Divide Us Into Democrats & Republicans | Lineup | Cut

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- Your husband, he drive a truck? (laughing) - He used to be a long-haul trucker. - Was it sexy? (laughing) - Hi, I'm Bjork. - I'm Day. - I'm Carlos. I kinda agree with a little bit of both of them so I'm kinda liber, but I'm also not a libertarian, so. - I probably mostly vote blue and when I don't, I probably don't vote. - Fun. (laughs) - Uh-huh, so good and evil. I think I'm gonna do great. I think I'm gonna badger some Republicans. I'm here to make some conservatives turn red, and I think it's gonna be pretty fun. (laughs) I didn't realize all of them were sitting right there. I thought you were all like crew members, I would have said something else. - You like a easy-going guy. - I sincerely hope so. - Yeah, and I like the way you talk. You sound so nice and smart. - Republican shoes a little bit, you know? The jeans are, they're too long. Reminds me of a dad. And a lot of daddies are Republicans. - What nationality are you? - Well, American, but like, in terms of my ethnic background, racial background. - He's republican (laughing) - Man that was quick, look at that! - American. - I'm gonna guess Democrat. 'Cause he sounds nice. - How do you feel about Taylor Swift? This is gonna give it away. - I think she's a great artist, great singer. - Republican. (laughter) - I actually don't listen to her music, so. - Your interview is over. You're a Republican, man. - Okay, wow, so, this way? (laughing) - I like the outfit, is it yours? - It is mine, yeah. - Okay, that's a fair question. - He's a hard-working man doing business stuff. - Are you religious? - Yes. - Were your parents religious? - No. - What nationality are you? - I'm Japanese and Native American. - Oooooh, He's hard. Are they all either Republican or Democrat? Are there some people that are? Fits into, okay. - Oh no, man. Where did you get this? Let's hold it together. Let's see who lets go first. - You can win, you win this challenge. - You don't want to hold it with me? - No. - Democrat. - Are you young? You seem kind of young. - I'm eighteen. - She's a democrat. - Least favorite famous rapper. - I don't really listen to rap that much. - So we are definitely ticking into conservative territory here. - What religion are you? - I'm Christian. - Have you ever taken Plan B? - Yes. - Ooo, okay Sierra. - My mom is gonna see this. - I'm gonna say Republican, but if we did this interview in like six months, she might be a socialist. - Okay. - Yeah. - Like your outfit. - Thank you. - Do you like fall colors usually? - I'm more like earthy colors. - Earthy? - Yeah. - Are you a lesbian? - No. - Oh, you kind of look like it. - Oh, yeah, hopefully not. - The flannel would've been okay but then you added the Birkenstocks then you added the socks. - Yeah. (laughing) - Definitely a Democrat. - Go on hikes. Believe in climate change. I mean this was easy. That side. - Welcome. - How's it going man? - Sean. - Peter, nice to meet you. - Tell me about the shaved head thing before I start guessing anything. - What do you want to know? - I wanna, I wanna, I think you know what I want to know about it. He's asking me what I want to know. - He's hard. Just give me weird vibes because if he was just wearing like a collared shirt I'd be like skinhead, but since he is wearing a short-sleeved shirt. I just see a lot of and they're just not like douchebag Republican tattoos, these are like left wing tattoos. - This is album artwork from my favorite jazz guitarist album Kurt Rosenwinkel. This is Steely Dan album artwork. - I'm gonna say he is a Democrat. - You're wearing some work pants. - Yeah. - What are those? - These? - Yeah. (laughing) - Work shoes, I got to work tonight, so. - I'm gonna say you might be a Republican man. I don't know. We got this completion going on, I'm gonna say you're a Democrat until proven otherwise. - What do you feel about the military? - I wanted to join but I'm actually disabled so I can't. - What is your disability? - They took my intestines out a few years ago. I had Crohn's disease. - Oh damn. You doing better? - I was doing alright man. I had like 70 something hospitalizations, seven surgeries. - Do you still have a bunch of hospital bills? - Yeah. My parents are immigrants, they're from Africa. - The fact that I connect with you on an immigrant basis, I want to say that you're a Democrat. - I'm gonna give him Democrat. - Very impactful personal story. I cans see you fighting for a lot of people to get free healthcare, so I'll say Democrat. - Okay. - Democrat. - Another Black person finally. (laughing) - How do you know I'm just not an Indian? There's Asian Indians. - 'Cause you're wearing a shirt that says Black girls rock. (laughing) - What do you think about kneeling in football? - Do it, that's first amendment right. - I think she's a Democrat. I think everyone is a Democrat. I want to be everyone's friend. - Okay so if I wasn't a Democrat we can't be cool then? - I mean, we might just argue too much. - Who's your favorite musical artist right now? - Actually I like country. - Oh my god. (laughing) - However, my favorite rapper right now, Eminem, dog, his cadence, his flow, his style, his wordplay, I don't care what you gotta say, I don't care what my momma gotta say, Eminem. - How do you feel about gun control? - We all need guns. Basis on what America was founded on. Give us our guns. - I think I was wrong. I think she is a Republican. - Kind of hurts me to say this but I think you may or may not be Republican. I think you might be. - Have you ever been hated or discriminated against? I have. (laughing) - Your husband, he drive a truck? (laughing) - He use to be a long haul trucker. - Oh was it sexy? (laughing) - I hate to say this, and people are gonna kill me, but just because of your age I'm gonna say you lean more towards the right. - Sure will. - It was a just I don't. - See he's scared of me. - I'm not scared of her. I just don't want you to call the police. - How do you season your chicken? - How do I season my chicken? Salt and pepper. - Republican. - I'm gonna give Republican, final answer. - I just can't believe somebody who has seen the turn that the Republican party has taken over say the last twenty or thirty years and was around to watch that transformation would stick with it. So then, I'm actually gonna say you're a Democrat. Yeah. (dramatic music) - Alright now what? - Eh, you know, hmm, C's get the degrees. - Oh my god. - You're not Republican? - No. - Okay. - So y'all two are Republicans. And you're a Democrat. I think that's a pretty good clip. - Go to your correct side. Wow, you guys really played some mind tricks on me today. - I'm a little surprised. These two. - Democrat right? - Democrat, yes. - So I guessed you wrong. Why do you think I thought you were Republican? - Because I dressed up. - Yeah, it was the bow tie. - I'm so sorry. - No worries. - You're so wonderful and kind. (laughing) - Democrats can't dress up? - No I think you can. I mean, we can, it's just it was this thing. I just thought, I don't know. - Why are you left of center? - I'm a human traffic survivor. - Oh okay. - And so that really shaped who I am today. - Do you feel like that's an issue that people have addressed enough in politics. - No. I feel like it is still being covered up and especially with issues of people being accused and not being taken seriously or at least being heard and given a fair chance. - Right, it's kinda hard to just transition out of that with a joke. - You're Republican. - Yes. - Like hardcore? - No, I wouldn't say hardcore. - What do you feel about the right to own guns? - I think everyone has the right to own guns and have that option to protect themselves. - Abortion? - I'm pro life. - Immigration? - Well, I'm for immigration. My boyfriend is an immigrant and so is. - Is that where you kind of wrestle with your political affiliation? - That's a part of it, yeah. - Yeah. - My next victim, I knew I'd be your friend. - I'm a Democratic socialist. I think that unregulated capitalism is making everyone in this country miserable. And that we should you know be trying to emulate all the happier countries that have good social safety nets and, - Right. - good time off policies. - I like him so much. - When I saw you coming out, I was like I just want to be this guy's friend right away. I want your sweatshirt, I love your pin, hell yeah. - I don't want to talk politics with this guy. I just want to talk jazz with him, is that okay? - I rather have like a positive energy in the country and you know, have people working less. - Yeah, I don't, I mean I don't care if people work or not either, I just don't want my hardworking dollars for it. Like, if you don't want to work and you wanna smoke and drink all day, that's great. I just really do think that that's, - Go for it. - Mind your own fucking business. You mind your business. I'm gonna mind mine. - So it turns out you're a Republican. - It does. I was trying to mess with you. All of that I said was true, but at the same time, the way I phrased it made sure that you thought I was a Democrat. - The thing that was probably the biggest throw was the fact that you seem to care about accessibility. Is that actually true? - I do, I have a disability. It's been rough with my medical issues but yet I choose to work multiple jobs. I go to school full time, I handle my business, and I'm very politically active, and I plan to get somewhere in life. - Right. - I believe in personal responsibility, I believe in duty, and I believe in patriotism. - What is it like sharing political views typically associated with white supremacists as a non White person. - Well I will tell you this, conservatives have never targeted me for my skin color, my race, or my religion. I've had plenty of lefties say you're a race traitor. You're a traitor to your own people for believing in Republican policies and being a conservative. And I know something you take seriously is the Bret Kavanaugh hearings. I'm a former lefty myself. Me too and Brett Kavanaugh hearings were a big push to going to right. - Yeah cause men can never take accountability for the shit that they do. - Well we can take accountability but not when you say believe all women unconditionally when evidence refused that point. She could not remember where the house was. She couldn't remember what neighborhood it was in. She destroyed that man's life. Now a lot of liberals say it's because-- (laughing) - I wish I could have my life destroyed and be on the Supreme Court. (laughing) - All you guys are safe now, - How is his life destroyed? - but people still consider him a rapist. People still consider him a sexual abuser. That's never gonna go away. - So you think Brett Kavanaugh is gonna be a champion of women's rights? Alright man. - Definitely not. - Hell yeah. Good talking to ya. Alright whose next? Democrat, alright, solid blue shirt. - So you're a democrat. - Yeah I am. - A weed smoking democrat. - They are probably more progressive than Democrats actually, so there are lots of things that could be improved. I have a gay son. He has a gay partner. I have relatives that are gay, transgender friends. - What do you feel about me saying that I don't care about anyone but myself? - That's a little hard for me to hear, but I understand where you're coming from based on your history. - Okay see, look, look. This is how America should work. You don't got to agree but you have to respect each other. Thank you so much, Nancy. - The Republican shoes, I love it. Donald Trump. (laughing) - Tell me about your views. - I voted for Trump, he was my first choice in the 2016 presidential election. I only joined their party in 2016. I was never a Republican, I was more of a right wing kind of guy. But Trump is who brought me to the Republican party. - What do you mean right wing? 'Cause right wing right now it means a lot of different things. You can be an extremist. You can be a neo-nazi. You can be a-- - Do I look like a neo-nazi, you know? - You'd be surprised. - Oh man. - Black girl rocks, she's been over here the whole time. - Yeah. - She is, look at this Kanye West looking motherfucker. - We don't claim him. - Who is we? - He is skinfolk, he ain't kinfolk, get that on camera. - You were on this side right? - Yes, you were the first one to get it right. - People thought you were Republican. - Right. - What did you say? - I don't know. I just said I liked guns. I'm just pro guns and think that we should actually try in life instead of depending on the system to help us. And so that makes me a Republican to some. But I'm also for abortions and gay people. I'm half gay myself. - Abortions and gay people. I don't have much to add to that, it seems that's my manifesto, there are no words. - Birkenstocks. - You still think I'm a chill person? - Yeah, I mean you still look chill. - I am. - You still look like you, - I think I am - go on hikes. - I do go on hikes. - And drink your coffee. - I do drink my coffee, it's sitting over there. - Yeah. - You're Republican. - I am Republican. - Okay, I called you a lesbian. - You did. - Are you? You're not a lesbian. - I'm not, I'm not. - I'm sorry. Do you get hit on by girls a lot? - I actually have been. - I bet, you're very attractive, like I would, if I was a lesbian, I would hit on you. - So how about this, name one thing that you think is most wrong with the Republican party at this point. And then I'll say one thing that I think is most wrong with Democratic socialists and the left at this point. And we'll try to end this on a conciliatory note. - I am for having guns. But I do think that we really need to do something different, we need to increase gun control. I mean look at all the school shootings and stuff, I'm going into a field of education myself. That's not really something I wanna look forward to. - Right, right, yeah. That's a good one. I think people left need to take elections as seriously as people on the right historically have and that if we had folks on the left who were similarly competitive with respect to elections in particular, I think the range of kinds of ideas that we'd be able to debate over would be much greater and much broader so. (dramatic music) Yeah. - Fair enough. - Alright. - I think momma needs a drink. (laughing) If you guys want to come, you're invited. - I know what I am, I know what I believe. I respect all of their beliefs and decisions that they make in their lives because that's their lives and that has nothing to do with me. - That was fun, I learned a lot, but that was, yeah it was very good. I don't have the chance to talk much to people who are sort of on the right side of things. Because I don't know many personally. - Get out and go vote guys. It in November, get out and vote on the sixth. And if you haven't voted, I better not hear shit coming out of your mouth. Nothing. - Hell yeah. - Yeah.
Channel: Cut
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Keywords: PLJic7bfGlo3qJcIXUJteaUm_3-3tgQSXw, PLJic7bfGlo3rM20M7N8rLXAkz6dU2-7FX, lineup, line up, People Guess, Cut, Watch Cut, people, storytelling, relationships, Dating, Interviews, Firsts, couples, exes, love, Kids Try, games, challenges, Ethnic groups, People Interviews, Dares, Truth or Dare, 100 ways, blind dates, 100 people, experiments, #tbt, Truth or Drink, HiHo Kids, Hiho, kids, kids videos, 100 YOB, 100 Years of Beauty, Fear Pong, Election, Politics, United States
Id: UMsuvEGnvPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 06 2018
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