 4.9740081 out of 5
Keywords: coryxkenshin, cory, kenshin, funny, hilarious, moments, edits, memes, sss, spookyscarysunday, spooky, scary, sunday, is, back, horror, animations, reactions, jumpscare, reacting, to, creepy, videos, eerie, 2020, ronald, mcdonald, on, the, internet
Id: edk2uac_x0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 24sec (1884 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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