Do All Biden Voters Think the Same? | Spectrum: Election 2020 (Part 2)

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Absolutely not. One of the biggest reasons Republicans win is because they can all agree on "helping people bad, white male 'Christians' good, billionaires are God", whereas the left divides itself with purity tests. Biden only has a chance because Trump is this aggressive in his tyranny; if he were more polished/if he had done anything Fauci and other experts told him at the beginning, he'd be sailing to re-election right now.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/I_notta_crazy 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2020 🗫︎ replies
i don't think that the legislation was passed definitively in the interest of putting more black people in jail that's what it did but i don't think joe biden was sitting in a room legislating like hell yeah [ __ ] these black people for sure for sure you know with the election upon us millions of americans are gearing up to cast their vote for the next president of the united states while some people will be voting independent we wanted to hear from trump voters and biden voters about why they are voting for their candidate in spectrum we bring everyday people together for authentic discussions that represent what's happening now these discussions should not be anyone's sole source forming opinions on important issues please do your own research seek out experts push yourself outside your bubble and have empathy thanks for watching my name is christine and i am 23 years old and i live in houston texas i think that the overall civic health of america is just so low and i feel like the more we have these kind of conversations the more people will start to think for themselves hi i'm piper i'm passionate about decolonization systemic equality socialism and environmentalism my name is pranav khanderi i'm currently a freshman at the university of texas at austin it's one of the most consequential elections of our lifetime it's going to determine the future of our country in civil rights human rights the climate and many other issues across the board my name is leah thomas and i'm an environmental activist and the founder of the intersectional environmentalist platform my name is chris i currently live in santa barbara california i think that a vote for joe biden in this election is a vote with the idea of prosperity for all in mind hi i'm benjamin i work at the democratic coordinated campaign and i help lead young asian americans for biden we cannot afford to be anything less than passionate as we fight to protect our families our friends our communities and our futures i'm more anti-trump than pro-biden piper strongly agree leah strongly agree pranav strongly agree benjamin some would disagree chris strongly agree christine agree as much as i like absolutely hate trump there has to be like young especially young people like there needs to be that energy there for biden like i know settle for biden is huge like well we'll take him because there's two choices no this is like literally a choice between like destruction of the environment and our futures or building towards better progress we have to be more enthusiastic and we have to bring other people along because otherwise like we're not going to win definitely agree with what you just said uh benjamin but at the same time like i can't deny like joe biden himself does not make me respond enthusiastically like i volunteered for the candidate i supported in the primary was the first time i'd ever done it and it was because i was so i was driven like i feel like i needed to at the same time um i think i would vote for a democratic ticket if it was literally any other democratic candidate i understand the enthusiasm benjamin and i think the reason why like so i didn't i voted for warren in the primary i was very involved with the campaign um and like i if i could put anyone in the white house right now would be her but i think like the supporting cast is so important like like you said i'm voting for a better future and i don't think that biden encompasses that entirely i think that the entire democratic coalition encompasses that benjamin you brought up a good point though um i've like read a bit about like why hillary clinton lost in 2016 and a lot of it was because she ran on a very like anti-trump campaign because hillary clinton was like a very hated woman like a lot of people just don't like her like i have my reasons for not liking her as well and her whole campaign was just like beat trump beat trump be trump and a lot of people that wasn't enough for them to get excited behind and so you kind of made me like rethink it a little bit but i think also though we can't get too excited about him now because we have to still make sure that there's room for criticism so we can hold him accountable once he actually gets elected joe biden is too old to be president piper somewhat disagree leah disagree pranav disagree benjamin strongly disagree chris disagree christine disagree let's say like all hell did break loose and like joe biden is now like just suddenly just becomes like cognitively incapable of doing the job kamala harris she's a beast so i mean what the vice president's for you know right i think the only person who could really say like strongly agree was is like a pete voter i mean the person i voted for in the primary was also like 70 plus so his age kind of also fits with his like his demeanor or like his appeal he is more like a like a grandfather figure of the like entire party that age comes with a lot of experience and like i think right now we need to return to some sort of normalcy i also really hate when people pick at a stutter that he's had for like his whole life that is incredibly ableist yeah the candidate that i was supporting was older than him and you know trump's old so it's fine i believe abortion is a human right piper strongly agree leah agree pranav strongly agree benjamin strongly agree chris strongly agree christine agree i feel like there's a separation of church and state and people just keep forgetting that i don't know i don't know why and also i don't think anyone like likes abortion and that choice is one that is incredibly traumatic and hard for i'm sure a lot of people and i just really don't like when people are like well no abortions no sex education no free contraception no nothing and it's like there's so many other things that would actually help decrease the amount of abortions that are had if we could get better sex education in school easier access to contraception and health care the word abortion is not in the bible step one step two i'm not having an abortion like i don't i would never do that if i'm in a situation and i just that's what i believe but that's not my job to enforce that on other people and going back to what you said leah like sex education or why not putting so forth some type of like grant or something if people decide not to abort why not improving the foster care system i mean they're not giving us any other options so you want me to have the baby but you're not going to give me anything to support it you're not going to improve minimum wage and you're not going to do anything in my neighborhood to make this safe for my child so what's next first off i don't believe that life starts at conception i do not believe it constitutionally makes sense for a fully grown woman to be constitutional on the same level as a cluster of cells and that they should give out like they should have to like sacrifice like the right to their bodily autonomy the second thing is also i kind of compare it to like prostitution like it's going to happen to some extent regardless and making it legal and like having like having there be like institutions um and like infrastructure for it to be like safe and affordable is a lot better regardless of whether or not someone thinks that an abortion is good um you at least want like a woman to be safe i think this is one of the biggest reasons to vote for joe biden um is because trump has selected a supreme court nominee who like is devout at overturning roe v wade if you support autonomy i think you have to vote for joe biden joe biden has a racist past piper i said agree yeah i might disagree pranav somewhat disagree benjamin someone disagree chris somewhat disagree christine and what disagree i think this just goes back to like what do we define as racism but just looking at his policies which are kind of the only thing we can go off of like the 1994 crime bill like it almost exclusively targeted black americans i know like he also in the obama administration they had a lot of mass deportations war crimes in the middle east and all these things put together like i can't determine like his individual like opinions but all i can go off of is his policies and he just has a pretty racist history i don't believe that joe biden the person as an individual is a racist man um but i do think like he has had a history of not making choices that were the most equitable but i also think some of those choices were a result of like the cultural zeitgeist at the time and i don't think that joe biden necessarily should be held to account for like the worst parts of that legislation because i don't think that the legislation was passed definitively in the interest of putting more black people in jail that's what it did because of the way everything was structured at the time like more black people went to jail but i don't think joe biden was sitting in a room legislating like hell yeah [ __ ] these black people for sure for sure you know even if which i don't believe to be the case at all even if he had like some ball of hatred in his heart against like communities of color it's political suicide for him not to help communities of color as someone who has worked in the biden campaign like he has plans to help like african-american communities he has plans to help like asian american and pacific islander communities they're like on his website like they're part of the platform we have like the the power to hold him to it and say like we elected you to do these things like these are the things you promised us that you would do and now we expect you because we voted for you like we expect you to follow through on those promises police departments should be defunded piper strongly agree leah strongly agree pranav somewhat agree benjamin some would agree chris agree and christine somewhat disagree i feel like there's not like if we were to defund the police now there's not structures in place to reallocate that funding efficiently like i feel like in order to defund the police we need to fund other things first and then we can just like build a pipeline so that there's money to go into wherever we think is best like i just worry that like if we were to defund the police now it would just like get thrown back into the government and then it would just like go somewhere else useless uh so i say somewhat disagree because like in houston i'm a part of like the mayor student leadership alliance and something we've talked about with the mayor of houston is that he doesn't feel like the police should be defunded but he feels like the money that's in the police system right now should go towards bringing other people into this system to actually handle the issues that police are getting called for that nothing to do with police right homelessness mental health issues and so like when i did a lot of like research and looking at what other democratic candidates feel like a lot of those people don't feel like there needs to be a defunding of the police but more so a reform of the police structure and how they facilitate the issue so i don't think that defunding the police will lead to better policing i think for me after the aftermath of ferguson like which impacted my hometown i just started having some questions like why do they need tanks why do they need these grenades why are they at war with us and that to me just made me take a step back with some of the equipment and resources that they have from the military and christine i 100 agree and i think when i support defending the police i support dismantling the police which is very different from abolishing the police even though people like to spin it as that and to me there's already been enough police reform especially since 2014 we've got the cameras we've got trainings but like there needs to be some sort of dismantling or restructuring or something because whatever is happening is not working but of course i would never say get rid of the police but i definitely don't think that they need to have tanks especially if they're not doing implicit bias training i think defund the police like has such a bad connotation to it because it does sound like this abrupt like take away all their money but you can't fit a whole public policy plan into one slogan some of the like top like brains in policy writing that support defunding the police don't support just taking away all their funding and doing nothing with it and i think honestly if you reallocate the funds well enough we won't even need police at all eventually because why do police exist because people are committing crimes why does crime exist because of poverty because of you know all these other reasons so i think obviously not all at once but like if we gradually reallocate those funds into other resources we could get rid of a lot of the things that even require the need for police and maybe still have some law enforcement that exists but it will not be as big of a thing as it is now i think that is a very good point that one a lot of these terms have like really strong connotations right so like when leah said dismantle i was like jesus like but like not even really like understanding the perception of this mantle that she had and so i think i really strongly agree that like when we say defund the police where does that money go right because in my head when i hear d from the police i don't think that the police force is then going to take away the ability to buy tanks and all these different things i immediately think that they're going to pay cops less right and that's what i think a lot of people think because i you know because what does the fund mean and so this is what concerns me because like this is anyone right you get underpaid for something that you're really good at and you're like excuse me so i think that's a really good conversation to have i am open to conservative ideas piper somewhat disagree leah agree pranav somewhat agree benjamin agree chris somewhat disagree christine strongly agree there are some conservative ideals that i do respect right like i think that a lot of what this boils down to is not the issue itself but the implementation of the issue like when i went to go look at the gun laws that you know the democrat pyramid candidates were looking at a lot of candidates were saying that we should um ban assault rifles and then most of them said that they're not going to buy them back and i'm like okay so we didn't prohibit this before some people spent x amount of dollars on this assault rifle and you're not at least going to buy it back from them another thing i think about is like the social welfare programs right do i think more people should be eligible for it yes is there any measure on a lot of these programs that get people off of the system integrated back into the workforce no so you have people who specifically take advantage of the system and specifically take care take advantage of us as taxpayers i just i think in life i'm just generally invested in just giving more food land crops like money whatever it is there there is plenty in the united states we have the infrastructure to support everyone in this country like significantly more than we do currently warren's wealth tax is something that i was really really in favor of and it's not something that those people are going to miss like it's not like like i'm like you're taking their livelihood from them you're simply repurposing a part of their livelihood that they're honestly probably never going to get the opportunity to use in the first place and making it so that other people can be at least a slingshot closer so in that respect i think like conservative ideology tends to be stingier if you will what america needs to do more is to compare itself to other countries and like entities that have similar wealth like in my political science class like we're comparing the united states to the european union countries in the eu and large like provide so many more social services to their people and their people are so much happier and their the wealth gap in america is so much greater than it is there i'm always willing to hear what the other side has to say but like i'm pretty well versed in politics at this point and like i know that like i honestly don't really agree with any conservative ideals i think for me there can be like a lot of unlikely allies but i think it depends on what the outcome is of that conservative thinking like whether or not i might be opening to listening to it so like if they're like okay i really want to stimulate the economy we need more jobs and then the how is through green jobs and green infrastructure like that's something that could definitely have bipartisan support like i'm talking with a church that is really passionate and really wants to take a bold stance on climate and if i would have just kind of shut them out because they do have some conservative ideologies then i feel like you know maybe we wouldn't be able to i guess progress i don't want my ego to get so big where i think that the only way to be is like me but that doesn't justify policies that lead to the oppression of other people that's another there's another situation but i can have empathy for for them i believe joe biden will win this election somewhat agree some would agree i agree but this is me knocking on wood uh somewhat agree strongly agree agree i'm not willing to let the universe think that i believe anything different and i'm not willing to even let the words from my mouth escape to encourage any kind of taking away from that outcome uh when i get super down in the dumps i go on twitter to at trump underscore regrets and just see posts from people who are like i can't believe i voted for you in 2016. i'm voting for biden now and like yeah dude just to see like how many people have have defected and uh to even see the people who hold themselves accountable in person like looking now they're like hey i thought i thought maybe something different would be would be by switching it up and not sending a politician office in 2016. i am so sorry it makes me hopeful um that like in the same way like a ton of people have defected from trump i literally do not see the opposite at all like i don't see anyone like who's like previously like democrat and he's like you know what [ __ ] it i'm just gonna vote for trump like no one is saying that which is like which makes me like very very very happy i mean it's i put someone agree because like it depends like it depends on us doing the work behind the scenes to like make that [ __ ] happen like elections aren't one because like people get complacent and so like i don't want people to think for a day between now and november third that like we can take our foot off the pedal like people are like oh biden is up 15 points nationally and i'm like yeah hillary was up like five points nationally and what did that do for her like we have to just keep working to make this happen it's just going to be a fight like literally every single day from now until election day that was great you guys hi nice meeting y'all thank you so much [Music]
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 713,445
Rating: 4.6977396 out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion, spectrum biden voters, joe biden, presidential election, 2020 election, biden vs trump, us politics, vote, voting, biden, do all biden voters think the same, do all trump voters think the same
Id: OiUx7wVKidc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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