I Met My Neighbor Enide ...but I Made Her a Promise That Traumatized Me (All Endings)

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so I moved recently which means I now need to meet all of my new neighbors and hope that none of them are creepy because I need to be the only creepy neighbor but I did hear that there's this girl that's close in age to me called enide or or Enid I've never heard the name Enid before so I'm going to go with Enid I don't care if I'm wrong come for me in the comments whatever but yeah I'm going to take you all along with me grab my hand thank you while we go say hi to my neighbor Enid or Enid I don't know this relationship's already off to a really awkward start do you want to see content warnings for this game no I'm sure it's fine it looks cute when has a cute game ever been creepy or messed up right speaking of which this Creator made other games I've played on this channel that you guys have liked and I will link them below but NOP don't in blind the only memories I have of my mother are from pictures on the wall as I understand it my mother left my father sometime after after I was born I don't know why and no one ever told me but it did create some tension in my household oh I'm so cute I mean of course I am dad and my big sister Tabby used to fight a lot I don't even know what most of their fights were about because at a certain point I just turn off my hearing aid as soon as I heard the yelling start by hearing problems I think it had something to do with dad being too strict from the way Tabby would rant about it after but I didn't want to get involved and I didn't want to pick sides I loved both of them and didn't understand why they they couldn't get along I was there and I knew the three of us were all capable of creating happy memories together so I didn't understand why it couldn't always be like that at one point the fighting got so bad I remember hearing right before I turned my Aid off Tabby saying something like now I get why mom left ooh oh that's harsh I didn't turn my hearing aid on for the rest of the night and naturally took it out to go to bed later but I ended up being jostled awake in the middle of the night by Tabby she had a strange expression on and was wearing a back backpack over her shoulders she was pushing her childhood stuffed toy into my hands and speaking to me but of course I couldn't hear her she must have realized that though because she looked like she laughed a little to herself and then signed to me I promised right then she got up walked out closed the door to my room and I never saw her again that's so sad Tabby ran away that night I'm not sure to where she did write as promised she sounded like she was having fun out there meeting new people doing new things but there was never a return address I don't know how she ever got the letters to us I was sad I couldn't write her back especially because Dad and I didn't stay in that house forever we moved more than once we haven't gotten any letters since it's been years I hope Tabby's still doing okay I carry around the toy she gave me everywhere so at least she feels close despite everything that's happened I still like my Dad we get along really well and I can tell he loves me we're always doing things like playing baseball together going to the movies even plays video games with me sometimes he's actually pretty good Tabby always used to talk about him being strict and I wonder if a part part of that stuck with him because ever since she left I feel like he's been pretty loose on the rains he even pushes me to go outside and get out of the house even when I don't want to Ally yeah go play outside for a bit get some fresh air H come on I don't want to go outside what if pincers out there I thought you and piter were friends we used to be but he sucks now hey language well he does I'm just finishing up some paperwork when I'm done I don't want to see you still on the couch you can watch more TV later it's not like they're playing anything new at this hour anyways h fine H stupid dad thinking he can tell me what to do where is he hi stupid dad oh God my dad looks um scary hey Aly cat didn't I tell you to go outside uh what are you doing paying bills yeah that sounds boring that looks boring it is boring but somebody's got to do them what's for dinner could we get a what's it takeout why don't you like my cooking anymore no I'm just like really in the mood for hot dogs I don't think there's a takeout place for hot dogs Alley Cat well there should be maybe I'll make one one day I thought you were going to be a baseball Star Baseball stadiums are always handing out hot dogs is that why you want to be a baseball star getting excited about tryouts huh hey I have no doubt you're going to school all the other kids here I hope so thanks uh what about video games I don't want to go outside Dad don't make me go outside and touch grass I don't want to Grass looks scary you don't want me to play video games with you why wouldn't I cuz I i' kick your butt language dad you can't yell at your kid for language and then use language I'm an adult I can say that hypocrite I miss Tabby yeah me too that's it that's all that's all you got to say uh I guess I'll go outside whatever but it's only cuz I want to not cuz somebody told me to all right it is pretty nice out here it's been almost a year since we moved into this house unlike the others this one is one it looks like we be staying in for the foreseeable future we're down by the shore line which means we get sand lining the streets and palm trees in our front yard that sounds fantastic why are you not outside all the time it's pretty hard to complain about being made to go outside with weather like this all the time the sun's always bright and Shining but the breeze that ws in from the sea keeps things nice and cool I mean sounds like the perfect weather you live at the beach I'll always complain about getting sand in my sneakers though of course cuz you need to find something to complain about right oh look at me go it's time to jump rope press the correct arrows what there's little mini games oh oh oh wait what dang I didn't realize I was so good at this chalk there's some sidewalk chalk you left here what you like to draw crab oh look at it there you go why did you draw this I don't know we're at the beach hope I don't get hit by a car oh yay playing Jack in the road what year is this oh what oh ah ah nice I thought I wasn't good at Jack H it's kind of boring outside with no one to play with maybe Enid will let me camp out at her house till sunset oh what's this a missing poster has been attached to the trunk of the tree it shows the picture of a young adult man the poster states that he was last seen leaving work early for a date he had there's a number to call if he should be found we moved to a neighborhood where somebody went missing dad and you want me to go outside hey I was calling to you called it oh boo it's that the kid I said in the house I didn't want to see damn thought that Aid was supposed to help you for a cat with such big ears you really can't hear crap can you well for a crab you sure live up to the oh oh oh oh why what what happened I don't know I was dissing him for being a crab this is pincer Chase he's a red crab that lives a little further down the block when I first moved in we got along pretty all right he'd play with me a lot we even used to lend each other stuff these past few months I don't know what's changed but he's changed he's always got such an attitude and now he hates me for no reason what are you doing out here playing with chalk Jack H I thought you would have outgrown that by now though I guess I can't say much when the baby still carries around her dolly baby what are you talking about you're only 2 years older than me barely and yet you act like you're 10 years younger than me well maybe I wouldn't have to be playing with such baby stuff if somebody returned my copy of Calamity Heroes it's my video game and if you don't give it back you're stealing from me and I'm going to going to tell Dad on you and he'll make you give it back H getting your dad on me see you are a baby you can't even fight your own battles without calling Daddy for help I'm not a baby you think you're so much more grown up than me just because you grew that gross caterpillar on your face hey shut up about just what is happening out here Eden there she is oh my God oh my God how old is Enid I mean with a name like Enid it's usually like older ladies apologies if your name is Enid and you're not an older lady that's my neighbor Enid Enid is awesome we're like best friends we talk like all the time she lets me help her with her Garden in her backyard and she brings over dessert on the holidays and she smells really pretty all the time she even babysits me sometimes if Dad's going to be gone all night oh okay so she is older one time I heard dad tell her that he appreciates her spending time with me I think it's because all the other girls in my life left but if there's only one girl in my life I won't complain about it being Enid because Enid rules are we fighting out here she started it nuh-uh yah all right calm down what's happening Ally pincer took my game forever ago won't give it back pincer is this true I was going to hey don't take that tone with me I'll take whatever tone I want and I swear should I tell your father about this our dates tomorrow night and I am not afraid to bring it up to him dur you're dating people's dads Enid tell him I don't care and pulling your claws out at me oh I'm sure he'd love to hear this the disrespect oh whatever who cares you suck and he sucks too sorry for yelling out here Enid it's all right are you okay better now that you're here Dad forced me to come outside and play while the Sun's still out but I knew I'd run into stupid old Pinsir if I did wish I could just go home now other than that annoying thing it's just boring out here I see lucky for you then I'm also bored and I've got a matcha cake inside I can't possibly eat all by myself you're the best oh heck yes this is why you're the best see where this is me this is the story is about me meeting my new neighbor Eden I try so how is it everything I built it up to be oh this is so good you like get flavors I never even heard of before I don't know where you find these happy to expand your horizons thanks for helping me out back there too F's been so annoying lately like more than usual and I can't believe you're dating his dad I wonder if he thinks of you as like his stepmom or something stepmom goodness you're thinking much further ahead than I am I prefer to take things slow maybe that's why all the girls down by the shoreline call me such a snail Enid you are a snail she's a snail in what way where's her shell I know they're all supposed to be like after animals but like what do you have slime lime juices coming off of you too I know I know but I don't like to think of myself as a stereotype besides being a snail isn't the only reason I like to take my time with things you do everything better when you pace yourself if anything more people should learn to take it slow that is true ain't it everyone's so rush rush go nowadays rushing just causes mistakes and leaves you in a mess W you're so wise Enid Ally are you all right Enid you don't think it's I'm too much of a kid do you huh where did this come from from Pinsir kind of makes fun of me for it you know playing with toys and Jacks carrying this old stuffed toy around and I don't know hearing you say what you just did it's like part of me wants to be grown up already but also is it okay to you know take a little extra time getting there yes it is girl oh Ally of course everyone goes at their own speed allly I still own Pokémon toys okay and I play video games that I used to play when I was a child doesn't matter okay I also have stuffed Dam animal everywhere I'm an adult child and it's fine life's been fine all right and even when you do grow up it doesn't mean you have to stop being a kid at heart either I love you Enid we're going to hook up actually no I hope not because I'm a teen I'm a teen in this game and you are not Eid I take it back you keep hooking up with dad's that's fine just don't don't hook up with my actually I hope she hooks up with my dad in the game because then she could be my mom and we could hang out all the time I mean just look at me for example I like plenty of things one might call childish or even silly really I wouldn't have guessed that like what well for one I have cake in my house much more often than I should that's for kids and I keep every gift I get regardless of how childish one might think they are stuffed toys little figurines I even keep the packages if they're pretty enough oh my God same girl what is happening I still remember one of my favorites being a little gift bag with a smiley clown on it do you get a lot of gifts Enid well I don't want it to sound like I'm bragging or anything how come I never see him around then oh I have the ball stored away for safekeeping it'd be much too messy if I displayed the ball and this way I know they're safe but I know you might feel comforted in knowing that even grown-ups still like all the same fun stuff kids do we just tend to hide it more that's all you know that actually does help me feel a little better thanks you're really Ally ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh no just thanks for being my friend I want to be myself oh aren't you just a little sweetie thank you for thinking of me so kindly you've got a really big heart Ally I'm almost jealous oh shoot I wasn't even paying attention to the time the sun's already setting should I uh get out of your hair normally I'd say you could stay as long as you like but yes might be a bit better for me if you leave now get out of here Ally I've got to get up early tomorrow and I've still got to make a proper dinner and take a shower no yeah it's totally fine I'll catch you some other time meid thanks for letting me hang out as I said anytime except for right now get out of my house I'm busy I wonder if Dad made dinner oh e it's you H what are you doing out here are you waiting here like a loser until I left Enid's ew don't flatter yourself as if I'd be waiting out here for you I'm on my way home in case you forgot I live on this street too don't call me dumb then stop being dumb you know what I hope Ena does become your stepmom no she needs to become my stepmom mine you could learn a thing or two from her like how to stop bullying the neighborhood girls like a big dumb baby I ate the baby here you sure look that way to me are we going to get into a fight always whining and crying and throwing Tantrums anyone would think you're a bigger baby than I am well until they saw that ugly excuse of a mustache oh screw you oh oh we're brawling oh we're brawling my first neighborhood brawl W idiot let go you know I wouldn't have to call you such a baby all the time if you just grew up already oh no oh no no not my allll where did he throw it in a window whose window what the heck what's wrong with you I I don't know I don't know why I just did that I'm sorry I'm sorry really sorry I got to go that was weird weirdo what the heck was that about and he acts like I'm the one with a screw loose whatever it's only Enid's house where' the music go by the way and also what's Ena doing H she must already be in the shower oh he threw it into the upstairs window I got to go all the way upstairs in her house Snoop around yes I don't really want to wait till tomorrow to get it but it it'll be fine it's Enid she'll know to take good care of it for me I just hope I can sleep all right without it oh I'm not sleeping tonight hey kiddo have fun out there uh no Dad what's with the attitude dude cuz I was right and stupid pincer was out there and he threw Tabby's doll into Enid's house piner's really got you twisted lately huh want me to talk with him or his dad or something uh I don't know if this is going to decide like the ending no I just learned from Eid that I shouldn't be a big girl don't be a big girl just yet maybe the next time you see Mr Chase if you wouldn't mind of course anything from my little girl but uh next time you see pitser be a little easy on him all right why should I he's the one always starting things I know I know but he's going through a lot don't you think ain't easy when your dad starts dating someone new trust me who you dating and I'm not defending him he's still in the wrong but people usually don't act out for no reason most of them don't anyway all right I get it I will try I will try to go easy on him add a girl I had a rough time falling asleep last night I really wanted Tabby's old doll back but I was eventually able to relax enough to fall asleep I reassured myself that Enid would keep him safe and sound the next morning the first thing I did was stop by ena's house to try and get him back I'm getting rid of this stupid crab drawing now that I know ready drew a picture and now the inspiration Wells run dry that's it that's all I get to draw now he's going to think I like him you it hello it's Ally I want to know if you found my plushy last night hello oh my God is she dead there's no way she's still asleep at this hour she must not be home G can I just climb through the window H damn it okay I definitely heard that hello oh GH hi pincer hey oh that's a cute picture why' you shout earlier died to this boss feel you man you're playing Calamity Heroes yeah you said you wanted the game back and I am going to give it back I just wanted to beat it myself first hey pincer why are you so mean to me lately I don't know is it because of Enid maybe could be I'm uh really sorry about what I did yesterday if it means anything I don't know what came over me I'm sorry to I'm going be the bigger cat I shouldn't have said all that mean stuff either no it's fine don't sweat it how far in the game are you can I see I'm stuck on the crigg boss fight which stage did you get up to their form with all the eyes uh I didn't even know there was more than one stage let me see where your levels are at oh you're playing as the girl avatar oh uh yeah she uh looked cooler than the other Pro tag options what'd you name her my God is it Ally clot I like that name it sounds really cool yeah you think so for sure all right sick if you want help beating the boss I know where to get some upgrades spill then cuz grinding for experience isn't exactly helping okay first you're going to want to backtrack a bit to the cave of Shadows there's a hidden waterfall where you can get a stronger sword after that head back into town and talk to the shopkeep there you can buy yeah this is dating myself but back when we used to play video games when I was a kid there was no internet that you could just like look up what you were supposed to do you either had to buy guide books or you had to wait till one of your friends would like disclose information that they found out from somebody or from their guide book guide books were expensive woo dang I thought we'd only get past Crick didn't think we'd get past three more bosses after forgot how fun that game was jeez it's getting dark now though wait Enid's lights are on I can go ask for my doll back wait en's lights are on isn't she supposed to have that date with Mr Chase tonight no way she's home home that early is she oh God what am I about to see am I going to walk in on let's look through the window I knocked on Enid's door but to my surprise her door was unlocked and it opened as soon as I touched it I don't know what came over me I probably should have went and told Dad or something but I guess I was just so worried about her that I went inside to look oh no what am I about to see don't go into somebody's house when they came back from a date what if you see some like gross romantic stuff going down huh what notes are on the fridge there's some notes hanging on 's fridge to-do list by new garden shovel clean basement call Reginald and see if he'd like to go out next weekend do not take no for an answer that's strange Mr Chase's first name isn't Reginald who's she writing about then is my dad's first name Reginald you attempt to open the door but it's locked be this door is a hall closet it is stacked to the top with all sorts of cleaning supplies most still unopened or untouched Eden must have restocked it recently where's my doll Enid H what's in here where's my plushy hey Ed nightstand could I use this what is it ooh a key let's go find secrets you unlock the door oh a treasure chest there's a chest here it's locked if your plush is in here you need another key to access this why would she put my blush in a locked chest basement storage unit opening it up there's oh a uh sorry what sorry what I was looking for my plush I just wanted my plushy what where is his head oh gosh um I just straight up traumatized like ah what do I where what do I do do I run out where's my plush grab the knob to open the door and run home you hear someone coming up the walkway oh no I need to hide where am I going to hide where am I going to go oh the closet the closet the closet 10 seconds this one this one you rush to hide in the hall closet Alie I didn't save I didn't save oh no okay I played through the whole thing again made the same decisions to make sure I get the same ending as my original playthrough and saved a bunch of times smart Lauren now all right she's coming Let's uh should I you need to hide okay well table I feel like this isn't going to work either where do I go all right I'm going upstairs this you dive into the Wardrobe hoping not to knock over any clothes in the process [Music] where am I supposed to go oh oh oh I got another idea this oh yes finally you hear the door open someone is in the room with you it's getting harder to control your breathing you have to try oh [Music] oh no that's what all those mini games were training me for got it you hear the sing star running and then it stops it's quiet again you want to get out of the shower now I got to make another decision no you wait a few moments longer you want to get out of the shower now yes ah oh it forces me to save well that can't be good do you want to leave the room now no starts back away from the door when someone is coming this way again oh God oh God under the bed you heard Le duck under the bed you hear someone enter the room you hear in once again you struggle to stay stay quiet don't move hold your breath Oh no I got to do the mini game again don't let her know you're [Applause] here okay what's this under here received a strange key what do I do with this do I go to the basement I thought I was home free I was thinking my lucky stars before I was even out the door should not have done that Ally oh Ally what are you doing here something happen is everything okay oh uh yeah I mean no uh everything is fine I just uh I came in here because my doll was thrown into your house the other day and when I knocked your door was open oh silly me I must have left it open when I came back home today as for your little dolly though no worries I put it away for safekeeping I'll go get it for you Enid left the room to get my plushy back for me looking back in that moment I probably should have just left actually maybe not that might have made it worse I don't know she came back and gave me the toy and after that I should have said Thank you and left I guess I was just so nervous I couldn't help but to keep talking I still wish I hadn't there you go safe and sound thanks Enid I guess it's good you didn't go on that date after all oh that I've been waiting for him all night but he hasn't shown up not even a call oh sorry to hear that oh it's all right the night isn't a total waste I know just had some the other day but I had bought a new cake for Mr Chase and I to share since he's not here you can get his slice if you'd like oh my god did she take his head and turn it into a cake really awesome thanks here you get the cake from the fridge and I'll go get the nice China yeah sure thing walked up to the refrigerator and opened the [Music] door oh goodness Enid Enid girl I thought we were friends Enid why would you traumatize me like that Enid oh goodness I really did swear I had moved it already I suppose that's what I get for rushing I turned my head up to her and said you you kill people oh honey I don't just kill people I eat them she said it in such a silly way the kind of tone a kindergarten teacher uses when telling her students a scary story clawing her sharp nails out in front of me before cracking into another laugh as if she were pretending to be a spooky witch in a children's play I mean can you blame me Mr Chase was such a handsome man and so polite with me too who wouldn't want to eat him right up though he was a bit of a jealous type if he found out he's not the only date to wind up like this I think he'd have been a little upset I wish I could feel like that sometimes jealous it' mean I'd have a connection I really care about like you and I we're close aren't we when you told me before thank you for being my friend that felt really nice oh so maybe that's where I decided the ending like making that decision it must feel a lot lighter to love with your heart instead of your stomach but does it ever stay as full why are you telling me all of this oh I mean that's just because you're not going to tell anyone you can promise me that can't you yeah best friends forever yeah of course what else was I supposed to do I would have said anything to leave um what happens if I break the promise oh God crazy eyes I asked her and she just stared at me and then she started laughing like what I just said was really funny the last words I remember hearing from her were good night Ally as she gently shed me out of her front door and I walked home hey Alie cat there you are it was getting late I was starting to get worried about you yeah sorry Dad is he being traumatized I was uh I was at Enid yeah I figured hopeing it didn't fill you up on sweets too much while you were there dinner's ready come sit I dare say I outd did myself tonight oh no oh it's meat oh God oh delicious I didn't get any sleep that night all I could do was sit up in bed and stare across the street at Enid's house as if waiting for something to happen like I'd see her walk out the door and start making her way toward my house that didn't happen though eventually the lights in her house went off but I still didn't go to bed I just sat up there and kept watch God I stayed that way until morning if you're hoping for some gruesome end to the story like her coming after me or my father or something you'll be sorely disappointed I kept my promise and she left me alone and nothing ever happened to her either when Mr Chase was declared missing she allegedly told the officers that he never showed up for their date and I guess she cleaned up really well because I didn't see them bothering her again after that the chase kids ended up being taken in by their aunt down the down the block and eventually Mr Chase's case went cold I hope he's not mad at me for that I'd like to think he'd understand I didn't really see Enid after that either I didn't want to when it came to things like babysitting I told Dad I was too old for that now and I could stay home alone when he would ask me if I had visited her lately I would sometimes lie and say I did so he wouldn't think anything was weird I wonder if she ever told him otherwise I guess I'll never know 3 years later oh no now what that brings us to today my famous baseball player Enid doesn't live here anymore she hasn't for a while and I'm not really sure where she went I remember some moving trucks in front of her house one day and she left with them and that was that she didn't live here anymore and no one ever moved in either now it's just the old abandoned house on the Block I won't be surprised if neighborhood kids start saying it's haunted it might as well be I still haven't told anyone I promised I wouldn't and there's some part of me that feels like no matter where she is or what she's doing right now she'll know if I break it Ally claudy hey what oh wait is this Pinsir you were staring pretty intensely at ena's old place you're not still mad about the time I threw your dolly in there right oh my gosh it was pin oh I was like they threw in the little like the little hint that he chose the girl avatar but I didn't think anything of it it was cuz like he felt like he should be a girl and now he's a girl he's claudy this is so cool what come on babe I apologize for it like a bazillion times now h no no we're cool with that now swear maybe that's why he was being mean to her cuz he was like going through a rough time trying to figure himself out okay good I was just coming to get you because me and the other girls were heading to the arcade and we wanted to invite you but I see you've got all your gear on so if you're too busy with practice or something uh maybe in a bit there's just some stuff I got to do around here first chores and all you know all righty then we're going to be hanging the whole day so just text if you want to join in later too sounds good thanks crab cakes I'll meet up with you guys later am I going in going in the door wasn't even locked the last time I stepped foot in this house was that night sometimes after so many years I find myself wondering if it even really happened maybe I just had some crazy bad dream or maybe that's just what I like to tell myself but I didn't think that after so long and so much dust this place would still smell like her checked the fridge shockingly en's old fridge still has some notes of hers left on it you're a bit disturbed to see that your birthday is listed there underneath your birth date is the word cake you assume that maybe she was planning to deliver you one maybe even invite you over on your birthday but in your past birthdays since then you were never invited over or received a cake from her you wonder what year this was for downstairs nothing is worth opening this unit again oh I do I still have the key you tell yourself there is nothing inside you hope that it's true that last night I was here I found a key hidden under Enid's bed I was never sure what it was for but I always kept it on me I'm sure it must be for this why didn't she take it with her you put the key into the lock the chest opens you kneel down and begin to shuffle through the contents a note at the very top of everything inside reads gifts from my past lovers it put a bit of a knot in your stomach as you begin to dig through them the first thing you pull out is a teddy bear its fur is red and it's holding a velvet red heart the pink ribbon around its neck is dotted with hearts as well the next gift you pull out isn't a gift at all it's gift bag one with a smiley clown on it there's nothing inside it anymore well there is an envelope that's empty too you assume this whole gift was for a birthday but you have no way of knowing this gift also really isn't a gift it's a letter dear Enid I hope you don't find it too cheesy that I'm writing this in a letter I'm a bit old school sometimes but I'm also dumping this in your mailbox because I think it's a bit hard to say it to your face I know we've already been dating for a little bit but I just wanted to let you know that I like you I really like you I always thought that Opposites Attract was just a myth but after meeting you I'm starting to believe it I don't think I've ever fallen for anyone this badly every time I see you it's like there's butterflies in my stomach but despite the butterflies I also feel comfortable around you like I could tell you anything and you'd listen and you do listen and even with all my baggage you still asked to take me out again and again so happy with you and I just really wanted you to know that you're everything I don't know where I'm going with this just consider it a love letter I love you Enid OH I got confused for a second I was like that that's my name no it's not this game has messed up my brain and I hope you like the pictures too they came out really nice I think we look cute together excited to join you for dinner later your girl friend no way you got to be kidding me Tabby uh excuse me the true end H excuse me did she date and then kill and eat my sister I don't know how to feel about all this I don't know how to feel does that mean I'm finally going to turn her in cuz now I know she most likely killed my sister my long lost sister all right well I guess I got to find what the other ending is now okay so to get the other end I apparently can't oh wait no no no no no no no no no oh well guess the same thing I can't hide under the bed I have to hide in the wardrobe this time and apparently this is all the same still makes me go see the tra thing in the fridge she still makes me make a promise I guess the main difference now is I didn't find that secret key so do I come back in 3 years again or wait that means I'm never going to find out what happened to my sister yep 3 years later still coming back is CLA still claudy I don't see why not nothing's really changed yet yeah there there she is she's so much happier now is this going to be like the not as traumatic ending oh she was going to invite us to the arcade with the girls but I see you you got all your gear on so if you're too busy with practice or something uh yeah I can come I could use a good trip to the arcade sick let's go I don't know what happened to Enid I probably never will and I think I'm okay with that I think it's better if I never know I mean I concur girl I feel very traumatized from the uh other ending it's certainly been easier to breathe ever since she left and despite all the mental scars she left with me I've been doing okay there's one more mental scar that in this version you did not have to experience I've got a pretty all right life and I'm trying not to feel guilty about enjoying it when I think about Enid I always remember that thing she said something about loving with your stomach instead of your heart I hope that for the sake of others at least she learned some way to keep them both full a I mean that's cute at least we're friends and happy Oh but claud's never going to know what happened to her dad and I'm never going to find out ignorance is bliss is that ending I'm never going to find out what happened to my sister and she's never going to find out what happened to her dad he's just missing and maybe it's better that way I don't know leave a like if you're traumatized too yay don't meet your neighbors oh meet
Channel: LaurenZside
Views: 730,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, My neighbor Enide, cute but creepy, RPG maker, all endings, full game, neighbor, Scary, thats not my neighbor
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 39sec (2139 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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