I Tried to Babysit My Little Sister ... But She ATE the Neighbor

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Dom supposed to be babysitting my sister but she's a little cray cray like look at her she's holding a meat cleaver she's cray cray this is the coffin of Andy and lelay who's cray cray and I've been saving this game for spooky month which was perfect timing cuz they just released chapter 2 so if you want me to continue the game after chapter 1 make sure you leave a like before you go but yeah it's a cute but creepy RPG Maker game which I know is your favorite and mine so let's just jump into it I have High Hopes episode one The coffin lelay I don't want to well I do just go over and blank to blank blank you I thought she's your friend mom said you'd help me with anything well Mom's a dirty liar oh I like the art good morning Ashley ah as much as you love feeling sorry for yourself it's time for a little interlude it is titled find nutrients to not die Ready set go GH I have to eat and have water how annoying Anno Ying garbage should I eat garbage it's already been scavenged several times and it truly and utterly exhausted as a food source ew but wait what is this got a can of Tomatoes Amazing you should show that to your brother brother where are you I want to annoy you brother oh there you are Tada aren't you so impressed with my tomato can brother we're not eating that that's the very last thing we have Ashley I think we should hold on to it a little longer but I'm hungry quit your complaining you're energetic enough to go rumaging through our trash so clearly you're not dying yet huh how did you know it was in because I hid it there away from you yes I live in a den of snakes H don't round me up you're making me hungry fine let's eat them then screw our future selves that's the spirit time for you to go cook some Tomatoes yay I got what I wanted oh good day are you still alive in there hello if you won't make a sound I'll assume you're dead and and I don't bring food for the dead food you don't bring it to the living either uh I'll take that as a yes still alive and don't blame me for the delivery guy screwing up can we go grab something from the store for us n not my job I'll check in on you again later bye no wait wait wait come back he doesn't damn it what is going on in this situation where's our parents did they go get milk and never come back you boiled the canned tomatoes to make delicious boiled canned tomatoes well how is it at this point you could feed me a can of worms and I'd say it's the best thing I ever ate it is in that moment that an ominous audio assaults your eardrums are you kidding me the neighbor is ated again want to go take a peek nope but I'll come along if you do oh he's following me hi brother what's our stupid neighbor doing hey stupid neighbor can't really see squat from here contemplate if you should take a leap of faith toward the neighbor's balcony yeah do it it's only the fourth floor Ashley don't even think about it yes you'll have to set something up to cross got a wooden plank sweet set down the wooden plank there we go yay let's see what our stupid neighbor is doing oh what oh demons from hell hear my plea totally normal neighbor oh the Unholy ones I come seeking your advice what am I doing wrong I knew I should have killed that guy when I had the chance uh excuse me what what what do you make of that everybody needs a hobby I guess forget this is it almost time they let us watch TV who is they are we in jail what's happening thank you for tuning in today we share with you some joyous developments in regards to the tainted water situation we're happy to announce that all apartments to which the tainted water has been delivered have been secured it has been 3 months since the first incident was discovered in the death toll is now at a comfy 53 total no biggie and the quarantine period For Those whom are at risk have been extended by another 2 week weeks oh okay so we drank contaminated water and then that's why we're being held against our will in our place where are parents again I'm going to bed you decided to do the same oh wait Mom where are you going me and your father will be staying at a hotel for a bit I thought they said we should stay at home until I didn't drink anything screw you kids I leaving anyway I'm going to miss my bus you and Andrew can join us later okay so they really did put me in charge of my little sister all right this won't hurt a bit the nurse sticks a needle in you it hurts how long do we have to stay home the results from your blood work will be done tomorrow so if everything is well you're free to come and go as you please after that and if not then you'll get to see what happens if not that's all for now take care stop calling me Ashley please I am enjoying not having my children and responsibilities okay stop contacting me I don't want to hear what you and your brother are doing if you need something ask the workers there I can't do anything for you and I don't want to hear these lies about starving anymore why the hell would I lie about this you get to L around all day doing nothing I don't know what you've got to complain about anyway I've got to go please don't call me anymore I won't answer love you sweetie bye Ashley I'm sorry damn my mom does not care about us at all after reminiscing all night you wake up as one does instead of ruminating upon your misery you decide to clean the house up a bit do I you're cleaning a waste of energy you're a waste of energy thanks just don't overdo it why do I got to do everything pop some dirt where are we getting dirt from we can't go outside it's a mystery feeling dizzy oh no damn it Ashley I told you not to overdo it yeah I'm running on like no food why am I doing stuff conserve your energy good news once again some of you may have heard from your loved ones that there's been Supply short shortages in the quarantined households well boy are we pleased to announce that all of that has been taken care of it has does it look like I'm eating right now on that note we'd like to remind you all not to enter the contaminated apartments no your friends don't need anything from you everything is taken care of so the news is lying why you're too tired to get the phone hello of course what is it the shift in the tone of his voice makes you strain your ears no no go ahead someone is talking on the other end of the line but you can't make out the words they sound more and more upset as they talk though well that's I mean I I can't do anything about that or I can try talking to her but always about you don't lay and Ashley and had the time to think just can't anymore so that's it then now it's quiet on both ends is it my good for nothing mom saying that she wants nothing to do with us anymore well all right I guess what else is there to say sorry although I really don't see why I should be held accountable for a faint beep beep beep of a dropped call can be heard sigh who is that my exir girlfriend apparently oh she dumped you why is that why do you think oh it was my ex-girlfriend not my good for nothing mom how should I know maybe because you're a parasite infested home buddy that's apparently Perma quarantined or because she found someone new it's been a few months buddy we've been here for months or maybe she just didn't like you that much in the first place whatever you say Ashley there might have been something more tactful to say whatever you pretend to sleep until you really fall asleep again now you've been out for who knows how along you figure you should check on your brother let's go check on him and annoy him brother brother brother brother you better not be thinking of jumping brother you need to take care of me someone from your apartment is getting hauled into an ambulance hey me too people are yelling from their windows and balconies I need some help too please please I'm starving soon the ambulance leaves in a hurry Color Me surprised they actually got that person some help I figured they just let her die maybe she went into late LA or something think they'd bring me food if I got pre don't even say it Ashley how would you even get pregnant in here well we do have that one Charming fellow right next door Over My Dead Body well excuse the hell out of me for exploring my options here you'd like to go after Andrew and tell him it ain't none of his damn business anyway you're just too exhausted Brothers just don't understand maybe sometimes I should just get pregnant so that they can get me food by some random Neighbor Next Door but after sleeping for a few hours hours or maybe a few days who knows you're fully revitalized and bursting with energy am I Yay oh I'm moving so F oh love it yes so much oh God I had so much energy I just collapsed what day is it how long have you been locked in your apartment now where the hell does Andrew get the energy to make so much noise Andrew what are you do what are you doing he has unscrewed the lock and is attempting to kick the door in how many times are you going to try that it's clearly barred from the other side somehow what else else am I supposed to do oh if you don't stop banging on the door I won't be bringing you any food tonight you won't either way says you the delivery will be here in a matter of hours now you better stop bang bang banging on the door or next it'll be me banging your head against the wall the man's footsteps fade away you won't come in here you're scared of getting contaminated do you think they'll really get that delivery today I didn't mess this up for us did I unlikely so I guess we'll see and see you did that absolutely nothing was delivered sigh so parasites been a few months are you feeling anything hunger you'd think anything would be happening to us by now but I haven't noticed anything that nurse never came back either like don't you want to monitor us uh who cares the neighbor starts blasting his favorite ritual music for all to hear again I wish he' just they're like oh damn he did summon a he summoned a demon let's go see what's what's roaring over there maybe we could eat it excuse me my Lord you you've come and you're uh little smaller than I imagined I I love it it's better than I imagined that's all I meant what do you offer human oh um I don't have much to give right now but if you help me get out of here I can get you anything you wish As You Wish human perish what Darkness clouds your vision and you cannot see what's happening by the time your vision returns The Entity has vanished on the ground lay the lifeless body of the cultist we just witnessed a demon murder can we eat him oh my God we can eat him do we uh do you want to check on him well at the very least I want to turn off that CD player the door knob taunt you from the other side of the glass how do we get over there got an ashtray we're going to throw it through the window yeah all right let's turn off the stupid music oh thank God is he dead that's a lot of meat you think to yourself I knew it were going to eat him what out loud apparently though I mean is it still illegal if we didn't kill them the guy oh you want to eat him I isn't that what you were insinuating nah I was just making an observation if we do eat him then that's it for us there's no way we we wouldn't get caught once they finally let us out but it's not like we killed the guy I think they should look past it given that there's nothing else to eat are we doing this or not I mean I was put in charge of you and I need to feed you all right then let's find something to butcher him with he oh my God he give me the knife I noticed it got her clean I'll do it so you get the arms I'll handle the legs first you chop oh oh oh does it matter the the the left next up is the right we can't carry him out in the open like this just be quick about it no can't you go get like plastic bags or something I'll take care of the rest in the meanwhile I guess I'm counting on you Andy don't call me that you hand him the cleaver I'll go get bags got some plastic bags sweet oh good job brother we're going to eat good tonight got left arm got left leg got right leg got right arm love it plastic bags aren't big enough to fit the whole torso in them crap I don't think we can cut through the spine either you see if anyone happens to be looking out of their window it'll be a disaster maybe if I use two bags listen this isn't going to taada wow I'm a genius God no don't make me laugh at this I mean at least we're still finding the humor in this and also by bonding sibling bonding gather the limbs up and go there should be plenty of room for them the freezer I'll stuff the Torso in head in this in his freezer for now then I'll go cook us something while you're at it I'm going to bring these back to our house our apartment you placed the severed limbs in the freezer now which one do you want to eat ooh decisions decisions well I'm starving and I think the legs would be bigger they got the thigh so let's go with the leg all right time to cook fry some meat dinner's ready that that was quick M yum right so what are we having here pure deliciousness is what eat up you first Munch Munch huh what Andrew takes a bite out of your cooking I don't think he likes it he began wretching no you don't swallow all of it there's no seasoning or nothing well well how is it it's uh it's uh God I hate picky eaters I made this with love so you're not leaving the table before you've licked the plate clean ew I'll eat it all right just give me a minute under your watchful eye he slowly finishes his plate just pick think it's a it's a burger it's a hamburger which is nothing I'm off to bed now night night yeah good night just ate a person la la la la la don't feel bad about it la la la la la you fall asleep fully content with your life decision that's right oh lelay blank said she likes you so are you going to be her boyfriend gross no ha I I should teach her a lesson you're my brother mine this is getting going to a weird weird place I'll make her think twice before stealing from another woman what so anyway I'm going to take her to that old warehouse and lock her in one of the crates my sister's super crazy he he you should go ask her to hang out she won't say no then take her to the warehouse and we'll see what happens Mom said you'd help me with anything we'll get in trouble I'll only let her out when she promises not to tell on us I guess hooray you're the best today's episode is titled Andy and lelay and the Bish in the Box what is taking him he wouldn't have forgotten our plans would he finally oh this must be the girl huh what are we doing here surprise I want to hang out too oh I mean I guess that's fine I'm scared where this is going say did you tell your mom you're here no why he just wondering so are we going inside or what the drop off on the other side of the window is too high though I wouldn't mind con convincing blank to jump anyway so maybe twist your ankles maybe break her neck a hammer got Hammer okay what do what do I do with the hammer why' they nail this metal sheet thing on the wall looks like there's a hole behind it perfect tear it open what I can't do that not without some tools at least huh even though it's this flimsy yes I I like smart guys over beefy ones this poor girl she's like hi I'm over here who asked use the back of the hammer to pull out the nails wow it sure is kind of Dusty in here makes me worry about my asthma oh no oh I know how about some hide-and-seek H you're such a kid huh Andy wants to play too what oh yeah sure I I'll be it I'm going to count to 10 100 count to 100 at least okay okay one two all right let's find a good box to shove her in you still want to do that of course she said no one knows she's here this is perfect now hurry up before she's done counting ooh now this will do there isn't any lock on it though well we don't actually want to lock her in place a stick or something between the Rings that'll keep it closed Ready or Not Here I Come a crap she counted too fast let's hide hide um um um we're the worst hiders ever she's going to find us immediately where do we get a stick anyway I guess this will do well what do you think is she pretty uh she's fine I guess why do we have such an awkward sibling relationship I don't like it found you both of you Andy goes to count outside he my hiding spots are the best I know a really good one for you come take a look um okay yeah come over here girl come over here best friend look you can hide in here think you'll fit in here seems like a bad idea 100 oh shoot he's coming hurry hurry okay Hy your friend hops inside the crate he I got you now cough this isn't funny Ashley let me out there you are Andy you Slowpoke hurry up she's putting up a fight I can't breathe is she right right please I shut up already You drama queen let her out lelay she's just pretending come on let her out what you'll believe her over me fine you let her out then who cares about me anyways Everyone likes her better but you like her better too but everyone does I already know she's like dying in this crate we're just having a conversation out here bet you only hang out with me cuz Mom told you to well that's I mean maybe she did but it's not fair why does everyone like her better I'm loud and weird and annoying and no one likes me at all yep I like you better L prove it liar sigh I knew it maybe you'd have more friends if you weren't always so not even my own brother picks me over her I knew it already Ashley there are you happy now he yes just until morning okay yes yes you're the best I like you the best Andy you hear that blank you get to stay there until morning morning no please Ashley Ashley please Ashley Ashley are you awake I am now what is it nothing it's just God what did we do you're still on about dinner listen I didn't kill the guy so I didn't do anything wrong you mutilated and ate a cors girl what else were you were we supposed to do ha the warden and let him know he died we could have just told him to go check on the guy didn't we both agree on this I could have sworn it was your gestion in the first place oh she keeps coercing keeps coercing me the brother into doing things gaslighting me isn't this like some extreme circumstances stuff like can't we be excused it's the water company's fault first they lock Us in for months and then they won't even feed us and is Cabin Fever a real thing maybe we can plead Insanity I don't know Ashley I keep thinking about it uh I can't I can't sleep Ashley it's come here oh this is getting this is getting weird I don't know what's wrong with you how are you so unbothered I don't know I compartmentalize kind of like we compartmentalize that guy into different freezers Ashley Andrew what is it Andrew this is so weird I she's definitely obsessed with him Andrew Andrew Andy I you bit me I told you to stop calling me that we're not kids anymore hey Andy remember when we used to go on adventures what Andy and LEL Lay's quest for something or another remember isn't this just another one of those let's get out of here like we should have done months ago now that we've got some food don't you want to keep waiting until they let us out hell no I don't they throw us in jail right after this episode is titled Andy and lelay the escape from the coffin uh whatever I'm going to go to sleep now good night sleep tight I'll try good night love you Andy shove that Andy junk up your butt already my God I don't love you that much H make me want to this relationship is so weird and dark your body has absorbed some some delicious nutrients and you're feeling might Mighty better today yay eating people the neighbor was delicious better not be thinking of jumping Andy where are you oh you are hanging out here hey there good morning what you up to looking at this demon summoning instruction manual book thing it says here that demons don't think much of humans they're only willing to do business as long as it's quick and easy for them I take it you want to ask one to get us out of here well I wouldn't want to get out of here the same way the cultist did but I do think this is our best bet for now it says here demons prefer human Souls so obviously it's got to be that where to get a soul while stuck in here we'll figure something out let's just set the ritual up for now what's it need I'm not done reading this yet but you can start by replacing the candles for now okay te going to summon a demon I'm in love with my brother yeah done what now now we still alive and kicking are you you've been quiet lately pal I'm getting a little worried in there yeah hi hello one of my guys isn't answering the weirdo one I think he croaked but he's just a b type anyway uh fine I'll check it after my round warden's footsteps move away from the door is that all we would have had to do to get the door open just shut up for 2 days oh no he's going to come in and see all this no no no no enough go stall him at the door I'll clean this up and keep him until I've mopped up all the blood maybe then he'll assume the guy jumped on the balcony or something cleaning cleaning cck it clean ew no go get a mop we have to get my mop cleaning up the demon death scene there we go there we go there we go there we go actually the warden is coming oh no h what are you doing here oh shoot sadly the warden soon calls over his buddy get taken back to your apartment after which you and your brother's Wicked Deeds are soon discovered guess what it went so badly for you that I'm going to let you try again I got a game over Ashley the ward is is coming okay so can I not make it outside where do I hide where do I hide you hide in the closet greetings and salutations huh anybody home what the how did you get in here no oh oh no oh no I'm like oh thanks brother Andrew doesn't seem too pleased with you right now you wonder if it's a good time to tell him none of this is your fault come on then lelay let's go play do we eat him too let's eat him well you've done it now Andy you've actually killed a man like directly yep oh looky here got a key we can escape we get out should we leave here at last you unlock the door and before we go Ashley huh I just want to make make sure we're on the same page about something whatever excuse we had for eating that other guy just went out the window because of your screw up oh I'm sorry did I ask you to kill him what do you think was going to happen if I hadn't look I'm not saying I'm not grateful Andrew I am but what's your point my point is that no matter what happens Beyond this door you won't speak a word of what went down here to anyone yeah obviously obviously and it'll no doubt be obvious we did something once this guy's shift ends and the next Warden comes looking around it's best we disappear we can ooh but he got murdered in this apartment not our apartment we just have to take the murder weapon with us starting to think like a crazy person it's best we disappear while we can knowing you you think you're going to go find Mom and Dad but I'm saying all of this is off the table I hadn't planned on anything yet actually God that's even worse I okay so you want me to never contact anyone I know ever again because you think they'll snitch on us to the authorities is that it yes exactly yeah fine whatever mom doesn't care about us anyway I forgot to tell you I am not going to jail just because you think of yourself as imp perous to Inc consequences so you're going to take this to your grave even if I have to put you in there myself you don't scare me Andrew oh this is getting um this is getting awkward again don't give me a reason to Andy it snows in Hell the day I'm afraid of you now back off who do you think you're talking to it's I'm stressed out lelay yeah I mean you just Mur you ate a guy and then you murdered a guy there's half a dead guy in our freezer with my fingerprints all over it trust me I'm in no hurry to tell the world about it h all good can we go now yeah I guess I don't give a damn about mom or dad or any of my so-called friends anymore not one of them felt it necessary to even answer my calls so my affections officially died with all the brain cells I lost while starving but it's all right because Andy is here with me even though he feels like threatening me for some reason sorry I guess I lost my brain cells too can't lose what you don't have oh screw you all right all right let's get the hell out of here already we made it out where do we go what's this one oh oh a key a key a key is this the wen's office looky they've got a little surveillance camera oh crap are we on it no it looks like it's recording the second floor oh let me see right there's another ward in there is that a gun holster ah there's a key there on the fourth floor key there's another key room to 302 notice from now on AB types won't be given supplies except if it's someone important and know the lady from 302 being hot doesn't count as important stop asking go to the third floor oh we have the key to 302 oh hey hey hey hold up don't you dare come any closer who are you your neighbors from upstairs what are you doing here get out well we found the keys and thought you might want to get out of here you thought wrong get lost huh why would I want out I get free food and can play games all day long I live like a king I hope this quarantine never ends wait wait they're actually bringing you food of course literally anything I want all you got to do is ask nice niely like bend over and open wide nicely Ashley screw you get out both of you bye lady well that was something how come we get such different treatment why don't I get food guess we're just not pretty enough you think she's pretty uhoh is it okay to leave her there though after she saw us probably not but you go in there swinging your Cleaver and she'll definitely scream then the second Warden comes in and shoots us H this is so hopeless I think our best bet is to finish the ritual and use it to get rid of the second Warden if we can get this woman up to the cultist room you've got a soul to offer ooh how on Earth are we going to convince her to to leave her room it's me let's just finish setting up the ritual for now all right do you really think I'm not pretty enough oh my God the paper slip taped on your door reads 2 * AB what's that supposed to mean I don't know don't care yeah let's just focus on getting out of here we unblock the door sweet in here so what's needed to finish the ritual setup draw some ruins on the floor with blood not sure what ruins though I'll just redraw what that guy had already drawn that seemed to work okay we got a walkie-talkie from the guy dip your fingers Into the Dead oh great got blood yay can draw let's draw the rituals love it I have an idea oh let's have the lady from downstairs lure the warden up here with the walkie-talkie and uh how are we going to make her do that you know how huh all right then let's go convince her or was there something else that still needed to be set up just lighting the candles and turning on the audio but I think that best to do when the warden is on his way yeah wouldn't want to keep the demon waiting okay so we're going to go get this lady come here lady you too again sorry sorry there's one last thing we forgot to ask you what I thought I made myself clear huh what do you want hey get off me oh we got her what's going to happen now is that you'll coup into this walkie-talkie tell them that you and his friend are looking for a good time up in room 405 I don't understand y only need to understand we'll kill you if you don't play nice no no please I'll do anything I'll tell him anything we'll see press the walkie-talkie on hello huh who's there hi Dave it's me where's Malcolm um Malcolm's here with me in room 405 did you uh care for quick visit quick visit huh I mean if you want to have a good time that is I'm always up for a good time if you know what I mean he was it room 405 I guess that weirdo really coked um he nothing I'll be right there sweet cheeks you got the conversation there all right good let's go go finish it I'll keep her quiet until it's done what get going fine oh yeah almost forgot leay catch Andrew throws you something got a lighter you hurry back up to finish the ritual all right I got a light got a light light and light and light and turn the music so now what am I supposed to do oh yeah demon ah something's in here who are you I can't see you are asking me my name old man uh what do you offer uh yikes did I mess up I don't want to pay for its name but there he is I'm here it's kind of dark huh and I'm not doing it with this kind of music on let's chock the word and reaches for his gun uh him I offer him what the got him so uh well how is it man with tar colored so I give you this got unidentifiable small object hold it for a Asal plan hery dream to Gage the troubles ahead thank you that's it I don't get to request something The Entity is left and you're still alive unlike either of the wardens man that all happened way too fast in the end I didn't get its name nor to ask for a favor but no matter the warden is dead and if I have even one cl Clairvoyant dream that'd be cool you decide not to linger on the fact your soul is apparently a vicious pitch black mess yes you already knew that te bye oh wait I got to check his pockets what do you got got a key key got a gun sweet at last time to shoot Andy just kidding I'll probably shoot the lady though my soul is a pitch black void you better not be making out with this girl Andy Andy you know I thought I was the one that had the problem but I think you are the one with the problem now why you keep killing people Andy what happened here she tried to shoot me with a nail gun how on Earth I thought you were holding her in place well I let go why you were taking a while I figured she wouldn't start anything as long as I had my Cleaver lesson learned how interesting then you'd want to take your chances with that for no reason what are you getting at you did say she was pretty uh I didn't try anything with her yeah yeah and here I was wondering why you insisted on staying behind God I hate it when you get like this what's your problem every time some Floy comes around yeah I'm not celibate what's it to you I just need you to get your priorities straight my prior prity right now is getting out of here your priority should be me no shut up I didn't screw the neighbor lady and on that note will you back off of my love life Ashley what's that supposed to mean oh I don't know it's not like my girlfriend dumped me after you harassed the hell out of her or something what she told you what a tattletail you're better off without Loos Li women like that so it really was you yeah all I did was weed out a quitter for you you're welcome and I wouldn't harass anyone if you'd stop ignoring me when I need you you always need something I bet you love it here where I can't even take a piss without you knowing I'm right where you want me to be huh what no screw you Andrew why don't you want to spend time with me anymore I've done nothing but spend time with you for the past 3 months so then why aren't we friends anymore h of course we are just forget this can we just go just what just go no answer me what were you about to say stay then I'm going oh no you don't what's so bad about about me I've been looking out for you isn't that what siblings do just stop what talk to me it's not my fault I didn't lock Us in here I didn't kill the cultist I didn't kill the warden which one neither you did and the demon I'm all innocent I've not harmed a single soul of course not you make me do it for you I didn't make you do anything Andrew you chopped them up all by yourself and you chose to do everything you've done here and guess what Andy don't you chose to lock blank in that crate where she choked cry yourself to sleep to that Andy my poor Andy so that just came out of your mouth now what it's true you chose to do it and you chose me you chose me you backpedaling brother you chose me you did you did so I guess we're not leaving here together you can't do it you won't you can't cuz I'm the only one you can talk to when you can't sleep at night and you can't take it I'm the only only one who can make it go away fancy that when you're the reason I can't sleep in the first place I would like to go now with Andy I'm ready to go now I'd like to go too but the thing is you're pissing me off so much right now we can go and you'll just throw another fit later so I don't know if I can risk it maybe I'll just end you here and be done with it if it's not going to be just the two of us then forget it I don't care about blank I'm glad she choked I know you are no one knows it was us so what does it matter as long as it's just us are you saying you'll behave I'll behave if you behave isn't that how it goes who knows with you though I'm assuming we're getting out of here in the first place uh that's right our Quest continues what did we name this episode again Andy and okay but I'm not going to be Andy anymore huh he's so spineless and I hate lelay like you wouldn't believe H she better stay and die here with Andy so you and I can leave fine whatever that means in practice I like you but you're so exhausting n non sense I'm invigorated let's leave and never revisit this conversation yes I've got the keys to the second floor and also the warden's gun I'm surprised you didn't shoot me yet maybe later haha ha I'm dead inside let's get out of here Andrew now where we go second floor oh look an open window isn't there like a rope or something we can use to climb down oh we can use this what if we climb down the window using this carpet I'm not sure how we're going to secure it though you hold it while I descend oh yeah and I'll just jump in your arms once we're down would that actually work maybe if you catch me instead hell no I won't we've got to set up something to hold the carpet in place while we climb down well let's leave it by the window for now got carpet got a nail gun sweet perfect thanks dead lady two of you used the nail gun to nail the carpet onto the wall it doesn't look safe there's got to be something else I'm going for it if nothing else maybe the carpet slows my descent down s all right you first then damn right I go first I am a lady climb down very unladylike we did it run away so what happens now well what happens now is that we'll skip town and then find a buffet restaurant then we'll steal someone's Identity or something to continue our lives easy peasy huh and then as long as we never come in contact with the law enforcement we'll live a quiet life and die you've got it all figured out good God I have no idea what we're going to do ashle it'll all work out lest we'll live a under a bridge or something like trolls we'll eat those who won't pay the toll to cross how can you laugh it's anything but funny how can you do anything else but laugh everything has gone to crap haha keep it together I am let's start by catching a bus I didn't get to tell you before but the friend I called while you were downstairs gave me a gift supposedly I should be seeing visions of the future in my sleep now but that also means you can't leave now you're stuck with me oh yeah completely stuck he get on a bus and drive the hell out of there vroom vroom and up episode one what well that was a wild and gruesome ride that I wasn't expecting leave a like if you want me to do chapter 2
Channel: LaurenZside
Views: 1,381,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, Chapter 1, The Coffin of Andy and LeyLey, rpg maker, cute but creepy, scary, creepy, Babysit, sister, brother
Id: TGwutXS6A4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 5sec (2165 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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