Do All Trump Voters Think the Same? | Spectrum: Election 2020 (Part 1)

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i feel like society today especially millennials we're addicted to feeling sensitive and offended like literally people's nipples get hard when they're freaking offended by something with the election upon us millions of americans are gearing up to cast their vote for the next president of the united states while some people will be voting independent we wanted to hear from trump voters and biden voters about why they are voting for their candidate in spectrum we bring everyday people together for authentic discussions that represent what's happening now these discussions should not be anyone's sole source forming opinions on important issues please do your own research seek out experts push yourself outside your bubble and have empathy thanks for watching hello my name's rachel i'm from dallas texas i've been a conservative my whole life but my views have definitely evolved and i'm happy to be here hi i'm casey i live in pittsburgh pennsylvania and i actually work in politics and have watched very closely kind of the republican party turn from republicanism to kind of trump republicanism and i'm excited to talk about that hi my name is noah i'm a teenage conservative from the great state of georgia i've been a conservative for my whole life and i'm really looking forward to this discussion my name is malik i'm from detroit michigan i just turned 23 i was always economical even when i was very little now i'm a medical student in the state of georgia hi my name is amy when it comes to social issues and everything i could be considered a little bit more liberal but i do support our president 100 percent four more years was good hi my name is alicia i'm 20 years old my mom immigrated to america from nicaragua as a political refugee and then my father's side of the family immigrated from mexico and i am also eight months pregnant and i'm super excited to be a first time mom trump's behavior can be offensive rachel somewhat disagree casey agree noah agree ami alicia strongly agree agree i think that trump gets a lot of flack more than other presidents for offending people because he is not politically correct the politically correct culture has been shoved down our throats and the reason why people like his rhetoric is because he doesn't put up with that toxic culture the reason i said agree is because wally hasn't directly offended me i do think some of the some of his writer can be offensive i mean i i'm sure stormy daniels was pretty offended to be called horse face even though it was epic when it comes to a lot of his policies i tend to agree with him uh what he what he's done with the taxes i think we can all agree on if we could just take his twitter account away sometimes and just limit what he says or get a good writer in there for his tweets i think we'd be in a way better place in the country i actually enjoy president trump's tweets i have notifications yeah i agree with him yeah and i don't even factor in the rhetoric but when it comes to president trump anymore because of all the results that he's gotten and if that's how he has to behave in order to uh achieve the results i'm totally fine for it i see a fighter and that's what i like about him the one time he offended me i quickly found out that it was from fake news so that was in the beginning of the election when he was running in 2016. um it was a disabled thing like a little that little thing that offended me but that quickly dissipated when i found out that's what he does everything else that i have heard him say from this point um i haven't felt personally offended but when i hear him say certain things i'm like i could hear the screeching i could hear you just hear like the freaking people freaking out yeah and one thing that i say kind of offended me that i kind of didn't like was when he the hollywood access tape grabbed him by the you know i didn't really like that but then um as i thought about it more i thought he wasn't running for president he was a democrat at the time uh and this has nothing to do with who he is today he was talking about groupies yeah and he and to me like when i actually looked at the context and everything like yeah now no i know who he's talking about he's not talking about oh i mean i could just grab no you can't do that to honor me to do that i'm gonna hit you with a backhand over there exactly like he's talking about the women that are like not just any woman particular and think of when he said that stuff too and access hollywood by that time donald trump was being talked about in rap videos he was on comedy central during those roles he was in hollywood we know who he was talking about so when all these people especially in the black community would you dare use the graphing by if if he had been black and said it in the rap song oh wait wait wait he's a republican oh no no we disagreed we disagree i was only ever offended by trump once and this was whenever he said something about like mexicans being like animals or like something like that and so i was like oh my gosh it's so offensive like why would he say that and then i said i was like did you read like everything that he said so i went back and he was talking about like the ms-13 gangs that were in mexico and stuff so i like kind of learned a lot about fake news and how a lot of people are like sensitive to his like rhetoric and what he says what do you think i feel like society today especially millennials we're addicted to feeling sensitive and offended like literally people's nipples get hard when they're freaking offended by something mommy i mean i think i know why that is it's because if i'm offended if i'm a victim i get more attention it's like there's a hierarchy of victimhood well i'm black but you're black on me and a woman so that means you get more power it's like in the left it's like the more victimized you are the more you should be heard the more power you should be given and to me i think that's pretty sad systemic racism is a problem in america strongly disagree ac somewhat disagree noah i said some would agree amy someone agree alicia i said strongly disagree somewhat agree systemic implies that it's built into the dna of a country and i just don't think that that was why this country was founded it wasn't founded to be a racist country systemic is really that there's laws in place that prevent people of color from excelling and while in the past there definitely have been laws that were systemically racist there aren't any anymore there's so many examples people of color that excel in america for example like barack obama he's like a black president you also have like aoc who was a bartender she's a person of color and she literally just like came up and became like you know house of representative can i ask everybody this real quick joe biden's 94 crime bill that specifically targeted people of color you wouldn't consider that to be systematic something that was put into place that is going to target the breakdown won the breakdown of the black family sorry to be like uh military but there's some skid marks america has some like total skid marks yeah there has been like is like i'm studying history and i'm taking old south class so we're just talking about slavery like so i'm not denying that there hasn't been systemic slavery before but in 2020 today like there's not systemic racism but just in the 90s 94 that was the year i was born there's no not too long ago and the residue the effects that it had within two generations um is you know it looks pretty structured to me you know what i mean i mean i i really like what you have to say with um the 1994 crime bill because that's exactly where i was going with it that's why some would agree and other policy that i think is also really important would be school choice in the schools that where i was growing up with the way they teach history and the way they teach the spirit you know that they were spirit bro i felt like in the classroom you are determined that you will fail you cannot succeed you will never make it and to me personally whenever somebody told me i can't do something i said okay watch and then i went to medical school but uh for a lot of other people they don't have what i have you know so i think it is systematic because it's mostly black people in these areas being taught these things that keep them from even thinking that it's possible for them to achieve so that's why i say systematic racism is a problem and it comes from the democratic side i have to disagree there's no law saying that you have to teach black children that they can't make it in the world the issue is really funding and i think people get distracted and tend to blame it on system on systemic racism when it's not it's really a poverty issue you don't think that systematically white kids are in poor districts as well and there are tons of districts around the nation who that are a majority white and they're poor but black people are typically if we look at statistics black people are in that lower income people of color are in that lower income bubble right there i feel like that's systematic you know what i mean it's targeting a specific group but there are tons of white kids in that bubble too no i i didn't i didn't yeah i i didn't dis i didn't uh disagree on that part i definitely gave a shout out to you know there are white kids in the trailer park i think a lot of it has to do with like the culture or the way that the like like normal typical black families set up the statistics say that uh black people don't have like two family households and that has a lot to do yeah that has like a lot to do with like oh the poverty rates their like where they end up in school and they go to jail more often so i don't think it's systemic racism and like more is that it's a fact of having to like educate we've done a lot to deal with race in this country applaud my friends on the left they literally just see that it is a racist country we're never not going to be and we need like insane change to just blow up the system i think that that that would be the most foolish thing when you look at who's helping the black community uh i think that president trump has done a ton for the black opinion more than under any more than under barack obama that's for sure i believe covet 19 is a serious and real disease rachel disagree casey i strongly agree noah i somewhat agree amy alicia doesn't somewhat agree malik some would agree any anything that can cause the death of somebody is serious i can strongly agree with that statement while at the same time being against a lot of the measures that have been taking place especially over an extended period of time it's affected my mental health and i have a lot of people who are scared to kind of speak out but of course the disease itself yes it's real yes it's serious it's very serious i've known people who have family members who have passed away but what if i don't believe it's to the degree that the media made it out to be i mean they said really early on two million people will die and we're at 200 000. overall it's most likely been inflated a lot and this is a really interesting question for me because i'm in medical school i have access to information that like the general public doesn't so the thing i would say is context is not being given to the general public i noticed one a week there was like oh my god there's been a surge in this state well i know a drive-through uh just opened was there really a surge in cases or was there a surge in testing i think that we are being distracted by the real problem in america and the real problem in america is that we're not healthy overall we're one of the sickest countries who's a first world country so i think the media has really blown it out of proportion um i don't think it's as serious as it's made out to be it's being politicized to scare people um and i don't know if you guys remember in the very beginning when they talked about this kovit they said that the african-american community was actually uh you know more prone to getting kovid or the chinese virus gotta say it guys gotta say chinese virus and it makes sense if we wanna look at the black community specifically when it comes to high blood pressure heart disease diabetes we got to take that in consideration and unfortunately we can't really compare ourselves to sweden you can't really compare ourselves to these other countries the one have this much smaller population and also live healthier lifestyles than we do as americans i am open to liberal ideas rachel agree and you casey agree noah i strongly agree mommy strongly agree elysia i said agree agree so i said agree like right now they're just like portraying so many radical views that it's like shutting me down from like listening to them entirely like socialism that's like the number one for me because i know that socialism leads to communism and people cannot tell me otherwise and like my family actually like left nicaragua because of like the socialist like stuff and the communism that was happening so and i know a lot of hispanic people like that's probably why joe biden isn't getting like any but that much support he is getting support but not that much support i am super conservative but i'm also an urbanist and i don't mind uh i live in a city i'm totally open to it and even apply some i mean i'm i'm almost vegan so i had to say that because i'm almost but you know it's okay for conservatives to care about the environment and things like that something that you would consider liberal i especially liked listening to andrew yang it's hard to hate that guy and you just can't um but i i nothing about joe biden interests me my biggest voting issue of all is china and i think that it is the chinese communist party is the biggest threat to the global order but especially the american way and joe biden has made it very clear that he's he's really not going to do too much to handle them and in the past has actually enabled them i'm very very open to having discussions with literally everybody um i'm in blexit and down here in our tennessee chapter when we are come across black lives matter we cross over the street and we talk to them friendly peacefully great conversation we find a ton of middle ground we had each other on freaking facebook but i feel like leftists today should just be open and honest and just call themselves marxists because there's literally no pretty much no difference now these days when it looks at when you look at bernie sanders when you look at black lives matter and then let's add in a bunch of like illegal immigrants when we can't even take in our own take care of our own people there's no logic there's no logic to it i'm open to talking and adopting things like who you decide to marry and all that kind of stuff i'm open to that give people equal opportunity to succeed but if you want to look at the lgbtq stuff i'm done for you as an adult talking to another adult and consenting to do whatever you do but i'm not for is shoving it down children's throats i'm a mom of three i don't play that no what do you need to talk about to my kids about your um dangling stuff and what you decided we don't care they want to play with your toys yeah i actually uh oh i i work for the gay republican group uh so i am uh their poli political director in pennsylvania and ohio and i as far as as far as gay issues go i i think that people looking to pass gay marriage or like repeal gamer i think that's big government i think the government shouldn't decide what is defined as marriage at all donald trump has stood for the gays in gay marriage what winning for a lot longer than joe biden has joe biden and entered the 2012 presidential campaign still opposing gay marriage and so if we're going to talk about that issue then i i feel like public opinion has come around on that i said i strongly agree because the high school i graduated from i was able to graduate with a kid who i believe he worked on bernie sanders campaign at some point and i've been able to talk to them frequently since we've graduated we've had a lot of discussions we have to understand there's not liberal problems and conservative problems there's american problems that we all have we just have two we all have the same end goal we just have two different ways to get there we all want america to be better at least i hope we do i try to i try to say what if i'm wrong and what if they're right so i can truly see what they think america is better now than it was four years ago rachel strongly agree casey i strongly agree noah i strongly agree ami somewhat agree i said strongly agree malik strongly agree yeah so i put i somewhat agree and i kind of actually sucks to say because i wish it was strongly agree but when in terms of race relations um i feel like we've taken so many steps backwards i never thought that as a millennial and somebody in 2020 that i would go outside my door and there would be like tension friends disowning each other family disowning each other i know i'm experiencing i've experienced that i think we have come a long way but when it comes to racial matters and stuff unfortunately i think we've taken some steps back i believe all problems are downstream of economics and i think when trump says we're gonna do opportunity zones we're gonna invest billions and billions of dollars into low-income areas like in detroit the gentrification that happened which i'm a big supporter of it gave specific family members in my family jobs that paid like four times what they were making before and that's because a billionaire now owns like one-third of downtown detroit like people complain about it but before i bet one-third of these buildings were abandoned that's done more for the black community than any president i've known in my lifetime i feel the tense in that army feels um but i do feel like president trump's the leader to lead us out of that because i see the democrat party they see the pain they use it people who are hurting make them hurt a little bit more and and become victims to whatever hurt they have whether it's racial or otherwise and and i don't i don't appreciate that and i don't think that that's the answer i think president trump's optimism is the answer to healing that i really do i do think that the economy is the biggest thing and probably the only thing that president trump can do for us when it comes to racial relations i don't personally think that trump is the answer to race relations because it's a bigger discussion it's beyond trump the best thing that president trump can do for black america and people of color is to just give them the opportunity to thrive and i think he's done that a great job at that especially you know before the china virus took place in everything um but when it comes to race relations the media has such a massive part to play and i think a first step that we could do as society is hold our mainstream media accountable if we didn't have to dig to see that trump has denounced white supremacy multiple times and the mainstream was doing their jobs and not adding fuel to the fire um i think maybe as a society we could all come together and and hold the media accountable for the attention that they have caused when it comes to race relations i don't think it has anything to do with trump america has always had you know political polarization we've always had racial issues but at least we have these problems and we have a robust economy you know in january and february march once donald trump gives a second inaugural address we'll see the economy bounce right back he's not the president in order to gain power when covet happened he did not use the opportunity to assert more power than he already had it really concerns me when politicians like joe biden say he's going to make the entire country follow a mandatory mass mandate that's completely unacceptable it's an overreach of power i think a lot of why america is so strong is because we have such a strong leader like president trump and he cares he genuinely cares about america he loves america so much and he also loves the american people so i think it's like super nice to just see that um a president who is enthusiastic to work for this beautiful country that i love and the american people which is like you and me so on that note you guys that is a wrap hey great job everyone all right bye-bye see you [Music] you
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 889,614
Rating: 3.5813539 out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion, trump, voters, do all trump voters think the same, think, the same, conservative, republican, election, politics, U.S., united states, biden, donald trump, trump 2020, spectrum trump, spectrum trump supporters, vote, do all biden voters think the same, trump vs biden
Id: vPh21aXEFNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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