3 SCARIEST Japanese URBAN LEGENDS in Gacha Life

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Kuchisake onna -Hi am I pretty? Me- Is that how u introduce people?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2019 🗫︎ replies
where are my legs where you left them look Oh duh duh that's where my legs are that's right I do this all the time ooh that's right these are my spooky fingers which means today we must be reading some spooky gotcha stories now I know I've only done one spooky gotcha story so far and it was Pippo and it wasn't that scary but these actually seem pretty freaking scary and I'm gonna stop doing this with my fingers because it's hurting so yeah I've heard of a gotcha channel called 7:07 via gotcha Mike's Channel so I went over there and it looks pretty damn scary I found three short scary gotcha stories that are based on actual Japanese urban legends so morning you in advance they may be stupid but just in case they're not if you're sensitive to scary things you may want to sit this one out but I'm gonna jump right in because I'm super excited to learn some Japanese urban legend stories and we're gonna start with our first one being an urban legend that I had actually heard about before but don't know the full story of which is kuchisake-onna probably butchering that also known as the slit mouth girl urban legend based on a Japanese urban legend told you guys warning graphic content viewer discretion advised during these days many students aren't allowed to go home by themselves why are you stopping I feel unsafe going that way what do you mean it's a shortcut that's what I mean it's not safe I'll Lily you're such a coward nothing is gonna happen later cowards Ethan please let's go this way but if a student goes home alone Oh Oh No hey am I pretty um yes Oh am I pretty now I know you probably can't tell cuz it's a Gacha story but her mouth is like slit like unnaturally upwards like that I can't do it like that just picture something like this or like this scary right oh yeah oh oh no um yes did you like it so much oh god I'll give you one Oh No she's gonna give her the smile yeah thank your parents ever told you not to talk to strangers she did I still don't know why you are so scared I mean I know it's dark but that's not the only reason I'll explain later we need to go it's not safe for us so let's go Oh No oh are you okay Lily you seem like you hi there am I pretty yeah yeah you're so pretty so so pretty it's a simple yes or no game your average she's like how did that get the ghost she's hmm average what I don't want to be average she's confused to me he oh we got away what the hell was that something dangerous for now let's hurry and run Oh Oh God [Music] can we see her right now Ethan what the hell are you Oh Oh smack him we need to move now smack - with a barcode what in the hell was that her name is coot is coochie-coo her name is kuchisake-onna she's a vengeful spirit I think I have a book on her I'll read it from the top Jeff it's like what do I need to know about this vengeful spirit Oh death okay thank you book a long long time ago there was a beautiful young woman that lived in a village of Japan she was beautiful and got married and was praised with compliments she would roam around the village and ask the folks am I pretty wow what an egotistical woman I mean I mean I forgot this is based on a real Japanese urban legend um I mean that's totally normal you can ask people if you're pretty please don't come for me to which they would reply with yes very confident in herself she believed that she would be able to get away with cheating oh come on girl but she got caught angry he took out a pair of scissors oh no oh no he wanted her to pay for what she'd done and slit her mouth from ear to ear oh no soon after she killed herself that was a terrible point to laugh at but it just came back to her be like yup and him being like oh my god haha her spirit came back for revenge how the hell are you so calm crap we saw her outside I'm dreaming right we could bring candies to distract her with this isn't a time for jokes there's a lady with a slick mouth roaming outside wait what do you mean by distract her how do you know so much about her I am her Ethan oh god you have a cut on your face what is that and how how did you I got attacked by her it was the first time and she caught me I barely escaped but I had some candies on me I mean nobody can resist candy is not even vengeful spirits from another dimension it fell out of my bag and land it on the ground and she got distracted if you got cut like that what's gonna happen to Karen uh didn't you see what happened to Karen it wasn't good Karen I just hope she's okay she's not yeah wherever she is oh god yeah urban legend number one mr. slit mouths girl nightmares yay I mean I guess that's what Karen gets for calling us cowards and leaving us don't walk home by yourself don't be mean to your friends leave them and go on a dangerous route always take the Main streets moving on to Tiki Tiki and Kashima Riku I'm just gonna butcher all of these oh it's the missing legs Japanese urban legend this sounds great can't wait based on the Japanese are alleged graphic content viewer discretion advised great are we driving we throw oh oh we swerving we saw we crashing what the hell dad learn how to drive wheels died stay in the car sweetie dad did we hit something oh where her legs the missing legs well what the miss are you okay oh she's got a scythe oh I'm staring out the car window oh no oh my god she chops off people's legs at least I'm safe in the car I think flour down flour down with the car why are you out of the car wait where are you going now you're on train tracks now you're about to be hit by a train why she got hit by a train I don't I don't understand maybe seeing her made her get hit by train that severed her legs a boy walking home from his school he captures a very beautiful lady with no legs a girl in an all-boys school she got no legs they exchanged smiles she got her legs she was beautiful indeed but with no legs until she jumps down once you see her oh no she's got a scythe - oh no she's gonna take his legs it's over dude have you heard a student was found dead his legs was missing - there was another one - is this a new person Oh God oh my god Oh No legless girl where are my legs where are they they're where you left them look Oh duh duh that's where my legs are that's right I do this all the time you answered the question wrong yeah there's this girl she saw an issue right away girl she's gonna take your legs oh she looked up the legend of titi got her kendall she died on the train tracks lost her legs to be saved they must tell her that her legs are at the Mission Railway an answer Kashima Rico if she asks who told them this mission railway huh there she is where are my legs they're at be--should railway who tells you oh you didn't read that far ahead did you mass death demon right what's wrong with your face thank you and just like that she's gone for now the girl just like looked at us oh my god she broke the fourth wall I feel like these wouldn't be as creepy to be if I wasn't like by myself right now and it being nighttime uh why did I do this okay we got one left I can get through one more this gotcha story that's based on a Japanese urban legend is based on the cursed Red Room urban legend so let's see what this one's about is there a warning yep there's the warning have you heard of that thing yeah I heard about it too is that why our school got rid of computers man the red room sure is popular oh that's what they were all talking about no idea what it is but okay you never heard of it everyone is talking about it ever since that kid what is the Red Room it's like a room with red right dude no it's not I'll tell you a little bit of it I hear it involves the Deep Web and whoever tries to research about it gets a really weird ad the Red Room comes people who stay on the internet for too long Oh God well sign me up I guess my time is up maybe that's why parents are always against the internet that must be why that's all I know though okay so it's for people who are always online yeah and think about it a lot of people are online which is why the Red Room is so popular if you're really you think they forgot a word there go home and do research on it don't be scared it's just a rumor all right I'll try would you stay online still probably a little bit addicted now just a little bit addicted to the Internet's I'm so tired of this Red Room it's such a dumb rumor are you guys talking about the Red Room yeah it's the top of the school what is the Red Room just go home and do research on it you guys all trying to get me killed if you knew the truth about the internet oh no oh no we're gonna read the Red Room is Deep Web what are we your dad Oh No why won't the ad go away do you like the Red Room oh no even though Eve a little girl do you like the Red Room okay oh no no she killed us do our heads God looks like that dude isn't here today I'm not surprised at all yeah curiosity kills the cat hey kids will never understand the Internet the person watching this probably doesn't know - typical have you heard of the Red Room it sounds too mysterious we could always search it up I'm sure its online somewhere you look at that should we call hello sir yeah we got someone else for you do you like the Red Room damn they were working for it all along you know it's funny I know it's fake I know it's an urban legend I know it's not real but I still don't want to search it I don't want to search what that is I'm too nervous especially right now maybe if I was not alone but like I can't I can't do it now I'm too scared but anyway guys that's gonna be it for the three gotcha story Japanese urban legend horror whatever the heck this was if you want me to do more a scary gotcha stories and you made it this far in the video then make sure to leave a like before you go let me know in the comments below if you were scred or if you have any other scary gotcha videos or stories you want me to look into subscribe if you're new to the channel I put out new videos almost every single day and as always I will see you guys soon [Music]
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 3,530,180
Rating: 4.9123163 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, Gachaverse, Gacha Studio, Gacha Life, gacha studio roleplay, gacha studio story, gacha studio series, gacha memes, laurenzside gacha, scary gacha, gacha horror, Gacha mini movie, gachaverse story, the scariest gacha urban legends, gacha, scary gacha life, scary gacha videos, scary gacha stories, reacting to the scariest gacha videos, gacha 707, japanese urban legends gacha, urban legends gacha, urban legends
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2019
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