DO NOT Take This Test (But I Took It Anyway & REALLY Regret It)

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roses are red oh i don't like this silent has a mouse your door is unlocked oh my god i hate this it's i'm inside i was told that i should not take this test do not take this test they said well they should know better because i live for doing things that people tell me not to do i was told do not take this survey and i took it i was told do not play this game and i played it i cannot be stopped but i mean i'm doing it for you guys so you guys don't have to do this and you shouldn't do not take this test and that is the watson scott test apparently this is a personality test that they tell you not to take if you suffer from anxiety which i do but i mean it's 20 20 and at this point who doesn't have anxiety am i right so the game did have a warning so i'm i'm gonna pass that warning along if things easily trigger your anxiety or depression or anything along those lines you probably shouldn't watch this or ever take this test so you have been warned i don't know what's in this but you have been warned this test is designed to help you understand your deepest anxieties and the underlying causes of your darkest fears oh giddy i want to know what my darkest fears are one of my darkest fears is people's typing taking forever still still going still still going for each question select the response which gives the best and most truthful answer at the end of the examination you will receive your analysis and a certificate of participation good i'm gonna print it and put it on my wall i feel like they're typing slow on purpose to make me lose my mind before i even start please note that typically only 13 of participants are able to complete the test due to the onset of total body paralysis or unanticipated cardiac arrest resulting in death do you wish to continue heck yeah see i told you i warned you guys let's see if we can be part of that 13 firstly some calibration questions how many minutes are there in one hour are you just trying to see how smart i am 60 minutes if there are three oranges and i take away two how many are left what a mean thing to do to me are you playing a game right now i mean i guess not i wouldn't i wouldn't consider this a game no are you sure it's not a game yes because games are fun and i'm not having fun oh god calibration complete your test will begin now it's raining outside and you're walking in bare feet you take one step forward and crush a snail between your toes you feel happy guilty jealous disgusted nothing happy jesus jealous oh god uh guilty a small child is walking down the street with a large ice cream cone in her hand she trips and falls dropping the treat on the ground you feel pleased if i can't have ice cream nobody can sympathetic your pet cat drops a dead mouse on your front doorstep its front legs are missing you feel confused because i don't own a cat oh god stop with the jump scare sound effects probably disgusted would be my first feeling i will now show you an image please don't please study it the image will not move i don't know if i trust you on that uh what clap clown how did it know that i hate clowns how did that image make you feel nervous do you believe in ghosts sure why not can't prove or disprove them have you ever seen a ghost no i mean not that i know of keep seeing like the shape of like a head here but i don't know if that's just my imagination thinking about the room you're in right now has anyone ever died here not yet not that i'm aware i mean we we knew the other owners of the house they were the only other owners as far as i know they were murdering people not yet no there's no yes or no i don't like this quite unique answers so far are you trying to tell me that i'm a unique and beautiful snowflake what was that please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements keep hearing weird noises in the background i sometimes see things that aren't really there i mean sometimes i think i see something when i look at something really fast and then i'm like no that's just a sock they agree not strongly agree every now and then i often think about the ghosts inside my house uh i disagree oh my god yeah this is definitely a face down here what is this i see the eyes i take pleasure in seeing other people in pain uh strongly disagree or this is a psychopath test i am often unaware of things that are right behind me i mean i'd like to think i'm pretty self-aware i'm the one usually pointing out somebody else that they're blocking somebody so i'm gonna say disagree what the hell was that oh i hate it what is this are there things living in the walls there is an unexpected guest in my house like bugs oh god i hate it it's what stop playing sound effects disagree nobody would know if i went missing uh strongly disagree i'm pretty sure all of you guys would know if i went missing thank you for caring about me by the way who's that noise i can't tell if these noises are coming from my computer or like out around me poetry is the most intelligent form of artistic expression the most intelligent form uh disagree you need an attitude readjustment what i've designed a new algorithm for generating insightful poetry are you a poet did i offend you let me demonstrate no please don't roses are red oh i don't like this silent has a mouse your door is unlocked oh my god i hate this i'm it's i'm inside your mouth oh i hate it i hate it one of my biggest fears is leaving the doors unlocked how did you know they knew about the clowns i've had videos of me saying how much i hate clowns and they freaked me out and now they know that i hate unlocked doors like i literally have to go around and check my doors at night before i go to bed or else i can't sleep i need to know congratulations only 41 of participants typically reach this point in the examination from now on the questions will be much more intense do you wish to continue i got to be part of that 13 i need my participation certificate of participation is very important to me how far away is the closest police station oh i hate the footprints oh i hate it oh i hate it i hate having the green screen up too less than a 15-minute walk definitely about a 15-minute walk it's pretty close but definitely more than a walk when you're home alone do you lock your doors uh hell yeah i like triple check them and the windows i got an alarm system i got an attack dog game try it compared to the average adult how fast can you run ah probably not that fast i'll give myself a little bit of credit maybe average i hate these noises when faced with conflict your preferred method of resolution is use violence at any means oh god at my disposal to neutralize neutralizing oh no including what why is that so specific i actively avoid confrontation i don't like it gives me anxiety game if you were to be murdered within the next seven minutes to 18 days which technique would scare you the most i'm not even gonna read these out loud oh god i have to pick one i don't like it maybe blunt blood force trauma because it'd be it'd be quick and painless i don't i don't hate these questions i will now show you an image no stop showing me images the image will not speak what does that mean oh god this is getting terrible this is getting way worse than i had anticipated i thought it's going to be a silly test how did that image make you feel uneasy can you tell the guy that's screaming in the background that everything's going to be okay and please be quiet cause it's making me nervous i mean i don't know if things are gonna be okay for him i can't tell but just tell him that i'll ask this one more time are you playing a game right now no i'm not having fun games are fun do you know that i'm a good person sure if you say so are you lying to me right now no lying is forbidden please select any of the following sports that you have played what the are you just trying i feel like they're just trying to see if i could like fend off somebody they're like do you know any of these physical activity i mean i did do um kickboxing can i do boxing i mean it's not technically boxing kickboxing i could kick you really hard don't come for me please select any of the following industries that you have occupational experience with yeah it's trying to see if i have any a background in like destroying them if they try to come for me no i don't have any of this experience do you think i can tell when you're lying sure oh my god i would never take this when i was alone what is the next number in the following sequence 10 20 30 40. i wasn't expecting that um um i'm just gonna answer your question and just ignore that that that the bottom thing your recent answers indicate you are exhibiting a fight or flight response i may be at risk for an acute stress reaction i'll need you to breathe slowly and calm down oh thank you i mean i every time i think i'm calm i hear something that makes me not calm game okay i think i'm calm i think i'm all right please take a moment to look away from your monitor and observe the nearest exit oh but you want me to read at the same time make sure you could run if anything if something were to happen do this now now i'm looking looking at my nearest exit it's very close to me literally two feet from me don't even need to run did you look away from your screen yes i did what you told me do you think i could tell when you look away from your screen probably because i have my camera hooked up to my computer oh god oh no let's go with the second yes do you feel safe in your house right now no no yes uh i guess i'm unsure are you having fun no no please ignore any external stimulus concentrate only on this screen there are no unexpected guests in your house there are no unusual sounds coming from inside your house oh thank you game thank you for this reassure assurance i feel better i'll take your eyes off the screen do you understand yes oh jesus liar what i'm looking at the screen yes music can help us all relax singing is relaxing what's it oh jimmy got the timmy got the weasel oh god oh god oh god i don't like it oh stop you're supposed to be six feet away from me how are you breathing in my ear oh i hate it oh it's going like around my headphones oh i hate it it's gonna it's gonna do something is it over i survived the whoa god well that was terrifying well good job game you definitely triggered my anxiety there at the end good job is this my certificate thank you game i survived the watson scott test the last 25 minutes and 13 seconds my analysis holds the door open for people far away i do hold the door open because i'm nice susceptible to the influence of powerful people am i foolish with money no no no no game i hate spending money i'm very not foolish with my buddy got that one wrong stepping on snails makes me feel guilty i like that so they took take away from it i'm most afraid of dying alone i don't think i'm most afraid of that but that doesn't sound pleasant i'm scared to press continue the main test is complete what do you mean there's a bonus test available would you like to take it no but i mean i'm here very well oh god the second test is designed to challenge your fear tolerance incorrect answers will be punished ignorance will be punished great i must also admit that i have not run this test before there may be unexpected malfunctions your answers will be used in the development of future tests always happy to help complete this test as quickly as possible oh god okay okay okay oh we got a countdown going did it start at 666. i mean you're killing time by taking forever to type things out do not let the clock concern you it's nothing to be concerned about feel like it is something to be concerned about after the examination you will have a better sense of purpose and a stronger resolve i want you to be stronger do you want to be stronger yes let's begin how many bones are there in a newborn baby that i haven't met yet how did they know are they talking about my newborn unborn baby that's cut my what aren't you born with more bones then i don't know i don't i don't know incorrect uh zero one one two two would be next right what oh god i'm not doing good how many times per year does the average human heart beat if it is not stabbed god wishes i don't know 30 million yay thank god one of the most venomous land snakes in australia the death adder fights an adult woman injecting highly deadly neurotoxin how long does the woman have to live how did saying it knows i'm a woman is it saying it knows i'm pregnant how does it know all these things 24 minutes i i don't oh god okay man is tied to a chair against his will in a fun of those places inside his mouth oh god oh god oh god oh oh oh oh i don't know i don't know i don't know the metric system or the answer i'm sorry oh god it's time the time is going quicker a fear of butterflies is called i don't know i don't know oh oh oh oh a boy with no arms is facing west he walks forward for 60 seconds and then turns 90 degrees left he sees someone running at him so he turns what creates the boy facing not a trick question wait he's facing west he turns back around west then right oh my god had a tapeworm ingested i do know that i do know that one please choose the third response this is not a trick i will not scare you if you do what i say i am not lying i am lying and i will scare you if you choose this i've got which was the best video game released in the best five nights at freddy's oh god the time was it five nights at freddy's the best oh god oh god the time's running out what is my favorite thing to do kind of like the humanity listen to jazz breathe and dear blood oh god how did it no i was dear queen listen to jazz you love listening jess darn it test us out with death what your results are very helpful participation was adequate adequate that's it there are no more tests we are done here for now are you though i'm so sick of watching what what what and it crashed and i'm back on my desktop and i hated that that was horrible oh my god i really thought most of the tests that i take like that seem like they're gonna be scary and then they're not that bad that was pretty bad okay so i actually just went and skipped through some other people playing this game and some of them got different questions and different images than me so that freaks me out even more that they chose a clown image for me but i guess the questions that they ask are tweaked based on your answers i don't know that was crazy but yeah so uh if you take this test don't take this test but if if you take the test or you watch somebody else take this test the questions and images and things are different which is crazy but also pretty cool at the same time all right but i'm i'm done putting myself through all that if you made it to this point make sure to leave a like so that i know you made it all the way to the end of the video also why not check out one of these videos where i take some more of these creepy survey test quiz thingies also why not subscribe and check out my new merch all of it's right here for you and as always i will see you guys soon
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 1,484,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, creepy game, horror game, start survey, creepy experience, home alone, alone, scary, start survey game, scary game, indie games, indie game, do not download, do not take, The Watson-Scott Test, watson scott test, personality test
Id: YX7maz5QbjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 9sec (1149 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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