DO NOT Download These CUTE Games ...They're Actually HAUNTED 10

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ew things are falling apart is it because your mother's gone did she leave us why won't you look at me embry are they in there i'm gonna ask you a question are your parents locked in the basement [Music] oh it's been a little while but once again these games may appear to be cute but they're actually super creepy and most likely cursed so this first game is actually what made me want to make one of these again it's called winter's gift and it's a short horror game but all i saw was the image of the cute little girl in this so i need to know why i was in the horror game section act one winter was generally a good kid she enjoyed most things about her life oh except for one thing what was the one thing look how cute she is yeah this is the image i saw for this game and i was like she looks like a disney pixar character what could possibly happen to make this a horror game oh my god i hope nothing happens to winter okay generally a good kid what did you do and she likes everything except for one let's go through her story act two winter despised her namesake ah why it wasn't i think it's pretty cold or snowy or the days were short it was because it was almost christmas oh our family had a strange tradition they drew names from a hat and had to make presents for each other and winter she hated it why winter what's wrong with you that's what you hate of everything in the whole world you hate making presents for your family on christmas i don't like you winter the thing about the black and whiteness makes me scared is she still there she's still there act three okay we must be in her house it must be christmas oh is this something one of her family made why don't you like making things winter oh it's her family they look happy where'd the nice calm music go winter i'm scared where's the music do i go oh oh well it's all black and white so oh we know that could be a glitter hand print you know maybe they did some some hand painting we're not gonna think the worst there's a bunch of books everywhere and a sad girl drawing somebody made a mess another hand print okay jesus winter winter winter where are you i need your cuteness oh there she is winter stuck her hand in the hat she pulled out a single name she slowly unfolded the piece of paper winter what's on the ground and realized there is no one left to make presents for winter winter would you do wait what what uh so let me get this straight the cute girl winter hated the tradition of picking a name out of a hat on christmas to make a gift for somebody in her family so much that she murdered everyone winter use your words tell your family you don't like doing it i mean i get i get that she's just like crazy and has some issues going on like this is her like dissented to madness i guess but girl what do you what what did i just play the look of her face at the end though it was pretty creepy okay we're off to a great start alright game number two called can i have a glass of water again involves a cute little girl it's probably gonna end up just as terrible daddy can i have a glass of water sure thing sweetheart sure thanks sweetheart get your daughter some water okay and for flashlight why do why do we have a why are we not using the electricity oh god my life's a mess the green lights will guide you all right we're just getting a glass of water for our adorable daughter i can't get out where's the green lights oh jesus oh there we go why can't i get out that door is the dog dead why why it's a terrible picture of my dog oh god what was that also where's the green light telling me where to go oh jesus oh it's my daughter's room why can't you get your own water is she dead what's going on hey is she not real is she a doll okay fine let's go get you a drink of water yeah that's not creepy at all there we go the green lights there we go yes i know how to get water i live here wow such animation 10 out of 10. never seen such great animating i hurt keep hearing noises i'm just gonna run run right back up i'm scared hello daughter why are there so many doors in this house oh ew things are falling apart is it because your mother's gone did she leave us did she leave us sweetheart i can't find your room without drinking again oh jesus okay i'm just putting it next to you thanks dad you're welcome why won't you look at me what's going on what's go why can you shut off my light too are you sure thing what are your legs broken are you kidding me wait a minute i don't have a daughter what daddy what what what what what what a twist we should have been scared of the girl the whole time i don't i don't i don't i don't my i my brain's broken need a couple minutes before i move on to the third game both of those games just ended in such a way that my brain is broken give me a second thank you okay so this last game i'm late to it i know i know gloom's played this bees you mike's played this couple other people and i wasn't sure if i should play it because a lot of you guys that watch me also watch them and it's longer but it's cute and creepy and it fits the series so because the other two games were so short and so i don't know what was going on at the end i wanted to put in one that i know a lot of people like but i have not gotten to play or watch but we will be cutting down the dialogue that this video is not super low but at least you can get my reaction to the story cool cool see look how cute she belongs in this series oh my god i love her embry it's morning i have to make breakfast why do i have blood on my apron already i don't know we're not gonna pay attention we're just gonna go make breakfast like the game told us good we haven't run out of jelly yet the most important food item mom always told me not to use the oven unless she was around okay so my parents aren't here got peanut butter oh we're making a peanut butter and jelly the bread bin two slices of bread left thank god sandwich made we're running low on groceries again i'll make a list and go to the market but i have to feed them first who's them interesting okay it's breakfast time you guys remember to share is it her is it her parents where are they nope not her parents all fed i better go write the grocery list before i forget all right all written down guess we're going to the market today i look like a hot mess i mean what am i talking about i look like this in real life when i go out all right let's go to the market look how cute my house is compared to everything oh it's broken i can't ask anyone to fix it for me where's my parents oh god going through the terrifying woods to get to the market well here we are again i hope mr baylor has it today ah this is so cute oh i love the artwork bread ah embry back again i see hello mr wilson may i have some more bread well sure sure of course what kind all all of it uh whatever kind here i'll give you some whole wheat some sourdough on the house you like that kind right not my favorite say uh embers how is everything your folks are all right oh yes they're fine well not fine but you know well uh you know my kids back in town this weekend if your parents want we could come over and maybe help around the house bring over some more bread oh that sounds great no no that's that's fine mom and dad keep telling me they don't want anyone over they're embarrassed well just tell them i offered anyways okay anytime they need it right i will everybody in town so nice what's hap what happened to my parents okay so i guess we just need stuff for peanut butter and jelly each time oh emery you're back good morning good morning lucille can i have some jelly or um jam whatever you know normally i'd ask someone to say please but you're special you don't gotta why am i special what is going on with my life that nobody's talking about so embry this is the third week in a row you came by here dressed like this yeah my life's falling apart lucille it's falling apart okay you know if your mom and paw ever need help with laundry i don't mind it's all right they'll be back around once they get over their sickness my parents sickness trying to piece things together i'm hoping they'll get better soon yeah me too i killed my parents didn't i no meats you don't have any today either do you afraid not kiddo this is like the third shopping trip in a row that you were empty i know i know just kill something for me i'll take the meat of anything look kid i promise next time i have extra it's all going to you all right see you later that's all i came here for i guess there's uh nothing left to do but go home everything is put away it's getting dark already huh i'll defeat them dinner then before it gets too dark she's definitely holding her parents captive in the basement and feeding them peanut butter and jelly sandwiches i hope they're not too hungry after this morning they eat more than they used to but there's only so much food i can ask for at the market if i ask for too much they're going to start wondering where it's all going you eat so much now i can hardly keep up it's dinner time it's dinner time dinner time i love the sound effects dinner is done i'm tired i'll go to bed so i didn't eat all day i just gave it to whatever is in the basement it's time to go to bed do you see how easy it is oh it's a memory they grew so quickly i thought we'd have to wait forever it's incredibly easy for a flower to grow in the right conditions but you have to be careful too because as easy it is for a flower to bloom it is just as easy to wilt and wither away so you must remember to take care of the little thing because without that care your whole garden will fall apart what happened to mom she was cut in half they're banging on the door they haven't done that in a while i should check on it right who's making a ruckus oh they're trying to escape they're hungry but what do i do about it i already fed them dinner and i have to try and save as much food as i can oh yeah this is a jam but if they're hungry i can't just let them go hungry or else they might oh feed them i don't know what to feed them though fine i'll give them just a little more food but no more than that it's bedtime after that i hope i made the right decision i don't know no no i can't use this i need this for breakfast tomorrow not this either okay this should be enough for them i hope it's morning i have to make breakfast what can i make for breakfast i just got bread yesterday and jelly we still have butter and stuff yeah i'll just make another sandwich i just hope it'll be filling enough that they don't cause a ruckus again oh she does say ruckus i knew it i could just tell she was a ruckus person butter yeah i should use it it's better to feed it to them than to let it go bad am i making them a butter sandwich breakfast is ready again oh a butter sandwich wow i'm making them toast with butter but um there was something else that i have to do in here what was it again all right today's the fourth of the month i almost forgot to write it down today marks four months since it happened four months since the monsters appeared four months since i've been living like this four months that i've been keeping them fed so they don't eat me like they ate them [Music] cleaning the windows i have to stay here and take care of things i'm the only one who can my parents that night they appeared the sounds that followed it sounded like they were eaten but i didn't actually see that happen it's just what i think and since i didn't see it happen i think that maybe they weren't somehow maybe i just have to wait here for them to come back i don't know what's that saying the adults say take it day by day that's what i do i mean it's working isn't it i'm okay and if i just keep those things down there fed everything else will be okay too the door again this isn't their normal feeding time embry i was gonna say what if your parents are still alive down there are you there oh mom embry it's okay mom you i know you must have been so scared but everything is better now you can open the door let's respond no you you aren't my mom you're not going to open the door really now after everything i do for you stop it my mom my mother would never talk like that all right kiddo this isn't funny anymore open the door before i get mad keep talking back show dominance dude do you really think that's gonna work dad doesn't yell like that pretending to since when did you learn to talk i'm not going to open the door is it done embry please let me out i'm tired of this wait what why why do you sound like i hate this monster that's what you call us right that's why you won't open the door how can you say such a thing how can you treat us this way do you really hate yourself this much what are you talking about i'm keeping you fed isn't that enough what else do you want from me i want out i want out i want out let us out i i need fresh air it's okay everything is okay i never heard them talk before i didn't even know they could they're getting smarter i guess that's bad but what am i supposed to do then should i just let them starve no no it's gonna be okay i will figure something out and i'll just keep feeding them until i do speaking of feeding it's dinner time there's been something in here i never ended up touching this cheese wheel it was supposed to be good but it's probably collecting mold now some people like mold on their cheese though right i gave it to them is that it i'm just giving them cheese [Music] you didn't like the moldy cheese they're fat it's fine everything's fine i'm going to bed i told you it's easy isn't it i'll use teaching me to paint all these nice memories of my parents it's fun good that's how it's supposed to feel will ever be as good at painting as you are you could be you can be whatever you want something important to remember about painting though it's true that if you make a mistake you can just paint over it but you can only paint over it so many times before it begins to look jumbled and muddy so you should make sure you know what you're doing when you go in so your painting doesn't end up ruined [Music] i feel like there's deeper meaning behind this game banging on the door again this is the second night in a row are they still mad oh yeah it's my jam again what am i supposed to do i know food isn't the only thing they want now but food also calms them down what am i going to do i'm going back to bed i'll pretend i slept through this i'm going back to bed okay i didn't give in i don't know if that mattered it's morning i have to make breakfast how much food is left anyways i might have to go back to the market later maybe there will be meat today i think it's what keeps them the most full but i have to feed them breakfast before i leave the house i don't know if we have any food left i usually try to avoid giving them cereal because it's well not the easiest to transport i'll just throw them the box all the boxes after i feed them i definitely have to go back to the market today i just hope this is enough for breakfast to begin with [Music] it's fine they seem fine with it back to the market i have to talk to miss baylor before i go anywhere else if she has any meat today i have to make sure i get it before anyone else does miss baylor please please every good morning oh you seem pretty happy today i'm just excited there's good news for you today does that mean you meet today oh ha no not exactly oh my god miss baylor i hate you it's a different kind of good news oh what is it then well you see there's a traveling doctor visiting town today i know you said the doctors here couldn't help your parents so maybe he can oh oh she told people that her parents were gone because they were sick but they really got eaten by a monster she doesn't want to tell anybody i can see him talking to mr wilson right now why don't you go talk to him go introduce yourself right where is he oh that this guy oh i like him he's creepy and cute perfect for this video i'm sure miss spaler already told you but this is dr d lights on d oh god he's got his own theme music the one and only and i'm quite a delight if i do say so myself so you're ambree folks around here were telling me that you needed some help you're a doctor indeedly so here ambry why don't you introduce delight to your parents if anyone can help them he should be able to i will do my best to assist go on then lead the way oh i have a friend yeah it's a pain in the butt oh so this is the way to your house quite the thicket to walk through um mr d light i don't want to say this in front of everyone but you should go you can't help me hey don't be like that i'm sure whatever problem your family's been going through we can fix it oh yeah do you know how to put people back together there's my beautiful pink house you really still want to see them i do okay do i show him the basement i'll push you down there oh my quite the heavily locked door may i inquire as to what's inside i mean i'd rather you didn't every are they in there embry i'm gonna ask you a question are your parents locked in the basement can we open the door what now hey hey hey it's all right can you tell me why they're locked up like this i i don't know what's down there whatever it is it's really bad we can't open the door see i told you that you couldn't help me i'd still like to try you're not going to leave until i open the door right okay i will open the door something the matter my key is gone that's i always keep it on me why don't we look around for it here then let's look around then i guess where the heck where's the key oh did you find it yeah i did but this doesn't make any sense i've never put the key in here before i don't even remember well i suppose it's good you found it either way yeah i guess so hmm trying to figure out where this is going all right i'm opening the door now well let's go on then what i said we could open the door i didn't say we could go down uh what do you mean of course we have to go down that's the whole point isn't it no you can't embry let's go no please let's oh [Music] oh i mean i was joking about it before but i didn't know she'd actually oh no oh no he was so nice he just wanted to help you oh no this is so sad look at that it's time for bed already you're going to bed after that i mean i guess the monsters will be full for a while now they shouldn't wake you up time to go to bed nothing happened how were they awake they ate a whole person today that was louder than the other times i need to go check oh no oh the painting the painting moved what what is happening basement door is open i didn't open it i definitely locked it before i went to bed what do i do go downstairs i won't see what's down there uh i have no choice i have to go down there because if i don't okay it's okay it's okay because if you don't what oh that it'd be roaming in the house probably eat you anyway oh my god this is the longest staircase what do we build a staircase to hell or is this a metaphor for going deep inside ourselves i don't know i feel like there's some sort of metaphor here it can't just be straight up monsters oh jesus it's gonna happen again isn't it oh what's happening okay okay oh god there is another me it is inside my mind isn't it it's oh my god it's me you're emphy you what do you look like you look surprised i don't see why i thought by now you'd realize you and i are one in the same that can't be right i it can't oh that's right it's because you think you're a monster oh i knew it i knew it and that's not you right you're not a monster that's what you think right you're not a monster you push the doctor down the stairs what are you talking about no i didn't he fell i kept tugging on his sleeve and he he stumbled he tripped i didn't push anyone but you opened the door for him didn't you you opened the door and then begged him not to look inside why did you do that he wouldn't have tripped if you just let him go you wouldn't have tripped him if you kept the door shut he wouldn't have seen the door if you didn't let him in and maybe he wouldn't have been here to begin with if you weren't such a monster oh embry what are you going to do with yourself what have you been doing all this time feeding feeding feeding and for what i think you feed me because you like it it makes you feel better when you do right you feel safe and you know the funny thing about that is day after day oh my god this is getting so creepy despite how much you've been feeding me i'm still hungry what it was a dream just a nightmare but it's gone on long enough oh no now it's gonna happen well there's still blood there what wait wait i'm confused okay so apparently there's other endings um but obviously this video is gonna be too long as it is so i'm not gonna be investigating those i'm sure they're on youtube if you're curious but yeah i guess the whole thing is she's crazy and she hides this like crazy serial killer self in her basement which is basically like in her mind but then she actually has a basement where she killed her parents and the doctor i think that's how i'm interpreting it if i'm totally wrong let me know in the comments but yeah that's all the cute but creepy games i have for you today and until the next one if you're looking for something else to watch why not check out one of these videos there's also a subscribe button there you can click or tap it it's free and as always i will see you guys soon
Channel: LaurenZside
Views: 3,352,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, laurenzside of gaming, funny girl gamer, creepy game, horror game, creepy experience, scary, scary game, indie games, indie game, do not download, do not take, do not play, 3 scary games, free games, random games, cute, not cute, cute creepy, haunted, cute but creepy, app game, tiktok, tik tok, tiktok game, tik tok game, it's not me it's my basement, can I have a glass of water, winter's gift, winters gift
Id: wPBQm0iUNs8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 53sec (1373 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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