DO NOT DOWNLOAD These Cursed Baby App Games... They're Haunted

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here you go baby please don't steal my soul i'm not your mommy call baby stop playing with your phone [Music] the other day i was just browsing through my app store to you know see if there's any more ridiculous apps that i can make fun of for youtube content and that's when the app store decided to recommend me this app the baby in yellow hmm where have i seen that name before oh yeah i already played that game on pc don't worry baby creepy freaking baby please don't take my soul oh my god oh my god oh my god what is it doing what is it doing what is it doing and i even played a fan made follow-up game where the baby was a girl and it was the baby in pink oh my god the baby's on the ceiling how'd you get up there the fire so i didn't think anything of it i thought it was the same game but just a mobile version no no no if you take a look at these great images uh this looks nothing like the original game that i played and then i scrolled down to the reviews and it said this game is a rip-off so yeah this was not made by the same creator but i guess my app store wanted to suggest it to me because it was like oh she's about to have baby why don't we traumatize her with a cursed baby app and if you scroll down you'll notice that it says you might also like all of these super scary cursed horror baby apps what i did not know this was a thing there's scary baby and yellow house the baby in-house the scary yellow baby in-house the baby in dark house oh god this baby oh no call the yellow baby in-house so yeah do not download these cursed baby app games i will do it for you because i need to see what the heck these are all about why are there so many of them they're probably all terrible the baby in yellow already we're off to a great start why is the baby the size of a child laying in the bed like that i don't like the call wait is this like the other app let's see what this one's like a video call whoa the baby is crying i'm coming baby don't cry is this somebody's youtube gameplay he's not even in these rooms those are a lot oh wait i don't know what that was i guess it was somebody's ripped commentary from the baby in yellow i don't know we'll try calling the baby in yellow later on that other app and see if it's any better but that oh god this game's gonna be terrible okay we're in the woods definitely different than the original game because the bait oh god it's okay it's the baby i guess just hopping along the trail hi what the heck this is the worst the worst game let's just let him get me hey baby i i i die i guess i died oh there's the baby over there okay i don't know let's just go this way oh my god the baby's so far back right just uh following the trail i guess what riveting game play feel like i'm getting trolled i feel like there's not actually a game i feel like i'm just walking in a field while a demon baby chases me and that's it that's the game literally circling this whole map and there's nothing i'm getting trolled so bad is this it i'm so angry now yeah there's uh there's no good reviews so wait how did this get four stars with almost two that oh my god conspiracy all right i'm going to a different thing all right what about this oh god none of these images are making sense to tr allow yellow baby ghost house game to track your activity across other companies apps and websites your data will only be used to deliver personalized no i hate everything about this so the home page of this zap game reminded me that i forgot to put the red background on now things are creepier even though none of these games have been actually creepy yet i mean except for this home page this is uh this is unsettling oh god oh my god why is it all so scary objective pick all the cottons and drop them in the house what oh god why is this why are these games so terrible are these the cottons does it mean cartons uh now i'm holding an invisible gun why are these games so cursed where's the baby oh shake that booty shake that booty when you walk with your invisible gun oh children hello here's your cottons cindy why are you staring at the tv that close your eyeballs are gonna melt out of your head hello t-pose john um okay time to get more cartoons this may sound crazy but i think this is my favorite game of all time now i also love all the advertising on the top it really keeps me immersed in the creepy gameplay did it go on car bring something to eat from the market none of this has to do with the baby t-pose john what what's wrong with the children why are they crying t-pose john look at jeremy's just playing with his hands oh we are failing these children where's the baby i feel like there's no actual baby in this game i think i got tricked this is the first time i may have done a do not download um video where nobody actually wants to try and download any of these games good i did my job i hate it i hate this game where are these screenshots from yeah what this looks like i'm looking at three different games all right we haven't had any luck these games are all awful but you know this one this one looks promising maybe we'll actually get to take care of a baby oh no oh yes finally a baby oh select baby oh we can have well oh god we can have all different types of baby oh no oh stop staring at me look after baby oh my god i finally get to take care of a baby hold on where are you why are there so many doors in this house okay i'm doing a terrible job i don't know where this baby is there um this looks like a totally different baby you're not the baby that was in the beginning uh give the pacifier to baby you're okay what okay there it is okay okay hold on hold on why are you such a giant baby mommy i'm your mommy oh no this baby is terrifying i don't like it stop staring at me give something to baby just something here you go baby please don't steal my soul i'm not your mommy look after the baby this game is i mean at least there's a baby so i guess it's a step up from the other games uh oh you stinky now is that what's going on oh god i'm holding it oh i'm touching it hi demon baby hi need to change diaper here we go oh god stop staring at me where's your diaper where's the new diaper here we go don't know why it's out here but not gonna question it here you go it's so funny it keeps bringing me back to this home screen to make it seem like the baby's evil but there's the baby hasn't done anything he's been fun he's been perfectly pleasant he hasn't tried to kill me or oh god wow wow right when i said that now apparently he's evil out of nowhere evil a vampire baby hello what do i do you're blocking the bedroom find the magic ring where would that be is this oh the magic ring i'm assuming here you go baby will you marry me oh and he's good now now what do i do with you oh but you put you in the bedroom not a crib just a bed he gets a full queen size bed that's what he likes oh baby's not down here for once uh i thought the game was over but apparently it's not it's never over find the door key also i just like to point out that in the parents room there's just chili peppers above the tv baby's parents are like honey i'm feeling spicy tonight okay i'll stop hi oh god oh no don't look at me like that i'm just i feel like i'm just keep doing the same stuff again and again he had one evil thing whatever the heck that was and that was it if you float up the stairs again i'm done i'm done with this app i'm done with you wasting my time taking away my sanity it's not worth it oh my god look how many levels oh screw you baby game no no stupid bug-eyed baby i think i'm enjoying more looking at the previews of the game than the actual game itself like look at this the baby never did that or like this game where was that scene where was this scene i feel like this is just a terrible mistake i don't know what i'm expecting but this whole video is just a hot mess anyway so let's just keep going with that call baby uh what am i what am i looking at right now now granny's involved so i called baby and granny and uh they're singing to me how sweet i love this song wait is there different ones each time hello but i love you i want to be together how dare you how do you call me bish you know what the craziest part about that phone conversation was you know besides the entire phone conversation this is definitely marketed toward kids like who else would download this besides me i mean but this is for a youtube video i wouldn't get this just for fun but like who else is downloading this besides like young kids and they just got cursed at by a demon on the phone oh god what's the third one the baby and grandma hello i mean at least it sounds like a baby this time but i've definitely heard this before baby chat ooh oh we can text with the baby oh hello demon baby he will sets us free who okay do you like lauren z side is that a no guys i don't think he likes lauren z side i don't know why i'm continuing playing these app games they're all awful they're all awful i don't know why i'm still doing this myself but this kind of looks a bit better maybe this is a good sign baby hello oh you're cute oh look how cute he is okay give bottle here you go oh why gross gross you're lucky you're cute you're just getting engulfed in smell okay here we go changing table there we go change diapers how how i change diaper i guess i have to go find diapers doesn't make any sense why wouldn't they be in there oh my god there's bread on the table this must be my house where's the diapers now it's telling me i can open this are you kidding me oh my god it just wanted me to suffer it oh the baby's gone where's the baby oh my god baby this game is the most like the baby in yellow so far put baby in bed but i didn't even change him night night baby turn off lights and closed door it was a difficult night and now you can sleep was it get bottle from fridge got it oh baby baby don't do this i've been good to you oh my god it's eyes no i thought you were cute here you go oh you're disgusting there we go gotta get some diapers diapers oh god what your diaper flew away baby and the music's changed um where did it go it lets me go in here now there's the diaper got it mystery solved there we go all better they put you oh [Music] uh where where'd the demon baby go demon baby oh god there you are hello come back up it's bedtime demon baby this has been the best game so far out of all of them i mean that's not saying much but night demon baby sleep tight relax and watch tv don't mind if i do my favorite tv show as you can see i am clearly going crazy i'm just watching color bars baby it's okay it's okay baby it's okay night night oh my god uh feed the baby monster okay baby monster where is you oh god i can't pick the baby monster up though do i have to just go get the all right i'll bring your bottle up to you then i love that the music's still silly though it's just like yeah you got a monster baby no big deal um hello here you go monster baby disgusting baby can you stop graffiting the house that would be fantastic something's going to happen again isn't it oh god oh it's head's turning all the way around uh how do i fix my baby somebody tell me how to fix the baby find the crucifix where do i keep the spare crucifixes uh baby i can't find the crucifix you might need to stay that way forever i finally found it hold on baby there i don't know where the baby went there you are yay i fixed you okay great oh a cutscene oh look at all the demon arms good night wow all of my hard work and effort paid off not at all that was it that was it i hate all of these games they're all cursed but they're cursed in a way that like nobody should play them nobody should play them they're all terrible like i don't even want to check out these this one only has two reviews if the other ones that had thousands of reviews were terrible i can't even i'm just gonna yeah wow oh god there's that one there's this one i don't understand oh this one this one's super creepy oh god then there's like a scary girl in yellow i'm guessing they're all the same thing just with different animations that people just randomly randomly took from the unity store oh great baby ghost they're not even trying to hide the fact that this baby's evil oh no oh god that game's not even out yet what in the world is this oh god i i can't i can't i'm done guys all of these cursed baby games don't ever play them they're all absolutely awful but if you somehow made it all the way to the end of this video then make sure to leave a like before you go and if you're looking for something else to watch why not check out one of these videos there's also a subscribe button over there and a merch button which there's a new merch drop that either is out right now or is coming out very soon so make sure to go check if it is and as always i will see you guys soon
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 1,547,610
Rating: 4.9420838 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, laurenzside of gaming, funny girl gamer, creepy game, horror game, creepy experience, scary, scary game, indie games, indie game, do not download, do not take, do not play, 3 scary games, free games, random games, the baby in yellow, cute, not cute, cute creepy, haunted, baby in pink, baby game, pregnancy game, haunted app, haunted game, do not download these apps, haunted apps, scary apps, creepy app, creepypasta
Id: -HwnIEtGSrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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