Do All Cops Think the Same? | Spectrum

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you know if somebody pulls a gun out on me which has happened it's me it's my family not you you've lost your ability to use that use of force ramp and we're going straight to deadly force policing has been a significant topic for ages from rodney king to defunding the police to briana taylor and george floyd we are in a moment where we are examining how laws are enforced and when they are broken how we are treated these are topics and issues that we don't often get a chance to hear cops speak on themselves when watching this video please remember that these officers are speaking from their own personal beliefs and drawing from their own experiences seek out experts do your own research and have empathy [Music] my name is evan uh five years old here in washington dc um born and raised in washington dc as well 28. what's up everybody my name is phil i'm in long beach california i've been a cop for 20 years and uh 44 years old ben uh i'm actually in canada right now i live in born and raised in toronto been a police officer for six years with uh two different departments and uh before that i was in the canadian army for nine years i'm marcellus um from detroit michigan i've been working with detroit police department for five years currently 23. i'm uh i'm zach i'm from montana born in san francisco california i've been a police officer for four years i'm 28. hi i'm kendra i've been in law enforcement for 16 years just uh medically retired and i'm not even gonna say my age [Music] [Laughter] i feel threatened when i hear defund the police phil disagree marcellus disagree evan strongly disagree kendra somewhat disagree ben mercury zach i really agree detroit public schools is horrible our housing is horrible the um mental facilities awful it could be a lot better and the money can go elsewhere if we can help our people before they get to the point where the police need to be involved there won't need to be that much negative police interaction not saying all police interaction is negative yes defend the police because it's not about us it's about really really reallocating the funds into services and institutions people need to be decent human beings and it's really about making the world more equitable for other communities so they don't even need the police i don't know if i feel threatened by it i just sort of feel like pissed off when i hear it yeah because if you defund the police there's no training you're not gonna you don't get the response times that you want um and it all started over you know statistically since 2015 we've had since 2000 or up until now there's been about a thousand people a year officers have killed and that's going off the statistics of 8 million to about 10 million interactions with people it just i take it a little personal for someone that just takes such pride in not holding any bias on any race or anyone treat everyone the same why does that have to come out of the police why did the police have to be defunded i'm just just because of the main like media blowing up these interactions with people well i think a lot of times you know the default to any kind of sociological issue in america is always the police it's always incarceration you know that's why you know we're starting to look at you know even you look at the school-to-prison pipeline you know you look at homelessness you look at mental illness you look at all these certain things where it's just like if we invest in these institutions more and that everyone who's involved these institutions get the adequate services they won't need the police they won't need to be locked up i mean i think the theory is great like refunding it into like the school systems and they get this great education and they come out you know excellent citizens but that's just not the case with people there's been people that grew up poor in poverty that grew up to be doctors or professional athletes or businessmen and there's been people that had great families went to a private school and why don't it be in a piece of i mean you just can't predict what people are going to do you're always going to need police there's always going to be that chaos and craziness that is just an evil that's just kind of bred into the world there always there has to be someone to tell you you can't do that and if you do that there's consequences but i don't think the peace comes from controlling people and telling them no you can't do this no you can't go there no you can't act this way you know you can't be this way i don't think the world needs the police to tell them how to behave people know how to behave [Laughter] of course people aren't perfect and people people break laws of course you know but this is like why is the why is it the police that has to come and step forward why can't it be the community why can't it be that whole saying of the village raises the child you know policing without police i'm all down for it the problem is we are so disbanded from each other i live in a really large city here in southern california and i'll tell you my neighbors they're great but neighbor a block away don't even know his name so how do we have that neighbor a block away be the police of my family which my values are different your values are different it's just you need that level of law enforcement to have that that sanctity of law and order i love the idea evan it's just not reality anymore we're too big we're too big of a world i have the right to use my gun if i feel i am in danger phil i agree kind of marcellus kendra agree ben agree zach agree you know if somebody pulls a gun out on me which has happened it's me it's my family not you uh you've you've lost your you've lost your ability to use that use of force ramp and we're going straight to deadly force and there's no excuse for it yeah i agree um i don't think anybody's really debating whether you should meet a gun with a gun or a knife with a gun but how many times have we heard the the defense that i was in fear for my life and that's a very very subjective statement and we've seen people use their guns whenever they were in fear for their lives where no weapon was being used so let's look at it like that sometimes you know yeah i just it's a very broad question and there's so many scenarios you could do like with that like what you're saying like i was improving my safety i'm thinking more like a guy that's kind of not listening to orders and fumbling around and is in his car he has maybe like a minor warrant and the guy just shoots him run back to your car or something like disengage um but yeah i see where you're where you're coming from in that sense using your firearm doesn't necessarily mean firing it well i was chasing a guy with a gun visibly very visibly in his hand chasing him around this building and i finally see him throw the gun over his shoulder and drop it and on my body camera you can hear me say thank god and i re-holstered and i would go back to my taser as i'm chasing them sometimes it just comes down to i may need it do you feel like you guys could do your jobs without a gun i ain't going to certain calls without a gun no no no give me a host i'll be a fireman but i ain't going to do it if i'm a cop i'm going to need some iron it's just that's what it is because we can't call it everything of course not i need my gun for this job i wouldn't do it without it because everyone has guns in canada we have what we call special constables and special constables are essentially sworn peace officers but they're unarmed and they do anything everything from court security to um policing some of our community housing here in toronto but they wind up calling us who are armed because they can't deal with those certain situations as as phil or myself was talking about it i have broken the law phil agree marcellus agree evan wrongly agree kendra marie ben gray zach agree [Music] me mom boys at the high school we used to go jump on a moving train um i remember one time we got caught by um the railroad police and they defense so i thought we were all about to get arrested he just had a little stern talking too and i was 18 and me and my buddies are out thought it'd be fun to smash the mailboxes so we did and got caught when i was 19 years old i was arrested for uh possession of marijuana just wrong time wrong place um in an area that i should have been in i broke the law so i got arrested for it definitely what has given me my empathy towards um individuals that we do arrest i know how being arrested and how that charge sticks with you for your whole entire life instead of taking most people six five months to you know get on the force it took me almost a year and a half so i have to appeal this appeal that it just takes a long time to prove that you aren't a bad individual just because you were arrested i have feared for my life on the job phil strongly agree marcellus three evan agree kendra rawlings agree ben finally agree zach finally agree without disclosing where i work this happened last year in the summer time big case here in canada actually in the united states actually worldwide we get the call our guns are out and there's no answer at the door so we start clearing the basement and we don't know if he's got a gun or a knife all we know is that you know there's babies in tenants so we're going down it was me my sergeant and our partner were going down the stairs and uh honestly god like i i was so terrified like i didn't know if the guy was going to come out around the corner with a knife or start shooting at me we finally made contact with the guy and um yeah still haunts me today we found his entire family upstairs on the ground dead and um i've never been more terrified in my life than clearing that house because i just didn't know i thought i literally thought i was going to die that day i was on a swat call out with the guy who uh patrol responded for a warrant for child porn in essence about a six hour standoff we finally decided we're going to charge the door and go in and get the guy he had popped off a couple rounds off of his balcony shot one over the sniper's head and like ben talks about still gives me chills to this day uh it's not easy to think about but when we blew the charge on the door i was the first guy through the the door with a shield and as soon as that door swung open and we pushed through we were six feet from each other with the handguns right at each other's faces so it was it was that whole emotion of it's not going to be me you know and so i knew right then and there that that we were going to end up in a shooting and sure is not we we did um and so when we talk about are you scared or have you ever been scared absolutely and i think people forget about that like we're human um and even that was 15 years ago and i still think about it it's tough it's tough uh even living with the fact that you killed somebody even though you were justified doing it um it's not something easy to live with six years ago i was involved in a ois or officer-involved shooting regular call at a motel my partner and i we get there come in contact with them we're like hey you know he was on the second floor well as soon as we get downstairs fight fight starts me and my partner we're both trying to fight this guy and he's able to get away from my grasp i tase him taser doesn't work he's able to get to his truck he's able to get the key in into the ignition puts it in reverse the door hits my partner knocks her unconscious i still have him in a headlock and i'm running alongside the truck i can't keep my grasp anymore and i fall face forward i try to roll out of of the way and he runs over me literally runs over me with his truck um as i'm looking underneath the truck undercarriage all i think about is my daughter and thinking this is it but phil just like you said just that ptsd that constant i mean this was six years ago and it still still haunts me sometimes you know all the the surgeries that i've had and everything to to try to restore my body you know nothing nothing can take away the mental part of it george floyd's death was justified phil strongly disagree marcellus i strongly disagree with evan wrongly disagree kendra wrongly disagree ben strongly disagree zach strongly disagree you don't put your your knee on nobody's neck especially in a minus um a guy that's in cuffs at one point they had um george ford in the back of the car i don't know why they just didn't um shut the door but they pulled him back out and then that's when everything took a turn for the worse people say i need to see the details this the evidence that nah he'd have to die there are many other options i have yet to meet any officer that would even remotely agree that that should have happened i have yet to meet one two were like field training by the other two guys i don't care if you're a rook or whatever say hey fto whatever get off his neck if that was me i'm a ravens fan i would have ray lewis tackled him on the ground and after you see that of course every cop everywhere just i don't know about you guys get that pin your stomach like this like it's going to reflect on all of us all 800 900 thousand police officers i know in canada recently the whole topic of body cameras has just reappeared sorry forgive my ignorance but i'm assuming all of you guys wear body cameras um in canada that's not a thing right there are certain departments that don't even have in-car camera now this now because of george floyd now the whole shift has has reignited that uh the discussion about body counters and i've i've heard people who have quite 25 years on and say oh you know they're putting this body camera on me not gonna watch my phone say i'm like no you don't just as long as you do your job correctly and that's all it is and if there is one thing that is good about this is we're finally talking about the big elephant in the room right we're talking about how do we make our own peers our own subordinates our own uh superiors talk about it you know and rodney king happened in what 94 93 i think it was and it sprinkled right we sprinkle it we talk about it still plays in our use of force videos don't do this right but nothing has ever been addressed the way it's being addressed right now and so that that is refreshing and i'm just curious like why is it happening now like this this isn't new you know like it's we have over 130 years of data that shows that the police are out here abusing the individuals killing them so why is this conversation just finally happening now why are we finally starting to acknowledge the elephant in the room is it because you know it was a covid is it because you know the video footage because it was so in your face and it was it was it was time and i hate to say that it wasn't time ten years ago it wasn't time five years ago our job is to make it now and to fix it now and so man let's let's go offline and figure it out i'm pumped i understand why people say all cops are bastards phil strongly disagree marcellus disagree evan i strongly agree kendra i would agree ben would agree zach some would agree cops can be jerks plain and simple i mean cops could be [ __ ] sometimes it's their nature it's their character sometimes it can just be a tough day officers go from call to call and sometimes you can just have came from a call that where you know you had to tell someone that their loved one died or you responded to an overdose or god forbid you just saw a child you know at death and now you have to respond to another call you're not going to be all happy and chipper and so i can i can somewhat agree i said strongly disagree i can understand somebody feeling that way but it's become so cliche now i understand that my uniform my badge my patches everything that you see represents that but don't forget that i'm still a person and some of the things that you may even say i agree with but that's tough i'm not going to say that poor us police officers right because we signed up for this crap we did but at some point we got to say enough with the name calling and let's figure this out yeah i strongly agree um and i strongly understand because i'm for one i'm black and i know what the police and the government has done to black communities to oppress them and i strongly understand why disenfranchised groups feel the way they feel about the whole whole barrel of law enforcement yeah i just somewhat agree i get um i don't think all cops are bastards i think that terminology is just laughable to me but i think they're talking about like more like the system and how they think it's like system that they say systematically racist and like we're part of it so we're automatically bastards is what i've researched about it but i evan i had a question for you so since you keep bringing up like the look where policing came from and look what happened during the martin luther kingdom don't you wouldn't you say that policing today from in the past has gotten better it's changed but you don't think it's gotten better at all down to now yeah so of course blatant discrimination and violence against certain groups isn't happening well not at a widespread level as much anymore but it's definitely moving in uh the right direction i believe it's definitely changing of course it isn't the same brutal brutal institution it used to be but it's getting better obviously i'm white so i don't know what people go through but my colleagues i can never i've never seen a bad police officer but i was just kind of curious your thoughts of how it how it's progressed through the years since you know from slavery to martin luther king to king days until now yeah i think it's definitely gotten better but you know the washington post says i'm on average for the past couple years police are killing almost 1100 people per year you know and like it's a lot of the visuals you know and i think we should really work on not killing anyone i know but it's so broad because you don't know what what led to that like what situation they were in yeah it's prince broad but you know you know i think it's definitely we're moving in the right direction we're contacting people we have eight million contacts here i mean obviously sometimes it's gonna go down but i have felt ashamed to be a cop phil strongly disagree marcellus disagree evan agree kendra only disagree ben someone agree zach wrongly disagree i don't go wearing you know i'm a cop t-shirt anywhere i don't have an office with all my accolades behind me but uh i am i'm truly thankful for everything this job has brought me both mentally and physically i disagree i've never been ashamed thing is about me i never really wanted to be a cop i want to make video games but college wasn't it for me betrayed i needed a high school diploma and license and i had all that and i really need some money graduated from the academy made some mess some great people family and i've been working five years now and the job is one actually i'm gonna change my answer to disagree uh there was a point uh in my career uh this is due to ptsd where i kind of looked myself in the mirror and basically asked myself what the [ __ ] i was doing but got through that and i can say that i actually love this job i love this job it was a great profession very very honorable profession but it wasn't until i had that looking into the mirrors um situation where i actually started going to grad school started doing my own research learning and actually learned about the history of policing and the effects that it's caused different disenfranchised groups that you really start to wake up and really understand where policing has come from i'm hopeful that we're going in the right direction i'm faithful that we're going to turn this thing around and we're going to make this profession an honorable profession but just really acknowledging just the harm that policing has caused certain communities it's heartbreaking i love the job i mean unfortunately i had to medically retire um but i still work at a police police academy as a drill instructor i even teach criminal just so i mean i'm still involved and i mean i i love it i i love it i'm saying it's the greatest show on earth and you get to meet some great people and you get to you're actually i think all you agree you're kind of built for this or like born to do this job i don't know i wanted to do this while i was in college i needed to pick a major i got a scholarship for baseball and they needed to pick said it was something new every day tried criminal justice studying it where it came from what policing is immediately fell in love with it and i would not do anything else love it thank you all for your service well thank you thank you [Music] you
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 510,757
Rating: 4.9266419 out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion, spectrum cops, jubilee cops, do all cops think the same, defund the police, black lives matter, blue lives matter, law enforcement, police officers
Id: xL1HNlyN_hE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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