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this might be a mistake mistake was made i don't know where to hide i don't know where to hide becky get out of here [Music] i know it's not october yet but it's close enough spooky season is coming and i'm getting a head start by playing this super cute but super creepy game that i found and have been dying to play there's a pun there knock tem bullet i don't know if i'm saying that knocked ambulant which actually i googled and means sleepwalking or having to do with sleepwalking foreshadowing don't know this game reminds me a lot of mr hops playhouse which you guys loved both games of and i did too so i figured we had to play this on the channel too plus i'm just in a spooky mood this week this is a weird intro screen i feel like something is walking toward me i'm already scared by the intro screen oh god uh okay and also i know a lot of you are fans of anime and this is illustrated in an anime style i swear anime has the creepiest creepy things though look how cute oh i told you the artwork for this is so cute but it is a freaking scary game so just get ready should i try to do a little girl voice gonna make it creepier my name is renee i lived happily with mommy and daddy i love toys all kinds of them see i told you it's like mr hopps oh on my birthday mommy made a doll just for me i hug it every night to sleep i love the doll so much and i love mommy and daddy so much but something happened something really really bad the very next day there was what they called a funeral oh no i mean oh hi grandma why are you putting your bosoms in my face the only person at the funeral was an old lady why did nobody like your parents she said she was my grandma and that mommy and daddy have passed away grandma said that i had to move in with her and we were on a car to her house right after the funeral i only had the doll with me i had lost everything else that was so sad mommy and daddy were gone grandma's house was big i was given new clothes lots of toys and dolls in my own doll room ooh everything i couldn't have before and it has been six months since oh see i told you the artwork's so freaking cute don't you worry little angel soon i will find your other wing and you will be able to fly again i'll be lost your wing ready it's 7 pm time for bed i don't know what voice this is it's just so it's just silence right now in this game pack up your toys in a hurry to your room yes grandma every day grandma makes me go to bed early and locks the door shut i don't understand that okay what am i doing leave it you will always be loved oh this is so sad it's that dream again i can't sleep now that i think of it i didn't hear any locking sounds did grandma not like the door today grandma's been coughing a lot today is grandma feeling unwell oh i'll check if the door is really locked maybe i can go back to the doll room to play room of mirrors yeah let's go there wall of beers or broom of mirrors i mean someone's bedroom this is weird i thought this was the room of beers purple bottle so i have to find one of these light up things above me to hide got it what could grandma be doing this late at night i go in i'm scared oh what is that on the floor did grandma drop that grandma's torn note an offering for the three dolls one drop of blue one drop of red one drop of yellow and one drop of purple then give the big shelf in the living room a knock grandma oh my god what help oh i can move oh god grandma grandma this thing's gonna run after me isn't it becky who's becky okay oh my god oh it's chasing after me i'm dead it chomped away my heart wait what now i'm in the storage room what just happened a blue bottle oh okay so there's the purple the blue how do i grab it though okay so the storeroom's the blue maybe i need something to put the drops in oh i found something to put a drop in where do i put the colors though okay so can i take this yay figured it out whoops you ever just put so much liquid in a glass that it just you know shatters i hope there's another one can i get another one i god okay what do i do with this though oh god oh god it could just show up randomly with no warning get out of here okay where'd it go oh god where do i go where do i go where do i go where do i go i just want to leave please just want to leave can i finally go in here are you freaking kidding me look up colored spirits once upon a time there lived a sorcerer he practiced the dark and uncommon magic and all the people in the village avoided him he was lonely and sad moved to live alone by a hillside okay three curious girls la la lulu and lily decided to leave their home to go up to a mysterious pink mountain the path up the mountain was fun do i need to know these hmm i feel like there's something in here because it says middle right straight middle right straight what are these creepy freaking dolls down here go go go go go go go someone's back okay that's where the purple is oh god oh god oh god i'm hiding i'm hiding i'm hiding i'm hiding oh thank god oh go away okay so it says two drops of blue okay no more i don't know what to where to put this though so i'm just gonna run around with it and hopefully not run into that thing it has to go here though because this is the only thing that lights up oh my god oh oh maybe i have to okay oh an offering for three dolls oh my god the three doll's right there all right let's start this again so we're gonna do two blue and then find the green one we are gonna figure this out oh red what do we need next green red oh god i feel like i should have read the books probably should have read the books probably had the answer wait a minute there's somebody in the shower grandpa won't let me do anything grandma that's creepy but there's a glass with blue wait but i already got the blue i feel like something i'm missing something oh god oh god i don't know where to hide i don't know where to hide [Music] yeah that's right get out of here oh god she's coming in i'm reading a book though i'm reading a book oh god oh god oh god reading a book i'm reading a book i'm reading a book yeah so these are the colors okay create five colored bottles and hurley place them in different what the blue spirit is in the red bottle oh [Music] oh my god let me write this down that's why the red bottle had the blue glass next to it okay so because we need blue first we need the red bottle living room okay so the red has blue so we need two blue i think i need it all together so two oh my god that's so dumb oh my god why is that right there okay so i accidentally closed out of this game twice and i realized that the uh what they need changes every time you log in and out of this game so now we need one drop of blue just in case people are confused so blue is in the red bottle which is in the living room okay we're going about this the right way this time i also have all my hearts now because i started over not on purpose so we just need one drop of blue okay here we go one now we need green or we need the color green this is going to confuse the heck out of me color green is in the purple bottle which we know is in someone's room one oh and that was the color green okay good we're good okay so now i need two drops of purple which is in the blue bottle purple yes one drop of yellow which is in the green bottle which we haven't found yet i bet you in the it's in the mirror room area this might be a mistake mistake was made okay remove keep going oh god this room is horrifying okay green bottle yes i'll drop yellow that should be good right this is such a scary room why does this exist okay now we have to get back to the dining room we haven't even been to the attic that's not happening yet give it give it give it give it give it yes oh crap i forgot what it said i thought it said the one in the middle looks to the right i don't know i don't know if i messed this up if it takes away my my mug oh god no time yeah it didn't say anything about the dolls though then it just says give a big knock on the living room shelf i mean technically i could just let becky get me becky with the good hair i don't know if that's the doll's name we're just going with becky knock on it knockout yes we did it i don't know if the doll's eyes mattered oh my god apparently they do ah i know this is correct because otherwise it would have shattered let's go see this freaking book let's go see this freaking book i think it's in here so it's middle right straight middle right straight it's either like the eyes are center right center or because it says lulu who was right in the middle she was in the middle then reached out her right arm to pull lala okay so lala is to her right reaching out her left arm okay so lily is to the left lulu who's in the center eyes would be to the right and lily was looking straight i think it's still middle right middle metal right metal are you kidding me no i can't okay so i was doing my directions so if she's looking to her right not my right we're getting to her left not my left and then that should be straight ahead thank friggin god why oh no pat why is there a secret passage in the house ah oh i would have been so bad how could you attack me while we're having dialogue in the game oh god saved thank the lord okay that i'm telling you this is like mr hobbs because later in the game they all become giants what is this a basement map so we gotta keep going to the right a pretty looking hand mirror that was broken by renee her grandmother took it away thereafter i don't like mirrors why's that oh my god i was not expecting these oh what did i just do okay ah there's some trickery afoot they followed me with their eyes thank you i'm literally just hitting random oh this one's open i think this is a new one it's a new one what's this thing please don't murder me what is this place grandma what do i do with these do i have to just plug them in like ah what is it a book of the awakening chapter 2 possessed often residing in objects that belong to the family will be cursed to only walk at night guarding the residents of its own family they refer to as knock ambulance spirits oh my god if an outsider is seen in possession of anything that belongs to the family or have invaded into the premises it will do whatever means to remove them i'm an outsider wait a few case studies have been collected in relation to noctambulan spirits there's something else in the box a diamond-shaped charm this charm and the book i've seen them before the book was in mommy's study room and the term was illustrated in the book too we saw those feet earlier i didn't want to remember that again from what is written in the book becky is possessed by something to protect its family oh it is becky stupid becky this is only the second part where is the first perhaps grandma knows about it after all it's all hidden here in the secret basement maybe i can find more answers in grandma's room all right we going going back to grandma's room how we oh god so someone's bedroom is someone grandma we don't know we don't know who grandma is she's someone she was just standing in front of the door becky get out of here is this not grandma's room maybe the attic grandma lives in the attic this can't be good grandma climbs up this ladder every night what is this chapter one creation of a voodoo doll otherwise known as the act of voodoo is curse one performs to disrupt the natural flow of life a ritual sought after by many voodoo is believed to have the power to bring one back from the dead voodoo requires a body for the spirit to return to and a human medium to act as a pathway for the dead spirit to return back to the human realm the human medium is to also create an object of personal attachment to direct the spirit's memory to it from a few case studies it is also noted that the ones brought back to life are never truly the same again so after bringing one back in a different form the user gets cursed to become a knock tambulan spirit after they die what did grandma die did grandma die and then become this doll but why is she attacking me then no grandma's asleep over here grandma's diary carrie is still extremely distraught from the incident it has been a whole year and even i cannot say i am not still very much affected by the loss of my very own granddaughter wait what i thought i was her granddaughter who's carrie nedrick looks very stressed whenever i go over so i'm trying to give them space wait am i dead me renee everything happened way too fast the news of the passing of my daughter and my son-in-law arrived just before dawn that was not the only thing that i was informed of i was told to fetch their child my granddaughter as i am the only next of kin left how i am still unable to come to terms with what is happening i have fetched my granddaughter it was my little renee indeed but at the same time it did not seem to be her she did not recognize me and i can only play along until i find out everything about this my dear carrie what on earth happened i cannot believe my daughter is gone just like this last night something very very unusual happened i had gifted renee a lot of dolls seeing how much she liked them but when i went out for a glass of water one of the bigger dolls was walking around however it did not do anything to me regardless this is too strange i have to keep renee to her bedroom at night until i find out about everything the police arrived today they are here to return to me the remaining properties they had taken from carrie and dedrick's household for an investigation one of them was an old red book with parts of it torn out after reading it tonight i found out that the doll was carrie my beloved daughter she is still here i have also found out why my granddaughter is alive now what is happening hold on i'll finish reading and then i'll try to piece this puzzle together carrie did something unforgivable oh how much pain she must be going through to resort to this i still have to keep renee in her room until i find the remaining sections of the book i will have to look through the book again so it is true that becky is mommy but she keeps trying to go after me so i'm an outsider so what am i wait so she died and then her mom reincarnated her and then her mom died and became this not tambulan doll i'm so confused becky is mommy and grandma knew all along is that why she kept becky around but why does she still have me here even though she knows that i'm not her real granddaughter even though i'm an outsider oh so we reincarnated her but she's not the same person is what the book was saying so the mom doll knows this and keeps going after her other grandma's awake i'm not supposed to be out of my room this late i need to get back to my room before grandma wakes up oh god something is coming i need to hide oh i'm under the bed jesus grandma grandma oh we finally get to see grandma renee what are you doing under the bed i i you haven't left your room have you no i was here all the while i was just feeling afraid there is nothing to be afraid of my sweet little girl is that really true grandma are you telling me the truth grandma of course you shouldn't have anything to worry about did you really not leave your room renee i did not all right then grandma's feeling a little under the weather so i must be muddle-headed i'll be headed back to bed you should go back to sleep too wait grandma what is it renae do you think i am loved of course my sweet little girl why are you asking such silly questions alright good night grandma good night mommy chased me because i am an outsider and grandma came here so quickly she must have not been chased because they are family and i'm not grandma lied oh is this gonna give me a different ending she doesn't see me as her family after all it is all my fault mommy will not attack anything she sees as family so if i wasn't around everyone will be happy and grandma will be happy too that torn section of the book that grandma didn't have i know where it is i knew all along i need to get to the playroom what oh no now i'm gonna need to know what happens if you press the other two answers oh it's in the doll chapter three to release the trapped knock tabulan spirit simply soak the charm in unclean water thoroughly water turns unclean when touched by other spirits when the incantations on the charm are smudged and corrupted the charm will then be needed to be placed anywhere on the object in which the soul is trapped and the ritual is complete it is noted that the water used to soak the charm will start to corrupt it starts the moment it comes into contact with the charm and is extremely dangerous for humans saturate the water with salt and dispose of it after the ritual is done okay unclean water we're gonna find water oh this is the sparkly bathroom violet yes the once lifeless paper charm now after being soaked in the bathtub gives off an ominous energy not to give but to take away what am i doing what's happening now it is all over nobody will be troubled anymore oh no oh no on that day i found out about something i should never have mother's study room filled with notes and studies on how to get back her daughter father saw me he was never really happy whenever he saw me but i never expected that he thought that of me all this time you are not my daughter those words pierced me hitting somewhere in a void inside me i never knew existed i had to do what had to be done but i knew at the back of my head that nothing in this world was meant for me did she kill her dad not parents not love not the name not the toys it was meant for renee and that's why i deserve to have everything taken away from me that's so sad so the like new spirit that was in the body of renee felt like she should just like end it with the ritual paper being on her forehead because all the love and dolls and everything she was getting from the grandma and her parents weren't meant for her they were meant for renee but she's not really renee i think there's different endings yeah so there's three endings because of those three choices so let's see let's see what the other two are okay so the only way to get these other endings is to legit play through the whole game again so because i don't have another three hours to go through that i found it on youtube alright so we did the first one so this is the second one grandma knew about me all this time but she allowed me to be here she locked me up in the room every night to keep me safe how could i have doubted her mommy told me too that i am always family and always loved and what i need to do now is to believe in them and not make grandma troubled anymore that torn section of the book that grandma didn't have i know where it is i knew all along okay so that part is the same okay so she still puts the charm in now i just need to go back to the doll room and wait for becky okay so this is different oh becky's in there so she's gonna help release becky i'm sorry mommy oh my god this is sad too i have done it on that day i found out about something i should never have mother's study room filled with notes uh this is the same the book had all the information ones that will take everything from me i was so scared that would happen i had to do what had to be done and so i hid it in something precious i brought it everywhere with me even back at the funeral i was hurt and scared i had to keep the doll with me just in case renee let's go home those kind words of grandma they warmed me up it was foolish of me to be held up by silly thoughts mommy and now grandma they care about me and i have to do this for them i always hated mirrors because they reminded me of what i am not but now i'm not afraid anymore it's a new morning and a new beginning this is the real beginning oh that was a happier ending than the first okay there's one more she's hiding something not telling me about mommy and keeping everything in the secret basement she must be planning something otherwise she wouldn't lie like that does grandma not want me to i just wanted a family to be loved i want to be with my family i have to do something mommy is doing all this because she wants to protect her family what can i do to make her not do that i have to get to my playroom oh no i feel like this is a dark ending i feel like the one i got was a neutral one then the other one's the good ending and this is the bad ending i'm kind of scared i'm being chased because this belongs to the family so i need to get rid of this doll maybe i can burn it oh no well this is this is totally different and she's going to get glass for some reason oh yeah we're burning the doll now i need to soak the charm in water okay doing this again the charm is sinking to the bottom the water is turning red and it looks like blood now that the water is corrupted i just need a cup oh god what are you gonna do with the water now to grandma's room oh no all this will go away oh no what are you gonna do to grandma what are you gonna do to grandma oh she's sneaking into grandma's room she's sneaking in oh we just killed grandma oh she just killed grandma thud oh no i have succeeded damn this is the dark end now nobody can harm me nobody can stop me from what i deserve on that day i found out about something i should never have mother's study room filled with notes and studies on how to get back her daughter daddy went out of room the two of them are shouting again in the living room and then they go away back to their room the usual thing except this time i knew why they got strangely quiet after a while i don't usually peek because i was scared but that time i knew instantly what to do the book had all the information ones that will take everything from me i was so scared that would happen so is this the full story now i had to do what had to be done so her parents killed each other or themselves or and then she took the pages out of the book mommy daddy let's always be together oh my god we will always be family the dad was that thing that moved in the basement i think all right well that was noctambulin i'm glad that i got to see all the different endings because it kind of pieced together the full story yeah i guess let me know in the comments below which ending was your favorite i'm kind of a fan of dark endings so that might be my favorite but as always if you made it this far in the video make sure you let me know by leaving a like before you go and also if you're looking for something else to watch now why not check out one of these videos there's also a subscribe button right there it's totally free and i make lots of spooky videos especially with october coming so make sure you stick around if you like creepy spooky things my specialty and as always i will see you guys soon
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 1,553,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, laurenzside of gaming, funny girl gamer, creepy game, horror game, creepy experience, scary, scary game, indie games, indie game, do not download, do not take, cute but creepy, cute, creepy, mr hopps, mr hopp's, mr hopps playhouse, mr. hopp's playhouse 2, sequel, mr hopps 2, jumpscares, fnaf, pixel, full game, endings, Noctambulant, doll, creepy doll, anime
Id: adk_XFumSGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 5sec (1505 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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