I Tried Working as a Coffee Shop Barista …but A Creepy Stranger Won't Leave Me Alone

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oh coffee and milk you didn't ask for milk in your coffee but you're getting it he's like I really don't like it here ma'am I don't blame you I think I have something to eat too you can order first I want a white mocha okay any food no just a drink I hate all of you please just tell me what you want [Music] what is happening [Music] so I'm once again quitting YouTube to become a coffee Barista look I have my outfit into everything and my outfit being a T-shirt and an apron I mean I look like I could be a coffee Barista right right you would get coffee from me I started this new job and apparently all the newbies have to work the closing shift because nobody likes to do that shift but don't worry I'm gonna prove myself as being the greatest Barista of all time I don't know oh no I'll be late for work I'm off to a great start I should be in my car by now okay my place is both adorable and extremely small like I can't tell whether I like it because it's small and cute or if I hate it because it's really small and I'm claustrophobic right now a purple chinchilla okay well at least this place is my aesthetic all right I got my hair done got those cute Barista bangs got my coffee shop apron and I'm good to go I try to be a really cute welcoming presence so I get lots of tips better check for Monsters No Monsters I apparently only wear white oh wow this is my kitchen I gotta make some money I gotta move out of here it also appears that I've lost my right toes in some sort of accident foreign [Music] hello oh somebody's phone there's nobody around why do I work this shift oh it's my car is it my car am I breaking into somebody's car hello oh Jesus hello can I go near you you gonna kill me oh guys looking for something your phone are you all right excuse me sir excuse me snake neck oh my God he's so creepy hey uh are you looking for something I shouldn't judge him he might be a very nice fella well I found this give me me it okay never mind you don't seem like a nice fella oh he's following me okay you're welcome sir bye uh well that was weird but I'm not gonna let it deter me from my first day nobody's here I'm so glad I'm working this shift oh I am going to gain a lot of weight from eating all of the delicious coffee drinks though and there's a bakery section oh no all my money I make here is just gonna go toward all the food I'm gonna eat who's gonna show me what I'm supposed to do put away my stuff and talk to senpai Senpai oh my God he must be my Senpai because we have matching purple chinchillas which one's mine this one okay there's my stuff recipes oh thank God I have no idea how to make anything Senpai sorry I'm late be careful next time I'm gonna tell the manager don't do it Senpai please don't do it or else I will gut your purple chinchilla cause we're soulmates said bye yes sir I will not be late again oh and one more thing make sure to leave your phone in the locker you better not be texting anyone during work is that because you only want me to text you Senpai you got it oh I'm gonna follow you where are you going are you leaving don't leave me oh step high I think Senpai may be a ghost oh well video cassette player okay I needed to talk cold drink tutorial show me I take the cup and I put it there it's fine I'm just gonna wing it it's fine oh God hello crouching hello ah what a peaceful music your body is twisted and contorted but I don't judge what would you like I feel uneasy there's something strange about this place okay I'll leave the drinks to you oh and I'd like to get two of them would you want a latte and a coffee you're not telling me what you want you're like just get me give me anything oh that'll be just fine it's really uncomfortable here okay so we need a coffee and a latte um no no I don't I don't know what to do milk pitcher hold on sir I need to go watch the tutorial I made a big mistake how do I make a latte I drip coffee latte coffee plus steamed milk okay that's easy is there a time limit I hope not there we go coffee milk sure I don't I put milk in this cup is it the one with the coffee or is it just milk in a cup now oh coffee and milk you didn't ask for milk in your coffee but you're getting it place order item here okay no oh that's her I gotta watch the tutorial okay we're gonna try this again so this is just a coffee he's like I really don't like it here ma'am I don't blame you okay so this is a coffee so I shouldn't need anything else right here's a lid hot lid oh my God I think I did it okay what's this latte okay I think that means it worked now we do that it is there we go there we go oh I did it was the easiest order and it took me 20 minutes to make come back again soon sir he's never coming he just flew out of here he's never coming back here ever again hello ma'am did you hear on the news I hear stalker cases are on the rise what a normal conversation thanks for letting me know that at my 1am job when I'm working by myself it's scary a woman like me you see I have to be careful what about like me but you don't have to worry as much as I do but yeah wow wow I'm spitting in your coffee ma'am you just called me too ugly to have a stalker which is a weird thing that I would be upset about but I am I could totally have a stalker a dark mocha chip chop oh God and you wanna uh why do you want something so complicated oh this better be it yay yay thank you for sitting in here with me oh no what did I carve four people just fall you better all be wanting plain black coffee please order a plain black coffee each oh that's easy I can do that a salted caramel mocha then I'll have a matcha oh God one pumpkin cake okay he wants a matcha cake think of something to eat too you can order first oh stop hot cocoa okay I don't have any money right now you should have said that first come on I'll buy you one can you please just give me your orders sirs I want a white mocha okay any food no just a drink I hate all of you please just tell me what you want American waffles waffles please just give me what you want I don't care oh oh the lady left me she was like bye I need to hone into my Barista Powers I didn't know I was gonna be quizzed on this at the end okay somebody definitely said they wanted an apple pie I think the middle one I think it's all of that can't believe you remembered all that yes we'll be waiting you're gonna be waiting a really long time guys what's first I'm just gonna take one at a time a matcha Chila pachino I hate this place there's something oddly satisfying about making all of this though whipped cream I think that's it one is done okay next uh matcha cake okay that's easy which ones um uh here we go yes I didn't use the tongs I just grabbed it with my hand none of you saw it I think this one's done see I got I get in the hang of this don't stare at me like that last one yes last one American apple pie and it's easy there we go get out of here all of you all of you get out of here how dare you with all of your orders it is one in the morning what do you need all this for and they're very oddly getting out to the car and there they go oh God I think I gave them way too much coffee hello what do you want here's my order wow you are easy sir you are easy a latte you are my favorite customers sir I even know how to do that I don't even have to go check the instructions I love you sir I love you you're so welcome hey I'm a private investigator oh God they found out what I did I mean what see why why are you here you spot anything suspicious around the area yes four guys has unloaded out of one car made me order a bunch of stuff for them and then they just spit off at like 90 miles an hour there have been numerous reports of people getting harassed call me if something ever happens try closing the store early if you don't want to get in trouble I mean it's not really my call I have to stay open because I work for uh this coffee company it's kind of on them can you call them and let them know I'm in danger well great as if I wasn't nervous Enough by myself it just got really quiet why did the music go away can I close this thank you dirty dirty I'm scared now where's the last one there we go no oh my God help me help me help me help me help me what do I do where do I go I think I saw a circuit thing back here we go that was weird why are there milk things everywhere spill no why is there spilled milk everywhere who did this we have a drive through a window since when why can't I throw away the spilled milk because there's something did I miss one what's in there put milk back what oh what happened you shouldn't have put the milk back oh oh god what happened and now I'm back home okay I'm gonna check my closet every day okay we're just gonna forget that um I think I passed out at work going to work I wonder if that creepy guy is still out here go to work God I didn't see him hello Senpai I'm not late today I mean I don't know you're late again did you oversleep oh whoops this is the second time I'm sorry a little more enthusiasm would help don't you think why are you so mean to me why don't you ask your mama to wake you up who says that how old am I is it him is it Senpai he's been messing with me oh hello what would you like today here's my order thank you for being a fish oh oh you're my new favorite person all you want is a coffee you're welcome what in the world who is this there's a man staring at me out there oh you have another order nobody cares about this guy hey over here just me sir please help me look behind you I am in danger sir here's your scone please go tell the private investigator guy can you find him for me and tell him that I am in danger why are you standing here did you did you order oh my God sir you were my favorite customer now you're my least favorite Customer because I'm gonna get killed by this man in the back American apple pie is that it oh my God I can't judge you sir I would do the same three pastries good for you hey girl something's not right about this place why do people keep saying that maybe because of that guy over there yeah please help me sir I'm gonna get murdered so I might as well eat all the pastries what do we got no that doesn't sound good strawberry and cream roll oh delicious oh he's back oh the guy [Music] oh God eat it eat it quick if you like a strawberry cream roll sir oh oh you placed an order okay oh you want more do you plus milk what does that mean you just want a cup cup of milk cup of milk you want more plus milk why do you want so much milk sir but why do you want so much milk I don't understand sir is that enough milk where is he going why is he sitting in a part of the store that I can't see what is he doing with all that milk oh thank God there's another person you're cute can I have your number the hooded man in the back I hope you enjoyed your milk sir I think I'll go with your recommendation our recommendation would be the limited time only double chocolate chili cheese I see what's your phone number um no means no sir I'm just gonna order your coffee sir you'll regret this I'm going home are you though [Music] you showed me at least I didn't have to make a coffee oh I hate when the music ends take out trash and bust tables does that mean that we're closed okay well that's sketchy was that the trash car nope nope nope nope nope nope I need a raise what are they doing somebody left the phone it was the hooded man because he was sitting over here with his milk him and his stupid milk he took this picture of me without my consent I think the car left I think it left okay I go home safe something happened to me again at the end of my shift luckily no I just hear my noisy freaking neighbors nobody's in the closet okay I am oh Jesus watch where you're going uh I hope your baby's ugly oh he's adorable why is he naked why is your baby naked you're a terrible mom run to my car run to my car run to my car before another woman with her child tries to run me over oh no there's a cutscene what's happening what's happening oh it's somebody watching me leave great run said bye I have a question do you get strange customers around at night well sometimes we do just brush it off if they come focus on your work there's plenty to do actually I'm afraid I might be getting stalked haha you want me to believe someone is interested in the likes of you why are you so mean to me you're the worst I heard somebody walk in oh no oh you're all gonna be annoying aren't you in the bathroom can you order a macchiato for me okay I'll have a cinnamon churros and a couple claim to it the caramel macchiato hot please oh God strawberry churro that sounds amazing coffee with some whipped cream oh I'm done yay and the music cut again to be creepy bus tables okay I gotta get my rag [Music] it's snowing what's that noise what's happening oh look closely uh uh what am I supposed to open up the drive-through I don't want to am I supposed to go outside I don't want to seems like a bad idea oh creepy text great the day we first met yes achillas she smiled at me like a flower just thinking about her makes my heart pound I have never felt this way before I wonder if she's putting a smile on everyone's face like she does mine I mean you're welcome thank you but also please leave me alone oh why the Flies oh I think my stalker is homeless and wants to kill me great oh no yes whoa my doorbell rang but nobody's there great I forgot to check my closet I gotta drive to work in the snow run to the car run to the car pretty sure there's somebody in that car the car won't start oh no what did he do I have to take the bus ah nice night tonight sir nobody else is on the bus with me is that the private investigator guy okay no why is my heart racing why why don't look at me standing up for myself don't look at me oh it's him oh it's the guy from the beginning uh [Music] oh no where's the coffee shop help said pie mean Senpai where is he oh God what are you doing oh you scared me leave me alone when I'm in the bathroom get to work oh it's that car again oh it's the car again where's the car oh never mind it's just the drive-through hello you're welcome God people do not drive the speed limit around here sir you can't just sit in here unless you order something oh bam bam bam bam bam bam look at my eyes look at I need help just look in my eyes oh God he's leaving he's leaving he's leaving he's leaving he's leaving bam I am in danger like a green tea latte I don't care and a waffle I don't care I'm in danger are you alone I'll give you this if you like this rosary bracelet is said to ward off evil you should keep it thanks wow thanks ma'am helps me a lot there it is wow yes don't call the cops just give me this bracelet there you are goodbye um sir you need a shirt [Music] what is happening is this your mating dance creepy man I'm not into it I don't think that I like you is anybody else seeing this can anybody come help me hey hey it's so hot today I love a caramel chili cheese chili Pacino oh yeah it's snowing outside sir excuse me sir could you please put on some clothes and not make scene I'm going home good he's not wearing shoes either good luck sir okay cleaning okay the door is wide open what's that am I supposed to go outside with this oh what how did I not hear this what is this not my problem no [Music] oh oh oh oh my God wait there's a timer what is this oh oh okay um a latte okay I'm being timed I'd be ah I just have to remember I've made a bunch of lattes luckily I did it please don't kill me I have 30 seconds oh my God another one are you kidding me okay oh another latte um this isn't gonna be good am I supposed to do it a latte they just all want lattes oh I'm drinking it oh God [Music] help help help help help foreign oh is that a dream oh I had a nightmare this job is a nightmare oh it's me oh he's staring at me through the window me just being like this is how I'm at work now totally stressed out all the time one day he's gonna be in there just running everywhere nowadays great exercise oh investigator oh my God thank God so my suspicions were true I'm glad you contacted me I'll take a look around and see if I can find anything thank you sir thank you I feel so much better now today's today's gonna be an okay day it's gonna be an all right day oh hello investigator man ugh it's the woman with the baby that scared the crap out of me the other day where'd the baby go ma'am okay he's crying me it's just been too much and I can't remember any of these I weird lady so weird I'm just sniffling and crying I hate this job I don't know why I took it oh I stopped crying what the heck I was only sniffling and crying when that lady and her empty Carriage was here why what is the meaning hey are you repairing the store's antenna at this hour no I saw someone on the roof what there shouldn't be anyone on the roof is it the private investigator or is it the creepy man it could be the investigator maybe I should check it out how do I get on the roof is this ladder always here let's go on the roof I guess not part of my job District description but oh oh oh oh okay gotta be careful hello and private investigator you're supposed to be helping me I guess I go back down oh go down sure oh what is oh it's oh my God the milk it was the guy it was the hooded man that wanted all the milk it was the milk man I have to optical store do I fast is this the storage area when did all this happen oh God okay oh it was the back room I couldn't get in this whole time product scanner what am I supposed to do to close the store I've never done this before and now you want me to do this fast what do I do with these pastries I'm taking all the pastries home finally what I wanted to do the whole time taking inventory what do I do with all these pastries am I throwing them out oh throw why am I throwing them out no oh and then I take the money and I put the money here oh I closed it I did it flipped the sign to close out of here oh he's so scary oh why are you so scary thank God did I lock it oh thank God I lost it go home sir there's no mark bar coffee for you no more milk for you I feel like that would have scared me if I wasn't already in my fight or flight mentality I was trying to run away from the door as soon as I closed the sign okay okay where's the private investigator okay what do I do well my car's right there do I run do I go we're going [Music] I was murdered oh great I get to do this again I'm gonna stare right at him okay well I can't go outside you know I just wanted a chill coffee job oh wait can I use the ladder again oh yeah this room oh yeah God's ah yesterday the screwdriver lace ladder there we go okay oh what oh yes I had a screwdriver oh yes so many possibilities oh oh no ah investigator oh he's right there drop brick what do I do with the screwdriver then is that a different ending oh well bye guy is it over did I do it I killed a man as I picked up the brick that man looked right at me if I didn't drop it I thought he would somehow get inside and kill me that man looked terrifying I don't even know him why did he I had no choice I didn't mean to kill him I was scared I ran to the police I mean he murdered the investigator told the police everything that had happened then the police took me back to the scene and that man was no longer there there was no one there the police took me back home and told me to leave the rest to us and went back to investigate the scene it's all over I'm tired after all that happened now I want to rest peacefully at home it's not over is it he's gonna be in my closet I all the days I checked the closet what am I watching I got really messed up for the whole incident so I just like watching white noise now it's not weird the cable is acting weird again I should call the owner where's my phone what the heck is it down where I found his phone that one day when we first met where is my phone how would I have heard it all the way over here I'm getting a kidnapped aren't I oh it's right there I'm gonna get kidnapped worth it for my phone I still have a screwdriver he just lured me out of my house didn't he so that he could get into my closet that's where the monsters hide I just don't care that my phone was all the way outside out of nowhere I have this screwdriver okay oh he's gonna be in the closet I called it from the beginning he's in the closet and I got murdered again I guess I wasn't cut out to be a barista I honestly really really really enjoyed that game you guys probably know me and that I like taking orders and then compiling it as a game I love that so anytime they put that into a horror game kind of like Happy's humble Burger Farm if you remember that I love that game this is like same energy but yeah if you thought I did a good job as a barista then make sure you leave a like before you go you can check out some of these videos that are popping up right now if you're looking for something else to watch hit the Subscribe button if you're new and as always I will see you guys soon
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 3,010,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, night of the consumer, night of the consumer game, scary games, 3 scary games, scary, scariest, retail, retail worker, retail game, nightmare, I got another Job, new job, funny, funny moments, all endings, security booth, security guard, job simulator, I worked, creepy, the closing shift, barista, starbucks, coffee, coffee shop
Id: sgjP9yblywk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 28sec (1648 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2022
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